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論人身自由及遷徙自由之保障----以公法上金錢給付義務之強制執行為中心蔡基文 Unknown Date (has links)
人民基本權利之保障,無不受到世界各先進國家之重視與積極追求,並以之作為普世價值,及衡量一個國家民主發展的程度。人身自由權與遷徙自由權,為我國憲法所明定之人民基本權利,應予以最大保障,惟仍非不得於合乎憲法第 23 條要件之情形下,對其為必要之限制。
行政執行法中有關拘提、管收、暫予留置及限制出境等規定,乃係國家執行機關為追求實現前揭兩大公益目的,所採取限制人民人身自由與遷徙自由之執行措施。在確保人民基本權利之前提下,應如何認定其符合憲法第 23 條之形式要件並通過違憲審查之檢驗,以確實取得該等執行措施之合法性與正當性,為本論文之研究主軸。
論文伊始,先介紹公法上金錢給付義務強制執行之實務概況,嗣分別論述:(一)、人身自由與遷徙自由之保障,及對其為限制時之違憲審查。(二)、採取拘提、管收、暫予留置、限制出境等執行措施之相關問題。(三)、人身自由權與遷徙自由權作為基本權利所發揮之功能。最後,基於建構「立法者改善義務」之憲法上理論依據,提出修法建議。 / All developed countries in the world pay attention to and pursue to the protection of human rights. It becomes a general value worldwide and it is an index measuring the democracy of a country. The personal freedom and movement freedom are the fundamental human rights stated in the Constitution of our country and they should be protected strictly. However, they still should not violate the restriction stated in Clause 23 in Constitution.
The realization of creditor's right of the country and the protection of the law and order of the country are the major items for public benefits. The obligation of payment in Public Law is closely related to the integrity of the national revenue and implementation of the development. It is closely linked to the welfare of all citizens. The coactive execution of the above-stated obligation is to ensure the realization of the right of creditor of the country so that the national development and other administrative payments can be completed smoothly. In the country governed by law, it is the obligation of the citizens to obey the law. If the citizens violate the law, the coactive execution will be conducted in order to achieve the equivalent juridical of the above-stated obligation, and maintain the fair and just principle of the country governed by law and establish the order of administrative law.
Regarding the arrest, detention, temporary detention and departure restriction in administrative executive, it is the execution authority of the country to restrict the personal freedom and movement freedom in order to realize the two major benefits stated above. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss how the important conditions of violation of Clause 23 of Constitution can be reviewed to obtain the legitimacy and justifiability of those executions under the protection of fundamental human rights.
At the beginning of the thesis, the overview of coactive execution of obligation about payment in Public Law is introduced. It includes: (1) the protection of personal freedom and movement freedom, and the corresponding restriction in accordance with the review of violation of Constitution; (2) the relevant issues for the execution of arrest, detention, temporary detention and departure restriction; (3) the effect of personal freedom and movement freedom on the fundamental rights. Finally, according to the "obligation of legislator on improvement" on Constitution, the amendment will be proposed.
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行政程序中之正當法律程序─憲法規範論蔡進良 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國憲法上自由權保障之研究錢政銘 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國非法外來人口收容制度合憲性之研究--以外國人與大陸地區人民為中心葛廣薇, Ke, Kuang Wei Unknown Date (has links)
五、行政院應建置跨部會整合平台,釐定完整妥適之移民政策後,相關部會應配合修訂移民配套法規。 / Keywords: illegal immigration, illegal alien population, detention, liberty, family rights, equal rights, due process of law, dissent, legal investigation, Habeas Corpus
In the recent years, Taiwan, following the international development in human rights and especially after the release of Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (hereby referred to as the “Two Covenants”) has started the popular discussion of illegal alien population detention. This paved the way to the subject of my thesis.
Because of Taiwan's special political situation, the immigrant population is defined as not only "foreigners" or "stateless people", but also as "non-permanent nationals", "Mainland citizens", "Hong Kong residents", "Macao residents" and other categories of people. The foreign population that comes to Taiwan may not all have "migration intent”, so for the sake of being thorough, in this thesis, the term "illegal immigrants" will be changed to the broader term of "illegal aliens."
As the current investigation shows illegal alien population is mostly from Mainland China and foreign countries, this study will focus on these two groups. Aliens that can be “detained” are limited in this study to illegal aliens that have entered Taiwan and have violated immigration laws. The term “detention" is defined as "an administrative act of keeping illegal aliens in temporary premises during pre-removal process until their repatriation”. The detention of illegal alien population is an executive sanction given prior to the repatriation of illegal aliens. It is a temporary executive protection measure, not a punitive one. It is not an administrative penalty and a non-criminal sanction. It differs from the term “custody” of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The thesis is divided into the following eight sections:
1. Introduction
2. Foreign-Based Detention System
3. Taiwan’s Detention System
4. Basic Human Rights of the Detained Aliens and Their Conflicts
5. Plight of Current Detention Practices
6. Constitutionality of Taiwan’s Detention System
7. Remedies for Detaining and Executive Practices
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
In the first place, most of the detention systems in the United States, Japan and other developed countries in the world do not adopt the " Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " system. The periods for detention around the world are also different. As the number of illegal immigration cases increases in these countries, the prevention, investigation and management of illegal immigration have also become more proactive and stricter than ever before.
Taiwan's detention system can be subdivided into two major groups, foreigners (including foreign workers) and Chinese Mainlanders, overseen by the Immigration Act Section 38 of the Employment Service Law Article 68, Paragraph 4, and the Taiwanese and the Mainland Regional Relations (hereinafter referred to as Cross Strait Ordinance) Article 18. The detention system for foreigners and Mainlanders are essentially the same in Taiwan. They both share the same agencies for detention, regulations, detention duration, decisions, detention locations, resident alien pre-repatriation reviews, opportunities for legal defense, and detention treatment. The main differences between the two groups are: the requirements for detention, the presence or absence of objection procedures, the procedure for sentence set-off or penalty fines, the requirement of judicial consent prior to expulsion (forced exit) from the country, and other similar processes. In the last two decades, through the Golden Gate Agreement between Taiwan and Mainland China, there are regularly scheduled forced exits of Mainlanders from Taiwan. Repatriation of Mainlanders has not had any issues yet. That is why there has not been the need for regulations stopping their detention due to inability to repatriate them like in the cases of foreigners.
The protection of fundamental rights should comply with "the hierarchy of legal reservation" and "the importance theory". The conflicts among legal interests should be adjusted in accordance with human rights principles. And the fundamental rights of the detained people should be addressed by the past legal principles. This thesis will cover three directions: people's personal freedom, family rights and equal rights.
Through detention-related processes, the statistical comparisons between the number of detained aliens and average days in the detention centers of foreign nationals and Mainlanders, and the statistical comparison between foreign nationals involved and not involved in detention and the number of days in detention, one can see the current condition of detention and can describe the difficulties faced by the Administration and the implementation of specific improvement plans (including entry and exit information, drafts to amend the Immigration Act sent to the Legislature, etc.) by the various related authorities within the Department of Immigration.
The constitutionality of the detention is divided into six discussion topics: "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes and Detainee’s Personal Freedom", "Right to Work and Protection of that Right", "Clear Detention Period," "Difference Between Sentence Set-Off and Detention," "Abuse of General Terms" and "Constructive Thoughts of Criminal Custody". From my research, the constitutionality and applicability of existing regulations are clear. However, during actual prosecution of individual cases, detained aliens involved in criminal cases may "extend detention" and are tried simply as criminal cases, not evaluating beforehand the necessity of repatriation, whether there is a gap with the legislative goal and whether it violates the principle of proportionality.
In current regulations, the phrase “serve labor sentence” easily leads to misunderstanding that there exists labor rights violation. And the implementation of right to off-set imprisonment by detention days not only does not eliminate the question of whether administrative detention replaces imprisonment has human rights violation, but it confuses the nature of detention laws. It also lets judicial agencies use criminal cases involving illegal aliens to be part of Administrative agencies’ responsibility, worsening the problem. The Border Entry and Exit and Immigration Act Article 38, Section 1, paragraph 4, also easily transforms detention into a mechanism of shielding against criminal prosecution. All this should be reviewed and analyzed in its entirety.
Concerning the detained illegal aliens’ executive relief, this thesis will analyze from the points of "dissent", "petition", "executive action", "National Compensation", "Habeas Corpus" and "accountability".
Studies found there are not too many cases of executive relief filed by the detained aliens. From observing the practical cases, the current relief program for the protection of the detained aliens’ rights is quite slow and needs improvement.
The detention laws regarding the current illegal alien population can be summarized as followed:
1. Although the detention of illegal alien population does not to adopt "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " principle, it does not violate the provisions of Article 8 of the
Constitution and there is no doubt of its constitutionality.
2. The current detention laws of illegal alien population fit the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," and related provisions, there is no issue of applicability.
3. The part related to the protection of process right
In the current laws related to detention of illegal aliens, the sections related to foreigners and Mainlanders that guarantee the process right are not entirely consistent, and they lack the enforcement mechanism of requiring reviews by impartial third parties. This should be improved.
4. Lack of mechanism that requires immediate judicial review
The detention of illegal alien population is a "non-criminal detention". Article 8 of the Constitution, Paragraph 4 provides that illegal aliens may ask the Court for investigation; or the alien may ask for a judicial habeas corpus according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 13. The current Habeas Corpus, Administrative Procedure Laws, Court Organization Laws and other related regulations still need supporting structure and that responsibility falls on the judiciary branch to address directly and actively.
5. The separation of criminal and administrative procedures
Existing regulations consider aliens in the mist of investigation, alien suspects awaiting sentencing, and criminal alien defendants are possible subjects for detention. There must be judicial consent prior to repatriation of criminal case defendants. However the fact that limitation on the number of times that detention may be extended has not been clearly set and that the days in the detention may set off the imprisonment not only creates massive legal confusion, but also invites criticism that "detention is now replacing imprisonment". To meet the legislative goal of establishing detention laws to enhance human rights, this thesis argues for the illegal aliens involved in criminal cases should first be tried as criminals, then as administrative defendants. And detention laws should be limited to repatriation of illegal alien population only.
6. Regulations requiring serving labor sentence do not fit current reality or practices. This easily leads to misunderstanding of human rights violation. It should be deleted immediately. The regulations should be compatible with the release of the Two Covenants.
7. The laws related to illegal alien workers detention should be corrected
The Employment Service Act is not consistent with the establishment of the Department of Immigration. The Act should be amended to meet the current legal system and reduce ambiguity. Labor Administration and Legislative agencies should proactively promote the amendment of this Act.
The main recommendations for the legal system around detention of illegal aliens are:
A. Suggested amendments for immigration laws and cross-strait ordinance
(a) Candidates for detention should be amended to accommodate illegal aliens that are simply awaiting repatriation. The need for judicial involvement should be deleted. And illegal aliens involved in criminal investigation and hearing should be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Immigration.
(b) The regulation requiring judicial consent prior to repatriation should be deleted.
(c) The allowance for reducing length of sentence or fines by detention days should be removed.
(d) After the Judicial Branch establishes investigation and habeas corpus and the judicial review, there should not be a separate detention system.
(e) During border entries and exits and during immigration law amendments, more provisions for detaining illegal foreign aliens should apply to Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents.
B. The Judicial Branch should analyze and edit current habeas corpus laws, court organization laws and administrative procedure laws in order to establish immediate judicial review process after illegal aliens enters custody. In addition, to improve the protection of the rights of the detaining aliens who are involved in criminal cases, the Judicial Ministry should review and edit criminal proceedings laws and add “criminal custody” system to meet current needs.
C. The Council of Labor Affairs should amend as soon as possible the Employment Services Act and related regulations, to increase additional investigation by the Department of Immigration, detention laws related to illegal alien workers, and build a complete legal system for foreign workers in order to reduce cases of illegal foreign workers.
D. Section 3 of the National Security Act is obsolete and should be amended to reflect current reality.
E. The Executive Branch should build cross-agency integration platform, determining the suitable immigration policies, and relevant departments need to support the amended immigration regulations.
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歐洲人權法院裁判對英國人身保護法制的影響 - 以1998年人權法施行前後的比較為例 / The Influences of ECHR Judgements on British Legal Institutions of Personal Freedom -Based on the Comparison between Periods before and after Human Rights Act 1998葉佳韻 Unknown Date (has links)
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