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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣流行歌手明星商品產業探討 / Exploring Celebrity Merchandising – A Taiwan Business Development Study

徐芯韻 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣流行歌手明星商品產業探討 / Licensed Celebrity merchandising is a business with very few competitors in Taiwan and the entire Greater China area. As the number of album sales drops, music artists are exploring wider income possibilities. Utilizing artist names as brands and expanding into diverse product lines can be a profitable business if enhanced with celebrity style and creative design. This research has collected data on current merchandising market in Taiwan, sales figures of an anonymous artist’s concert merchandises and 50 questionnaires completed by celebrity merchandise consumers. The information collected is used to construct StarBay’s start up plan and forecast future financial outcome. The sales figures of the anonymous artist are used as a reference on current market size. Results from the questionnaire reflected current consumer attitude towards merchandise in the market and possible purchasing behavior is observed and used in product development. A successful celebrity brand focuses on developing products of quality, creative design, practicality and reflection of the celebrity’s style. The brand should also evolve with the celebrity’s career of fame in order to remain in the market for long. A Celebrity merchandising company can potentially be a profitable business in Taiwan with the current market needs and conditions. Keywords: celebrity branding, celebrity merchandising, concert merchandises, celebrity licensing, music industry, celebrity promotion, celebrity marketing

台灣家族企業的經營績效:時間序列分析 / Performance of Family Controlled Firms in Taiwan: A Time Series Analysis

司宇文, Sylvain, Senechal Unknown Date (has links)
台灣家族企業的經營績效 / This paper focuses on the performance and characteristics of Taiwan Stock Exchange listed family firms. It shows that the trend between 1997 and 2007 is for more firms to be widely held but that family firms retain their importance as a fraction of total asset. Family firms are found to be on average smaller, older and have a better return on equity than widely held firm. The better performance holds when controlling in a multivariate analysis for firm size, age and China investment. Family firm return on equity is not shown to present the curvilinearity of entrenchment – alignment – entrenchment associated in other studies with increasing levels of control. In a time series analysis from 1997 to 2007, there is no evidence that the better performance of family firms is a temporal effect. The ROA and ROE of family firms is better when controlling for year, asset and debt/asset.

臺灣 "國語" 獨有詞研究 =Research on localized words of Taiwan Mandarin / Research on localized words of Taiwan Mandarin

楊夢 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese


林恩鴻, Lin, Ang-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
自1999年以來,大陸民營企業,特別是高科技企業最熱鬧的一件事便是”創業板市場”。而創業板市場在大陸會造成轟動的原因大致如下:第一、創業板市場是一個完全市場化的市場,這種市場化的特徵,符合中國大陸經濟體制市場化的價值取向,因而具有廣闊的發展前景。第二、創業板市場是新經濟發展的前提,許多新興科技的公司都是在創業板市場中大放異彩,所以創業板市場將帶起大陸高科技的發展,並提高大陸經濟的總體競爭力。第三、創業板市場可為創投資金提供一有效的出口,而缺乏資金的退出機制正是大陸創投業不發達的原因之一,所以,創業板市場的適時推出,正好解決了這方面的缺口。第四、創業板市場的設立,將可適度的改善中國大陸資本市場的缺失,進而強化大陸的資本市場。基於創業板市場將為大陸資本市場及經濟方面帶來的優勢,加上目前台灣前往大陸投資的比例甚高,因而本研究想探討”大陸設立創業板市場對台商的影響”,而探討的範圍包括是否改變台商於大陸的融資方式以及營運活動,也包括創業板市場的設立是否將加速台灣資金外流大陸。 本研究主要是以相關文獻蒐集與問卷調查二方式交相探討。而問卷方面主要是分為五個因素構面:「台商對創業板的期望與瞭解」、「台商對創業板的態度」、「創業板與台商創業投資」、「台商投資大陸心態」、「與台灣股市間關係」。以這五個因素構面來探討大陸創業板市場的設立對台商將會有的影響。並於得到台商的意見後做出該研究的結論及對台商及對台灣主管當局的一些建議。


巫維珍, Wu, Wei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1972年《書評書目》創刊以來,已有20種以上專門書評專欄或 刊物,但書評研究相當罕見,本文以回顧英美書評史為線索,希冀理清台灣書評發展的脈絡。就英美書評史而言,18世紀,英國書評雜誌開始萌芽,當時的書評具有規範力量,藉由新書評介定義社會階級的流動,19世紀,書評雜誌進一步含有解釋思潮,以及指引社會大眾的功能,至《紐約時報書評版》創刊,20世紀的書評走向新聞化,「書即是新聞」成為書評領域的新觀點。 本文以《書評書目》、《文訊》、《新書月刊》、《聯合文學》、《開卷》、《讀書人》、《中央閱讀》、《讀書生活》、《誠品閱讀》、《全國新書資訊月刊》、《書評》為研究對象,採用內容分析及深度訪談法。研究結果指出,台灣書評的發展有下列趨勢:   一,70年代以前,報紙已有出版與讀書版面,也有評論古典文學與現代文學的書評專欄,但「評書」不是當時此類版面的主要目的,而是做為中介,提供作家與讀者交流讀書心得的園地,當時的評論作品以文學書為主。   二,1972年《書評書目》創刊以後,書評有了專門刊載的園地,書評領域開始發展,編輯試圖引起讀者的興趣,帶領讀者進入書評的領域,當時亦以文學書評為主。80年代中期以後,與排行榜抗衡,新興書評刊物嘗試建立新的書籍評價體制,囊括更多樣書種,從文學、自然、歷史,到社會科學,並邀作家學者選書,欲導引讀者的閱讀品味,建立書評領域新的閱讀風潮。   三,學者加入書評領域,帶來新的書評寫作方式,作家與學者成為台灣書評寫作的主要人力,同時,作家學者也制度性的參與選書過程。書評刊物有相當大比例依據作家學者的判斷,為讀者選書評書,作家學者對書評刊物的選書標準與評書方式產生了重要的影響力,在規範讀者的閱讀活動方面,樹立了排行榜之外獨有的標準。   四,書評具有評論的功用,也具有資訊通報的性質,80年代以前,《書評書目》、《文訊》、《新書月刊》皆以書目或提要提供讀者資訊,為出版社與讀者服務,報紙書評版面出現,出版與讀書新聞的專題報導成為書評刊物的一部分,書評刊物從新聞的角度處理圖書出版業議題,長期報導出版與讀書新聞,繼刊登書目之後,新聞是書評刊物連繫出版社與讀者的另一方式,從18世紀英國書評雜誌摘錄新書內容,至美國《紐約時報書評》以書為新聞,台灣書評發展的歷程大抵相似。


廖怡萍 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣都會發展日漸成熟之際,我們不但希望了解西方發展已久的遷移理論是否適用於台灣,更希望能夠藉此發掘出台灣特有的遷移類型,以及其形成的原因。 在此研究中,使用民國七十九年台閩地區人口暨住宅普查的資料,以台灣最具代表性的都會區-台北基隆都會區,作為研究對象,使用交叉分析的方式,驗證既有的遷移理論,同時利用驗證的結果,建立台北基隆都會區本身的遷移類型,並探討其形成的可能原因。 在分析結果中,大致上符合既有之遷移理論中的假設,即遷移者與未遷移者乃是不同的群體,而在遷移人口中,遷移距離長短的不同亦為異備不同特徵的人口,且是以居住選擇相關因素、以及就業相關因素作為篩選的機制。 但是,台北基隆都會區仍有其獨特之處,研究中引用上述的分析結果,進一步建立台北基隆都會區的遷移類型,列出各遷移類型中人口的代表性特徵,並探究之所以形成各遷移類型的可能原因。藉由各遷移類型中遷移人口的特徵、以及各遷移類型主要的遷移原因,發現在台北基隆都會區之中,台北市、基隆市、與台北縣,分別扮演著截然不同但卻又彼此依賴的角色。


劉敏熙 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣高空滑降之行銷推廣計劃 / Business plan for a canopy course tour service in Taiwan

黎宏安, Jose Antonio Rivera Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高空滑降之行銷推廣計劃 / Canopy Taiwan will be a foreign subsidiary of Rifersa S.A. de C.V. from El Salvador, Central America and setup in Taipei, Taiwan. Canopy Taiwan will develop and run a canopy course tour service in the Maokong area, using an ambitious and innovative business model that has been highly successful in attracting millions of adventure sports enthusiasts, fans and tourists to the rainforests of Central America. The development of the canopy course consists in building treetop platforms interconnected with industrial-grade steel cable. By taking advantage of the area’s natural downward inclination, visitors can “zip” through mountains and forests “Indiana Jones style” but aided with modern safety equipment that requires minimum skill and guarantees no real risks to our visitors. Traditionally, the implementation and operation of this business model does not adversely impact the ecosystem, nor contribute to the degradation of the environment; however, it does offer visitors a unique and addictive experience that will enrich their knowledge and awareness about Taiwan’s ecology and culture. One of the great advantages of this business is that it will provide a means for preserving the area’s rich ecology and revitalizing economic activity without resorting to industrialize the area, which would surely offer economic benefits but at the expense of the environment. In order to complement our visitors’ experience we will also offer short tours to over twenty unexplored tourist attractions around the top of the Maokong area, and along each of the canopy course’s seven strategically located platforms. By offering these tours we will further differentiate our service while enhancing our visitor’s cultural experience, but most importantly, tour services will use the already existing flow of tourists in the area and grant access to an additional market segment.

台灣存託憑證與原標的股股價關聯性與短期績效之研究 / Research of the relationship and the short-term performance between Taiwan depository receipts and underlying stock

郭乙萱 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年以來,台灣證券交易所大力推動海外企業來台發行台灣存託憑證(TDR),除促進台灣股票市場的國際化外,也希望提供海外台商有更多、更便利的籌資管道,致使這兩年來在台發行存託憑證之公司家數急遽上升,使TDR的發行造成話題。 因此本研究以TDR作為研究對象,探討台灣股市與亞太地區主要市場之間是否存在長期均衡以及因果關係,並且進一步檢視國外公司來台發行存託憑證是否對標的股的股價造成異常報酬。採用的研究方式為利用單根檢定、共整合以及誤差修正模型來檢視兩市場間的因果關係和影響方向;並利用事件研究法探討原上市市場的投資人是否對公司在台發行存託憑證給予正面反應。 結果發現TDR股價與原標的股股價之間大多存在共整合,兩市場間有一長期均衡。另採用誤差修正模型測試發現,大多數標的股股價對TDR股價具有影響,存在單向因果關係,反之則不然。投資人可利用原上市市場的股價及相關訊息來做為投資TDR的參考依據,惟必須注意兩市場間重大訊息發佈時間的不一致所造成的資訊不對稱風險。 另外,利用事件研究法來探討公司發行台灣存託憑證是否產生異常報酬,結果顯示原上市市場的投資人對於企業來台發行存託憑證多持正面看法,即表示對台灣股票市場具有一定的信心和信任。

派樂士在台上市計畫 / Pleomax launch plan in Taiwan

陳于真, Chen, Joy Unknown Date (has links)
Pleomax is a new brand in Taiwan market, the key factor to launch this brand in Taiwan successfully is to build up a strong Brand awareness of Pleomax. In term of “Brand awareness”, Pleomax are also focusing on developing Products with great function in order to satisfy customer’s need. A long-term strategy will help Pleomax’s sales grow up continues.

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