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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts of Digital Transformation on Barriers to Knowledge Transfer – A Case Study on Ernst & Young in a Covid-19 Setting

Karhukorpi, Henry, Cirhinlioglu, Burak January 2022 (has links)
In brief, the motivation for conducting this study has been the societal changes brought upon the Covid-19 pandemic from a socio-economic perspective. The outbreak of the pandemic has resulted in that companies faced major organizational challenges to adapt to the virtual working setting in terms of communicating and transferring knowledge. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms that adopt new technologies for communication (e.g. Microsoft Teams or Zoom) and adapt to virtual working settings are positively or negatively affected in terms of barriers to knowledge transfer. Thus, the focus of has been on finding potential benefits and/or drawbacks of transferring knowledge in a virtual setting. The following research question has been answered to cover this: How is digital transformation, in terms of increased adoption of novel communication technologies driven by Covid-19, affecting barriers to knowledge transfer in an intra-unit setting in multinational corporations (MNCs)? In order to study this, the authors conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with participants from one department at Ernst & Young (EY). The empirical data have been analyzed with a conceptual framework that the authors have developed themselves. Based on the exploratory investigation, the authors draw the conclusion that knowledge-related barriers have decreased due to the increased adoption of novel technologies, while relational barriers have increased overall. Yet, we suggest that the relational barriers could be further mitigated, by incorporating an approach similar to EY’s hybrid model into the firm’s organizational routine.

Digitalization of the customer experience in banking Use of AI and SSTs in complex/sensitive tasks: pre-collection

Karahanli, Naz Gizem, Touma, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
The digital revolution is changing the banking industry, and how banks create value and deliver services to their customers. Customer experience becomes the main pillar of digitally transformed banks through self-service technologies (SSTs) and the use of artificial intelligence (AI); the research focus of this study is to explore the impact of those modern technologies when dealing with sensitive information and emotional encounters in the banking sector. A case study method has been used with an in-depth investigation consisting of both internal and external interviews for Valhalla Bank in Sweden. External interview results presented the debtor’s perspective by laying out the main challenges faced during the repayment process. The study concluded by answering the main research questions and suggesting practical implications for financial institutions. Banks should proactively seek both explicit and latent needs of different customer segments; any customer interaction data has the potential to become the source of optimizing call scheduling, script customization, or customer experience evaluation. Customers expect flexibility to choose between human interaction and self-service technologies. Sensitive topics can be dealt with digital tools when they can provide advanced functionality with maturity to establish trust and security. Lastly, even though the technology is perceived as cold with a lack of empathy, customers are ready to experiment as they are not comfortable nor satisfied with the current interactions. Regardless of the state of the digital journey of a financial institution, customers should be well-informed about technologies while banks prioritize ethical controls to provide transparent relationships in which any type of customer can feel valued. / Den digitala revolutionen förändrar banksektorn och hur banker skapar värde och levererar tjänster till sina kunder. Kundupplevelse blir huvudpelaren för digitalt transformerade banker genom självbetjäning tekniker (SST) och användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI). Forskningsfokus för denna studie är att undersöka effekterna av den moderna tekniken när man hanterar känslig information och känslomässiga möten inom banksektorn. En fallstudiemetod har använts med en djupgående undersökning bestående av både interna och externa intervjuer för Valhalla Bank i Sverige. Externa intervjuresultat presenterade gäldenärens perspektiv genom att redogöra för de största utmaningarna under återbetalning processen. E-bank kanaler och lösningar har dominerat kundernas preferenser med en hoppfull syn på att bygga upp förtroende för relativt ny teknik. Studien avslutades med att besvara de viktigaste forskningsfrågorna och föreslå praktiska konsekvenser för finansinstituten. Banker bör proaktivt söka både tydliga och latenta behov för olika kundsegment, samtidigt som deras mest värdefulla tillgång är kundernas digitala fotavtryck. Alla kundinteraktion data har potential att bli källan till att optimera samtals planering, anpassning av skript eller utvärdering av kundupplevelse. Kunder förväntar sig flexibilitet och frihet att välja mellan mänsklig interaktion och självbetjänings teknik. Känsliga ämnen kan hanteras med digitala verktyg när de kan ge avancerad funktionalitet med mognad för att skapa förtroende och säkerhet. Slutligen, även om tekniken upplevs som ”kall” med brist på empati och känslor, särskilt när det gäller komplexa och känsliga uppgifter som skuldfrågor, är kunderna redo att experimentera eftersom de inte är bekväma eller nöjda med de nuvarande mänskliga interaktionerna. Oavsett tillståndet för en finansiell instituts digitala resa bör kunderna vara välinformerade om ny teknik medan bankerna prioriterar etisk kontroll med detaljerade handlingsplaner för att ge en nära och transparent relation där alla typer av kunder kan känna sig värderade och förstådda.

Catalysts of Change : How FinTech is Facilitating International Expansion of European SMEs

Cubells Pastor, Gerard, Gashi, Ardit January 2024 (has links)
In an era of increasing globalization and rapid technological evolution, SMEs are leveraging innovations to navigate complexities and seize opportunities in global markets. Various firms have adopted innovative technologies in their operations, with FinTech breakthroughs being a particularly interesting area for companies to explore. This qualitative study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how FinTech is reshaping pathways for SMEs to expand internationally beyond their domestic markets and seeks to explore the specific FinTech solutions facilitating this expansion. Utilizing a combination of methodological tools, including semi-structured interviews with key business players, real-life case studies, analysis of previous scientific research, and thematic exploration, the study employs an abductive research approach to gather comprehensive data and contribute significantly to the topic in question. The findings reveal that FinTech products and services significantly influence European SMEs, facilitating cross-border operations, improving access to foreign markets, and managing the risks of international business. Essential FinTech services identified include digital payments, online lending, cash flow management tools, and online billing and invoicing tools. The research also highlights that for certain underserved regions in Europe, FinTech solutions often represent the only viable option for international operations. Tech-driven SMEs and younger entrepreneurs are the most frequent consumers of FinTech technologies. While the future of FinTech is uncertain, its current importance in the SME landscape is clear, influencing both its continued relevance and potential for further evolution. Through this in-depth investigation, the thesis emphasizes FinTech’s transformative role in helping SMEs thrive in the international arena, making it a key aspect of the international business plans of SMEs.

Survive and Thrive in the Digital Age: : A Growth Study of Digital Transformation in Japan's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Tavos, Farid January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the digital transformation landscape for Japanese SMEs (Small Medium-size Enterprises) in 2023 and the challenges faced in digitalization. Key obstacles faced in adopting digital technologies include limited digital literacy, budgetary constraints, and a risk-averse culture, which hinder widespread digitalization among SMEs. Despite these challenges, the study highlights the importance of digital transformation for sustainable growth and competitiveness. The study emphasizes the value of enhancing digital skills, addressing industry-specific challenges, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing data security and privacy. Recommendations include investing in employee training, improving access to financing, developing industry-specific strategies, facilitating collaboration and ecosystem development, promoting customer-centric approaches, and evaluating digital strategies regularly. By implementing these recommendations, Japanese SMEs can enhance their innovation, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Collaboration among governments, industry associations, universities, and SMEs is essential to create an environment conducive to digital transformation. / Denna studie undersöker det digitala transformationslandskapet för japanska små och medelstora företag år 2023 och de utmaningar som digitaliseringen står inför. Viktiga hinder för att ta till sig digital teknik inkluderar begränsad digital kompetens, budgetrestriktioner och en riskvillig kultur, vilket hindrar en utbredd digitalisering bland små och medelstora företag. Trots dessa utmaningar belyser studien vikten av digital transformation för hållbar tillväxt och konkurrenskraft. Studien betonar värdet av att förbättra digital kompetens, ta itu med branschspecifika utmaningar, främja samarbete och prioritera datasäkerhet och integritet. Rekommendationer inkluderar att investera i personalutbildning, förbättra tillgången till finansiering, utveckla branschspecifika strategier, underlätta samarbete och ekosystemutveckling, främja kundcentrerade tillvägagångssätt och utvärdera digitala strategier regelbundet. Genom att implementera dessa rekommendationer kan japanska små och medelstora företag förbättra sin innovation, produktivitet och kundnöjdhet. Samarbeten mellan regeringar, branschorganisationer, universitet och små och medelstora företag är avgörande för att skapa en miljö som främjar digital transformation.

Navigating the Cloud Challenges and Strategies in Digital Transformation within the Swedish Banking Sector

Shami, Yasir Imtiaz January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish banking industry is facing major competition from Financial Technology(FinTech) firms. FinTech firms are leading in the adoption of leading tools and technologies to offer aunique and innovative solution to customers. On the other hand, major Swedish banks are facingchallenges when it comes to the adoption of modern technologies. Cloud computing emerged as a coretechnology that most Swedish banks adopted to compete in the market by offering innovation solutions.However, the adoption of cloud computing presents complex challenges. This study investigates thechallenges faced by the Swedish banking sector in adopting cloud computing solutions and explores thedigital business strategies implemented to address these challenges. This study aims to investigate and analyze the strategies implemented by Swedish banks toovercome challenges associated with the adoption of cloud computing technologies. By examiningfactors influencing cloud adoption, including technological, organizational, and environmental aspects,the study seeks to provide insights into digital business strategies within the Swedish banking sector. The study employed a combination of questionnaires and interviews to collect the data,utilizing a mixed-methods approach that encompasses both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Thequantitative analysis was conducted using the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), which quantifies expertopinions on cloud adoption challenges. The qualitative analysis was performed using thematic analysis,which explores the digital business strategies employed by banks to address technological,organizational, and environmental challenges. The findings indicate a consensus among Swedish banking experts on key cloudadoption challenges. Thematic analysis uncovers a diverse range of strategies tailored to addresstechnological, organizational, and environmental challenges, highlighting the complexity of digitaltransformation in the Swedish banking sector. The study concludes that Swedish banks face major challenges in cloud adoption,emphasizing the necessity for a robust digital business strategy to successfully overcome these obstacles.Diverse strategic approaches are observed, tailored to each bank's specific context and needs, indicatingthat there is no single strategy that universally applies to all.Recommendations for future research: To address the limitations of this study and enhance itsfindings, future research should focus on extending the timeframe and enlarging the sample size.Incorporating insights from external experts, including C-level executives, and diversifying the sampleby including a broader range of banks would provide deeper insights into cloud adoption challenges anddigital business strategies within the banking sector.

Digitalisering av avrapportering i produktion vid BAE Systems AB / Digital transformation of production monitoring at BAE Systems AB

Svensson, Robert January 2022 (has links)
BAE Systems Hägglunds in Ornsköldsvik is an engineering company that producesoff-road and combat vehicles for military and civilian purposes and sees a need fordigital transformation and streamlining of production in order to maintain contractualdelivery times and be an employer of the future. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate a way to facilitate and streamline theorder card handling of a laser machine at the manufacturing site in Örnsköldsvik,where the reporting of orders is expected to become a bottleneck in production.The company’s believe in the future importance of digital transformation also wasa significant factor leading to the current work. As of today, order card handling in production is performed manually with physicaldocuments and drawings that follow through the production lines, from article toarticle, from cut-out raw material to finished detail. In this work, a concept hasbeen created, which simplifies the documentation of the production. The final concept meets the requirement for simpler reporting by (1) using a QuickResponse (QR) code and (2) by inserting an image of the article produced on theproduction card, thereby providing an overview of the articles that are simultaneouslycut in the laser machine. The QR-code is linked to additional reporting in thebusiness system for each work center, which, thus, constitutes a first step towardsdigital order cards in production. / BAE Systems AB i Örnsköldsvik är ett verkstadsföretag som producerar terräng och stridsfordon för militära och civila ändamål och ser behov av digitalisering och effektivisering av produktionen för att bättre hålla avtalsbunda leveranstider och vara en arbetsgivare för framtiden. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka ett sätt att underlätta och effektivisera orderkortshanteringen för en lasermaskin på tillverkningscite i Örnsköldsvik, där avrapporteringen av order väntas bli en flaskhals i produktionen. Företagets tro på digitalisering är även den en betydande faktor för examensarbetets uppkomst. Orderkortshanteringen i produktionen sker idag manuellt med fysiska dokument och ritningar som följer med genom produktionslinorna, från artikeln till artikel, från utskuret råmaterial till färdig detalj. Genom en strukturerad processutveckling, där beprövade metoder har använts för att identifiera krav och generera utkast, har ett koncept skapats för en förenkling av produktionsdokumentationen. Det slutliga konceptet uppfyller kravet om enklare avrapportering genom en Quick Response (QR) kod, och ger en snabb överblick över artiklarna som skärs i lasermaskinen samtidigt genom att visa en bild på en färdig artikel på produktionskortet. QR-koden är kopplad till avrapportering i affärssystemet för varje workcenter, vilket är ett första steg mot digitalisering av orderkorten i produktionen.

What’s in the Alphabet Soup? Disentangling Top Management Team Roles Related to Digital Transformation

Blau, Larissa, Kimmig, Ruben January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

餐飲業之數位轉型與服務創新策略之研究: 以W個案公司為例 / The research on the digital transformation and service innovation strategy of the catering industry: take W case study company as an example

鄭榮輝, Cheng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
國內的餐飲業發展迅速、日新月異,各種風味特色、各種經營方式、各種組織結構的餐飲業星羅密佈。國內擁有博大精深的飲食文化和市場基礎,因此餐飲業就成了最為活躍而且最完全競爭的產業。目前,越來越多的餐飲業正在朝向著規模化的方向發展,跨地區發展的連鎖餐飲企業集團逐漸佔據主導的地位。隨著業務的迅速發展,規模龐大的連鎖餐飲業不斷地面臨了管理分支機構所帶來的經營成本、涵蓋範圍、標準化生產和服務管理等方面的巨大壓力。因此,連鎖餐飲業迫切需要一種異地安全互聯的經營管理方案,上傳財務資料,而且要將辦公資料和財務資料分離開來,並設法降低管理費用。同時,面對餐飲產業管理效率低落、決策欠缺系統化,以及供應鏈最佳化的問題、對外部市場的快速反應問題等,需要建立可以搭載IT (Information Technology) 系統的數位化系統,加強內部資訊的共享性、時效性、透明度,深化企業的內部管理,提升管理效率,從而最大程度地達到內部和外部資源的最佳利用,不斷地提升市場競爭力。 本研究在回顧國內連鎖餐飲業的發展現況和所存在的問題,以及數位轉型與服務創新在連鎖餐飲業的應用現狀之基礎上,分析了連鎖餐飲業價值鏈的架構和特色,闡明了國內連鎖餐飲業發展數位轉型與服務創新策略的可行性和必要性,提出了適合國內連鎖餐飲業發展的數位轉型與服務創新模式,並設計出了個案連鎖餐飲企業發展數位策略的整體規劃和執行方案。最後,本研究在對個案連鎖餐飲公司做SWOT 分析的基礎上,重點研究了個案公司數位轉型與服務創新的應用情況,並給出了針對其缺點的改進建議。 / The catering trade industry of Taiwan is developing vigorously with new, special-flavored catering trade enterprises of varying operation modes and organization structures spreading all over the country. As Taiwan owns a profound and deep catering trade culture and market base, the catering trade industry has become the most competitive industry in Taiwan. More and more catering trade enterprises are developing in large scale. Cross territorial chain catering trade enterprises are gradually leading the market. With the rapid development of catering trade business, large-scaled chain catering trade enterprises are facing a huge amount of pressure of operating cost, covering range, standardized manufacturing and information security resulting from managing the branches. Thus, the chain catering trade enterprises are in urgent need of an operating management scheme of cross territorial and security inter-connected to upload financial data. Meanwhile, the scheme should also be able to separate the administrative data and finance data. Considering the catering trade industry is in a situation of low managing efficiency, unscientific decision-making, internal optimization of supply chain and agile response to the external market, it needs an digital system that is able to build on MIS to reinforce the sharing and efficiency of internal information, deepen the internal management, upgrade managing efficiency. In this way, the chain catering trade enterprises can make full use of internal and external resources so as to improve the market response. On the base of reviewing the present situation, problems and digital application status in Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises, this paper Analyzed the form and feature of the value chain of the chain catering trade industry, clarified the feasibility and need of applying digitalization in chain catering trade enterprises, put forward the digital modes that are suit for the chain catering trade enterprises of Taiwan, devised a whole program and implementation of applying digitalization for Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises. At last, on the basis of SWOT analysis analyze and study the case study company, this research mainly analyze the digital application of the case study company and put forward to the suggestions accordingly.

觀光服務業客戶關係管理之數位轉型: 深入探討旅館服務業 / The digital transformation of customer relationship management with the leisure segment in the hospitality industry: focus on accommodation services

狄海倫, Delay, Hélène Unknown Date (has links)
Hélène Delay The hospitality industry has been subject to enormous changes since the 2010’s with each actor trying to differentiate itself through innovation on architecture and design, comfort, services and especially on the overall traveling experience that is highly affected by technology. This research aims to show how the digital transformation affects the customer relationship management in the hospitality industry with a focus on accommodation services for the leisure segment. After giving a wide overview of the hospitality industry and the trends related to technology, the report will focus on hospitality groups, specialized in accommodation services, and the challenges brought by the digital transformation regarding the customer relationship management with the leisure segment. The analysis of multiple cases studies relying on second-hand data will lead this research to highlight the solutions adopted by hospitality groups to cope with the challenges on the customer relationship management with the leisure segment disrupted by the digital transformation. The digital transformation has brought many challenges: new consumption habits, tech-savvy customers, the rise of digital competitors and an entire new economy based on the sharing of services and commodities. In order to deal with these challenges, hospitality groups have deployed efficient solutions for e-reputation and data management, they have developed new services that are now highly-personalized and automated and offer a mobile and digital experience to customers looking for mobility, ease of use and efficiency. These challenges should not be considered as threats for hospitality groups but rather as opportunities to create value, differentiate and increase sales.

Digitale Geschäftsmodelle in der Industrie 4.0

Lange, Hergen Eilert 22 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Industrie 4.0 führt aktuell zu revolutionären Veränderungen und Herausforderungen im Industriesektor, auf die Unternehmen mit neuen Geschäftsmodellen reagieren müssen. Die Masterarbeit gibt mit Hilfe einer Status-Quo Analyse eine Bestandsaufnahme über die aktuellen digitalen Geschäftsmodelle deutscher Industrieunternehmen. Die Erkenntnisse wurden auf Basis von 71 \"Mini-Cases\" erhoben. Dabei wurden Anbieter, sowie Anwender von Industrie 4.0 Technologien untersucht und in neun Muster kategorisiert. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde ein inkrementeller Transformationsprozess konzipiert, der zur Entwicklung von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen in der Industrie 4.0 genutzt werden kann.

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