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台灣市場上市(櫃)撤件因素之探討 / Evidence on Taiwan's withdrawn IPOs鄭如君, Cheng, Ju Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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證券市場不宜上市(櫃)條款之研究 / A Study on Standards for Determining Unsuitability for TSE(OTC) Listing on Securities Market呂朝仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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科技事業上市(櫃)後經營績效及股價表現之探討林佩姻 Unknown Date (has links)
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證券商資本結構之探討-以台灣上市櫃證券商為例鄭蕙如 Unknown Date (has links)
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借殼上市櫃監理規範之研究 / Reverse Takeover Regulating高于婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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外國企業來台上市櫃股東權益保障之研究 / A Study on Protection of Shareholder Interests Regarding Foreign Issuers’ IPO in Taiwan藍順得 Unknown Date (has links)
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撤銷上市櫃輔導公司盈餘品質之探討劉采薇 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,以損失認列時效性迴歸模型分析時,獲准上市(櫃)之公開發行公司較自願撤銷輔導上市櫃之公開發行公司有較佳的盈餘品質;以盈餘時效性迴歸模型分析時,自願撤銷輔導上市櫃之公開發行公司較獲准上市(櫃)之公開發行公司有較佳的盈餘品質。本研究推論此分歧結果,由我國臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司有價證券上市審查準則與財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證券商營業處所買賣有價證券審查準則對於申請上市(櫃)之獲利門檻要求所造成。 / Based on regulations on listing guidance released by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) mission, this study investigates the difference in earnings quality between firms that voluntarily cancel their listing guidance applications and firm that complete their initial public offerings (IPOs) over the period of two years prior to the cancellation and two years after the cancellation of listing guidance application.
The results show that, under timeliness in loss recognition regression model, using a two-year duration prior to the IPO or listing guidance application cancellation for research period, the earnings quality of IPO firms over the two-year-period prior to their IPOs is better than that of firms voluntarily cancelled their listing guidance applications. On the contrary, under timeliness in earnings regression model, earnings quality of firms cancelled their listing guidance application voluntarily is better than that of the IPO firms. The empirical evidence thus suggests that the inconsistence on earnings quality measured in terms of loss and earnings recognition may due to the profitability threshold imposed by TSEC and GreTai Securities Market on rules governing the review of stock listings.
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董事會組成與我國IPO電子產業盈餘管理之關聯性──兼論家族企業因素之影響 / Board composition and Real Earnings Management of Initial Public Offerings,electronics industry in Taiwan.──with analysis of the effect of family business張雅涵 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,在家族企業中:(1)最終控制者控制席次過半及經理人董事席次比率愈高,愈可顯著抑制企業進行實質盈餘管理。(2)外部董事席次比率愈高,對企業進行實質盈餘管理有反向助長之傾向。(3)獨立董事席次愈多,愈能顯著監督企業進行實質盈餘管理,唯在企業以裁決性支出方式操弄盈餘方面較無監督能力。在非家族企業中:(1)最終控制者控制席次過半及外部董事席次比率的增加,對抑制企業從事實質盈餘管理無顯著效果。(2)獨立董事席次的增加可顯著抑制企業操弄盈餘。(3)經理人董事席次比率愈高,愈顯著助長企業進行實質盈餘管理。 / This thesis aims to discuss the relationship between board composition and real earnings management (hereafter, REM) under family business and non-family business. This study uses abnormal cash flow from operations, abnormal production costs, and abnormal discretionary expenses as a measure of real earnings management. Data is collected from electronics industry in Taiwan which applied for Initial Public Offerings (IPO) from 2004 to 2011.
The empirical results show that in family business: (1) If the ratio of board seat-control of ultimate controller is over 50 percents, or the ratio of board seats of manager is higher, it is helpful to restrain firms from manipulating earnings by REM.(2) Once the ratio of board seats of outside directors is higher, it is prone to promote firms to do REM.(3) Once the board seats of independent directors are more, it is significant to reduce the degree of REM. However, they seem to have no abilities to restrain firms from manipulating earnings by varying discretionary expenses. In non-family business: (1) The board seat-control of ultimate controller over 50 has nothing to do with decreasing the degree of REM. Also,the increase of the ratio of board seats of outside directors is not significantly to suppress the degree of REM. (2)The increase of board seats of independent directors is effectively to reduce the extent of REM. (3) If the ratio of board seats of manager is higher, it will push firms to manipulate earnings by REM.
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興櫃公司初次申請上市(櫃)(IPOs)股票蜜月現象及影響因素之研究陳崇生, Chen, Boss Unknown Date (has links)
除上述影響因素外,個案分析興櫃申請上市櫃(IPOs)公司可發現若該公司在產業皆具有領導地位、產品當紅有競爭利基(如IC設計等)具有國際競爭力及成長潛力、掌握關鍵研發創新技術、營收或獲利不斷成長、有較高毛利率及稅後每股盈餘、部份有富爸爸資源支持及垂直整合從與外資青睞,從登錄興櫃經審議委員會到上市(櫃)掛牌皆有超額報酬現象。 / Emerging Stock Market, which was started the transaction on January 2, 2002, provides the investors a legitimate, safe and transparent stock transaction market of unlisted company. According to the listed examination criterion of TSEC and OTC, an initial public offerings (IPOs) company has to be listed and transacted on Emerging Stock Market for over than six months to be familiar with the transaction rule of market and disclose the information of the company fully transparently. Then it has the admissibility of applying to transfer to listed market.
This thesis mainly explores the honeymoon effect of IPOs stock and its influence factors. The five purposes including:
1. To examine whether there is exceed return when an emerging company transferring to an IPOs company.
2. To discuss the influence to the exceed return of IPOs by the five group factors, including the company fundamental, the performance in Emerging Market, the conditions of the company at IPOs, the market situations and systems, and the company governance.
3. To discuss the influence to the exceed return of IPOs by the two time period factors between the three time points: listed day in the Emerging Market, the apply day to TSEC and OTC, and the day the application approved by Examination Committee of TSEC or OTC.
4. To give SWOT analysis (combined with five forces analysis) in the case studies to explore, of the target companies, the opportunities and threats of the external environment and the strengths and weakness of the internal environment.
5. To apply the exploration in Purpose 1, Purpose 2, and Purpose 3 to the target companies in the case studies.
By using multiple regression model, we found the following results:
1. The exceed return from the listed day in Emerging Market to the apply day to TSEC or OTC is related to the industry, the days staying in Emerging Stock Market, the performance of TSEC index, and the reputations of accountant business offices.
2. The exceed return from the day applying to TSEC or OTC to the day the application approved by Examination Committee is related to the company age, the days a company staying in Emerging Stock Market, the EPS after tax, and the performance of TSEC index.
3. The exceed return from the day the application passed by Examination Committee to the closing price at listing day is related to the industry, the average amount of transaction in Emerging Stock Market, the days a company staying in Emerging Stock Market, the transaction lot size, the stock offering price, the performance of TSEC index, the 7% price limit has been cancelled under the new underwriting system in five trading days after IPO, the reputations of accountant business offices.
4. The exceed return from the IPOs price to the closing price at listing day is related to the company age, the days a company staying in Emerging Stock Market, the stock offering price, the EPS after tax, the 7% price limit has been cancelled under the new underwriting system in five trading days after IPO.
Besides the above factors, we found, from the case studies, that IPO companies have the exceed return when they possess: the leadership in the industry, the international competitiveness and growth potential of their niche products, the key creative technology of R&D, the continuation growing of revenue and profit, the higher profit rate and the EPS after tax, the support of the parent group, and the foreign capital investors.
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新股初次上市(櫃)報酬分析與興櫃市場價格發現機能 / An Analysis of the IPO stocks return return andand emerging merging merging merging stock market market market price discovery mechanism黃茂欣, Huang, Mao Shin Unknown Date (has links)
興櫃市場的價格發現機能相關研究方面,興櫃市場的價格發現機能相關研究的結論為:IPO首日超額報酬在興櫃市場就已經能率先適當反應,興櫃市場是有價格發現機能的,IPO首日超額報酬存在,很有可能是因為承銷價低估。 / This research aims to investigate the performance of IPO stocks during their offering. Our sample consists of IPO announced from March 1, 2005 to February 28, 2010 drawn from the Taiwan Economic Journal. The empirical results show that (1) the return from the day applying to TWSE or OTC to the last trading day on emerging stock market is 47.01%. (2)The IPOs market adjusted return on the first trading day is 58.37%. (3) The performance of IPO stocks listed on OTC is better than stocks listed on TWSE after their offering.
We also observed the stock price before listing to test price discovery function of emerging stock market. Our research show that stocks price on emerging stock market has appropriately reacted before listing. Emerging stock market has price discovery mechanism.
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