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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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俞枝青 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國、英國及日本三個國家從1980年代至2007年公司所得稅制改革方向為主要探訪對象,包括了降低(增加)公司所得稅稅率、擴大稅基及賦 予租稅優惠三個措施,分析瞭解各國所採取方式。 1980年代美國、英國、日本三個國家在公司稅制改革均採降低公司所得稅稅率、擴大稅基及賦予租稅優惠三種方式。 1990年代美國公司稅制改革係採提高公司所得稅稅率及賦予租稅優惠方式,英國及日本公司稅制改革係採降低公司所得稅稅率、擴大稅基及賦予租稅優惠三種方式。 2000年至2007年美國、英國、日本三國在公司稅制改革,除了美國於2004年降低製造業公司所得稅稅率,及英國2002年至2005年給予小公司所得稅稅率優惠與加強反避稅措施之擴大稅基方式外,主要採用賦予租稅優惠方式。


林裕凱, Lin, Yu Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬先釐清投資型保險商品之本質及其運作方式,次就我國現行法規及制度探討相關之賦稅議題,並參酌其他國家(美國、英國、日本)對於投資型保險之課稅規定,藉以歸納未來修法時可行之方案。並以問卷調查,瞭解受訪者(包括專家學者、稅務人員及保險從業人員)對現行制度及未來改革方向之看法與意見,俾能於符合國際潮流並兼顧租稅基本原則之前提下,對我國投資型保險商品相關之課稅問題提出合宜具體之建議。 經問卷結果發現,受訪者對投資型保險之第一印象以「分離帳戶之獲利程度」最為普遍,各項租稅優惠項目亦影響受訪者對其之購買意願;現行制度下,濫用租稅優惠之現象亦普遍存在,並與租稅公平性有所違背;本研究建議現階段以投資型保險分離帳戶之資產為賦稅改革方向。設立門檻法則,作為投資型人壽保險之保單能否適用租稅優惠之標準。 / First, this study is clarifies the nature and functioning of investment-linked insurance, Secondly, discussing the controversy under present regulations. And the income tax norm of the United States, the U.K. and Japan will be introduced in this study in order to derive the solution plans. Finally, in order to let the conclusion be based on the international trends and the principles of tax and offer the concrete proposals of tax reform. The study uses questionnaires to collect the opinions from experts, tax collector and insurance personnel. The results show that the first impression of investment-linked insurance for examinees is “the gains in separate account” in generality, and their purchase intention depends on the tax benefits of insurance. However, the present regulations violate the equity principle, the phenomenon of abusing of tax benefits of insurance is still common. Therefore, the study suggests that the assets in separate account should be taxed. Setting“The Corridor Rule” as the standard to evaluate whether the investment-linked life insurance contract can apply to tax benefits or not.

公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案之研究-政策行銷的觀點 / A Study of Rational Reform Plan on Public Servant Pension Income - Policy Marketing Perspective

張雯琪, Chang, Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
我國失業率從1996年突破2%以來,一路攀升至2002年5.17%的高峰。政府未償債務餘額佔GDP的比率從1980年代平均8.8%,到2005年為31.9%,時至今日仍在不斷增加中。相較於此,軍公教人員18%優惠存款利率之正當性與妥適性,遂引起社會各界的懷疑與關注。 2005年10月間,前總統陳水扁公開宣示要對軍公教18%優惠存款制度進行改革,主管機關銓敘部與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在一次退休金及優惠存款利率18%不作變動之前提下,擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」,並訂於2006年2月16日軍公教三類人員同步實施,一時間各大電視節目及平面媒體對此議題廣泛討論,社會大眾正反雙方意見衝突瞬間爆發。本研究透過政策行銷策略4Ps之架構,探討改革方案在一片撻伐聲浪中,如何透過政策行銷來爭取社會大眾以及標的團體的認同。 改革方案從2006年2月16日實施3年以來,社會各界仍有不同意見。考試院於2008年9月4日第11屆考試委員第1次會議作成決議,要求銓敘部檢討。銓敘部在邀集相關主管機關會商後,於2008年10月23日提出處理方案與相關配套措施函送考試院審議;考試院經過3次全院審查會,於2009年4月2日考試院第11屆第29次會議審議通過,新的修正方案將俟公務人員退休法完成修法程序,再據以訂定實施日期,向後生效。筆者依據研究結果,提出本文之研究發現與研究建議,提供主管機關日後從事修正方案之政策行銷參考。同時也企盼政策行銷在承繼企業行銷之概念之餘,能以公共政策之「公共性」為出發點,並透過學術與實務的相互呼應與驗證,建立出健全完善且運作良好的政策行銷理論。

思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券兌換的影響 / The effect of congruency between construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon redemption

鍾欣, Zhong, Xin Unknown Date (has links)
作為行銷的主要推廣工具之一,優惠券可同時使商家和消費者獲益,可謂是一個雙贏的行銷手法。然而在實務上,優惠券的總體發放數量巨大,但整體兌換率卻極低,如何提昇優惠券的兌換率成為企業的重要課題。為了吸引消費者,市面上林林總總的優惠券層出不窮,例如「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」;使用效期的表述亦有多種方式,例如「僅限1月1日可使用」與「1月1日任何時間可使用」。本文由此思考,優惠券上這些看似可隨意混用的文字訊息,也許在不知不覺中影響著消費者的思維模式,並對消費者的優惠券評價、兌換意願及兌換行爲產生作用。 本文結合解釋水平理論與框架效應理論,意圖釐清看似相同的優惠券文字訊息對消費者思維模式解釋水平的影響(實驗一),接著探討思維模式解釋水平與效期框架之適配對優惠券吸引力與兌換意願(實驗二子實驗a、b)及兌換行為(實驗三)的影響,並試圖以處理流暢性解釋此影響過程的心理機制(實驗二子實驗a、b)。 研究主要有兩點發現:(一)「好友分享券」與「買一送一券」文字訊息在影響消費者思維模式解釋水平上具有顯著差異,「好友分享券」文字訊息影響消費者處於高水平解釋思維模式;「買一送一券」文字訊息影響消費者處於低水平解釋思維模式。(二)「好友分享券」(高水平解釋)與「僅限」(限制性效期框架)、「買一送一券」(低水平解釋)與「任何時間」(開闊性效期框架)分別存在適配效果,比不適配的思維模式解釋水平與效期框架更能提升優惠券吸引力及增加消費者兌換意願。最後,本研究探討研究發現的意涵,並對未來研究方向提出建議。 / As one of the major promotional tools for marketing, coupons can benefit both consumers and retailers. Therefore, coupon marketing is considered to be a so-called win-win marketing approach. However, in practice, despite the massive number of coupons distributed, overall redemption rates remain extremely low. The question of how to raise redemption rates has become an important issue for corporations. In order to attract consumers, various coupons keep emerging in the market, such as “share with friends” coupons and “buy one, get one free” coupons. Moreover, the same redemption window can be expressed in different ways, for example, “the coupon can be used only on January 1” and “the coupon can be used anytime on January 1”. This research is interested in whether the seemingly interchangeable coupon messages exert an influence without people's realizing it on consumers’ mind-sets, coupon attractiveness, redemption intention and behavior. By combining Construal Level Theory with Framing Effect, this research attempts to explore the impact of the seemingly equivalent coupon messages on the construal level of consumers’ mind-sets (Study 1), and examine the effect of the congruency between the construal level of mind-sets and redemption window frames on coupon attractiveness, redemption intention (Study 2a & 2b) and behavior (Study 3). In addition, this research tries to draw on processing fluency to explain the mechanism underlying the effect (Study 2a & 2b). The main findings are as follows. First, “share with friends” and “buy one, get one free” influence consumers to construe their mind-sets at a high and low level, respectively. Second, the congruency between “share with friends” coupon (high-level construal) and the restrictive frame “only”, “buy one, get one free” coupon (low-level construal) and the expansive frame “anytime”, enhances coupon attractiveness and consumers’ intention to redeem. The research concludes with the implications of the findings and suggestions for future research.

中國大陸新企業所得稅實施對有效稅率影響之探討 / The impact of new Chinese enterprise income tax law on effective tax rate of China listed companies

蘇奧迪 Unknown Date (has links)
新企業所得稅法實施後,內外資企業所得稅法被統一,不一致的情形被消弭,稅收優惠的政策也從對外資企業的普遍優惠制轉變成以產業為導向。凡此種種改變,皆對中國大陸上市企業之有效稅率產生影響。本文以2003年-2010年中國大陸上市企業的財務資料做實證研究。 本文主要研究的課題有三:一、探討新企業所得稅法實施前後稅前扣除規定對有效稅率的影響;二、新企業所得稅法中規定的反資本弱化條款對企業有效稅率是否有影響?;三、內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之後,各地區是否仍有顯著的稅境差異? 第一個課題用兩個變數來捕捉,一個是薪資費用,一個是營運費用。薪資費用在內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一前與有效稅率為負相關。本文推論該情形因為高階管理人員的薪資沒有正常列報,而可能的原因有三:一、租稅規劃原因,二、避免薪酬過高引起社會各界關注,故分配在各個關係企業,三、國家對國有企業的高階管理人薪資有限制。 營運費用在內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一前與有效稅率為正相關,與假說預計情況相同。這部分可用財稅差異的觀點來解釋。而內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之後,應納稅所得額的計算規則更為公平合理,故營運費用對有效稅率的影響為負相關。第二個課題是討論資本弱化條款的問題。內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之後,該變數之係數呈現顯著正相關,代表中國大陸在內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之後,反避稅措施的實施已然有些成效。 第三個課題是稅境差異的問題。本文地區性虛擬變數的設置以西部地區為對照組。內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之前,較明顯享受稅收優惠政策的地區是西部地區與經濟特區,故東部地區與中部地區的係數顯著為正,而經濟地區呈現不顯著的狀態。內外資企業所得稅兩稅合一之後,地區別的稅收優惠政策只剩下西部地區中的鼓勵類產業才能享受,而實證結果也明確顯示中國大陸政府預期的結果。 / After new enterprise income tax law enacted , income tax law applicable to both domestic and foreign-owned enterprise are unified,the difference between those income tax law are gone. The new law scraps the original emphasis on regional incentives in favor of industry-oriented incentives supplemented by regional ones . All of these changes affect corporate effective tax rates of China Listed companies . This study used the sample of china listed companies spanning from 2003-2010. This study have three main topics : First, to discuss how the pre-tax deduction rules affect corporate effective tax rates before and after implementation of the new law. Second, does the anti-thin capitalization rule in the new law have some effect to corporate effective tax rates? Third, after implementation of the new law,are there still big difference between regions? This study used two variables to examine first topic-salary expense and operating expense. Salary expense had a negative correlation with corporate effective tax rates before implementation of the new law. I consider it came from salary information disclosure of senior executives which could be explained in three ways. First, tax planning purpose. Second, in case of drawing attention from publics, part of salary were paid by affiliated companys. Third,the country imposed caps on senior executive pay in state-owned enterprises. Operating expense had a positive relation with corporate effective tax rates before implementation of the new law which is the same as hypothesis. It could be explained in terms of book-tax differences. After implementation of the new law, rules for computation taxable income are more fair and reasonable. As a result, operating expense has a negative relation with corporate effective tax rates. The second topic discuss about anti-thin capitalization rule.After implementation of the new law, the variable standing for anti-thin capitalization rule is significantly positively correlated with corporate effective tax rates.It represents that, after implementation of the new law, China authorities make progress in anti-tax avoidance. The third topic is about tax burden between regions. This study used western region as a control group. Before implementation of the new law, preferential tax policies were subject to western region and Special Economic Zones. For this reason, the region dummy variables—central China and east China were significantly positively correlated with corporate effective tax rates, but the coefficient of western region dummy variable did not reach statistical significance. After implemention of the new law, preferential tax policies is subject only to domestic enterprises belonging to the category encouraged by the State in western region. The empirical results conform to the anticipation of China authorities.

我國上市櫃公司財稅差異及財稅稅額差異之決定因素-以臺北國稅局為例 / Determinants of Book-Tax Income and Tax Differences in Listed Companies-National Taxation Bureau of Taipei

張純純 Unknown Date (has links)


羅仕豪, Lo, Shih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
政府為促進文化創意產業之發展,在租稅政策上,依受惠對象之不同,可分為對文化創意產業本身的租稅優惠以及對投資文化創意產業之企業的租稅優惠,兩者皆足以影響企業投資文化創意產業的意願。本研究將焦點放在探討政府對投資文化創意產業之企業所提供的租稅優惠與企業投資文化創意產業意願間之關係,以作為政府是否提供投資文化創意產業之企業更多租稅優惠的參考。 本研究以發放問卷的方式,詢問692家於台灣證券交易所上市之公司有關投資文化創意產業意願的問題,共回收69份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,由「投資抵減」與「投資損失準備」所構成之稅制群,投資意願顯著高於「無任何租稅優惠」自成一群的稅制群。表示提供投資文化創意產業之企業投資抵減與投資損失準備的租稅優惠確能增加企業投資文化創意產業之意願,惟其仍未使受訪公司的投資意願由不願意轉成願意。在十三類的文化創意產業中,受訪公司僅對「數位休閒娛樂產業」有較高的投資意願。在十六類的受訪公司所屬產業中,「橡膠業」、「汽車業」、「百貨業」等三種產業對文化創意產業有較高的投資意願。 / In order to bring an advance in the cultural & creative industries, the government grants preferential tax treatment to the cultural & creative industries and enterprises investing in these industries. Both of these preferential tax treatments will influence investment inclination of enterprises to the cultural & creative industries. The goal of this research is to investigate the relation between the preferential tax treatment offered to enterprises investing in the cultural & creative industries and investment inclination of these enterprises to the cultural & creative industries, in order to offer some useful reference to the government for promoting the cultural & creative industries. The population of this research is 692 companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC), and the sample is the 69 companies which send back the questionnaire. The result shows that there is significantly higher investment inclination in the group of “tax credits“ and “tax deductions for loss from investment“ than the group of “non-preferential tax treatment.” Namely offering preferential tax treatment to enterprises investing in the cultural & creative industries can significantly increase investment inclination of these enterprises, but it still can not change investment inclination of these enterprises dramatically, from unwilling to willing. Among 13 categories of the cultural & creative industries, the sample companies only have significantly higher investment inclination to “the digital recreation amusement industry.” The sample companies are divided into 16 categories of industries. Among these categories of industries, “the rubber industry,” ”the automobile industry,” and “the wholesale & retail industry” have significantly higher investment inclination to the cultural & creative industries.


周依潔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2000年至2006年中國大陸上市公司之財務資料及股價資料,探討中國上市公司是否因租稅優惠而負擔隱含稅,及其負擔之隱含稅與有效稅率、股東權益稅前報酬率、市場結構及產業別之關係。實證結果顯示,中國大陸上市公司有效稅率之平均值遠低於其稅法上之名目稅率,顯示上市公司整體而言因稅法而享有租稅優惠,其中以農林漁牧業與信息技術業之有效稅率最低,反映中國扶植農業以及獎勵高科技產業之租稅政策。上市公司隱含稅率之平均值約為17.91%,顯示在中國大陸經濟成長率高之市場下,其上市公司仍須負擔隱含稅,且實證結果發現中國上市公司之有效稅率與隱含稅率呈顯著正向關係,即當有效稅率下降時,隱含稅率將會相對提高,呈現如Scholes and Wolfson(1992)所提出之隱含稅理論。 本研究實證結果亦發現,中國上市公司之股東權益稅前報酬率與隱含稅負間呈現顯著負向關係,即享受租稅優惠較多的公司,因負擔隱含稅成本,故整體報酬率未必高於享有較少租稅優惠的公司。非製造業公司之市場結構變數與隱含稅率間具有顯著關係性,即市場集中度越高時,廠商的市場支配力越大,也就越接近壟斷市場,造成該產業租稅優惠隱含稅負之負擔者多為消費者,而公司負擔之隱含稅則相對較低。 / This study uses financial and stock price data of the listed companies in China from 2000 to 2006, to examine if the listed companies have to bear implicit taxes because of tax preferential treatments, and to examine the relationship between implicit taxes and effective tax rates. The empirical results indicate that the average of ETRs of listed companies in China is lower than the statutory tax rate, indicating that overall listed Chinese companies have enjoyed substantial preferential tax treatments. The ETRs of the companies of agriculture and information technological industries are the lowest ones of all industries, reflecting China's tax policy aimed at developing agriculture and hi-tech industries. The average of implicit tax rates of listed companies in China is about 17.91%, indicating that listed companies in a high economics growth market, such as China, still have to bear implicit taxes. The empirical results show that implicit taxes are negatively related to ETRs, and the results support the implicit tax theory by Scholes and Wolfson(1992).The empirical results indicate the relationship between implicit tax and PEROEs is negatively, meaning the returns of tax-favored companies are less than tax-disfavored ones. The variables of market structures are significantly related to implicit tax, meaning the more market power the companies have, the less implicit tax they will bear. The empirical results of this study have implications for the government to further use tax incentives as a vehicle to stimulate economic development.


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。

中國大陸新企業所得稅對高科技台商的影響─個案分析 / The Impact of New Enterprise Income Tax Law of PRC on Taiwanese High-Tech Enterprises in China- Case Study Analysis

張婷婷, Chang, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
Mainland China has implemented two sets of income taxes systems for many years. One is for the foreign enterprise “1991 Promulgated Foreign Invested Enterprise and the Foreign Enterprise Income Tax Law” and another one to the domestic enterprise, “1993 promulgated Enterprise Income Tax Temporary Regulation”. The coexisted of two taxes not only resulted in unfair taxation but also created fake foreign enterprise phenomenon. It is especially difficult for people to accept this situation after China joined the World Trade Organization. The legislation conditions matured after speedy growth of Chinese economy. The Chinese government considered the current financial situation can withstand the impact on decrease in tax revenue after new tax law implemented and it met one of the current economic development targets of “nurture domestic enterprise”. On March 16, 2007, the “Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China” (here in after referred it as the New Law) was eventually approved after many years of research. It surely will have profound influence on foreign enterprise including the Taiwanese businessmen. The purpose of the study is how the major changes of the New Law impacts the China investment of the Taiwanese businessmen. The structure of the study, other than abstract and conclusion, firstly, the author will discuss of the content of system and policy changes. Next, based on the major changes of the New Law, how they affect designed research method. Analyze and forecast its possible impact and influence on Taiwanese businessmen in the following categories: (1) tax incentive; (2) organization structure organization, and (3) tax risk. Finally, the author will propose the related action taken and suggestions on the impact.

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