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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facteurs linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l'intégration en milieu multilingue : le cas des immigrants à Montréal

Calinon, Anne-Sophie A.-S. 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour but de définir et de décrire les facteurs linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l’intégration des immigrants dans le contexte multilingue qu’est Montréal. Elle se fonde sur un corpus d’entretiens effectués avec des immigrants, suivant les cours de francisation gouvernementaux. Notre travail repose principalement sur la notion – à la fois politique et sociolinguistique – d’intégration linguistique. Nous étudions les politiques de gestion de l’immigration et de la pluralité linguistique qui influencent l’intégration des immigrants dans une société d’installation culturellement diversifiée et francophone. Notre démarche est à la fois macrosociolinguistique et microsociolinguistique, aussi bien dans la problématique que dans la méthodologie appliquée. Nous cherchons à apprécier l’impact des mesures de politique linguistique sur la préservation du français au Québec en nous intéressant aux perceptions des immigrants concernant les fonctions sociales des langues à Montréal. La francisation étant présentée comme la mesure politique la plus significative, nous nous intéressons au contenu des cours, sur le plan linguistique et culturel. Nous déterminons le niveau de compétence que les immigrants-apprenants atteignent à la fin de leur formation à l’aide d’une grille originale d’observables énonciatifs, structurels et normatifs. Après avoir évalué le degré d’autonomie linguistique des sujets, nous décrivons leur mobilité sociale en étudiant la fréquence et le type d’interactions dans lesquelles les immigrants ont l’occasion d’utiliser les différentes langues de leur répertoire langagier, en vue de déterminer leur intégration sociale. A partir de ces données, nous mettons en évidence l’influence du degré de maîtrise linguistique sur le sentiment d’intégration. Les résultats montrent que le français jouit d’une vitalité linguistique importante. De par ses fonctions véhiculaires et sociales, le français est généralement la langue de communication première dans toutes les sphères de la vie sociale à Montréal. De ce fait, la capacité de communiquer, grâce à l’appropriation de la variété standard du français, est un facteur linguistique de l’intégration. Or, à la fin de la formation en français, les immigrants ont des compétences linguistiques et sociolinguistiques qui leur permettent seulement une mobilité linguistique et sociale limitées. Ce facteur linguistique doit être obligatoirement accompagné d’autres éléments intégrateurs qui constituent les étapes suivantes du processus d’intégration. / Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Factors of Integration within a Multilingual Context : the case of immigrants in Montreal The purpose of this study is to define and describe the linguistic and sociolinguistic factors of integration of immigrants within the multilingual context of Montreal. Based on a corpus of interviews (discussions, conversations) with immigrants enrolled in government-sponsored French language training programs, our work focuses mainly on linguistic integration, understood here as both a political and sociolinguistic notion. We examine the policies of immigration management and linguistic plurality which influence the assimilation of immigrants into a francophone and culturally diversified society. Our approach to the research subject and the methodology applied to it is both macro-sociolinguistic and micro-sociolinguistic. We attempt to determine the impact of linguistic policy measures on preserving the use of the French language. To do this, we study how immigrants perceive the social functions of languages in Montreal. Since francization is presented as the most significant political measure, we analyze training course content, on a cultural and linguistic level. In order to determine the level of skill obtained by the immigrants at the end of their training program, we use an original scale measuring observable cognitive, structural and normative items. After assessing immigrants’ degree of linguistic autonomy, we describe their social mobility to see how well they are actually assimilated into the francophone living environment. We analyze the type and frequency of the interactions in which immigrant are called upon to use the different languages making up their language repertoires. This data allows us to show how immigrants’ command of the French language affects their feeling with regard to social integration. Our results demonstrate that the linguistic vitality of the french-speaking community in Montreal is increasing. Indeed, French is the primary language of communication in all aspects of social life. The ability to communicate easily in standard French is, therefore, a linguistic factor contributing to successful social and cultural integration. However, at the completion of their French language training program, immigrants’ linguistic and sociolinguistic skills allow them only limited linguistic and social mobility. This linguistic facet of cultural integration must necessarily be accompanied by other means to facilitate and consolidate the process of integration. / réalisé en cotutelle à l'Université de Franche-Comté (France)

Les risques découlant de la diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques du point de vue des producteurs audiovisuels

Leblanc, Evelyne 12 1900 (has links)
La diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques d’œuvres audiovisuelles, comme les sites Internet des télédiffuseurs ou des webdiffuseurs, la vidéo sur demande, la télévision mobile ou la webdistribution, modifie les risques que les producteurs audiovisuels doivent gérer normalement sur les plateformes traditionnelles, comme la télévision. La mutation des risques découle de quatre sources en particulier, soit du marché, des pratiques d’affaires, des lois et règlements et des techniques elles-mêmes. Ces sources peuvent également induire des normes pouvant constituer un cadre juridique afin de moduler ou éliminer les risques. Le présent mémoire analyse les risques encourus lors de la diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques d’œuvres audiovisuelles du point de vue des producteurs par l’entremise du processus de gestion de risques. Il identifie et recense ainsi les risques en mutation et les nouveaux risques auxquels les producteurs sont confrontés. Puis, les risques identifiés y sont définis et le cadre juridique est abordé dans le contexte de la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie de gestion de risques et des mesures afin d’atténuer ou d’éviter les risques encourus par les activités de production et d’exploitation des producteurs. / The broadcasting of audiovisual works over new media platforms (for example : broadcasters’ websites, video on demand, mobile television or the distribution over the Internet) alters the risks producers usually face when broadcasting over traditional platforms like television. The transformation of risks has four main sources: the market, the business practices, the laws and regulations and the technologies themselves. These sources may also engender standards to create a legal framework that can modulate or eliminate the risks. This thesis will analyze, from the point of view of audiovisual producers, the risks incurred by broadcasting audiovisual works over new media platforms. This analysis will be made under the theory of risk management. First, the modified risks will be identifying as well as the new risks the producers are confronted with. Then, these risks will be defining and the legal framework will be studied as well as the risk management strategy that could help producers limit or avoid risks incurred by their productions and their exploitation activities.

Nouvelle approche en théorie des jeux comportementale

Desbiens, Eric 06 1900 (has links)
Il a été démontré en laboratoire que l’équilibre de Nash n’était pas toujours un bon indicateur du comportement humain. Différentes théories alternatives (aversion à l’inégalité, réciprocité et norme sociale) ont vu le jour pour combler les lacunes de la théorie classique, mais aucune d’elles ne permet d’expliquer la totalité des phénomènes observés en laboratoire. Après avoir identifié les lacunes de ces modèles, ce mémoire développe un modèle qui synthétise dans un tout cohérent les avancées de ceux-ci à l’aide de préférences hétérogènes. Afin d’augmenter la portée du modèle, une nouvelle notion d’équilibre, dite comportementale, est ajoutée au modèle. En appliquant le nouveau modèle à des jeux simples, nous pouvons voir comment il élargit le nombre de comportements pouvant être modélisé par la théorie des jeux. / It has been shown in laboratory experiments that the Nash equilibrium was not always a good indicator of human behavior. Various alternative theories (inequity aversion, reciprocity and social norms) have emerged to fill gaps in the classical theory, but none of them can explain all the phenomena observed in the laboratory. After identifying the shortcomings of these models, this thesis develops a model that summarizes advances made by those models into a coherent whole by using heterogeneous preferences. To increase the scope of the model, a new notion of equilibrium, a behavioral equilibrium, is added to the model. By applying the new model to simple games, we can see how it expands the number of behaviors that can be modeled by game theory.

嫌惡型男同性戀歧視:情境規範與訊息順序的影響 / Aversive gay male discrimination: the impact of context norm and order effect

鄭旭博, Cheng, Hsu Po Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內對同性戀的態度似乎日益正面,但同性戀歧視的事件仍層出不窮,顯示探討影響同性戀歧視因素的重要性。本論文擬探討過往學者較少關注的因素,即情境對歧視同性戀者的影響。本論文探討兩種情境:缺少明確行為準則的情境與訊息呈現不同順序的情境。根據過去研究種族歧視的學者對嫌惡型歧視(Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986)的探討,他們主張嫌惡型歧視者只有當情境缺少明確行為準則時,才會表現出對特定族群的負面行為(即歧視)。由於黑人族群與同志族群有些共通點,本論文根據嫌惡型歧視理論假設:缺乏明確行為準則的情境容易引發對同性戀者的歧視。除此之外,延伸嫌惡型歧視理論的看法,本論文嫌惡型歧視者雖信奉族群平等,卻無法控制其未意識到的負面情緒,而較容易受到情境中訊息呈現順序的影響(Krosnick, 1999)。當訊息呈現順序加強族群間對立,或凸顯族群特性,就會造成歧視行為(McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010)。研究一以實驗法操弄多位目標人物的職業與性傾向以及人物呈現順序,預期在評價刻板印象中同性戀不適合的職業(老師)時,參與者會因為缺乏工作平等對待的行為準則,降低對同性戀工作者的工作評價,不過未獲得支持證據。訊息呈現順序效果則發現支持證據,若先評異性戀再評同性戀,會引發群際比較,降低對同性戀的評價。研究二改採判決目標人物是否有罪的情境,以犯罪證據是否矛盾操弄情境是否有明確準則,並同樣操弄性傾向呈現順序,加入態度內隱測驗以分辨嫌惡型歧視者與無歧視者。研究二符合預期,發現在證據矛盾時才會認為同性戀有罪程度高於比異性戀,證據相符時則否。性傾向呈現順序則重複驗證研究一發現。本論文延伸嫌惡型歧視理論以瞭解對男同性戀的歧視,並發現特定訊息呈現順序可能引發男同性戀歧視行為,這些結果可以提供發展性別平等教育方案,以有效降低這些歧視行為,促進社會平等。 / In Taiwan, people’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbians have become more and more positive. However, gay men and lesbians are still suffer discrimination, suggesting that it is important to study the causes of discrimination against gay men and lesbians. In this thesis, I investigated the impact of context on discrimination against gay men because 1) gay men suffer more hostile and overt discrimination than lesbians and 2) impact of context is rarely studied. I targeted two kinds of context: context norm and information order. According to aversive racism theory (Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986), individuals may discriminate against a person when they do not have to follow a norm. Thus, I hypothesized that people discriminate gay men only when there is no specific norm to follow. Furthermore, I applied the basic principle underlying aversive racism theory to order effect. That is, according to aversive racism theory, individuals may believe in social equality but may discriminate when they have no control over their negative emotions unconsciously aroused by some subordinate group member (e.g., Blacks). Because it is not possible for individuals to be aware of the order effect (Krosnick, 1999), I hypothesized that individuals may discriminate against gay men when the information order makes intergroup comparisons salient (McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010). In Study 1, I manipulated the target person’s job title and sex orientation, expecting that when the job was generally considered unsuitable for gay men, participants might believe that equal employment rights did not apply to gay men. As a result, they derogated against gay men. The result was not substantiated. However, I did find supporting evidence for the order effect. When judging a heterosexual male applicant before a gay male applicant, intergroup comparisons became salient, people would derogate against the gay male applicant. In Study 2, I adopted a crime judgment paradigm to address several potential problems in Study 1. I also applied the affect misattribution procedure to measure participants’ implicit attitude against gay men. This procedure allows me to distinguish aversive discriminators from non-discriminators. The results were consistent with the hypotheses derived from aversive racism theory. Participants derogated against a gay male suspect only when there was no consistent evidence in a criminal case; they treated a gay male suspect and a heterosexual male suspect equally when there was consistent evidence. Also, when participants judged a heterosexual male suspect before a gay male suspect, they would consider the gay male suspect to be guiltier than the heterosexual male suspect. The findings extend aversive racism theory to the understanding of discrimination against gay men and in the context of information order that makes intergroup comparisons salient. With the knowledge of context effects on discrimination against gay men, we are able to develop education programs for gender equality and offer insight on how to best guard against discrimination against gay men so that social equality may become possible.

Looking for a Simplicity Principle in the Perception of Human Walking Motion

Holland, Giles 02 November 2010 (has links)
The simplicity principle posits that we interpret sense data as the simplest consistent distal cause, or that our high level perceptual representations of stimuli are optimized for simplicity. The traditional paradigm used to test this principle is coding theory, where alternate representations of stimuli are constructed, simplicity is measured as shortness of representation length, and behavioural experiments attempt to show that the shortest representations correspond best to perception. In this study we apply coding theory to marker-based human walking motion. We compare two representation schemes. The first is based on marker coordinates in a body-centred Cartesian coordinate system. The second is based on a model of 15 rigid body segments with Euler angles and a Cartesian translation for each. Both of our schemes are principal component (PC)-based implementations of a norm-based multidimensional object space – a type of model for high level perceptual schemes that has received attention in the literature over the past two decades. Representation length is quantified as number of retained PC’s, with error increasing with discarded PC’s. We generalize simplicity to efficiency measured as error across all possible lengths, where more efficient schemes admit less error across lengths. We find that the Cartesian coordinates-based scheme is more efficient than the Euler angles and translations-based scheme across a database of 100 walkers. In order to link this finding to perception we turn to the caricature effect that subjects can identify caricatures of familiar stimuli more accurately than veridicals. Our design was to compare walker caricatures generated in our two schemes in the hope of finding that one gives caricatures that benefit identification more than the other, from which we would conclude the former to be a better model of the true perceptual scheme. However, we find that analogous caricatures between the two schemes are only distinguishable at caricature levels so extreme that identification performance breaks down, so our design became infeasible and no conclusion for a simplicity principle in walker perception is reached. We also measure a curve of increasing then decreasing identification performance with caricature level and an optimal level at approximately double the distinctiveness of a typical walker. / Thesis (Master, Neuroscience Studies) -- Queen's University, 2010-10-29 19:16:39.943

The application of usability principles to create web-based applications that achieve increased system usage

Bezuidenhout, Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research work investigates and reports on the contribution of usability and perceptual frameworks towards understanding and ultimately increasing usage of a sales website and a corporate marketing website for a major insurance company in South Africa. It investigates whether the application of usability principles to the sales web positively influences the usage of the sales web system as a tool by intermediaries, and in so doing help the organisation recoup their investment and lower operational costs. This financial services (traditionally insurance) company, like many organisations, is in the process of migrating key operational systems onto web platforms to take advantage of benefits such as the ubiquity of web access and services orientated architecture among others. The research reviewed key frameworks in the area of technology acceptance or usage namely  Nielsen‟s usability attributes (Nielsen, 2003)  The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), (Davis, 1989)&nbsp /  The Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein &amp / Ajzen, 1975)  The Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985) / and derived a theoretical summative model (the Conceptual Research Model) that combined both usability and perceptual dimensions. The applicability of this summative model was empirically tested using quantitative data relating to system&nbsp / usage and user perception. Empirical evidence was gathered to prove and refine the Conceptual Research Model (CRM), and the data substantiated the inclusion of the constructs in the CRM, as well as the efficacy of the model in a financial services organisation. Through testing of the CRM, this research has also confirmed which specific attributes of usability can be focussed on to bring about positive change in users‟ usage behaviour and adoption of a website or web application.</p>

Le droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones dans les contentieux internationaux des droits de l'homme

Farget, Doris 07 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objectif d’expliquer et d’évaluer le processus d’émergence du droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones, qui se manifeste devant deux juridictions et une quasi-juridiction : les cours européenne et interaméricaine des droits de l’homme et le Comité des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, dont les jurisprudences feront l’objet d’une comparaison. Un tel sujet soulève plusieurs questions, dont celles de savoir à quel stade de ce processus nous en sommes, quel est le niveau de juridicité de la norme, mais aussi, quelle est la signification de ce droit, quels en sont les apports et comment se produit sa mise en œuvre. En proposer une interprétation éclairée suppose d’évaluer la référence au concept de mode de vie faite par les requérants, les juges et les experts. Cette démarche implique d’avoir recours à l’interdisciplinarité, plus précisément à certaines études anthropologiques. Cela requiert également un examen du discours des juges, des experts et des requérants pour en observer les convergences et les décalages. Quant aux résultats de recherche, le rôle de plusieurs acteurs au processus d’émergence de la norme nouvelle – les requérants, les juges ou les experts et les États – est souligné. Cela confirme la théorie de la polycentricité en matière de construction de certaines règles de droit international. La juridicité du droit au respect des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones et sa force varient en fonction des systèmes, mais il possède toujours les caractéristiques propres à la norme juridique internationale. Cette dernière consacre un droit spécifique appartenant aux peuples autochtones et tribaux ou aux membres de peuples autochtones et minoritaires. Elle protège un rapport au territoire, soit un mode d’appréhension et d’exploitation, mais aussi de circulation et d’établissement sur celui-ci, ainsi que des activités. Les requérants roms, tribaux ou autochtones participent, bien qu’officieusement, à la définition juridique de leurs modes de vie, puisque les requêtes qu’ils déposent devant les juridictions supranationales constituent le fondement des interprétations judiciaires. Malgré ce processus de codétermination, certains décalages persistent entre les positions des divers acteurs impliqués dans la détermination du sens de la norme. Ils sont liés à l’impossibilité pour les juges d’appliquer au cas d’espèce une protection de leurs modes de vie, à l’éloignement entre la position des requérants et celle de l’État défendeur ou encore à la protection des droits des tiers. Une double surdétermination de la norme est donc constatée, par les conceptions des juges ou des experts, mais aussi par celles des requérants. Elle comporte certains risques d’essentialisation et d’idéalisation des modes de vie minoritaires et autochtones, de paternalisme, de victimisation ou de discrimination vis-à-vis des requérants ou de leurs communautés, sachant que ces risques sont tous à même de dénaturer le sens et la portée de la norme. Pour autant, cette dernière est porteuse d’avancées théoriques. Celles-ci ont trait à la coexistence, au sein de territoires identiques, entre groupes aux identités différentes, à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie des requérants et au processus de reconnaissance. La place occupée par la volonté des États, l’importance pour les juges de préserver leur légitimité, de même que le caractère idéaliste ou dogmatique de l’interprétation proposée, en limitent les apports théoriques. Il ressort de cette réflexion que la bonne articulation des divers discours en présence et l’émergence d’une norme efficace tiennent d’abord à l’énonciation et à la clarté des revendications des requérants minoritaires et autochtones. Elles tiennent ensuite à la réceptivité des agents qui les reçoivent – juges et experts – ainsi qu’au contexte politique, social et culturel qui les entourent. Cette analyse met ainsi en évidence l’importance d’exploiter la marge de manœuvre dont dispose chaque acteur du processus d’émergence dans la détermination du sens et de la portée des normes. / This research aims to explain and evaluate the emergence of a right of minorities and indigenous peoples to the respect of their ways of life, appearing before the European court of human rights, the Inter-American court of human rights and the United Nations Human rights Committee. The decisions and communications stemming from these tribunals will be analyzed and compared. This topic raises several questions regarding the legality of this norm, its meaning, effectiveness and limits, but also its implementation. In order to offer an interpretation of the content of that right, we need to evaluate the references made to it by the claimants, the judges and experts, which implicates an interdisciplinary approach focused on anthropological studies of law. This leads us to examine the discourses of judges, experts and claimants, to compare them and to observe their confluences and discrepancies. The results of this study show us that the emergence of this new norm is dependent upon the intervention of several agents – the claimants, the judges, the experts of the Committee and the States. This observation therefore confirms the polycentric process of construction of international legal rules. As to the legality and the effectiveness of the right of minorities and indigenous peoples to their ways of life, they vary according to the legal system, even if this right always corresponds to a legal rule. This rule consecrates a specific right belonging to indigenous and tribal people or to the members of indigenous people and minorities. It protects a relationship to the territory, i.e. a way to comprehend and to exploit it, to circulate on it and to inhabitate it. It also protects some activities. The indigenous, tribal and romas applicants unofficially take part in the legal definition of their ways of life, as the requests they submit to the international tribunals are cornerstones of judicial interpretations. In spite of a process of co-determination of the norm, gaps are observed between the positions of the different actors participating to the determination of the norm. They are either related to the impossibility for some judges to apply the right to a way of life to the case, to the distance between the positions of the claimants and the states, or to the protection of third parties. Consequently, a process of double distortion of the content of the norm appears, due to the judges’ or experts’ conceptions, but also to those of the claimants. It leads to the emergence of several problems, such as essentialism and the idealization of minorities and indigenous ways of life, paternalism, victimization or discrimination towards the claimants or their communities. These problems can alter the meaning and the impact of the norm. Nonetheless, the right to the respect of those ways of life has some theoretical effects related first to the coexistence, on a same piece of land, of different groups possessing diverse identities. They are also related to the improvement of the applicants’ quality of life and to the recognition process. However, the State’s willingness still occupies a large space in international law, as does the importance, for judges, to protect their own legitimacy. Moreover, some decisions seem too ideal or dogmatic. Those factors limit the effect of the norm. Thus, the articulation of judicial discourses and the efficiency of the norm are first contingent to the enunciation and to the clarity of the claimants’ requests. They are dependant of the receptivity of the agents whose role it is to receive them (judges and experts) and to the political, social and cultural context within which they take place. This last factor brings to light the importance for each agent participating to the elaboration of the norm to use, as much as he can, the margins he possesses. / Thèse de doctorat réalisée en cotutelle avec la Faculté de droit de l'Université Aix-Marseille 3.

Adolescent self-reported health in the Umeå region : Associations with behavioral, parental and school factors / Självrapporterad hälsa hos ungdomar i Umeåregionen, och dess samband med normrelaterat beteende samt med föräldra- och skolfaktorer

Nygren, Karina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis consists of a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study (articles I-III) aimed to examine how self-reported health in adolescence is associated with behavioral, parental, and school factors. Through a survey directed at all adolescents in grades 7-9, data were collected in 2005 in a region in northern Sweden (n=5060). Statistical methods were used to analyze the survey data: chi2tests, multivariate logistic regressions and multilevel logistic regressions. Results showed that even though most adolescents reported good health, there were also rather large proportions of adolescents who reported headaches, stomach aches and feelings of stress. Girls reported poor health to a higher extent than boys, a difference that was larger in grade 9 than in grade 7. The results also showed that being norm compliant was associated with good self-reported health. Furthermore, perceiving relations and communication with parents as poor was associated with poor self-reported health; however, this relationship could not explain gender differences in self-reported health. Continuing on, analyses showed that there exist greater variations in self-reported health between students (within a school) than between different schools. On an individual level, poor relations to teachers, bullying and truancy were associated with poor general health. The qualitative study  (article IV) sought to examine barriers to and facilitators of utilization of local school survey results within a school setting. In 2011, 21 school district managers and principals within a Swedish municipality were interviewed. Analyses were performed using a qualitative content analysis. The results from the qualitative study showed that the dissemination and utilization of school survey results appeared as two interrelated phases in one process. Barriers and facilitators differed qualitatively depending on the phase, dissemination or utilization. In conclusion, professionals as well as researchers need to consider the complexity of adolescent health and its social determinants. Adolescent health is a concern for multiple sectors in society, which highlights the need for further development of collaborations between professionals in relevant fields, such as health care, school and social services. / Den här avhandlingen består av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ studie. Syftet med den kvantitativa studien (artikel I-III) var att undersöka sambandet mellan ungdomars självrapporterade hälsa och deras normrelaterade beteende samt föräldra- och skolfaktorer. Data samlades in under 2005, genom en enkät som riktade sig till alla ungdomar i årskurs 7-9 i en region i norra Sverige (n=5060). De statistiska metoder som användes i den kvantitativa studien var bland annat chi2- test, logistisk regression samt flernivåanalys. Resultaten visade att även om de flesta ungdomar rapporterade en god allmän hälsa, så var det också en relativt stor andel som rapporterade huvudvärk, magont samt upplevelser av stress. Flickor rapporterade sämre hälsa än pojkar, en skillnad som var större i åk 9 jämfört med åk 7. Resultaten visade också att normföljsamhet hade ett signifikant samband med god självrapporterad hälsa. De ungdomar som upplevde relationen och kommunikationen med sina föräldrar som dålig, rapporterade också dålig hälsa i högre utsträckning än övriga. Sambandet mellan självrapporterad hälsa och föräldrarelationer kunde inte förklara skillnaderna i ohälsa mellan pojkar och flickor. Vidare, analyser visade att det fanns större variationer i självrapporterad hälsa mellan ungdomar (inom en skola) än mellan olika skolor. Dåliga relationer med lärare, skolk, samt att bli utsatt för mobbning hade ett signifikant samband med dålig självrapporterad hälsa, på en individuell nivå. Syftet med den kvalitativa studien (artikel IV) var att undersöka vilka faktorer inom skolan som möjliggör och som utgör barriärer för användningen av enkätresultaten från en lokal skolenkät. 2011 genomfördes 21 intervjuer med skolområdeschefer och rektorer inom en kommun i Sverige. Analyser av intervjumaterialet genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten från denna studie visade att spridningen och användningen av resultaten från skolenkäten kan beskrivas som två relaterade faser i en process. De faktorer som underlättade samt utgjorde barriärer för spridningen och användningen av enkätresultaten var kvalitativt olika varandra beroende på vilken fas i processen respondenterna hänvisade till. Dessa resultat illustrerar den mångfacetterade komplexitet som inryms i ungdomars hälsa och dess sociala determinanter, en komplexitet som både forskare och professionella behöver ta hänsyn till. Ungdomars hälsa angår ett flertal samhällssektorer, vilket visar på betydelsen av en fortsatt utveckling av samverkan mellan professionella inom exempelvis hälso- och sjukvården, skolan och socialtjänsten.

"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965

Hedlund, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
The construction of an identity among lesbian women during 1950-­‐1965 is in focus in this master ́s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-­minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksförbundet för sexuellt likaberättigande (a Swedish organisation for lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940. The theoretical approach is queer theory and phenomenology. In summary: I have found that women in this study to a great extent formed their identity in relation to prevailing scientific ideas that claimed to explicate homosexuality. Disappointments in marriage and personal failures were stressed by the women writers in order to explain their lesbian desires. Some of them also put equal weight on the relationship between a high sexual drive/nymphomania and homosexuality. Among many lesbians outside Stockholm in the 1950’s personal ads played a major role in order for them to meet with like-­minded women. The women in this study travelled long distances with the aim to visit pen friends in other parts of Sweden. Through those penfriends they were also introduced to other lesbian women, showing how lesbian networks emerged and grew.


鈴木, 有美, Suzuki, Yumi, 木野, 和代, Kino, Kazuyo, 出口, 智子, Deguchi, Tomoko, 遠山, 孝司, Tohyama, Takashi, 出口, 拓彦, Deguchi, Takuhiko, 伊田, 勝憲, Ida, Katsunori, 大谷, 福子, Ohtani, Fukuko, 谷口, ゆき, Taniguchi, Yuki, 野田, 勝子, Noda, Katsuko 12 1900 (has links)

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