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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣流行音樂產製之研究 / The Research of Popular Music Production

林怡伶, Lin, I Ling Unknown Date (has links)
80年代間,國內的主流流行歌曲,主要分為國語和臺語兩種類型,青少年市場的國語歌曲多著墨於風花雪月,臺語類則沿襲東洋味在悲情歌調中打轉。透過文化產物可以反映出社會變貌,87年開始,國內的政治、社會環境丕變,本土文化抬頭,流行音樂市場中出現了批判現實的另類音樂創作,部份臺語歌曲也出現了新風貌。歐美的流行音樂市場,發展成為大型的唱片集團公司和小型的獨立公司並立的局面,前者握有大部分的市場。提起這兩者,往往分別和主流、非主流扣聯在一起;主流和非主流,又分別代表著同質化的音樂風格和另類的創新音樂風格。   國內雖然沒有形成本地的龐大音樂集團,而水晶唱片公司也是本地唯一走另類生產路線的公司,兩種不同訴求的生產策略,分別有不同的行銷方法以及和媒體互動的關係。   唱片業和廣播電臺、電影、電視和報章雜誌等傳播媒體關係密切,本文探討唱片業和媒體之間如何運作,共同形塑流行音樂的面貌,以及近年間流行音樂市場的變化,具有那些社會文化意涵。 / In 1980s, main-stream popular music in Taiwan divided into Mandarin and Taiwanese songs two genres. The former focusing on teenagers market most sings about love and personal feelings, and the other follows Japanese color expressing sadness tone. Since 1987, the political and social environment of Taiwan has been greatly changing, with locol culture status arising, there emerging some alternative popular music.   Within west countries' popular music markets, major syndicate companies hold most markets and independent companies share the rest. Major and independent companies respectly remind of homogeneous and alternative music styles. Two kinds of production strategies also appear in Taiwan popular music market, where exist different relations between communication media and record companies.   This paper concerns Taiwan popular music market since the late 1980s till 1994, analysing the changes and their social meanings.

我國推動性別主流化發展之研究:從參與式民主觀點探討 / The Development of Gender mainstreaming in Taiwan Based on the Viewpoint of Participation Democracy

魏美娟, Wei, Meichuan Unknown Date (has links)
性別主流化的概念,從1995年在北京被提出,經過了15年,性別議題逐漸在國際組織中獲得重視,各國對於性別主流化的推動與實施不遺餘力。台灣從2003年推動性別主流化至今,約七年的時間,對照起聯合國在2010年三月在紐約所召開的北京+15會議,台灣僅僅用了一半時間,發展出屬於台灣本土性別主流化經驗。 由於行政院婦權會具有「參與式民主」「公私合作」的特質,尤其來自民間的婦權委員,試圖在我國推動性別主流化的發展過程中,建立各種不同的參與機制與平台,將不同的個人與團體串連起來。換言之是一種參與式政府的體現,性別主流化過程中強調授與員工權力(性別聯絡人設置)與能力(性別培訓制度),試將政府組織內的個人納入決策過程,亦即是以體制內的「公務人員」作為參與式民主的主體,運用性別聯絡人制度、性別平等工作小組,以及性別培訓制度等擴大參與的制度,試圖將個別公務人員納入性別主流化推動過程中。此種體制內擴大參與的模式,改變了以社會中公民為主體的參與民主模式,進行體制內參與式民主發展的可能。 同時,婦權基金會所建立的婦女團體溝通平台亦是參與式民主機制的建立,婦女溝通平台不僅有助於政府部門與民間團體的溝通與對話,能夠使民間團體瞭解政府部門的各項施政與發展,也助於行政部門傾聽婦女團體對於個別議題的想法,以及婦女團體間對於議題的溝通與交流。在國際參與機制,婦權基金會透過每年補助民間團體與專家學者的機制,讓許多團體與個人,透過參加聯合國與各國際組織會議,將國際社會中關注的性別議題帶回台灣社會。 / Gender mainstreaming had been formally raised in the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. It has become one of the main strategies for fulfilling gender equality in international community. Gender mainstream is not only regarding female separately. Furthermore, it isn't only making some policies or allocating budgets for female affairs, but also putting gender views in all of the legislations, policies, schemes and budgets so that governments can evaluate and make concrete schemes and priority. Currently, some problems have been generated when countries are putting efforts on gender mainstreaming. For instance, public servants have vague cognitive concepts and poor knowledge in this field. This situation also makes the gender concerns can’t deeply influence policies, schemes and legislations. It only appears occasionally in some processes of policies, but it can’t have comprehensive outlooks. However, it might have a window of opportunity for developing gender mainstreaming if we facilitate participatory democracy in domestic societ. In terms of domestic development, governments, experts and general public can get the opportunities of participation and dialogue via participatory democracy. It will also make the gender concerns get involved with the discussion and planning of policies.


李清榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討這些手工品牌創作者,如何從社經體制邊陲漸漸邁向社會主流?以及在這過程中,他們運用的行銷組合策略為何?希望開啟大家對手工品牌創作者的重視與提倡,並且對手工品牌創作者有更深入的認識與瞭解。 手工品牌創作者在邁入主流市場過程中,其共同發展的脈絡如下: 一、 手工品牌創作者透過品牌延伸的方式快速推出新產品,目標市場策略由單一利基市場進行擴散,最終以大眾市場為目標。並採取知覺價值定價法。 二、 手工品牌創作者在創意市集和寄售通路獲得早期接受者,但也面臨商業機制的挑戰。 三、 手工品牌創作者以「產品優異+顧客偏愛」的競爭優勢跨越市場的鴻溝。 四、 手工品牌創作者整合實體與虛擬通路,配合大眾媒體與人際溝通管道推廣品牌。 五、 與企業合作的異質性溝通直接影響手工品牌創作者邁向大眾市場。 最後本研究並指出,建構獨自的經營哲學,以及突破市場考驗,是手工品牌創作者邁向大眾市場的關鍵成功因素。經營哲學意指品牌的經營手法以及創作者推廣的努力程度;市場考驗意指品牌的相容性、相對優勢屬性,以及是否達到關鍵多數的接受者。


林佳儀 Unknown Date (has links)

星空下的玻璃天花板現象─以警政單位女性警官升遷為例 / Glass ceiling effect among female police officers

林祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣女性勞動參與率逐年提高,越來越多的女性勞動力進入就業市場,然而,女性晉升至中高階層職位之人數並無明顯增加。顯然女性的職涯發展似乎受到一定程度的限制,此限制即為玻璃天花板現象。玻璃天花板現象存在於各行各業中,但於警界之程度更為嚴重。此現象之原因乃警界人為與體制上的排除女警官人數,導致整個警界中的女性人數稀少,更遑論通往高階之女性所遇之玻璃天花板現象更甚一般企業或公務體系人員。因此本研究透過質性訪談方式,藉此試圖探討警政中、高層女性所占比例極低的原因何在,其中人為或非人為因素為何?   本研究發現警界升遷制度隱性侷限女警升遷發展,以績效導向為主導致功獎多寡牽制著積分排名順序,而主管評分比重過高亦會影響女警官升遷;再者由於警察組織性別化的工作指派,在偏好男性的外勤工作能夠快速與大量的累積分數之下,女警官敘獎機會較少,相對不容易累積積分;此外警界必須運用交際應酬的手段維繫良好的人際關係,但女警官不擅進入男性應酬圈,男性網絡之官場文化間接造影響女警官們的升遷發展;最後女性被賦予養兒育女之母職天性,家庭責任之重擔落在女性身上,一但女警官走入婚姻,即必須在工作與家庭上做取捨,工作與家庭實為難以兼顧。   因此建議國家應放寬警大入學名額的性別設限並推動國家照顧工作;對於警界之職務分派勿侷限性別,重視女警人才,並且減少組織內外勤工作差異,再者建議主官建立公平的考核原則,破除性別刻板印象之成見,以及建立兩性平等的教育訓練;建議女警官破除自我設限的迷思,並強化女警官之人際網絡;以及女警官人力資本之維持。 / The female labor participation rate has gradually increased in Taiwan, more and more Female labor force has been entered the labor market. However, the number of female senior positions who is not increases significantly. Women's career advancement has seemed to be limited to a certain extent; this restriction shall be the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling exists in all walks of life; particularly the police are more serious than the general business and public service system. The reason is artificial and institutional exclusion, not to mention the number of women with the senior positions. Therefore, this study through qualitative interviews so as to explore the low proportion of women in senior positions. The study found that promotion system limited women's career advancement, the performance-oriented approach the award amount in order to contain the standings, while the chief rates with a high proportion will also affect female police officer promotion; Furthermore, due to the gender-based assignment of work in police organizations, female police officers award fewer opportunities that is not easy to accumulate points; In addition to maintain good interpersonal relationships in police, female police officers is hard to enter the male entertainment circle; the last is that women has the nature of motherhood, so family responsibilities falls on women which must be choice between work and family. The government should be relax the gender-based retractions of Central Police University and to promote the care work of the state; the Police should not limit the duties assigned in gender and to value the talent of female police officers ,also it should reduce the differences in the police work of the organization .Moreover the chief should set the fair principal on assessment, and break the gender stereotypes with the prejudices. Also it should be establish the gender equality in education and training; finally suggesting that female police officers should get rid of the myth of self-handicapping, and to strengthen the interpersonal networks of female police officers; as well as the maintenance of female police officers in human capital.

日本近代化過程中牛乳及乳製品普及的歷程 / The acceptanace of milk and dairy products in the Modernization of Japan

施佩妤 Unknown Date (has links)
十八世紀後葉,歷經產業革命的歐洲各國及美國,開始進出亞洲,日本也在美國培理的要求下開國。而後日本國內進行一連串的體制改革,幕府將大政奉還,建立了以明治天皇為中心的新政府。明治政府為求富國強兵,積極地引進西方近代思想及生活方式,以達到文化及國民生活各方面的近代化。當時的這種風潮稱做文明開化,是日本在近代化過程中,西方文化和日本本土文化融合的一種現象。 日本開港以來徹底的西化政策,使得國民生活水準提高,生活各方面也逐漸西化。而對一般國民來說,最息息相關的飲食方面,也吹起了一股新風潮,政府開始倡導養生和營養的觀念。於是,歐美的食物就在這樣的風潮下,被大量引進日本。 本稿想探討的是,在日本近代化的過程中,隨著歐美食物的引進,日本的飲食文化是如何演變的。而這當中,筆者想以牛乳及乳製品為例,加以解釋說明。日本孝德天皇(在位期間西元645-654)時代,百濟的歸化人福常就曾進貢牛乳給天皇。江戶時代,雖有少數人將牛乳當作藥物來飲用,但一般百姓根本沒有機會接觸。到了明治時代,新政府為求富國強兵,仿照西方開始倡導喝牛乳的養生概念,也鼓勵國人投入畜產業。但對當時還迷信喝了牛乳就會變成牛的百姓來說,一時之間是無法接受的。而且,牛乳獨特的味道在當時實在稱不上是種「香味」。但漸漸地,牛乳這個名詞,附加上營養的概念,有了新的價值。再加上乳製品的普及,其獨特的味道也慢慢被接受,牛乳的「香味」終於受到認同。當初單純地只是一種仿效,但卻隨著時間的推移,日本人習慣了牛乳及乳製品的味道,成為日本現代生活中不可或缺的食品。因此,究竟在日本近代化的過程中,牛乳及乳製品是如何受到近代主流意識影響,改變其原有的價值,成為日本不可或缺的食品,及其過程的關鍵為何,在本稿中筆者將加以闡述說明。 研究方法方面,第一,從日本乳業史中瞭解日本的牛乳及乳製品,是如何從不被接受,直到普及的過程。第二,從日本各文獻的論述、報紙的廣告及文章、文學作品中,整理出和牛乳及乳製品的相關內容,分析當時日本人是如何看待牛乳及乳製品的。最後,歸納以上兩種方法的結果,探討牛乳及乳製品在日本近代化的過程中其價值的定位。 【關鍵字】:富國強兵、文明開化、近代化、牛乳、乳製品、養生、主流意識。 / 日本近代化過程における牛乳・乳製品の受容 日本語要旨 十八世紀後半以降、産業革命を経たヨーロッパ各国やアメリカは、アジアへの進出を開始した。日本もアメリカのペリーから開国を要求され、国内の体制変革を行い、大政奉還を経て、明治天皇を中心とする新しい政府を成立させた。 富国強兵をめざす新政府は、文化や国民生活の近代化を促進する必要から、率先して西洋の近代思想や生活様式を積極的に取り入れようとした。当時この風潮は文明開化と呼ばれ、日本の近代化途上における西洋的なものと日本的風土との奇妙な競合でもあった。 こうした開港以来の一貫した欧米模倣政策がもたらしたものは、国民生活水準の向上であり、その結果としての生活様式の洋風化であった。その中で、庶民の最も見近な食生活にも養生と栄養の必要が唱えられ、新風が吹き込んできた。それは欧米食の移入であった。 本稿では、日本近代化過程の中で、欧米食の移入に伴って、食生活がどのように変化していくかを検討したい。その中で、例として挙げてみたいのは牛乳・乳製品である。孝徳天皇(在位六四五-六五四)の時代に、百済の帰化人福常が牛乳を天皇に献上した。江戸時代にも牛乳は薬用として一部の人には飲まれていたが、庶民には縁遠いものであった。明治に入ると、新政府は西洋を見習い、富国強兵を目指すため、牛乳の滋養を宣伝し、畜産も奨励した。だが、牛乳を飲んだら牛になると信じてきた当時の人々はやはり抵抗があった。また、牛乳の独特なにおいは彼らにとって、決して「香り」とは言い難い。しかし、いつの間にか牛乳そのものに栄養という言葉や概念がつき、新しい価値が生まれ、人々に受け入れられるものとなった。そして、乳製品の普及によって、独特なにおいも「香り」と感じられるようになった。最初はただの模倣であるにもかかわらず、徐々に定着していき、現代日本の食生活に不可欠な食べ物となってきた。近代化の過程の中で、牛乳・乳製品の価値がどのように近代のパラダイムの影響を受け、生まれ変わってきたか、またその位置付けはどこにあるかを考察したい。 研究方法としては、まず日本乳業史から日本における牛乳・乳製品の定着の実態を明らかにする。次に文献の論説、新聞の広告や記事、文学作品の中にある牛乳・乳製品に関する内容から、当時の日本人が牛乳・乳製品に対してどんな反応をしたであろうかを分析する。最後に、二つの方法から得た情報を通じて、日本近代化過程における牛乳・乳製品の位置を考察したいと思う。 【キーワード】:富国強兵、文明開化、近代化、牛乳、乳製品、養生、パラダイム。 / In late 18th, after the Industrial Revolution., Europe and America entered Asia markets. After the admiral Mattew Calbraith Perry urged Japan to open trade, there was a serious reformation in Japan. Then Edo Bakuhu turned power back to the Mikado. The Mikado changed from the Edo to the Meiji Era and learned western modernization. The trend of that age was called Bunnmeikaika (文明開化). It was a process that Japan tried to mix the European modernization into Japanese traditional lifestyle. After a serious imitation from Europe, not only the standard of living was improved in Japan, but the traditional lifestyle was changed. At the first time, people in Japan were told to make a point of the nutrition of food. Then the government imported a large number of Western foods into Japan. In this report, I cleared that in the modernization of Japan, how was the Japanese lifestyle changed, especially in food. Then I want to take milk and dairy products for example to explain clearly. During Kotokutennou’s (孝徳天皇) Era, Kudara’s(百済) Kikajin (帰化人) Hukujyou (福常) presented milk to the Mikado. In Edo Era, few people drank milk as some kind of medicine, but most people hadn’t drunk milk once. In Meiji Era, the new government persuaded people to drink milk because of the nutrition, and encouraged people to do the stockbreeding. But at that time, people believed that if you drink milk you’ll become a cow. Also people didn’t think milk was tasty. Long before one is aware that milk itself has been revaluated, realized, and accepted as a nutritious drink. Besides, after the spread of dairy products, people took milk as tasty drink gradually. At the beginning, people thought drinking milk was only an imitation from European. But finally, milk became an important drink in Japanese life more than they expected. In my paper, I would like to examine how the values of milk and diary products were influenced by the modern paradigm, and how milk and diary products were reborn and positioned in the process of modernization. The first method of this research is that I want to clear the acceptance of milk and dairy products by reading the milk history of Japan. Second, I’ll gather some essays, news or advertisement columns in the newspapers, literature works that have talked about milk and dairy products to find out how Japanese feel about milk and dairy products. Finally, I’ll combine the findings of the research to situate milk and diary products in the process of modernization of Japan. 【Keyword】:Reformation, Bunnmeikaika, Modernization, Milk, Diary products, Nutrition, Paradigm.

當代中國電影的主流意識:以革命歷史片為例 / The mainstream ideology of the contemporary Chinese film: using the revolutionary history film as an example

陳加恩, Chen, Chia En Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對近年來越來越多中國電影向主流意識靠攏的現象感到好奇。透過分析近年來頗受好評的四部革命歷史電影,來了解當前中國電影中的主流意識內涵以及這些主流意識與電影之間的接合方式。研究發現,當前在革命歷史電影中的主流意識,可分為下列四項:彰顯革命精神、凝聚國族意識、中國式民主的建立與資本家地位的提升。這些主流意識的內涵,其功能主要是為了維持中共政權的存續,提供意識形態上的合法性依據。此外,在接合方法上,採用了商業電影的製作方式,達到吸引觀眾與傳遞主流意識的功能。 / An increasing number of Chinese films draw close to the mainstream ideology in recent years. This study analyzes four revolutionary history Films which have good reputation to understand the mainstream ideology in contemporary Chinese film and the articulation which is between the mainstream ideology and the Chinese film. This study found that there are four mainstream ideologies in those revolutionary history Films. They are as follows: Highlight of the revolutionary spirit, Solidarity of the national consciousness, establishment of Chinese-style democracy and upgrading of capitalists status in china. The main function of those mainstream ideologies is to maintain the existence of the Chinese Communist regime. In addition, those Chinese films are produced by commercial film production way in order to attract the audience and delivery the mainstream ideology.

以社會網路分析方法探測多元性別族群意識傳遞之研究 / A research into the dissemination of the LGBTIQ community awareness by social network analysis

陳怡茹, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路資訊技術的進步,同時也建構了人與人之間知識傳遞與情感維繫的各種不同社會網路形式與空間,透過瞭解人際之間的社會網路運作,不僅關係個人是否能成功實現目標,亦可協助組織解決問題與意識傳遞及運行。加上近年來「性別主流化」(Gender mainstreaming)政策影響,從過往兩性到現今多元性別的轉變,希望建立尊重多元性別的態度及平等相處的互動。本研究試圖將多元性別族群意識傳遞與社會網路分析技術做結合,以社會網路分析方法,來描述網路上多元性別族群意識傳遞之社會活動的特徵與其意義,對多元性別族群網路使用者的網上集體行為進行剖析,以社會網路分析方法呈現,從人與人的互動分析中,探討多元性別族群意識如何傳遞。並延續看見尊重多元性別做努力,不僅瞭解性別的多樣差異,更重要的是結合資訊管理方式,營造一個資訊管理融合社會多元性別族群友善的環境與資源連結。 / With the advancement of Internet and information technology, various online social platforms have been constructed for interpersonal affiliation and knowledge dissemination. Understanding how the interpersonal social network works helps not only a person fulfill goals but an organization resolve problems and spread its ideas. In recent years, under the influences of the gender mainstreaming policy, the idea of two genders has shifted to the idea of various genders with the hope to encourage a tolerant attitude toward LGBTIQ community and promote equal interaction among all people. The study intends to combine the dissemination of LGBTIQ community awareness and social network analysis. The intention is to depict online dissemination of LBGT community awareness and to dissect the collective behaviors of LGBTIQ community with social network analysis. The analysis of interpersonal interaction is employed to see how the LGBTIQ community awareness has been disseminated. The result not only helps understand differences among genders but also gives insights to know that the most important is to combine LGBTIQ community awareness with information management with the purpose to create a friendlier environment for LBGTIQ community combined with information management.


珍田, 章生 23 July 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第12848号 / 論農博第2800号 / 新制||農||1027(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H26||N4865(農学部図書室) / 31431 / (主査)教授 小田 滋晃, 教授 新山 陽子, 教授 徳賀 芳弘 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


曾裕恒 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣唱片工業在1997年達到前所未有的高峰,唱片總銷售金額達新台幣123億元。可是從1998年開始,台灣唱片工業景氣急轉直下,每年的成長率至少都在-10%以上,到了2007年,整體唱片銷售總額已掉到新台幣19億元,幾乎已是十年前的六分之一。很多唱片業界的人士都怪罪數位音樂的流通,導致盜版橫行,沒有消費者願意花錢支持正版專輯,使得主流唱片市場一落千丈,可是反觀國內以獨立音樂為號召的三大音樂祭,每年參與人數皆逐年上升,尤其是野台開唱去年一舉將票價提升近一倍,但人數不減反增,三天的活動累計突破十二萬人次,雖無直接的證據證實以往聆聽主流音樂的消費者漸漸轉向獨立音樂的陣營,可是強調「真誠」與「創新」的獨立音樂,逐漸擄獲消費者的心卻是不爭的事實。 Simon Frith認為:「音樂已經變成一種商品,想要賺錢得不斷適應新的科技,這兩樣事情形塑了通俗音樂產業的面貌。」,此話明確指出,唱片工業除了得面對科技的進步,音樂的本質也相當重要。但台灣主流唱片公司一昧卸責怪罪mp3所造成的衝擊,卻忽略除了科技以外的問題。因此唯有透過完整性的產業分析,將國內主流與獨立音樂分別比較探討,才能真正的釐清國內唱片工業問題之所在。 時至今日,跨國唱片公司以裁員、縮編因應市場的轉變,許多本土中小型的主流唱片公司應運而生紛紛轉向大陸市場,獨立音樂透過網路社群的集結,蓄積龐大的力量,正逐漸解構跨國唱片公司所建構的市場規則。台灣唱片工業將會再起,網路霈然莫之能禦的力量,將使台灣富有生命力的「新音樂」推向市場。 / The Taiwan popular music industry reached the high peak in 1997 without precedent history that the total output value was NT dollar twelve billion. But from 1998, the Taiwan popular music industry had a quick and decisive turn of events for the worse. Until 2007 the total output value was about NT dollar two billion that is almost the one sixth of ten years ago. Many people in this industry have blamed the digital music for the sluggish market. But, by contrast, there are more and more people joining the three most famous indie-music festivals, especially Formoz Festival 2007. Although It raised the ticket price to two times, the total entrance people reached one hundred-twenty thousand. Even though there is no direct evidence that the most of customers listening pop music turn to indie music, in fact, the indie music that highlights “honest” and “innovative” gradually attract many customers. Simon Frith said: “pop music as we know it now has been shaped by the problems of making music a commodity and the challenges of adapting money-making practices to changing technologies.” This paragraph indicates that technology is very important to music industry. Besides, the innate character of music is also more important. Therefore, I think that if we want to understand what the problems with, we must take the macroscopic method to analysis this industry. However, the international recording companies have been in droves to lay off employees in order to the sluggish market coming. There are many small or medium major recording companies being formed and turning to China market. And then, many indie music companies use internet to cluster together for store up strength to deconstruct the rule that the international recording companies formulated. The application of internet will improve the “new music” to the market, and the Taiwan popular music industries will revival.

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