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大學生伴侶間人際行為對愛情依附的影響 / The impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment for college students孫頌賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可分成兩大部分。第一,在人際行為對愛情依附特質與風格改變的影響方面,可發現部分伴侶間人際行為的確可對依附特質造成影響:1. 「親和性」人際行為最能影響愛情依附特質,並與依附風格、依附特質改變最有關連;2.「滋潤性親和」不同於「破壞性親和」對依附特質的影響;3.個體在愛情關係中的依附特質,主要受到個體「主觀認知」到的伴侶間人際互動,而並不一定會受到「實際」伴侶間人際互動的影響;4. 逃避特質則較明顯受到伴侶間滋潤性親和人際行為的影響,而焦慮依附特質較受到伴侶間破壞性人際行為的影響,但焦慮依附特質的改變與伴侶人際行為關連性較低。第二,對個體在關係中單向的人際行為而言,親和性比互依性人際行為更能影響愛情依附特質,甚至與依附風格、依附特質的改變更有關連;但互依性指標(自主性)對依附特質並非沒有影響力,而是會顯現在雙向人際行為的互補性當中。
最後乃說明本研究的討論與限制,並提出未來在研究上與伴侶諮商實務上的建議。 / This study tried to integrate adult attachment theory and Benjamin’s Structural Analysis of Social Behavior Models (SASB). There were two major purposes of the study: The first one was to, discussing whether the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment characteristics for college students. The Second was to, discussing the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on the change of attachment styles and characteristics. In this study, the content of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors includes affiliation (best and worst) and interdependence (autonomy and control) behaviors. The interactions of dating couples were measured by self reporting partner’s providing behaviors, actual partner’s providing behaviors, subjects’ seeking behaviors, the complements of self reporting dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors, and the complements of actual dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors. The measurement of attachment characteristics included anxiety and avoidance trait, which could be combined to four attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, disoriented / disorganized.
The study took ‘panel study’, and the average interval of test-retest time points was about 12.49 weeks. Total subjects were 234, who were measured by ECR and couples’ interpersonal behaviors (SASB model). Questionnaires of stress events, and GHQ were interference variables for the use of the purpose of the second study. There were 232 subjects composed of 35% male and 65% female in the purpose of first study. These subjects who were all measured in the first timing were falling in love and not yet breaking-up. There were 76 pairs complete matching data, so 152 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were 183 subjects in the purpose of the second study. Besides subjects who were measured in the two time points were falling in love and not yet breaking-up, it had to eliminate two interference variables. There were 63 pairs complete matching data, so 126 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were two major results in this study. First, couples’ interpersonal behaviors had the impact on attachment characteristics: 1. affiliation interpersonal behaviors could affect romantic attachment characteristics, and was related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics. 2. The impact on attachment characteristics was different between ‘best affiliation’ and ‘worst affiliation’. 3. Self reporting couples’ interpersonal behaviors had impact on attachment characteristics. On the contrary, actual couples’ interpersonal behaviors had no impact. 4. ‘Best affiliation’ had impact on avoidance attachment characteristics, and ‘worst affiliation’ had impact on anxiety attachment characteristics. The association between the change of anxiety attachment characteristics and couples’ interpersonal behaviors was low. Second, for one-way interpersonal behavior in dating relationship, affiliation behaviors affected romantic attachment characteristics more than interdependence. Even affiliation behaviors were more related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics than interdependence. The complement of couples’ autonomy interpersonal behaviors also affected attachment characteristics.
In addition, implication for adult attachment research and couple therapy in dating relationship was discussed. Research limitation was also explicated.
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大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略之研究 / A study of Attachment Style, Love Beliefs, and Conflict-Coping Strategies in Relationship among college student李晉源 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在瞭解大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略彼此間之關聯性。研究對象為856位北部大專院校通識課或相關課程的大學生。本研究使用「人際依附風格量表」(安全型依附、焦慮型依附、忽略逃避型依附、害怕逃避型依附)、「愛情信念量表」(發展信念、命運信念)與「關係衝突因應策略量表」(表明因應、忠誠因應、忽視因應、離開因應)為研究工具,所得資料先以驗證性因素分析與Cronbach’s α分析「愛情信念量表」與「關係衝突因應策略量表」之信度與效度,再以描述性統計、獨立樣本單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關進行正式資料分析,主要研究結果如下:
一、 大學生的人際依附風格以「安全依附」的傾向較高;愛情信念中較傾向有「發展信念」;關係衝突因應策略較傾向採用「表明因應」。
二、 女性在「害怕逃避依附」、「發展信念」之得分高於男性;男性在「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」及「離開因應」之得分高於女性。目前有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「發展信念」與「表明因應」的傾向較高;曾經有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高;未曾有交往對象者在「焦慮依附」、「忽略逃避依附」、「害怕逃避依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高。
三、 人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略三組變項間有三組典型相關存在:1.「安全依附」和「發展信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」愈高,「忽視因應」與「離開因應」愈低;2.「焦慮依附」、「害怕逃避依附」和「命運信念」愈高,則其「忠誠因應」與「忽視因應」愈高;3.「安全依附」與「命運信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」與「離開因應」愈高。
關鍵詞:愛情關係、人際依附風格、愛情信念、關係衝突因應策略 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. 856 college students who located in Northern Taiwan were selected as subjects. The data was collected from the inventory of attachment style (secure attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment), love beliefs (growth belief, destiny belief), and conflict-coping strategies in relationship (voice coping, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping). The confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used to analyze the reliability and validity for both love beliefs and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. The descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, pearson’s correlation and canonical correlation analysis were used to complete the full analysis. The major findings are presented as follow:
1. Most of college students (in our sample) are secure attached, growth belief in love, and use voice conflict-coping strategies.
2. The dismissing-avoidant attachment, and growth belief of female college students are higher than that of the male college students, The loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping of male college students are higher than that of the female college students, The college students who currently in a relationship tend to have higher score in secure attachment, growth belief, and voice coping, The college student who has boy/girl friend before tend to have higher score in secure attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping, The college students who never had boy/girl friends tend to have higher score in preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping.
3. There were three significant canonical correlation between attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. First, higher secure attachment and growth belief were associated with higher voice coping and lower neglect coping and exit coping. Second, higher preoccupied attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher loyalty coping and neglect coping. Third, higher secure attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher voice coping and exit coping.
The implications of this study for love/marriage education and counseling worker, along with future research suggestions, are discussed herein.
Keyword: love relationship, attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship
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條件利他媒體娛樂模式: 探討雙方好惡相反對於個人決策與媒體娛樂感之影響 / The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model: The influence of dyadic preference conflict on media content selection and anticipated enjoyment康耕輔, Kang, Keng Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從人際互賴理論(Kelley et al., 2003)中的互賴困境來概念化雙方偏好相異的決策情境,並根據依附理論提出,兩人之間的關係類型可能透過關係中的依附安全感影響個人決策的利關係程度,再影響預期娛樂感。其中,利關係決策傾向透過提高彼此之間的連結感之心理機制,來影響預期娛樂感。而雙方對於「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」可能調節關係類型對於個人決策利關係程度的影響,進而影響後續的預期娛樂感。
根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出「條件利他媒體娛樂模式」,來說明人際之間的關係類型和「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」之情境因素,會交互影響個人在情境中做出決策的利關係程度,並透過提高彼此之間連結感機制,來影響後續的預期娛樂感。 / This study explores how dyadic relationship types and media content influence personal selection and anticipated enjoyment in dyadic preference conflict situation, and the underlying mechanism. This study conducted a series of experiments in the laboratory to investigate the dilemma from different media entertaining scenarios.
This study conceptualized the dilemma situation from Interdependence theory (Kelley et al., 2003), and using attachment theories to propose that dyadic relationship types may influence the pro-relationship level of personal decision through sense of attachment in the relationship. And the pro-relationship level of personal decision may influence subsequent anticipated enjoyment through enhancing connectedness between each other. Moreover, dyadic preference conflict may moderate the influence of relationship types on the pro-relationship level of personal decision, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment.
The results revealed that when dyadic preference is conflicted, making more pro-relationship decision doesn’t produce more positive anticipated enjoyment. Only in the conditional which dyadic preference is closer, making more pro-relationship decision produces more positive anticipated enjoyment because of enhancing their connectedness.
The study proposed one new model called “The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model” to explain how dyadic relationship types interact with preference conflict to influence personal selection of media content, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment thought interpersonal connectedness.
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品牌代理商降低拉式策略威脅之研究:三方交換關係觀點 / An investigation on how distributors reduce pull strategy threats: A triadic exchange relationship perspective林智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
子研究二則從代理商觀點出發,研究結果指出,當「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」越大,則「代理商對品牌商的依賴」將越高;在這樣的情況下,若代理商提高「對下游客戶的專屬資產投入」與「對下游客戶的快速回應能力」,將有助於減少「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」。另外,「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」與「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」在本研究中則扮演調節變數角色,當「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」及「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」越好時,將弱化「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」與「代理商對品牌商的依賴」的負向關係。 / Increasing numbers of brand owners are actively investing marketing resources in not only their direct customers(distributors), but also those customers’ customers (downstream customers). This indirect customer marketing approach follows the “pull strategy” principle proposed in the channel literature. This kind of strategy provides the brand owner with valuable market information, creates product preference among the downstream customer, and aims to stimulate derived demand. Thus, the distributor faces a lock-in situation, and this leads to the brand owner occupying a stronger position and enhancing its profits. Under such a situation, the distributor may change its cooperative behaviors with the brand owner.
The study interviewed 177 independent distributors who sell brand owners' products to downstream customers. The dissertation has two sub-studies. Study One is from the brand owner's perspective to investigate how the brand owner get stronger position in the channel system when it expands in overseas markets. The result showed specific investments from the brand owner to the downstream customer and the brand owner's good brand image may increase the downstream customer's relationship commitment to the brand owner. If the downstream customer’s commitment to the brand owner is high, the distributor may increase its dependent on the brand owner. In addition, the research also found that the number of distributors plays a moderating role in this study. If there are multiple distributors, the positive relationship between commitment of the downstream customer to the brand owner and the dependence of the distributor on the brand owner may become stronger.
Study Two of the dissertation is from the distributor’s perspective. The brand owner's pull strategy may cause a decrese in the relationship performance of the distributor to the downstream customer. In order to solve this difficult situation, the study provides the distributor with the following solutions. The distributor can make specific investments to the downstream customer or improve its responsive ability to decrease the difference of commitment between the downstream customer to the distributor and the downstream customer to the brand owner. Moreover, the distributor can develop personal guanxi with the downstream customer or try to align with the brand owner to reduce the negative impact from this commitment disparity.
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教室中的小社會—國小班級關係氛圍與人際網絡結構分析 / A Network Analysis of the Climate and Interpersonal Relationships in the Elementary School李偉斌, Li, Wei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
研究中抽樣調查了全國54個四到六年級的班級,依據問卷所得資料進行集群分析法(clustering method),依同儕關係、師生關係兩向度將班級自然分類成三個集群。
研究進行了不同關係氛圍班級之差異分析,研究二檢驗不同類型班級在師生關係變項上的差別;研究三採用社會網絡分析法(social network analysis)描繪班級人際網絡結構的差別。研究四班級內部的結構,進行核心邊陲分析與班級塊模型分析,研究五進行人際互動課程的實驗研究。研究後建構出診斷班級小社會的訊息,未來可提供給實務現場教師採用。
五、進行班級氛圍的改變效果,短期課程對氛圍與人際網絡結構的改變效果並不明顯,推論需仰賴教師平時之互動與班務上的經營。 / The study was to investigated the primary school’s classes. The purpose is to understand the class climate and social network of the class.
The forty-four classes were in the study by random sampling from Taiwan area.Teacher-student relationship and peer relationship are treated the classification variables. The classes were divided into three categories by clustering method. 18 classes were High-quality relationship; 11 calasses were Low-quality relationship.
The results are the comparison of two types of class. High-quality relationship classes have some features: Standard deviation is smaller in teacher-student relationship, the same result of differences between boys and girls. The better the relationship between popular students and teacher.
Second, the two-type classes were no differences in social network model. High-quality and Low-quality classes both forming a small community in nature. From the analysis of the class entrials, Mutually beneficial relationship and the relationship between small groups were the important issues.
A six-week course experimented in a class. Only small impacts on the class climate and social network.
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由多面向觀點探討理性思考與感性人格的關係 / A Study on The Relationship of Rational Thinking And Affective Personality Traits: From A Multidimensional Perspective汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議,根據理性思考與感性人格特質之間的相輔相成互動關係,學校宜多鼓勵男學生培養感性人格特質,鼓勵女學生發揮理性思考的潛能,不受刻板印象所限;在大學的通識教育上亦有必要重新調整,提供學生培養經驗整合與整全判斷能力。 / The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship of rational thinking, consisted of critical thinking dimension and creative thinking dimension, and affective personality traits, consisted of four positive dimensions and one negative dimension, from a multidimensional perspective, and to examine if one's sex and major would have influence on his/her rational thinking and affective personality traits. Tests were administered to 386 college students, evaluating their levels of critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal sensitivity, aesthetic orientation, emotioanl expressivity, empathy and emotionality. Findings suggest that: (1) Subjects scoring high on Rational thinking have significant high scores in positive dimensions of affective personality traits, but it seems that rational thinking is not related to the negative dimension of affective personality traits. (2) There is no significant sex difference in rational thinking, meanwhile in affective personality traits, female score obviously higher in aesthetic orientation, empathy, and emotionality, and there is no significant sex difference in emotional expressivity, but male score higher in interpersonal sensitivity. (3) Students in different majors don't have significant differences in their critical thinking, creative thinking, and rational thinking abilities, but students majoring art and literature surely score higher in emotionality and aesthetic orientation dimensions than students majoring nature science or other subjects.
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個人生涯規劃與衝突管理之探討-以我國稅務人員為個案研究 / The Empirical Study of Intrapersonal Conflict, Interpersonal Con- flict, Individual Career Planning, and Career Development Effect- iveness: An Introduction of the Intervention of Conflict Management蘇麗敏, Su, Li Min Unknown Date (has links)
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服務場景的人際因素對注意力幸福感的影響: 以恢復體驗為中介角色 / The Influences of Interpersonal Factors within Service Environments on Attention-Related Well-Being: The Mediation Role of Restorative Experience曾祥景, Tseng, Hsiang Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的是從注意力恢復理論的觀點檢驗服務環境中的人際因素如何影響恢復體驗,進而帶給顧客注意力幸福感。人際因素有顧客小群體的人際融洽、其他顧客的相似性、外表及行為適當性、以及服務人員的服務友誼、顧客導向行為與銷售導向行為。本研究執行兩個研究,研究一將會透過量表建構過程發展一個恢復體驗量表,適用於享樂型人身處理或心理刺激處理類型的服務業,並得知恢復體驗的概念內涵與組成要素。研究二將檢驗恢復體驗的前因與後果,以及恢復體驗是否會中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。研究一結果指出恢復體驗由內容迷戀、暫時逃離、動機相容、能力相容、活動新奇感與心流六個子構面組成,該量表共以21題衡量,並具有良好的信度、收斂效度、區別效度與外在效度。研究二結果指出服務環境中的人際因素會顯著的影響恢復體驗,而恢復體驗亦會帶來顧客的注意力幸福感,恢復體驗會完全中介人際因素與注意力幸福感之間的關係。根據研究結果討論理論、方法與管理意涵。在服務業情境的恢復體驗概念內涵比大自然情境多了過程迷戀面向,但是少了一致性面向。恢復體驗的前因應不只限於與大自然有關的實體因素而已,因為人際因素亦是恢復體驗重要的前因。恢復體驗與其子構面間的關係應被建模為反映型而非形成型。本研究提供服務業者指南,告知其如何透過人際因素的形塑與管理,帶給顧客注意力幸福感。由於小群體融洽相對於其他人際因素而言對顧客的恢復體驗影響較大,服務業者應將較多資源分配在管理顧客小群體上,並促成其產生小群體融洽。最後,提出研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this research is to examine how interpersonal factors in service environment influence restorative experience, which in turn facilitates attention-related well-being of customers from the perspective of attention restoration theory. Interpersonal factors include small groups (i.e., interpersonal rapport), other customers (i.e., similarity, physical appearance, and suitability of behavior), and service providers (i.e., service friendship, customer orientation, and selling orientation). Two studies were conducted. Study 1 developed a scale of restorative experience applicable to hedonic service industry of people-processing or mental stimulus processing types. Also, the conceptual domain and components of restorative experience were discussed. Study 2 examined the antecedents and consequences of restorative experience and whether restorative experience mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. The results of study 1 indicated that restorative experience is comprised of six dimensions- content fascination, escape, motivation compatibility, competence compatibility, novelty of activity, and flow. The new scale is measured using 21 items and has good reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and external validity. The results of study 2 indicated that interpersonal factors in service environment significantly influence restorative experience, which in turn influences attention-related well-being. Restorative experience completely mediates the relationship between interpersonal factors and attention-related well-being. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications are discussed. Compared to natural environment, restorative experience in the service environment contains the dimension of process fascination but has no dimension of coherence. Since interpersonal factors facilitate restorative experience, the antecedents of restorative experience should not be confined to natural elements of physical environment as done in the past studies. The relationships between restorative experience and its sub-dimensions should be modeled as reflective, not formative. This research provides guideline for service marketers to manage and harness interpersonal factors and improve attention-related well-being for customers. Since rapport in customer small group has more influence than other interpersonal factors on restorative experience, service marketers should put more resource in managing customer small groups and facilitating rapport among members in customer small group. In the end, limitations and direction of future research are presented.
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無線點對點合理資訊交易模型達成破壞性行銷之研究謝儒鋒, Hsieh,Ju Feng Unknown Date (has links)
在可預見之未來無線點對點的世界裡,資訊交易就如同現實世界人與人間的交易模式,需考量到交易資訊的成本、價值與人際關係衡量之因素;傳統廣告行銷的效率問題也待創新的資訊交易平台來解決。本研究提出的資訊交易模型,以人性考量為基礎,在各種不同情境下,動態衡量資訊成本、價值與使用者間關係,透過助理軟體,協助加入資訊交易平台之個體,以更便利方式進行資訊交易,預期讓交易結果更貼近使用者的需求;而企業方面也能透過點與點之間快速傳遞資訊的特性,預期以更低成本、更高效率,完成商務行銷目的,達到破壞性行銷之目標。 / This paper presents a novel ambient e-service aiming at distributed marketing through sensible bartering in foreseeable wireless Peer-to-Peer (WP2P) environments. A variety of influential factors (e.g., cost, value, relationship) are proposed and formalized for empowering the bartering mechanism, unfolding a rich arena of ambient distributed trading and a disruptive paradigm of e-marketing.
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