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台灣另類學校家長教育選擇權意識發展之研究--以宜蘭慈心華德福學校為例王炎川 Unknown Date (has links)
(四)意識分化期:在孩子自主的自覺及家長責任的承擔下,對於社會價值觀的改變,讓選擇意識分化轉向選擇體制教育。但在多年參與華德福教育後的認同與滿意更堅定家長對慈心的教育理念,並將理念轉化為信念。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, taking an alternative school in Taiwan, Ci-Xing Waldorf School, a private management of public school in Yilan County, as an example. In-depth interviews were conducted to examine the formation of parental awareness of educational choice, with the aid of questionnaire data analysis on the factors that affected parents’ educational choice.
Based on the analysis of the interviews, we can divide the formation of parental awareness of educational choice into the following four periods: awareness raising period, awareness developing period, parental empowerment period and awareness differentiating period.
(A)Awareness-raising period
Impacted by the reflection upon parental growth and dissatisfaction with the current education, parents were awakened to realize the educational choice was their original basic choice.
(B)Awareness-developing period
Through family negotiation to reach children education consensus, faith in Ci-Xing Waldorf School education from trusting their teachers, and participation in Ci-Xing, parents gradually formed their education belief.
(C)Awareness -empowering period
From engaging in Ci-Xing Waldorf School affairs and setting up community, parents reinforced their consensus and actively sought to establish a junior high school after perceiving the importance of Waldorf education.
(D)Awareness-differentiating period
Under the influence of children’s self-consciousness raising, parent’s responsibilities sharing and change in social values, parents chose school system over diversifying beliefs. But thoughts turned into beliefs after years of participation in school, leading parents to content and identify with Waldorf School more.
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將社區劇場視為另類傳播媒介之研究:以民心劇場為例 / Regard community theatre as a alternative media林福岳, Lin, Fu Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
@ 「社區發展」(community development )一詞,最先是由聯合國所
量,以促進經濟、社會進步情況的過程。」(United Nations,1955 )C
entered theory)的學者建議以經驗共享、創造個人意義、建立社區價
蟡甈y及共享的功能。@ 社區發展過程中所運用的傳播方式往往是多元的
,而且無論是其形式 B內容或功能,都和主流媒介有明顯的不同。社區劇
其次,我們亦可從「另類媒介」(alternative media),探討社區 @
場的意義。除了相對於主流媒介外,另類媒介還有幾個值得注意的特徵 A
具有的凝聚力及感染力,使它們和所處的社區 c成一種動態的生態關係,
、意義建構等層面上扮演某種特定的角色。 @ 以國內現有的研究成果來
看,對於社區傳播的研究似乎少有人涉獵, t類媒介的研究也有待開發,
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自主學習與學生自我賦權─以北市自主學習實驗計畫學生為例之研究黃心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,研究者是採用質性研究方法,資料採集的方式為F. Schutze的敘述訪談法,而資料分析則是採取Moustakas對於超驗現象學方法的應用。
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蒙特梭利自由思想教育意涵之研究莊梨青, Chuang, Li-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:蒙特梭利、自由、另類教育 / With the development of Enlightenment in Europe during the 17th century, the Europeans believed that the society would make progress and the illiteracy would be eliminated under the use of human rationality. Besides, the badness of our society would be reformed with the help of education. However, the adult-based or curriculum-based education ignored the subjectivity of learners. Montessori had a different viewpoint that the pattern of education must be children-based. She hoped that education would make life tend towards freedom. In light of the viewpoint of “alternative education” nowadays, she stresses on the learning subjectivity and the reflection of educating process. Although being in different time and space, it is still referable to us. The researcher takes literature review in historical research as the method of this study in order to have a comprehensive understanding of Montessori’s Freedom education by interpreting her masterpieces.
In this article, the researcher inquires the respect towards children and the educational blueprint constructed by Montessori through the illustration of the five elements of her origin of thoughts including the experience of teaching, the background of academic training, the ideological trend of philosophy of education, the background of her religion, and her personal traits. Then, elaborate the educational meanings of Freedom including choice, development, independence, and social through the educational process. In addition, discuss how Montessori teachers practice freedom in education and inspire children’s intelligence and potential through the four categories as follow: preparation of proper environment, providing of adaptable task, creation of social life, and fostering teachers’ spirits.
In the end, in light of Montessori’s holistic development, the researcher expounds the roles of children and teachers in learning process according to the human portraits of “uncertainty of human – hopes versus waiting”, “self-constructuon of human – creation versus companion”, and “independency of human – awakening versus enlightening”. And study the educational inspiration of Montessori’s Freedom education through the access of educational ethics.
Key words: Montessori、freedom、alternative education
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以變為常,台灣另類╱獨立媒體的新聞實踐—以《上下游新聞市集》為例 / The Journalistic Practices of Alternative Media in Taiwan : The Analysis of News & Market盧易詩, Lu, Yi Shih Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,隨著組織受到各種內外情境變動的刺激,上下游新聞成員逐漸展現各自對於媒體角色定位的見解差異,成員紛紛在突破疆域界線的分裂點上,表明自己如何認知媒體角色定位,並由此開創不同於以往的新聞實踐樣貌。 / This thesis takes the notion of rhizome as a research approach to explore the journalistic practices of alternative media in Taiwan.
Considering time limitation and the purpose of this research, the researcher adopts the methods of depth interview and participable observation to examine the journalistic practice of research object in this thesis—“News & Market.” At the same time, the researcher looks into journalistic practices via Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of “rhizome” and “becoming.”
According to the study, along with the context change, News & Market constantly adjusts its organizational structure and the way it produces news. However, since journalists cannot often reach an agreement altogether, the organizational conflicts would gradually increase. For now, News & Market manages to reduce the possibilities of organizational conflicts through the ways of “joint gatekeeping production mode” and “institutional operation of the organization.”
Moreover, the study indicates that social media platform, taking the example of Facebook, has a huge influence on the news production of News & Market.
At last, because of the growing influence of context change, the journalists of News & Market show different cognition on their role positions. When there is the time of different points of view, the journalists would cross the border to provide different ideas and develop the journalistic practices that are different from the past.
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另類醫療、醫療化與健康商品化現象:以芳香療法的新聞報導為例王念綺, Wang,Daphne Unknown Date (has links)
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另類學校中的人權教育之研究:以種籽親子實驗小學為例翁凱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣流行音樂產製之研究 / The Research of Popular Music Production林怡伶, Lin, I Ling Unknown Date (has links)
唱片業和廣播電臺、電影、電視和報章雜誌等傳播媒體關係密切,本文探討唱片業和媒體之間如何運作,共同形塑流行音樂的面貌,以及近年間流行音樂市場的變化,具有那些社會文化意涵。 / In 1980s, main-stream popular music in Taiwan divided into Mandarin and Taiwanese songs two genres. The former focusing on teenagers market most sings about love and personal feelings, and the other follows Japanese color expressing sadness tone. Since 1987, the political and social environment of Taiwan has been greatly changing, with locol culture status arising, there emerging some alternative popular music.
Within west countries' popular music markets, major syndicate companies hold most markets and independent companies share the rest. Major and independent companies respectly remind of homogeneous and alternative music styles. Two kinds of production strategies also appear in Taiwan popular music market, where exist different relations between communication media and record companies.
This paper concerns Taiwan popular music market since the late 1980s till 1994, analysing the changes and their social meanings.
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一種青春,兩個世界:跨越教育體制畢業生之質性研究 / One youth, two worlds- a qualitative research from a crossing broader's perspective, a student studied in a mainstream and an alternative school.謝雅君, Hsieh, Ya Chun Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:另類教育、全人中學、敘說探究、自我 / Alternative schools are usually misunderstood by people surrounded in the mainstream of credentialism, such as non-competitiveness, exclusive schools only for nobles or problem-maker students. In order to answer these questions raised above, it should be spoken by the narrative of students who had studied in a mainstream school and an alternative school to get rid of rumors. The purpose of the research is to deliberate the process of the self construction of students in different educational system of schools. Self construction is an ongoing process, and people would adjust constantly between inner self and outside environment to achieve a status of harmony. Therefore, school environment is one of the most important places for students. It finds that students grow positive self images easier in open and liberal school environments. On the contrary, students have lower imagination and creativity to their self images in conservative and closed school environments. The research is not only remind people what education is, but also provide a narrative for alternative schools.
Keywords: alternative school, Holistic school, narrative, self
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覺醒與爭權的社會行動--另類學校家長教育選擇權意識之個案研究王雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採德國社會學者F. Schütze發展之「敘述訪談法」採集個案口述傳記資料,並以其所提出之理論建構分析方案,進行敘述內涵意義的理解與詮釋,透過敘述文本之再建構,闡述出文本主體「邁向開展生命的實踐道路」之家長教育選擇權意識形成圖像。個體家長教育選擇權意識之形成動態歷程:符應學校教育之學習規範-抗拒囤積式學校教育結構-批判馴化式學校教育-尋求解放教育與覺醒,刻劃成長於威權戒嚴時期社會體制下,學校教育體制仍呈現高度政治化和技術化基本性格之社會個體,如何超越社會體制壓迫結構及與社會他者連結的生命融入過程,即生命主體在行使家長教育選擇權,為其下一代選擇能提供並滋養生命健康成長的教育方案之歷程中,尋獲與世界及社會他者共存共融之智慧;社會系統中所存在移植至歐洲文明的華德福教育,所形構之身心靈全人發展人類圖像,及「成人之美」之教育圖像,引領著關注社會教育體制如何改善的批判生命主體之覺醒,體察乃回歸教育本質的探究,開展內在對每個生命及人類圖像的理解與敬畏,方能朝向開展生命的理想教育實踐道路上行進。
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