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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling Expectations and Trust in Virtual Agents

Johansson, Anja January 2007 (has links)
Computer graphics has long been the foremost area of advancement in both the gaming and the motion picture industry. Nowadays, as computer graphics is getting difficult to advance any further, other areas begin to interest the developers. One of these areas is artificial intelligence. The gaming industry has begun to create far more intelligent virtual characters that no longer are as predictable as they used to be. Mixing character animation with intelligent agents techniques results in a vastly more interesting experience for the gamer as well as for the developer. This project focuses on introducing expectational behaviour and trust in intelligent virtual characters. The area is highly interesting as it enables a vastly more complex emotional structure for virtual agents than that of reactive, rational behaviour. Although expectations can indeed be rational, often they are not when it comes to humans. This project studies the effects of expectations on the emotional state of agents and the effect that the emotions have on the reasoning abilities and the action selection mechanism. It also examines how trust influences emotions and vice versa and how trust influences the action selection mechanism. One of the requirements of this work is that the computations concerning the triggering of emotions have to be done in real-time. While it is possible to do off-line computations for simulations (such as is often done for the movie industry), it is not what we desire here. It is our goal to create interesting virtual characters that can be interacted with in real-time. Therefore, also expectations and trust must be calculated and managed in real-time.

Reverse Logistics Study at Volvo CE CST Europe

Olovsson, Malin, Khalil, Liliane January 2008 (has links)
Assignment: The mission of the assignment is to map the four return flows with respect to returning volume, weight, frequency, pick up- and delivery points. Today Volvo CE has a lack of information that concerns their own Reverse logistic processes. It is hard for Volvo CE to see where changes need to be done, due to limited reliable sources. Purpose: The purpose with the study is to make the return flows easier, less expansive and more manageable for both Volvo and their dealers. Further, environmental issues have to be considered in order to find improvements of the returning routines. The analysis is done to bring forth a proposal that will contribute to less unnecessary transports and that also will make it possible to reduce cost. Result: A couple of improvement areas have been discovered, some of them are radical while others are incremental. The one thing they have in common is to make sure that the return flows are being handled and seen as one common flow rather then separately treated. Among the improvements these are some recommendations to Volvo CE: - Appoint special delivery point for warranty returns and make sure that the warranty routines are followed so that unnecessary transports can be reduced. - Store less cores for remanufacturing at the Core Hub. Cores that are not needed are not necessary to transport to the Core Hub. - Make better cost registrations and cost follow ups and evaluate customer satisfaction to be able to find improvement areas in the future.

Kontroll av lyftredskap i betongindustri

Gustafsson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
This paper shows how instructions for the inspections of the lifting tools at Abetong were made. The most important is how the company can ensure that every lifting tool is inspected. The work was carried out at three of Abetongs factories. Abetong makes precast concrete elements, which makes them use liftingtools as a part of their daily work; most of the lifting tools are custom made for the concrete industry. A numeric system for the lifting tools was formed and partially implemented. A small investigation to find companies which could do the annual inspections was made. A specification for this was also written. An instruction for the daily inspection of the lifting tools was made. A signing list will be put up at each working area to ensure that the daily inspections are being done. The lifting yokes which lacks label will be risk analysed, this creates some questions about whether this is aloud.

Radio Frequency Thermal Treatment of Liver Tumours : -Influence of Blood Perfusion and Large Vessels

Andersson, Per January 2008 (has links)
Radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a commonly used minimally invasive method of treating liver cancer tumours which utilises RF current for heating tumour tissue up to a lethal temperature. RF current is generated by a power generator and applied to the tumour by an electrode which is inserted into the tumour either during percutaneous or open surgery. RFA is a method that has great advantages compared to traditional surgical resection of tumours due to minimal invasiveness, it can be used for a greater number of patients and enables repeated treatments. Even though there are many advantages coupled to RFA there are still some problems and difficulties associated with the method. One of these problems is the cooling effect from large vessel blood flow within the liver, the so called heat sink effect. The aim of this master thesis work has been to develop a theoretical finite element model of RFA within Comsol Multiphysics software. This theoretical model has been used to simulate blood perfusion effects on resulting ablation volume. The effects from different large vessel blood flow parameters has been investigated, these parameters are: blood flow velocity, blood vessel diameter and distance between blood vessel and RF electrode. A factorial design has been utilised to setup parameter levels for the different simulations. A linear- and a second degree regression model has been calculated based on simulation results. The parameter with largest impact on simulative ablation volume and the interaction effects between the parameters were determined from the regression model coefficients. In addition to this has two simulations been performed, modelling perfused- and unperfused liver tissue, in order to investigate the effects resulting from microvascular perfusion. The result shows that the parameter with largest impact on simulative ablation volume are the distance, it was also shown that there are a small interactional effects between diameter and distance, where a small distance increases the effect from a varying diameter. Modelled microvascular perfusion was shown to give a decrease in simulative ablation volume. A shortage of this master thesis work is the lack of experimental verification of the developed model.

Frifallslivbåtars begränsningar

Ellmark, Cyrille, Käck, Mathias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Olyckor sker vid övning med frifallslivbåtar. Detta borde gå att arbeta bort med bättre utrustning och bättre utbildning. Eftersom olyckor inträffar oftare vid övning ombord i fartygen än vid övning iland borde den senare biten vara mer avgörande: Vid övningar bör vikt läggas vid hur man spänner fast sig på ett korrekt sätt. Ovanstående är en del av vad denna undersökande studie handlar om. Vi har använt en kvalitativ metod för att reda ut frågor om riskerna med frifallslivbåtar. SOLAS ställer inga krav på att det skall finnas hjälpmedel för att underlätta att ta med sig skadade personer i frifallslivbåtar. De tester som genomförts med människor ombord i frifallslivbåtar har bara skett när det råder gynnsamma förhållanden. Med tanke på att fartyg utsätts både för sjöhävning och att båtarna kan komma att landa i vågor borde SOLAS kraven höjas. De livbåtssystem vi har, varken testas eller övas med i vågor. Att frifallslivbåtar i tanken är ett väldigt bra koncept som livräddningsutrustning råder det inga tvivel om, men den borde utvecklas vidare.</p> / <p>Accidents occur when exercising with free-fall lifeboats. This should be possible to avoid with better equipment and better education. Since accidents occur more often when exercise is performed aboard ships than ashore, the later part should be more decisive: During exercise the focus should be put on how to buckle up in a correct way. The above text is a part of what this investigative study is about, we have used a qualitative method for sorting out questions about the risks with free-fall lifeboats. SOLAS does not put any demands on the existence of aiding equipment to facilitate bringing injured persons in a free-fall lifeboat. The tests that have been performed with people onboard free-fall lifeboats have only taken place during favourable conditions. Considering that ships are exposed to the motion of the sea and that the boat could land on a wave the SOLAS demands should be increased. The lifeboat systems we have, is neither tested nor practised with in waves. That free-fall lifeboats is a good concept as a lifesaving equipment, there is no doubt about, but it should be developed further.</p>

Calmare Nyckel - En studie över hennes användande och åsikterna kring det

Elmberg, Leif, Hellström, Karin, Olsson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vårt arbete var att ta reda på vad studenterna i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har för åsikt gällande användandet av skolfartyget Calmare Nyckel. Vidare hade vi för avsikt att undersöka vilken åsikt Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har rörande användandet samt att ta reda på ifall det finns en skillnad mellan respektive åsikter.</p><p>Genom en analys och sammanställning av vår enkätundersökning kom vi fram till att 98 % av studenterna ansåg att de antal gånger de fått använda Calmare Nyckel, för navigation och manövrering, varit för lite. Ur våra intervjuer med anställda på skolan framkom det att de däremot är nöjda med hur de låter Calmare Nyckel komma till användning i utbildningen av sjökaptener.</p><p>Vi kunde se en tydlig skillnad i åsikter mellan skola och studenter. Skillnaden bottnade bland annat i skolans bristfälliga information om deras syfte och målsättning med Calmare Nyckel. En annan anledning till skillnaden beror på hur skolan marknadsför deras skolfartyg samt hur studenterna tolkar denna. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade studenterna i vår enkätundersökning hade en förväntan om att de skulle få använda Calmare Nyckel mer än vad de gjort under utbildningen.</p>

Design Automation Systems for Production Preparation : Applied on the Rotary Draw Bending Process

Johansson, Joel January 2008 (has links)
Intensive competition on the global market puts great pressure on manufacturing companies to develop and produce products that meet requirements from customers and investors. One key factor in meeting these requirements is the efficiency of the product development and the production preparation process. Design automation is a powerful tool to increase efficiency in these two processes. The benefits of automating the production preparation process are shortened led-time, improved product performance, and ultimately decreased cost. Further, automation is beneficial as it increases the ability to adapt products to new product specifications with production preparations done in few or in a single step. During the automation process, knowledge about the production preparation process is collected and stored in central systems, thus allowing full control over the design of production equipments. Three main topics are addressed in this thesis: the flexibility of design automation systems, knowledge bases containing conflicting rules, and the automation of the finite element analysis process. These three topics are discussed in connection with the production preparation process of rotary draw bending. One conclusion drawn from the research is that it is possible to apply the concept of design automation to the production preparation process at different levels of automation depending on characteristics of the implemented knowledge. In order to make design automation systems as flexible as possible, the concept of object orientation should be adapted when building the knowledge base and when building the products geometrical representations. It is possible to automate the process of setting up, running, and interpreting finite element analyses to a great extent and making the automated finite element analysis process a part of the global design automation system.

Produktionsflöde för rendering av bilder i katalogproduktion

Forsman, Maria, Stråle, Emma January 2005 (has links)
<p>På IKEA går produktionsflödet för en produktbild i dagsläget från konstruktionsritning till fotografering via tillverkning och montering. En produkt som är färdig för tillverkning definieras av sin mekaniska konstruktion och sina ytegenskaper. Ledtiden och kostnaden för bildproduktionen skulle kunna minskas betydligt om produkten kunde avbildas redan i detta stadium, utan att finnas tillverkad. För detta ändamål såg IKEA en möjlighet i att introducera ett nytt produktionsflöde där avancerad datorgrafik, grafisk teknik och bildbehandling omvandlar konstruktionsritningen till produktbild. Ambitionen är att från ritningen ta ut en 3D-modell, placera den i en omgivning, ljussätta och belägga den med material och av detta skapa en tryckbar produktbild som uppfyller företagets höga kvalitetskrav.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att ta fram förslag på ett konkret sådant flöde genom att undersöka olika programvaror som skulle kunna användas samt att identifiera problemområden och komma med lösningsförslag på dessa. Flödet delades upp i de fem problemområdena konvertering, modellering, ljussättning, material och rendering som bearbetades parallellt. Fokus har under hela projektet legat på färghantering och upplevd bildkvalitet genom att korrekt färg- och detaljåtergivning i bilderna varit pekpinne och ledsagare.</p><p>Konstruktionsritningarna som görs i SolidWorks har konverterats till 3D-modeller med programvaran PolyTrans. I 3ds max har produktmodellerna satts in i en miljö som liknar den verkliga fotostudion, belysts och belagts med material. Efter en studie av olika programvaror för rendering beslutades det att mental ray skulle användas varpå alla bilder skapats med denna. mental ray är en komplex renderare som beräknar ljussättning fysikaliskt riktigt vilket bidrar till fotorealistiska bilder.</p><p>Examensarbetet handlade till mångt och mycket om att köra olika produkter genom flödet och testa med olika inställningar i de olika stegen. Flödet utvärderades kontinuerligt genom att bilderna som kom ut bedömdes visuellt. Dessutom genomfördes några tester för att undersöka inblandade programvarors eventuella brister vad gäller färghantering och upplevd bildkvalitet. Det slutliga resultatet av examensarbetet blev ett flöde som i stor utsträckning liknar arbetsflödet vid nuvarande bildproduktion. Med minimal insats från retuschavdelningen uppfyller bilderna de krav som ställs för att de skall kunna tryckas i IKEA katalogen.</p>

A Traffic Simulation Modeling Framework for Rural Highways

Tapani, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Models based on micro-simulation of traffic flows have proven to be useful tools in the study of various traffic systems. Today, there is a wealth of traffic microsimulation models developed for freeway and urban street networks. The road mileage is however in many countries dominated by rural highways. Hence, there is a need for rural road traffic simulation models capable of assessing the performance of such road environments. This thesis introduces a versatile traffic micro-simulation model for the rural roads of today and of the future. The developed model system considers all common types of rural roads including effects of intersections and roundabouts on the main road traffic. The model is calibrated and validated through a simulation study comparing a two-lane highway to rural road designs with separated oncoming traffic lanes. A good general agreement between the simulation results and the field data is established.</p><p>The interest in road safety and the environmental impact of traffic is growing. Recent research has indicated that traffic simulation can be of use in these areas as well as in traditional capacity and level-of-service studies. In the road safety area more attention is turning towards active safety improving countermeasures designed to improve road safety by reducing the number of driver errors and the accident risks. One important example is Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The potential to use traffic simulation to evaluate the road safety effects of ADAS is investigated in the last part of this thesis. A car-following model for simulation of traffic including ADAS-equipped vehicles is proposed and the developed simulation framework is used to study important properties of a traffic simulation model to be used for safety evaluation of ADAS. Driver behavior for ADAS-equipped vehicles has usually not been considered in simulation studies including ADAS-equipped vehicles. The work in this thesis does however indicate that modeling of the behavior of drivers in ADAS-equipped vehicles is essential for reliable conclusions on the road safety effects of ADAS.</p> / Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2005:60.

A Framework for Evaluation and Design of an Integrated Public Transport System

Häll, Carl Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Operators of public transport always try to make their service as attractive as possible, to as many persons as possible and in a so cost effective way as possible. One way to make the service more attractive, especially to elderly and disabled, is to offer door-to-door transportation. The cost for the local authorities to provide this service is very high and increases every year.</p><p>To better serve the needs of the population and to reduce the cost for transportation of elderly and disabled, public transportation systems are evolving towards more flexible solutions. One such flexible solution is a demand responsive service integrated with a fixed route service, together giving a form of flexible public transport system. The demand responsive service can in such a system be used to carry passengers from their origin to a transfer location to the fixed route network, and/or from the fixed route network to their destination.</p><p>This thesis concerns the development of a framework for evaluation and design of such an integrated public transport service. The framework includes a geographic information system, optimization tools and simulation tools. This framework describes how these tools can be used in combination to aid the operators in the planning process of an integrated service. The thesis also presents simulations made in order to find guidelines of how an integrated service should be designed. The guidelines are intended to help operators of public transport to implement integrated services and are found by evaluating the effects on availability, travel time, cost and other service indicators for variations in the design and structure of the service.</p><p>In a planning system for an integrated public transport service, individual journeys must in some way be scheduled. For this reason the thesis also presents an exact optimization model of how journeys should be scheduled in this kind of service.</p> / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC- 2006:38

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