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殊價慾望規範性之探討游偉迪, Yu, Wei-Di Unknown Date (has links)
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電玩遊戲熱衷者的行動意義──以家用主機遊戲的玩家為研究黃建文, Huang, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所針對的並非是家用電玩的內容本身,而針對的是那些家用電玩的熱衷者如何進行打電玩這樣一種行動。因此本研究試圖就打電動此行動本身進行實證性研究。以個人的行動出發,在研究對象上所側重的是那些對電玩投入大量的時間與精力的玩家。對於這些長時間專注於電玩上的人,是否清楚自身行動選擇的意義,在這當中的行動背後的意義為何。 / 但在研究中發現,對於這些遊戲熱衷者而言,當他們投注在當中的時間越來越多時,電玩對他們來說已不再是閒暇時所進行的活動,而是作為他們日常生活中慣習的一部份,成為他們每日的例行事項。另一方面,在這些電玩熱衷者的行動中可以明顯的發現到工具理性式的思維,把電玩當作是可以計算的對象一般不斷的進行計算。可以發現,這樣例行的義務與理性的計算使得這些人在玩電玩時,愈加的脫離了遊戲原本的意義。於是在這種工具理性式的思維背後,所顯現出來的就是在當中的慾望壓抑的過程。而重點在於說,當他們進行遊戲的過程時,這樣的工具理性作為一種手段,就是以慾望壓抑的展現作為他的趨力。
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台灣單身都會女性主體分析---以《慾望城市》女性閱聽人為主余意 Unknown Date (has links)
現今的台灣單身女性主體正面臨一場震盪轉變,將她們問題化與歧視化的論述依然存在,不過隨著她們在人數和消費上展現的驚人實力,另一股為她們平反的嶄新論述儼然已經發酵。《慾望城市》在此時登台顯得格外特別,因為它彰顯的正是某種平反之聲,在台灣女性觀眾群中引發極大迴響。事實上,近來許多電視劇或電影都在呈現類似主題,大眾媒體不斷聲稱再現與代理這群女性的主體和感覺,卻看不到本地女性如何在自我經驗上發出聲音。本研究希望藉由她們對《慾望城市》以及對自我詮釋的相互對應下,描繪出這群獨特女性閱聽人的主體輪廓。 / Nowadays the subjectivity of Taiwanese single woman is in the change. Although the discrimination discourse that constrains woman still exists, a new discourse is developing due to the increasing number of single women and their astonishing consumption ability. The coincidence of Sex and the City being on TV in Taiwan at this time is quite extraordinary because the drama itself reveals the new discourse popular among Taiwanese woman audience. In fact, recently many TV dramas or movies around the world all focus on this subject. Mass media constantly claims that it shows and represents the subjectivity and feeling of this group of women, but the point is what Taiwanese women think based on their own experiences is unknown. Thus, this thesis tries to portray these women’s subjectivity by examining how their interpretation of Sex and the City correlates with the way they view themselves.
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網路口碑資訊從眾對衝動購買之影響 / The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Informational Conformity on Impulse Purchasing何宜蓁, Ho, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國National Endowment for Financial Education 2010年的調查,過去一年內80%的受訪者從事過衝動購買,可以認為衝動購買的發生十分普遍。衝動購買行為在過去數年已經受到多方領域的探討與研究,產出了豐富且重要的研究成果;隨著網際網路的出現,許多學者開始注意到網路對於線上或離線衝動購買的影響,但網路口碑對於衝動購買行為的影響尚有許多探討之空間,因此本研究的目的為探討網路口碑的資訊從眾對於消費者衝動購買之影響,以及商品需要和購買制約因素構成的干擾效果。本研究透過網路問卷進行研究資料的蒐集,調查對象為過去半年內曾經閱讀過某一商品網路口碑的網路使用者,共得有效樣本528份。研究結論為:
1. 消費者的網路口碑資訊從眾程度對於其閱讀商品網路口碑之後所產生的商品慾望具有正向影響,當網路口碑資訊從眾程度越高時,消費者閱讀口碑後的商品慾望程度也越高。此外,消費者受口碑影響後所產生的商品需要認知並不會干擾資訊從眾程度對於商品慾望的影響。
2. 消費者對於商品的慾望越高、衝動購買的意圖也越高。衝動購買意圖越高時,消費者衝動購買行為從事衝動購買的可能性也越高,並且只要稍加提高消費者的衝動購買意圖,衝動購買的可能性將大幅上升。
3. 衝動購買制約因素對於消費者的衝動購買意圖發展為衝動購買存在阻止效果,當消費者感受到制約因素時,衝動購買的發生可能性將降低。而主要會阻止消費者衝動購買的因素為「可運用購買預算的限制」。
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青少年金錢觀:ERG理論之探討 / Money Attitude of Adolescent: Discussing from ERG Theory黃蘭雯, Huang, Lan-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解青少年的金錢觀、需求滿足與慾望,並以 Alderfer的ERG理論探討需求滿足及慾望對青少年金錢觀的影響。
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丹‧布朗小說《達文西密碼》中的權力、抵抗與越界 / Power, Resistance, and Boundary Crossing in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code黃耀弘, Huang,Yao-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
《達文西密碼》這部作品在成為最暢銷的小說後,吸引了世界上許多各式各樣不同的讀者。然而在暢銷市場之外,這部作品卻被許多評論家認為是一部扭曲史實的作品;幾乎所有的評論家都一致認為這是一部充滿歷史錯誤與邏輯矛盾的創作。不過令人訝異的是,幾乎沒有任何評論家是從文學理論批評的角度來檢視這份虛擬的小說創作。 因此,本文除盡可能檢視過去所有探討及批評《達文西密碼》的文章外,筆者將探討文中引含的兩種能量:權力與抵抗。這兩種力量其實在此書中一直是兩股此起彼落的流動能量,筆者將採取文學理論的角度去探索此書裡的權力與抵抗互動脈絡;而且,在這之後,筆者會試著從理論面向,深入檢視造成《達文西密碼》一書全球風潮之因。
章則是則分別討論傅科 (Michael Foucault) 的權力、克里多娃 (Julia Kristeav) 的母性抵抗,以及以瑟 (Wolfgang Iser) 的越界 (Boundary crossing ) 理論,如何運作在《達文西密碼》一書當中。最末章的總結則點出此本小說其實不僅僅
是許多評論家眼中的一本充滿不實與問題的作品;相反的,它不但揭露出權力及抵抗兩種能量的運作和依存關係,而且也解釋了這本書造成閱讀風潮的原因,也就是讀者心中的那份永不滿足的失落。 / Having been one of the most popular recent works of fiction, The Da Vinci Code has attracted readers throughout the world. Yet, many critics have commented that The Da Vinci code is a work full of historical mistakes. Almost no critic analyzes the reason for its success from a theoretical perspective.
The novel enchants readers because it suggests the unexpected ways that the meaning of the sacred feminine has been repressed throughout history. As the reader decodes the clues that are hidden throughout the novel, an undiscovered history is suggested: the myth of the Holy Grail. In The Da Vinci Code, the Holy Grail stands for Mary Magdalene, who carried and conceived Jesus Christ’s child. In the novel Mary carries a significant symbolic meaning because she is portrayed as the wife of Jesus as well as the mother of His daughter. This stunning premise is responsible for making The Da Vinci Code not only popular, but also very controversial. Critics vary in their reaction to the ‘subversive’ ideas in The Da Vinci Code, but there are two predominant kinds of reaction to the novel. The first type reflects the view that The Da Vinci Code is a popular work that encourages feminine, independent thinking that works in opposition to conventional and social power. The second views it as a fictitious work fraught with historical inaccuracies. Generally speaking, both types mention the issues of power and resistance in The Da Vinci Code.
This thesis consists of four chapters that focus respectively on the search for power, feminine resistance, and boundary crossing narrative techniques. Chapter one introduces how critics analyze their conventional elements. In the second chapter, I intend to employ Michael Foucault, Julia Kristeva, and Wolfgang Iser’s theories in an analysis of The Da Vinci Code. In the third chapter, I will employ textual evidence to support my theoretical analysis. In the conclusion of my thesis, I will claim that only through the dialectic oscillation between transgression and law can the individual escape the symbolic control and discover resistance. Furthermore, the narrative technique of boundary crossing is the key that has made the book a runaway success throughout the world and that also renders the reader eager to explore their own world further. Finally I reach the conclusion that The Da Vinci Code is not merely a work full of errors and conspiracies, but also a novel that exposes the violence, resistance and sense of loss in contemporary society.
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威廉斯三部劇本裡的家庭失序與社會批判 / Spiritual anomie of the family and social criticism in Tennessee Williams's three plays溫鳳祺, Uen, Fong-Chyi Unknown Date (has links)
田納西‧威廉斯的劇本中經常描述家庭隱涵的不安與緊張關係,以及新興文明對美國南方傳統文化的衝擊,憑藉威廉斯的許多劇本和訪談錄可以看出作者對傳統與現代文化態度的改變。本論文旨在探討作者的早期寫作生涯(約在 1960 年以前,評家稱此時期為田納西‧威廉斯的劇本創作黃金時期)中三部重要劇本裡面對家庭和社會的看法,此論文希望能找出作者人生態度改變的原因和方式。《玻璃動物園》、《慾望街車》、《朱門巧婦》這三部劇本本身不但具備不可磨滅的藝術價值,主題也前後鉤連,劇本內在關係環環相扣,前後緊密一致。本論文將分成五個部分,除了導論和結論其中的三章討論三個劇本的情節。各章皆針對風景、對話風格、角色的個性、象徵意涵、社會地位與扮演的角色細緻探索檢視,藉此暴露社會的現象和文化的激盪;除了文本的詮釋剖析,論文將佐以部分的威廉斯生平資料,藉此探討作者在劇本中如何揭露他對社會的看法和藝術創作的蛻變過程。 / Praised as one of the greatest American dramatists, Tennessee Williams is obsessed with delineating conflicts among family members and cultural clashes in the American South. However, the artist's attitude towards modern society seems to change in his separate plays. The purpose of this thesis is to trace Tennessee Williams's three plays, that is, The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, to find out why and how his attitide or view of life changes. These plays are the most popular and frequently discussed ones that stress impossible relationships among family members. Enormous in their aesthetic values, these three plays are thematically related.
This thesis will be divided into five parts: Introduction, three chapters dealing with these three plays respectively, and Conclusion. Each chapter includes a discussion of major characters, probing into separate symbolic meanings and social status and roles in different circumstances, and linguistic styles; setting of the play, the interactions of the environment and characters; male-female interrelationship; shades of difference of the author's ideological concepts and author's attitude toward the wider contextual values. By searching for autobiographical elements and the social background, I hope this thesis can restore historciacl as well as textual meanings as represented in these three plays, thereby reexamining the playwright's views toward the external world and the evolution of man's mental processes.
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愛倫坡作品中之魑魅陽剛與同性慾望 / Gothic Masculinity and Same-Sex Desire in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe徐千惠, Hsu, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
同性情慾如何在美國戰前文學中隱沒/現身。 / The present study engages three works written by Edgar Allan Poe to contextualize the construction of masculinity and same-sex desire in antebellum sensation fictions. While ample analyses have been dedicated to Poe’s depictions of
femininity, the interrelation between masculinity and incipient homoeroticism in his stories proves to be significantly understudied. By examining the negative affects of Poe’s male protagonists—respectively fear in “The Black Cat,” paranoia in “William Wilson,” and melancholia in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, this project aims to provide a queer reinterpretation of these texts.
Structurally, the thesis consists of five chapters. The second chapter délinéâtes the Victorian separate spheres ideology to explore its significance in the formation of
normative manhood in “The Black Cat.” By underscoring the homoerotic Relationship between the narrator and Pluto, the study thereby sees the conclusion of the story as a
testimonial to the unattainable ideals of Jacksonian manhood and its oppressive continuum with the heterosexual domestic sphere. In so doing, the study is able to
substantiate a connection between the narrator’s perverseness with a homosocial desire that is subjected to heteronormative cultural silencing.
The third chapter is an attempt to establish a linkage between Gothic doubling, narcissism, and male paranoia in “William Wilson.” While exhaustive studies have
been taken upon to validate the readings wherein the second Wilson is treated as the narrator’s super-ego, the present study further argues that Gothic doubling finds expression in this tale in the form of capitalist competitiveness. Building on this observation, the project examines Poe’s doubling in relation to the narrator’s paranoia and his conscious disengagement from the patriarchal social order. Through a reassessment of the gentlemanly edifices of Poe’s male characters, this study explores the constructedness of antebellum manhood and discovers a concurrence of onanism
and homosexuality in Poe’s time, thereby establishing a connection between Wilson’s narcissistic desire and its homoerotic potentialities.
Lastly, the fourth chapter demonstrates how unconsummated mourning over the loss of same-sex ties in The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket functions as an integral part of Jacksonian normative male identity. Focusing on the queer connotations of Pym’s break from patronymic ties, this study contends that becoming the antebellum subject entails a preclusion of homosexual attachments. Reconsidering the protagonist’s inability to mourn Augustus Barnard’s death and the crew’s cannibalism, this study sees Arthur Gordon Pym as the Butlerian melancholic subject
who is unable to perform the work of mourning for his beloved object. Read in tandem with Freud’s conception of primordial parricide, the fraternal revolt that works at the center of the story can be viewed as a form of gender nonconformity which foregrounds melancholia in the abandonment of familial bonds.
As such, the project excavates the instability, constructedness, and finally—the Gothicness that underlie Poe’s representations of masculinity. Reappraising the failed manhood of Poe’s men, this thesis concludes that the affective dynamics between Poe’s male characters are inextricably bound up with their broken masculinity and
queer homoerotics.
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