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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A consultant perspective on Digital transformation : Experiences of successful digitalization

Karlsson, Kristoffer, Spyrou, Nikolas Karl January 2020 (has links)
Progress in digital technologies has influenced organizations and individuals alike. The focus of organizations has been to adapt to the dynamic digital landscapes; ranging from expanding the boundaries of existing markets, to conquer unexplored and unclaimed opportunities. These include collaboration in novel partnerships with external actors, creating additional value through alternative use of existing technologies and services, provided to the customer in the growing digitally interconnected ecosystem. The purpose of this work is to explore contemporary consultant’s experiences related to the digitalization of their client organizations. Which major factors, in their experience, increase the success rate of digitalization or digital transformation projects, and which factors form the greatest risks? In order to answer the research questions and thereby fulfill the purpose, a case study was performed, where eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with consultants from two firms. A thematic analysis was conducted, and the results were presented in the more general topics Perspectives on change, Change management, User involvement, Digital maturity, and Cultural aspects. These adaptations made by organizations need to be aligned with the overarching goals and values they may hold. In order for such an investment to stand a chance of being successful, support is needed from all levels of the organization. Both through the willingness to adapt, and suitability of the proposed investment. In order to provide support is through proper change management, with a specific focus on the human side of the planned change. If the implemented system or process is not being used, or not utilized as intended, the generated improvement will be less than expected. The digital strategy was argued to be of less use to the organization the less connected it was to the general strategic perspectives. The digital aspects described in such a document must be incorporated in the identity and culture of the organization to remain useful, they need to become part of their DNA.

Digitalisering- En studie i hur en digitaliseringspolicy färdas samt hur den tolkas och översätts i praktiken

Heidlund, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Anledningar till att digitalisera en verksamhet eller organisation är många. Barcevičius et al., (2019) har visat i att det inom offentlig sektor handlar om att motivera digitalisering genom bland annat kostnadsbesparingar, kostnadseffektiviseringar och effektiva tjänsteleveranser. Nu börjar en del aktörer och forskare argumentera för varför välfärden ska digitaliseras, där ett av de mest drivande argumenten är den framtida demografiska utmaningen. Studier som (Sundberg, 2019a) visar att använda digitalisering inte enbart resulterar i fördelar, i vissa fall ifrågasätts inte digitaliseringen utan den antas vara något som en organisation behöver anpassa sig till. Det här arbetet har använt sig av tidigare forskning inom området “policy enactment” för att dels (i) kritiskt granska olika digitaliseringspolicies kopplade till välfärden samt genom (ii) två studier av hur dessa kan förstås ur ett praktiker-perspektiv. En kvantitativ datainsamling bland vård- och omsorgsaktörer som ses som generella praktiker samt en djupdykning i specifika praktiker genom en kvalitativ datainsamling av två kommuner. Resultaten visar att praktiker prioriterar att erbjuda bättre service till sina patienter och medborgare och att “grand narratives” som ”att vara bäst i världen” inte upplevs som att ge något mervärde i praktiken. Samtidigt är praktiker medvetna om den demografiska utmaningen som Sverige står inför men varje praktiker tolkar utmaningen på olika sätt utifrån sin mer lokala kontext och efterfrågar lösningar baserat på hur de tolkat problemet. Den här uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att det finns flera drivande faktorer till att digitalisera välfärden och offentlig sektor men det är inte nödvändigtvis de faktorer som motiveras i digitaliseringspoliciesen. Det visade sig även att en storstadskommun kan dra lärdomar från en landsbygdskommun och vise versa.

Brain of Materials - die Plattform für Designer, Entwickler und Materialhersteller

Schlegelmilch, Hans Peter 07 September 2021 (has links)
Brain of Materials ist eine Plattform für innovative und smarte Materialien, die Designern, Entwicklern und Ingenieuren diverser Branchen dabei hilft, ihre Produktentstehungsprozesse zu optimieren und zu beschleunigen.

Konsultens perspektiv på digital mognad : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om innebörden av digital mognad och dess betydelse för konsultens arbete / A consultant´s perspective on digital maturity : A qualitative interview study of the implication of digital maturity and its significance for the consultant´s work

Öholm, Wilma, Cedlöf, Tilda January 2021 (has links)
Background: Adapting to digital environments and utilizing the benefits that digitalization brings is becoming increasingly important and crucial for the survival of firms in a market that is constantly changing and characterized by digitalization. Firms need to undergo necessary changes in order to successfully adapt their firm to a digital environment and therefore increase their digital maturity. At the same time, it is becoming more common for consultants to be employed by firms to drive their digital transformation.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how consultants within the IT industry work define digital maturity and what consultants experience is important to work with within digital maturity to drive digital transformation. The study intends to answer the following research questions; ●      What does digital maturity signify for a consultant within the IT industry? ●      What aspects of digital maturity does a consultant within the IT industry experience are the most important to work with within a firm?   Methodology: To answer the purpose of the study and the related research questions, a qualitative interview study with an abductive approach was conducted. A reference model has been used which forms the basis for the study's theoretical frame of reference, interview guide and thematic analysis. The empirical data has been obtained through semi-structured interviews and has been analyzed using a thematic method. The respondents are senior consultants who work at different consulting firms in the IT industry and who have at least 10 years of experience in projects regarding digital transformation and/or digital maturity and at least five years of experience in the consulting profession. This study has adopted an interpretivist philosophy in order to understand contextual factors within the studied subject.   Conclusion: The most important aspects of digital maturity from a consultant’s perspective are; capacity for change, external analysis, digital strategy, leadership and governance, and organizational culture. The aspects that have been identified as less important are; digital competence and IT use. This study has therefore contributed to how consultants can work with digital maturity and digital transformation and has also created a classification of the phenomenon that can help both firms and consultants to understand which aspects of digital maturity are more important to prioritize in a digital transformation than others.   Keywords: digital maturity, digital transformation, digitalization, digital strategy, leadership, organizational culture, digital competence

Modelo de planeamiento estratégico para el incremento de la rentabilidad de una Pyme de outsourcing de Recursos Humanos a través del uso de la transformación digital / Strategic Planning Model to Increase the Profitability of an HR Outsourcing SME through Digital Transformation

Bautista González, Andrea Paola, León Díaz, Adriana Jackelin 15 October 2020 (has links)
El mercado de outsourcing de Recursos Humanos en el Perú se encuentra en crecimiento. Sin embargo, está dominado por grandes empresas del rubro, lo que impide el desarrollo de nuevas organizaciones o PYMES. Estas últimas a pesar de brindar los mismos servicios no logran alcanzar el volumen de ventas esperado obteniendo como consecuencia la baja rentabilidad. El presente documento analiza los diferentes factores que impiden el crecimiento de una Pyme mediante un análisis de Ishikawa e indicadores iniciales. Asimismo, propone un modelo basado en los tres pilares de la transformación digital y la importancia del alineamiento de ellas en su implementación. Se ha realizado un piloto del modelo en una Pyme de outsourcing de Recursos Humanos para su validación. Como resultado de la investigación se obtiene una incrementación de rentabilidad y capacidad de la empresa. / The Human Resources (HR) outsourcing market in Peru is growing; however, it is dominated by large companies in this area, which prevents the development of new organizations or small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The latter, in spite of providing the same services, fail to reach the expected sales volume, thus reporting low profitability. This article analyzes the different factors that impede the growth of SMEs through a fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram and the assessment of initial indicators. It also proposes a model that is based on the three pillars of Digital Transformation and the importance of their alignment in its implementation. A pilot model has been conducted for validation in an SME that provides HR outsourcing services. The research results denote an increase in the company’s profitability and capacity. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

AI IMPLEMENTATION AND USAGE : A qualitative study of managerial challenges in implementation and use of AI solutions from the researchers’ perspective.

Umurerwa, Janviere, Lesjak, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are developing rapidly and cause radical changes in organizations, companies, society, and individual levels. Managers are facing new challenges that they might not be prepared for. In this work, we seek to explore managerial challenges experienced while implementing and using AI technologies from the researchers’ perspective. Moreover, we explore how appropriate ethical deliberations should be applied when using big data concerning AI and the meaning of understanding or defining it. We describe qualitative research, the triangulation that includes related literature, in-depth interviews with researchers working on related topics from various fields, and a focus group discussion. Our findings show that AI algorithms are not universal, objective, or neutral and therefore researchers believe, it requires managers to have a solid understanding of the complexity of AI technologies and the nature of big data. Those are necessary to develop sufficient purchase capabilities and apply appropriate ethical considerations. Based on our results, we believe researchers are aware that those issues should be handled, but so far have too little attention. Therefore, we suggest further discussion and encourage research in this field.

Lean and Industry 4.0 - Synergies and Challenges

Rhawi, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of two significant concepts withinthe manufacturing industry. Namely, the widely popular Lean production and the arising Industry 4.0. The lack of a common framework concerning their relationship requires further exploration, as stated by several researchers. For companies to stay competitive within a changing market it is of importance to adapt to new technologies, indicating that the understanding of this relationship is essential, as Lean production is extensively used in industries today. To increase the understanding of the concepts and their relationship three research questions were formulated, as followed: RQ 1: How can Industry 4.0 support Lean production? RQ 2: How can Lean production support the implementation of industry 4.0? RQ 3: What are the challenges of implementing Industry 4.0 in Lean production? The study was conducted using qualitative research methods such as the narrative literature review and thematic analysis, allowing for the identification of themes and structuring of the study in a narrative approach. Second-hand data was collected through academic databases using search terms highly relevant to the research questions. The theoretical framework of the study provides a foundation for the understanding of the concepts. Whereas the results are centered around the relationship of Industry 4.0 and Lean production with themes relevant to the research questions and subthemes to follow. The analysis highlights important aspects of the results in relation to the theoretical framework, while also discovering insights connecting the research questions together. The conclusion presents aspects of how Industry 4.0 technologies can support Lean production through factors such as increased continuous improvement, support of people, improved JIT, Kanban, maintenance and communications. Where the general benefits will be productivity, quality and speed of introducing new products, adapting to high variability of market demand. Furthermore, describing how Lean production can support the implementation of Industry 4.0, as the degree of Lean maturity directly influences the efficiency of Industry 4.0 implementation. The employment of Lean principles such as continuous improvement, focus on people and standardization can result in a more effective implementation and utilization of Industry 4.0. Challenges of implementing Industry 4.0 in Lean production such as the risk of counterproductive implementation because of the lack of common framework, limitations of certain Lean practices, Lean professionals and ICT professionals limited knowledge of eachother's fields and the understanding of how to apply Industry 4.0 based on lean principles. Lastly, recommendations are offered for companies aspiring to implement Industry 4.0, as they should evaluate their current level of Lean maturity in order to understand when it is most efficient to incorporate the new technologies. Companies seeking to aid their Lean objectives should concentrate on technologies such as IoT and CPS as they seem to have the most positive impact on Lean. In addition, recommending further research regarding the relationship of Industry 4.0 readiness and Lean maturity, exploring which degree of Lean maturity to efficiently integrate and utilize certain Industry 4.0 technologies and when to implement certain Industry 4.0 technologies to aid the advancement of Lean maturity.

Genèse instrumentale des technologies numériques dans les activités des préfets / Instrumental Genesis of Digital Technologies in Prefects' Activities

Teisseire, Denis 28 June 2019 (has links)
Les préfets auront pour les prochaines années à poursuivre leur action au sein d’une société française inscrite dans la dynamique planétaire d’un « processus d’appropriation d’une innovation disruptive » et « oblige les utilisateurs à rompre avec leurs manières de faire et de penser antérieures ».Comment ce « personnage » assume ce changement est la question inductrice de cette recherche. Il y-a-t-il transformation, transition, évolution ou évitement ?En ayant recours à la Sémiotique des Transactions Coopératives (STC) sont identifiés dans les narrations recueillies les indices d’une appropriation de cette transition numérique, à travers : - ses impacts cognitivo émotionnels ; - la description des conditions et du contexte d’usage des objets devenus instruments ; - la technique gestionnaire déployée pour réguler la mise en tension sur son bassin de vie.Les principaux apports mettent en évidence : - un nouveau rapport du préfet à la technologie ; - un engagement vis-à-vis de l’innovation en tant qu’appui ou facilitation des initiatives émergentes, plus difficilement en tant que porteur de projet ; - un projet de république numérique qui reste flou, mais qui redistribue le lien social et les modalités d’organisation de l’action collective. / The prefects will have for the next years to continue their action within a French company inscribed in the global dynamics of a "process of appropriation of a disruptive innovation" and "forces the users to break with their ways of doing and to think earlier ".How this "character" assumes this change is the inductive question of this research. Is there transformation, transition, evolution or avoidance?Using the Semiotics of Cooperative Transactions (STC) are identified in the narrations collected the clues of an appropriation of this digital transition, through : - its cognitive and emotional impacts ; - the description of the conditions and the context of use of objects that became instruments; - the managerial technique deployed to regulate the tensioning in his living area.The main contributions highlight : - a new report from the prefect to technology ; - a commitment to innovation as a support or facilitation of emerging initiatives, more difficult as a project leader ; - a draft of a digital republic that remains unclear, but which redistributes the social link and the organizational methods of collective action.

Digitale Reife von KMU und Familienunternehmen: Online-Medien in interner Kommunikation und Informationsmanagement

Döppler, Peter 29 January 2018 (has links)
Online-Kommunikation ist ein allgegenwärtiges Phänomen unseres digitalen Zeitalters. Soziale Netzwerke, Messenger-Programme und ähnliche Dienstleistungen begleiten uns alle im Alltag und werden von jungen Generationen als selbstverständlich hin- und in Anspruch genommen. Der Einzug der Moderne in kommunikative Abläufe sollte auch vor inner- und außerbetrieblichen Abläufen in Unternehmen nicht haltmachen. 2006 entwickelte McAfee sein Konzept ‚Enterprise 2.0‘. Darin beschreibt er den Einsatz von Web 2.0-Technologien in Betrieben. Seitdem versuchen Firmen sich diesem Idealbild anzunähern. Zur menschlichen Kommunikation gesellt sich zwischenzeitlich, neben Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, auch der intermaschinelle Informationsaustausch. ‚Internet der Dinge‘ und ‚Industrie 4.0‘ dominieren in Deutschland den Sprachgebrauch, wenn es um wirtschaftliche Belange geht. Besonders die produzierende deutsche Unternehmenslandschaft setzt große Hoffnung in den Einsatz und die Integration modernster Web-Technologien in ihre Logistik- und Produktionsprozesse. Das um den Menschen zentrierte Konzept von ‚Enterprise 2.0‘ scheint in den Hintergrund zu treten. Etwa Mitte 2014 tauchte ein neuer Begriff in den Suchmaschinenanfragen im Internet auf: ‚Digitale Transformation‘. Er scheint als Klammer zwischen allen oder zumindest vielen Konzepten rund um Web 2.0-Technologien und Sozialen Medien und deren Einsatz im Wirtschaftsleben zu fungieren. Darin eingebunden ist neben der technologischen, auch die kulturelle Komponente, die mit dem Einsatz solcher Werkzeuge einhergeht: Generationenwandel, Führungskonzepte, Technologien, Geschäftsmodellveränderungen. Diese als ‚disruptive Veränderungen‘ wahrgenommenen Ereignisse scheinen in nicht unerheblichem Maße unsere Diskussionen, privat und beruflich, stark zu beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragestellungen wie sich die Kommunikation und das Informationsmanagement in Unternehmen verändert sowie mit den digitalen Kenntnissen von Mitarbeitern im Umgang mit Online-Medien. Erst in den letzten beiden Jahren (2015 und 2016) werden vermehrt Studien und Veröffentlichungen publiziert, die sich mit diesen Themen beschäftigen. Wenn man einen genaueren Blick darauf wirft, dann muss aber festgestellt werden, dass es sich oftmals um Großunternehmen und Konzerne handelt, die als Beispiele genannt werden, z. B. Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, Axel Springer SE, Continental AG. Der für Deutschland wichtige Unter- und Mittelbau aus kleinen und mittelständischen (KMU) sowie Familienunternehmen scheint zu fehlen. Das ist der Grund, weshalb der Fokus dieser Dissertation auf der Beschäftigung mit den vorgenannten Veränderungen in Unternehmen aus diesen Bereichen liegt. Um ein schärferes Bild der Veränderungen hinsichtlich Kommunikation und Informationsmanagement in Unternehmen zu bekommen, wurde das Thema vom Autor mit einer explorativen Herangehensweise bearbeitet. Er führte eine quantitative Studie mit Auszubildenden und Studenten der Duale Hochschule (n = 438) durch, um deren Kommunikationsverhalten sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen Umfeld zu ermitteln. In einem zweiten Forschungsschritt fand eine ethnographische Feldbeobachtung in einem Familienunternehmen statt. Diese wurde mittels des Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes durchgeführt. Neben der Beobachtung erfolgte hier ebenfalls eine quantitative Studie mittels Fragebogenerhebung (n = 189). Die Dissertation liefert als Ergebnis einen Einblick in die ‚digitale Reife‘ von Unternehmen, die weder in ihrer Struktur, noch der Größe oder der Kapitalausstattung an oben genannte, medienpräsente Unternehmen heranreichen, aber zu denen gehören, die über 99 % der Unternehmen stellen und 60 % der Menschen in Deutschland beschäftigen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis i Abkürzungsverzeichnis iii Abbildungsverzeichnis v Tabellenverzeichnis viii Anlagenverzeichnis ix 1 Einleitung – Zielsetzung und Aufbau der Arbeit 1 2 Begriffliche Einordnung 8 2.1 Kommunikation im Unternehmenskontext 8 2.1.1 Grundsätzliches zur Unternehmenskommunikation 8 2.1.2 Interne Kommunikation 12 2.1.3 Enterprise 2.0 15 2.1.4 Externe Kommunikation 19 2.1.5 Online-Kommunikation als modernisierendes Element 21 2.2 Informationsmanagement 26 2.3 Unternehmen und ihre Abgrenzung untereinander 28 2.3.1 KMU vs. Großunternehmen 29 2.3.2 Sonderfall ‚Familienunternehmen‘ 31 2.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 2 und Festlegungen 32 3 Web-2.0 Technologien im Unternehmenseinsatz 34 3.1 Technische und soziale Anforderungen an die Organisation 34 3.2 Digitalisierungsstrategien 38 3.2.1 Industrie 4.0 und das Internet der Dinge 38 3.2.2 Digitale Transformation 44 3.3 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 3 und Festlegungen 46 4 Übernahme und Integration von Technologie und Verhaltensweisen 49 4.1 Organisationsforschung 49 4.1.1 Historische Entwicklung von Organisationstheorien 50 4.1.2 Handlungsfelder in Organisationen 54 4.2 Diffusionstheorie 58 4.3 Reifegradmodelle 63 4.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 4 und Festlegungen 66 5 Forschungsfragen der Dissertation 69 5.1 Forschungsfrage 1 ‚Wandel von Kommunikation und Information‘ 69 5.2 Forschungsfrage 2 ‚Digitale Kenntnisse der Unternehmensmitarbeiter im Einsatz von Online-Medien‘ 71 6 Untersuchungsmethodik der Dissertation 73 6.1 Entwicklung des Forschungsdesigns 73 6.2 Forschungsteil 1: Analyse aktuell eingesetzter Web 2.0-Technologien 75 6.3 Forschungsteil 2: Feldexperiment in einer realen betrieblichen Umgebung 89 6.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 6 und Festlegungen 103 7 Ergebnisdarstellung 107 7.1 Ergebnisse von Forschungsteil 1 109 7.2 Ergebnisse von Forschungsteil 2 136 8 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 175 8.1 Wie verändern sich Kommunikation und Information? 176 8.2 Sind neue Mitarbeiter notwendig, um Online-Medien einsetzen zu können? 187 8.3 Diskussion der Ergebnisse vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund 196 8.4 Potenzielle Fehler- und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten 207 8.5 Zusammenfassung – Forschungsfragen 209 9 Ausblick 212 Literaturverzeichnis 217 Internetverweise 232 Anlageverzeichnis 233 / Online communication is a ubiquitous phenomenon of our digital age. Often used by young generations as a matter of course, Social Networks, Messenger Programs and similar services accompany us all in everyday life. The advent of modernity in communicative processes should also not preclude the internal and external procedures in companies. In 2006, McAfee developed his concept ‘Enterprise 2.0’. He describes the use of Web 2.0 technologies within companies. Since then, many of them have been trying to approach this ideal. In addition to human communication, we see humanmachine communication and intermachine information exchange. When it comes to economic concerns, 'Internet of Things' and 'Industry 4.0’ dominate the language usage in Germany. The German business landscape in particular places great hopes on the usage and integration of state-of-the-art web technologies in their logistics and production processes. The concept of 'Enterprise 2.0', which is centered on the human being, seems to be set into the background. Around mid-2014, a new term emerged in the web search engines: 'digital transformation'. It seems to be a link between all or at least many concepts about Web 2.0 technologies and social media and their use in business life. In addition to the technological and cultural component involved in the use of such tools, this includes change of generations, management concepts, technologies, business model changes. These events, perceived as 'disruptive changes', seem to have a considerable influence on our discussions, both private and professional. This thesis deals with the questions on how communication and information management in companies are changing as well as with the digital knowledge of employees working with online media. It is only in the last two years (2015 and 2016) that more and more studies and publications regarding these topics have been published. If you take a closer look, these are often done with and about large companies and corporations, e.g. Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG, Axel Springer SE, Continental AG. The smaller and midsized companies, the so-called ‘German Mittelstand’, which are important for Germany, seems to be missing. Because of this, the focus of this dissertation is on the abovementioned changes in companies out of this spectrum. In order to get a clearer picture of the changes in communication and information management in enterprises, the author has dealt with an exploratory approach. He conducted a quantitative study with trainees and dual university students (n = 438) to determine their communication behavior both in their private and their professional environment. In a second research step, an ethnographic field observation took place in a family enterprise. He has done this using the mixed-method approach. In addition to the observation, a quantitative study was carried out using a questionnaire survey (n = 189). The result of the dissertation provides an insight into the 'digital maturity' of companies that do not reach the above-mentioned companies represented in the media, neither in their structure nor their size or capital but which belong to more than 99 % of all the German companies that employ approximately 60 % of all working people.:Inhaltsverzeichnis i Abkürzungsverzeichnis iii Abbildungsverzeichnis v Tabellenverzeichnis viii Anlagenverzeichnis ix 1 Einleitung – Zielsetzung und Aufbau der Arbeit 1 2 Begriffliche Einordnung 8 2.1 Kommunikation im Unternehmenskontext 8 2.1.1 Grundsätzliches zur Unternehmenskommunikation 8 2.1.2 Interne Kommunikation 12 2.1.3 Enterprise 2.0 15 2.1.4 Externe Kommunikation 19 2.1.5 Online-Kommunikation als modernisierendes Element 21 2.2 Informationsmanagement 26 2.3 Unternehmen und ihre Abgrenzung untereinander 28 2.3.1 KMU vs. Großunternehmen 29 2.3.2 Sonderfall ‚Familienunternehmen‘ 31 2.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 2 und Festlegungen 32 3 Web-2.0 Technologien im Unternehmenseinsatz 34 3.1 Technische und soziale Anforderungen an die Organisation 34 3.2 Digitalisierungsstrategien 38 3.2.1 Industrie 4.0 und das Internet der Dinge 38 3.2.2 Digitale Transformation 44 3.3 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 3 und Festlegungen 46 4 Übernahme und Integration von Technologie und Verhaltensweisen 49 4.1 Organisationsforschung 49 4.1.1 Historische Entwicklung von Organisationstheorien 50 4.1.2 Handlungsfelder in Organisationen 54 4.2 Diffusionstheorie 58 4.3 Reifegradmodelle 63 4.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 4 und Festlegungen 66 5 Forschungsfragen der Dissertation 69 5.1 Forschungsfrage 1 ‚Wandel von Kommunikation und Information‘ 69 5.2 Forschungsfrage 2 ‚Digitale Kenntnisse der Unternehmensmitarbeiter im Einsatz von Online-Medien‘ 71 6 Untersuchungsmethodik der Dissertation 73 6.1 Entwicklung des Forschungsdesigns 73 6.2 Forschungsteil 1: Analyse aktuell eingesetzter Web 2.0-Technologien 75 6.3 Forschungsteil 2: Feldexperiment in einer realen betrieblichen Umgebung 89 6.4 Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 6 und Festlegungen 103 7 Ergebnisdarstellung 107 7.1 Ergebnisse von Forschungsteil 1 109 7.2 Ergebnisse von Forschungsteil 2 136 8 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 175 8.1 Wie verändern sich Kommunikation und Information? 176 8.2 Sind neue Mitarbeiter notwendig, um Online-Medien einsetzen zu können? 187 8.3 Diskussion der Ergebnisse vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund 196 8.4 Potenzielle Fehler- und Optimierungsmöglichkeiten 207 8.5 Zusammenfassung – Forschungsfragen 209 9 Ausblick 212 Literaturverzeichnis 217 Internetverweise 232 Anlageverzeichnis 233

(International) top managers – Strategic implications for innovativeness, risk and digital transformation

Wrede, Michaela 16 December 2020 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation investigates the role and implications of top managers in firms. By building on two influential contemporary phenomena – internationalization and digitalization – and by examining top managers from a multitude of conceptional and methodological angles, the dissertation provides novel insights to upper echelons research. The first study examines the association between top management team (TMT) internationalization and firm innovativeness and argues that the accumulation of international knowledge and resources in the TMT benefits firm innovativeness. The second study analyzes the association between CEO internationalization and firms’ strategic risk-taking, paying particular attention to various governance mechanisms that may influence this relationship. The third study explores the role and facilitating actions of top managers in response to the digital transformation. Overall, this dissertation contributes toward a more fine-grained understanding of top managers and their individual characteristics. Given the contemporary relevance of the topics under consideration, the presented findings are of significant value for both theorists and practitioners.:Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Scope of the dissertation and research gaps 1.2 Theoretical foundation 1.3 Empirical foundation 1.4 Research purpose and scientific contribution Chapter 2: Research article 1 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theory and hypotheses 2.3 Methodology 2.4 Results 2.5 Discussion and conclusions 2.6 Limitations and future research Chapter 3: Research article 2 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theory and hypotheses 3.3 Methodology 3.4 Results 3.5 Discussion and conclusion 3.6 Limitations and future research Chapter 4: Research article 3 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theoretical background 4.3 Data and method 4.4 Findings 4.5 Discussion References

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