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產品類型與新奇屬性類型之產品不一致性對產品再認和態度的影響-以消費者創新性為調節變項 / The effects of incongruity of product type and novel attributes type on product recognition and product attitude: Using consumer innovativeness as a moderator蘇相穎, Su, Cathy Unknown Date (has links)
以往研究均認為增加產品不一致性可以提高消費者對於產品的回憶和再認,但本研究卻發現,提高產品的不一致性並無法讓人留下較為深刻的印象,因此產品不一致性與再認之間的關係可能仍有待後續研究做進一步的釐清。另外,雖然產品類型和新奇屬性類型無法產生交互作用,並藉由提升產品不一致性來影響產品態度,但是「產品類型」在影響產品不一致性且進而提升產品態度上的確是扮演著重要的角色。其中「功能性商品」不管是搭配上何種類型的新奇屬性,產品態度都顯著高於「享樂性商品」與新奇屬性的搭配。由此可知,如果廠商想要在市場上推出新奇的產品,選擇功能性的商品來切入可能比較有利,而且在操弄產品不一致性時也必須要格外小心,雖然新奇的屬性可以提升消費者對產品的評價,但是新奇性同時也會增加產品的不一致性,一旦產品不一致性過高,反而會造成消費者對於產品的負面觀感。 / There are numerous novel products in the market; consequently marketers have been fighting their way to achieve product differentiation by adding novel attributes to the products, yet it is still rare to see marketers that can actually discover niche by adding novel attributes to products. Does the problem lies in how consumers percept and absorb the information of advertisements? The phenomenon above arouses my curiosity to delve into the relation between product incongruity and consumer evaluations. This study examines what influences product incongruity has on product recognition and product attitude by manipulating different types of products and novel attributes, and the moderating role of consumers’ personality is also examined to see whether consumer innovativeness have effects on product attitude or not.
The past researches tend to believe that raising product incongruity is beneficial to enhancing product recall and product recognition. However, the result shows that raising product incongruity is of no help to leave deep impression in the products. Thus the relation between product incongruity and product recognition needs to be further clarified by future researches. Additionally, although product types and novel attributes do not interact to have effects on product incongruity and further boost product attitude, ‘product type’ indeed plays a crucial role on boosting product incongruity and enhancing product attitude. Not only product type leads to positive effects on the products, but consumers are apt to give more positive evaluations to utilitarian product than hedonic product, regardless of what novel attributes the products have. In that case, it seems to be more profitable to choose utilitarian products if marketers want to launch novel merchandise. In spite of the fact that adding novel attributes leads to positive product attitude, novelty also leads to more product incongruity that may undermine consumers’ attitude toward the product. The result seems to suggest that marketers have to be extraordinarily cautious when manipulating product incongruity.
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調節導向在比較性廣告的應用張翔任, Chang, Hsiang Jen Unknown Date (has links)
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電子童書與幼兒閱讀理解之研究徐韶君, Hsu,Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:閱讀理解、動畫與文本一致性、電子童書、幼兒 / This study has two parts: one is to research the impact of coherence between text and animation on children’s reading. The other is to analyze the effect of ages on children’s reading comprehention while they read electronic story books.
The research adopted one of a series of Living-books, called Little Monster At School. 30 aged 4 and 60 aged 5 children from public and private kindergartens of Taipei city and County participated in the study. There were 2 tasks. Tesk one was coherent text for experimental group. Task 2 was incoherent text for control group. The content of the two tasks was the same.
After reading the electronic book, all children took memory test and comprehension test which was devided into 2 sub-score: fact comprehension and inference comprehension.
Results are:
1. Memory test’s scores of experimental group is obviously higher than that of control group.
2. Reading comprehension scores of experimental group is also higher than that of control group.
3. Memory test’s scores of age 5 children is higher than age 4 children.
4. Age 5 children get higher total reading comprehension scores than age 4 children. Furthermore, they get higher score on fact questions. Scores of inference questions however, do not show age difference.
5. Memory and story reading comprehension scores have positive correlation. It reveals that children reading coherent animation and text have higher memory scores and higher comprehension scores. On the other hand, children who had the incoherent text had poor scores of both.
Based on the results, researcher provides suggestions for teachers, parents and book publisher.
Key words: reading comprehension, animation of electronic storybooks, coherence of text, kindergarten children.
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政府型態對於議案審議的影響:台灣一致政府與分立政府的比較歐陽晟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討2000年我國中央政府政黨輪替前後,不同的政府型態對於重大法案審議的影響。我們運用統計、內容分析(content analysis)、深度訪談等方法,檢視第2屆至第6屆立法院(1993年2月至2007年1月)期間,行政院提出的249個重大法案在立法院審議的情形,屬於「貫時性分析」(longitudinal analysis)。
就分立政府(divided government)與一致政府(unified government)的比較而言,研究結果發現:台灣的分立政府之重大法案審議結果,與一致政府的確有所差異,但差異並不大。值得強調的是,吾人企圖跳脫「分立vs.一致」的二元思考,嘗試作更細膩的觀察──本研究以二元對數勝算比模型(binary logit model)檢視影響重大法案通過與否的因素,藉由兩個模型的比較,最重要的發現在於:本研究提出的「四個階段」(一致政府前期、一致政府後期、分立政府前期、分立政府後期)之分析方式,較傳統「一致政府vs.分立政府」二元對立的分類,更具意義。分析結果顯示:「分立政府後期」的重大法案通過情形,明顯較「一致政府前期」好,分立政府的重大法案生產力未必不如一致政府。而且,分立政府本身有顯著差異,一致政府後期與前期的差異則更為顯著。易言之,本研究發現:分立政府的情形不能一概而論,分立初期行政部門的重大法案在國會常遭擱置延宕,頗符合Sundquist等傳統派學者的看法,但分立後期,重大法案通過率大幅回升甚至略高於一致政府的平均數,此階段的情況大致符合修正派學者Mayhew的觀點(分立政府無損於重大法案之制定),惟國會對於法案主導權的爭奪明顯較一致政府時期嚴重。另一方面,一致政府的情形亦不能一概而論,一致政府前期的重大法案推動情形並不順暢,頗值得2008年重回一致政府「完全執政」的新政府借鏡。
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早期乳癌婦女的治療決策後悔之初探 / A clinical investigation of treatment-related regret in women with early-stage breast cancer張素美, Chang, Su Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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聽其所見,觀其所聞:以眼動探討口語與場景互動的跨感官理解歷程 / Look while listeng : using eye movements to investigate the interaction between spoken language and visual scene during cross-modal comprehension游婉雲, Yu, Wan-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本論文的實驗證據支持互動取徑觀點。換言之,在跨感官理解的過程中,人類認知運作可透過協調語言、視覺和記憶等次系統,快速整合口語和場景所提供的物理和語義表徵,並依據當下情境動態地改變人類對外在世界的感官經驗。 / In human communication and language use, both speech and scene constitute the cross-modal comprehension process. However, how these two elements combine to affect human comprehension process has not yet been fully resolved. Four research questions will be examined. First, two approaches can account for the comprehension process: the hierarchical approach asserts speech plays the main part whereas the visual feature has only a supporting role, while the interactive approach states that
both speech and visual feature combine to determine the comprehension process. Second, despite the speech can cause the spoken reference effect on having more fixations on its visual referent, the nature of this effect is still unclear. Third, most past studies adopted simple object array as visual context, little is known about the impact of real world scenes on the comprehension process. Fourth, whether the preview time could alter the influence of speech and scene on comprehension will be tested.
A series of visual world paradigm experiments were conducted. Factors of task demand (speech comprehension vs. scene comprehension) and preview time (1-second vs. none) were orthogonally manipulated in four experiments. In each trial, participants listened to a spoken sentence in Chinese while viewing a picture with two critical objects: one is the mentioned target object (e.g., tiger), which was embedded in either a consistent, inconsistent or blank background; the other is an unmentioned non-target object (e.g., eagle) that was always consistent with its background.
Several findings were found. First, the reliable spoken reference effect were shown regardless of the task demand was given. Second, the visual complexity and scene consistency not only can individually guide fixations on objects, but can work together with the speech to determine the visual attention during comprehension. Third, task demand could differently modulate the spoken reference and scene consistency effect, respectively. Fourth, preview time significantly enhances the spoken reference effect in the speech comprehension task, whereas no impact was observed in the scene comprehension task. These evidence supported the view of interactive approach. In conclusion, human’s different cognitive systems, including language, vision and memory, can interact with each other and cause the moment to moment experience of how we understand the complex world around us.
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在地化行不行? —影視消費與身份認同之關係探討 / Does Localization Work? An Exploration into Relationship between Media Consumption and Identity張家誠, Chang, Chia Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
2014年,台灣FOX頻道播出美國長青諷刺卡通《辛普森家庭》,以其台味十足的配音風格而紅極一時。台灣《辛普森家庭》揉合了在地當時流行的時事話題,與原版內容大相逕庭,卻深受台灣觀眾喜愛。然而,即使廣受歡迎,台版《辛普森家庭》也為部分觀眾所批評,認為其喪失原版樣貌,在網路上亦興起一波攻擊與護航熱議。過去研究指出,人們傾向接觸與自己相近的事物,也比較喜歡這樣的內容(Markus & Wurf, 1987; Chang, 2002, 2005, 2008a, 2011)。
據此,本研究以雜揉兩種文化的影視文化產品出發,試圖於自我一致性理論(Self Congruency Theory)版圖中加入影視消費一環。因此,本研究以「知覺影片文化」與「既存文化認同」之交互作用切入,欲了解兩者之間的關係。此外,本研究亦試圖剖析閱聽人觀影時的心理機制,加入閱聽人觀影後的認知反應(自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離)與情感反應(正向情緒、觀影享受),測試其對於影片態度的效果。
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華語學習者對聲旁表音一致性的認知處理: 漢字聽讀的眼動研究 / Cognitive processing of phonetic consistency by second language learners of Chinese: an eye-tracking study of listening and reading Chinese character黃懷萱, Huang, Huai Shiuan Unknown Date (has links)
實驗結果顯示中文能力高低與聲旁一致性高低對凝視比例具有影響。高程度組呈現預期的聲旁一致性效果,於目標字語音播放後的300至500毫秒之間呈現顯著差異,高一致目標字的凝視比例顯著高於低一致目標字。這個結果表示隨著學習經驗的積累,即使是拼音文字背景的學習者,也會因為識字量增加而逐漸具備形聲字聲旁一致性的認知能力。低程度組雖然未獲得如預期的一致性效果,但卻發現聲旁結合度效果,受試者對於同一聲旁越多的字,其凝視比率高於同一聲旁較少的字,足見低程度組雖然字彙量遠不如高程度組,但已經掌握部分漢字結構表徵,只是更加仰賴字形訊息,所以聲旁結合度影響較大。本文結果顯示,對拼音語言的華語學習者而言,形聲字的辨認也並非絕對的一字一音,而是受到語音成分介入。本文最後提出如何利用此研究結果於對外漢字教學及教材編製上,以供後續教學研究參考。 / Learning to read and write Chinese characters is hard for CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) students, especially for those whose native languages are alphabetic languages, would face to a totally different writing system-“Hanzi” at the beginning stage of learning; therefore, it would be a real challenge because of the complexity. Due to lack of background knowledge, CFL students may have a different cognitive process from Chinese native speakers. Nevertheless, to improve language skills and abilities, it is necessary to raise the amount of their Chinese lexicon. Phonetic compounds comprise most of the Chinese characters and can be divided into two parts-a phonetic radical and a semantic radical, which denote the character’s possible pronunciation and meaning. Researchers have found that “phonetic consistency” affects the latency of naming from Chinese native speakers. For elementary school children, the higher grade they are in, the consistency effect is more significant, which related to their learning process of word-recognition. As for CFL learners, we know few from them. The present study focuses on the topic of phonetic consistency, manipulating the eye-tracking methods to investigate the processing efficiency and cognitive meanings from CFL learners of two different levels.
The study utilized visual world paradigm of eye tracking methods through a reading and listening task. Subjects would hear a sentence and would be asked to choose the target character from the four on the screen. Fixation proportions of target and unrelated characters were counted in each time bin. The experiment manipulated phonetic consistency value and two groups of subjects participated in this research: the high level group (12 people) and the low level group (10 people), whose native languages were all alphabetic languages. Except for the listening and reading task, we used questionnaires, character recognition test and reading comprehension test to judge subjects’ Chinese reading ability.
Results showed that Chinese ability and phonetic consistency affected fixation proportions. For the high level group, the proportion of target was higher in high consistency condition than the low consistency condition after the target onset. Significant consistency effect was found between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds as expectation. For the low level group, there were opposite results compared with high level group and tended to show “phonetic combinability effect” between 300 milliseconds and 500 milliseconds. Subjects had more fixations on those characters with the amount of the same phonetic radicals. It seemed that the visual information attracted more than sound information.
These results implicated that CFL students with alphabetic language background have accumulated the phonetic consistency concepts of Chinese phonograms after years of learning; in other words, the phonetic information of Chinese characters also involved in the word-recognition processing for CFL students. At the end, we provided some advices for teaching Chinese as a foreign language based on the present findings.
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網路口碑傳播者性別、推薦產品性別及接收者性別三者性別一致對口碑說服效果之影響 / The congruency effects of gender among e-WOM endorser, product and receiver on consumer’s attitude吳宣豫, Wu, Shiuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年台灣行銷市場中,網路口碑之於消費者的重要性不言而喻,其應用成為行銷顯學之一。不過觀察目前網路口碑相關研究,多數仍聚焦在傳播者評論口碑對象(產品、服務、品牌等)的傳播過程、網路口碑影響消費者購買意圖或品牌忠誠的程度,或是正負面口碑差異等面向,較少從口碑傳播者、產品及接收者本身屬性(類型、來源國等)一致的角度,探討是否會影響說服效果,而「性別」正是一項鮮少被觸及的重要屬性。事實上,性別一致產生的效果,在早期的廣告行銷研究中,即不斷被證實存在,能有效帶來消費者態度行為的正向影響(Caballero & Solomon, 1984)。然而網路作為傳播媒介的研究中卻缺乏相關的討論,因此能否複製「性別具有一致性時,就會具有正相關效果」的結論猶未可知。
而「性別一致性效果」產生的機制亦分屬「一致性效果」、「自我一致性」的兩種不同心理狀態類別,本研究除了歸納原先定義不清的一致性效果涵義,更希望進一步探討何種機制對於消費者的影響較為重要。另一方面,「一致」情況亦存在「主觀」感知與「客觀」存在的差異,亦有區分之必要性。同時,亦不可忽略口碑中推薦產品本身具備的屬性特質,可能是會導致消費者在意性別線索的關鍵,在相關理論基礎下,推論消費者會依賴推薦者的形象來協助判斷(Zeithaml, 1988)。換句話說,欲瞭解產品屬性,也就是體驗性/搜尋性的產品將直接導致消費者對於性別一致的感知產生不同的交互作用,進而影響到整體口碑說服效果。
故本研究計有三個主要的操弄變項,分別是傳播者性別(男/女)、產品性別(男/女)與產品屬性(搜尋屬性/體驗屬性),在研究設計上乃是採用2 × 2 × 2的三因子實驗設計(factorial experiment design),應變項則為受試者的口碑訊息診斷性、產品態度及購買意圖。
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意見の一致を目指す会話における意見交渉の過程―意見が異なる者同士の「歩み寄り」の始まりを中心に―大和, 祐子 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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