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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從眼動證據探究閱聽中文形聲字之音形映照 / Eye movement evidence for Phonological to orthographic mapping when reading and listening Chinese Phonograms

余姿幸, Yu, Tzu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
語言系統中,形音之間的映照關係為一持續受到探討的議題。本篇論文旨在利用眼動閱讀實驗以及口語理解─視覺典範深入探究閱聽中文形聲字時,音形映照之存在性及其時序歷程。 本文進行兩個眼動實驗。實驗一旨在探究視覺的閱讀歷程中,中文的音形映照於詞彙層次和次詞彙層次之歷程及影響。結果顯示,同音字密度效果未達顯著,但音形對應一致性效果於晚期眼動指標中顯著呈現。顯示出音形映照於視覺詞彙辨識的晚期產生影響,並證實語音表徵和字形表徵於視覺處理中是互為雙向影響之觀點,實驗一結果並支持音至形的反向連結映照於視覺模式中具有其重要性。實驗二主要使用口語理解─視覺典範,進一步探究並檢驗音形映照於口語詞彙辨識過程中之時序及歷程。結果顯示,音形對應一致性效果於早期眼動指標中顯著呈現,隨後同音字密度效果於晚期眼動指標中顯著呈現。此研究結果支持雙向交互激發模型(BIAM)之假設,顯示詞彙辨識機制中,存在字音和字形表徵之間的動態交互連結;並證實字形表徵於口語詞彙辨識過程中時序性的影響。 整體而論,本研究整合形音映照之概念所衍生出的形音一致性效果及同音字密度效果,就視、聽兩種模式之眼動實驗,檢視音形映照歷程,並進一步提供音形映照的實驗證據,探究其於中文語言系統的文字辨識歷程中之影響力與重要性。 / The present study aims to examine the states of phonological to orthographic (P-O) mappings when reading and listening Chinese phonograms. Two eye tracking experiments regarding to visual and auditory modalities were conducted to explore the intrinsic nature and the temporal dynamics of P-O mappings in Chinese word recognition. Experiment 1 manipulated homophone density and P-O consistency to investigate the involvement of P-O mappings at lexical and sublexical levels during the reading process. The result of Experiment 1 revealed that the P-O consistency effect was evident in second-pass eye movement indices of total viewing time (TVT) and rereading rate (RRR), demonstrating a late occurrence of P-O consistency effect at a the verification stage in reading. The occurrence of P-O consistency is in accordance with the view that the phonological information and orthographic representation are activated in a bidirectional flow, which implies that the mappings from phonology to orthography were guaranteed during the reading process. Experiment 2 utilizes visual world paradigm to explore the P-O mappings in auditory modality and further inspect the temporal dynamic in listening Chinese spoken characters. The result demonstrated that the P-O consistency effect emerged approximately 300 ms earlier than the homophone density effect, reflecting the early P-O consistency effect and the relatively late HD effect during the temporal stage of spoken word recognition. The result also supports the bidirectional activation of orthographic and phonological codes during word recognition, demonstrating the notion that the dynamic influences of orthography representation on spoken word recognition are ubiquitous at both sub-lexical and lexical levels.

老人居住安排-居住安排轉換、年歲增長與居住安排、居住安排滿意改變之探討 / The Living Arrangements of the Elderly: An Analysis of Living Arrangement Transitions, Aging and Living Arrangement, and Changes in Satisfaction with Living Arrangements

張桂霖, Chang, Guey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先介紹臺灣老人的居住安排基本概況。接著,以交換理論與家庭價值觀,分析居住安排的轉換。同時,從經濟因素與需要因素的推拉作用以及家庭價值觀與交換理論,分析老人「移與子女居」和「子女回居」。再接著,應用相同樣本探討年歲增長與居住安排的關係,分析一群老人從初老經過中老到老老三個階段的居住安排。最後,以人與環境一致模式、基本生活需求滿足假說,分析老人居住安排滿意與否的改變。 以往討論老人居住安排的轉換,大多以家庭價值觀解釋,強調感情因素,當老人有最大需要時,例如,健康惡化或從有偶變成無偶,更可能發生轉換為與子女同住。但現代化社會,經濟因素轉趨重要,可能需要以交換理論補強。因此,本論文使用我國行政院衛生署與密西根大學合作之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」縱斷面調查資料,進行老人居住安排轉換的分析研究,觀察居住安排轉換行為,以檢視這兩種觀點對於居住安排轉換的解釋力。又,以往的相關研究大多以靜態變數為解釋變數,本論文貢獻主要在於以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的變化-為解釋變數,檢視其對老人居住安排轉換的影響。結果發現:以家庭價值觀或以交換理論解釋老人居住安排的轉換,都獲得部分支持;但沒有足夠的證據支持健康惡化或從有偶變無偶是影響老人轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素;相反地,與交換理論相關的重大經濟決策權的改變變得比較重要,造成更可能發生轉換為不與子女同住或與子女同住。隱含著家庭價值觀對老人居住安排轉換的影響逐漸式微,而交換理論的影響力則越來越強,可彌補以家庭價值觀解釋之不足。 本論文亦使用縱斷面調查資料,以相關變數前後期的變化為解釋變數,檢視臺灣老人從不與子女同住變成「移與子女居」及「子女回居」的影響因素。結果隱含老人正向經濟因素的轉變更可能發生「子女回居」,需要因素及負向經濟因素的轉變則更可能發生「移與子女居」,而且沒有證據足認健康狀況轉差是影響轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素。 有別於以往許多老人居住安排的文獻常將65歲以上的人當作一個群體,或有的橫斷面研究使用不同樣本,抑或即使以縱斷面研究亦使用不同樣本,進行老化研究,本論文利用相同樣本縱斷面研究分析老年人在初老、中老、老老階段的居住安排,回答「隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例是呈U型或直線下降的關係?」、「老化對居住安排有何影響?」的問題。研究結果顯示隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例呈直線下降。本論文發現一些因素在某階段有顯著影響,而在其他階段未發現有顯著影響,此即與老化有關;除此,對三個階段的居住安排均發生顯著影響的因素,其影響程度亦隨著年齡的增長而有不同,均為預測老人各階段居住安排決定的良好指標。 本論文為檢視究竟何因素影響老人居住安排滿意與否之改變,使用縱斷面調查資料,應用人與環境一致和基本生活需求滿足之理論基礎,以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的改變-為解釋變數,檢視其影響。結果發現:以人與環境一致或基本生活需求滿足,解釋居住安排滿意與否之改變,都獲得部分支持,同時,「愛屋及烏」假說亦獲得支持。顯示居住安排滿意與否之改變,主要歸因於環境與個體間之一致及合適與否。 總結而言,老人隨著年歲增長,居住安排從滿意變為不滿意者的比例增加,健康狀況亦呈直線下降,但不與子女同住的比例遞增,與子女同住的居住安排則呈直線下降,許多影響因素已顯示老人由家庭照護的傳統價值日漸式微。無論老人採行何種居住安排,理應以提高居住安排滿意度,提昇老人福祉為依歸。此際,除了由政府提出有效對策以為改善之外,老人宜自求多福,例如,改善居住環境、移居良好醫療環境,家庭重大決策放手由子女承擔,多多參與社交性或拜訪親友、鄰居的活動,快樂邁向成功老化。 / This dissertation, firstly, introduces the basic overview of living arrangements of the elderly in Taiwan. Then, it analyzes the transitions in living arrangements among elderly of family values and exchange theory, meanwhile, it also analyzes “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” from needs factors and economic factors as well as family values and exchange theory. Then, it uses a panel study to examine the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Finally, it applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content to analyze the changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. The value placed on family was often used to explain the influence on living arrangements transitions in previous literature. Yet economic factors have become important in modern society, therefore we need to use exchange theory to strengthen the explanation on transitions. This dissertation, therefore, attempts to compare these two explanations through analyzing transitions, and to examine the effects of these two viewpoints on transitions. Using a longitudinal data source, the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan, a binomial logit model is used to observe the behavior of transitions. The contribution of this dissertation mainly lies in taking the dynamic variables, the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the influence on the transitions. Empirical results show that both family value and exchange theory cause the living arrangements transitions, but lack evidence to prove that a senior’s health deterioration or the loss of a spouse was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Contrarily, transitions of living arrangements are more likely to occur when a senior changes her/his role as the economic decision-maker into the non economic decision-maker of the household or vice versa. That implies the influence of family values on transitions is decreasing, and the influence of exchange theory is increasing. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source and takes the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up as independent variables to examine what factors are associated with “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” among those living apart from children at baseline of Taiwanese seniors. Empirical results imply that “returning to the nest” is more likely to occur when a senior’s positive economic factors are changed; while “moving to be with children” is more likely to occur when a senior’s needs factors and negative economic factors are changed, and lacking evidence to prove that health deterioration was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This dissertation examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source, applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content, and takes the dynamic variables, the changes in related variables between the baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the determinants of changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. Empirical results indicate that both person-environment congruence and basic-needs content partially cause changes in satisfaction with living arrangements, and the “love me, love my dog” hypothesis is also fulfilled. This dissertation suggests that changes in satisfaction with living arrangements are mainly attributed to the congruence or fit between the environment and the individual. Summarily, the proportion of dissatisfaction with living arrangements increases as age increases, the condition of health worsened linearly and the proportion of living with children is decreased with increased age, many factors have been implied the influence of traditional values on family care is decreasing. No matter what kind of living arrangement the elderly adopted, they should improve the living arrangement satisfaction, and enhance the welfare. At this time, beyond the improvements through effective measures of the government, the elderly should fend for themselves by improving the living environment, moving to a good medical environment, transferring the power of decision-making to children, and more involving in sociability or visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. And then they achieve successful aging happily.

品牌個性契合度對於超高大樓指標性建築與城市間關係之影響-以台北101為例 / The Effects of Brand Personality Fit on the Relationship between Skyscraper and City-Taking Taipei 101 as an Example

彭依琳, Peng, I Lin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,超高大樓型式之指標性建築,逐漸成為城市行銷的重點,並作為許多新興國家重新建立城市品牌,提升國際地位的利器。成功的指標性建築不僅可以吸引外國訪客,為當地增加觀光收入,更可以作為居民情感上的依歸,加強社群連結,增加歸屬感。本研究主要是以台北101為例,採用個性契合度為主軸,探討指標性建築與訪客間之關係如何影響其本身對於訪客的吸引力。而指標性建築是否真能增加城市之吸引力,而又應該與城市如何合作,始能增加雙方的吸引力,達到互蒙其利的效果。 本文研究架構主要包含台北101與消費者個性契合度、台北101與台北市個性契合度、以及旅遊知識分別與台北101、台北市之喜愛度、未來造訪意願以及推薦意願彼此間的交互關係。 研究結果顯示,對外國訪客而言,真實自我(理想自我)與指標性建築之個性契合度愈高,則對於指標性建築的未來造訪意願以及推薦意願(喜愛度)愈高。而對於指標性建築的喜愛度愈高,則對城市的喜愛度以及城市與指標性建築本身之未來造訪意願以及推薦意願有正向影響。而指標性建築與所在城市之個性契合度愈高則對於指標性建築的喜愛度、未來造訪意願以及推薦意願有正向影響。此外,旅遊知識多寡,對於城市與建築的喜愛度與未來造訪、推薦意願皆有正向影響。另一方面,對於本國居民而言,真實自我與指標性建築個性契合度愈高對於指標性建築之喜愛度有正向影響而對於推薦意願有負向影響。而指標性建築的喜愛度愈高對於城市的喜愛度、未來造訪意願以及推薦意願有正向影響。此外,指標性建築與所在城市個性契合度愈高,對於指標性建築之喜愛度、未來造訪意願以及推薦意願有負向影響,而對於城市之喜愛度與推薦意願則有正向影響。

由上而下因素對情緒刺激之注意力攫取的影響 / The influence of top-down factors on attentional capture of emotional stimuli

鐘弘達, Chung hung Ta Unknown Date (has links)
過去的研究指出,具有威脅訊息的情緒臉孔會比正向情緒臉孔快速地吸引個體的注意力。視覺搜尋研究發現情緒臉孔的突顯程度會引發由下而上的注意力攫取,而由下而上的注意力攫取是否能夠被由上而下的因素所凌駕,一直是一個很重要的論爭,因此,本研究同時呈現兩種情緒臉孔,並以文字線索引發由上而下注意力選擇,以探討由上而下的因素是否能夠凌駕情緒臉孔之注意力攫取,並比較不同情緒臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗一探討文字線索是否能夠幫助注意力搜尋目標情緒臉孔。實驗二使用一致效果當作注意力攫取指標,探討當臉孔情緒與作業相關時,由上而下因素是否能夠凌駕干擾情緒臉孔為生氣臉孔或快樂臉孔之注意力攫取,以及比較生氣與快樂臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗三延續實驗二的研究,將臉孔情緒改為與作業無關,比較生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔攫取注意力的強度。實驗四與實驗二實驗程序相同,但增加倒立中性臉孔與生氣臉孔或快樂臉孔同時呈現情況,如此在以倒立中性臉孔為目標或干擾臉孔情況,可以比較生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔之由上而下因素注意力選擇與由下而上注意力攫取強度。本研究結果在大部分情況下並未獲得一致效果,顯示由上而下之注意力選擇會影響由下而上之情緒臉孔攫取注意力,使得干擾臉孔未能吸引注意力於其上。然而由下而上注意力攫取仍影響搜尋情緒臉孔的反應時間,結果顯示生氣臉孔與快樂臉孔競爭下,生氣臉孔的突顯程度大於快樂臉孔,說明生氣臉孔較快樂臉孔吸引注意力。 / Previous studies using visual search task showed that the saliency of the emotional faces was sufficient to induce the bottom-up attentional capture. It is a critical debate that whether top-down factors can override bottom-up attentional capture. To address this issue, we presented two emotional faces at the same display while using word cues to induce top-down attentional selection. Experiment 1 investigated the effect of word cues on the target face searching. Using congruency effect as an index of attentional capture, Experiment 2 investigated whether top-down factors could override attentional capture of the emotional distractors when emotion is task-relevant and the degree of attentional capture of angry faces was compared with that of happy faces. In Experiment 3, face emotion was changed to be task-irrelevant rather than task-relevant, and the degree of attentional capture of angry and happy faces was also contrasted. In Experiment 4, the invert neutral face was included additionally as another target or distractor. We can use the invert neutral face as the common basis to dissociate the components of top-down attentional selection and bottom-up attentional capture, and contrast the attention effects between angry and happy faces in these two aspects independently. The results showed that congruency effect could not be found in most conditions. This implies that top-down attentional selection can influence the bottom-up attentional capture of emotional faces. But reaction time for searching target was still found to be influenced by bottom-up process. When an angry face competes with a happy face, the saliency of the angry face is higher than the happy face.


蔡宜真 Unknown Date (has links)

女性求職者照片外觀性別與工作典型性別一致性及照片微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響 / Congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and smiling in the photo on recruiting decisions.

陳子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討女性求職者其履歷表照片外觀性別與應徵工作的典型性別間一致性與否與微笑有無對招募者人事決策之影響;此外,並探討前述關係之中介機制及調節效果;亦即前述兩類效果是否透過影響招募者對求職者工作能力契合度、外向性或吸引力的知覺,進而影響招募者的人事決策,而招募者性別角色態度是否調節前述之性別一致性效果。 / 本研究使用實驗法,採2(女性求職者照片微笑:有或無)×2(女性求職者外觀性別與工作性別間一致性程度:高或低)完全受試者間實驗設計。依變項則為推薦意願之人事決策。以在職者為樣本,共有214位受試者參與,隨機分派受試者至四種實驗情境之一,在閱讀職缺訊息及履歷表後,回答對求職者知覺、人事決策及人口統計變項等問題。去除操弄失敗的樣本後,本研究分析之有效樣本為141人。 / 本研究以階層迴歸分析來檢驗所有研究假設。研究結果顯示,求職者微笑有無對推薦意願之主要效果達顯著,且招募者對求職者之外向性與外表吸引力知覺會中介此效果;但「外觀性別與工作性別間一致性」的主要效果並未達顯著。此外,招募者之家庭外角色態度具有顯著調節效果,但性別刻板印象之調節效果不存在。研究者並針對本研究之研究結果、理論與實務意涵加以討論。 / In the present study, the researcher examined whether the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and whether female applicants showed smile in the photo affected recruiters' hiring recommendation. Additionally, mediators and moderators of the above relationships were also examined. Specifically, the researcher examined whether recruiters' perceptions of applicant’s demands-abilities fit, extraversion, and facial attractiveness mediated the above relationship and whether recruiters' sex role attitudes moderated the above relationship. / This study used a 2 × 2 between-subjects factorial experimental design. The two independent variables were whether female applicants showed smile in the photo (smile or non-smile) and the congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type (high or low). The dependent variable was hiring recommendation. Two hundred and fourteen current incumbents participated in this study. After reading a fictitious job description and a fictitious resume, participants answered questions about the perceptions of the applicant, hiring recommendation, and participants’ demographic informaiton. After dropping participants who failed to pass the manipulation check, the valid sample size for analysis was 141. / Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the main effect of applicants' photo smile on hiring recommendation was significant, and the recruiter' perceptions of applicant's extraversion and facial attractiveness were mediators of the aforementioned relationship. However, recruiters' hiring recommendation was not influenced by congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type. In addition, recruiters' attitudes toward extra-familial roles moderated the relationship between congruence between female applicants' photo facial appearance and the job type and demands-abilities fit. However, the moderation of recruiters’ gender stereotype was not significant. Finally, practical implications and avenues for future research in selection biases are discussed.

以360度回饋探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖相關因素之實證研究 / The study of using 360-degree feedback to explore the factors affecting behavior change intention of managers

徐崇文, Hsu, Chung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是透過360度回饋的方式,進一步探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖的相關因素,這些因素包括評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持、組織限制以及自他評一致性等。 本研究樣本為國內某建築業之主管,其中初階主管15人,中階主管42人,高階主管4人,共計61位主管。研究結果發現,評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能以及組織支持等變項與行為改變意圖之間均具有顯著正相關,然而組織限制與行為改變意圖之間則不具有顯著的負相關。變異數分析的結果顯示,不同自他評一致性程度的受試,其在評量正確性知覺上確實有顯著差異存在,然而在行為改變意圖上卻並未有顯著差異。事後比較進一步發現,「低估」組以及「一致低」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上顯著高於「高估」組,然而「一致高」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上則並未顯著高於「低估」組與「一致低」組。此外,逐步迴歸分析研究結果顯示,在評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持以及組織限制等變項之中,以360度回饋滿意度對於行為改變意圖的變異解釋量為最高(30%)。 本研究並進一步指出研究之限制,以及建議後續研究者可以針對影響員工對於360度回饋的態度、個人行為改變決策歷程、友誼效應、訓練效果、電腦化、以及組織文化分析等議題進行更深入的探討;此外,對於有意推行360度回饋系統之企業組織,本研究亦提供多項實務上的建議。

民事程序中違法取證可利用性之研究 / A Study on Admissibility of Evidence Obtained Illegally in Civil Procedure

劉承翰, Liu, Chen Han Unknown Date (has links)
違法取得之證據於民事訴訟上可否予以使用,涉及之層面甚為廣泛,最為相關者,即係對於發現真實之手段上,所容許最大界限之所在,此自涉及到民事訴訟制度上之價值判斷,因此欲釐清此一爭議問題,自有必要以民事訴訟之最上位法理,諸如發現真實之追求、民事訴訟制度之目的,以及促進訴訟等相關之基本理念予以探討,本文整理並歸納目前文獻上所提出之諸多理論,以違法取證可利用性之角度切入予以觀察,是否有所衝突抑或係理念相同之處,以尋求此議題於民事訴訟整體架構之定位;此外若係採取禁止使用之立場,為避免實質正義之完全剝奪,即須進一步探討民事訴訟制度之發展,是否已提供足以正當化禁止使用此類證據之正當性基礎,本文並以實務上最為常見之通姦案例為焦點,具體操作評估此理論基礎之可行性。 再者,職司審判之法院為達認定事實之要求,自須依自由心證而為證據取捨並為證據評價,此自為自由心證之內涵,而欲承認違法取得之證據將有禁止使用之可能者,自須探討是否法官得基於自由心證,而享有證據之利用自由,為釐清此一爭議,本文以證據能力之要件、證據能力與證據價值之區分、嚴格證明之要求,並進一步釐清民事訴訟法以及實務運作上對於各種證據能力之規範,以尋求違法取得之證據於自由心證之定位。 對於違法取得之證據倘若欲禁止使用,實務上所面臨到操作上之問題,即係基於何種理論基礎、何種審查方式、於審判程序何種階段予以審查、證據禁止之範圍均須一併納入探討之範圍予以釐清,而民事訴訟上違法取證之議題,外國法已發展出一套運作模式,因此本論文於此同時整理並歸納外國法之文獻,諸如英美法之證據排除法則之運作,以及德國法之證據禁止法則之介紹,並與我國法之制度運作互為參照比較,是否可為我國體系建構上之參考借鏡。 同時再以實務上較為常見之違反程序法,以即違反實體法所取得之證據,予以類型化分類,並以學說見解之介紹與實務見解之觀察與分析,探討是否有較為穩定性之運作模式,以符合法安定性。 最後基於實務見解對於此類議題已有為數不少之判決,本論文即以表格化之方式,予以呈現實務上目前對於證據禁止使用之審查方式為何、證據禁止使用之比例多寡、對於各種類型係以何種原因作為判斷可利用性之考量,期望能較為清楚目前實務見解對此一議題之走向。

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