Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TRAFFIC CONTROL"" "subject:"[enn] TRAFFIC CONTROL""
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Αντικεραυνική προστασία πύργων ελέγχου αεροδρομίωνΖαχαράκης, Δημοσθένης 10 June 2014 (has links)
Οι πύργοι ελέγχου αεροδρομίων αποτελούν βασικό συστατικό για την ομαλή και συνεχή εξυπηρέτηση των πτήσεων πολιτικών και στρατιωτικών αεροσκαφών. Βρίσκονται εγκατεστημένοι σε κάθε αεροδρόμιο και αποτελούν το υψηλότερο κτίριο στο περιβάλλοντα χώρο, πράγμα που δικαιολογεί και τον μεγάλο αριθμό κεραυνικών πληγμάτων που μπορούν να δεχτούν.
Σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη ενός συστήματος αντικεραυνικής προστασίας που βρίσκεται εγκατεστημένο σε έναν πύργο ελέγχου αεροδρομίου. Η απόδοση του συστήματος αντικεραυνικής προστασίας διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην αποτελεσματική λειτουργία του πύργου ελέγχου και στη γενικότερη αποτελεσματική λειτουργία του αερολιμένα.
Με τη χρήση του προγράμματος εξομοίωσης αναλογικών και ψηφιακών κυκλωμάτων Orcad-Pspice, προσομοιώνεται το σύστημα αντικεραυνικής προστασίας, με βάση τον πύργο ελέγχου που του διεθνούς αερολιμένα Ελ. Βενιζέλος, μετράται το δυναμικό στη βάση του πύργου ελέγχου και τα ρεύματα στους αγωγούς καθόδου, όταν κεραυνός πλήττει το σύστημα συλλεκτήριων αγωγών. / The airport traffic control towers are a key component for the smooth and continuous service flights for both political and military aircraft. They are located at each airport and are the highest building in the surroundings, which justifies the number of lightning strikes that accepts.
The purpose of this thesis is the study of a lightning protection system which is installed in an airport control tower. The efficiency of the lightning protection system constitute an important role in the effective operation of the control tower and the overall efficient operation of the airport.
Using the analog and digital circuits simulation program Orcad-Pspice, the lightning protection system simulated , based on the control tower to the International airport Eleftherios Venizelos , the measured potential at the base of the control tower and the currents in the downconductors , when lightning strikes the collectors system
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Centralizuotos mikroprocesorinės eismo valdymo sistemos įtakos ruožo pralaidumui ir eismo saugai analizė / Analysis of influence of centralist microprocessor traffic control system for track capasity and traffic safetyKalvaitienė, Inga 15 June 2005 (has links)
In the present task it is analysed the influence of centralist microprocessor traffic control system for Kaišiadorys – Radviliškis track capasity and traffic safety. It is given a lot of attention to description of the system, infrastructure reconstruction and calculations of the track Kaišiadorys – Radviliškis capasity. In the task it is given the evaluation of Kaišiadorys – Radviliškis track capasity and traffic safety. It is explored the track eploitation problems and perspectives. JSC Lietuvos geležinkeliai could use the calculation results of track capasity and intervals making trains traffic timetables, the calculations and suggestions also could be used making the exploitation plans for I and IX corridors development.
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Oro navigacijos paslaugų teikėjo (ansp) ypatingų aplinkybių (nenumatytų atvejų) planų analizė ir taikymas / Analysis of air navigation service provider (ansp) contingency plans and their application for insurance of the service continuityJasunskytė, Giedrė 23 July 2012 (has links)
Ypatingų aplinkybių (nenumatytų atvejų) planai reikalingi tam, kad oro eismo paslaugos niekada nenutrūktų, oro eismas išliktų saugus ir jo valdymas būtų kuo efektyvesnis (pvz., būtų kuo didesnis oro erdvės pralaidumas). Atsitikus bet kokiai nenumatytai situacijai, pagal jos scenarijų sukuriamas veiksmų planas, kuriuo privaloma vadovautis ypatingomis aplinkybėmis. Pagrindinis tikslas kuriant NAP tai skrydžių saugos užtikrinimas. Tai yra didžiausias prioritetas šiandieninėje aviacijoje. Oro navigacijos paslaugų teikėjo ypatingų aplinkybių (nenumatytų atvejų) planai palyginus su Eurokontrolės ir ICAO rekomendacijomis neatitinka visų reikalavimų. Kai kuriose situacijose panaudoti veiksmų planai nepilnai atitinka realybę arba tiesiog yra nepakankamai aiškūs, todėl juos būtina tobulinti. Darbą sudaro keturios dalys, įvadas, analitinė – metodinė dalis, tiriamoji dalis bei išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. / Contingency planning is necessary so that air navigation service would never be interrupted and safe air traffic services would be provided at any time Whenever a non-standard situation occurs the contingency plan is prepared. The main purpose of contingency planning is both to prevent the services from inefficiency and to decrease the impact of a disaster by increasing safety. Safety in aviation is priority number one, so it is necessary to be ready for any possible situation which could interrupt ANSP’s work. When analyzed and compared with ICAO and EUROCONTROL recommendations ANSP‘s contingency plans do not fully meet the requirements and some changes should be implemented as quickly as possible. It is necessary to have an adequate operational plan for any unexpected situation. Structure: introduction, three parts of work: theoretical and analysis, investigation, conclusions and suggestions, a list of references.
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Watch Supervisor in a Remote Tower Centre / Watch Supervisor i ett Remote Tower CentreJacobson, Alexander, Wik, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Den här rapporten är en utredning och analys av lämpliga arbetsuppgifter och deras nödvändiga verktyg och hjälpmedel för en skiftledare, Watch Supervisor, vid ett framtida center för fjärrstyrda flygledningstorn, Remote Tower. Ett center för fjärrstyrda flygledningstorn är en centraliserad enhet med uppgiften att flygleda och kontrollera flygsäkerheten på och nära en eller flera flygplatser. Utgångspunkten för datainsamlingen har varit intervjuer med verksamma flygledare och skiftledare på LFV, Sveriges statliga verk för flygtrafiktjänst. Studiebesök har även gjorts vid olika enheter, både flygledartorn och radarkontrollcentraler, däribland Sundsvall RTC som är världens första central för fjärrstyrd flygledning godkänd att sättas i drift. Insamlad data har kompilerats och analyserats och en rekommendation presenteras i slutet av denna rapport angående arbetsuppgifter och verktyg för ovan nämnda skiftledare i ett RTC. Resultatet visar att rollen kommer ha stora likheter med befintliga skiftledarpositioner i den svenska flygledningen.
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Refined macroscopic traffic modelling via systems of conservation lawsRichardson, Ashlin D. 24 October 2012 (has links)
We elaborate upon the Herty-Illner macroscopic traffic models which include special non-local forces. The first chapter presents these in relation to the traffic models of Aw-Rascle and Zhang, arguing that non-local forces are necessary for a realistic description of traffic.
The second chapter considers travelling wave solutions for the Herty-Illner macroscopic models. The travelling wave ansatz for the braking scenario reveals a curiously implicit nonlinear functional differential equation, the jam equation, whose unknown is, at least to conventional tools, inextricably self-argumentative! Observing that analytic solution methods fail for the jam equation yet succeed for equations with similar coefficients raises a challenging problem of pure and applied mathematical interest. An unjam equation analogous to the jam equation explored by Illner and McGregor is derived.
The third chapter outlines refinements for the Herty-Illner models. Numerics allow exploration of the refined model dynamics in a variety of realistic traffic situations, leading to a discussion of the broadened applicability conferred by the refinements: ultimately the prediction of stop-and-go waves.
The conclusion asserts that all of the above contribute knowledge pertinent to traffic control for reduced congestion and ameliorated vehicular flow. / Graduate
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Genetic fuzzy logic approach to local ramp metering control using microscopic traffic simulation : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Mechatronics at Massey University, Auckland, New ZealandYu, Xue Feng January 2009 (has links)
Ramp metering, one of the most effective solutions for improving motorway traffic flows, is playing increasingly important role in traffic management systems. Because of its capability to handle nonlinear and non-stationary problems, fuzzy logic based ramp metering algorithms have been always considered as an extremely suitable control measures to handle a complex nonlinear traffic system. This thesis proposes a genetic fuzzy approach to design a traffic-responsive ramp control algorithm for an isolated onramp. For a local ramp meter algorithm, the problem could be described as the inflow optimization of on-ramp, based on the evaluation of motorway traffic condition. If the inflow of on-ramp is considered as the decision variable, the ramp control problem could be treated as a nonlinear optimization problem of maximizing the evaluation function. The adaptive genetic fuzzy approach is actually a control approach to maximize the inflow of on-ramp under the restriction of evaluation function. In this thesis, a well-known fuzzy logic based ramp metering algorithms developed by Bogenberger is introduced and implemented with an on-ramp congestion model of Constellation Drive Interchange in a stochastic microscopic traffic simulator, Aimsun. To improve the performance of fuzzy control system, genetic algorithm is applied to tune the parameterized membership function of each fuzzy input to maintain the flow density of motorway blow the estimated congestion density. The performances of the genetic fuzzy logic control ramp metering are compared with FLC (fuzzy logic control) ramp metering by means of the percentage change of TTT (Total Travel Time) based on no control condition in Aimsun. The simulation results show the genetic fuzzy ramp metering has a more significant improvement on TTT and more strong stability to maintain system flow density than FLC ramp metering.
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Applying Matsuoka Neuronal Oscillator in traffic light control of intersections : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering in Mechatronics at Massey University, Auckland, New ZealandLin, Kuo-Chun January 2009 (has links)
The quality of Machine Translation (MT) can often be poor due to it appearing incoherent and lacking in fluency. These problems consist of word ordering, awkward use of words and grammar, and translating text too literally. However we should not consider translations such as these failures until we have done our best to enhance their quality, or more simply, their fluency. In the same way various processes can be applied to touch up a photograph, various processes can also be applied to touch up a translation. This research outlines the improvement of MT quality through the application of Fluency Enhancement (FE), which is a process we have created that reforms and evaluates text to enhance its fluency. We have tested our FE process on our own MT system which operates on what we call the SAM fundamentals, which are as follows: Simplicity - to be simple in design in order to be portable across different languages pairs, Adaptability - to compensate for the evolution of language, and Multiplicity - to determine a final set of translations from as many candidate translations as possible. Based on our research, the SAM fundamentals are the key to developing a successful MT system, and are what have piloted the success of our FE process.
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The relationship between occupational stress, emotional intelligence and coping strategies in air traffic controllersBrink, Estelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Stress and Coping Strategies in the occupation of air traffic control. The focus was to determine whether the Emotional Intelligence of an Air Traffic Controller might have an effect on the recognition and management of stressful situations, and influence the way they select coping strategies. Due to a lack of research on air traffic control in South Africa, focus are not only on the stress levels of Air Traffic Controllers, but also how their Emotional Intelligence could assist in the recognition and management of the stress they experience, and ultimately then contribute to select appropriate Coping Strategies. A literature study discussed the role of Air Traffic Controllers, and factors that contribute to them experiencing stress. The constructs of Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Coping were elaborated on in detail. The constructs were defined as follows: Stress, as any demand eliciting a negative emotional state, that exceeds an individual’s resources to cope; Emotional Intelligence, as the process of emotional information processing consisting of the dimensions of Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills (Rahim & Minors, 2003); and Coping as the efforts to manage environmental and internal demands and conflicts which tax or exceed a person’s resources (Lazarus & Launier, 1978).
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Beslutsstöd : Effektivisering av ett beslutsstöd för tågtrafikledning i Sverige / Business Intelligence : Improving a decision support system for the Train Traffic Control in SwedenBengtsson, Nellie, Jensen, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Business Intelligence, BI, is a tool for collecting, analysing and transforming data into useful information, information which is supposed to help making decisions and controlling a business’s operations. Business Intelligence leads to increased efficiency and optimizing the decision making within the organisation or its functions. It is designed to support the operator so that decisions are made quickly and accurately. The purpose of this study is to deliver a specification of requirements of value-adding information in a decision support system used by traffic coordinators at SJ. In order to reach the purpose, the qualitative study was designed in three steps, identification, prioritization and information analysis. The project was defined only to take one specific process in consideration: error-searching caused by vehicle damage. The study was initiated with interviews, observations and workshops and ended with an analysis of XOD, the current base of information. The study resulted in a specification of requirements, containing 21 different types of important information. Out of the 21 types of information currently existing in XOD, only about 52 % was considered value adding for the specific process. Besides that, the traffic coordinators experienced missing information, which was added in the specification of requirements. The heavy amounts of information was shown to be too much to take in consideration at once, which led to the conclusion that the business intelligence needs to be automated in order to optimize the decision making process. / Ett beslutsstöd är ett verktyg som samlar in, analyserar och omvandlar data till värdefull och agerbar information. Informationen utgör i sin tur en grund för beslutsfattning och styrning av en verksamhet. Ett beslutsstöd leder till effektivisering och optimering av beslutsfattandet inom organisationen och dess funktioner. Det finns i största mån till för att stötta medarbetaren i beslutsprocessen så att beslut fattas snabbt och korrekt. Syftet med denna studie är att leverera en kravlista på vilken information som är värdeskapande i ett beslutsstöd anpassat för rollen Trafiksamordnare på SJs Trafikledning. För att besvara syftet delades den kvalitativa studien upp i tre delar, nämligen identifiering, prioritering och informationsanalys. Projektet avgränsades till störningar orsakade av fordonsskador och den specifika process som initieras med felsökning av Driftstöd. Studien inleddes med intervjuer, observationer samt workshops och avslutades med en analys av XOD, det beslutsunderlag som medarbetarna har tillgång till idag. Resultatet som erhölls var en kravlista med 21 informationssegment, lika många som XOD innehöll vid studiens början. Av de inledande 21 informationssegmenten klassades dock enbart 52 % som värdeskapande samtidigt som det visade sig att medarbetarna upplevde att de saknade information. Mängden information som bedömts värdeskapande i den specifika processen är för stor för användaren att hantera på ett optimalt fungerande sätt. Projektets slutsats innebar därför att beslutsstödet helt eller delvis måste automatiseras för att underlätta beslutsprocessen för användaren.
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CONTRAM : middleware voltado a interoperabilidade entre sistemas de gerenciamento de tráfego urbano e redes de controladores semafóricos sob os paradigmas de sistemas de transportes inteligentesMorais, Lincoln Luiz de January 2001 (has links)
Sistemas que utilizam tecnologias computacionais no tratamento de problemas relativos ao trânsito são classificados como ITS ou Intelligent Transportation System [FAR 97]. Esses sistemas buscam, através de sincronismo e eficiência no controle de sinais de tráfego, gerenciar o fluxo de veículos na malha viária minimizando o problema de congestionamento urbano e, consequentemente, problemas decorrentes desse congestionamento como um maior consumo de combustível, maior tempo de espera para veículos específicos como ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia e transporte coletivo, e maiores índices de poluição ambiental, sonora e atmosférica, entre outros [FED 99A]. Atuando na coleta dos dados a serem tratados e processados por um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Tráfego Urbano ou SGTU, estão os dispositivos de controle de tráfego, como semáforos e sensores para detectar e quantificar o volume de veículos e seus respectivos controladores. Computacionalmente, são fatores relevantes a interoperabilidade entre esses dispositivos de controle e padronizações adotadas, de forma que um SGTU possa evoluir através da agregação de novas facilidades e recursos ou ainda desabilitar ou modificar os já existentes. Dada as características da administração pública e dos procedimentos de aquisição, são adquiridos controladores de diferentes fabricantes e modelos, dificultando a integração entre os mesmos em função de suas tecnologias proprietárias e da falta de uma política e esforço governamental em busca de padronizações para o setor, principalmente no que diz respeito à interoperabilidade. Recentemente iniciou-se uma mobilização para se estabelecer padrões voltados à área de transporte nos Estados Unidos [EUL 95], Japão [JAP 99] e Europa [KAR 99], através da participação dos órgãos que administram o tráfego urbano, dos fabricantes de sistemas de hardware e software, da comunidade acadêmica, dos órgãos de padronizações locais e das variadas instâncias da esfera governamental. Este trabalho apresenta o CONTRAM, modelo de um middleware que, tratando os controladores de dispositivos de controle tráfego instalados ao longo da malha viária baseado nos paradigmas de sistemas distribuídos, possa ser utilizado como interface entre estes e as aplicações computacionais de gerenciamento de tráfego, permitindo a integração de diferentes especificações em um único sistema. O seu escopo é atender às transações de consulta e configuração de valores dos dados utilizados para controlar, monitorar e gerenciar o tráfego de veículos, liberando um SGTU de conhecer detalhes técnicos envolvidos na comunicação com os controladores. O modelo baseia-se em uma arquitetura multicamadas, 4-tier, permitindo o gerenciamento de recursos de forma centralizada ou distribuída, neste último trocando dados através da internet, e integra-se aos sistemas legados e OO através do método black-box e chamada de objetos respectivamente. Foi projetado tendo em mente a utilização de padrões abertos da indústria da Informática e de Transportes, a interoperabilidade entre diferentes elementos tecnológicos voltados ao controle de tráfego e a expansibilidade segura de um SGTU. Para alcançar seu objetivo, faz uso de tecnologias baseadas em metadados e agentes SNMP. / Systems that use computational technologies in the handling of the traffic problems are classified as ITS or Intelligent Transportation System. These systems search through synchronism and efficiency in traffic signs control, to manage the stream of vehicles in the road network, minimizing the problem of urban congestion and, consequently, decurrent problems of this congestion as a major fuel consumption, major waiting time for specific vehicles as ambulances, firemen, policy and collective carrier and greaters indices of ambient pollution, sonorous and atmospheric, amongst others. Acting in the data collection to be treat and processed for a Urban Traffic Control System or UTCS, they are the traffic control devices, as traffic lights and sensors to detect and quantify the volume of vehicles and, its respective controllers. Computational, important factors are the interoperability among these control devices and standardizations adopted, allowing UTCS customize through the new easinesses and features aggregation or still disable or modify already the existing ones. Given the features of the public management and the acquisition procedures, different controllers models of different manufacturers are acquired, making it difficult the integration in function of its proprietary technologies and the lack of one politics and governmental effort in considering standardizations for the sector, mainly about interoperability. Recently was initiated a mobilization of standards establishing to the Transportation area in the United States, Japan and Europe, through the participation of the agencies that manage the urban traffic, hardware and software solutions providers, academic community, local standardizations agencies and the varied instances of the governmental sphere. This work presents the CONTRAM, a middleware model that, treating the traffic controllers installed in road networks based in distributed systems paradigms, can be used as interface between the computational applications of traffic management and the controllers of control devices, allowing the integration of different specifications in an only system. Its target is to take care of to get and set transactions on data values used to control, monitor and manage the vehicles traffic, liberating a UTCS to know technician details in the communication with the controllers. The model is based on multilayers architecture, 4-tier, allowing the resources management in centered or distributed form, in last one changing data through the Internet and it is combined to the legacies systems and OO through the black-box and object call method respectively. It was projected having in mind the use of open standards of the Transportation and Computer science industries , interoperability between different traffic control technological elements and the UTCS expansibility safe. To reach its objective, it makes use of metadata and SNMP agents technologies.
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