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組織表現歷史、和解與防衛策略及回應一致性對組織形象修復之效果研究張硯迪 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的公共關係學界相當缺乏效果研究之文獻,故本研究嘗試以實驗法進行危機溝通之效果研究。本研究採2(組織表現歷史的正/負)X 2(和解/防衛策略)X 2(回應的一致/不一致)三因子受試者間設計。研究發現,組織表現歷史的正/負,在組織遭遇危機時對於,組織聲譽會有很大的影響,擁有越正面的組織表現,則組織越易修復形象;另外,當組織分為兩階段回應時,第二階段的回應策略,將對組織聲譽產生較大的影響;回應的一致性之主效果在本研究中則為產生顯著影響。
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一致政府與分立政府對國會立法之影響-議程阻絕觀點之分析吳東欽 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:一致政府、分立政府、議程阻絕、程序委員會、審定議程、僵局、滯塞、遲延 / Both in the 2000 and 2004 presidential election,the Democratic Progressive Party won the presidency and gained the execution,however,legislation of government still controlled by the coalition of the KMT and PFP, became the conditions of the center level of divided government. This study tries to compare the different impact on legislation between the period of unified government and divided government since 1993-2007(from second to the fourth sess of the sixth Legislative Yuan) through the focus on the perspective of agenda obstruction,and the major agenda markup of the Procedure Committee in the Legislative Yuan.The goal is explored by the evidence analysis under the influence of the operation of divided government,whether our Congress produces the appearance that execution and legislation gridlock and policy stalemate easier or not ? Furthermore, find out and analysis which bills can’t access the agenda to markup or discuss?
First, the research aim at the appearance of voting and obstruct of the bills when the procedure committee markup the agenda. In order to know whether there are major differences between the period of unified government and divided government or not; Second , the research will analysis the content of bills that stalemate in the procedure committee; Finally, the research chooses the important themes of the public’s concern, and studies through discussion.Through this study,we find results by the evidence analysis:the opposition parties(the majorities)in Congress can predominate the agenda of legislation in the period of divided government,the role and the function of the procedure committee changes from advancing to resisting for cooperating with Executive departments,and by reason of these parties compete intensely,which often produces the confrontation , conflict and deadlock between ruling and opposition parties, therefore, it lead to these serious questions such as legislation stalemate,policy delay, and accountability. Comparing to researchs of American academic circle,we find impacts on the legislation of Congress of divided government operation are more close to the conventional claims of Sundquist’s mainpoints.
In order to mend bad effects by the divided government operation,we think the most urgent thing is to avoid the happening of agenda obstruction. This research also proposes many opinions and suggestions from the legal aspects, the operation aspects, the strategy aspects and the political aspects. Finally, I want to point out the concrete research analysis object and the survey target for other scholars to refer, and then, to accumulate, to construct more complete theory of divided government.
Key words :Unified government,Divided government,Agenda obstruction,Procedure Committee,Agenda markup,Gridlock,Stalemate,Delay
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品牌人格與自我一致性及消費幻想對於消費者品牌偏好度影響之研究 / The Effects of Congruity between Self and Brand Personality and Consumer Fantasy on Brand Preferences張惠涵, Chang, Hui-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討真實自我、理想自我與品牌人格的一致性以及消費幻想,對於消費者品牌偏好度之影響,並將真實自我、理想自我與品牌人格的一致性分為五大構面,探討各構面對於消費者品牌偏好度之相對影響。採用Aaker (1997) 所發展出來的品牌人格量表來衡量真實自我、理想自我以及品牌人格,消費幻想的衡量則是採用黃依婷 (2006) 所發展之幻想程度的量表。
本研究選擇進行問卷調查的品牌包含象徵型及功能型兩類型,且具高知名度、不同來源國、消費者使用目的及產品價格等特質,經由與專家討論,選出台灣的宏碁 (Acer)、法國的路易威登 (LV)以及美國的星巴客 (Starbucks),並將問卷以品牌分為三類,採隨機發放,共收集428份有效問卷,其中Acer品牌問卷有134份、Starbucks品牌問卷有143份、LV品牌問卷有151份,透過一般線性模式分析,驗證品牌人格與自我一致性以及消費幻想,對於消費者品牌偏好度之影響。
本研究將品牌人格與自我一致性分五大構面,探討其對於消費者品牌偏好的影響,確實瞭解真正影響消費者對於品牌偏好度之品牌人格與自我一致性的特質,能夠給予廠商明確的建議。在本研究之前,對於消費幻想的研究僅止於理論的發展及量表的建構,本研究將消費幻想進行品牌偏好度的實務驗證。 / The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of real-self congruity, ideal-self congruity, and consumer fantasy on consumers’ brand preferences. Furthermore, the research divided real-self congruity and ideal-self congruity into five dimensions to discuss the effects of each dimensions on consumers’ brand preferences. The American brand personality scale proposed by Jennifer Aaker in 1997 was used to measure brand personality and self congruity, while consumer fantasy was measured using the fantasy scale by Huang, Yi-Ting (2006).
Brands in the research included both symbolic brands and functional brands, that are well-known, come from different countries of origin, used for different usage purposes, and carry different prices. After discussions with a professional, Acer, Louis Vuitton (LV), and Starbucks were selected. Questionnaires for each brand were developed and were distributed randomly. 428 valid questionnaires were collected, among which 134 were Acer brand questionnaires, 143 were LV questionnaires, and 151 were for Starbucks. Data was analyzed by general linear model.
The results of the research are in the following.
1. There were no effects of real-self congruity or ideal-self congruity, consumer fantasy, and brands on brand preferences.
2. The relationships between real-self congruity and brand preferences or ideal-self congruity and brand preferences are affected by consumer fantasy and brands.
3. For symbolic brands, consumers with high fantasy don’t care whether the personalities of the brands are consistent with their real-self or ideal-self concepts. As long as the symbols of the brands can satisfy their fantasy, they will have high brand preferences.
4. For functional brands, consumers with high fantasy still hope that the brands can express their real-self or ideal-self concepts. In contrast, people with low fantasy are realistic so they focus a lot on the function that the brands can provide them and don’t care whether the brands can express themselves.
5. The relationship between real-leading-self congruity and brand preferences is affected by consumer fantasy.
6. The relationship between real-sincere-self congruity and brand preferences is affected by consumer fantasy and brands.
Businesses whose brands are symbolic ones should emphasize the symbols of their brands to attract more consumers with high fantasy levels but don’t need to be as concerned with whether the personalities of the brands are consistent with consumers’ real-self or ideal-self concepts. On the other hand, businesses whose brands are functional brands should emphasize the great functionality of their brands to attract consumers with low fantasy and make the brands have personalities to express consumers’ real-self or ideal-self.
Moreover, consumers should understand the degree of their fantasy to help them purchase suitable brands. When purchasing symbolic brands, consumers with high fantasy can select brands with rich symbols, while when purchasing functional brands, they should buy brands with personalities that fit their real-self or ideal-self. Consumers with low fantasy should buy less symbolic brands and should pay attention to the functions of the brands when purchasing functional brands.
This research contributes by dividing the real-self congruity and ideal-self congruity into five dimensions and discussing the effects of each of them on brand preferences. This can lead to a better understanding of how the real personalities of brands and consumers’ self concepts affect brand preferences which will be useful to help companies form branding strategies. In addition, prior to this research, the studies about consumer fantasy were limited to the development of theories and the construction of the scale to measure consumers’ fantasy. This research connects consumer fantasy and brand preference to study the relationship between them.
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以隨時間改變向量自我回歸模型分析--台灣與國際股市間的市場效率程度 / Time varying VAR model -- Degree of market efficiency between Taiwan and International stock market游書豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文有別於傳統效率性的計算方式,改採用 Ito Regression 估計單一市場的效率程度。實證結果發現,在各個單一市場皆看到市場呈現無效率的狀態,因此再用 VAR 的架構檢驗多國市場間的效率程度,結論明顯指出組合市場比單一市場還來的有效率,但同時考慮多個市場的有效率性必須在嚴謹的挑選市場下才能達到效率市場的目標。
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動畫電影品牌商品化與購買意願之研究 / Effects of Brand Avatar on Purchase Intention─A Study of Animation Industry張雅絜, Chang, Ya Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
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名牌服飾「迷」探索 / Exploring the characteristics of fans of prestigious brands邱莉雲, Chiou, Li-yun Unknown Date (has links)
□ 蔚為風潮的名牌消費現象,正印證了馬克思的商品「拜物」論述,在名牌服飾廣告長期和強力洗腦、品牌「崇拜偶像化」經營,使消費者容易陷入「商品崇拜」的狀態。也可印證布西亞(1993)提出的擬像概念(simulation),精品工業便運用符號的「擬像」特質,再經由媒體的符碼轉譯,共同建構出夢幻的時尚符號。
□ 而國內迷的研究焦點,主要是媒介相關的特定內容的迷,如歌迷、影視迷、漫畫迷、電視劇迷、布袋戲迷等主題,如何迷「名牌」的相關探討付之闕如。同時,國內名牌消費相關研究焦點,在消費者部分,主要探討炫耀消費、物質主義;在精品產業部分,主要探討精品產業的行銷策略、時尚符號生產機制、精品空間塑造、仿冒品研究。本研究欲從「迷」的角度切入,把「商品拜物」、「商品崇拜」、「符號擬像」等概念再做延伸和探討,綜合心理、消費文化理論,從不同的角度描繪出名牌迷的面貌,進一步了解名牌迷、名牌與精品工業的從動關係,以及他們著迷名牌的經驗,探索名牌對於這群狂熱名牌迷的意義。
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吸菸者多重自我概念與品牌人格之一致性對香菸品牌態度之影響倪培軒 Unknown Date (has links)
自Grubb and Grathwohl(1967)透過Rogers(1951)的個體自我增強理論(theory of individual self enhancement)為基礎,假設自我概念對個體而言是一種價值,並且個體的行為會朝向增強或保護他們的自我概念為方向,因此購買、展示行為或商品使用,皆會透過購買符號商品的過程來加強自我概念後,將此理論運用到廣告行銷領域的研究便開始蓬勃發展。本研究即是透過一致性理論來觀察吸菸者與其所喜好的香菸品牌間之關係,並輔以Aaker,J的品牌人格理論做為觀察面向。最後在本研究架構上將吸菸動機及吸菸行為一併納入其中討論。
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搜尋結果之預期一致性與關聯性對關鍵字廣告效果之影響 / The Influence of Expected Consistency and Relevancy of Search Results on the Effects of Keyword Advertising郭怡吟, Kuo, I Yin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 以產品名稱搜尋,消費者對知名品牌的廣告產品態度與廣告品牌態度明顯優於不知名品牌。
2. 以品牌名稱搜尋,消費者對與預期一致的品牌的廣告注意、正面廣告態度、廣告產品態度、廣告品牌態度皆明顯優於非預期的品牌。
3. 關鍵字廣告產品與消費者預期搜尋的產品關聯高時,則消費者對廣告注意與瞭解程度顯著高於產品類別關聯低之產品;同時,對關鍵字之正面廣告態度、產品及品牌態度皆優於產品關聯低的廣告。
4. 認知需求會增強消費者對廣告產品類別關聯高的關鍵字廣告的瞭解能力與提升對廣告產品的態度。
5. 認知需求對搜尋結果是否與預期一致或知名品牌之廣告效果的調節效果不顯著。 / As consumers are relying more and more on the internet, web advertising has become more mature on the consumers’ side, especially for keywords advertising. Advertisers have favored keywords advertising due to its ability to precisely target its customer and relatively low cost, which resulted in a significant growth in the advertising market. Recently, many companies started to use piggybacking as a keyword advertising method, buying keyword phrases of competitors, channel brands or product names to use as their own keyword advertisement, in order to increase the exposure of their corporate advertisement.
This study used an experimental method to manipulate consumers using different search strategies, and investigated the influence of brand expected consistency and category relevancy. A total of 642 questionaires were analyzed by using MANCOVA analysis, and resulted in the following conclusions:
1. Search by product name: Consumers’ attitude toward advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for well-known brands compared to unknown brands.
2. Search by brand name: Consumers’ advertising notice, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand attitudes were significantly better for the expected consistency brand compared to inconsistency brands.
3. Consumers’ advertising notice, understanding, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for highly relevant product categories compared to low relevant product categories of consumers’ search.
4. Consumers’ need for cognition enhanced the ability for consumers to understand the keyword advertising and raised their attitude towards the advertised product.
5. Consumers’ need for cognition regarding search results on the brand expected consistency or brand familiarity towards advertising effect was not significant to become a moderator.
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以事件相關電位探討中文語音辨識中的字形一致性效應 / Event-Related Potentials studies for the Orthographic Consistency effects on Chinese spoken word recognition陳薇帆, Chen, Wei Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件相關電位方法,探討中文字在進行聽覺詞彙辨識的作業中,分別受字形表徵的同音字密度多寡、以及字音-字形對應一致性的影響。首先 進行中文字的字音-字形一致性語料庫的建立,量化中文字的音形對應一致性程度。透過明確的定義並操弄中文字的音形對應一致性,以及中文字同音 字密度的特性,探討在進行中文字聽覺詞彙辨識歷程中,字形表徵屬性如何對語音辨識作業產生影響的認知歷程。實驗分為三種情境(1)同音密度低 (low HD)、(2)同音密度高/音形對應一致性高(high HD/high P-O)、 (3)同音密度高/音形對應一致性低(high HD/low P-O)。前兩項的比較為高同音字密度下的音形對應一致性效果,而後兩項的比較則為在高音形對應一致性下的同音字密度的效果。實驗一採語意判斷作業,研究結果顯示,在高同音字密度時,高音形對應一致性的字引發較大的 N400;而在高音形對應一致性時,同音字密度效果在 LPC 得到顯著的差異。反應中文字在聽 覺詞彙判斷作業上,字形可自動被激活,進而影響語音的辨識。實驗二採押 韻判斷作業,研究結果同樣發現高音形對應一致字引發較大的 N400,實但同音字密度效果性效果在判斷押韻作業上並未達顯著效果。另外,在高音形對應一致性情形下所得到的押韻效果最大,尤以同音字密度高且音形對應一致性高的情況下,押韻效果出現的時間較早。本研究結果支持雙向交互激發模型(BIAM)的假設:中文口語詞彙辨識的歷程中,也會自動激發字形訊息,而語音、字形、語意之間的對應一致性越好,口語詞彙辨識及其整體處理的效能也越高。
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中華民國(臺灣)參與APEC政策倡議研究(2000-2016) / Policy Initiatives of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the APEC (2000-2016)洪欣隆 Unknown Date (has links)
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