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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Packaging Design for E-commerce : Development of a secondary packaging with focus on easy handling and creating a positive unboxing experience

Thorsén, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The e-commerce is an area that has grown considerably in recent years and continues to grow at a rapid pace. It is thereby becoming more and more important for com-panies to distinguish themselves amongst others, not least when it comes to getting customers to return for a second purchase. A good way to do this is to create a posi-tive experience for consumers. As the interaction with the customers has shifted from physical meetings to a computer screen through the spread of online retail, it is im-portant to nourish the few encounters that remain. An important point of interaction is the receiving of purchased goods. The packaging in which the goods are shipped, is thus an important source of communication to the customer, and a perfect means of displaying the company values. This thesis project aims at examining how an optimal packaging for this area can be created, and this was done in collaboration with Arcwise, a SCA business unit, who works with a special type of corrugated cardboard that allows for the production of rounded shaped packages. During the contextual work of this project, where a basic analysis of the market was made, a number of needs could be established. To be able to create a positive user experience and thus a competitive edge in the market, these needs must be fulfilled by packages made for shipping online-bought items. Following these needs, the project’s design phase was carried out with the aim of creating a packaging solution by using the corrugated board developed by Arcwise. This work was done by using creative methods such as brainstorming, workshop and prototyping. To evaluate the ideas, a weighting against criteria was done, and tests were made when the packaging concepts were shipped from Sundsvall to Luleå, to test their durability. Six concepts were narrowed down to a final package, which clearly exhibits the prop-erties of the material. It was designed with the aim for easy folding and packing, and to create a positive unboxing experience for the end customer.

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med livmoderhalscancer / Women’s experiences of living with cervical cancer

Jakobsson, Johanna, Strömberg, Linnea January 2018 (has links)
Livmoderhalscancer är den näst vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor. Trots omfattande preventiva insatser är det fortfarande ett stort problem bland kvinnor världen över. Det är därför av stor vikt att få kunskap om livmoderhalscancer för att som sjuksköterska kunna erbjuda den bästa omvårdnaden till dessa kvinnor. Syftet med studien var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med livmoderhalscancer. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes en litteraturstudie med tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet presenteras genom fyra teman: Livet förändras, Förlust av kvinnlighet, Behandlingsprocessens onda spiral och Förändrade familjeförhållanden. I resultatet framkom det att få ett cancerbesked var chockerande och stressande. Många kvinnor tvivlade på sin kvinnlighet och upplevde negativa effekter på det sexuella livet. De olika behandlingsmetoderna påverkade kvinnorna både mentalt och kroppsligt. Kvinnornas familjesituation kunde förändras och påverkade hur de hanterade sjukdomen. Det är av stor vikt att sjuksköterskan har förståelse för kvinnornas upplevelser, erbjuder stöd och ger information om sjukdomen och dess behandling. / Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer type among women. Despite extensive preventive efforts is it still a major problem among women worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to get knowledge of cervical cancer in order for a nurse to offer the best care for these women. The aim of this study was to investigate women’s experiences of living with cervical cancer. To achieve the aim, a literature study was conducted with ten scientific articles. The result is presented through four themes: Life changes, Lost of femininity, The vicious circle of the treatment process and Changed family relationships. The result showed that receiving cancer was shocking and stressful. Many women doubted their femininity and experienced adverse effects on their sexual lives. The different treatment methods affected women both mentally and physically. The women’s family relationships could change and affect how they managed the disease. It is of great importance that the nurse understands the women’s experiences, of fers support and provides information about the disease and its treatment.

Organizácia detského letného tábora so zameraním na prvú pomoc a ochranu obyvateľstva / Organization of children's summer camp with a focus on first aid and protection of the population

MINÁRIK, Matej January 2018 (has links)
The key aim of this thesis was to create a complex and detailed guide for organization of a children's camp focusing on the first aid and population protection. Based on the guide, a lay reader will be able to create their own camp and that without any experience with the issue. Among partial aims, preparing material for camp's realization including the camp's narrative preparation, assessing program and games, and producing teaching materials for the program and camp leaders training were listed. Another partial aim was the camp execution and overall detailed assessment. In a theoretical part of the thesis, we took a closer look into the issue of free time pedagogy and its influence on child upbringing. We also wrote what kind and type of camps we know and what camp organization involves, including legislation, budget and financing, activities and program structure. In the thesis results, we describe an exact organization procedure of our own camp focusing on the first aid and population protection, which took place from July 30, 2017 to August 6, 2017 in Rajecká Lesná. The exact same procedure is described as a guide, which includes two parts, the preparation organized before the beginning of the camp and the camp's execution itself. The preparation part involves the grounds selection, budget and financing determination, and specifically determined monthly preparation schedule. The realization part includes the camp's motivational narrative, a whole-camp game, the manuals for camp leaders and a general framework program for the specific camp days. The days are individually stated in the precise timetable which includes a program prepared for the given camp focus. In the discussion, we assess the success of the camp execution along with the individual days description. We believe this thesis will serve as a basis for organization of the camps with the similar focus in the future.

Livet med en påse på magen : Upplevelser av att leva med en tarmstomi

Adrovic, Ninella, Fasth Nilsson, My January 2018 (has links)
Under 2015 uppskattades det finnas 43 000 individer med stomi i Sverige och denna siffra har sedan 2006 ökat successivt i hela landet. Stomin inverkar på individens sociala och intima liv och påverkar vardagliga aktiviteter och dagliga rutiner. Litteraturstudiens syfte är att beskriva upplevelser av att leva med en tarmstomi. Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre teman: upplevelser av stöd och information, upplevelser av att vara annorlunda och upplevelser av en ny livssituation. Nio underteman bildades utifrån dessa rubriker. Resultatet visar att tarmstomi innebär en stor förändring som påverkar individernas liv på olika sätt. Det konstateras att tarmstomi har en negativ inverkan i de flesta fall. Familj, närstående och sjuksköterskor har en betydelsefull roll för att individerna ska uppnå hälsa och välbefinnande.

Fotografias da imaginação: experiências de aprendizagem para além do olhar no Projeto Vila Educação e Arte / PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE IMAGINATION: Experiences of learning to look beyond the Village Education Project and Art.

Carlos Weiner Mariano de Souza 13 September 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa partiu do princípio de que a fusão entre arte e vida é capaz de fortalecer e reinventar nossa relação estética com o mundo. O objeto de análise está vinculado à experiência do Projeto Vila Educação e Arte, realizado entre os anos de 2008 e 2010, na cidade de Paranaguá, no estado do Paraná. Foram investigadas as mudanças significativas nos processos de perceber e simbolizar, bem como no desenvolvimento da sociabilidade dos estudantes, a partir da experiência vivida ao longo do projeto. O objetivo central da pesquisa consistiu na análise da articulação entre a experiência poética e a fruição estética como dimensões educativas da arte. Encontramos nas abordagens fenomenológicas de Gaston Bachelard e Michel Maffesoli fundamentos para o aprofundamento das potencialidades das ações educativas em arte. Para ambos faz-se necessária uma nova epistemologia, que deve se revelar antipositivista, antiformalista e antirrealista, na qual o mundo ficcional, bem como o mundo vivido, possam ser incorporados como elementos fundamentais do processo humano de produção do conhecimento e da vida. Acreditamos que se quisermos de fato aproximar arte e vida, as situações de aprendizagem em arte devem primar pela diversidade das experiências espelhadas no lugar e nos sujeitos. Esse processo deve contribuir para valorizar a produção artística como uma dimensão viva da rede simbólica, que dá sentido às experiências e à existência humana. O reconhecimento e a valorização da diversidade no processo educativo possibilitam criar condições para que as singularidades possam brotar diante da pluralidade, expressa nas várias formas de compreender e dar significado ao mundo. / This research assumed that the fusion between art and life is able to strengthen and reinvent our aesthetic relationship with the world. The object of analysis is linked to the experience of Education and Art Village Project, conducted between 2008 and 2010 in the city of Paranagua, in Parana state. Significant changes were investigated in the processes of perceiving and symbolizing, as well as the development of social skills of students, from the experience throughout the project. The central objective of the research consisted in analyzing the relationship between the poetic experience and aesthetic enjoyment of art and educational dimensions. We found in the phenomenological approaches of Gaston Bachelard and Michel Maffesoli fundamentals for the deepening of the potential of educational actions in art. For both it is necessary a new epistemology, which should prove to be anti-positivist, antiformalista and antirrealista, in which the fictional world and the lived world, can be incorporated as key elements of the human process of knowledge production and life. We believe that if we are indeed approaching art and life, their learning experiences in art should strive for diversity of experiences mirrored in place and subjects. This process should help to enhance the artistic production as a living dimension symbolic network which gives meaning to human existence and experience. The recognition and appreciating of diversity in the educational process make it possible to create conditions for which the singularities can spring forth from the plurality expressed in various ways to understand and give meaning to the world.

User Experience messen und gezielt steuern – Jeder will es, doch wer kann es? Wir zeigen, wie es geht!

Toussaint, Claude 31 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
designaffairs entwickelt seit 20 Jahren Strategien und Design für Produkte in den Bereichen Hardware, Software und Services. Mit weltweit mehr als 70 Experten bieten wir Leistungen in Research, Strategie, Design und Engineering an. Dabei kombinieren wir erfolgreich Kreativität mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden. [... aus dem Text]

Experiência e produção fotográfica gerando espaços para a criação de imagens a partir de noções geométricas em uma turma de 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública

Passos, Willi Gonçalves dos January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como origem o interesse na busca de conexões entre Matemática e Artes Visuais no estudo de conceitos geométricos. Ela centra seu foco na contribuição associada de recursos fotográficos e computacionais, principalmente o photoshop, dentre os últimos, para a abertura de espaços centrados em manifestações artísticas discentes. E, abre-se à abordagem de formas de experiência (BONDÍA, 2002) em uma turma de alunos de 8ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre voltada à criação de imagens. Desta forma, a produção fotográfica, presente naquelas manifestações, não é considerada apenas como imagem pré-definida, mas, principalmente, processo de criação. Aliam-se a essa produção noções matemáticos, tais como: ângulo, proporção e simetria, e a busca discente por sua aplicação. O estudo também visa instituir os alunos como articuladores nos processos de fotografar objetos e criar imagens, respectivamente, com o auxílio de recursos fotográficos e ferramentas computacionais. O referencial teórico desta dissertação constitui-se de uma composição da noção de experiência (BONDÍA, 2002) com ideias vinculadas à utilização de recursos fotográficos com fins educativos (COSTA, 2006). Na dissertação descrevo o contexto do estudo e apresento uma análise detalhada das ações que nele ocorreram, procurando vestígios de possíveis experiências, tanto discentes quanto minhas. / This dissertation is aimed at seeking for connections between Mathematics and Visual Arts in the study of geometrical concepts. Its main focus is on the contribution that both photographical and computational resources, mainly photoshop, among the latter, bring to the opening of spaces for students’ artistic expression. It also opens itself to approaching forms of experience (BONDÍA, 2002) within an 8th grade class of a public school located in Porto Alegre, which dedicates itself to the creation of images. This way the students´ photographic production is not considered as just predefined images, but mainly a creative process. Mathematical notions such as angle, proportion and symmetry as well as the students’ search for their application play a special part in this production. The study also aims at instituting the students as articulators in the processes of photographing objects and creating images, respectively, supported by photographic resources and computational tools. The theoretical approach of this dissertation is composed by the notion of experience (BONDÍA, 2002) and ideas linked to the employment of educational photographic resources (COSTA, 2006). In the dissertation I describe the context of the study and present a detailed analysis of its actions, looking for traces of possible experiences from both, students and mine.

Experiência e moralidade no último dos Ensaios de Montaigne / Experience and morality in Montaignes last essay

Andre Scoralick 11 August 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo visa constituir uma introdução à reflexão ética que Michel de Montaigne desenvolve em seus Ensaios. Trata-se, de maneira mais específica, de uma análise do capítulo Da experiência, ensaio com que o autor encerra sua obra e apresenta, sob a forma de um testamento, os pontos essenciais de sua orientação moral. Procuramos compreender os fundamentos de sua recusa de toda ética normativa e a correlata elaboração de uma moral afeita à singularidade dos agentes e às circunstâncias das ações. Para tanto, buscamos reconstituir a crítica do ensaísta às artes que pretendem regular as condutas humanas a jurisprudência e a medicina e à moral estóica, assim como elucidar a experiência de si, de que Montaigne deriva uma ética em que o prazer se concilia com a virtude e o agente consigo mesmo. / The present study aims at introducing Michel de Montaignes ethical reflexion, as exposed in his Essays. It is, more specifically, an analysis of the chapter On experience, the essay with wich the author finishes his work, and presents, as in a will, the essential topics of his moral orientation. We seek to understand the fundaments of his refusal of all normative ethics, and the project of elaborating a moral fit to the singularity of agents and the circumstances of action. To do so, we undertake the reconstruction of the authors criticism to the arts that intend to regulate human conducts jurisprudence and medicine , and to the Stoic moral. We also try to clarify the experience of oneself, from which Montaigne derives a moral that reconciles pleasure and virtue, and the agent with himself.

Consumo colaborativo no mundo digital: um estudo sobre design e percepção em sites de colaboração / Collaborative consumption in the digital world: a study about design and perception in sites for collaboration

Eva Jussara Carvalho Furtado 31 October 2016 (has links)
A cultura da participação abre no mundo digital um leque de novos e remodelados comportamentos do mundo clássico. Tanto os formatos de participação, quanto a colaboração e cooperação se ressignificam dentro da cibercultura. O que é fundamental para entender o consumo colaborativo. Este trabalho delineia um posicionamento conceitual do consumo colaborativo entre outros conceitos semelhantes como compartilhamento, cooperação e dilemas sociais, com o objetivo de diferenciar gradientes de colaboração dentro dos modelos de consumo colaborativo. Na investigação teórica, o que se encontrou foi uma linha tênue que distingue os graus de colaboração e cooperação pelo nível de envolvimento pró-social e a interação entre consumidores. Do ponto de vista da comunicação e do design de user experience, esse trabalho realizar um estudo de recepção que compara os elementos informativos gráficos mais recorrentes nos sites de consumo colaborativo com a percepção de importância desses elementos pelos usuários. Além de contribuir com uma escala de colaboração que pode ser aplicada em iniciativas desse tipo para classificá-las desde altamente cooperativas a altamente colaborativas. Os achados auxiliarão futuras pesquisas acadêmicas nessa área. / The participatory culture in the digital world opens a range of new and refurbished behaviors of the classical world. The shades of sharing, collaboration and cooperation are resignify within cyberculture. This is critical to understand the collaborative consumption. This paper outlines a conceptual positioning of the collaborative consumption and other similar concepts such as sharing, cooperation and social dilemmas, in order to differentiate collaboration gradients inside collaborative consumption models. In theoretical research, we found a fine line that distinguishes the degrees of collaboration and cooperation by the level of prosocial involvement and interaction among consumers. From the point of view of communication and user experience design, this work conduct a study of reception that compares the most frequent graphic pieces of information on collaborative consumption websites with the perceived importance of these elements by the users. Besides contributing with a collaborative scale that can be applied in such initiatives to rank them from highly cooperative to highly collaborative. The findings will help future academic research in this area.

Experiência e produção fotográfica gerando espaços para a criação de imagens a partir de noções geométricas em uma turma de 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública

Passos, Willi Gonçalves dos January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como origem o interesse na busca de conexões entre Matemática e Artes Visuais no estudo de conceitos geométricos. Ela centra seu foco na contribuição associada de recursos fotográficos e computacionais, principalmente o photoshop, dentre os últimos, para a abertura de espaços centrados em manifestações artísticas discentes. E, abre-se à abordagem de formas de experiência (BONDÍA, 2002) em uma turma de alunos de 8ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre voltada à criação de imagens. Desta forma, a produção fotográfica, presente naquelas manifestações, não é considerada apenas como imagem pré-definida, mas, principalmente, processo de criação. Aliam-se a essa produção noções matemáticos, tais como: ângulo, proporção e simetria, e a busca discente por sua aplicação. O estudo também visa instituir os alunos como articuladores nos processos de fotografar objetos e criar imagens, respectivamente, com o auxílio de recursos fotográficos e ferramentas computacionais. O referencial teórico desta dissertação constitui-se de uma composição da noção de experiência (BONDÍA, 2002) com ideias vinculadas à utilização de recursos fotográficos com fins educativos (COSTA, 2006). Na dissertação descrevo o contexto do estudo e apresento uma análise detalhada das ações que nele ocorreram, procurando vestígios de possíveis experiências, tanto discentes quanto minhas. / This dissertation is aimed at seeking for connections between Mathematics and Visual Arts in the study of geometrical concepts. Its main focus is on the contribution that both photographical and computational resources, mainly photoshop, among the latter, bring to the opening of spaces for students’ artistic expression. It also opens itself to approaching forms of experience (BONDÍA, 2002) within an 8th grade class of a public school located in Porto Alegre, which dedicates itself to the creation of images. This way the students´ photographic production is not considered as just predefined images, but mainly a creative process. Mathematical notions such as angle, proportion and symmetry as well as the students’ search for their application play a special part in this production. The study also aims at instituting the students as articulators in the processes of photographing objects and creating images, respectively, supported by photographic resources and computational tools. The theoretical approach of this dissertation is composed by the notion of experience (BONDÍA, 2002) and ideas linked to the employment of educational photographic resources (COSTA, 2006). In the dissertation I describe the context of the study and present a detailed analysis of its actions, looking for traces of possible experiences from both, students and mine.

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