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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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游偉迪, Yu, Wei-Di Unknown Date (has links)
在探討殊價慾望的規範性意義時,必先瞭解殊價慾望在規範意義上的爭議,而欲瞭解其爭議所在,則首先需從殊價慾望的定義與特性著手。然而困難之處就在於,殊價慾望的定義不僅有失明確,且有因人而異、各陳己見的情況,甚至Musgrave本人亦數度更改對殊價慾望意義的認定。 殊價慾望與殊價財在意義與所具備之特性,眾學者認知上的差異性頗大。主要的差異,一為殊價慾望與殊價財之間觀念的混淆,一為對殊價慾望本身意見之分歧。對於前者,Musgrave在說明殊價慾望與殊價財的意義與特性時,有其清楚的區別。因此,依Musgrave的原意,對殊價慾望的探討才應是較為適切的方向。至於後者,則引發了學者之間對於殊價慾望在傳統規範性公共經濟學中,是否具有規範性意義的爭辯。在消費者主權的光環下,嚴守新古典福利經濟學的學者對其提出嚴厲的批判。 在殊價慾望或殊價財意識型態方面爭論不休之餘,已有多位學者進一步探求殊價財是否亦適用極大化福利之模型分析,並藉由特殊的模型設定推導出殊價財的最適條件,計有一、外部性(效用依存性),二、資訊與學習效果,三、社會的偏好,四、社會計劃者,以及五、福利經濟的事後概念。然而這些學者仍舊以財貨之特殊設定來試圖解釋殊價慾望之規範性的方法,可信度方面不得不有所保留;此外,即使較著重於最適條件的推導,但仍因各位學者對於殊價財特性之認知不一,所特殊設計之模型各異,致使其所得出之殊價財最適條件顯然只能適用其所認知之殊價財,實不足以完整涵蓋殊價慾望的真義。 晚近多有學者以不同角度來解釋殊價慾望。他們已認清除非擺脫新古典個人主義所代表之典範,轉移至另一個典範之內探討,方有釐清殊價慾望的可能。包括從個人偏好的分類出發,提出除了個人的私人偏好外,尚有個人之社會偏好,為一種對於整體經濟社會運行法則的偏好。其次,亦有藉由辯證提供殊價財的制度觀點來證明殊價慾望與殊價財的規範性意義,並且認清了除了消費者主權以外,尚存在如選民主權之其他主權。另外,亦有借重哲學思考,以可能性條件論述殊價慾望的滿足,認為殊價慾望必使得經濟學需納入道德正義的考量,因此必為社會經濟學。並將之應用於歸類並支持政府的一些職責,諸如制度上的設計安排,目的在使得自由市場得以運作,並得以有效率地運作,更可以人性化地運作。然而其中仍有許多不足之處,甚至誤解的情形。 問題的癥結確實在於新古典經濟理論的個人主義並不切合實際。真正的個人主義對於社會人行為的分析,是無法與其身處之社會環境以及複雜的人際關係相分離的。因此為了擺脫不合宜的分析方法,首先必需透過解釋學理論的第一人稱觀點解釋決定的形成與選擇,必基於瞭解個人如何認知。因此第一人稱觀點必成為客觀之主觀論者理論,同時社會科學研究者亦必須投入所欲分析的世界。並在輕「均衡」而重「認知」的理解下,考量第一人稱觀點所重視的動機、利益,與人際關係的交互影響,並捨棄於解釋人類行為並無助益之均衡理論、部分的預測行為,以及細瑣的數學推導。 因此,社會科學係研究「社會問題」,即人與人之間關係的研究,對於同時具備「經濟人」與「社會人」的身份的個人,其私人慾望與社會慾望的分類當依人際關係的有無加以區分。並對個人主觀之偏好輔以「第三者評判」,或某種「公共的正確性準則」。另外亦釐清慾望衡量的原則,以及構成原則與衡量法原則之間的不同之處。最後則詳加分析由消費者主權、私人主權,擴展到個人主權,各個主權原則之間的關係,清楚可知消費者主權實非唯一最重要的主權原則。 如此則殊價慾望之內涵已顯露無疑。其包含了利他的慾望、規範強制的慾望,以及集體狀態的慾望。由是可得本文對於殊價慾望意義之重要結論:係殊價慾望決定了財貨的殊價性,而非財貨提供的特性使其成為殊價財。且殊價慾望必涉及個人的社會慾望,亦絕非外部性所足堪解釋,同時並不因所得分配正義的達成而消滅。對於由政府提供滿足殊價慾望之規範性意義,亦因人際關係愈顯疏離的今日,共同的規範若不經由公權力執行,即合法的強制力,勢必已無法約束利害攸關的人際互動,而得到證實。


陳慧敏, Chen, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文強調以國家中心論的觀點 並從新國家主義的研究途徑 分析臺灣地區國家與勞工之間關係 運用該新國家主義的兩個概念 國家自主性與國家能力 以之比較臺灣地區不同勞工政策在自主性及能力之高低演變本論文參考諾丁傑的國家自主性類型觀點 並約化為兩個重點 一國家偏好如何強化進而取代社會導向 導向公共政策 二當前述兩者偏好不一致時 國家如何轉化社會偏好?透過國家與勞工團體對事業單位關場歇業政策及引進外勞政策兩項勞工政策偏好做論證以取得國家自主性程度評估 並進而與國家能力做關連性比較 是否國家自主性高低與國家能力強弱有必然關係 而最主要不同於以往研究論點 在不能忽略國家中心論者的論點亦即必須觀察國家在政策上的自主性 以及其執行政策的能力 避免僅以社會中心論的單面向研究途徑 而獲致對研究議題更正確及深刻的了解

電子健康服務設計之適配度 / Examining the fit between e-Health service features and patient segments

蔡亞霖, Tsai, Ya Lin Unknown Date (has links)
由於社會人口結構逐漸老化,電子健康照護服務的需求日漸增長,在今日成為健康照護服務中成長最迅速的領域,因此,服務設計就在健康照護產業中成為一個關鍵的議題。設計一個成功且完善的服務系統,首先要先了解病患的特性及需求,我們引用調節變項模型的概念,提出一套電子化健康照護服務設計架構,研究病患的服務偏好以及服務特色之間的配適性關係。本研究採個案研究法,透過台大醫院遠距醫療照護服務計畫中收集資料,我們研究結果發現在病患服務偏好以及服務特色當中存在著高度的配適性關係,如同我們的假設,在這之間的配適度將是一個影響服務效能的關鍵因素之一,本篇論文的貢獻在於為電子健康照護服務產業上提供一個良好的服務系統架構,並且提出一個驗證後的模型以了解關鍵的相關服務特色。 / The demand of e-Health care has been dramatically increasing and is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing areas of health-care today, due to today’s rapidly aging society; service design has therefore become a critical issue in the e-Health industry. To design a successful e-Health system, one must consider the different characteristics and preferences of each patient and design a system from a practical point of view. According to the concept of fit through moderation, this research aims to propose an e-Health design framework that examines the correlational fit between e-Health features and patient preference for achieving the best performance. We conducted a survey, where data was collected from the e-Health care program at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). From these sources, we found that there is an existing fit between e-Health service features and the preferences of different patient segments. Our findings also coincide with our pervious hypotheses that the fit between service features and patient preference contribute the service performance. The contribution of study is to provide a better understanding of critical service features through a validated framework in order to develop a better service system design for the provision of e-Health service.

探討安非他命引發的制約場地偏好行為的分子機制:以大腦神經滋養因子為例 / Investigation of molecular mechanisms on amphetamine induced conditioned place preference: the role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

張庭源 Unknown Date (has links)
制約場地偏好行為為研究藥物成癮的常用模式之一,對於其行為表現及再復發的神經機制,多巴胺系統佔有舉足輕重的地位。而大腦神經滋養因子(BDNF)與多巴胺系統密切相關,影響其神經元可塑性。故本研究以BDNF來作為目標分子,進行一系列的實驗探討制約場地偏好的神經機制。實驗一A以不同劑量安非他命建立制約場地偏好行為,並分析其BDNF mRNA的表現量。實驗結果顯示1 mg/kg安非他命能夠引發制約場地偏好行為,但是對於內側前額葉、紋狀體、依核、背側海馬迴、杏仁核等五個區塊的BDNF mRNA無顯著的影響效果。實驗一B再次確認實驗一A的結果,顯示俱有安非他命引發制約場地偏好行為的受試,其大腦五個區塊BDNF mRNA沒有顯著的變化。實驗二探測制約場地偏好行為再復發對於相同的五個區塊BDNF mRNA變化。結果發現0.75 mg/kg安非他命能誘發制約場地偏好再復發行為,並且能引發內側前額葉中BDNF mRNA的增加,但對其餘四個區塊則無明顯的影響效果。實驗三以單次注射安非他命探討對於BDNF mRNA是否有立即性的影響,結果顯示五個區塊皆無明顯的變化。實驗四以安非他命引發的行為致敏化反應為行為模式,偵測BDNF mRNA的表現情形。結果發現藥物制約配對組與單次注射安非他命組在活動量上無顯著的差異,顯示出無行為致敏化反應的發生。檢驗五個區塊BDNF mRNA的表現,亦沒有發現明顯的改變。綜合以上的實驗結果,本研究得到安非他命制約場地偏好再復發行為,會伴隨內側前額葉BDNF mRNA的增加。而單獨的安非他命引發制約場地偏好行為,並不會改變BDNF mRNA。這些結果顯示BDNF參與在較複雜的制約學習行為歷程,而不是在單獨的藥物注射或與環境配對的制約過程。 / Conditioned place preference (CPP) is widely used as an experimental behavioral model in the study of drug addiction and reward learning. Brain dopamine systems play an important role to drive the CPP performance and its relapse. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is closely related to dopamine system that can promote neuron plasticity involved in certain types of behavior. Taking BDNF as the target molecule, this project conducted a series of experiments to delve into the neural mechanism of CPP. Different doses of amphetamine on the CPP behavior were assessed in Experiment 1A, and BDNF mRNA was tested after CPP test. The results show that 1 mg/kg amphetamine significantly induced CPP, but no significant effect on BDNF mRNA in any of five brain areas tested, including medial prefrontal cortex, striatum, nucleus accumbens, dorsal hippocampus and amygdala. The results of Experiment 1A was further confirmed by Experiment 1B, indicating no significant change on BDNF mRNA in five brain areas of rats with significant amphetamine-induced CPP. Experiment 2 examined the effects of CPP relapse and tested BDNF mRNA in the aforementioned five brain areas. The results show that 0.75 mg/kg amphetamine significantly induced CPP relapse and also increased BDNF mRNA level in medial prefrontal cortex. Such an increase of BDNF mRNA was not observed in any other four areas. Single acute injection of amphetamine was administered in Experiment 3 to delve into the possible immediate drug effect on BDNF mRNA. Its results show no significant change on five brain areas following this acute drug treatment. Experiment 4 used amphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization as a behavioral mode to determine the expression of BDNF mRNA. The results show no significant difference both for amphetamine-paired group and acute amphetamine group on locomotion, that indicated no behavioral sensitization formed in this test. There was no significant difference in the expression of BDNF mRNA in five brain areas. These results indicate that amphetamine-induced CPP relapse, but not CPP performance itself, is accompanied by the increase of BDNF mRNA level in medial prefrontal cortex. These findings indicate that BDNF is involved in place conditioning formed by psychostimulant drug when it is reinstated after extinction, rather than by a solitary drug injection or a relatively simple conditioning process by pairing drug with the environmental context.


陳美慈, CHEN,MEI-TZU Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,在國際場合或在我國政治運作中,「族群融和」議題常被提出做為討論。觀察世界各國族群分化的狀況,我們發現社會存在族群分化問題會造成資源使用的不效率、經濟成長緩慢、政府政策效能低落等。其中,就公共政策來看,主要問題為公共財提供的數量及型態,會產生扭曲的現象。Bridgman(2004)利用租稅制度的選擇,解釋在族群互動下,公共財總量提供的問題。該文提出,只要允許族群有政策工具的選擇空間,則優勢族群必會剝奪其他族群資源以追求自身利益最大,導致公共財提供的扭曲與不效率,造成社會分化與公共財之間的問題。 本文以Bridgman(2004)文章為基礎,將「不同族群對公共財有不同的偏好反應」的因子,納入基本模型中。利用「公共財型態選擇機制」顯示不同族群面對相同公共財數量時,主觀的偏好反應在公共財效用差異上,使模型更臻完整。本文利用兩階段賽局方式,分別求取公共財型態均衡解與公共財數量及租稅政策的均衡解。透過均衡解的分析可發現,當族群對公共財型態有偏好差異時,公共財數量受到社會分化程度的衝擊愈大,亦即數量減少幅度較Bridgman(2004)模型結果更大,族群支付租稅的意願更低。而且,透過均衡解也可發現,當族群對公共財型態存在偏好差異,會更進一步的使公共財數量下降。此乃因族群偏好的差異透過族群間不公平的制度對待,加深了社會分化程度,更進一步減少公共財提供與資源使用效率。故政府制定相關政策時,應將族群問題納入考量,以期有更完善、公平的族群融和、社會穩定的發展。

衝突選民與投票參與- 以台灣2004-2016總統選舉為例 / Conflicted Voter and Electoral Participation- The Case of the 2004-2016 Presidential Elections

徐子堯 Unknown Date (has links)
影響選民投票抉擇的變數可以分成長期因子與短期因子,長期因子有政黨認同與對於現任政府施政評價等;短期因子則包括對於候選人的評價以及競選期間所發生的事件等。先前的研究指出,當一個選民的長期因子與短期因子出現衝突,則該選民將可能不會投給較偏好的候選人。和這些研究不同的是,本論文從衝突選民的理論假設出發來分析投票參與行為。本論文認為,長期因子與短期因子若出現衝突,會使得選民產生衝突壓力,無法作出判斷,進而降低選民投票的意願。本論文聚焦「政黨認同」以及「對現任政府的回溯性評價」兩個長期因子,以及「對候選人的偏好」做為短期因子總指標,探討長期因子與短期因子發生衝突時對於選民投票參與的影響。本論文根據政黨認同與候選人偏好一致與否,以及回溯性評價與候選人偏好一致與否,將選民做若干分類進行分析。本論文利用「台灣選舉與民主化調查」 2004年、2008年、2012年與2016年總統選舉調查資料進行實證分析,發現當選民的政黨認同與候選人偏好並非一致時,選民的投票意願降低。其次,回溯性投票與候選人偏好的衝突也有相似的效果,對於執政黨的表現滿意與否,若非與候選人偏好一致,選民的投票參與意願也會下降。整體而言,本論文將衝突選民理論拓展到對於投票參與行為的解釋,除了對於投票行為研究具有若干貢獻外,也對於政黨的選舉策略提供一些啟發。 / Many previous studies have tested the conflicted voter hypothesis that voters will be less likely to vote for their preferred candidate when the voters' issue positions are in conflict with their partisanship. Building on these previous works, this thesis tests the conflicted voter hypothesis on electoral participation. I contend that voters are less likely to vote when they are under pressure generated by conflicts between factors. Using Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) surveys for the 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan, the empirical analysis demonstrates that voters are less likely to vote when their partisanship is not consistent with their preferred candidate's partisanship. Moreover, the analysis also shows that voters tend to not vote when they identify with the opposition party but are satisfied with the incumbent government's performance, and when they identify with the incumbent party but are dissatisfied with the incumbent government's performance. Overall, this paper not only facilitates a better understanding of conflicted voters' behavior, but also provides implications for the campaign strategies of political parties.


林姿卿, Lin, Tzy Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由測量制約場地偏好行為及制約活動量兩種制約反應,透過制約期及後測期對藥物配對刺激之操弄,探討制約刺激與酬賞性藥物配對之歷程及其相關之神經機制。本文所使用的為低劑量(1.5 mg/kg)之安非他命,採腹腔注射方式給藥。實驗一探討後測日呈現不同的藥物配對刺激組合對兩種制約反應之影響效果,實驗結果發現受試只對與藥物配對過的兩個以上元素刺激同時出現才能引發受試表現制約場地偏好,且受試對複合刺激的活動量皆顯著高於對單一元素刺激的活動量。實驗二在制約期分別將視覺刺激與觸覺刺激與藥物配對,後測期於藥物配對箱單獨呈現視覺刺激或兩者所組成的複合刺激,測量受試兩種制約反應。實驗結果發現視覺刺激與複合刺激皆能引發制約場地偏好,受試對複合刺激的活動量亦高於對視覺刺激的活動量。實驗三則是於制約前分別破壞受試之杏仁核、背側海馬或腹側海馬,並進行實驗二之制約實驗程序。結果發現破壞杏仁核顯著的減抑單一元素刺激所引發之制約場地偏好,但不影響複合刺激引發之制約場地偏好。破壞背側海馬及腹側海馬減抑複合刺激引發之制約場地偏好。但在制約活動量表現方面,這三個腦組織均未獲得較一致性的結果。總而言之,本研究得到制約刺激之連結強度確實可以透過制約場地偏好及制約活動量反映出差異,且結果支持Rescorla-Wagner元素理論對制約刺激與非制約刺激配對歷程之假設。由破壞杏仁核及海馬對受試表現制約場地偏好造成不等程度之影響,可見杏仁核與海馬所參與以藥物配對的制約之行為功能不同。 關鍵字:心理藥物學,安非他命,制約場地偏好,制約活動,元素理論,整體理論,大白鼠 / By measuring of conditioned place preference (CPP) and conditioned locomotion, the present study manipulated various patterns of environment by composing three different contextual stimuli in the test chamber during different stages of conditioning to investigate behavioral processing and neural mechanisms underlying the association of conditioned stimulus and psychoactive drug. A relatively low dose of amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) administered via intraperitoneal route was conducted as drug treatment throughout the study. In Experiment 1, the effects of CPP and conditioned locomotion were evaluated as different patterns of contextual stimuli composed in the test chamber presented during post-conditioning stage. The results showed CPP was significantly induced in the environment with context stimuli composed by at least two elements. And, the magnitude of conditioned locomotion induced by compound stimulus was higher than that induced by a single elemental stimulus. In Experiment 2, the effects of CPP and conditioned locomotion induced by a two-element compound stimulus were evaluated in the subjects received the drug pairing with both of each element stimulus in separate during the conditioning stage. The CPP was reliable induced by that compound stimulus. Although such CPP effect could also induced by an elemental stimulus specifically regarding to visual modality, it was not true for the other elemental stimulus manipulated on tactual modality. In Experiment 3, behavioral effects tested on the procedures of Experiment 2 were re-evaluated in the subjects received neurotoxic lesions in the amygdala, the dorsal hippocampus, or the ventral hippocampus before conditioning. While amygdaloid lesion significantly attenuated the CPP induced by elemental stimulus, such lesion did not inhibit the CPP induced by the compound stimulus. Lesions on those two hippocampal subareas disrupted the formation of CPP induced by compound stimulus. Regarding the conditioned locomotion, in contrast to what found on CPP, lesion treatment did not produce reliable effect induced by compound stimulus or elemental stimulus. In conclusion, the present findings on two conditioned responses measured support the assumption of Rescorla-Wagner Model on elemental theory. The lesion data indicate that amygdala and hippocampus are differentially involved in conditioned responses induced by psychoactive drug. Key words: psychopharmacology, amphetamine, conditioned place preference, conditioned locomotion, elemental theory, configural theory, rat.

台北市高職學生政治信任感之研究-學校社會化機制之觀察視角 / A Study on political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students: School as an agent of political socialization

李志強, Li, Chih Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的係由學校社會化機制探討台北市高職學生政治信任感,以及個人背景中性別、政黨偏好與政治信任感之關係。 本研究採問卷調查之量化研究方法,研究對象為台北市四所公立高職學生,使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關,以及多元迴歸分析。 經分析後主要研究發現: 台北市高職學生政治信任感普遍偏低,顯見其對於現今政府之施政績效並不滿意。  一、在個人背景部份,性別不會造成政治信任感差異;不同之政黨偏好與政治信任感則具有顯著差異。其中政黨偏好為「藍色」者政治信任感低於「綠色」及中立無反應;政黨偏好為「綠色」者政治信任感高於中立無反應及「都不喜歡」者;政黨偏好為中立無反應者高於「都不喜歡」者。 二、在學校社會化機制部分,申訴管道、學生自主性、年級等三項因素與政治信任感具有顯著差異。認為有申訴管道的學生其政治信任感較高;學生自主性愈高者,其政治信任感愈高;一年級較三年級學生具有較高之政治信任感。其他在學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、學校、科系等四部份,則與政治信任感間無顯著差異。 三、藉由多元迴歸分析,綜合考量申訴管道、學生自主性、年級以及政黨偏好四項因素,可看出申訴管道、年級以及政黨偏好對於政治信任感具有相當之影響,至於影響政治信任感高低之其他因素則有待進一步研究。 關鍵字:高職學生、政治信任感、性別、政黨偏好、學校、申訴管道、學生自主性、學校控制度、教室民主氣氛、年級、科系 / The purpose of this study aimed to understand the political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students by school as an agent of political socialization. Also, this study analyzed the relation among gender, party preference and political trust. The study employed quantitative approaches of questionnaire survey, and the subjects were the students of four Taipei municipal vocational high schools. Statistical methods included frequency distribution, t-test, oneway ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Principal findings of the study were: 1.The political trust of Taipei city vocational high school students was universally low. It was obvious that nowadays the government did not make students satisfied. 2.In individual background, gender had no significant differences on political trust, but different party preference had significant differences on political trust. People whose party preference was “blue” had lower political trust than those whose party preference was “green” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was “green” had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike” and neutrality with no response. People whose party preference was neutrality with no response had higher political trust than those whose party preference was “dislike”. 3.As for the school as an political socialization agent, grievance channels, student autonomy and grades had significant differences. Students who thought there were grievance channels at school had higher political trust. Students with higher autonomy had higher political trust. The first graders had higher political trust than the third ones. There were no significant differences between political trust and the four factors: school control, classroom democratic atmosphere, schools and majors. 4.By the multiple regression analysis of grievance channels, students autonomy, grades and party preference, there were influences among grievance channels, grades and party preference to a certain degree. As for other factors which influenced political trust, the further study needs researching. Keywords:vocational high school students; political trust; gender; party preference; school; grievance channel; student autonomy; school control; classroom democratic atmosphere; grade; major

認知年齡與品牌年齡一致性對不同產品類型品牌偏好程度之影響 / The effects of congruence between cognitive age and brand age on brand preference under different product types

黃昭蕙, Huang, Chao-hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是探討消費者自我認知年齡 (Cognitive Age) 與品牌年齡之一致性程度,對其品牌偏好的影響。為使研究結果具一般性之參考價值,本研究不以單一產品為研究標的,而是將產品依其所滿足之消費者需求的不同,區分為功能型產品 (Utilitarian Product)、享樂型產品 (Hedonic Product) 與象徵型產品 (Symbolic Product) 三類,以產品類型做為調節變數,了解在不同產品類型下,消費者自我認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,對其品牌偏好之關係會有何種程度之變化。   有鑑於國內並未有類似之研究探討,本研究分兩階段進行,先透過次級資料探討確定消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之差距,對消費者在品牌偏好度上之可能關係,在次級資料之研究結果與研究方向一致時,正式進行第二階段的調查,驗證研究假說。   研究結果顯示消費者之認知年齡確實不同於真實年齡,兩者間呈現正向相關之特性,顯示真實年齡高者,其認知年齡也會較高。在研究主效果上,消費者真實年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,以及消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,都與消費者之品牌偏好度呈現正向影響關係,但其中以認知年齡之影響較為明顯,支持認知年齡對真實年齡與品牌偏好間之關係具中介效果。結果發現,消費者認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性對品牌偏好度之關係,在象徵型產品上最為強烈,其次是享樂型產品,功能型產品最弱。   整體而言,認知年齡較傳統行銷所使用之真實年齡更能反映消費者之自我概念與品牌偏好,特別是對象徵型與享樂型產品。因此,若能妥善將認知年齡與其他人口統計變數搭配使用,將有助於行銷者掌握消費特性,擬定契合之品牌策略。此外,本研究建議象徵型產品廠商在其品牌管理上尤應注重目標消費者之認知年齡,諸如品牌年齡定位與代言人的選擇,都應配合其目標消費族群之認知年齡。 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference. In order to maximize the contri-bution of the study, this study examines 3 product types, namely functional, hedonic, and symbolic rather than choosing a single product. By using product types as mod-erator, the study shows the effect of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference changes under different types of products. Because there’s no similar study in Taiwan before, the study uses secondary da-ta to explore the relationship between a consumer’s brand preference and cogni-tive-brand age gap (the disparity between the consumer’s cognitive age and brand age). A second stage of investigation was conducted to verify the research assump-tions once the secondary data study and the results were found to be consistent. According to the results, the gap between consumer’s cognitive age and actual age actually exists, and the two of them are positively related, implying that older people have higher cognitive age. On the main effect, although “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” both have a positive relationship with brand preference, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “brand preference” is stronger, indicating that cognitive age has a mediating effect on the relationship between actual age and brand preference. Furthermore, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” is much more salient for symbolic products than hedonic products, while functional product consumer choices are the least affected by this relationship. To sum up, cognitive age tells us more about consumer self-image and brand preference than the traditional marketing variable, actual age. This is especially true for symbolic and hedonic products. Therefore, if marketers could combine cognitive age with other demographic variables, they will learn more about consumers and draw up the most appropriate strategy for their brand. Furthermore, this study re-commends that firms marketing symbolic products should take into account con-sumers’ cognitive age, when determining brand age positioning. The selection of ad-vertising actors should also be aligned with the target consumer’s cognitive age.

藝術欣賞歷程中認知涉入對於美感偏好與情緒反應之影響 / The effect of cognitive involvement on aesthetic preference and emotion in art appreciation

陳佳君, Chen, Chia Chun Unknown Date (has links)
藝術欣賞二階段模型所發現的第二階段美感提升現象,若根據流暢性理論加以解釋,為單純曝光造成流暢性提升而導致的結果,未涉及認知處理歷程的影響,然而情緒評估理論以及Leder等人(2004)的美感經驗與評價歷程神經模型,都強調美感經驗為認知與情感的交互作用。針對上述兩類不同的理論觀點,本研究的目的在於探討認知涉入在美感歷程中的重要性,同時亦嘗試瞭解美感經驗中認知與情緒的關係。本研究讓參與者欣賞不同時代、流派與國家的具象藝術畫作,共分成三個實驗。實驗一收集美感相關情緒詞彙,發展美感情緒量表;實驗二與實驗三延伸Locher等人(2007)之實驗設計,分別收集美感偏好與美感情緒的資料,包含顯性與隱性指標,欲從美感提升現象中檢驗認知涉入對兩種美感歷程產物的影響力。實驗二關心美感偏好隨時間的變化,結果顯示認知涉入有助於偏好的提升,而隱性偏好亦有相似的趨勢;實驗三則發現美感情緒並沒有隨呈現時間增加而提升,而認知涉入的影響力也較不明顯,臉部EMG測量則未能反映出隱性美感情緒。本研究也發現,國畫較西畫更顯著地出現美感偏好或情緒的提升現象且較受認知涉入影響,此外,主觀偏好與不偏好的西畫在美感偏好與正向情緒類別之結果中,皆有類似適應的效果,其中主觀偏好畫作隨時間增長而正向情緒減少、負向情緒增加。綜合而言,本研究結果支持認知涉入為美感偏好提升之要素,但是無法確認認知與情緒兩者之間的互動關係,此外,藝術欣賞的第二階段不只有美感提升的現象,亦有美感下降的現象。 / The increase of aesthetic preference over viewing time was found in the study of the two-stage model of art appreciation. This phenomenon could be interpreted by mere exposure effect on improvement of fluency, not involving the influence from the cognitive processes. However, some theories (Silvia, 2011; Leder et al., 2004) emphasized the interaction between cognition and emotion in aesthetic experience. Based on these two kinds of theoretical perspective, the purpose of this study is to explore the role of cognitive involvement in aesthetic processes, and to understand the relationship between cognition and emotion in aesthetic experience. There are three experiments in this study, using the figurative art paintings from different era, genre and countries as the material. In Experiment 1, the emotional adjectives were collected to develop the scale of aesthetic emotion. In Experiment 2 and 3, the effects of cognitive involvement on aesthetic preference and emotion were tested, respectively. We extended the experiment design from Locher et al. (2007) to manipulate the degree of cognitive involvement additionally, with both the explicit and implicit indexes measured. Overall, the results showed that cognitive involvement helped the increase of preference, but not of emotion, because there was no increase of emotion founded. In addition, the effect of cognitive involvement in Chinese paintings was more obvious than that in West paintings. We also found that there could be adaptation effect in aesthetic process. In conclusion, the importance of cognitive involvement in preference increase was supported. But we cannot confirm the interaction between cognition and emotion. In addition, not only the increase of aesthetic preference and emotion, but also the decrease of them could be found in the second stage of art appreciation.

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