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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李正星 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技產業經過三十多年的發展,已累積了雄厚的資金與技 術基礎。而近日來由於政府政策的倡導與產品應用的擴展等緣故,使 得LED 產業成為當前最具未來發展潛力之產業。對於以投資在具有發 展潛力產業的創業投資公司來說,LED 相關之產業儼然成為投資首選 的目標。然而,台灣的創業投資事業的發展在2000 年達到高峰之後,近年來以日漸趨緩。雖然整體大環境表現不佳,但是其中仍不乏表現不錯的創業投資公司。本文以「源創管理顧問」為研究對象,以其投資於LED 產業為例,探討其創投經營之成功關鍵。研究發現,「股東人際網絡的運用」與「產業供應鏈的整合」為源創管理顧問最主要之核心要素。與其他創投公司相比,源創管理顧問除了投資標的公司以外,仍以股東之人際網路資源促進標的公司與上下游供應鏈之間的關係,一方面確保標的公司之穩定成長,另一方面也同時促進LED 產業之技術升級,以及加強與國外大廠之合作。以LED 產業國際分工的成效,以個案公司為例,本文建議台灣未來創業投資事業的發展也可採取國際分工的模式,如此一來除了可使創業投資公司處於有利優勢外,亦可完成其對於國家整體產業升級的使命。 / Taiwan High Tech Industry has developed for over thirty years and has amassed huge quantity of capital and technology knowledge. Due to government policies and product usage expansion in recent years, LED has become a highly potential industry. Therefore, venture capitalists are likely to lean towards investing in this industry due to its high growth rate. However, the development of venture capital has since slowed down upon reaching its peak in year 2000. Though most ventures did not perform well however, there were some that did well. The company studied in this thesis is InnoStream Consultancy Services. The study is to explore on their investment in the LED industry and the reasons for success. The study has discovered the usage of networking and integration of supply chain as the elements for the achievement. Different from the rest of industry, InnoStream made use of resources such as the network of its shareholders to foster the supply chain integration. As such, they managed to ensure steady growth of the company, development in their LED technology and strengthened in ties with overseas manufacturer. This study suggests international cooperation in the LED industry. Such a policy will improve the competitiveness of Taiwan’s LED industry in the global market, and result in industry upgrade.


涂迺儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從Leech的「禮貌原則」和Grice的「合作原則」切入討論台灣著名的反迷(anti-fan)虛擬聚集處(virtual togetherness)「吐槽版」中的異議表達。研究者初步觀察吐槽版發現,該版呈現高度言論趨同的現象、鮮見異議表達。過往反迷相關文獻指出,相對於外在強勢的主流演藝圈文化,反迷意識到自己的小眾性、弱勢性,因而可能發展出成員間緊密的小團體情誼、友善互助的人際關係。研究者欲探究,在吐槽版高度趨同的發言氛圍下,版友該如何表達異議?什麼樣的異議表達方式符合吐槽版的禮貌標準?此外,吐槽版發言高度趨同、鮮見異議、鮮見網路戰火(flaming),確為出自於版友間同仇敵愾的團結情誼、友善的人際關係嗎? 研究發現,吐槽版版友間人際關係淡漠,完全推翻研究者對於吐槽版反迷的想像。吐槽版版友雖偏好採用溫和、委婉的方式表其異見,但若時機適當,仍會出現相對尖銳的異議;且不乏針對第一輪發言者立論的「手法」表達異議,帶有「找碴」的意味。此外,版友在表達異議時,不時出現「非護航」自清,版友不自覺會將「表達異議」等同於「護航」。「禁止護航」這版規才是約束吐槽版版友異議表達的最主要力量,而非版內的人際關係。「禁止護航」保障了版友完整情緒發洩的權利,版友在此可單方面地表達對於演藝對象的厭惡之情而不會受到他人反駁。吐槽版版友無意與他人進行「雙向溝通」,完整的、單方面的「情緒宣洩」才是他們對於吐槽版的期待。版友無意集結版眾力量共同對抗演藝圈,他們對抗的其實是「理性溝通」的概念。研究者發現,在網路社群、虛擬聚集中,人們並非只需要理性溝通,「情緒發洩」也是人們重視的發言需求。

向上影響策略能贏得主管的授權嗎?信任之中介歷程與權力距離傾向之調節效果研究 / Can Upward Influence Strategies Win the Delegation from Supervisors? The Mediating Effect of Trust and Moderating Effect of Power-Distance Orientation

鄭仲廷, Cheng, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在如今高度競爭且變化快速的職場中,僅僅被動接受、完成主管工作指令的部屬,已不足以幫助自己在職涯中取得成功,如何有效的向上影響主管,建立良好的上下互惠關係,已成為所有員工的首要課題,也是支持組織永續發展的關鍵。 有別於傳統以領導者為主軸的管理研究,向上影響研究強調部屬可能反過來管理主管,透過特定手段與策略來改變主管的態度與行為。過去研究已對於向上影響策略的定義與分類建立了初步的共識,與策略效能有關的研究,則大多關注於對部屬所帶來的好處,鮮少從主管的角度探討其被影響的歷程,因此本研究將主管的角色納入考量,以訊息處理理論為基礎,探討部屬向上影響策略對於主管授權的影響效果,並試圖瞭解人際信任在其中的中介作用,以及主管權力距離傾向可能扮演的調節角色。 本研究採問卷調查法施測,共蒐集291對主管-部屬對偶樣本,研究結果顯示:部屬的向上影響策略對主管授權具有顯著的影響效果,且主管對部屬的人際信任會中介向上影響策略與主管授權之間的關係,此外,本研究亦發現主管的權力距離傾向會調節部屬向上影響策略(軟性策略、硬性策略)以及人際信任之間的關係。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,及未來研究方向加以闡述。 / Upward influence strategy is a gradually concerned research topic, which is considered to be highly related to organization effectiveness and numerous job outcomes. However, most of studies explored this issue from subordinates’ perspective and focused on subordinates’ outcomes, such as job satisfaction, promotion and salary progression. The present study aims at investigating the dynamic process of upward influence strategy from the perspectives of the supervisor, examining the relationship among upward influence strategies, interpersonal trust, delegation and power-distance orientation. Results from over 200 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Taiwan generally supported the hypothesis. Supervisor-perceived subordinate’ s upward influence strategies, i.e. soft, hard, rational, had a significant impact on delegation through the mediating effect of interpersonal trust. In addition, supervisor’s power-distance orientation moderated the relationships between upward influence strategies (soft strategy, hard strategy) and interpersonal trust. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.

互惠經濟與市場經濟的交易模式--以交易關係及訊息成本的角度觀之 / Reciprocal Economy and Market Economy--Views of Transaction Relationship and Information Cost

江彥生, Chiang, Yen-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由人類學家所定義的互惠經濟之交易行為與我們所認知的市場交易相較之下有幾個特殊之處,如,強調交易雙方的關係、主觀的價值判斷等,近來經濟學家也嘗試以各種不同的角度(如:訊息經濟學、賽局理論、實驗經濟學、制度經濟學)來探討此一耐人尋味的交易行為, Kranton 的文章就是其中的一個代表。 Kranton 認為互惠經濟與市場經濟制度的差異僅是一些人們的心理偏好如:對財貨多樣性的偏好、對未來消費偏好上的程度大小之選擇問題,另外制度本身有一種「自我延續」的機能,任一種制度越被人們所青睞也就更確認其普行於社會的地位。他認為制度與制度之間存在著一種「競爭」的關係,社會最終只能容許一種制度存留,而結果取決於上述的偏好因素以及某制度開始時的起始值大小。 惟我們認為 Kranton 的模型有許多不完美之處,根據他的缺失,我們有了以下的補充及發揮。首先,從交易關係來瞭解交易行為,可以將兩種制度「互相競爭」的單一思考角度擴充到有「互補」可能性的思考空間。我們認為一項交易的完成不僅是客觀上財貨的交換,其他相關的事項如交易雙方藉由交易互動來達成訊息探測的目的及交易雙方的關係因為一連串的交易所發生的變化等都是值得我們注意的。我們會看見兩種不同的制度(互惠經濟與市場經濟)在同樣一項交易上運作乃是因為這兩種制度所詮釋的功能及範圍有所不同,彼此相互輔助而不一定有衝突發生。 第二、我們分別推演了「貨幣」、「法律制度」、「物品交換知識累積」等因素對互惠經濟轉變成市場經濟的可能性。我們發現「貨幣」的出現影響了因為以物易物所無法避免的一種「跨期交換」的人情債,但是貨幣也僅是影響其中一個「交易互動」的機會而已,新的互動機會可以不因為貨幣的出現而受到影響。法律制度對交易細節的強力背書,可省去交易雙方為了交易過程中可能發生的不確定性所額外必須做的「關係功夫」,但是真正令雙方滿意的交易仍需要交易當事者主動探尋求得。物品交換知識的累積代表人們將一些彼此之間的共識客觀成熟化,所以通常互惠經濟成熟後,市場經濟就會跟著出現。 最後我們認為「訊息」是互惠經濟能步入「市場經濟」的一個重要關鍵。一個人面對市場經濟多樣化的選擇時必須擁有充分的訊息作為選擇的依據,惟市場本身能衍生出另一種「訊息市場」來。在訊息提供上不僅要考慮到訊息的「廣度」也要考慮到「深度」,互惠經濟所形成的人際網路能透過「瞭解」的機制來傳遞及過濾「適當」的訊息,但是人際網路一樣會有「遞移成本」及「維護成本」的問題,另外訊息在消費上的不具敵對性會減低訊息市場上供給者的提供誘因,我們將以上的所有考慮因素具體化為一個簡單的模型,並試圖找出在訊息上提供上,互惠經濟與市場經濟之間的「分水嶺」。 / Reciprocal economy , compared to the familiar market economy,is characterized byseveral features such as gift giving,social structure patterns,subjective valuesRecently,economists try to explain such ambigious behavior by means of game theory, experimental methods,and institutional views.Kranton's paper is oneexample. From Kranton's point of view,reciprocal economy differs with market economyonly in poople's preferences such as preferences for diversity of goods,preferences for future consumption. In addition,institution itself has mechanisms of self-sustaining which guarantees its pervasion. That reciprocal economy is competitive with market economy means that only one institution can survivewhich is dependent on social preferences and institution's initial value. Not satisfied with Kranton's model, we try another way to handle the probleminto three parts. First,in views of transaction relationships,we may say that each institution'ssurvival is dependent on the other's persistence. Second, "money", "laws", and "transaction knowledge" are all important factors influncing the transition from reciprocal economy to market economy.Third,"information completeness "is a key factor of the market economy and the provision of information is another choice problem between reciprocal economy and market economy.

社會閒散與社會彌補之探討 / Social Loafing and Social Compensation

呂錦智, Lu, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
團體合作的情境對人們工作表現的影響究竟是利抑或是弊?在以往的研究結果大多支持團體合作對人們具有不良的影響,亦即個人在團體中工作會產生偷懶的行為,而且隨著團體愈大,個人的努力程度會愈趨下降,社會心理學家稱之為「社會閒散」現象。然而 Williams 與 Karau(1991)卻發現當工作意義度高且預期到同伴的表現不佳時,團體合作的情境反而會有正面的影響,亦即此時人們會因為重視團體的表現反而較單獨一人時更加努力工作,以彌補同組夥伴表現的不足,故Williams 等人稱之為「社會彌補」現象。此兩種現象均可能發生於團體合作的情境下,但社會彌補現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源 的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。 本研究採實驗室實驗法,以 180 位大學部同學為受試,並將實驗情境控制在中等意義度的情況下,操弄四個自變項:(1)工作情境(團體組、個別組);(2)知覺低能力同伴(有、無);(3)人際親疏度(親密、疏遠);(4)團體滲透性(高、低)。但因知覺低能力同伴、人際親疏度及團體滲性均無法在個別組中操弄,故本研究採用不完全受試者間實驗設計(2 x 2 x 2 +1),來分析各組受試在腦力激盪作業上的表現。本研究結果發現不論知覺低能力同伴與否、人際關係親疏及團體滲透性高低,團體組的受試者在從事腦力激盪這種勞心性的作業時,與個別組的受試者在工作表現上並無顯著的差異,亦即並未發現所有自變項的主要效果及交互作用,也未能證 實驗社會彌補及社會閒散現象。最後研究者針對上述的結果探討可能發生的原因,並檢討研究的限制及提出未來研究的建議。 / Most of previous research had supported the social loafing phenomenon, which suggested that people will tend to spend less effort when working collectively than working alone. However, Williams and Karau (1991) suggested people will work harder collectively than alone when they expect their co-workers to perform poorly on a meaningful task, which they named "social compensation". In thispresent study we try to eximine this two phenomenon via people work either collectively or alone on a medium meaningful task ( brainstorming task ). Subjects were 74 male and 106 female collage students. The results show that neither consciousness of low ability co-worker ( feedback, non- feedback ), group relationships ( roommate, stranger ) nor group permeability ( open, close ) is associated with subject's performance when they work collectively. In addition,the performance of collective group is the same as alone group (basic contrastgroup ). In other words, the results fail to support either social loafing orsocial compensation phenomenon. Ss' performance has no significant differenceamong nine experiment conditions. Discussion and suggestions are included.

電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係之研究探訪電子佈告欄(BBS)中的「虛擬人際關係」 / A study of emotional and intimate interpersonal relational - the exploration of virtual relationship in BBS.

吳姝蒨, Wu, Shu-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討現今人們透過電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication, CMC)發展出的人際情感親密關係。研究動機是基於網路目前的風行以及研究需要,並視網路為「虛擬情境」,稱此通道下之人際情感親密關係為「虛擬人際關係」,與親身接觸發展出的人際關係有相同與相異之處。   本研究整理1970年左右迄今「電腦中介傳播」從「媒介選擇」、「人際互動」到「人際關係」,從強調網路工作效益至人際效果的研究歷程。「媒介選擇」包括「去線索理論」中的社會臨場感理論、媒介豐富理論、缺乏社會情境線索假說等,以及強調社會影響的社會資訊處理觀點;「人際互動」則分為網路人際情感、網路中的語言與非語言線索、比較電腦中介傳播與面對面兩種人際互動等加以說明;另著重在網路人際關係的文獻探討,詳述walther以「社會資訊處理觀點」看電腦中介傳播人際關係的研究,並也說明可用在網路研究的人際傳播理論。文中提到電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係研究之重要,並敘述與本研究-「虛擬人際關係」相關的理論與說法。   研究探討的重心有三:1. 欲了解「虛擬人際關係」的發展與組成,以及這種人際情感網絡對於現實生活中人際網絡具替代或互補作用;2. 了解「虛擬人際關係」與親身接觸人際情感關係的異同;3. 找出人們尋求「虛擬人際關係」的原因。   本研究以電子布告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)為研究情境,選擇清大電機BBS站心情類版為研究個案,採用俗民方法學的態度,以觀察、親身參與其人際互動、社會網絡分析、深度訪談、電子郵寄問卷等方式探討BBS中的人際親密關係與情感支持。   研究結果發現「虛擬人際關係」網絡對大多數使用者為人際網絡之擴大;其發展過程與親身傳播人際感情關係發展過程類似,也會有自我表白、分享、了解等親密關係與情感互動,但「匿名」、文字互動、想像與期待、與異性交往多、轉移傳播情境會有落差等,是兩人際關係發展不同之處。而「虛擬人際關係」的組成還必須要有電腦網路「匿名」、情感使用、虛擬情境等特質,以及使用者有電腦網路經驗、技巧、媒介接近性、學科背景、個人特質(個性、偏好)等條件,這些不同於親身接觸的人際情感關係的組成與發展因素,也是使用者去尋求「虛擬人際關係」,得到情感與親密之因。   因此,「虛擬人際關係」可以使人發展親密關係並有情感互動,它無法替代實際人際情感親密關係,人們也不可能脫離現實的人際互動,但即是如此,由電腦中介傳播媒介建構的情境卻可以是一處情感交流與宣洩的地方,科技進步也可有溫情的人際效果。 / The study mainly attempts to explore intimate and emotional interpersonal relationship through the computer-mediated communication(CMC) ,orthe Internet, which is regarded as a "Virtual context". The relationship is named as "virtual relationship" which is different from face-to-face(FTF) one.   The study examined several related researches from 1970s on "media choice theory" and "interpersonal interaction". The former includes social presence theory, media richness theory and social information processing(SIP) theory. The latter combs the differences in the interpersonal emotion, ve.rbal/nonverbal cues and human interaction between the CMC and FTF chanell. and interpersonal relationship .Besides, the author describes Walther's SIP theory a lot and suggests it can also be applied to the research of internet-based interpersonal communication. The study also suggests that the most important in the research of CMC is to undesrstand the connection among the users, especially in emotion and intimacy.   There are three points in the research:(1)the development and constitution of the virtual relationships, (2)the difference in between virtual and FTF relationships, (3)finding out the reasons why people come to virtual relationships.   The methods of the study include ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, depth interview and E-mail questionnaire to discuss the internet- based interpersonal intimate relationships and emotion support. The "feeling", "manwoman" and "love" boards at NTHU were chosen to be the case study .   The results find that "virtual relationship" is most BBS-users's expansion of their social networks. The developing process of virtual relationship is similar to that of FTF relationship, including self-disclosure, sharing and understanding.The different, however, fall on nicknames, verbal interaction, image and anticipation in the BBS. In addition to the development, the constitution of virtual relationships is based upon nicknames, use of emotion, users' idiosyncrasy, BBS experiences and computer skills that are also the reasons why people need virtual relationships.   Virtual relationship, therefore, enables one to develop intimate relations and share each other's feelings. However, the interpersonal relationship under FTF remains unreplaceable. No one can do without the interaction. Even so, the "virtual context" still provides a space for the expression and sharing ones' emotions; therefore, technology progresses also promote the warmth in interpersonal relationships.

中學生人際策略之研究-以建立對教師關係為例 / A Study of Interpersonal strategies in High School Students-- To Illustrate How They establish Upward Relation With Their Teachers

陳秀碧, Hsiu-Pi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國中學生建立對教師關係時,所使用的人際策略,包括 三種情境; 向教師提出要求時、希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象時,所 使用的向上影響策略,與教師發生不滿或衝突時,所使用的衝突處理策略 ;並探討性別、國高中別、學業成績與中學生對教師所使用的人際策略的 關係。本研究以臺灣地區國中、高中、高職學生為取樣對象,有效樣 本952人(男410人, 女542人)。研究工具包括「提出要求與使用方法」 、「建立良好關係與使用方法」、不滿、衝突與衝突處理方法」與「個人 基本資料」等四部分;統計方法,包括皮爾森積差相關、點二系列相關、 t考驗、單因子與二因子多變項變異數分析、典型相關分析。結果如下: (一)提出要求與使用策略中學生向教師提出的要求,分析後共得八類, 其中最常提出「球類野炊活動」與「減少考試作業」的要求。所使用的策 略共有六種,最常用的是「迂迴訴求」最有效果是「條件交換」,最少用 且認為是最沒效果的是「以退為進」。性別與國高中別在向教師提出要求 時所使用策略上有交互影響。高中女生比國中女生與高中男生常使用影響 策略,且效果更好。學業成綪與使用策略之頻率有顯著差異,但在使用策 略的效果上則無顯著差異。(二)建立良好關係或好印象與使用策略中學 生希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象的類別,共有六類,最希望教師覺得 他是「循規蹈矩」的。所使用的策略共有五種,最常使用「乖巧盡責」, 且效果最佳。最少用且認為效果最差的是「撒嬌討好」。性別與國高中別 在親近關心與認真向上此二種策略之使用頻率上皆有交互影響,且在認真 向上、撒嬌討好與自我表白此三種策略之使用效果上有交互影響。學業成 績不同在乖巧盡責與認真向上策略的使用上有顯著差異。(三)與教師發 生的不滿或衝突與處理策略中學生自我知覺到與教師發生的不滿或衝突類 別,分別有七類,以「不滿教師的教學與處罰」為最多。衝突處理策略共 有五種,最常用的是「忍氣吞聲」,使用效果最佳的是「改過遷善」,最 少用且效果最差的是「委屈無辜」。性別與國高中別在賭氣冷戰、改過遷 善與委屈無辜三種策略之使用頻率上有交互影響,但在策略使用效果上無 顯著差異。學業成績在改過遷善與訴苦力爭策略使用頻率上有顯著差異, 而在改過遷善策略使用效果有顯著差異。

連結強度與關係對Facebook台灣使用者的資訊交換行為之影響 / Tie strength and guanxi on Taiwan Facebook users’ information exchange behavior

張翠芬, Chong, Chui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
Granovetter proposed that weak ties connect different sections of social networks, thus function as the channel for individuals to gain access to useful information unavailable at existing social circles. The first motivation of this study is to explore to what extent strength of ties theory explains information exchange behaviour of Taiwanese Facebook users. According to past research, Chinese rely on those with close guanxi, such as family members and close friends to satisfy individual’s needs. This leads us to ask if guanxi would also play an important role in satisfying individual’s needs for information. Thus the second motive of this study is to explore the significance of guanxi for Chinese Facebook users in selecting the counterpart for information exchange. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will contribute to social networks, guanxi, information behaviour research and social network sites users’ study, especially in Taiwan. Based the data collected via online survey, this study found that respondents tend to rely on strong ties as their primary sources of information. If their strong ties were not able to provide the information, respondents would rely on the connections of these strong ties, rather than the weak ties in their network, to find the information they needed. Thus strong ties are the key to information exchange in a social network.

底片交換遊戲所展示的攝影趣味— 以交換重曝新影像敘事為例 / The playfulness of photography in filmswap: exploring a new image narrative

錢怡安, Chien, Yi An Unknown Date (has links)
交換重曝是一種兩人交換已拍攝底片的活動。透過交換,底片經由重複曝光使同一張底片出現兩個人所攝之重疊影像。交換重曝這種新近的網路及人際互動現象,說明了傳統的攝影方式與底片使用在攝影數位化的浪潮中並未消逝。 近來底片攝影與玩具相機的興起,使研究者觀察到現今的交換重曝攝影蘊含著情感與趣味的分享。從文獻探討過程發現,參與交換重曝的動機與目的來自於遊戲的樂趣,且交換重曝是一種特殊的人際互動過程,交換過程中因缺乏交換雙方的溝通與交流,竟產生人際傳播間類同「噪音」現象所致的「影像醬」。 本研究經由問卷調查與深度訪談,從參與交換重曝活動者所發佈分享影像的情形,了解交換重曝一般行為。其次,分析沖洗完成的底片所帶來的出乎意料的影像驚喜元素,以探察交換重曝活動在攝影數位化時代中新的影像敘事方法。 本研究結果歸納如下:交換重曝結合了遊戲與生活,開創新的人際交流與互動。交換重曝的影像由出乎意料的內涵與驚喜元素,描繪影像的故事場景,帶來的窺視感內含多種可能,建立陌生文化的交集並型塑影像自我敘事。 / “Filmswap” is an activity that two people take photos and exchange their own films and then take photos again. By exchanging films, two different images will overlap and simultaneously be developed at one film through double exposure. The arising of “Filmswap” as a new way of communication reflects that analog photography has not disappeared in digital trends. Recently, analog photography and toy cameras have become popular. One important fact needs to be discovered that analog photography is related to emotion and fun sharing. As revealed in literature review, the motivation and purpose of Filmswap come from the playfulness of playing games. The process of Filmswap is actually a kind of particular interpersonal interaction: Filmswap brings “photo jam” instead of “noise” due to the lack of adequate communication between people. In this study, I use in‐depth interviews and questionnaire surveys to collect the on-line information of displaying photos from the people doing Filmswap and to generalize the elements of surprise in Filmswap. Through the research and the understanding of the context from Filmswap players, this study tries to construct a new method of photo narrative in digital era. There are three conclusions of this research can be addressed as follow: First of all, Filmswap combines play and daily life. Secondly, Filmswap brings a new way of interpersonal interaction. Moreover, those unexpected and surprising image elements depict stories of those Filmswap images and create new ways of photo narratives.

影響社群網站自我揭露行為之研究 / Study on the Impact of Self-disclosure on Social Network Site

孫曉雅, Sun, Hsiao Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以人際關係為出發點,希望了解在社群網站形成的人際關係網絡中,個人自我呈現需求和人際關係需求與自我揭露之關聯,揭露對象的差異以及人格特質的影響。本研究以問卷調查法進行,對擁有Facebook帳號者之使用者發放問卷。結果顯示,個人提升自我形象、主動包容和情感期待需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響,情感表達需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響;被動歸屬需求對則普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響。 此外,外向與自戀人格特質的使用者自我揭露行為上,也有不同的發現。內向的人的被動歸屬需求對普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響,且被動引導需求對親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。而自戀的人的主動控制需求對普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。 研究結果提供了基於人際關係需求的社群網站自我揭露動機,並分析面對不同揭露對象時,人際關係需求對揭露的差異,對社群網站使用者的動機和行為有更深入的了解,並提供理論基礎。而針對不同人格特質的使用者,比較在社群網站自我揭露之差異,了解社群網站使用者的不同面貌。 / This study tried to understand the influence of self-presentation need, interpersonal need on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend at the social network sites. Sample survey was applied to investigate Facebook users. The result reveals that “self-promotion”, “expressed inclusion”, and “wanted affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend in SNS. “Expressed affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend. In addition, “wanted inclusion” has negative influence. Furthermore, there are some different findings among extroverted, introverted, narcissistic and non-narcissistic groups.

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