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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐新舫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用台灣證券交易所1992到2006年的投資人成交資料,來研究散戶投資人之交易偏好是否隨時間經過而改變的原因。本研究結果顯示散戶投資人買進股票時對於股票特性的偏好(如本益比、規模、帳面價值對市價比等)會隨著時間經過而改變,此外每個年度買進股票的數目並非隨時間經過而維持一致。最後每年度均在市場交易的散戶投資人,其選擇股票的偏好傾向高周轉率、低報酬率標準差、以及高帳面價值對市價比的股票,顯示持續參與市場的投資人,其買進股票的行為較為傾向風險趨避。 / In this paper, investors’ trading records from TSEC for the period from 1992 to 2006 are used to do the research about whether the preferences of individual investors have changed from time to time. Also, the results show that the buying preferences of individual investors, such as P/E ratio, size, and book-to-market ratio, changed year by year and their numbers of purchased stocks also changed every year. In addition, the research takes the individuals who traded every year as samples to trace their behaviors, and the result shows they preferred to stocks with high turnover ratio, low standard deviation of stock return, and high book-to-market ratio when they were picking stocks. From this result implies that individuals who consistently participated in the stock market behaved as risk-averse investors.

晚婚女性之擇偶偏好與婚姻態度 / Preference in spouse selection and marriage attitude of late-married females

李慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
「婚姻」自古以來即為我國重要的傳統禮俗與人生大事,然而近年來隨著社會型態的轉變,生活型態與價值觀念丕變,晚婚或不婚成為人生規劃的另一種抉擇。由於晚婚、甚至不婚的人口急遽增加,在人口結構上已造成少子化、高齡化之現象,對於政治、經濟、社會以及勞動力等各個層面,亦隨之衍生出不同程度的問題,與國家未來的發展更是息息相關,因此該議題值得探究。本研究旨在探討晚婚女性目前的狀態,對於擇偶偏好及婚姻態度的認知、觀點,企圖瞭解形成晚婚的深層因素,並提出建議以供相關人員參考。   本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計10人,均為30歲(含)以上且未曾有過法律婚約關係,且居住於台北市、新北市及桃園縣之女性。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究發現綜述如下:   一、普遍認為晚婚是現代社會的趨勢,女性在面臨求學進修、工     作發展與婚姻之生涯抉擇時,選擇把婚姻排在後面的順位。   二、生活與交友範圍狹隘,以及已逾適婚年齡則為目前主要面臨     的擇偶困境。   三、選擇婚配對象的首要條件為個人條件,其中涵括外貌、身體     特徵、人格特質等條件;其次依序為能力條件及情感取向。   四、在婚姻認知方面,傾向認為婚姻是人生必經的階段;就婚姻     感受方面,同時呈現正向與負向兩種截然不同的態度;在婚     姻意向方面,傾向於嚮往進入婚姻。另,父母為離婚狀態的     晚婚女性,其婚姻態度各面向均呈現負向的看法。   本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議:   一、建議晚婚女性應積極參與活動,培養個人興趣,充實自我,     使生活有所變化,並拓展人際關係,增加認識異性的機會。   二、及早釐清自我的想法,積極規劃人生的道路,擇偶條件應以     務實的角度,適度調整自我的標準。   三、應建立正確的性別角色觀念,跳脫傳統加諸於女性的要求,     正視現代女性所扮演的多重角色。   四、建議社會應傳達正確的婚姻教育,重新確立婚姻的意義與功     能,以正向思考面對婚姻中值得學習之處。 / Marriage has since ever been an important traditional custom and a major life event in Chinese culture. However, with social transformation in recent years, life style and sense of value have been dramatically altered. Late marriage or non marriage becomes another option for life planning, causing rapid growth in late-married or non-married population as well as low birth rate and aging society in demographics. It also derives political, economic, social and manpower problems to different extents, which is closely related with national development. Therefore, the issue is worth researching and this study is to discuss current status of late-married females and to learn underlying factors in late marriage from their preference in spouse selection and cognition or perspective on marriage attitude. Suggestions are also proposed for reference of related personnel. In-depth interview of qualitative research is adopted in this study. Research subjects are 10 in total. All of them are females above 30 years old, have never been married by law definition and live in Taipei City, New Taipei City or Taoyuan County. After interview data are analyzed, findings discovered are summarized as follows: 1.It is commonly regarded that late marriage is the trend of modern society. Facing the choice between advanced studies, career development and marriage life, females place marriage to the last. 2.Life and friends are limited. Passing ideal marriage age is currently the major predicament in spouse selection. 3.The priority of spouse selection is personal criteria, including appearance, physical features and characteristics, followed by capabilities and emotional orientation. 4.In marriage cognition, marriage is considered a necessary path in life. In marriage experience, there are two sheerly different attitudes – positive and negative views both appear. In inclination to marriage, it is prone to stepping into marriage. On the other hand, late-married females whose parents are divorced have negative perspectives on every attitude towards marriage . Suggestions based on findings discovered are proposed in the following: 1.It is advised that late-married females should avidly participate in activities, develop interests and fulfil selves to make changes in life as well as expand personal relationship to increase chance of meeting male counterparts. 2.Clarify self ideas at an earlier date and constructively plan life paths. Criteria for spouse selection should be based on a practical perspective and personal standard should be appropriately adjusted.  3.Concept of gender role should be correctly established. Multiple roles played by modern females should be respected with traditional requirement imposed on women lifted. 4.It is advised that the society should convey proper marriage education and reassure the value and function of marriage to have a positive view on what is worth learning in marriage.


葉仲民, YE, ZHONG-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共壹冊,約六萬餘字,計分七章十七節。 本論文首先敘述研究目的,在於找出出國旅遊者對旅遊有關之心理構面。以此來區隔 國內出國旅遊者之市場,並針對每一出國旅遊區隔市場,了解其對觀光地點的知覺與 偏好,並藉著這項研究結果,作為旅遊業者釐訂行銷策略的一個依據;並有助於旅行 業在旅遊內容上的安排,而研究對象方面,乃以東南旅行社所提供七十二年、七十三 年出國旅遊者名單為樣本,計三千名,使本研究更為嚴謹與實用性的提高。至於變數 方面,則包括ぇ生活型態變數え人口統計變數ぉ知覺與偏好變數,而以因素分析、集 群分析、與非計量多元尺度,作為研究分析之方法,以達成研究目的所希望達成之效 果,最後本論文根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以作為後學者與旅行業進一步研究參 考之用。


陳添成, CHEN, TIAN-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究範圍:研究旅客對台灣西部走廊長途客運服務之知覺與偏好。全文共一冊, 分五章十九節。 二、研究目的:由於客運服務需求具有即時性,且旅客對客運服務的評估或有不同。 本研究希望能對不同的旅客群的知覺與偏好分析中,找出一些重要訊息,以提供長途 客運業者,做為改進與加強其服務或進行市場區隔之參考。 三、研究方法:非計量多元尺度法。 經由蒐集旅客對長途客運不同車種之相似性判斷與偏好性資料,按使用者分為三群( 鐵路、台汽、遊覽車)。以非計量多元尺度法分別就旅客群進行知覺與偏好分析。並 就群內、群間一致性假定進行驗證,以及比較特殊情境下旅客之偏好情形。


張耿嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解次世代顧客體驗之偏好傾向,本研究依據企業所能掌握的顧客知識與情境知識之內容,探討顧客對體驗的偏好,透過文獻的探討,找出六項可做為分析顧客體驗偏好的因素,包括屬於顧客知識的「個人特質」、「消費記錄」、「消費目的」、與「人口統計資料」等四部份,以及屬於情境知識的「消費環境情境」、與「個人身心情境」等兩部份。另外,在顧客體驗偏好的部份,本研究嘗試以顧客的觀點對體驗做出分類,並借用Maslow提出的五大人類行為需求來瞭解顧客對體驗的偏好傾向。主要之研究發現包括: 1. 除了再次認知顧客知識之重要性外,本研究亦確立了情境知識對於瞭解顧客體驗偏好之重要性。 2. 生活型態屬於感性導向之顧客,及在消費現場較得不到顧客服務之顧客,會有越偏好能得到生理需求體驗之傾向。 3. 處事態度屬於積極的引領潮流的顧客,及在消費現場得到不錯客戶服務之顧客,是屬於較高度偏好歸屬與愛需求體驗之族群。 4. 生活型態屬於感性導向之顧客,及消費目的是作為送禮之用之顧客,在自我實現需求體驗方面,會有較高程度的偏好傾向。 5. 努力成本及風險成本兩項決定產品特徵之因素,確實會對顧客體驗偏好產生影響。其中努力成本主要改變之體驗類型,包括生理需求及歸屬與愛需求體驗;而風險成本主要是影響之體驗類型,包括歸屬與愛需求、尊重需求及自我實現需求體驗。 透過本研究,企業須認知到不同的人在不同的情境下,會對體驗有著不同的程度的偏好差異;此外消費產品特徵之不同,亦會對顧客體驗偏好產生影響。因此,企業在推出體驗時,必須根據過往對顧客的認識,以及現場顧客之反應做調整,才能提供最適當之體驗活動內容予顧客,發揮「體驗」最大之效益。

建構具有語意隱私偏好保護平臺 / Constructina a Semantics-Enabled P3P Privacy Protection

黃宏傑, Huang, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
為了確保個人資料的隱私,本研究期望可以建構一個在主從式架構的環境中,利用語意網技術來改善現有的個人隱私偏好平臺(P3P)。透過語意網中的本體論和規則的加入希望可以提昇個人隱私偏好平臺的正規語意,來實現具有語意的個人隱私保護規範架構,確保使用者不會有解讀錯誤的情況發生,讓網站的資料使用規範,可以更符合使用者的意圖,讓原本使用者需仔細詳讀的隱私規範書,可以透過一簡單的協議過程去加以簡化閱讀隱私規範書的步驟。 / In this study I’m going to build an environment with client-server architecture and utilize Semantic Web Technology to improve the existing platform for privacy preferences (P3P) in order to ensure the privacy of personal information. With the ontology and rules of Semantic Web hopefully it will upgrade personal privacy preferences formal semantics to achieve the semantic of personal privacy protection framework to ensure that users will not misunderstand. The usage of web site information can be more in line with the user's intentions, so that the original user were required to carefully read the privacy specification can be implemented through a simple process which simplified the steps of reading privacy specification.


莊凱如 Unknown Date (has links)

民眾偏好與通貨膨脹目標機制之分析 / Public Preference, Inflation Targets and Inflation Contracts

蕭宜廷 Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文研究當無通膨目標、存在固定通膨目標及央行宣示通膨目標之三種不同情況下,央行之最適貨幣政策。我們建立數個顯示不同通膨和產出比重之模型,並探討當央行偏離中位數投票者偏好時,對貨幣政策有何影響。 若社會福利函數中之產出的比重較重,在無通膨目標、存在固定通膨目標下,通膨偏誤皆較大。但央行宣示通膨目標時,無論通膨或產出比重較重,視其不同條件而定,通膨偏誤可能較大或較小。另外,央行偏離通膨目標的懲罰,罰責越重使央行宣告之通膨率對民眾預期通膨之影響可能越大,亦可能越小。 將央行偏離中位數投票者偏好之因素納入考量時,在無通膨目標、存在固定通膨目標下,社會福利函數中之通膨比重較重時,通膨偏誤仍較低,而央行宣示通膨目標時,通膨偏誤仍可能較大或較小。但引入央行偏離中位數投票者偏好時,在某些條件下,通膨偏誤可能進一步下降。 / The paper studies the central bank’s monetary policy under pure discretionary, noncontingent targeting and targeting with announcement. We construct models with different weight on inflation and output in the social welfare function. Furthermore, we introduce the central bank’s deviations from the preference of the medium voters into the models to show the effects on monetary policy. The inflation bias is larger when there is more weight on output in the social welfare function in the case of pure discretionary policy and noncontingent targeting. In the case of targeting with announcement, regardless of more weight on inflation or on output, the inflation bias is either larger or smaller under different conditions. Besides, a greater penalty on the central bank’s deviations from the inflation target may increase or decrease the effect of announcements on the public’s inflation expectations. With consideration of the central bank’s deviations from the preference of the medium voters, the inflation bias is still smaller when there’s more weight on inflation in the social welfare function in the case of pure discretionary policy and noncontingent targeting. In targeting with announcement, the inflation bias may still be larger or smaller. However, with the central bank’s deviations from the preference of the medium voters, the inflation bias can be reduced further under some conditions.

通貨膨脹目標機制與央行偏好之分析 / Inflation Targets and Contracts with the Central Bank's Preference

邱靖懿, CHIU, CHING-YI Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討當央行的目標函數中對通膨和產出的權重有相關時,並且將央行的偏好納入模型之中,對央行其目標通膨機制下之通膨偏誤(inflationary bias)有何影響,最後再比較在不同的目標通膨機制下之通膨偏誤以及預期社會福利。相較於Walsh (1999)的結果,我們得到部份相同、部分不同的結論。以下為三點相異之發現:(1)當央行愈在乎通膨,對通膨有較高的權重,不論在何種目標通膨機制下,其通膨偏誤皆會變小。(2)相較於沒有考慮央行偏好下的政策結果,我們發現考慮央行的偏好後,對通膨偏誤和預期社會福利會有很大的影響。影響的結果則是決定於央行偏好的大小。(3)相較於權衡性政策(discretionary policy)下的通膨偏誤,在非任意政策和宣示政策的模型中加入央行的偏好後,未必有助於降低的通膨偏誤。同樣地,政策比較的結果也是決定於央行偏好的大小。 / In this paper, we extend the model of inflation targeting with a penalty borne by the central bank in Walsh (1999) and add the specification of the central bank’s preference in Muscatelli (1998) to study how the weight on inflation, the central bank’s preference affect the inflationary bias under a non-state-contingent policy and an announcement policy. Moreover, we investigate how the expected social welfare varies under a discretionary policy, a non-state-contingent policy, and an announcement policy. We obtain the following findings in contrast with those in Walsh (1999): First, for a non-state-contingent policy and an announcement policy, when the central bank more cares about inflation, the inflationary bias becomes smaller. Second, compared with the inflationary bias under a non-state-contingent policy and an announcement policy without the central bank’s preference, it has a substantial effect on the inflationary bias and the expected social welfare after considering the preference of the central bank into the models. The monetary policy effect depends on the magnitude of the central bank’s preference. Third, adding the preference of the central bank is not definitely beneficial to reduce the inflationary bias and enhance the expected social welfare compared with under a discretionary policy. Similarly, the outcome is dependent on the degree of the central bank’s preference.

房屋仲介品牌與顧客偏好之關聯性研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Real Estate Agents and Brand Preferences

劉育榮, Liu, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
顧客偏好是指顧客或消費者對某一種商品(或者商品的組合)的喜好程度,也就是說,顧客根據個人的意願或想法,提供一些關於消費該商品(或商品組合)的喜好或偏好程度的排序,而這樣的排序不僅可以反應顧客的個人需求、興趣和嗜好之外,也可以經由個人需求、興趣和嗜好的瞭解,達到商品交易的目的。所以,當某種商品的需求量與顧客對該商品的偏好程度正相關之際,則表示顧客對該商品的偏好程度愈高,則該商品被顧客所購買的可能性則會愈高,換言之,可以說當顧客對某種商品的偏好程度越高,顧客對該商品的需求也會越多。 本研究鑒於顧客偏好對於市場消費的貢獻具有一定程度的影響力,因此為能深入瞭解房屋仲介品牌在房地產市場上的助益,故考量將藉由房屋仲介品牌與顧客偏好間的關係探討,據以進一步明白顧客對房屋仲介品牌的偏好。然為能達到研究的實質效果,本文擬透過房屋仲介品牌與顧客偏好的問卷調查方式蒐集資料,並將資料作進一步的整理與分析,茲將研究分析所得到的研究發現,摘述如下: 一、 信義房屋與永慶房屋是顧客較為熟知的房屋仲介品牌; 二、 顧客之年齡、教育程度、居住地等因素會影響對房屋仲介品牌的偏好; 三、 高中(職)以下教育程度的顧客對永慶房屋的品牌有較佳的偏好程度; 四、 34歲(含)以下年齡層的顧客對信義房屋的仲介品牌是購買的首選。

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