Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
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Estudi de mètodes de classificació borrosa i la seva aplicació a l'agrupació de zones geogràfiques en base a diverses característiques incertesClara i Lloret, Narcís 22 July 2004 (has links)
Aquesta memòria està estructurada en sis capítols amb l'objectiu final de fonamentar i desenvolupar les eines matemàtiques necessàries per a la classificació de conjunts de subconjuntsborrosos. El nucli teòric del treball el formen els capítols 3, 4 i 5; els dos primers són dos capítols de caire més general, i l'últim és una aplicació dels anteriors a la classificació delspaïsos de la Unió Europea en funció de determinades característiques borroses.En el capítol 1 s'analitzen les diferents connectives borroses posant una especial atenció en aquells aspectes que en altres capítols tindran una aplicació específica. És per aquest motiu que s'estudien les ordenacions de famílies de t-normes, donada la seva importància en la transitivitat de les relacions borroses. Laverificació del principi del terç exclòs és necessària per assegurar que un conjunt significatiu de mesures borroses generalitzades, introduïdes en el capítol 3, siguin reflexives.Estudiem per a quines t-normes es verifica aquesta propietat i introduïm un nou conjunt de t-normes que verifiquen aquest principi.En el capítol 2 es fa un recorregut general per les relacions borroses centrant-nos en l'estudi de la clausura transitiva per a qualsevol t-norma, el càlcul de la qual és en molts casosfonamental per portar a terme el procés de classificació. Al final del capítol s'exposa un procediment pràctic per al càlcul d'unarelació borrosa amb l'ajuda d'experts i de sèries estadístiques.El capítol 3 és un monogràfic sobre mesures borroses. El primer objectiu és relacionar les mesures (o distàncies) usualment utilitzades en les aplicacions borroses amb les mesuresconjuntistes crisp. Es tracta d'un enfocament diferent del tradicional enfocament geomètric. El principal resultat és la introducció d'una família parametritzada de mesures que verifiquenunes propietats de caràcter conjuntista prou satisfactòries.L'estudi de la verificació del principi del terç exclòs té aquí la seva aplicació sobre la reflexivitat d'aquestes mesures, que sónestudiades amb una certa profunditat en alguns casos particulars.El capítol 4 és, d'entrada, un repàs dels principals resultats i mètodes borrosos per a la classificació dels elements d'un mateixconjunt de subconjunts borrosos. És aquí on s'apliquen els resultats sobre les ordenacions de les famílies de t-normes i t-conormes estudiades en el capítol 1. S'introdueix un nou mètodede clusterització, canviant la matriu de la relació borrosa cada vegada que s'obté un nou clúster. Aquest mètode permet homogeneïtzar la metodologia del càlcul de la relació borrosa ambel mètode de clusterització.El capítol 5 tracta sobre l'agrupació d'objectes de diferent naturalesa; és a dir, subconjunts borrosos que pertanyen a diferents conjunts. Aquesta teoria ja ha estat desenvolupada en elcas binari; aquí, el que es presenta és la seva generalització al cas n-ari. Més endavant s'estudien certs aspectes de les projeccions de la relació sobre un cert espai i el recíproc,l'estudi de cilindres de relacions predeterminades. Una aplicació sobre l'agrupació de les comarques gironines en funció de certesvariables borroses es presenta al final del capítol.L'últim capítol és eminentment pràctic, ja que s'aplica allò estudiat principalment en els capítols 3 i 4 a la classificació dels països de la Unió Europea en funció de determinadescaracterístiques borroses. Per tal de fer previsions per a anys venidors s'han utilitzat sèries temporals i xarxes neuronals.S'han emprat diverses mesures i mètodes de clusterització per tal de poder comparar els diversos dendogrames que resulten del procésde clusterització.Finalment, als annexos es poden consultar les sèries estadístiques utilitzades, la seva extrapolació, els càlculs per a la construcció de les matrius de les relacions borroses, les matriusde mesura i les seves clausures. / This thesis is organized in six chapters with the final goal to found and explain the mathematical set of tools necessary to classify sets of fuzzy sets. The theoretic kernel is made by the chapters 3, 4 and 5; the first and second are more generals and the last one is an aplication of the precedent to make a classification of the union european countries in function of some vague attibutes.In the first chapter we analize the different fuzzy logic connectives making a special attention those aspects which will have a specific application in other chapters. Is for this reason that we study the order of families of t-norms, given its importance in the transivity of fuzzy relations. The verification of the third excluded principle is necessary to ensure that a significant set of generalized fuzzy measures, introduced in the chapter 3, were reflexive. We study for which t-norms is verified this property and we introduce a new set of t-norms which verify this principle.In the second chapter we study in a general way the fuzzy relations making a special attention in the transivity closure for any t-norm, its calculus is in a lot of cases basic to make the classification process. At the end of this chapter we describe a practical method to find a fuzzy relation with the help of experts and statistical series.The third chapter is a monographic about fuzzy measures. The first goal is to relate the measures (or distances) usually used in the fuzzy applications with the crisp measures. The question is to change the traditional geometrical point of view for another absolutely fuzzy. The first result is the introduction of a parametrized family of measures that verify a set of properties enough satisfactories. The study of the third exclude principle has here its application about the reflexivity of these measures which are studied with certain profundity in some particular cases.The fourth chapter is, at the beginning, a review of the main results and fuzzy methods for the classification of elements of a same set of fuzzy sets. Is now where we apply the results of orders for t-norms and t-conorms studied in the first chapter. We introduce a new method of fuzzy clustering, changing the fuzzy relation matrix each time that we obtain a new cluster. This method permit to homogenize the methodology of the calculus of the fuzzy relation with the clustering method.The fifth chapter is about the objects association of different nature; that is, fuzzy subsets that belong to different sets. This theory already has been developed in the binary case; here, we submit its generalization for the n dimensional case. Later, we study certain aspects of the fuzzy relation projection on a certain space and the reciprocal, the cilindrical extensions. An application about grouping regions of Girona in function of some uncertain attibutes finish the chapter.The last chapter is eminently applied, because we apply that studied in the 3 and 4 chapters to classify the union european countries in function of some fuzzy attributes. To do forecasts for coming years we have used time series and neural networks. We have used several measures and clustering methods in order to compare the dendograms that result of the clustering process.Finally, in the suplements we can consult the used time series, its extrapolation, the calculus to construct the fuzzy relations, the measure matrixs and its closures.
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Radiological aspects of petroleum exploration and production in the sultanate of OmanAl-Farsi, Afkar Nadhim January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) activity concentration, gamma dose rate and radon (222Rn) exhalation from the waste streams of large-scale onshore petroleum operations. Types of activities covered included; sludge recovery from separation tanks, sludge farming, NORM storage, scaling in oil tubulars, scaling in gas production and sedimentation in produced water evaporation ponds. Field work was conducted in the arid desert terrain of an operational oil exploration and production region in the Sultanate of Oman.
The main radionuclides found were 226Ra and 210Pb (238U - series), 228Ra and 228Th (232Th - series), and 227Ac (235U - series), along with 40K. All activity concentrations were higher than the ambient soil level and varied over several orders of magnitude. The range of gamma dose rates at a 1 m height above ground for the farm treated sludge had a range of 0.06 0.43 µSv h 1, and an average close to the ambient soil mean of 0.086 ± 0.014 µSv h 1, whereas the untreated sludge gamma dose rates had a range of 0.07 1.78 µSv h 1, and a mean of 0.456 ± 0.303 µSv h 1. The geometric mean of ambient soil 222Rn exhalation rate for area surrounding the sludge was mBq m 2 s 1. Radon exhalation rates reported in oil waste products were all higher than the ambient soil value and varied over three orders of magnitude.
This study resulted in some unique findings including: (i) detection of radiotoxic 227Ac in the oil scales and sludge, (ii) need of a new empirical relation between petroleum sludge activity concentrations and gamma dose rates, and (iii) assessment of exhalation of 222Rn from oil sludge. Additionally the study investigated a method to determine oil scale and sludge age by the use of inherent behaviour of radionuclides as 228Ra:226Ra and 228Th:228Ra activity ratios.
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[pt] O tema da normatividade desde sempre foi tido como misterioso. Muitas explicações foram dadas sobre o fenômeno em diversos âmbitos do saber, embora nenhuma em definitivo. Quando se trata da normatividade jurídica não é diferente. Com o objetivo de trazer novas luzes sobre o nebuloso assunto, o ponto de partida da presente investigação é o conceito de afirmações internas do direito, tal como formulado por Herbert L. A. Hart. Por meio de uma análise sociolinguística, o autor propõe que tais enunciados comprometidos com o direito sejam vistos como expressões da aceitação de certas regras. No entanto, o autor não vai muito além em pontos importantes e alguns questionamentos surgem tanto sobre a melhor leitura de certos conceitos na obra de Hart, quanto em relação a real capacidade de sua teoria dar conta do tema. Há evidências nos escritos do autor que permitem dizer que a sua proposta é bastante semelhante à ideia de expressivismo de normas, tal como formulado por Allan Gibbard no campo da metaética. Essa linha teórica aparece como uma versão sofisticada de não-cognitivismo e, portanto, entende que os termos normativos são geralmente utilizados na linguagem ordinária para expressar um estado conativo, um estado mental diferente de uma crença, e que, portanto, não possui aptidão de verdade. Pretende-se demonstrar que tal postura, expressivista, é bastante atraente para o filósofo do direito, pois consegue explicar tanto as afirmações internas do direito como o elo implícito com a ideia de normatividade. Além disso, essa perspectiva é capaz de responder às críticas que teóricos rivais (cognitivistas) formularam sobre a construção conceitual hartiana. Por meio da análise da superação por parte dos autores expressivistas de argumentos tradicionais do campo da metaética é possível deixar mais sólida a posição dentro da teoria do direito, bem como transferir o ônus argumentativo para os oponentes da posição. Por fim, será sugerida interpretação sobre o mecanismo psicológico e social por detrás do expressivismo de normas. O recente corpo de evidência científica parece fornecer uma licença para o otimismo em favor do expressivismo em relação à capacidade de se desvendar o mistério da normatividade. / [en] Normativity has Always been taken as something mysterious. Many explanations from a range of different areas were given about this phenomenon, though, no definitive one. Legal normativity is no different. Aiming to bring new lights to this cloudy subject, the starting point of the present investigation is Hebert L. A. Hart s concept of internal legal statements. Through a sociolinguistic analysis, the author claims that such statements committed with the law are to be seen as expressions of rule s acceptance. Nevertheless, Hart does not go further and a lot of relevant points and questions arise both about the best way to read his work and on the real explanatory power of his theory. There are evidences in his writings that allow us to read his theory in a very similar way to Allan Gibbard s metaethics one. This line of though seems to be a sophisticated version of a non-cognitivism and, therefore, sees normative terms as used to express conative states of mind. These mental states are different from a belief and hence cannot have truth aptness. We intend to show that such theoretical posture, expressivist, is very alluring for the legal philosopher, since it can explain the internal legal claims and its implicit relationship with normativity. Further, this perspective is capable of answering critics posed by cognitivists about Hart s conceptual work. By means of an analysis of how expressivism can answer traditional metaethical questions, it is possible to make the legal expressivist position even more solid, and to switch the argumentative burden to opponent side of the dispute. Lastly, we will indicate an interpretation of a social and psychological background mechanism to norm expressivism. The recent body of scientific evidence provides a license for optimism in favor of expressism s ability to unveil the mystery of normativity.
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A função primordial da regra jurídica : a construção do ponto de vista interno a partir das críticas às teorias de Holmes e Kelsen / The main function of legal rule : the construction of the internal point of view from the critical to Holmes and Kelsen theoriesSantos, Jaqueline Lucca January 2016 (has links)
A pretensão do positivismo jurídico é o esclarecimento teórico para se realizar uma descrição correta do direito. A presente dissertação busca verificar qual a abordagem mais adequada para se alcançar a concretização da separação do direito da moral, sendo que o fio condutor é a obra de H.L.A. Hart, na qual se destaca o livro The Concept of Law. Dessa maneira, o problema a que se propõe o trabalho é evidenciar a complexidade da separação do direito da moral. Pretende-se demonstrar, principalmente através da teoria e obra de Herbert Hart, que Oliver Holmes e Hans Kelsen ao apresentarem seus projetos para separação do direito da moralidade, trataram o direito do ponto de vista descritivo, perdendo a caracterização do próprio direito. O primeiro capítulo é dedicado a apresentar e explicar o projeto positivista, já que condutas exigíveis por regras jurídicas não se confundem com as condutas exigidas por regras morais, ainda que conjuntamente possam existir. Ainda nesse capítulo apresentam-se algumas noções importantes para a compreensão e desenvolvimento do trabalho em relação à teoria de Hart, em especial no que tange ao ponto de vista interno e externo. No segundo capítulo é abordada a obra de Holmes, The Path of the Law, e as principais críticas construídas por Hart e discutidas por Stephen Perry e Scott Shapiro. Partindo-se da perspectiva do homem mau presente na teoria, pretende-se demonstrar que esta é insuficiente para compreender a teoria do direito, em especial nas razões pelas quais um cidadão segue o direito, já que nem todos estariam preocupados em qual é a sanção que receberão do Estado caso desobedeçam à regra. No terceiro e último capítulo demonstra-se quais os problemas da teoria de Kelsen apontadas por Hart. Especialmente no que se refere à ideia de Kelsen de que o direito é só forma, podendo ter qualquer conteúdo, enquanto que Hart acredita que o direito deve possuir conteúdo mínimo. Segundo Kelsen, a estrutura normativa é pressuposta, sendo que a regra funciona como esquema de interpretação e a principal função desta é a sanção. O objetivo final do trabalho é demonstrar que neste projeto de tentar salvar a autonomia do direito, Holmes e Kelsen descaracterizaram o fenômeno jurídico como uma prática social. / The claim of legal positivism is the theoretical clarification to perform a correct description of the law. This work aims to verify the most appropriate approach to achieving the implementation of the separation of law from morality, and the common thread is the work of H.L.A. Hart, which stresses the book The Concept of Law. Thus, the problem that is proposed work is to show the complexity of separating law from morals. We intend to show, especially through the theory and work of Herbert Hart, that Oliver Holmes and Hans Kelsen when presented their projects for separating the right of morality, they treated law of the descriptive point of view, losing the characterization of the law itself. The first chapter is dedicated to present and explain the positivist project, as required by legal conduct rules are not confused with the conduct required by moral rules, albeit jointly may exist. Although this chapter presents some important concepts for understanding and development work in relation to Hart's theory, especially with regard to internal and external point of view. The second chapter discussed the work of Holmes, The Path of the Law, and the main criticisms built by Hart and discussed by Stephen Perry and Scott Shapiro. Starting from the bad man present perspective in theory, intended to demonstrate that this is insufficient to understand the theory of law, in particular the reasons why a citizen follows the law, since not everyone would be worried about what is the sanction which receive if they disobey the rule. In the third and last chapter shows is that the problems of Kelsen's theory pointed out by Hart. Especially with regard to the idea of Kelsen that law is shaped and can have any content, while Hart believes that law should have a minimum content. According to Kelsen, the regulatory framework is presupposed, and the rule works as interpretation scheme and the main function of this is the sanction. The ultimate goal of the work is to demonstrate that this project of trying to save the autonomy of law, Holmes and Kelsen misrepresent the legal phenomenon as a social practice.
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Objekty živočišné výroby z hlediska hlukové zátěže okolního prostředí / Objects of livestock production in terms of ambient noise levelsLENC, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of noise exposure in the agricultural cooperative Hosín ? Dobrejovice. The aim of this work was to measure noise levels in the dairy barn area and its surroundings, during these processes work: milking, feeding, removal of excrement, bedding etc. Measurements were carried out in summer and autumn. During the measurement noise was the largest source of agricultural equipment. The results revealed that noise pollution resulting from the operation of agricultural cooperatives Dobrejovice is fair and negative influence on noise pollution does not occur.
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Évaluation numérique des éléments finis DKMQ pour les plaques et les coques / Numerical evaluation of DKMQ element for plates and shellsMaknun, Imam Jauhari 19 November 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre linéaire, les modèles de Mindlin-Reissner pour les plaques épaisses et de Naghdi pour les coques épaisses sont les plus utilisés. Il est connu que la discrétisation par éléments finis de ces modèles conduit à un phénomène de verrouillage numérique quand l’épaisseur tend vers zéro. Il s’agit du verrouillage en cisaillement dans le cas des plaques et du verrouillage en cisaillement et en membrane dans le cas des coques. Il existe quelques éléments finis qui permettent d’éviter ces difficultés ou du moins de les réduire. L’élément DKMQ pour les plaques et sa version DKMQ24 pour les coques, sont des éléments de bas ordre, basés sur une formulation mixte, qui ont été proposés il y a quelques années afin d’éviter ces phénomènes de verrouillage. Dans cette thèse, on s’est attaché à évaluer numériquement les performances de ces éléments. Outre les cas tests classiques, on s’est focalisé sur l’analyse de la condition inf-sup discrète pour l’élément DKMQ. Nous avons étudié également le test de la s-norme proposé par Bathe, pour l’élément DKMQ24. Enfin, nous avons effectué une analyse d’erreur a posteriori pour les éléments DKMQ et DKMQ24, en utilisant l’estimateur d’erreur Z2 (dû à Zienkiewicz et Zhu), associé aux techniques de recouvrement de la moyenne, de projection ou encore SPR. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de quantifier les performances de ces deux éléments finis pour les problèmes de verrouillage, et d’en dégager les limites. Deux applications importantes de ces éléments DKMQ et DKMQ24 ont été ensuite présentées, la première concerne la simulation des poutres à parois minces à section ouverte et la seconde le calcul des plaques composites. / In the linear case, the Mindlin-Reissner model for thick plates and the Naghdi model for thick shells are commonly used. The finite element discretization of these models leads to numerical locking phenomenon when the thickness approaches zero : shear locking for plates and both shear and membrane locking for shells. There are some finite elements that could reduce or even eliminate this phenomenon. DKMQ element for plates or DKMQ24 element for shells, are low-order elements, based on a mixed formulation, introduced a few years ago to prevent the numerical locking phenomenon. In this thesis, we concentrated on numerical evaluation of the performance of these elements. Besides the classical benchmark tests, we also focused on the analysis of discrete inf-sup condition for DKMQ element. We studied the s-norm test proposed by Bathe for DKMQ24 element. Finally, we performed a posteriori error estimation for DKMQ and DKMQ24 elements, using the error estimator Z2 (proposed by Zienkiewicz and Zhu), associated with the averaging, projection or SPR recovery methods. The results obtained have enabled us to quantify the performance of these two finite elements for locking problems, and to identify their limits. Two important applications of these elements DKMQ and DKMQ24 were then presented ; the first one concerns thin-walled beams with open cross-section and the second one composite plates.
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Existence and orbital stability of normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations / Solutions normalisées pour équations de SchrödingerGou, Tianxiang 29 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions l’existence et la stabilité orbitale de solutions ayant une norme prescrite pour deux types d’équations Schrödinger non linéaires dans , à savoir, une classe de systèmes non linéaires couplés de Schrödinger dans et une classe d’équations non linéaires de Schrödinger du quatrième ordre dans . Ces deux types d’équations non linéaires de Schrödinger surviennent dans de nombreuses applications en mathématiques et physique, et sont devenus une grande attention dans les années récentes. D’un point de vue physique, de telles solutions sont souvent référées comme des solutions normalisées, qui sont obtenues comme points critiques d’énergie fonctionnelle associée sous contrainte avec une norme. Les éléments clés de nos preuves sont les méthodes variationnelles. / In this thesis, we are concerned with the existence and orbital stability of solutions having prescribed -norm for two types of nonlinear Schrödinger equations in , namely a class of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems in and a class of fourth-order nonlinear Schrödinger equations in . These two types of nonlinear Schrödinger equations arise in a variety of mathematical and physical models, and have drawn wide attention to research in recent years. From a physical point of view, such solutions are often referred as normalized solutions, which correspond to critical points of the underlying energy functional restricted to -norm constraint. The main ingredients of our proofs are variational methods.
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Otimização de carteiras regularizadas empregando informações de grupos de ativos para o mercado brasileiroMartins, Diego de Carvalho 06 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Diego de Carvalho Martins (diego.cmartins@gmail.com) on 2015-03-03T17:37:26Z
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Encaminharei por e-mail o que deve ser alterado, para que possamos aceita-lo junto à biblioteca.
Renata on 2015-03-03T21:33:00Z (GMT) / Submitted by Diego de Carvalho Martins (diego.cmartins@gmail.com) on 2015-03-03T22:13:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / This work aims to analyze the performance of regularized mean-variance portfolios, employing financial assets available in Brazilian markets. In particular, regularized portfolios are obtained by restricting the norm of the portfolio-weights vector, following DeMiguel et al. (2009). Additionally, we analyze the performance of portfolios that take into account information about the group structure of assets with similar characteristics, as proposed by Fernandes, Rocha and Souza (2011). While the covariance matrix employed is the sample one, the expected returns are obtained by reverse optimization of market equilibrium portfolio proposed by Black and Litterman (1992). The empirical analysis out of the sample for the period between January 2010 and October 2014 indicates that, in line with previous studies, penalizing the norm of weights can (depending on the chosen standard and intensity of the restriction) lead to portfolios having best performances in terms of return and Sharpe, when compared to portfolios obtained via Markowitz models. In addition, the inclusion of group information can also be beneficial in order to calculate optimal portfolios, when compared to both Markowitz portfolios or without using group information. / Este trabalho se dedica a analisar o desempenho de modelos de otimização de carteiras regularizadas, empregando ativos financeiros do mercado brasileiro. Em particular, regularizamos as carteiras através do uso de restrições sobre a norma dos pesos dos ativos, assim como DeMiguel et al. (2009). Adicionalmente, também analisamos o desempenho de carteiras que levam em consideração informações sobre a estrutura de grupos de ativos com características semelhantes, conforme proposto por Fernandes, Rocha e Souza (2011). Enquanto a matriz de covariância empregada nas análises é a estimada através dos dados amostrais, os retornos esperados são obtidos através da otimização reversa da carteira de equilíbrio de mercado proposta por Black e Litterman (1992). A análise empírica fora da amostra para o período entre janeiro de 2010 e outubro de 2014 sinaliza-nos que, em linha com estudos anteriores, a penalização das normas dos pesos pode levar (dependendo da norma escolhida e da intensidade da restrição) a melhores performances em termos de Sharpe e retorno médio, em relação a carteiras obtidas via o modelo tradicional de Markowitz. Além disso, a inclusão de informações sobre os grupos de ativos também pode trazer benefícios ao cálculo de portfolios ótimos, tanto em relação aos métodos tradicionais quanto em relação aos casos sem uso da estrutura de grupos.
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Adolescenti s mentálním postižením v dětských domovech a dětských domovech se školou na cestě k dospělosti / Adolescents with Mental Disabilities in Children's Homes and Children's Homes with School an thei Way to the AdulthoodFarková, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Presented dissertation thesis deals with mentally disabled adolescents who are partially grown up in children's homes and in children's homes with school. The discussed topic is interdisciplinary and multi-layered. The aim of this thesis is to find out, describe and analyze what fulfils everyday life of adolescents with a mental disability and a marginal condition. The thesis also describes what these adolescents experience, what they encounter with, what they imagine in regards with their own future in the context of their life in children's homes. Multidisciplinary focus of the theoretical part of the thesis approaches adolescence as an evolutionary period in one's life and is based on work of Czech and foreign authors of evolutionary and social psychology. Adolescence is also considered as a period of potential risk connected with behavioural disorders which can cause child's placement in institutional education. The meaning of education is approached not only from the philosophical but also from the theoretical point of view. The thesis also covers the question of current possibilities of adolescents to complete their apprenticeship in a certain field of study. Besides other things, the text analyzes the concept of mental disability, shows the change in its definition, and presents sociological...
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"--Dass einer mit sich selbst identisch wird" : zur Identitätsproblematik in Max Frischs Werk / The problem of identity in Max Frosch's workKohl, Martha Elisabeth Bärbel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summary in English / Max Frisch's work centres around the question of authenticity of the individual, of
true self-identity. It is difficult and problematic if ever possible to discover the true
inner self. Stereotypical thinking, prejudice as well as societal demands, rules
and norms are great obstacles in the way for attaining this goal. Frisch's
protagonists fail in one or another way.
The emphasis lies therefore not in the answer but rests on the questions as to
why and how failure occurred and contemplate possible alternatives. The
message is: the task is arduous, never completed. The goal lies in the process
rather than in the end. It is a continuous struggle, appraisal and renewal
resulting in raising awareness and consciousness and thus find more true and
independent solutions.
Frisch's work is an appeal to the public to take charge, to exercise one's choices
wisely and to act with love and responsibility / Classics and Modern European Languages / M. A. (German)
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