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《山海經》中的人物形象與蛇關係研究 / A Study of the relation between snakes and the combinatorial form of human beings and animals in Shanhai Jing陳妤諳 Unknown Date (has links)
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Investor sentiment and the return-implied volatility relation張純菁, Chang, Chung Ching Unknown Date (has links)
We examine how investor sentiment affects the changes in implied volatility, and discover investor sentiment has impact on the size of the changes in implied volatility through returns, especially when returns are negative. We examine the short-tern relation between the S&P 500 index returns and the changes of VIX from January 1990 to January 2011, and between the NASDAQ-100 index returns and the changes of VXN from February 2001 to January 2011 with proxy for beginning-of-period investor sentiment at both the daily and weekly level. We find that during high sentiment periods, the negative and asymmetric relation of return to changes in implied volatility can be mitigated significantly. When returns are segregated into positive and negative returns, investor sentiment has different impact on the size of changes in implied volatility. In negative returns, investors are more panic than in positive returns, but the panic can be mitigated significantly when investors are in high sentiment. Thus, sentiment can alter the risk attitude of investors and reduce their panic in the future, especially when market has negative performance.
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駐外僑務人員之角色衝突 / Role conflict of the overseas officials何思毅 Unknown Date (has links)
(四)有家庭之駐外人員應重視家庭功能,並尋求各種人際資源協助,形成支援網絡。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the nature and the actual situation of the overseas officials’ role conflicts. Besides, the differences in the degree of role conflict of different backgrounds overseas officials are investigated. According to the research results, conclusions and suggestions are given to relevant authorities and future researches as a reference.
It was found that overseas officials need to play multiple roles, the role conflicts result from the different expectations for their roles. Spending too much time working is the main cause of the role conflicts for overseas officials. Besides, helping overseas compatriots with different positions and viewpoints is one of the sources of the role conflicts.
According to the results of this study, the following recommendations:
First, for Overseas Chinese Affairs Council
a)Clarify the tasks of Overseas Organization, and give professional image and sense of mission to overseas officials.
b)Offer definite policy to enhance the awareness and expectations of the role of overseas officials.
c)Reasonably adjust the amount of staff to reduce the work load of overseas officials.
d)Pay more attention to married overseas officials with young children to alleviate the role conflicts.
Second, for the overseas officials
a)Overseas officials should confirm the core tasks and promote them.
b)Overseas officials should actively seek the opportunities for interaction; enhance communication and coordination skills to develop interpersonal relationships.
c)Overseas officials should receive more educational training to enrich their own knowledge and skills in order to improve the quality of the overseas officials.
d)Married overseas officials should be more concerned about their family, and seek a variety of human resources to construct the networks of support.
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人民參與司法審判-沿革、類型與合憲性吳文華 Unknown Date (has links)
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電視新聞媒體代言人形象與代言關係之研究:以有線電視新聞台為例 / A Study on the Relationship between the Image of a Spokesperson and the Brand of the Company: Cross-case Analysis of the Cable TV News Stations in Taiwan陸剛, Lu, Kang Unknown Date (has links)
因此,有線電視新聞台在經營管理代言人上,應以新聞專業為基礎,以節目品質與代言人形象相互拉抬,建立正面的品牌形象。更明確的規範代言人言行、並藉由文化的養成,將規範內化。培養代言人應以企業策略為導向,知人善任、因材施教,提升與觀眾的契合度,達成企業的策略目標。 / Since the ban on cable television channels was lifted in 1993, there have been more than one hundred channels in Taiwan. According to previous studies and reports, cable TV has been the top choice among local audience, and news channels are often selected as "most watched" and "mostly liked." Due to fierce competition among news channels, many stations began to create their own brand, find a niche market, and even hire spokespersons to attract the audience's attention. However, as far as how to manage a spokesperson's controversial behavior or comments, there seems to have some differences between businesses in general and the media.
Based on existing theories and studies this study built a preliminary understanding of how businesses choose the spokespersons and the bases of their considerations. Then, this study identified, from hands-on experiences, the traits and quality of a spokesperson for cable news stations. Through multiple case studies, this study uncovered the determinant factors in cable news stations' endorsement cases, and provide valuable suggestions to the management of cable news stations as to work with spokespersons.
Findings of this study suggest that there is no correlation between a cable news station's spokesperson's image in general and his or her partnership with the station. Furthermore, there is no single key factor which can lead to an endorsement failure. The affecting factors are combinations of history background, social environment and TV reviews and ratings. Nevertheless, the chemistry between a spokesperson and the audience is still a crucial factor.
Therefore, cable news stations should put the professionalism as the top priority when choosing a spokesperson and try to establish a positive image for the station via promoting program quality and spokesperson image. How should a spokesperson conduct his or her behavior needs to be clearly defined and internalized through cultural development. In order to nurture a spokesperson, a company has to set up its business strategies as guidelines, understand its employees well, encourage them to thrive, train according to one's ability, promote compatibility with the audience, and realize the strategic goals.
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詩人、學人與世變-夏敬觀其人其詩研究 / As a poet and a scholar in the period of a changing world :A case study of Shia Jingguan(1875-1953)'s thoughts and poems蘇郁芸, Su, Yu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
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生き方を探る : 人との豊かな学び合いから考えよう(中学1年生)(II 1999年度総合人間科の取り組みと公開授業の実践報告)(<特集>総合人間科の発展的展開)藤田, 高弘, 米田, 閏一, 大口, 悦子, 石川, 久美 15 November 2000 (has links)
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「人について」 : 講義内容「エイズと共に生きる」(総合学習 国際理解と平和の教育について(第6報)「人について」 : 中学3年生での授業実践報告)(共同研究)中村, 明彦 16 October 1995 (has links)
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太平洋戦争を通しての日米のものの考え方の一考察(英語科)(教科研究)平松, 良行 16 October 1995 (has links)
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生徒の実態調査アンケート結果(<特集>総合人間科(第2報))寺井, 一, 有田, 香代子, 三小田, 博昭, 米田, 閏一, 大口, 悦子, 鈴木, 一悠, 矢木, 修, 福谷, 敏, 横地, 武, 山田, 孝, 飯島, 幸久 15 October 1996 (has links)
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