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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中小企業推動企業社會責任之研究-以某上櫃公司為例 / The implementation of corporate social responsibility in small and medium-sized enterprise: a case study of an OTC-Listed company

林滿足, Lin, Natalie Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任這個名詞,隨著金融風暴的發生,氣候的暖化,大自然的反撲,喚醒全球的人類,應該善盡企業社會責任,已蔚為風潮。 然而,推動企業社會責任多僅限於擁有較廣大資源的大企業,並未普及至中小企業。本研究,透過回顧企業社會責任的發展與歷程,探討中小企業推動CSR案例,以質性研究,了解中小企業執行CSR,會碰到的困難與挑戰,以及中小企業如何運用有限資源落實企業社會責任,達到永續發展的目標。 個案公司的CSR係由領導人堅定的決心,由上往下推動,運用成立公益信託,聚焦弱勢教育,透過參加評鑑與評比,健全公司治理與CSR的機制,並且結盟公益組織,運用企業管理能力,克服中小企業資源不足與追求創造股東權益最大化的前提下,成功的推動CSR。 基於對個案公司的研究發現,本研究建議政府應建置資源平台,並且提供獎勵辦法,鼓勵中小企業建立CSR的制度與編製企業社會責任報告書,進而制定法令規範,此外,本研究建議中小企業可藉由參與CSR之評鑑與評比,以最低的成本,健全公司治理制度與CSR的完整機制。 / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly important issue in the midst of the global financial crisis and global warming effect. CSR has been practiced in most of large enterprises that possess vast resources; however, it has not been popularly engaged by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) yet. To understand the difficulties and challenges to SMEs and how they could practice CSR with limited resource to achieve the goal of sustainable business, the qualitative methodology is applied to collect data through reviewing the CSR development and process, and the CSR implementation in this SME case study. In the case study of this research, CSR is successfully carried out because the leader of the company promotes CSR concepts and activities to the employees with strong determination. They created an Educational Trust Fund to devote themselves in the Educational Program for Disadvantaged Children. Meanwhile, their corporate governance and CSR system are gradually enhanced and become well in place as the company participates in the CSR evaluation by a well-recognized media. Especially, while pursuing the most of shareholder benefits, the company implements CSR by utilizing their expertise in business management and cooperates with NPOs to overcome the lack of source in SMEs. According to the findings in this case, the study recommends the government construct a resource sharing platform and incentive programs to encourage SMEs to build up their CSR systems and prepare their CSR reports, and then promulgate the laws and regulations to require implementation of CSR in SMEs. Finally, the study suggests SME take the CSR evaluations by public media to enhance their corporate governance and CSR systems with the lowest cost.

CSR策略與企業財務績效之關聯性 — 以台灣ICT產業為例 / The Relationship Between CSR Strategy and Corporate Financial Performance-A Case Study of ICT Industries in Taiwan

趙庭翊 Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任與財務績效之間的關聯性,學者間一直無法達成一致的共識。本研究檢視過去的文獻發現,即使策略性CSR的觀念已逐漸熟,現有的CSR評比系統大多還是只能針對企業的CSR活動對社會帶來甚麼效益來進行評鑑,卻無法檢視這些活動是單純的回應社會的要求,還是經過策略思考後的行為。而多數CSR與財務相關的研究是以這些CSR評比系統來進行分析,導致獲得的結論不一致。因此本研究之目的在於試圖建構有效的CSR策略評比之研究框架,企盼能對學術界或業界建構CSR策略評比系統有所貢獻。 本研究以Porter之理論為基礎,考量外在社會給予的壓力,發展出兩個維度的「CSR策略評分模型」。之後嘗試以此模型分析台灣ICT產業之上市公司中,CSR報告書依照GRI準則撰寫之46家企業。每間企業經過模型的評分後,都會獲得一個策略型CSR總分和回應式CSR總分,接著將兩個分數與2011年度會計基礎的財務指標進行比較。研究結論如下: (1)企業若在愈多議題上只停留在回應式CSR,而不朝策略性CSR邁進的話,對單一年度企業財務績效帶來負面影響 (2)策略性CSR會對單一年度企業財務績效帶來正面影響,但存在著最適規模。若將資源分散在過多議題上,則會對財務績效帶來負面影響。 (3)公司所屬產業會是影響單一年度財務績效之關鍵因素


陽正中, Yang,Cheng-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
企業參與公益活動能增加員工對於公司的組織承諾,這也是許多企業參與公益活動的動機及目的之一。但對於員工而言,是否有影響?本研究主要探討台灣一家聯盟企業,藉由問卷調查,了解企業參與公益活動與員工組織承諾影響的相關性。 研究結果顯示,企業參與公益活動與員工組織承諾成正相關,員工對於企業參與公益活動的認同程度愈高,其組織承諾也愈高。同時,員工絕大多數都支持企業應該參與公益活動。 根據本研究的分析結果,企業要勇於參與公益活動,經由參與公益活動能增加員工對於公司的認同,員工在工作上更努力。 / One of the motivations and purposes for enterprises to do Corporate Philanthropy is that they believe Corporate Philanthropy can strength the organizational commitment that employees make to the companies. Is this really true? The main point of this research is to find the causal relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and organizational commitment through use of questionnaire survey. The result of study shows the positive causal relationship between Corporate Philanthropy and Organizational Commitment. The more the enterprise is involved to Corporate Philanthropy, the more employees make organizational commitment to the company. At the same time, employees agree and support the concept of Corporate Philanthropy. According to this conclusion, enterprises should do more Corporate Philanthropy. Corporate Philanthropy can increase the commitment the employees make to the company.

企業社會責任與銀行聯貸利差之關聯性 / The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Syndicated Loan Spread

劉鎮嘉, Liu, Chen Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2012年美國上市公司且向銀行聯貸之企業為樣本,探討企業社會責任評量表現與聯合貸款利息差額之關聯性。本研究發現企業社會責任評量總分越高,其聯貸利差越小。此外,這現象對於較依賴銀行作為資金來源的公司更加明顯。顯示企業社會責任評量表現較好之企業,能提升聲譽及形象、建立銀行之信賴、降低聯貸利息差額;若同時依賴銀行作為資金來源之企業,更能降低聯貸利息差額。另外,本研究進一步拆解企業社會責任評量總分,對組成項目進行迴歸分析,實證結果顯示,企業投入慈善活動及社區參與、僱傭平等、員工關係及權益、產品這四個正面項目,能降低聯貸利差。 / This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility performance and syndicated loan spread. Based on a sample of companies in the US from 2001 to 2012, I find that companies with higher corporate social responsibility performance have lower syndicated loan spreads. Moreover, the decrease in loan spreads are more pronounced among bank-dependent companies. This suggests that companies with better corporate social responsibility performance can set up their enterprise image and establish bank trust, which would then reduce their cost of debt financing. Besides, by analyzing the components of corporate social responsibility indicators, I find that the reduction in loan spreads is associated with strengths in community, diversity, employee relations, and product.

CSR報告書揭露程度及公司特性- 以電子業及金融保險業為研究對象 / The Disclosure Extent of CSR Report and Firm Characteristics – Evidence from Electronic Industry and Finance and Insurance Industry

陳建安, Chen, Jian An Unknown Date (has links)
在2008年金融危機過後,除了短期獲利狀況外,投資人越來越重視企業對環境、社會風險的回應能力。為了回應投資人的期待與本身管理需求,越來越多企業開始主動編製社會責任報告書。透過揭露更多企業社會責任報告書裏非財務面的相關資訊,將促成各利害關係人共贏的局面。 綜上所述,企業社會責任的報導和揭露之重要性已不言而喻。過去的文獻指出,公司透過揭露企業社會責任的資訊能夠降低分析師盈餘預測差異、降低資金成本、提升公司價值,吸引更多具有社會責任觀的投資人投資。 本研究係以我國電子業與金融保險業之上市櫃公司為研究對象,透過內容分析法與統計分析法,發現之結果如下: 一、 「公司規模」、「產業別」、「獲利能力」會顯著影響公司的企業社會責任揭露程度。 二、 電子業於企業社會責任報告書中之「環境」衡量構面揭露資訊程度顯著大於金融保險業。

台灣石化產業在土壤及地下水污染領域企業社會責任之探討 / The Discussion of CSR fot the Taiwan Petrochemical Industries in Soil and Groundwater Contamination Field

張魯鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣之石化產業欲著重於永續發展,就必須能落實企業社會責任,而環境議題(尤其是其中之土壤及地下水污染相關議題)是台灣石化產業在落實企業社會責任中最大的挑戰。 從石化產業之各利害關係人之角度(包括政府、社會、石化產業本身,供應鏈,資本市場等)分析,石化產業欲能在土壤及地下水污染領域落實企業社會責任,是需靠政府、社會、學術界及石化產業本身共同努力方能得之;政府及社會大眾可扮演監督、鼓勵及協助石化產業之角色;學術界可和石化產業共同研發相關技術或產品,共同創造經濟及分享經濟;石化產業本身亦可設置土壤及地下水污染專責人員或組織進行資訊揭露,並將企業社會責任內化及協助供應鏈做好土壤及地下水污染防治或整治工作。 目前台灣受土壤及地下水污染之場址有部分是石化產業相關之場址,若台灣之石化產業能在土壤及地下水污染領域落實企業社會責任,則對台灣的環境必定有正面的影響,而台灣石化產業之永續發展是指日可見的。

企業綠色經營之實證研究-以全球領導品牌為例 / The Research of Business Green Management - An Empirical Study on Global Leading Brands

簡憶汶, Jian, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業社會責任(CSR)議題的興起、綠色消費意識提高,以及國際環境管理系統與相關法規的日趨完善,社會大眾要求企業應擔負起社會與環境責任的呼聲漸劇;是故愈來愈多的企業開始投身綠色經營的行列。本研究從企業總體層級出發,以質化研究取向來探討全球領導品牌是如何形塑其影響動機、資源投入、利害關係人管理,及發展系統性的策略方案等綠色經營實務。   從本研究發現及所提出的延伸性管理意涵,企業應主動追求更積極的CSR作為,透過影響力及市場機制來回應利害關係人,始得滿足「三重盈餘」目標: 1. 創辦人或企業本身的環境經營、綠色管理等價值觀或信念將會形塑企業綠色經營動機,且應從總體層級並「內外兼顧」來推行,以一貫性地從企業願景、使命、策略方針等向下最終落實於日常營運活動中。 2. 企業綠色經營動機將影響其資源投入與利害關係人管理,透過「推動公司治理」、「維護社會公益」、「發展永續環境」及「生命週期成本管理」來創造綠色價值,架構性地支持綠色經營意識轉化為營運活動。 3. 企業綠色經營動機將影響實際推展的代表性措施、策略與計畫,透過「綠色供應鏈管理」、「綠色消費行為」、「綠色形象/品牌」及「綠色獲利模式」來實踐綠色價值,彈性因應市場需求並提高競爭者進入門檻。 4. 企業應加強綠色價值創造與綠色價值實踐兩構面間的連結性,並善盡利害關係人溝通機制,使架構性的措施得以轉化為實務作為。 5. 企業綠色價值創造與企業綠色價值實踐兩構面將會影響品牌領導地位,且若在環保、收益與成本間並無遭遇明顯的決策衝突或困難,則最終其企業綠色經營的商業可行性將反映在正向的財務績效表現中。   本研究歸納出影響企業執行綠色經營實務成效的各項因素及各構面間的交互關係;並提供有志發展綠色經營模式或期待更為精進者一個整體性參考架構。 / With the rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues, green consumer awareness, as well as the maturity of international environmental management system and relevant regulations, the community advocates companies should account for social and environmental responsibility; therefore more and more companies devote to green management. In this study, the qualitative research method is utilized from the corporate level to explore how the global leading brands to shape the influence and motivation, allocation of resources, stakeholders management, and the development of systematic strategy plans and other green management practices.   From the study results and proposed management implications, companies should pursue more proactive CSR actions through their influence and market mechanisms to respond to stakeholders to meet "Triple Bottom Line" objectives: 1. The founder, values or beliefs of environment management and green management will shape the motivation of business green management from "both inside and outside" through the corporate level to implement consistently along with the corporate vision, mission, strategic direction and so on cascading to the fulfillment of daily operations. 2. The motivation of business green management will affect allocation of resources and stakeholders management through "promoting corporate governance", "maintaining social welfare", "developing sustainable environment" and "managing life-cycle cost" to create green value and structurally support green management sense into business activities. 3. The motivation of business green management will affect the actual promotion of representative measures, strategies and plans through "Green Supply Chain Management", "green consumer behavior", "green image / brand" and "green profit model" to fulfill green value and flexibly respond to market demand as well as to increase the entry barriers to competitors. 4. Companies should strengthen the linkage between green value creation and green value realization and fulfill communication mechanism with stakeholders to transform the structural measures into actual practices. 5. Both of business green value creation and business green value realization will affect the brand leadership, and if there is no decision-making conflict or significant difficulties among environment, benefits and costs, finally the commercial feasibility of business green management will be reflected on the positive financial performance.   The study induces the affecting factors of implementation effectiveness of green management practices and the interactions among the various aspects and also provides an overall reference structure to develop green management model or advance sophistication.

大潭電廠睦鄰回饋金執行成效之研究 / The study of Refund Mechanism of Dan-Tarn power plant

張美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自從解嚴後,民主政治邁向多元發展,社會運動因環保意識抬頭,民眾對於爭議性公共設施設置大多持反對態度,以致有抗爭與自力救濟行為的產生,即為「鄰避情結」。而開發業者為求建廠順利興建與永續經營,是以制度性的回饋方式作為解決策略,以消弭當地民眾對於鄰避設置所產生負面外溢效果與環境影響。基於此,台電公司在電源短缺的情況下,為使電力開發順利進行,特別設置「台電公司促進電力開發協助金審議委員會」並訂定執行要點,統籌辦理睦鄰回饋業務,其政策目標在於提昇地方建設外,並增進當地居民的福祉。但是回饋機制是否合理適切?是否能達成睦鄰回饋的政策目標?是本文研究關注的焦點。 本論文的分析分成兩大部分,其一是以開發業者因公共設施興建導致的負面 外溢效果與環境影響,對所在地居民造成的衝擊有彌補之職責;另一部分,回饋金對所在地提供公共建設之規畫興建、維修與營運及促進產業發展等公益活動運用是否能符合多數人的期望。 根據此一電力設施設置為研究對象,並以大潭燃氣火力發電廠於90年間由北部施工處進駐,並自94~98年期間1~6號機興建至開始商轉之睦鄰回饋制度的個案分析作為研究,在此除了相關文獻及回饋金執行制度之回顧外,台電公司為提昇企業形象及善盡社會責任,並就建造大潭發電廠周邊地區之公共建設回饋金建立制度流程,主動積極協助地方建設,期能將協助金真正用於地方,以帶動地方繁榮;並增進當地居民福祉。

企業社會責任推行之研究-- 以某跨國會計師事務所為例 / The research of the implementation of corporate social responsibility - illustrated using an international accounting firms

鄭雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
目前世界跨國公司在全球進行擴張,日益成為世界經濟的主體,研究全球某跨國會計師事務所的企業社會責任的推行計畫,具有相當高的學術價值和實際意義。企業社會責任已經成為管理學、經濟學、社會學等學科共同研究的焦點問題。但在理論上企業社會責任的研究缺乏像主流企業理論那樣成熟的理論基礎和研究方法。 市場環境正在走向成熟,要求企業承擔社會責任已經有了相當的經濟條件。隨著越來越多的跨國公司來大中華經濟圈(涵蓋大陸與香港)投資,研究在大中華經濟圈跨國公司企業社會責任方面的履行狀況,成為建構出永續發展社會的關鍵性需求。 本研究運用利害關係人理論對企業社會責任的履行施以問卷調查,研究在大中華經濟圈跨國公司社會責任應該履行的水準,然後透過CSR相關人士之質化訪談,同時借鏡於問卷調查統計資料,對在大中華經濟圈全球某跨國會計師事務所如何規劃及推行企業社會責任加以深入的量化分析以得出結論,並輔以研究建議模型來做一般性的推廣。 / Nowadays, the multi-national companies are expanding globally and becoming the main axis of the world economy. The research of the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the accounting firms has the high level academic values and the practical meanings. CSR has become the interdisciplinary focus of the management science, economics and sociology, but the research of CSR is lack of the mature theoretical foundations and research method. More and more multi-national companies invest in the greater Chinese economic zone, including Mainland China and Hong Kong. The research on CSR implementation status of the multi-national companies has become the key demand in construction of the sustainable development society. This article uses questionnaires to study the multi-national companies' social responsibility in China according to the stakeholders' theory. Through the indepth interview with CSR related persons and the quantitative statistical survey to get to the conclusion, then generate the conclusion with the suggested model.

從企業社會責任角度探討商業模式創新 / New business model innovation from the perspective of corporate social responsibility

潘啟宇, Pan, Chi Yu Unknown Date (has links)
新興市場正快速的累積經濟實力。新興市場成為企業下一波的重要成長動能,但其具備貧富差距大、所得不穩、生活差、基礎建設落後、對產品服務不熟悉…等特點,舊商業模式窒礙難行。企業為掌握新興市場全新挑戰,回應企業社會責任超越的要求,企業必須著眼這些獨特的利害關係人,從商業模式的創新來創造利潤及包括社會利益的共享價值,創造共贏局面。本研究運用聯合國開發計劃署(United Nation Development Programme, UNDP)的個案庫來檢視World Economic Forum(2009)提出的新興市場新商業模式的觀點,並經由個案的探討歸納新商業模式組成的本質的改變還有管理的意涵。 新商業模式設計觀點包含「可負擔的使用權」、「槓桿運用社會隱藏資產」、「建構公共財之間的橋梁」、「在地化規模與規模化經濟的平衡」、與「影響力治理」。新的觀點使舊商業模式的組成產生質變。從「強化生活機能價值」出發,新商業模式必須1)提供貼近當地水準的價格;2)替當地量身打造產生獨特的產品及服務;3)自給自足。以「教育的行銷與溝通」企業得1)運用正式控制以外的企業實質影響力建立信任;2)運用關鍵人物建立口碑;3)傳達商業模式利益,來將企業從價值的提供者轉換成價值的連結者並且建立信任,透過「重塑跨邊界的立體價值鏈」企業必須1)連結當地生產活動;2)善用當地的固有配銷體系;3)跨越基礎建設限制。建立「創意式的合作關係」來提供信任、永續、自給自足的商業模式。新商業模式開展需要「釋放組織束縛」的支援,企業勢必1)展現高階管理階層承諾;2)建構彈性可調整模組化的團隊;3)建立清楚的目標價值及短期戰果。 企業必須跨越組織的迷思與規模的迷思,並接受新興市場的消費者獨特的需求(低價、高品質)、運用影響力而非正式的控制體系、從價值的提供者轉換為價值的連結者。才能夠有效的接觸到下一個百億商機。

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