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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleografisk variation och förändring : En graftypologisk undersökning av brev attribuerade till den medeltida skrivaren Johan Sigmundsson

Ulander, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker paleografisk variation i brev som attribuerats till den medeltida skrivaren Johan Sigmundsson. Huvudsyftet är att undersöka vilken graftypologisk variation som återfinns inom enskilda brev och vilken graftypologisk förändring som går att iaktta över tid. Ett bisyfte är därtill att på graftypologiska grunder pröva den tidigare attribueringen av breven. Materialet för undersökningen är 12 svenska och 3 latinska medeltida brev, utfärdade åren 1396–1423, som attribuerats till, eller för de latinska breven undertecknats av, skrivaren Johan Sigmundsson. Undersökningens metod utgörs av en graftypologisk modell där skrivtecken, utifrån deras distinktiva och redundanta grafiska drag, klassificeras som överordnade graftyper och underordnade graftypsvarianter. Utifrån dessa graftypologiska enheter upprättas en gemensam graftypologi för det latinska och det svenska brevmaterialet. Brevmaterialen jämförs sedan på graftypologiska grunder med varandra och den graftypologiska variationen som återfinns i de svenska breven undersöks. Den graftypologiska variation som identifieras diskuteras även utifrån begreppen norm och bruk, som avser den idealiserade bild skrivaren har av sin egen skrift respektive hur denna skrift faktiskt realiseras i breven. Undersökningen har producerat två huvudresultat. Det första huvudresultatet är att viss graftypologisk variation inom enskilda brev och kronologisk förändring över tid i flera brev har observerats. Särskilt tre graftypologiska förändringar är framträdande. För det första har en kronologisk utveckling identifierats för en grupp graftyper med karaktäriserande förlängningar under baslinjen, nämligen \h\, \j\, \m\, \n\, \x\, \y\ och \z\. I de latinska breven och de tidigaste svenska breven uppvisar dessa graftyper nedåtgående förlängningar som först går åt vänster och sedan kraftigt böjer åt höger. Över tid får graftyperna förlängningar som går nedåt och åt vänster. För det andra kan man för graftypen \s\ i fyra brev se en kronologisk utveckling där graftypsvarianten {s4}, med öppen övre ögla, blir allt vanligare. För det tredje kan man för graftypen \æ\ se att de två tidigaste breven har ett diakritiskt tecken bestående av ett snedstreck, medan det latinska materialet och senare svenska brev i stället främst har en krok som diakritiskt tecken. Dessa tre exempel på graftypologisk förändring har förklarats som en förändring av skrivarens norm, där skrivarens norm över tid alltmer skiljer sig från den norm som går att identifiera i de latinska och de tidigaste svenska breven. Det andra huvudresultatet är att tre svenska brev, SDHK nr 16652, 17016 och 19964, på graftypologiska grunder tycks vara felattribuerade och inte vara skrivna av Johan Sigmundsson. Ytterligare tre brev, SDHK nr 16232, 18949 och 19280, kan på graftypologiska grunder endast mer osäkert attribueras till skrivaren. Övriga sex svenska brev bedöms vara av skrivaren.

Norms, Social Fitness and the Construction of Intersubjectivity - A Study of the Norm Entrepreneurship of the World Bank and the Diffusion of the Norm of Good Governance

Benderson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This study deals with the process of norm diffusion in international politics. It primarily analyses and explains the diffusion of the norm of ’good governance’ initiated by the World Bank in 1989. In so doing the study delivers an analysis of the norm entrepreneurship of the World Bank in this specific case of norm diffusion. Moreover, the analysis reflects on the capacity of the World Bank as a norm entrepreneur from a more general point of view. An analytical framework that mainly draws on social constructivist literature on norm evolution is developed and applied to the empirical case at hand. The analysis is divided into two parts. The first section focuses on normative structures and the second section concentrates on the norm entrepreneur. The last concluding part wraps up the analysis of the empirical case by explaining how the first and the second part of the inquiry relate. The present study suggests that social fitness is the key analytical concept to understand the process of norm diffusion in the case at hand. The analysis shows how the social fitness of the norm of ‘good governance’ and the social fitness of the World Bank as an international organisation are fundamental to understand the diffusion of the norm of ‘good governance’. The theoretical conception of norm diffusion delivered in the present study suggests that international organisations can be influential and powerful norm entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the study incorporates a theoretical conception of power into the analysis of norm diffusion and shows how power in different forms is a fundamental element to understand and analyse the social construction of intersubjectivity.

Three-axis magnetometer calibration with norm preservation

Lichlyter, Seth 09 August 2022 (has links)
This thesis proposes a set of methods for the purpose of improving the calibration of three-axis magnetometers. Specifically, these methods aim to improve the accuracy of the bias estimation methods currently in use. The first proposed method utilizes a constrained optimization problem based on norm preserving. The second proposed method finds the same bias estimate as the first method, but in a computationally more efficient manner. The last proposed method tackles the case where the value of the local geomagnetic field is only imprecisely known. Computer simulations demonstrate the viability of the proposed methods.

Understanding Sustainable Consumption Behavior : A Comparative Study among Swedish and Indian consumers

Haioty, Mohamed, Mohamed Azeem, Lubna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to deepen our understanding of sustainable  consumption behavior and provide valuable insights that can inform efforts to  promote sustainability at both individual and societal levels. Through focus group interviews and a comparative analysis of diverse socio-cultural contexts,  this study aims to contribute to ongoing discussions and initiatives aimed at   achieving a more sustainable world.

Får alla plats i svenska skolans läroböcker? : En analys av representation i svenskämnets läroböcker i årskurs 4, utifrån ett jämlik- och jämställdhetsperspektiv

Eriksson, Julia, Olsson, Emma-Johanna January 2024 (has links)
I denna undersökning har en läroboksanalys genomförts på fyra olika läroböcker i svenskämnet för årskurs 4. Läroböckerna som valdes till undersökningen var läroböcker som används aktivt i skolan idag. Syftet med studien var att se hur genus och etnicitet representerades i läroböckerna samt om läroböckerna följer skolans värdegrund. I undersökningen användes tre olika teorier, diskursteorin, den intersektionella teorin samt den sociosemiotiska teorin. Metoden som användes i undersökningen var kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten som framkom i analysen speglar sig i tidigare forskningsresultat där pojkar och vita personer med västerländsk bakgrund representeras i majoritet. Däremot kunde en positiv utveckling uppmärksammas när den äldsta och den senaste läroboken jämfördes då marginalerna mellan genus samt representationen av olika etniciteter hade minskat.

Codes from norm-trace curves: local recovery and fractional decoding

Murphy, Aidan W. 04 April 2022 (has links)
Codes from curves over finite fields were first developed in the late 1970's by V. D. Goppa and are known as algebraic geometry codes. Since that time, the construction has been tailored to fit particular applications, such as erasure recovery and error correction using less received information than in the classical case. The Hermitian-lifted code construction of L'opez, Malmskog, Matthews, Piñero-González, and Wootters (2021) provides codes from the Hermitian curve over $F_{q^2}$ which have the same locality as the well-known one-point Hermitian codes but with a rate bounded below by a positive constant independent of the field size. However, obtaining explicit expressions for the code is challenging. In this dissertation, we consider codes from norm-trace curves, which are a generalization of the Hermitian curve. We develop norm-trace-lifted codes and demonstrate an explicit basis of the codes. We then consider fractional decoding of codes from norm-trace curves, extending the results obtained for codes from the Hermitian curve by Matthews, Murphy, and Santos (2021). / Doctor of Philosophy / Coding theory focuses on recovering information, whether that data is corrupted and changed (called an error) or is simply lost (called an erasure). Classical codes achieve this goal by accessing all received symbols. Because long codes, meaning those with many symbols, are common in applications, it is useful for codes to be able to correct errors and recover erasures by accessing less information than classical codes allow. That is the focus of this dissertation. Codes with locality are designed for erasure recovery using fewer symbols than in the classical case. Such codes are said to have locality $r$ and availability $s$ if each symbol can be recovered from $s$ disjoint sets of $r$ other symbols. Algebraic curves, such as the Hermitian curve or the more general norm-trace curves, offer a natural structure for designing codes with locality. This is done by considering lines intersected with the curve to form repair groups, which are sets of $r+1$ points where the information from one point can be recovered using the rest of the points in the repair group. An error correction method which uses less data than the classical case is that of fractional decoding. Fractional decoding takes advantage of algebraic properties of the field trace to correct errors by downloading only a $lambda$-proportion of the received information, where $lambda < 1$. In this work, we consider a new family of codes resulting from norm-trace curves, and study their locality and availability, as well as apply the ideas of fractional decoding to these codes.

Användning av digitala verktyg i matematikundervisning / The use of digital equipment in mathematics education

Hökén, Jimmy, Lönnback, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Datorer, mobiltelefoner och iPads är exempel på digitala verktyg som används dagligen i samhället och skolan är inget undantag. Tidigare forskning beskriver att attityder, normer och upplevelser hos den enskilda läraren har stor betydelse för valet av digitala verktyg. Syftet med vår studie är att öka kunskapen om förutsättningarna för lärarens användning av digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen i årskurs 4-6. Vilka yttre och inre faktorer upplever läraren existerar? Hur beskriver och motiverar läraren sina val mellan traditionella eller digitala verktyg? För att svara på frågorna använde vi intervjuer som konstruerades med utgångspunkt från Theory of planned behavior. Vår studie indikerar att det är fler yttre än inre faktorer som påverkar lärarens användning av digitala verktyg, varav fler underlättar än hindrar användandet. Resultaten är komplexa och svårtolkade men vi drar slutsatsen att framtiden för användning av digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen ser ljus ut.

Theory of Planned Behavior: Item Response Sets and Prediction of Physical Activity

Nault, Edith Madeline 04 September 2013 (has links)
Background: Less than half of Americans meet the recommendation of leisure-time physical activity (PA) of 150 minutes (CDC, 2012). A number of efficacious programs have been developed, and those that are based on theory are more effective. However, it is often difficult to determine the mechanisms of effect through meditational analyses. This is particularly an issue when a theory-based intervention is effective but theoretically hypothesized meditational relationships are not found. One reason for the lack of relationship could be the methods used to assess different theoretical constructs. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is one model used in the exercise and PA research domain which generally employs traditional fixed-graded measures of proposed theoretical mediators (e.g., strongly disagree to strongly agree response sets). More recent research provides initial evidence that using continuous-open scaling (e.g., ratio-level scaling; days or time/per week rather than agreement scales) has shown the superiority in measurement accuracy demonstrated by stronger relationships between the theoretical constructs and behavioral outcomes when compared to other scaling types. However, continuous open scaling has only been applied to correlational studies and there is no evidence that this scaling procedure results in measures that are sensitive to change or are related to both self-reported and objectively measured PA. Primary Aims: The primary aims of this study were to determine 1) the sensitivity to change of TPB constructs using different response sets and self-report and accelerometer assessed PA, and 2) if TPB constructs measured using the different response-sets have differential prediction of PA measured using self-report and accelerometry. Methods: Forty-six young adults were recruited to complete 13-item measure of TPB constructs using both fixed-graded and continuous-open scales as well as Godin's Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire at 3 time (T1=Baseline, T2=End of week 1, T3=End of week 2) points over 2-weeks. Potential participants were excluded if they engaged in PA of 150 minutes or more per week. Inclusion criteria were the ability to perform moderate intensity PA and aged 18-25 years old. The order of different scales for the TPB constructs was randomly and evenly assigned within each condition. Participants were asked to wear an accelerometer for 2 weeks; one week prior to the action planning activity and one week after. To determine the sensitivity to change of the measures, participants were randomly assigned to either complete a personal action plan for physical activity (AP) or not (Control). Due to the exploratory nature of the pilot we set the significance level for all tests at p<0.10. Results: In general responses to the continuous open versus fixed closed items, at each time point, resulted in significantly (p<.05) lower perceptions of attitude (instrumental attitudes T1=4.4, T2=4.2, T3=4.3 versus time1= 6.2, T2=6.4, T3=6.3; affective attitudes T1=3.6, T2=3.5, T3=3.9 versus time1= 5.0, T2=5.0, T3=4.8), subjective norm ( T1=3.4, T2=3.3, T3=2.4 versus time1= 5.3, T2=5.2, T3=5.3), perceptions of control ( T1=3.2, T2=3.7, T3=3.9 versus time1= 4.6 T2=4.9, T3=5.2), and intention (T1=1.5, T2=1.8, T3=2.4 versus time1= 4.8, T2=5.1, T3=5.2). In regards to sensitivity to change continuous open and fixed closed measures of instrumental attitudes, subjective norms did not demonstrate significant changes as a result of action planning. Affective attitudes measured by the continuous-open scale, but not when measured by the fixed-closed scale, showed change over time regardless of condition. Perceived behavioral control measured using the continuous-open scale increased for AP participants by approximately 0.5 compared to control participants change of approximately 0.1 (p=.09). A similar pattern was found with intention in that changes in the continuous-open scale were significant (AP=0.9; control=0.2; p=0.07). No other scales showed significant sensitivity to change. Self-reported PA increased significantly for AP participants (81-16 minutes per week of PA) when compared to control participants (87 +/- 19 to 75 +/- 17 minutes per week of PA; p<0.1). Same pattern of differences was shown between AP (65 +/- 13 to 107 +/- 15 minutes per week of PA) and control (70 +/- 14 to 65 +/- 16 minutes per week of PA) participants (p<0.05). Conclusions: Continuous open scaling have significant correlations with all constructs along with affective attitude and intention being correlated with the actual reported exercise behavior over fixed graded scaling. This data sheds further insight into the different response sets of the TPB in application to exercise domain within a sedentary, young population. The lack of a significant difference may be due to the small sample size. Further research should investigate the role of the personalized action plan utilizing a larger sample size and the correlation of the TPB with intention and actual exercise behavior within an intervention. / Master of Science

Förskollärares erfarenheter i arbetet av inkludering i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare samtalar om sina erfarenheter kring arbetet om inkludering i mångkulturella förskolor / Preschool teachers' experiences in the work of inclusion in socio-economically vulnerable areas : A qualitative study on how preschool teachers talk about their experiences regarding work on inclusion in multicultural preschools

Gorgos, Cicilia Stephanié, Mohamed Ali, Zamzam January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att uppmärksamma förskollärare verksamma i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden samtalar om sitt arbete kring att inkludera alla barn i en mångkulturell förskoleverksamhet. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna verkställdes med stöd av en intervjuguide och diskussionsfrågor där intervjupersonerna kunde svara fritt. Resultatet visade att det centrala i arbetet med inkludering för mångkulturella barn kategoriseras utifrån sex teman: samtal och aktiviteter som uppmärksammar kulturella olikheter, inkludering genom att arbeta i olika grupper och teman, inkludering genom att uppmärksamma olika språk, besök utanför förskolans arena, interkulturella kompetenser kräver utbildad personal, utmaningar som kan uppkomma i en mångkulturell barngrupp. Det som uppmärksammades och som var avgörande i arbetet med mångkulturella barn var vilka olika strategier förskollärare använde för att inkludera alla barn i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden.

Investigating Health Decision-Making in Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.docx

Kimberly Ann Paulin Porter (18395739) 17 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This study investigates healthcare decision-making dynamics among adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) without intellectual disability (ID), focusing on the influence of the egocentric norm concept and comparing it to neurotypical (NT) individuals. Employing a quasi-experimental design and meticulously developed vignettes, the research gathers quantitative and qualitative data from Prolific survey responses, exploring nuances in decision processes. The findings reveal substantial disparities in response patterns between individuals with ASD without ID and NT counterparts, emphasizing the significance of the egocentric norm. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling support the validity of the questions and highlight egocentric norms’ impactful role in health-related decisions.</p><p dir="ltr">Qualitatively, themes within both groups illuminate unique decision-making processes, including enduring support from significant others, autonomy trends, and reliance on digital resources. The study contributes nuanced insights for healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and educators, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions that resonate with the distinctive decision-making dynamics of individuals with ASD without ID. While acknowledging limitations related to sample characteristics and reliance on self-reported data, the study provides an in-depth understanding of the interplay between the egocentric norm, Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) concepts, and other influential factors in healthcare decision-making.</p>

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