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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張瀞文, Chang, Ching-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
民國93年3月22日,我國期貨市場發生一開盤後隨即跌停,而後無量下跌,引發我國期貨市場產生流動性風險及系統性危機之事件,此事件本研究將之簡稱為「322事件」。本研究首先將透過時間的推進來說明引發322事件之原因、發生經過,以及在此次事件中,為何會引發我國期貨市場之流動性風險及系統性危機之主要原因。本研究發現主要是因為在3月20日總統大選前,大多數的期貨交易人均預期選後的股市會有一波漲幅,故過份建立期貨多頭部位,但是經過了3月19日的槍擊總統一案以及3月20日的選舉爭議,都讓民眾對未來充滿不確定性,以致在3月22日一開盤便委賣遠大於委買,期貨成交量萎縮,期貨交易人損失慘重,保證金嚴重不足,而引發流動性風險及系統性危機。 而後,期貨主管機關為因應金融自由化及國際化,目前正研擬開放多種店頭市場金融商品供期貨商自營操作,但開放後期貨商勢必將承擔更高之市場風險,主管機關應該如何因應成了開放前最重要之課題。資本適足率係主管機關在監理期貨商經營是否健全時的第一道防線,故本研究便建構一新模型,用以估算欲開放之新種金融商品的短期投資折扣率,本研究並以台指選擇權為例,透過本模型估算其最適之短期投資折扣率,結果與目前期貨交易所所規範之40%相去不遠。 最後,本研究提出數點建議,以期未來再度發生類似於322事件時,能夠降低我國期貨市場面臨之流動性風險及系統性危機。同時,也建議期貨主管機關未來在設算金融商品之短期投資折扣率時,能夠依循一具合理原則性之模型估算,避免未來當開放多種金融商品後,產生彼此間原則相抵觸之問題。 / In 2004, Taiwan’s future market suffered both serious liquidity risk and systematic risk. At March 22nd in 2004, the Taiwan Future Index fall down and touched the maximum limit-7% suddenly. The volume of future market was extremely low. This paper called this event as “322 event.” This paper has two parts. First the paper will illustrate the 322 event. What caused the 322 event? And how the 322 event happened? This paper will seek these answers. We found that the main reasons to cause the liquidity risk and systematic risk are too many investors bought futures. This was because they believed after the 2004 President election, the Taiwan’s stock market would rise to celebrate. At March 19th, the President Chen Shui-Bian encountered a shot murder. At March 20th, some serious dispute took place and made our society was full of insecurity. Investors began concern the stock market would be uncertain. They didn’t buy any futures like before, but in contrast they started to sell it. The another aspect in this paper is to construct a model. In order to follow up the liberalization and globalization, the government authority plans to open more derivatives for the futures corporations to invest. But how do the government authorities monitor these futures corporations becomes an important lesson. This paper will also seek the answers through constructing a model using VaR model to estimate the short-term investment discount ratio. Then this paper uses Taiwan Stock Option as an example examining whether the model is useful. The short-term investment discount ratio of the stock option by model is 40.89%. This outcome is much closed to 40%, the regulated discount ratio. Finally, this paper provides several advices in order to diminish the liquidity risk and systematic risk when futures market will suffer what similar to 322 event in the future. And this paper gives some information to supervisors about how to construct a model to estimate the short-term investment discount ratio so that the ratio is ensured following a logical principle.


于昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
國人自我贈禮的風氣方興未艾,但在資源的束縛與傳統價值觀的影響下,使得消費者不免陷於困窘之境,而本研究即欲探討消費者自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之間的關係。本研究目的有四:其一,瞭解國人引發自我贈禮的主要背景情境與動機,並試圖對自我贈禮加以分類,以求得主要的背景情境與動機所對應之自我贈禮類型;其二,發展消費罪惡感之構面與發生時機;其三,瞭解不同自我贈禮類型與消費罪惡感的對應關係;其四,探討在不同產品類型的影響之下,自我贈禮與消費罪惡感的對應關係是否有所不同。 本研究以關鍵事件法設計問卷,透過三次前測得到正式問卷,針對60位消費者進行訪談及問卷施測,共收集了60個自我贈禮事件。經資料分析過後,得到研究結果可歸納成四大方向: 首先在自我贈禮方面,背景情境按發生頻次多寡依序為:發生重大事件、有成就感、工作辛苦、壓力負荷、心情低落、有額外資源、週期性自我回饋;背景情境與動機之間呈現一對一的關係,分別是為了留下紀念、犒賞自己、慰勞自己、抒解壓力、愉悅自己、維持好心情、對自己好一點。另外,若依照產品導向程度的強弱以及資訊準備程度的高低針對自我贈禮進行分類,國人進行最不常發生的自我贈禮類型為「高度產品導向—低度資訊準備」—驚鴻一瞥型。 其次在消費罪惡感方面,其構面為猶豫感、金錢疼惜感、愧疚感,時機為購買之前的預期性罪惡感,購買當下的進行性罪惡感,以及購買之後的反應性罪惡感,而雖然各時機都會有各構面的成分,但預期性罪惡感最主要的構面為猶豫感,進行性罪惡感最主要的構面為疼惜感,反應性罪惡感最主要的構面為愧疚感。 接著在自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之關係方面,當消費者進行週期性自我回饋時,會感受到程度最高的預期性罪惡感;而當消費者因有成就感或心情低落時所進行之自我贈禮,其感受到的是程度最低的預期性罪惡感。至於,若是屬於高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上的類型最主要為財務類罪惡感;若是屬於低度產品導向類型者,比較有可能不會產生消費罪惡感。 最後,若是受到不同產品類型影響的情況下,由於自我贈禮之禮物類型皆為奢侈品,因此以功能型與享樂型產品做為產品分類的標準。對於購買功能型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,無論是高度產品導向或是低度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;對於購買享樂型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,若是高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;若是低度產品導向者,則傾向完全沒有罪惡感。 整體而言,本研究不僅為國人自我贈禮的背景情境與動機之先導研究,亦開啟了消費罪惡感研究之先河,並建立消費罪惡感的構面與時機,著實為後續研究奠定了相當的基礎。 / People in Taiwan have tended to buy themselves gifts recently. However, under the constraints of resources and the influence of traditional values, they would hesitate to buy or not to buy. This study focuses on this interesting theme-the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. The objectives of this study are to explore consumers’ motivations of self-gifts, the dimensions and evolution of consumer guilt, and the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. Product categories are also under the consideration of this study to examine the effects of different products on the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. This research employed the critical incident techniques. A questionnaire was first designed and pre-tested three times before the main field work. Through collecting, sorting and analyzing 60 self-gift giving events, the results pointed out four main parts as followed. To begin with, the results indicated that consumers will buy gifts for themselves when the important events happened, something achieved, some hard work finished, feeling stressed, being depressed, gaining some extra resources, and purchasing periodically. These situations were one-to-one corresponding to some motivations, respectively to remember, to reward, to compensate, to relieve, to revive, to keep in a good mood, and to be nice to oneself. In addition, self-gift giving behavior might be divided into four types by the degree of product-oriented (high vs. low) and the degree of information-prepared (high vs. low). However, few Taiwanese were classified by “high product-oriented and low information-prepared”, called “Glance”. Secondly, the consumer guilt had three dimensions-hesitation, anguish, and remorse. Also, it had three moments of occurrence. The anticipatory guilt occurred before purchasing; the proceeding guilt occurred when purchasing; and the reactive guilt occurred after purchasing. Although each moment of consumer guilt included three dimensions meanwhile, what’s more important, the major dimension of anticipatory guilt was hesitation, the major dimension of proceeding guilt was anguish, and the major dimension of reactive guilt was remorse. As for the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt, consumers had the highest degree of anticipatory guilt when they bought gifts for themselves under periodical purchase. However, consumers had the lowest degree of anticipatory guilt if they bought self-gifts under achievements or depression. Besides, if self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. Moreover, if self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt. Finally, this study concerned the functional/hedonic products moderating the relation between self-gift giving and consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves functional gifts, no matter this self-gift giving behavior belonged to highly or lowly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves hedonic gifts, if this self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt; however, if this self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt.


楊國源, Yang,Kuo Yuan Unknown Date (has links)

電路設計中電流值之罕見事件的統計估計探討 / A study of statistical method on estimating rare event in IC Current

彭亞凌, Peng, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
距離期望值4至6倍標準差以外的罕見機率電流值,是當前積體電路設計品質的關鍵之一,但隨著精確度的標準提升,實務上以蒙地卡羅方法模擬電路資料,因曠日廢時愈發不可行,而過去透過參數模型外插估計或迴歸分析方法,也因變數蒐集不易、操作電壓減小使得電流值尾端估計產生偏差,上述原因使得尾端電流值估計困難。因此本文引進統計方法改善罕見機率電流值的估計:先以Box-Cox轉換觀察值為近似常態,改善尾端分配值的估計,再以加權迴歸方法估計罕見電流值,其中迴歸解釋變數為Log或Z分數轉換的經驗累積機率,而加權方法採用Down-weight加重極值樣本資訊的重要性,此外,本研究也考慮能蒐集完整變數的情況,改以電路資料作為解釋變數進行加權迴歸。另一方面,本研究也採用極值理論作為估計方法。 本文先以電腦模擬評估各方法的優劣,假設母體分配為常態、T分配、Gamma分配,以均方誤差作為衡量指標,模擬結果驗證了加權迴歸方法的可行性。而後參考模擬結果決定篩選樣本方式進行實證研究,資料來源為新竹某科技公司,實證結果顯示加權迴歸配合Box-Cox轉換能以十萬筆樣本數,準確估計左、右尾機率10^(-4) 、10^(-5)、10^(-6)、10^(-7)極端電流值。其中右尾部分的加權迴歸解釋變數採用對數轉換,而左尾部分的加權迴歸解釋變數採用Z分數轉換,估計結果較為準確,又若能蒐集電路資訊作為解釋變數,在左尾部份可以有最準確的估計結果;而篩選樣本尾端1%和整筆資料的方式對於不同方法的估計準確度各有利弊,皆可考慮。另外,1%門檻值比例的極值理論能穩定且中等程度的估計不同電壓下的電流值,且有短程估計最準的趨勢。 / To obtain the tail distribution of current beyond 4 to 6 sigma is nowadays a key issue in integrated circuit (IC) design and computer simulation is a popular tool to estimate the tail values. Since creating rare events via simulation is time-consuming, often the linear extrapolation methods (such as regression analysis) are applied to enhance efficiency. However, it is shown from past work that the tail values is likely to behave differently if the operating voltage is getting lower. In this study, a statistical method is introduced to deal with the lower voltage case. The data are evaluated via the Box-Cox (or power) transformation and see if they need to be transformed into normally distributed data, following by weighted regression to extrapolate the tail values. In specific, the independent variable is the empirical CDF with logarithm or z-score transformation, and the weight is down-weight in order to emphasize the information of extreme values observations. In addition to regression analysis, Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is also adopted in the research. The computer simulation and data sets from a famous IC manufacturer in Hsinchu are used to evaluate the proposed method, with respect to mean squared error. In computer simulation, the data are assumed to be generated from normal, student t, or Gamma distribution. For empirical data, there are 10^8 observations and tail values with probabilities 10^(-4),10^(-5),10^(-6),10^(-7) are set to be the study goal given that only 10^5 observations are available. Comparing to the traditional methods and EVT, the proposed method has the best performance in estimating the tail probabilities. If the IC current is produced from regression equation and the information of independent variables can be provided, using the weighted regression can reach the best estimation for the left-tailed rare events. Also, using EVT can also produce accurate estimates provided that the tail probabilities to be estimated and the observations available are on the similar scale, e.g., probabilities 10^(-5)~10^(-7) vs.10^5 observations.

南海緊張情勢:GDELT 時間序列數據之分析 / South China Sea Tensions : State Involvement and Prediction Using GDELT Event Data

錫東岳, Jonathan Spangler Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Discussions of the South China Sea maritime territorial disputes are rife with assertions that certain state actors escalate regional tensions and that it is only a matter of time before provocations trigger armed conflict. However, these claims are based primarily on incomplete evidence, inaccurate comparisons with historical conflicts, and country or individual biases. This dissertation questions these common assertions and uses empirical evidence to assess their validity. Using time-series event data from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT), it analyzes (1) the relationship between state involvement and South China Sea tensions and (2) which forecast models can most accurately predict South China Sea tensions based on data from earlier time periods. For RQ1, the analyses reveal that the involvement of certain countries corresponds with significantly higher tensions in the South China Sea, that state involvement and tensions are correlated at various positive and negative lags of interest, and that these correlations go in both directions. These findings have important implications for policymakers and researchers in that they offer empirical evidence that confirms or refutes assertions suggesting that certain countries’ actions lead to escalation or deescalation. They also provide a solid foundation for future research, which could take specific countries as individual case studies to further investigate the relationships between state involvement and South China Sea tensions. Moreover, the results indicate that there may be even more interesting phenomena at play that merit attention in future research: evidence suggesting that certain countries may either contribute to lower tensions or avoid becoming involved when there are heightened tensions, and evidence that some countries may not be contributing to but instead reacting to tensions and volatility in the South China Sea. For RQ2, two of the four forecast models perform better than the four benchmark models using both datasets. These findings also have important implications for policy and research. As governments become increasingly interested in using continuously updated global databases to facilitate policy-making, the results suggest that empirical data can help to inform conclusions about trends of escalation and deescalation in the South China Sea and be used to make relevant predictions. As a first cut at the data and a pioneering approach to analyzing South China Sea tensions, the analyses and findings of this dissertation represent a significant contribution to knowledge and a foundation for future research using time-series event data to understand the relationship between state involvement and tensions and the extent to which tensions can be forecasted in the South China Sea and around the world.

中國大陸與東協的跨境犯罪治理合作分析 / The Analysis of China-ASEAN Cooperation on Combating Transnational Crimes

郭振賢, Kuo, Cheng-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
跨國犯罪一直係非傳統安全議題之研究重點,東協與中國大陸長期以來面對跨國犯罪之威脅,從雙邊合作協議到藉由聯合國等多邊機制之合作模式,建立了不少共同打擊毒品、人口販運或海盜等跨國犯罪之合作機制。 儘管有合作的建制形成,但中國大陸與東協間乃至東協內部國家彼此仍存在著矛盾以及對於跨國犯罪之態度差異,再加上各國經濟、法制及治理能力不同,在實際推定執行建制之過程中,也影響了該類制度的效益發酵程度。 本文藉由中國大陸外交政策轉變,探討中國大陸對於區域建制、非傳統安全議題以及周邊外交等議題之態度,進而運用國際關係理論對於區域霸權以及國家利益之切入角度進行討論,輔以個案探討之方式,期能探討區域大國(強權、霸權)對於區域內國際建制成熟及具體化之相關性。

漢語多義詞「跑」之結構及語意分析 / A structural and semantic analysis of the polysemous verb PAO in Mandarin Chinese

蔡宛玲, Tsai, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
一詞多義是所有語言會出現的共有現象,然而,過往較少探討多義詞整體結構與其各義項間的關聯,也鮮少討論句法結構延伸的原因。本篇研究將探討漢語日常使用頻率較高的移動動詞「跑」的多義性,以中研院語料庫之語料為本,客觀的回歸到語言事實作分析,並參照Talmy(1975, 1985, 2000)提出的移動事件框架,檢視「跑」所體現的概念結構及句法結構間的關聯,試圖解釋造成不及物用法至非常規賓語用法背後所展現的機制,此外,本文根據教育部重編國語辭典、中文詞彙網絡知識庫內「跑」的定義及參照Evans(2005)的原則性多義理論,確立「跑」的獨立義項並探討概念結構中不同元素的變化和「跑」多義性之間的關聯,進一步地說明各義項間的相關性與區別性,最後,參照Lakoff(1987)的放射形範疇結構整理出屬於「跑」的語意網絡圖。 本篇研究結果顯示,「跑」共有四種不同的句法結構,分別為最典型的不及物﹝A.名詞短語+跑﹞句式,由趨向介詞帶出名詞短語的﹝B.名詞短語+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語+跑﹞句式及﹝C.名詞短語+跑+處所/趨向介詞+名詞短語﹞句式、從不及物用法延伸至非常規賓語用法的﹝D.名詞短語+跑+名詞短語(斜格)﹞句式,各句式映射到的概念結構皆不同,是概念結構內不同要素的變化影響句法結構的改變,人類的自然認知過程使路徑延伸出不同種類,造成「跑」的非常規賓語用法以及延伸出不同於字面義的其他義項。此外,本文確立「跑」的七個獨立義項為「以兩腿交互快速向前移動」義、「往特定目標移動」義、「為某事忙碌奔走」義、「迅速離開、逃走、躲避」義、「兩個以上的參與者競速」義、「交通工具或物體的移動」義及「離開原有的位置」義,各義項的出現與整體句法結構、概念結構及語境有很大的關聯,總結來說,「跑」所體現的概念結構、句法結構及語意三者之間的相互影響是造成多義現象的重要因素。 / This study investigates the prevalently used polysemous motion verb PAO “run” in Mandarin Chinese. The data are extracted from Academic Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese. Under the framework of Motion Event Frame (Talmy 1975, 1985, 2000), the study explicates the mechanism of PAO’s syntactic complexities in a more plausible manner. Four different structures of PAO are detected: the most typical intransitive structure [A. NP+PAO], structures with prepostions [B. NP+P+PAO+NP] and [C. NP+PAO+P+NP], and the unconventional transtive structure [D. NP+PAO+NP(oblique case)]. Each structure manifests different conceptual structures. It is claimed that the extention of Path has caused the usage of unconventional transtive structure and the polysemous phenomenon of PAO. In addition, this paper investigates the relationship between the different senses of PAO and elements in its conceptual structure. The relevance and distinction between the different senses of PAO are built as a radial categorization. PAO is suggested to have seven different senses: move quickly with legs, move to specific places, move for specific reasons, escape, two or more participants race, vehicles or objects move and leave the original location. Each sense is related to the overall syntactic structure, the conceptual structure and different contexts. In conclusion, the interaction between the conceputual structure, the syntactic structure and semantic meanings is a major factor that makes a polysemy.

建構派翠網路封閉形式解決方案的序曲:從變型K-階S3PR系統開始 / The overture of constructing the closed-form solution for Petri Nets: begin from the variant k-th order S3PR system

游宗憲 Unknown Date (has links)
因應物聯網、機器人和雲端計算等系統快速的科技創新,我們需要更有效之方法來模型化由上述系統所架構出來愈趨複雜的動態資源配置系統,以解決類似瓶頸、死結等潛藏的系統控制相關問題。為了解決以派翠網路模型化大型系統一直存在的指數倍數成長之複雜性問題,一個即使運用MIP(混合整數規劃)方法於可達性分析也是完全NP(非確定性多項式時間)的問題,趙玉教授率先以開發k階和k網系統的控制相關狀態(CRSs)數量之封閉形式解決方案(簡稱封閉解),來突破此一指數倍數成長複雜性的障礙。然而,對稱網路結構的屬性,限縮了此兩系統在模型化系統中可應用的範圍;同時由於不可避免的死結的狀況,也阻礙了兩個系統的並行處理能力。為了延伸派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至非對稱系統,及強化對大型即時動態資源分配非對稱系統的模型化能力,本論文擴展派翠網路封閉解的研究領域至所謂的「左邊一般化k階系統」、「左邊一般化k網系統」和「A網系統」等三種不同類型的基本非對稱系統。「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」是在k階(相對於k網)之控製行程的任意位置,使用一非共享資源的網路模型,為模型化具有客製化製程系統之基本網路架構; 「A網系統」是在一k階系統中,連接一頂層非共享圈子網(TNCS)的網路模型,在實際應用中,為模型化具共享相同製程系統的基本網路架構。本論文透過非共用資源在等價網路(k階(相對於k網))的影響性分析,及其等價網路之封閉解為基礎,建構「左邊一般化k階(相對於k網)系統」之封閉解;在「A網系統」中,由於TNCS和連接的缺陷 k階系統兩個子系統的獨立性,首先我們可以從其相關之k階系統的封閉解中,排除不可能狀態的數量,推導出缺陷k階系統的封閉解,然後以累計加總缺陷k階系統及TNCS兩個子系統在各種TNCS中存在不同權杖個數狀況下的封閉解乘積,構建出「A網系統」的封閉解。在實際應用中,我們可透過由封閉解所產生之即時CRS信息,強化對大型動態即時資源分配系統的模型化能力。例如,採用本論文所提出的避免死結演算法,可以在不用附加控制器之狀況下,實現k階和k網系統之並行處理的功能;並且可以在k-網系統中,在不用暫停所有系統的工作流程狀況下,實現動態行程配置的功能。除了應用虹吸計算方法構建非對稱系統的基礎封閉解外,本論文還提出了依據其反向網路被驗證的有效信息為基準,新的由模型驗證之以知識基礎的理論分析方法,加速派翠網路封閉解的建構。在此,本論文開啟了以變型k階系統為啟端,建構派翠網路封閉解新的研究時代。 / In the light of the rapid innovation of the Internet of Things (IoT), robot systems, and cloud computing systems, we need an efficient methodology to model gradually more and more complicated, real-time resource allocation systems (RAS), constructed using the systems mentioned above, for solving issues such as bottlenecks, deadlocks, and other embedded system-control-related problems. To solve the exponentially increasing complexity in the persistent problem of modeling large systems using Petri nets, which is an NP (nondeterministic polynomial time)-complete problem even when MIP (mixed integer programming) is employed for reachability analysis, Chao broke this barrier by developing the first closed-form solution (CFS) for the number of Control Related States (CRSs) for k-th order and k-net systems. However, the properties of symmetric net structures limit their application range in modeling systems; the inevitable deadlock obstructs the capability of concurrent processing in both systems. To enhance the capability of modeling large dynamic, real-time resource allocation in asymmetric systems, this dissertation extends the research on the CFS of PNs to the so-called Gen-Left k-th order system, the Gen-Left k-net system, and the A-net system, which comprise the three different types of fundamental asymmetric systems. A Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system is a k-th order (resp. k-net) system containing a non-sharing resource (NSR) at arbitrary locations in the control process, which is the fundamental net structure for modeling contained customized manufacturing processes inside a system. An A-net system is a k-th order system connected to a Top Non-sharing Circle Subnet (TNCS), which is the fundamental net structure to model a shared common manufacturing processing system in real applications. Based upon analyzing the effects of one NSR in the equivalent, the corresponding k-th order (resp. k-net) system, and an equivalent CFS, this dissertation derives the CFS for the Gen-Left k-th order (resp. k-net) system. Due to the independence of the TNCS and the connected Deficient k-th order system, we can first derive the CFS for a Deficient k-th order system just by excluding the number of impossible states from the CFS for its corresponding k-th order system. Then, the CFS of an A-net is constructed by summing the products of the CFS for the two sub-systems in each different case under the condition of the number of tokens inside TNCS. Based on real-time CRS information derived, we can enhance the capability for modeling a large dynamic, real-time resource allocation system in real applications. Employing the proposed deadlock-avoidance algorithm, for instance, we can realize concurrent processing in both k-th order and k-net systems without additional controllers being implemented; and the function of dynamic process allocation in a k-net system without suspending the system’s working flows. In addition to applying siphon computation to construct the fundamental CFS for asymmetric systems, this dissertation pioneers and proposes a new knowledge-based, analysis methodology, called proof by model, to accelerate the construction of the CFS for a PN based upon the validation information from its reverse net. This dissertation opens a new research era for constructing the CFS for PNs beginning from the Variant k-th order system.


松原, 繁生 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第23630号 / 文博第887号 / 新制||文||714(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 中村 唯史, 教授 松村 朋彦, 准教授 堀口 大樹 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM

兒童權利公約在台灣的國內法化--以離婚後子女親權行使與兒少安置案件中兒童及少年被傾聽的權利為例 / Incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Taiwan: With a special focus on the child’s right to be heard in child custody and care proceedings

林沛君 Unknown Date (has links)
兒童權利公約施行法自2014年11月20日實施至今已近三年,而依據該施行法之規定,政府已陸續展開國內法令與公約是否牴觸之檢視及以各級政府為對象之兒童權利教育宣導課程等工作,並於2017年11月完成兒童權利公約首次國家報告國際審查,施行法顯然已逐步將公約內涵國內法化而具重要之指標及實質意義。惟公約實踐之關鍵係公約規範能否確實成為檢視國內法律及政策之基準,以及得否為權利遭受侵害之兒少所具體主張;其中國家是否建置相關機制協助兒少行使其權利,確保兒少於未成年之際不因自身能力及發展尚未健全而無法行使其權利,對兒少權利之保障尤為重要。 儘管自2009年以來,除兒童權利公約外,立法院已先後透過施行法將其他四部聯合國人權公約轉換成為國內法律;然針對公約適用之若干核心議題,包括解釋及適用公約時應遵循之原則、公約與國內法律衝突時衍生之法律適用及權利遭受侵害之救濟機制等,皆有待闡釋及釐清。就此,本論文總結英國、德國、法國及美國等四國之實踐經驗而認為儘管公約之落實並「無一放諸四海皆準之方式」(no one right way),但以下公約國內法化之核心問題亟待確立:(一)施行法應明訂公約具直接適用效力條文之優位地位;(二)明確將「公約解釋模式」此一法院於個案審理中最強而有力、最能直接將公約標準導入國內法律體系之工具納入施行法;(三)透過公約解釋性文件資料庫之建置協助司法人員掌握公約規範之精神與內涵;(四)明文要求增修法律前應提出法案影響評估以確保增修內容與公約並未牴觸等,期使國內法制更能順利接軌國際人權公約。 本論文另以兒少被傾聽的權利為例,藉由與法官、律師、社工等17位兒少實務工作者進行深度訪談,彙整推導出兒少被傾聽的權利於司法程序中獲得實質實踐之效果不明(有權利但不一定有救濟)、兒少表意之環境未達「兒少友善」之標準,顯見國內兒少被傾聽權利之落實與公約標準確實存有相當之落差。此外,部分協助兒少行使其被傾聽權利之機制設計未確實掌握兒童權利之內涵、整體兒少司法環境未能以兒少為中心進行調整,以致於相關機制欠缺公約所強調之核心功能,無法使特定弱勢兒少享有與一般兒少同等之權利保障,亦有待補強及改善。。 本論文嘗試由實務面思考兒童權利公約於國內實踐之現況並導引出應更受重視之諸多面向及困境,期待法院及政府各級機關能更廣泛地採行及運用公約之規範及理念,在國內深化落實兒童權利公約之際,對於「兒童權利」精神所在及其可能為兒少所帶來之改變能有進一步之認知及體悟,並以此為基礎,在影響兒少甚鉅之司法及行政事件中建構一個更能鼓勵兒少參與及表達意見之友善環境。 / Following the coming into effect of the “Act to Implement Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)” on 20 November 2014, the Taiwan Government has adopted various initiatives to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), demonstrating the Act’s steady, yet far-reaching influence in incorporating the CRC into domestic law. In addition to harmonizing national legislation for children with the standards contained within the CRC, it is also of crucial importance for the government to ensure that children whose rights are being violated or disregarded have access to remedies, and that an effective framework is available to children to assist in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights. Despite the fact that the Taiwan Government has promulgated four implementation acts to incorporate international human rights conventions into domestic law since 2009, several fundamental issues remain with regard to the interpretation and application of the convention. Drawing on the experiences of England, Germany, France and the United States, this thesis makes the following observations: (1) the ‘convention-compliant’ approach to legal interpretation is one of the most powerful tools by which convention rights are directly transposed into domestic legal norms and should be expressly provided for in the Act; (2) to resolve potential conflict(s) between domestic law and convention rights, the Act should explicitly state that the CRC shall prevail in cases of inconsistences; (3) the Act should provide for the establishment of a database of interpretative documents issued by United Nations treaty bodies, to aid the practice and understanding of the CRC; and (4) human rights impact assessments should be undertaken before passing any new laws or amendments. The observations in this thesis are also based on in-depth interviews conducted by the researcher with 17 children’s practitioners. Such interviews highlight that not all children enjoy the right to be heard in family proceedings and that there is a gap between law and practice. More specifically, they highlight that “for rights to have meaning, effective remedies must be available to redress violations”; and family proceedings should be more child-centred with child-friendly designs, so that children in such settings can exercise their right to be heard effectively. This thesis also attempts to demonstrate that when mechanisms set up by the government fail to accomplish their legislative purpose and act as a safeguard for children’s rights, it is the more vulnerable groups of children (for example, children in care) who suffer from being denied the same rights as other children.

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