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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ideskog, Aron January 2010 (has links)
There are many risk factors involved with a sedentary lifestyle. Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), circulatory problems and contractures are just a selection of problems you can get by too little exercise. For people who are immobilized because of illness, it can be difficult to get enough exercise and movement to avoid similar complications. Because of most medical supplies on the market today are not optimal for use at home, I have chosen to develop a training device for the lower limbs, adapted for use in a bed, both in hospitals and at home. It is important that the devise can be used in any bed, regardless of headboards. The device must be compact and easy to use. The problem was solved by creating a collapsible device with which to train throughout the lower limbs, including handles for stabilizing the torso and straps with wich you can fixate the devise to the bed. / Det finns många riskfaktorer inblandade med en stillasittande livsstil. Djupventrombos (blodpropp), cirkulationsbesvär och kontrakturer är bara ett urval av besvär man kan få av för lite rörelse. För personer som får nedsatt rörelseförmåga på grund av sjukdom kan det vara svårt att få tillräckligt med motion och rörelse för att undvika dessa, och liknande komplikationer. Då de redskap som finns på marknaden idag inte är optimala för hemmabruk har jag valt att utveckla ett träningsredskap för de nedre extremiteterna, anpassat för att användas i en säng, både på sjukhus och hemma. Det är viktigt att redskapet går att använda i alla sängar. Redskapet skall vara kompakt och lätt att använda. Problemet löstes med ett hopfällbart redskap som med vilket man kan träna hela underkroppen, handtag för stabilisering av bålen och spännband förfixering vid sängen.

Junior : utveckling av barnglasögon för Polaris Eyewear AB

Rovcanin, Eldina January 2010 (has links)
Polaris Eyewear is one of the world's leading companies in innovative eyeweardesign. My assignment has been to, in collaboration with them, expand their range with a pair of children's glasses, while maintaining the innovative character they are so known for. The problem with childrens eyewear today is that most of the time the glasses tries to mimic the adult eyewear and the ”childish” type of designing is spared. From an ergonomic point of view, a child's nose is smaller than an adults and therefore needs a different type of shape and nosebridge. In addition, children have softer ears, which means that they need a different type of shaftend as well. These factors have all beentaken into account in the process of designing the glasses. The target group for the product have been children between the ages 2-10 years. The aim has been to develop a unisex eyewearshape, supplemented by a girl and boy-pattern. The process of development has been following a design methodology. The project has been divided into four phases; Idéa processing, fact finding, realization and presentation. Concept sketches of different eyewear shapes have been developed and ultimately four different concepts with different patterns have been presented to PolarisEyewear. Together, we have selected a shape and a pattern design proposal that we believe are suitable for children, visually as well as ergonomically. The result is a pair of unisex glasses for children with two pattern designs suitable for girl or boy. The product is different compared to what’s on the market today. They have a fun style, and are ergonomically adapted to the children's faces. To top that they also have an appealing design that is suited as a new addition to the Polarisfamily spirit. / Polaris Eyewear är idag ett av de ledande företagen inom nytänkande formgivning av vuxenglasögon i världen. Min uppgift har varit att i ett samarbete med de utvidga deras sortiment med ett par barnglasögon och samtidigt behålla den innovativa prägel som är deras kännetecken. Problemet som finns bland barnglasögon i dagsläget är att man efterhand försökt efterlikna vuxenglasögon och man har frångått det lekfulla i designen. Ur ett ergonomiskt perspektiv är ett barns näsa mindre än en vuxens och behöver därför en annan typ av båge och näsbrygga. Dessutom så har barn mjukare öron, vilket gör att de behöver en annan typ av skalmtopp gentemot vuxenvarianterna. Dessa faktorer har alla tagits i beaktande vid utformandet av produkten. Målgruppen för produkten har varit barn i åldrarna 2-10 år. Arbetet har gått ut på att ta fram en unisex-form som kompletteras med ett tjej- respektive killmönster. Produktutformandet har skett efter en designmetodik. Projektet har varit uppdelat i följande fyra olika faser; idégenereringsfasen, faktainsamlingsfasen,genomförandefasen samt redovisningsfasen. Idéskisser på former har tagits fram och slutligen har 4 olika formförslag med tillhörande mönster presenterats för Polaris Eyewear. Tillsammans har vi valt ut en form samt två mönsterförslag som vi tycker lämpar sig för barn ergonomiskt samt utseendemässigt. Resultatet blev ett par unisex barnglasögon med två mönster anpassade för tjejer respektive killar. Det är ett par glasögon som har ett annorlunda och roligt formspråk,ergonomiskt anpassade efter barns ansikten och samtidigt har ett tilltalande formspråk som nytt tillskott i Polarisfamiljens anda.

Designkoncept av ”toycam” : Framtagning av koncept för analog kamera

Leo, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Analogue photography is something that many thought died out in the beginning of the 21’st century as a result of the digital revolution. But that’s not the case. As the digital revolution swept over the world a movement of analogue cameras, and so called toycams grew bigger. A toycam was a low quality, plastic, analogue camera, made to be manufactured and sold as cheaply as possible without any considerations of quality. Pictures produced by the camera are often soft focused with intense color changes and contrasts. Every once in a while an orange yellowish field will show up on the photos. This is caused by light leaks caused by the poor quality of the construction of the camera. While these qualities may be considered flaws they’re actually much of the reason to why people use and like toy cameras.  During the last ten years new production of old toycam models and completely new analogue cameras has been picked up. Every year a handful of new cameras enter the market and the interest and movement around toycams just seems to grow the further in to the digital era we get. But despite this, I as a dedicated toycam enthusiast, don’t sense that any real development is happening in the area. The movement is at a standstill.  The objective of the project has been to look for and develop something new, a new function that adds something to the market and movement. This has been done with the design process. The market has been studied and different concepts of form and functions have been developed. Users have been involved during the whole process, including during the final selection of concept. The result is a contemporary camera with discrete inspiration from cameras of the 50s’. But the main thing with the camera is a for compact- and toy cameras whole new feature – exchangeable film cartridges! Film can now be changed, in the middle of a roll in just a few seconds. Perfect when one wants to change film type or just don’t have the time to reload the camera! Flexibility!

Att effektivisera ett förvaltarbolag

Litz, Anders, Erlingson, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Ledtidsreduktion genom värdeflödesanalys : Analys och förbättring av ett produktionsflöde

Wall, Karl January 2010 (has links)
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering i Östersund, tillverkare av hydraulcylindrar, vill anpassa tillverkningen av två högvolymsprodukter i det manuella produktionsflödet genom resurssnålare tillverkning för att möta det nya kundkravet om en ledtid på 48 timmar mot tidigare ledtid på 10 arbetsdagar. Produktionen av hydraulcylindrarna Reach och Sideshift kan delas in i en sekvens om fyra processteg; maskinbearbetning av cylinderrör och kolvstång, svetsning, montering och slutligen lackering och packning. Värdeflödeskartor över det nuvarande tillståndet för hydraulcylindrarna Reach och Sideshift visade att den värdeskapande tiden i processerna stod för 2,1 % och 1,6 % av ledtiden för Reach respektive Sideshift. Genom observationer identifierades slöserier främst i lager och väntan.  Aktiviteter som inte tillför värde men som är nödvändiga identifierades främst i materialförsörjningen av tillsatsmaterial till processerna. Arbetsinnehållet och arbetsmängden till respektive process styrs genom produktionsberedning i ett MPS-system. Varje process arbetar individuellt utan hänsyn till behovet i nästa process. Detta medför att produktionsprocesserna upplevs som isolerade öar som trycker fram material genom hela tillverkningen. Med värdeflödeskartor av nuvarande tillstånd som grund och med Lean-metodik som angreppsätt, skapades värdeflödeskartor som visar på ett önskat framtida tillstånd. Ett flertal förbättringsåtgärder genomfördes i syfte att reducera upptäckta icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter i material- och informationsflödet. Flera produktionsprocesser kopplades samman för att bilda en produktionscell. En supermarket för bearbetade cylinderrör och kolvstänger som stödjer FIFU infördes. Kanbanstyrning av tillsatsmaterial implementerades. En kanban-tavla sattes upp för att förenkla informationsflödet och ett kontrollerat lager av färdiga produkter infördes. Resultaten av förbättringsåtgärderna visar på en minskning av ledtiden genom hela värdeflödet med 50 % för båda produkterna till 4,1 dagar. Andelen värdeskapande aktiviteter ökade med 43 % och 69 % för Reach respektive Sideshift. Seriestorlekarna minskade med 65 % och tiden från start av order i produktionscellen till färdig produkt tar endast 20 timmar. Slutsatserna från resultatet visar på att ett resurssnålt, förbrukningsstyrt och sammanlänkat värdeflöde går att uppnå med hjälp av metoder och verktyg inom Lean. Ett väsentligt steg i ledtidsreduktion har uppnåtts och författarens åsikt är att företaget genom fortsatt arbete med Lean kan nå en ledtid på 48 timmar. / Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Östersund, manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders, wants to adapt the production of two high volume products in the manual product line. Through Lean methods, the aim is to reduce the lead time in order to meet new customer requirements of lead times of 48 hours. The currently agreed lead time from order to delivery is ten days. The production of the hydraulic cylinders Reach and Sideshift can be divided into four subsequent steps; machining the cylinder tube and piston rod, welding, assembling and finally painting and packaging of the final product. Value stream maps resembling the current state for Reach and Sideshift showed that the ratio between value-adding time and total lead time was a mere 2.1 percent for Reach and 1.6 percent for Sideshift. Through observations waste was identified primarily in inventory and in waiting. Non-value adding but necessary activities were mainly found in activities concerning supply of material to the processes. The work orders are dealt to each process through an MPS-system. Each process works individually without consideration to the needs of connecting processes. This causes each production process to behave like an isolated part pushing rather than pulling material through the production. By using value stream maps of the current state as a foundation for improvements, and with a Lean approach, value stream maps of a desired future state were drawn. Several measures were taken to improve the processes by reducing non-value adding activities in the material- and information flow. Several production processes were linked by creating a production cell. A supermarket supporting FIFO for machined tubes and rods was introduced. Kanban was implemented for supply of material to the processes. A kanban whiteboard is used to simplify the flow of information and a limited inventory of finished products was installed. The results of the measures taken for improvements show that the lead time through the value stream was reduced by 50 percent to 4.1 days for both products. The value-adding ratio increased by 43 percent for Reach and 69 percent for Sideshift. Batch sizes were reduced by 65 percent and the time from starting an order in the production cell to finished product now only takes 20 hours. Conclusions based on the results clearly show that a Lean pull production and connected processes can be achieved by using Lean methods and tools. A significant step in lead time reduction has been achieved and it is the author’s opinion that the company, through continued work with Lean measures, can achieve a lead time of 48 hours.

Eye Tracking with Eye Glasses / Ögonföljning med glasögon

Dahlberg, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
This study is concerned with the negative effects of wearing corrective lenses while using eye trackers, and the correction of those negative effects. The eye tracker technology studied is the video based real-time Pupil Center and Corneal Reflection method. With a user study, the wearing of eyeglasses is shown to cause 20 % greater errors in the accuracy of an eye tracker than when not wearing glasses. The error is shown to depend on where on the eye tracker viewing area the user is looking. A model for ray refraction when wearing glasses was developed. Measurements on distortions on the image of the eye caused by eyeglass lenses were carried out. The distortions were analyzed with eye tracking software to determine their impact on the image-to-world coordinates mapping. A typical dependence of 1 mm relative distance change on cornea to 9 degrees of visual field was found. The developed mathematical/physiological model for eyeglasses focuses on artifacts not possible to accommodate for with existing calibration methods, primarily varying combinations of viewing angles and head rotations. The main unknown in the presented model is the effective strength of the glasses. Automatic identification is discussed. The model presented here is general in nature and needs to be developed further in order to be a part of a specific application.

The effects of early stress on life-time strategies of behaviour and coping in chickens ( Gallus gallus )

Macdonald, Barry January 2011 (has links)
Stress is often an important consideration for animal welfare. A number of factors can contribute to stress in domestic animals, most notably thoseused in food production. We investigated the effects and heritability of stress in domestic chickens (Gallus gallus). Using a spatial learning paradigm, we tested an early social isolation-stressed group and their offspring against unstressed controls, to determine if this cognitive function was negatively affected by stress. In the parental generation, we found that across sessions control birds improved in performance, indicating a learning trend. Stressed birds showed no difference across sessions, indicating a lack of learning. No effects of the parental treatment were found in the offspring of stress and control birds. Social isolation stress was found to affect spatial memory learning, however, we did not find evidence that the parental stress influenced the spatial abilities of the next generation despite changes in other behaviours.

"Så har jag lite frånvaro också..." : En studie av frånvaron och dess orsaker på vuxenutbildningen i Halmstad

Allgulin, Mattias, Cantmo, Kristoffer January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

CSI:Math : Ett undervisningsförsök med Storyline i matematik

Cheander, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Storyline är en undervisningsmetod som ursprungligen kommer från Skottland. Metoden används i hela världen, men har blivit väldigt populär främst i de nordiska länderna, Danmark och Norge, men också i Sverige. Storyline är ämnesövergripande och används oftast i grundskolan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur storyline lämpar sig som undervisningsmetod i matematikundervisningen i gymnasieskolan. Undervisningsförsöket är baserat på ett utgångsmaterial som heter CSI:Math. Försöket observeras och utvärderas med en enkät och en efterföljande intervju. Utifrån resultaten av undersökningarna kan slutsatsen dras att storyline inte bara fungerar väl som arbetsmetod, utan också ligger väl i linje med de senaste förändringarna av gymnasiekurserna i matematik Gy2011.

Skatteverkets tolkning av 3:9 och 3:10 IL. : Är tolkningen förenlig med lagstiftaren syfte?

Paulsson, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate whether Skatteverket’s interpretation of 3:9 and 3:10 IL is consistent with the legislator’s purpose with these rules. The bachelor thesis is written with a legal approach which seeks to use all sources of law in accordance to its legal source value. Individuals who are considered as tax residents in Sweden have the opportunity to be granted tax exemption according to the six-month-rule and the one-year-rule if the individual works abroad. If the income is taxed in the country of source and the individual has been working there for more than six months, the six-month-rule can be applicable. If the income has not been taxed in the country of source, the individual still can be granted tax exemption through the one-year-rule, but to do so he has to work in the same country for at least one year. Both rules require that the individual does not visit Sweden more than 72 days in a time span of one year. Skatteverket has, in its consideration, decided to add the 72 days on which an individual can visit Sweden with a new number of days, 24 days, which individuals can visit third countries. This means that Skatteverket is making it tougher for Swedish employees to be granted tax exemptions through the exemption rules. The aim of the exemption rules is, inter alia, to be an incentive to encourage Swedish employees to work abroad. Skatteverket’s consideration is preventing the purpose with the exemption rules because it prevents individuals to enjoy the positive effects of the mentioned rules. I believe that Skatteverket does not have any reason to interpret the rules this way according to the text of law or its government bill. My conclusion is that Skatteverket’s interpretation of 3:9 and 3:10 IL is not compatible with the objective of the legislator.

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