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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Critical Review Of The Tools And Techniques Used In Coastal Planning: Case Study Mugla-gokova Special Environmental Protection Area.

Yusufoglu, Ayca 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE TOOLS &amp / TECHNIQUES USED IN COASTAL PLANNING: CASE STUDY MUGLA-G&Ouml / KOVA SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA Yusufoglu, Ay&ccedil / a M. S., Programme of City Planning Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serap Kayas&uuml / June 2010, 119 Pages This study focuses on the issue of coastal area management in terms of planning techniques and tools as well as legal aspects necessary in order to clarify the components of a successful coastal area planning process. It has been emphasized that planning of the coastal area should be performed within the context of integrated policy mechanism considering maintance of biodiversity, public participation and, promoting diversification among coastal related economic uses such as tourism, aquaculture, fishing. The thesis haS been grouped into according to definitions of coastal area, coastal planning and legislation, institutions, organizations, international commisions regarding coastal areas and G&ouml / kova Special Environment Protection Area from the perspective of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The case section of the thesis formed by five phases of G&ouml / kova SEPA 1/25.000 scaled Environmental Relation Plan in order to achieve ICM. Also, this is the first study performed by the reviewing of the tools and techniques used in the G&ouml / kova SEPA towards Integrated Coastal Management approach.

Contribution to the development of more efficient environmental policies via multi-objective optimization and environmentally extended input-output models

Cortés Borda, Daniel Enrique 18 July 2014 (has links)
Al mercat globalitzat d’avui en dia la falta de coneixement sobre la distribució dels impactes entre els estats dificulta el disseny de polítiques efectives per la reducció, a escala global, de la degradació ambiental. L'objectiu d’aquesta tesi consisteix en la combinació de models macroeconòmics amb l’optimització multi-objectiu per facilitar la quantificació de càrregues ambientals, la distribució equitativa de responsabilitats i el disseny de polítiques públiques eficaces i sostenibles. Per aquest motiu aquí es proposen mètodes quantitatius basats en models input-output ampliats al medi ambient per estudiar la contribució de les nacions a les pressions ambientals globals, mitjançant l’estudi del cicle de vida dels productes que es consumeixen mundialment; les càrregues ambientals relacionades amb el comerç i l'equitat amb que es distribueixen els impactes. Els resultats poden ajudar a dissenyar polítiques eficaces per assegurar una justa assignació de responsabilitats. A més a més, aquesta tesi proposa un enfocament d'optimització multi-objectiu sistemàtic per minimitzar els impactes ambientals i, simultàniament, maximitzar la producció d’una economia. El model de programació lineal bi-criteri identifica els sectors clau que contribueixen significativament a l'impacte ambiental i que presenten una baixa producció econòmica. Els resultats mostren que amb les tecnologies existents i mitjançant un control adequat de la demanda dels sectors, els impactes ambientals es podrien reduir en major proporció que la producció econòmica. D’altra banda, aquesta tesi proposa un mètode basat en programació lineal per facilitar la presa de decisions en estudis ambientals de forma inversa. És a dir, donat un conjunt de solucions, aquest mètode obté els límits inferiors i superiors dels intervals dins dels quals els pesos de cada indicadors han de caure, de forma que l'alternativa seleccionada sigui òptima. D'aquesta manera, les persones encarregades de prendre decisions no estan obligades a proporcionar els pesos amb antelació, el que podria donar lloc a resultats esbiaixats. / En el mercado globalizado actual, la falta de conocimiento sobre cómo se distribuyen los impactos entre las naciones dificulta el diseño de políticas efectivas para la reducción, a escala global, de la degradación ambiental. El objetivo de esta tesis es combinar modelos macroeconómicos y optimización multiobjetivo para facilitar la cuantificación de cargas ambientales, la distribución equitativa de responsabilidades, y el diseño de políticas públicas eficaces que mejoren la sostenibilidad. Para ello, en esta tesis se proponen métodos cuantitativos basados en modelos input-output extendidos al medio ambiente para estudiar la contribución de las naciones a la presión ambiental global mediante el análisis del ciclo de vida de los productos que se consumen mundialmente, las cargas ambientales relacionadas con el comercio, y la equidad con que se distribuyen los impactos. Los hallazgos pueden ayudar a diseñar políticas eficaces para asegurar una asignación justa de responsabilidades. Además esta tesis propone un enfoque de optimización multiobjetivo sistemático para minimizar simultáneamente los impactos ambientales y maximizar la producción de una economía. El modelo de programación lineal bicriterio identifica los sectores clave que contribuyen significativamente al impacto y presentan una baja producción económica. Los resultados muestran que con las tecnologías existentes y controlando adecuadamente la demanda de ciertos sectores, los impactos ambientales podrían disminuir en mayor proporción que la producción económica. Además, esta tesis propone un método basado en programación lineal para facilitar la toma de decisiones ambientales mediante un análisis inverso. Es decir, dado un conjunto de soluciones, el método desarrollado busca los límites inferior y superior de los intervalos dentro de los cuales los pesos de cada indicador deben caer para que la alternativa seleccionada sea la óptima. De este modo, las personas encargadas de tomar decisiones no están obligadas a proporcionar los pesos de antemano, lo que podría conducir a resultados sesgados. / In today’s globalized market, the lack of knowledge about how the impacts distribute among nations hinders the design of effective policies for reducing the environmental degradation at a global scale. The aim of this thesis is to combine macroeconomic models with multi-objective optimization to facilitate the quantification of environmental loads, the fair allocation of responsibilities, and the design of effective public policies aiming at sustainability. To these end here we propose quantitative methods based on environmentally extended input-output models to study the contribution of nations to the global environmental pressures by examining the life cycle of products consumed worldwide; the trade-embodied environmental loads; and the equity with which impacts are distributed. Findings may help to design effective policies ensuring a fair allocation of responsibilities. This thesis also proposes a systematic multi-objective optimization approach for simultaneously minimizing the environmental impacts and maximizing the output of an economy. The bi-criteria linear programming model identifies key sectors with significant impact contribution and low output. Results show that, with the existing technologies, the environmental impacts could be lowered in higher proportion than the economic output by controlling adequately the demand of sectors. Moreover, this thesis proposes a method based on linear-programming to facilitate decision-making in environmental studies in an inverse manner. That is, given a set of solutions, this method finds the lower and upper limits of the intervals within which the weights to be attached to the indicators must fall, so that the selected alternative becomes optimal. Thereby, decision makers are not required to provide weights beforehand that could lead to biased results.

Three essays on entrepreneurship

Albiol-Sanchez, Judit 15 June 2015 (has links)
El tema de l’emprenedoria com un camp d'investigació és àmpliament reconegut i s'ha afirmat com un important motor de creixement econòmic. Aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en tres assaigs centrats en l'anàlisi de l'emprenedoria. L'ús de diferents bases de dades i l’aplicació de diferents tècniques metodològiques, tant en el macroeconòmic com a nivell microeconòmic, enriqueix aquesta tesi ja que permet analitzar l’emprenedoria des de diferents punts de vista i ens permet analitzar el fenòmen amb més detall. En particular, aquesta tesi aporta noves evidències sobre tres grans temes: el comportament dinàmic de les taxes empresarials; l'autoocupació com una forma d'escapar del desajust de competències i habilitats al lloc de treball i; l'impacte de les petites empreses en comparació amb les grans empreses en el creixement econòmic. Els resultats del primer assaig indiquen un impacte positiu de les sortides empresarials en els nivells futurs d’emprenedoria en un país, sent l’efecte major per a emprenedors d’oportunitat. Els resultats mostren algunes implicacions importants per als investigadors i els responsables de les polítiques, atès que la sortida de negocis pot ser superada quan hi ha una motivació necessitat. Els resultats del segon assaig ens indiquen que no només els auto-empleats són menys probable de declarar tenir desajust de competències i habilitats sinó també que aquells individus que realitzen la transició des de l'ocupació assalariada a l'autoocupació redueixen la seva probabilitat d'inadequació de les qualificacions i competències després d’haver fet la transició. Els resultats del tercer assaig suggereixen que, de mitjana, la participació de les micro i grans empreses pot haver estat ‘per sobre de l’òptim’ (sobretot en els països d'ingressos més baixos de la UE), mentre que la proporció d'empreses mitjanes poden haver estat ‘sota de l'òptim’ (sobretot en països de majors ingressos de la UE). / El tema del emprendimiento como un campo de investigación es ampliamente reconocido y se ha afirmado como un importante motor de crecimiento económico. Esta tesis doctoral consiste en tres ensayos centrados en el análisis de la emprendeduría. El uso de diferentes bases de datos y la aplicación de diferentes técnicas metodológicas, tanto en el macroeconómico como a nivel microeconómico, enriquece esta tesis ya que permite analizar el emprendimiento desde diferentes puntos de vista y con más detalle. En particular, esta tesis aporta nuevas evidencias sobre tres grandes temas: el comportamiento dinámico de las tasas empresariales; el autoempleo como una forma de escapar del desajuste de competencias y habilidades en el lugar de trabajo y; el impacto de las pequeñas empresas en comparación con las grandes en el crecimiento económico. Los resultados del primer ensayo indican un impacto positivo de las salidas empresariales en los futuros niveles de emprendimiento en un país, siendo el efecto mayor para emprendedores de oportunidad. Los resultados muestran algunas implicaciones importantes para los investigadores y los responsables de las políticas, dado que la salida de negocios puede ser superada cuando hay una motivación por necesidad. Los resultados del segundo ensayo nos indican que no sólo los auto-empleados son menos probable que declaren tener desajuste de competencias sino también que aquellos individuos que realizan la transición desde el empleo asalariado al autoempleo reducen su probabilidad de inadecuación de las cualificaciones y competencias después de haber hecho la transición. Los resultados del tercer ensayo sugieren que, en promedio, la participación de las micro y grandes empresas puede haber estado 'por encima del óptimo' (sobre todo en los países de ingresos más bajos de la UE), mientras que la proporción de empresas medianas pueden haber estado 'debajo del óptimo' (sobre todo en países de mayores ingresos de la UE). / The topic of entrepreneurship as a field of research is widely recognised and it has been claimed as a major driver of economic growth. This doctoral thesis consists of three essays focused on the analysis of entrepreneurship. The use of different databases and the application of different methodological techniques, both at macroeconomic and at microeconomic levels, enriches this thesis by approaching the entrepreneurial activity from different points of view and allow us to analyse the phenomenon much deeper. In particular, this thesis provides new evidence on three broad issues: the dynamic behavior of entrepreneurial rates; self-employment as a way to escape from skill mismatches and; the impact of small versus large firms on economic performance. The results of the first essay indicate that exits have a positive impact on future levels of entrepreneurial activity in a country, being this effect higher for opportunity entrepreneurs. The results show some important implications for researchers and policy makers given that business exit may be overcome when there is a necessity motivation. The results of the second essay that not only the average self-employee is less likely to declare being skill-mismatched but also that those individuals who transit from salaried employment to self-employment reduce their probability of skill mismatches after the transition. The results of the third essay suggest that, on average, the share of micro and large firms may have been ‘above optimum’ (particularly in lower income EU countries) whereas the share of medium-sized firms may have been ‘below optimum’ (particularly in higher income EU countries).

Multi-period optimization of pavement management systems

Yoo, Jaewook 30 September 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to develop a model and solution methodology for selecting and scheduling timely and cost-effective maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction activities (M & R) for each pavement section in a highway network and allocating the funding levels through a finite multi-period horizon within the constraints imposed by budget availability in each period, frequency availability of activities, and specified minimum pavement quality requirements. M & R is defined as a chronological sequence of reconstruction, rehabilitation, and major/minor maintenance, including a "do nothing" activity. A procedure is developed for selecting an M & R activity for each pavement section in each period of a specified extended planning horizon. Each activity in the sequence consumes a known amount of capital and generates a known amount of effectiveness measured in pavement quality. The effectiveness of an activity is the expected value of the overall gains in pavement quality rating due to the activity performed on a highway network over an analysis period. It is assumed that the unused portion of the budget for one period can be carried over to subsequent periods. Dynamic Programming (DP) and Branch-and-Bound (B-and-B) approaches are combined to produce a hybrid algorithm for solving the problem under consideratioin. The algorithm is essentially a DP approach in the sense that the problem is divided into smaller subproblems corresponding to each single period problem. However, the idea of fathoming partial solutions that could not lead to an optimal solution is incorporated within the algorithm to reduce storage and computational requirements in the DP frame using the B-and-B approach. The imbedded-state approach is used to reduce a multi-dimensional DP to a one-dimensional DP. For bounding at each stage, the problem is relaxed in a Lagrangean fashion so that it separates into longest-path network model subproblems. The values of the Lagrangean multipliers are found by a subgradient optimization method, while the Ford-Bellman network algorithm is employed at each iteration of the subgradient optimization procedure to solve the longest-path network problem as well as to obtain an improved lower and upper bound. If the gap between lower and upper bound is sufficiently small, then we may choose to accept the best known solutions as being sufficiently close to optimal and terminate the algorithm rather than continue to the final stage.

An Assessment of the river ice break-up season in Canada

Von de Wall, Simon Julius 20 December 2011 (has links)
A return-period analysis of annual peak spring break-up and open-water levels for 136 Water Survey of Canada hydrometric stations was used to classify rivers across Canada and to assess the physical controls on peak break-up water-levels. According to the peak water-level river-regime classification and subsequent analysis, 32% of rivers were classified as spring break-up dominated, characterized by low elevations and slopes and large basin sizes while 45% were open-water dominated and associated with alpine environments of high elevations and channel slopes, and smaller basin sizes. The remaining 23% of rivers were classified as a mixed regime. A spatial and temporal analysis (1969-2006) of the river ice break-up season using hydrometric variables of timing and water levels, never before assessed at the northern Canada-wide scale, revealed significant declines in break-up water levels and significant trends towards earlier and prolonged break-up in western and central Canada. The spatial and temporal influence of air temperature on break-up timing was assessed using the spring 0°C isotherm, which revealed a significant positive relationship but no spatial patterns. In the case of major ocean/atmosphere oscillations, significant negative (positive) correlations indicate that break-up occurs earlier (later) during the positive phases of the Pacific North American Pattern (El Niño Southern Oscillation) over most of western Canada. Fewer significant positive correlations show that break-up occurs later during the positive phases of the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation in eastern Canada. / Graduate

Biomarkers of tea and coffee-derived polyphenol exposure in human subjects

Chan, Shin Yee January 2004 (has links)
Tea and coffee are rich in polyphenols with a variety of biological activities. Polyphenols found in tea are predominantly flavonoids, of which up to 15% are present as free or esterified gallic acid. Coffee polyphenols are almost wholly comprised of chlorogenic acids. Many of the demonstrated activities of polyphenols are consistent with favourable effects on the risk of chronic diseases. In investigating the relationships between intake and exposure to such compounds and chronic disease-related endpoints, it is important to be able to identify biomarkers that are specific to the compounds of interest. 4-O-methyl gallic acid (4OMGA) and isoferulic acid have been identified as potential biomarkers of intake and exposure to polyphenols derived from tea and coffee, respectively. 4OMGA is derived from gallic acid in tea, and isoferulic acid from chlorogenic acid in coffee. The major objectives of the research which is the subject of this thesis were (1) to establish a dose-response relationship of 24h urinary excretions of 4OMGA and isoferulic acid following ingestions of black tea and coffee of different strengths, and (2) to explore relationships of tea and coffee intake with 24h urinary excretion of 4OMGA and isoferulic acid in human populations. It was found that there was rapid excretion of both 4OMGA and isoferulic acid in the first 6h after tea and coffee ingestion, respectively. Approximately 60 80% of the ingested dose was excreted during the first 6h after ingestion. Urinary excretion of 4OMGA and isoferulic acid was directly related to the dose of tea and coffee, respectively. That is, higher intake resulted in increased urinary excretion of the metabolites. The relationships of 24h urinary excretion of 4OMGA and isoferulic acid with long-term usual (111 participants) and contemporary recorded current (344 participants) tea and coffee intake were assessed. 4OMGA was strongly related to usual (r = 0.50, P < 0.001) and current (r = 0.57, P < 0.001) tea intake. Isoferulic acid was less strongly, but significantly associated with usual (r = 0.26, P = 0.008) and current (r = 0.18, P < 0.001) coffee intake. Overall, the results are consistent with the proposal that 4OMGA is a good biomarker for black tea derived polyphenol intake and exposure, but isoferulic acid may have only limited use as a biomarker for coffee-derived polyphenol exposure.

Do neoliberalismo ao pós-neoliberalismo: uma análise crítica da mudança do discurso do FMI face à crise financeira internacional dos anos 1990 e à emergência das propostas altermundialistas da ATTAC

Oliveira, Dimitri Leonardo Santana Martins de January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Adriene Marchiori (adrienemarchiori@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-06-03T12:50:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DimitriOliveira-Dissertação-NPGA-2009-UFBA.pdf: 1223585 bytes, checksum: bde20cab8eede2e473fd7c96634bd96c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Uillis de Assis Santos (uillis.assis@ufba.br) on 2018-06-04T09:25:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DimitriOliveira-Dissertação-NPGA-2009-UFBA.pdf: 1223585 bytes, checksum: bde20cab8eede2e473fd7c96634bd96c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-04T09:25:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DimitriOliveira-Dissertação-NPGA-2009-UFBA.pdf: 1223585 bytes, checksum: bde20cab8eede2e473fd7c96634bd96c (MD5) / Na aurora do século XXI, o FMI, que durante duas décadas vinha pregando aquilo que viria a ser conhecido como o “neoliberalismo”, muda o seu discurso, introduzindo novos elementos na sua composição, gerando aquilo que ficou conhecido como o “pós-neoliberalismo”. O presente trabalho visa a analisar esta mudança do discurso do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI). Esta mudança aconteceu em função da grave crise financeira internacional somada à emergência do movimento altermundialista no cenário internacional, em especial o aparecimento da ATTAC (Associação pela Taxação das Transações Financeiras em Apoio aos Cidadãos e Cidadãs). Para tanto, vamos utilizar como ferramenta teórico-metodológica a análise crítica do discurso, que é um método que parte do pressuposto de que “poder” e “discurso” são palavras que se alternam, ou seja, que o discurso é a cristalização do poder, e que, portanto, é uma ferramenta para analisar como os discursos moldam o poder na sociedade, como este poder é desconfigurado, reconfigurado e desafiado pelo discurso e por sua mudança. Faremos isso a partir da análise dos informes anuais do Fundo Monetário Internacional, nos quais se torna evidente esta mudança, em confronto com o discurso da plataforma internacional da ATTAC, que aponta para a emergência de uma contestação política ao que foi pregado pelas organizações multilaterais hegemônicas como o único modelo possível para a economia internacional. / At the dawn of the XXI century, the IMF, which for two decades was preaching what would become known as “neoliberalism”, change his discourse by introducing new elements in its composition, creating what became known as the “post-neoliberalism”. This study aims to analyze the change of the speech of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This change happened in the light of serious international financial crisis combined with the emergence of the movement alterglobalization on the international scene, especially the emergence of ATTAC (Association for Taxation of Financial Transactions in Aid of Citizens). Thus, the critical discourse analysis will be used as theoretical and methodological tool, a method that the assumption that “power” and “discourse” are words that alternate, or that the discourse is the crystallization of power, and therefore is a tool to examine how the discourses shape power in society, as this power is unconfigured, reconfigured and challenged by discourse and by its change. We will do this from the analysis of Annual Reports of the International Monetary Fund, in which this change is evident in the discourse of confrontation with the International Platform of ATTAC, which points to the emergence of a political challenge to what was preached by multilateral organizations such as the single hegemonic model possible for the international economy.

Associação da 3-0-metilquercetina com beta-ciclodextrina : avaliação da complexação e penetração cutânea / 3-O-methylquercetin association with ß-cyclodextrin : evaluation of complexation and skin permeation

Schwingel, Liege Cassia January 2007 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi realizado o isolamento da 3-O-metilquercetina, a partir de produto seco do extrato de inflorescências de Achyrocline satureioides, e sua caracterização. Em etapa farmacotécnica, foi realizado o estudo da associação deste flavonóide com b-ciclodextrina, bem como testes preliminares de permeação cutânea das associações, incorporadas ou não em gel de hidroxipropilmetilcelulose. As técnicas espectroscópicas, infravermelho e ressonância magnética de hidrogênio, confirmaram a estrutura do flavonóide isolado. Para o doseamento da 3-Ometilquercetina, realizou-se a validação de metodologia analítica por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, obtendo-se linearidade, na faixa de concentração de 0,05 a 1,5 μg/mL, precisão e exatidão adequadas. A análise da associação da 3-Ometilquercetina com b-ciclodextrina por infravermelho, ressonância magnética de hidrogênio e a análise pelo método empírico de Mecânica Molecular (MM2) do software Chem3D Ultra (Versão 9.0, CambridgeSoft) indicam possível inclusão do anel B da 3-O-metilquercetina na cavidade da b-ciclodextrina, sendo a inserção do flavonóide pela borda das hidroxilas secundárias mais favorável do que pela borda das hidroxilas primárias. A b-ciclodextrina e o gel de hidroxipropilmetilcelulose promoveram a permeação do flavonóide através da pele. A realização de ensaios in vivo para a seleção da melhor formulação constitui-se na principal perspectiva de continuidade de investigação científica do tema. / 3-O-methylquercetin (3-OMQ) was isolated from spray dried powder of Achyrocline satureioides and characterized by IR and 1H NMR. The study of association of this flavonoid with b-cyclodextrin (bCD) was performed, as well as preliminary skin permeation tests of these associations, incorporated or not in hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) hydrogel. A LC method for 3-OMQ assay was validated in the concentration range from 0.05 to 1.5 μg/mL, with suitable precision and accuracy. The complexation of 3-OMQ with bCD was analyzed by IR, 1H NMR and Molecular Mechanics (Chem3D Ultra 9.0, CambridgeSoft) and the results indicated the possible insertion of B ring of the flavonoid into the bCD cavity, being the insertion through the secondary OH rim more favorable than through the primary OH rim. bCD and HPMC promoted the permeation of the flavonoid through the skin. In vivo assay is required to select the appropriate formulation.


Quintella, Vitor da Mata 09 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Vitor Quintella (vitor.quintella@gmail.com) on 2017-11-27T17:44:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_VMQuintella_v2.2.pdf: 2904453 bytes, checksum: 96097bccd3108209e1ea2bee814a9dd3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Reis (vanessa.jamile@ufba.br) on 2018-01-08T10:58:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_VMQuintella_v2.2.pdf: 2904453 bytes, checksum: 96097bccd3108209e1ea2bee814a9dd3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T10:58:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_VMQuintella_v2.2.pdf: 2904453 bytes, checksum: 96097bccd3108209e1ea2bee814a9dd3 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente dissertação é uma coleção de dois ensaios sobre finanças corporativas e a gestão de riscos de mercado. Ambos os ensaios utilizam técnicas originárias de mercados financeiros aplicadas a um cenário particular de indústrias de commodities petroquímicos brasileiras que atuam com importação e exportação. Assim este trabalho é dotado de contribuições teóricas marginais, aprofundando-se na aplicação empírica de um ferramental adequado para uma situação específica que leva à identificação de resultados e conclusões próprias que poderiam passar despercebidos numa analise generalista. Os modelos são baseados em uma empresa real cujo nome e os dados são omitidos por motivos de sigilo. As métricas Earnings at Risk (EaR) e Cash Flow at Risk (CFaR) foram aplicadas, assim como uma variação do CFaR – proposta nessa dissertação – denominada Cash Balance at Risk (CBaR). O primeiro ensaio tem como objetivo identificar, mensurar e otimizar o risco financeiro e seus efeitos nos resultados de projetos com inovação tecnológica. Identificou-se que as métricas EaR, CFaR e CBaR auxiliam a avaliação de projetos quando acompanhadas dos procedimentos padrões de avaliação e, que, o uso de novas tecnologias, em certas condições, pode gerar um hedge natural para a empresa. Verificou-se que variações temporais entre gastos e recebimentos agravam a exposição financeira a oscilações de câmbio e de preços de commodities. Identificou-se, como boa prática, considerar em conjunto com a análise de projetos não apenas o financiamento e o hedging, mas também, os efeitos do mesmo sobre a estrutura financeira da empresa como um todo. O segundo ensaio tem como objetivo desenvolver uma fronteira eficiente risco-retorno para a gestão de riscos através do uso de derivativos. Foi possível fornecer um portfólio de decisões ótimas que superaram a posição de não utilização de derivativos no aumento de resultados e na redução do risco – tanto nas projeções realizadas quanto na aplicação de um backtesting com dados históricos. A razão da tomada de decisões que formaram a fronteira foi investigada, identificando – inclusive – a possibilidade de arbitragem quando se está na posição do exportador líquido. A inclusão à Fronteira Eficiente da análise do risco de caixa disponível se mostrou como uma contribuição à gestão de risco financeiro e à questão do conflito de agencia. Os resultados dessa aplicação se mostraram pouco sensíveis às mudanças históricas de tendências do mercado. / The present dissertation is a collection in two essays on corporate finance and market risk management. Both essays use techniques originated in financial market applied to a particular scenario of an import export Brazilian industry that uses and products intermediary petrochemicals. So that this work offers marginal theoretical contributions, with a focus of proposing applied empirical a framework for decision making that considers the singularities of this scenario. As benefits of such approach, it is possible to reach findings that wouldn’t be archivable by a generalist approach. Both essays use a financial model based on a real company whose name and data are omitted for reasons of secrecy. The metrics Earnings at Risk (EaR) and Cash Flow at Risk (CFaR) were applied, as well as a variation of the CFaR - proposed in this dissertation - called Cash Balance at Risk (CBaR). The first essay aims to identify, measure and optimize financial risk and its effects on the results of projects with technological innovation. It was found that the EaR, CFaR, and CBaR metrics help to evaluate projects when they are accompanied by standard evaluation procedures and that innovative technologies, in certain conditions, may act as a “natural hedge”. The findings also show that the time delay between revenues and expenses leads to financial risk exposure to changes in prices and foreign exchange rates. It was identified, as a good practice, to consider not only the financing and the hedging of a Project, but also, how it affects financial exposition of the company as a unity. The second essay aims at applying the concept of risk-return Efficient Frontier through the use of derivatives. It was possible to provide a portfolio of optimal decisions that overcome a position averse to derivative use. Better expectations were obtained with increased Expected earnings and with risk-reduction. The superiority was verified by an application of a backtesting with historical data. The reasons that made the optimizer take the decisions that formed the efficient frontier was investigated, and it was identified the possibility of arbitration when a company is in the position of the net exporter. The inclusion of cash balance risk analysis on the Efficient Frontier was shown to be a valuable contribution to financial risk management and to the agency problem. The results had little sensitivity to the historical changes of market trends.

Culturas juvenis na tela: representações no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo

Oliveira, Rodrigo Bomfim 17 March 2014 (has links)
Rubim, Linda Silva Oliveira ver Rubim, Lindinalva Silva Oliveira / Submitted by Rodrigo Oliveira (ro.bomfim@gmail.com) on 2014-03-28T14:32:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE RODRIGO BOMFIM OLIVEIRA.pdf: 3075946 bytes, checksum: 43191b9d11212c1b40b904fddf8a3d8b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva (sivalda@ufba.br) on 2014-04-22T18:17:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE RODRIGO BOMFIM OLIVEIRA.pdf: 3075946 bytes, checksum: 43191b9d11212c1b40b904fddf8a3d8b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-22T18:17:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE RODRIGO BOMFIM OLIVEIRA.pdf: 3075946 bytes, checksum: 43191b9d11212c1b40b904fddf8a3d8b (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPESB / Esta tese tem como objetivo principal investigar as representações da juventude no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo. Tem como elemento de estudo seis filmes ficcionais de longa metragem da safra recente do cinema nacional. São eles: Linha de passe (2008), O céu de Suely (2006), Sonhos roubados (2009), As melhores coisas do mundo (2010), Desenrola (2011) e Apenas o fim (2008). Para isso, explora as imbricações entre o cinema nacional e as recorrentes representações de diversas histórias ficcionais protagonizadas por jovens; retoma algumas marcas históricas ligadas às interpretações sobre a categoria social juventude e destaca a emergência dos jovens enquanto atores sociais protagonistas a partir de meados do século XX, bem como, as apropriações de determinados aspectos do “ser jovem no mundo” pelas indústrias culturais. Por fim, para compreender os modos como o cinema atual do Brasil tem representado esses sujeitos, a presente pesquisa lança um olhar mais atento aos filmes, ressaltando a diversidade de vivências juvenis na tela. A metodologia de estudo utilizada percorre caminhos multidisciplinares. Já a investigação dos filmes é feita de acordo com os procedimentos da análise fílmica, pelo fato desse ferramental possibilitar uma abertura maior para exames de aspectos próprios da linguagem cinematográfica em diálogo com a cultura e com a sociedade. Os resultados obtidos contemplam a ideia inicial deste trabalho e revelam que o cinema brasileiro contemporâneo, além de ser um importante produto de fruição cultural, é também um poderoso replicador de imaginários forjados para/sobre a juventude. Com isso, não apenas contribui para consolidar vivências juvenis construídas midiaticamente, mas se localiza como a própria juventude atual, caracterizada pela infinidade de suas (multi) visões e leituras. Dessa forma, este cinema apresenta uma cartografia plural, imprecisa e difusa sobre o jovem.

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