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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Norm subsidiarity in the practice of diplomacy : a case analysis of Iran's nuclear programme

Kuun, Jacques January 2019 (has links)
This research studies norm subsidiarity in the practice of diplomacy. Norm subsidiarity is a concept found within norm diffusion scholarship. It is argued that this scholarship gives a privileged position to materially strong actors in its explanation of norm diffusion. The role of weaker states to support international norms is often ignored. Norm subsidiarity explains how materially weaker states support international norms to protect their autonomy from stronger actors. This research demonstrates the application of norm subsidiarity by tracing the history and context surrounding the diplomacy of Iran’s nuclear programme from its inception in 1957 to the present. Iran has successfully supported the norm of the peaceful use of nuclear energy by continuing to develop its nuclear programme. This is despite overwhelming international pressure from much stronger states who seek to stop this programme. The analysis shows that Iran’s actions can be described as a process of norm subsidiarity. This provides credibility to the argument that weaker states can play an important role in successfully supporting international norms, despite the desires of much stronger states. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Political Sciences / MA / Unrestricted

Srovnání územní samosprávy v Japonsku a České republice / A comparison of territorial self-government in Japan and the Czech Republic

Křížek, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

La France et la construction européenne : de la souveraineté à la subsidiarité Vers un changement de paradigme ? / The French state and the European construction process : from sovereignty to subsidiarity. A paradigm shift ?

Salabert, Edouard 01 July 2014 (has links)
Au premier abord, la subsidiarité s’opposerait à la souveraineté. Si les mots et les concepts ont un sens, ils ont également une histoire. Ainsi faut-il souligner que l’environnement dans lequel a pu éclore la théorie de la subsidiarité aura pu, entre autres, influencer le principe inscrit en droit de l’Union européenne. Dès leurs origines, il appert que de profondes divergences imprègnent le binôme subsidiarité/souveraineté. Divergences d’abord, de théories qui éloignent et marquent profondément les deux concepts étudiés ; divergences ensuite, de logiques qui sont insufflées de part et d’autre au sein de la construction européenne. Ces contradictions mises à jour, il devient possible de trouver des zones de convergences entre ces deux pôles conceptuels. Convergences d’abord, qui font la promotion de la figure et de la sphère de l’Etat par la réintroduction et la réapparition de la souveraineté étatique ; convergences ensuite, qui déterminent les frontières – malléables – des pouvoirs à l’intérieur desquelles chaque échelon conduit et développe ses propres sphères de compétences / At first sight, subsidiarity would be opposed to sovereignty. If the relevant words and the concept meaning make sense, they have also a history. So we must emphasize that the environment in which appeared the theory of the subsidiarity might have influence, among others, the principle of subsidiarity such as registered in the European Union law. Since their origins, profound differences appear which imbued the subsidiarity/sovereignty combination. First, different theories putting at a distance and deeply impressing the two concepts discussed. Then divergences, which are infused logic from both sides within the European construction. These contradictions updated, it becomes possible to find areas of convergences between these two concept poles. Convergences initially, which promote the figure and the sphere of the State by the reintroduction and the reappearance of the official sovereignty; then convergences, which determine the frontiers – pliables ones – powers inside which each level leads and develops its own spheres of competence

The principle of subsidiarity and its application to the state governance and local self-government / Subsidiarumo principas ir jo taikymas valstybės valdymui ir vietos savivaldai

Kondratienė, Virginija 31 May 2011 (has links)
The dissertation analyzes the subsidiarity principle as one of the key methods of social performance of modern jurisprudence, protection of human rights, social harmony, state governance and self-government. The dissertation presents the evolution of the concept of subsidiarity, analysis of the meanings of its use to enable the understanding of subsidiarity as an ethical and social value, which is important in shaping the value orientations, in further development of the social state, improving the efficiency of institutional system management, protection of individual rights and their effective implementation in the state organization. The dissertation analyzed the European Union legislation and documents of institutions important for the understanding of the concept of subsidiarity and its practical application, by demonstrating how through the application of this principle the competences of the institutions of the European Union and national authorities are identified and, based on the principle of decision making in the lowest link of the management chain (closest to the citizens) the state distributes authorisations for the institutions of the different management level (national, regional or local). The dissertation presents the analysis of national legislation which imposes the principle of subsidiarity, discussed the impact of the principle on the system of legal institutes, its use in the state governance and local self-government, characterizes the subsidiarity... [to full text] / Disertacijoje yra analizuojamas subsidiarumo principas kaip vienas pagrindinių šiuolaikinės jurisprudencijos, žmogaus teisių apsaugos, socialinio sugyvenimo, valstybės valdymo ir savivaldos socialinio veiksmingumo metodų. Disertacijoje pateikiama subsidiarumo sampratos raida, jo vartojimo reikšmių analizė, leidžianti subsidiarumą suvokti kaip etinę ir socialinę vertybę, kuri yra svarbi formuojant vertybines nuostatas, toliau plėtojant socialinę teisinę valstybę, didinant institucinių sistemų valdymo efektyvumą, asmens teisių saugos ir jų įgyvendinimo veiksmingumą valstybės organizacijoje. Disertacijoje aptariami teoriniam subsidiarumo principo sampratos suvokimui ir jo praktiniam taikymui svarbūs Europos Sąjungos teisės aktai ir institucijų dokumentai, parodoma kaip jį taikant identifikuojamos Europos Sąjungos ir valstybių narių institucijų kompetencijos bei, vadovaujantis sprendimų priėmimo žemiausioje valdymo grandyje (arčiausiai piliečių) principu, valstybėje paskirstomi įgaliojimai skirtingo (valstybinio, regioninio ar vietos) valdymo lygmens institucijoms. Disertacijoje pateikiama nacionalinės teisės aktų, įtvirtinančių subsidiarumo principą, analizė, aptariamas šio principo poveikis teisinių institutų sistemai, jo panaudojimas valstybės valdymui ir vietos savivaldai, apibūdinama subsidiarumo principo paskirtis valdžios institucijų sąrangoje, nustatant ir atribojant institucines galias, parlamentinės ir administracinės kontrolės objektą, nagrinėjamos šio principo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Space to breathe : subsidiarity, the Court of Justice and EU Free Movement Law

Horsley, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores subsidiarity's untapped potential as an enforceable legal principle in EU law. To date, discussion of the principle's function in European integration remains overly focused on its effect as a restraint on the Union legislature. In the first part of the thesis, I seek to challenge this entrenched view. Specifically, I question whether or not the subsidiarity principle could and, ultimately, should apply also as a brake on the interpretative authority of the Court of Justice. Arguing that subsidiarity does indeed have a role to play in this context, I then turn to examine, in the second part of the thesis, the implications of this conclusion for the Court's interpretation of the scope of the Treaty provisions guaranteeing intra-EU movement. In the final analysis, I argue that the subsidiarity principle necessitates an adjustment of the Court's current approach to defining the concept of an obstacle to intra-EU movement. This adjustment isolates and protects an appropriate sphere of Member State regulatory competence from the Court's scrutiny at Union level. In so doing, it ensures that, in the process of establishing and managing a functioning internal market, Member States retain some space to breathe.

De l'imaginaire industrialiste à l'imaginaire cybernétique / Une tentative de neutralisation du politique par la gouvernance

Juguet, Franck 04 June 2019 (has links)
Cette étude a pour but d’essayer de comprendre les nouvelles formes de régulation sociale qui consiste à évacuer la conflictualité au profit d’une tentative de normalisation du champ politique par la cybernétique. Pour ce faire, notre travail développe un modèle théorique qui croise la théorie du management comme tentative de neutralisation du politique avec ses nouvelles formes d’expression appelées « Gouvernance ». Les techniques managériales contemporaines sont la mise en œuvre de présupposés théoriques élaborés dans l’immédiat après-guerre avec la naissance de la cybernétique. Ce nouveau paradigme fait que le politique est désormais cantonné à la recherche de l’efficacité et de la performance. Toutefois, cette prétendue neutralisation opérationnelle et la culture du résultat qui lui est associé se révèle être une manière de décrédibiliser le nécessaire affrontement idéologique qui est le cœur battant de la vie démocratique. C’est ainsi que l’on peut observer depuis quelques années déjà, les signes d’une fragilisation du monde démocratique. La hausse de l’abstention, l’installation d’un puissant vote protestataire et la crise des partis de gouvernement en sont les signes les plus remarquables. A des degrés divers, la défiance à l’égard des institutions et des acteurs politiques est commune à la plupart des démocraties, y compris là où le régime démocratique semblait le plus solidement enraciné. Dès lors, on ne peut plus penser le politique selon une norme unique, propre à l’Occidentalisation du monde. Que la conflictualité sociale traduise un désaccord profond entre le pouvoir qui est devenu totalement étranger à la vie réelle et la puissance populaire qui ne se reconnaît plus dans ses élites, rend d’autant plus pertinente une approche centrée sur la cybernétique. / This study aims to understand the new forms of social regulation that, in hampering any forms of conflictuality, tend to the normalization of the political field through cybernetics. In this respect, our dissertation develops a theoretical template at the crossroads of management theory as an attempt to neutralize politics and new forms of expression called « Governance ». Contemporary managerial techniques are the implementation of theoretical assumptions developed in the immediate post-war period with the birth of cybernetics. This new paradigm means that policy is now limited to the pursuit of efficiency and performance. However, this de-ideologisation and the culture of the results prove to be a discredit of the necessary ideolological confrontation which is at the very heart of the democratic life. This is why many signs of the weakening of democracy are to be seen in the recent years. The rise of abstention, an enduring populist vote and the crisis of the governmental parties are the most obvious ones. To different degrees, the distrust of the political institutions and actors is shared by all the democracies, even by those where the democratic system seemed to be very firmly rooted. Accordingly, politics cannot be regarded in one perspective, in line with the Westernization of the world. Social conflictuality shows a large gap between the political power that is not anymore related to real life and the popular power that no longer recognizes itself in its elites, and it makes an approach centered on cybernetics all the more relevant.

A subsidiariedade como vetor objetivo de restrição à intervenção regulatória do estado na economia: definição e instrumentalização / The subsidiarity as an objective vector of restriction on the regulatory intervention in the economy: definition and instrumentation

Cunha, Carlos Eduardo Bergamini da 27 May 2013 (has links)
O trabalho parte da premissa de que é altamente importante se precisar os limites da atividade regulatória exercida pela Administração Pública no Brasil. Embora tenha sempre estado entre nós, a regulação econômica tem ganhado mais e mais relevância ultimamente, em especial nos últimos vinte anos. E da mesma forma como têm crescido de incidência, a regulação produzida cada vez mais demonstra ignorar qualquer preocupação com limites interventivos ou mesmo com a capacidade privada. Pois a tese aqui defendida é que um dos principais limites regulatórios se encontra na ideia de subsidiariedade, aqui entendida como o respeito à capacidade e autossuficiência dos atores privados em implementar pautas de interesse público. Não apenas, defende-se ainda que o itinerário ideal para se consagrar a subsidiariedade na atividade de regulação administrativa da economia dentro do rulemaking regulatório reside na Análise de Impacto Regulatório AIR. Com isso, pretendeu-se não apenas defender a existência e juridicidade de uma regra de subsidiariedade da intervenção regulatória administrativa no Brasil, como também definir um critério instrumental para a sua implementação prática. / The work starts from the premise that it is highly important to clarify the limits of the regulatory activity in Brazil. Although it has always been among us, economic regulation has gained more and more importance lately, especially in the past twenty years. And just as it has grown in incidence, the regulation produced shows no concerns about its limits or even with private self-capacity. In this sense, the present study defends that the one of the most important regulatory limit is the idea of subsidiarity, here understood as respect for self-sufficiency and ability of private actors to implement public interest agendas. Not only, it is argued that the ideal itinerary to enshrine the subsidiarity in the regulatory activity of the economy within the regulatory rulemaking lies in the Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA. Thus, it is intended not only to defend the existence and legality of a rule of subsidiarity in the regulatory activity in Brazil, but also set an instrumental criterion for its practical implementation.

La subsidiarité des conventions fiscales / The subsidiarity of tax treaties

Trindade Marinho, Anapaula 30 November 2015 (has links)
L’Étude porte sur un principe prétorien érigé par le Conseil d’État au travers de ses décisions et des conclusions rendues sous ses décisions par les Rapporteurs Publics. Depuis 1975 le Conseil d’État exerce le contrôle de la compatibilité d'un acte d'imposition vis-à-vis de conventions fiscales contre la double imposition et l'évasion fiscale qui est fait sous l'égide du principe de subsidiarité. En vertu de ce principe, au préalable du contrôle de «conventionnalité» de l'acte d'imposition, les juridictions doivent impérativement exercer un contrôle de la légalité de l'acte d'imposition, en prenant appui sur les seules dispositions du droit d'origine purement nationale, c'est-à-dire, du droit dit « domestique». Ce principe, tout juste nommé comme tel par le Conseil d’État dans une décision rendue en 2014, a longtemps fait l'unanimité au sein de la doctrine. Le principe de subsidiarité serait un principe conforme au bon sens et à la logique. Nous tentons au cours de ce travail de démontrer que le principe de subsidiarité des conventions fiscales pose problème à la fois d'un point de vue, strictement théorique, et à la fois d'un point de vue pratique. D'un point de vue théorique d'abord, il sera démontré que le principe de subsidiarité des conventions fiscales est particulier, il ne correspond à aucune autre application juridique de la subsidiarité, la similitude n'est que enveloppe terminologique. La version fiscale soulève un véritable problème théorique et pratique que la thèse tente de démontrer. / Our dissertation is about a praetorian principle erected by the French Administrative Supreme Court the Conseil d'Etat since 1975 and that became one of the major case law on international taxation under the French Law. From the given case law, it results that the checking of the conformity of a tax act issued by the French Tax authority with respect to a tax treaty, has to be made at a second stage, after of a domestic law based control by the judge. The principle implies the application of a method when controlling acts issued by the tax authority that tends to link the provisions of the tax treaty to be applied, of the prior qualifications provided by the domestic law. The principle has just been appointed as «the principle of subsidiarity of tax treaties, in a 2014 Decision, and differs from any other application of the subsidiarity theory in law.

O princípio da subsidiariedade como critério de delimitação de competências na regulação bancária / The subsidiarity principle as a mechanism of banking regulatory powers division

Sampaio, Gustavo José Marrone de Castro 11 May 2011 (has links)
A presente tese tem como escopo principal delimitar a competência regulatória que incide sobre setor bancário. O tema desperta interesse em face da estrutura do Estado brasileiro a qual apresenta dois tipos de regulação: a geral e a setorial. E esta composição gera, dentro do setor bancário, um aparente conflito entre os órgãos encarregados de exercerem a regulação geral e o Banco Central do Brasil, titular do poder regulatório setorial. Diante deste cenário, o trabalho se inicia com a descrição da nova teoria de regulação e seus desdobramentos dentro do setor bancário, com a exposição dos riscos e dos instrumentos específicos da atividade financeira. Após, uma análise sobre o Princípio da subsidiariedade, o qual sempre foi utilizado como mecanismo de delimitação de competências. Em seguida, um estudo sobre o Sistema Financeiro Nacional e as matérias de regulação geral dentro do ordenamento pátrio, a saber: defesa da concorrência e defesa do consumidor. Por fim, serão demonstradas quais competências são inerentes às atividades do Banco Central do Brasil e quando surgem as competências dos órgãos encarregados de aplicarem as matérias de regulação geral, sendo utilizado como elemento delimitador o Princípio da subsidiariedade. / This thesis has as its principal aim at defining the regulatory competence that focuses on the banking sector. The issue arouses interest in the face of the structure of the Brazilian State, which has two types of regulation: the general and the sector ones. And this composition generates, within the banking industry, an apparent conflict among the bodies responsible for exercising general regulations and the Central Bank of Brazil, holder of the regulatory sector power. In this scenario, the work begins with a description of the new theory of regulation and its consequences within the banking industry, with exposure risk and specific instruments of financial activity. Later, an analysis on the principle of subsidiarity, which was always used as a mechanism of division of powers. Then, a study on the national financial system and general regulatory matters within the homeland planning, namely: competition policy and consumer protection. Finally, we will demonstrate what skills are inherent to the activities of the Central Bank of Brazil and where the responsibilities of the agencies charged with applying the general regulatory matters, using the principle of subsidiarity as enclosing element.

Savivalda Lietuvoje: savivaldos funkcijos ir finansavimas / Municipal government in Lithuania: functions and financing

Mikalauskienė, Gražina 03 January 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama savivaldybių funkcijos, jų grupavimas, savivaldybių biudžetų pajamų ir išlaidų išlyginimo sistema. Analizuojamais klausimais pateikiami statistiniai duomenys. Padarytos išvados ir pateikti pasiūlymai. Baigiamojo darbo temos pasirinkimą nulėmė jos praktinis reikalingumas ir aktualumas. Savivaldybių uždavinys – kuo geriau tenkinti gyventojų materialinius, buitinius, kultūrinius, švietimo ir kitus poreikius. Kiekviena savivaldybė turėtų savo valdomoje ir tvarkomoje teritorijoje gyventojams teikti vienodo lygio, vienodos apimties ir panašios kokybės paslaugas. Aktualu funkcijų pasidalijimas tarp įvairių valdymo lygių ir jų finansavimas. Labai svarbu, perduodant savivaldybėms funkcijas, kartu didinti ir pajamas. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 4 dalys, įvadas, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Pirmoje dalyje išdėstyta savivaldos samprata bei egzistuojantys požiūriai į savivaldybes. Antroje dalyje siekta išaiškinti savivaldybių funkcijas ir jų paskirstymą tarp atskirų valdymo lygių. Išnagrinėta Europos vietos savivaldos chartijos reikšmė savivaldybių finansams. Trečioje dalyje išnagrinėta situacija Lietuvoje nuo jos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo: savivaldybių funkcijų kaita ir skirstymas, svarbiausi teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys savivaldybių funkcijų finansavimą bei pajamų išlyginimą. Išanalizuotos savivaldybių biudžetų pajamos, jų formavimo problemos, o taip pat pateikta valstybinių (perduotų savivaldybėms) funkcijų finansavimo tvarka. Ketvirtoje... [to full text] / This paper analyzes municipal government functions, aggregation, budget revenue and expenditure equalization system. Statistical data pertinent to analyzed issues is presented. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions offered. Principal concepts: public administration, rendering of public services, subsidiarity principal, fiscal decentralization. The subject of the final paper was determined by its practical necessity and relevance. Municipal government tasks – to meet material, daily, cultural, educational and other requirements of the citizens to the best of its ability. Every municipal government in the territory under its control should provide services of equal level and extent and similar quality. Division of functions between various levels of management and its financing is relevant. It is very important to increase revenue when transferring functions to municipal governments. The final paper is made of 4 parts: introduction, conclusions and suggestions, literature used. The first part of the paper states the concept and existing attitudes towards municipal government. The second part strives to ascertain functions of municipal government and their division between different levels of management and studies the importance of European municipal government charter to municipal government financing. In the third part situation in Lithuania since reinstatement of independence has been explored: municipal government function change and distribution, main legislation... [to full text]

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