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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moving beyond sustainability: To what extent does the Cradle to Cradle framework play a role within New Zealand's fashion industry?

Dransfeld, Josephine Gisela January 2015 (has links)
Our planet is threatened by a rapidly changing climate, alarming resource depletion and a steadily rising population growth. This calls for intensified sustainable practices within businesses of all sizes and industries. In recent years this resulted in a wholly new model called the circular economy. Inherent to this is the Cradle to Cradle framework which seeks to design and create commodities in such a way that the impact on the environment, i.e. the carbon footprint is neutralised. Significant efforts are currently being undertaken in Europe and the United States in various sectors with a recent focus on transforming the fashion industry. The literature finds that that there is generally still little known in this area, there was barely any evidence of this change taking in New Zealand. The objective of this research is to explore this and to eventually build a theoretical understanding to what extent Cradle to Cradle plays a role within the fashion industry. This was achieved by employing the grounded theory method. Data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with owners-managers supplemented by secondary data such as sustainability reports. In line with grounded theory principles, open and selective coding, theoretical sampling and constant comparison were used to analyse all data within the Nvivo 10 Software. The theory showed that somewhat severe resource constraints and an occurring loss of transparency by outsourcing manufacturing operations to overseas locations impede the shift towards the circular economy at present. This research contributes to sustainable development literature by providing a comprehensive model of how the uptake of sustainable practices is influenced and dependent on multiple aspects and therefore fosters the understanding of a complex, intertwined and intransparent industry. Furthermore, this research benefits companies and business networks alike.

Hur man kan återvinna befintliga plåtfasader till nya fasader ur ett Cradle to Cradle perspektiv : Från slätplåt till perforerad plåt / How to recycle existing sheet metal facades to new facades from a Cradle to Cradle perspective : From plain sheet to perforated sheet

Seradji, Shabnam, Ayata, Kübra January 2013 (has links)
Idag, nästan 40 år efter att Miljonprogrammet stod klart, är renovering och ombyggnation av fastigheterna högaktuellt. White Arkitekter har som ett led i detta tilldelats ett renoverings- och ombyggnadsprojekt i Norra Stockholm som innefattar två fastigheter uppförda under Miljonprogrammet. Detta examensarbete behandlar återvinning av de befintliga plåtfasaderna på ovannämnda fastigheter. White Arkitekter vill undersöka möjligheterna att genom återvinning använda ursprungsmassan för tillverkning av nya fasader i perforerad plåt till samma fastigheter. Syftet är att redovisa materialets livscykel med hänsyn till miljön samtidigt som anknytningen till Miljonprogrammet bevaras. För att besvara frågeställning har en bit av fasadplåten undersökts i syfte att identifiera plåtmaterialet. Genom att ta reda på plåtens densitet har aluminium fastställts som material. Kontakt har tagits med flertalet företag som är involverade i återvinningsprocessen – från slätplåt till perforerad plåt. I rapporten redovisas alla aktörer och steg i processen. Idén grundas på Cradle to Cradle som är en teori utvecklad av den tyske kemisten Michael Braungart och den amerikanske arkitekten William McDonough. Teorins grundtanke baseras på att eliminera avfall som koncept och istället se det som näring till antingen teknologiska- eller biologiska processer. Aluminium och andra metaller är exempel på material i den teknologiska cykeln. Med dagens återvinningsprocesser förlorar de dock sitt värde och kan inte användas till samma syfte. Återvinning av aluminium besparar dessutom hela 95 % av den energi som åtgår vid tillverkning av primäraluminium. Då Cradle to Cradle ännu inte fått någon större genomslagskraft i Sverige har flera hinder stötts på. I rapporten framgår att det inte finns något smältverk i Sverige som separerar olika aluminiumlegeringar från varandra. Allt aluminium som återvinns i Sverige blir i slutändan till gjutgods. För att nå önskade resultat och påvisa den faktiska möjligheten med projektet kontaktades ett skrotbaserat smält- och valsverk i Norge. Sammanfattningsvis är projektet fullt genomförbart både i teorin och i praktiken, det gäller bara att hitta rätt samarbetspartners. / Approximately 40 years since the completion of the Swedish Million Programme, renovation and rebuilding of the real estates are highly prioritized. White Architects has been assigned a renovation and rebuilding project in Northern Stockholm which encompasses two real estates completed during the Million Programme. This thesis examines the recycling of existing sheet metal facades on the mentioned properties. White Architects want to explore the possibilities of using the original material to produce new facades through recycling. The aim is to present the material’s lifecycle, while considering environmental conditions, in connection to the Million Programme. To answer the question at hand, a sample of the sheeting has been investigated in order to identify the material. The material has been determined as aluminum through the identification of the plate’s density. A number of companies, which have been involved in the recycling process of going from plain sheet to perforated sheet, have been contacted. This thesis presents the different stakeholders and stages in the recycling process. The idea is based on Cradle to Cradle which is a theory developed by the German chemist Michael Braungart and American architect William McDonough. The theory's basic concept is based on eliminating waste by seeing waste as fuel for technological or biological processes. Aluminium and other metals are examples of materials that can be used in the technological cycle. With today's recycling processes they lose their value and cannot be reused for the same purposes. Recycling aluminum saves up to as much as 95% of the energy which is consumed in the primary production. When the Cradle to Cradle theory had yet to have any significant impact in Sweden, several obstacles were encountered. This report shows that there is no smelter in Sweden which separates the different aluminum alloys. All aluminum recycled in Sweden will end up as castings. To achieve the desired results and demonstrate the real possibility of the project, a scrap based smelting and rolling mill in Norway was contacted. To summarize, the project is entirely feasible both in theory and in practice, as long as the right collaboration partners are involved.

Implementering av cirkulär ekonomi i byggbranschen / Implementation of circular economy in the construction industry

Davoudian, André, Andriasyan, Levon January 2020 (has links)
Idag är klimatfrågan ett av världens mest omtalade ämnen. Majoriteten av forskarna runt om i världen är eniga att klimatförändringen är direkt orsakad av oss människor. Detta har gett en insikt om att klimatförändringen är en av mänsklighetens största utmaningar som behöver tas på allvar. Därför behöver vi människor gemensamt enas och ta ansvar för globala lösningar. Idag är den linjära ekonomin klart dominerande, medan det nya motsatta systemet som benämns cirkulär ekonomi blir allt mer eftertraktat. Den cirkulära ekonomin är ett koncept som möjliggör miljöns välmående på ett hållbart sätt. Begreppet handlar om i korthet att återanvända och återvinna produkter, resurser och material på ett sätt som efterliknar naturens egna kretslopp. Begreppet cirkulär ekonomi är väldigt brett och därför har vi valt att avgränsa arbetet till material inom byggbranschen. Syftet med examensarbetet har därför varit att undersöka utmaningar och möjligheter för implementering av cirkulär ekonomi inom byggbranschen. De frågor vi valt att titta närmre på är: Vad finns det för verktyg som kan bidra till cirkulär ekonomi i byggbranschen? Hur arbetar en stor svensk exploatör idag med cirkulär ekonomi? Vi har använt en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att kunna fördjupa oss inom ämnet. Arbetet består till en stor del av litteraturstudien som bygger på webbkällor med hög trovärdighet. Vi har även intervjuat flera specialister på Riksbyggen. Vi har varit källkritiska och tagit hänsyn till aspekter såsom validitet, reliabilitet och variabilitet. Resultatet tar fram både privata och statliga verktyg men även olika miljöcertifieringar, som är relevanta inom byggbranschen i förhållande till cirkulär ekonomi. De olika verktyg och miljöcertifieringar fungerar på liknande sätt och alla framförs i syfte att främja den cirkulära ekonomin inom byggbranschen. Verktygen som nämns i rapporten har gett goda resultat och etableras mer i byggbranschen. Dock täcker inte ett verktyg eller miljöcertifiering alla aspekter inom cirkulär ekonomi, utan de fungerar bra som utgångspunkter. För att uppnå goda resultat krävs det att man kombinerar olika verktyg eftersom de kompletterar varandra. Slutsatsen är att det är mer effektivt att kombinera de olika verktygen. Detta för att täcka upp fler aspekter inom cirkulär ekonomi. Med god kunskap inom området och effektiv kommunikation mellan aktörer, optimeras resultatet. Därför är ett gott samarbete nyckeln till framgång. / Today, the climate issue is one of the world's most talked about topics. The majority of scientists around the world agree that climate change is directly caused by us humans. This has given us an insight that climate change is one of humanity's greatest challenges that needs to be taken seriously. That is why we need people to come together and take responsibility for global solutions. The linear economy is today clearly dominant, while the new opposite system called circular economy is becoming more sought after. The circular economy is a concept that enables the environment's wellbeing in a sustainable way. In short, the concept is to reuse and recycle products, resources and materials in a way that mimics the nature's own cycle. The notion of circular economics is very broad and that is why we have chosen to limit the work to materials in the construction industry. The purpose of the thesis has therefore been to explore challenges and opportunities for implementing circular economics in the construction industry. The question formulations we have chosen to look at are; What tools are there that can contribute to circular economy in the construction industry? How does a large Swedish operator work with circular economy today? We have used a qualitative research method where we have been able to immerse ourselves in the subject. The work consists largely of the literature study, which is based on sources from various websites with high credibility. We have also interviewed employees at Riksbyggen. We have been critical to sources and have taken into consideration of aspects such as validity, reliability and variability. The result produces both private and government tools as well as various environmental certifications, which are relevant in the construction industry regarding circular economy. The various tools and environmental certifications produced work in a similar way, and all are presented with the aim of promoting the circular economy in the construction industry. The tools mentioned in the report have produced good results and are more established in the construction industry. However, a tool or environmental certification does not cover the entire area of circular economics, but they work well as a starting point. To achieve good results, it is necessary to combine different tools since they complement each other. The conclusion is that it is more efficient to combine the different tools. This is to cover more aspects of the circular economy. With good knowledge in the subject and effective communication between partners, the result is optimized. Therefore, good cooperation is the key to success.

Cradle to Cradle : Som idé och praktik i fysisk planering

Strand, Nanny January 2019 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne i dagens samhällsdebatt men det råder delade meningar kring hur vi arbetar med det på bästa sätt. Tidigare har samhället fokuserat på att minska sin energiförbrukning, resursanvändning, utsläpp av växthusgaser med mera för att göra samhället mer hållbart. Nu har det börjat växa fram andra tankar om att vi bör fokusera på att skapa en positiv påverkan på miljön och naturen för att samhällets utveckling ska bli hållbar. Ett sätt att göra det är genom Cradle to Cradle. Cradle to Cradle bygger på att skapa positiva och hållbara kretslopp, främst för produkter och produktion men även inom andra delar av samhället som samhällsplanering men också människors sätt att leva och konsumera.  Syftet med uppsatsen var att identifiera och undersöka styrkor och svagheter i en svensk kommuns arbete med Cradle to Cradle. I arbetet undersöks hur Ronneby kommun konkretiserar Cradle to Cradle i sin planering. Hur de går från en mer övergripande strategi om hållbar utveckling till att konkretisera principerna för Cradle to Cradle i sin planering. Undersökningen gjordes genom en fallstudie av Ronneby kommun. Val av Ronneby kommun som fall grundade sig i deras arbete med Cradle to Cradle på flera olika nivåer inom fysisk planering. Från uppförande av enskilda byggnader enligt Cradle to Cradle principer till arbetet med att ta fram strategiska program och skapandet av en ny stadsdel enligt Cradle to Cradle.

Miljöeffektivisering av sjukvårdsfilten : För en friskare värld att leva i / Environmental development of a hospital blanket : for a healthier world to live in

De allra flesta av oss har någon gång spenderat en eller flera nätter på sjukhus i samband med operationer, förlossningar eller sjukdomar. Det är viktigt att produkterna som används i samband med patienterna hjälper personen att uppleva bra komfort. Filten som patienten blir tilldelad under sin vårdvistelse ska skapa en behaglig temperatur, som är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för just god komfort. Det är inte bara viktigt att vi själva blir friska, produkterna som används inom sjukvården borde vara miljöanpassade för att både människa, miljö och klimat ska få en så frisk framtid som möjligt.Dagens filtar uppfyller de upphandlingskrav som ställs från VG region och Alingsåstvätteriet, men dessa innehåller inte några miljökrav eller specifikationer som garanterar att produkten och dess kringliggande processer genom hela dess livscykel är miljövänliga.Syftet med den här studien är att ta fram ett underlag för en miljöeffektivisering av hela produktlivscykeln för de filtar som används inom sjukvården idag. Intresset ligger i att produktutveckla för en friskare värld att leva i, för så väl människa som för miljö. Det som undersökts är om det går det att hitta ett material till en miljövänlig och biologiskt nedbrytbar filt som ger god komfort och samtidigt uppfyller de upphandlingskrav som ställs. Resultatet av studien visar att en stor del av de personer som använder sjukhusfilten, det vill säga patienter och personal, ser positivt till att nuvarande filtar byts ut mot nya miljövänliga och användarvänligare filtar. Studien visar på att det går att miljöeffektivisera sjukvårdsfilten och cradle-to-cradle anpassa den. Det visar också att vissa delar av produktens livscykel är svårare att effektivisera än andra. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

A Cradle to Cradle Study at Klättermusen

Söderberg, Siri January 2012 (has links)
This study has been carried out at Klättermusen, a Swedish company producing outdoor clothingand equipment with a focus on durability, safety, function and environment. The purpose of thethesis was to investigate if Klättermusen should use Cradle to Cradle (C2C) in their sustainabilitywork. This was reviewed by studying the working procedure, by making a case study, byinvestigating if there are alternative ways to practise C2C, by studying the weak points of theC2C-certification and by investigating the compatibility with other sustainability tools.The C2C vision is inspired by the ecosystems and is based on the three rules Waste equals food, Usecurrent solar income and Celebrate diversity. An important aspect of C2C is the focus on attaining apositive impact on humans and the environment instead of doing things less bad by minimizingemissions. To make it possible for companies to communicate their effort and progress to theircustomers and become more competitive a C2C certification has been elaborated. The core ofthe certification is an assessment of the materials included in the product to make sure they aresecure, healthy and recyclable. Other parts included in the certification are energy, water andsocial aspects.When studying the C2C certification three of Klättermusen’s products were used as references.To certify these products Klättermusen has to gather information from their suppliers and makestrategies regarding Materials, Material Reutilization, Energy, Water and Social Responsibility. Forexample all the substances that contained in the garment at a concentration of at least 0.01 %must be reported, which means that all suppliers must be requested to list their substances. Thecertification cost of a pair of pants investigated in this study was estimated to 54 500 €.An assessment was made to find alternative ways to practise C2C and identify weak points of theC2C certification. It is based on interviews held with Jenny Pfau working for EPEA and threepersons in contact with C2C in their work; Kjersti Kviseth, Magnus Hedenmark and RichardBlume. According to Jenny Pfau Klättermusen can practise C2C by making a screening, a detailedassessment or a workshop. Both Magnus Hedenmark and Richard Blume practise the frameworkof The Natural Step and think that the C2C certification should be used as a tool within theframework. Some weak points found by these persons in the certification are that it is timeconsuming,not transparent enough and lack of a systems perspective.The C2C certification was compared with bluesign, a sustainability standard for the textileindustry, and Eco Index, a sustainability tool made for the outdoor industry. The purpose was toinvestigate if the C2C certification is compatible with other tools and the compared aspects weremainly lifecycle stages, impact categories and level of detail, but also purpose, procedure,workload, required knowledge and experience, cost, credibility and transparency.Both strengths and weaknesses were found when studying the C2C certification. It has got apositive approach to sustainability and develops safe products from a chemical perspective buthas a lack of systems perspective, is costly and time-consuming. The compatibility of the toolswas discussed with the comparison as a basis. Eco Index is modular and could be adjusted tocomplement the C2C certification but both tools have a big workload. bluesign and the C2Ccertification include the same lifecycle stages but have different strengths, which could makethem complementing each but possibly contradictive.Klättermusen is recommended to make a sustainability vision of their future products and thenchoose which tools to use. Since Klättermusen is already a bluesign system partner it could be agood idea to complement bluesign with Eco Index and C2C, but this choice should depend onthe future vision.

Omställning mot en cirkulär ekonomi : En studie om svenska kommuners påbörjade arbete med cirkulär ekonomi / Transition towards a circular economy : A study of the started work with circular economy in Swedish municipalities

Melander, Linnea, Koj, Razan January 2015 (has links)
Dagens samhälle präglas av en linjär ekonomi som resulterar i utarmning av jordens resurser och ökande avfallsmängder. Cirkulär ekonomi är en alternativ modell till den linjära ekonomin som syftar till cirkulerande flöden av resurser och en övergång till hållbara energikällor. Denna studie undersöker hur och varför svenska kommuner arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi, vilka förutsättningar som krävs för en implementering samt vilka drivkrafter och svårigheter som identifierats i arbetet med att påbörja en implementering av cirkulär ekonomi. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med tjänstemän som varit aktiva inom kommunala projekt som har en koppling till cirkulär ekonomi. Resultatet visar att de främsta drivkrafterna för en kommun att implementera cirkulär ekonomi är att jordens resurser håller på att utarmas och att det därför krävs förändrade resursflöden för att nå ett gott hållbarhetsarbete. Minskade avfallsmängder och att cirkulär ekonomi är nytänkande när det kommer till att se lösningar för dagens miljöproblem är andra drivkrafter som identifierats. Viktiga förutsättningar som krävs för en övergång mot cirkulär ekonomi på lokal nivå är politiskt stöd, finansiering, kunskapsspridning, god samverkan samt goda exempel.

Closed loop building approach to address sustainability challenge into the future of urban areas

Glukhova, Ekaterina, Cividini, Martina, Erimasita, Silvia January 2015 (has links)
Global urbanization trends and climate changes result in a significant pressure for a future development of urban areas. The construction industry can play a primary role in addressing some of the challenges, but in order to make it happen, the phases of design, construction, use and deconstructio of a building should meet the criteria of sustainability. The closed loop approach can help the construction industry to move in the right direction.  This thesis analysis the closed loop approach to identify its potential contribution in solving the sustainability challenges in urban areas, as well as explores the key aspects helping or hindering the implementation of the approach. The methods used for the research include the framework for strategic sustainable development, case study analysis and interviews with experts in the field. The research exposed several gaps in the use of the approach moving towards sustainability, mainly due to the fact that the unique and shared definition of it is missing and neither actions nor tools are suggested for a successful implementation of the approach. Main barriers are related to the material choice, flexibility of the design, communication and legislation aspects, work with supply chain and interaction with stakeholders. Nonetheless most of them are also seen as potential enablers. Recommendations are provided to help overcoming the existing barriers and valorizing the key enablers, but the clear definition of the approach is necessary to exploit potentialitie of the closed loop approach.

Utformning av ett verktyg för att nå cirkulära lösningar i byggprojekt : Implementering av cirkulär ekonomi på företaget Incoord / Development and design of a tool for reaching circular solutions in construction projects

Kristoffersson, Agnes, Koch, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis aims to create a user-friendly Excel-based tool tohelp the co-workers at Incoord, a technology consulting companywithin the construction business, to implement circular economy intheir projects. A literature study was done focusing on theconstruction business, circular economy and earlier implementedcircular projects and user-design experience. Interviews were heldwith the co-workers at Incoord to identify where and how circulareconomy can be implemented in the projects at Incoord. In addition,workshops and a case-group meeting were held with the co-workers toset up the requirement specifications for user-design experience andto encourage the co-workers to come up with circular solutions. All of this resulted in a framework that included knowledge aboutuser-design experience and questions encouraging circular solutionsin the projects at Incoord. The framework was used when the digitaltool was created in Excel. The tool was evaluated to make sure thatit met the requirement specifications. It resulted in a toolconsisting of four parts; the first focusing on circular solutionsthat can be made by Incoord themselves, the second advocated toexternal actors, the third focusing on promoting circular materialand the fourth calculating the carbon dioxide reduction whenreprocessing compared to making new materials. The different partscan be adjusted depending on which area of expertise the user isworking within. Points are collected depending on the answers in thedifferent parts, which gives the user a concluding result that showshow circular the current project can be.

House Recycled

Hong, Wei 31 August 2023 (has links)
The development of society calls for a new approach to traditional building systems, which no longer meet the demands of today's society. This is mainly manifested in the following points: 1. Traditional buildings, when decayed, generate a large amount of construction waste, which occupies more land and resources in the form of landfills. New buildings should aim to minimize or eliminate construction waste generation, thus reducing environmental damage. The transformation of buildings from "Cradle to Grave" to "Cradle to Cradle." 2. Different ages, social roles, and professions require varying building functionalities and sizes. Buildings should be adaptable to meet these diverse needs. 3. Buildings should not be permanently fixed to a single location but should be in a continuous process of change, even to the extent of being movable. 4. Buildings should have a growth and transformation process, where components can be recycled and reused, similar to how chemical elements can cycle naturally in the environment. 5. Buildings should be designed for rapid transport, assembly, and disassembly. They should not require specialized construction workers for installation. This is in contrast to traditional buildings with long construction periods, poor construction quality, and high levels of complexity. 6. Building design should be simplified and modular, allowing for quick achievement of aesthetic, functional, safety, and livability requirements. Owners should be able to participate in the design process, enabling them to meet their own usage and living needs. This approach differs from traditional building design, which requires extensive involvement from trained architects and engineers, resulting in higher construction costs and resource consumption. 7. New recycling houses should be adaptable for various functions and building types, such as houses, apartments, townhouses, offices, affordable housing, single-story or multi-story buildings, and even high-rise structures. 8. In summary, the concept of recycling houses aligns with the need for sustainable and adaptable buildings that minimize waste, accommodate diverse needs, promote ease of construction, and allow for resource conservation. / Master of Architecture / The development of society calls for a new approach to traditional building systems, which no longer meet the demands of today's society. This is mainly manifested in the following points: 1. Traditional buildings, when decayed, generate a large amount of construction waste, which occupies more land and resources in the form of landfills. New buildings should aim to minimize or eliminate construction waste generation, thus reducing environmental damage. The transformation of buildings from "Cradle to Grave" to "Cradle to Cradle." 2. Different ages, social roles, and professions require varying building functionalities and sizes. Buildings should be adaptable to meet these diverse needs. 3. Buildings should not be permanently fixed to a single location but should be in a continuous process of change, even to the extent of being movable. 4. Buildings should have a growth and transformation process, where components can be recycled and reused, similar to how chemical elements can cycle naturally in the environment. 5. Buildings should be designed for rapid transport, assembly, and disassembly. They should not require specialized construction workers for installation. This is in contrast to traditional buildings with long construction periods, poor construction quality, and high levels of complexity. 6. Building design should be simplified and modular, allowing for quick achievement of aesthetic, functional, safety, and livability requirements. Owners should be able to participate in the design process, enabling them to meet their own usage and living needs. This approach differs from traditional building design, which requires extensive involvement from trained architects and engineers, resulting in higher construction costs and resource consumption. 7. New recycling houses should be adaptable for various functions and building types, such as houses, apartments, townhouses, offices, affordable housing, single-story or multi-story buildings, and even high-rise structures. 8. In summary, the concept of recycling houses aligns with the need for sustainable and adaptable buildings that minimize waste, accommodate diverse needs, promote ease of construction, and allow for resource conservation.

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