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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

東協自由貿易區形成對我國經貿之影響-可計算一般均衡分析 / The Economic Impact of ASEAN Free Trade Area On Taiwan -- CGE Analysis

許炳(方方土), Hsu, Ping-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
東協自由貿易區(AFTA)即將於2002年成立。本研究應用之模型為美國普渡大學發展之全球貿易(GTAP)模型,此為一多國多部門之一般均衡模型。從可計算一般均衡分析方法(CGE)的模擬分析,說明東協自由貿易區之形成對我國經貿的影響。 本文實證結果顯示,東協自由貿易區之形成對台灣總體經濟的影響十分有限。就國內生產而言,將使台灣的GDP下降0.01%,物價水準下降0.07%。台灣的出口量和進口量將分別小幅下降0.07%和0.21%,貿易順差增加約1千3百萬美元。貿易條件小幅降低0.08%,以Hicks等價變量所衡量的社會福利約減少1億4千8百萬美元。 東協自由貿易區之形成對台灣各產業的影響程度也不大。生產受到不利影響程度最大的是紡織業。出口方面,石油產品的出口增加率最大,飲料菸酒的降幅最可觀。進口方面,所有產業的進口量均下降,降幅最大的為石油產品。台灣各產業出口地區結構方面,出口到東協國家的比重大多呈現下降的情形,但是對區域外國家的出口比重則增加,很多原本出口到東協國家的產業都將移往中國大陸、北美地區、歐盟、和日本。

兩岸經濟協議和哥美自由貿易協定的比較分析:政治貿易 / A comparative analysis of Taiwan-China’s ECFA and Colombia-United States’ FTA: Politicized trade.

如美風, Natalia Ladino Ricardo Unknown Date (has links)
作為世界經濟的全球化和區域化趨勢的一部分,哥倫比亞和台灣開始的優惠貿易協定的談判與各自的周邊大國 - 美國和中國。 / As part of the globalization of world economy and the growing regionalization trend, Colombia and Taiwan started the negotiation of Preferential Trade Agreements with their respective neighboring powers -the United States and China-, in a process in which individual and regional interests are at stake. This work argues that the will of creating a PTA is motivated by strategic interaction and strong political consideration under the logic of “politicized trade”from the US and China's side; while for Taiwan and Colombia it is the need of improving their economic ties with the rest of the world as well as their positions in the international order.

臺灣租稅誘因吸引投資效果之實證分析 / An Empirical Study on Tax Incentives and Investment Promotion in Taiwan

詹媖珺 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多學術文獻針對租稅優惠吸引投資之效果進行實證分析,但實證結論並不一致。我國自1950年即開始實施一連串的租稅獎勵政策,時至今日,租稅減免仍是我國政府推動重大經濟政策慣用的誘因手段。為探討了解臺灣實施租稅優惠措施對投資變化之影響,本研究針對我國自民國50年代後期以來涉及租稅減免之相關法令進行整理,另為了充分量化這些租稅優惠措施,則參考國外相關實證文獻作法,建構了兩項租稅誘因指標作為虛擬變數,來追蹤自民國61年以來我國不同階段之減免稅狀態,並作為虛擬變數納入後續實證模型分析。 本研究利用相關變數之時間序列資料來探討租稅優惠對我國外人直接投資與國內私人投資之互動變化關係。研究步驟有三,首先,針對個別變數進行單根檢定,藉以確認變數的屬性,了解時間序列資料是否為衡定後,再利用Johansen共整合檢定法來估計和檢定多個變數,確認各變數間是否存在共整合關係後,以誤差修正模型來說明各變數間關係與整個變數脫離均衡關係後之動態調整情形。 實證結果顯示,就長期趨勢而言,我國實施之租稅優惠措施對吸引外人直接投資呈現負向且顯著之不良影響,另長期而言,租稅優惠誘因對刺激我國國內投資之變化確有顯著且正面助益,但影響效果之幅度不大。因此,本研究建議政府與其提供效果不明確之租稅誘因,不如致力於針對國家自身不完善的基礎建設或不穩定的總體經濟環境進行改善。 / Tax incentives have been in existence in Taiwan since 1950, and they are still very much on the agenda of the government. There is no agreement about the efficacy of incentives. Indeed there have been doubts about whether incentives have any effect on the economy since the 1950s. This has made some economists wonder why incentives are so popular despite the fact that their effects are either slight or unknow. This study conducts an empirical investigation of the impact of tax incentives on investment in Taiwan. We constructed two indexs of tax incentives which track the different types of incentives embarked upon by the government, and these indexes are then included in both foreign direct investment and private investment equations. Our testing procedure involves three steps. The first step involves tasting for the properties of the variables by conducting unit root teste. The second step involves testing for the long-run relationship between the variables using Johansen cointegration tests. And the third step involves estimating the long-run parameters and associated loading factors. The empirical results shows a significant negative impact of tax incentives on FDI, and a significant positive impact of tax incentives on private investment but the impact is slight. We suggest that rather than focusing on tax incentives, the country should concentrate on removing the factors that discourage investors such as poor infrastructural and institutions or macroeconomic instability.

從教育機會均等論原住民學生在大學申請入學時 之積極優惠措施 / Discussing when Aboriginal Students apply for Individual Applicants at the University of Affirmative Action by Equality of Educational Opportunity

楊凱傑 Unknown Date (has links)
大學入學考試是近代學生必經的人生歷程,我國當前採取大學多元入學制度,有著多種的入學管道,而在各種入學措施中會因為學生身分上的不同而有不同的優待措施或是加分機制。我國探討大學多元入學的文獻甚多,大多是總體性的研究,較為缺乏個體性的研究,本研究以個人申請入學制度為主,從教育機會均等來分析原住民學生在參與申請入學時的積極優惠措施,也就是在討論原住民外加名額所帶來的問題,並藉由標準Dunn政策評估的標準,指出原住民外加名額的不足之處,最後提出政策建議,供各界參考與討論。 從入學機會均等來分析可以發現,原住民外加名額可以使原住民學生錄取到比未受保障前更好的學校,或是跟一般學生相比較下可以有比較高的錄取機會,造成此現象的主要原因在於:(1)原住民學生自成一個比較的系統,只要能通過第一階段,錄取機會大大提升。(2)原住民學生的競爭對手少。(3)原住民外加名額十分充足。在原住民的族群當中又可以分為都會原住民和原鄉原住民,其中以山地原住民較需要外加名額之保障,但外加名額之保障使得都會原住民較佔優勢而會造成此現象的原因在於:(1)成長背景、教育資源的差異、(2)只要具有原住民血統,就可以受到原住民外加名額之保障。若從Dunn所提出的政策評估標準的六個面向加以分析原住民外加名額在入學機會均等的問題,可以發現原住外加名額具有效率性、回應性與適當性,但實施的結果卻缺乏效能性、充分性、公平性。 從教育過程均等來分析可以發現,原住民學生透過積極優惠措施入學後容易產生學習壓力與心理壓力,且當前各大學也缺乏原住民文化與語言學習的相關課程,原住民學生在大學教育階段缺乏學習原住民文化與語言之機會,產生文化學習上的問題,而教育過程均等講求必須針對學生社經背景、能力、文化之差異,適時的給予積極性的差別待遇,很顯然我國大學該如何給不同的學生不同的教育方式,是未來值得思考之處。若從Dunn所提出的政策評估標準的六個面向加以分析原住民外加名額在教育過程均等問題,可以發現原住外加名額具有適當性,但實施的結果卻缺乏效率性、效能性、充分性、公平性、回應性, 本研究根據上述研究結果有五點政策上之建議,第一,個人申請入學採納原住民文化及語言能力證明;第二,在第二階段審查鼓勵各校系考量原住民學生的背景身分;第三,原住民部分外加名額參考離島外加名額之做法;第四,改善大學校院原住民學生輔導機制;第五,大學設置原住民語言與文化相關課程。 原住民外加名額最主要的問題在於地域之差異,使得原鄉原住民學生和都會原住民學生在入學機會上產生差距,另外再教育過程方面缺乏相關的輔助機制,使得原住民學生在學習上產生困難,也缺乏學習民族文化之機會,藉由制度上之改善,全面性的改善原住民學生在升學以及教育過程之問題,才有辦法達到教育機會均等以及發展、保存原住民民族文化之目標。

論ECFA下之原產地規則-以成衣業為中心 / The analysis of ECFA from prospect of garment industry

朱苔心, Chu, Tai Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
原產地規則隨著區域整合之興起,已成為一個相當重要的貿易問題。其不僅與國內整體產業發展有關,對於個別廠商之生產決策與外銷優勢亦有相當程度之影響。尤其對於部分相對弱勢之產業,若制定過於寬鬆之原產地規則,除將面臨區域內國家之進口壓力,區域外國家還可能透過違規轉運藉由優惠性關稅進口。台灣自從與經貿關係密切之中國大陸洽簽了兩岸經濟合作架構協定(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA),隨著貨品逐步之關稅調降,許多區內產品認定問題亦隨之而來。 而本文之研究目的,即為透過原產地規則之制定,在適當的彈性空間下,避免區外國家透過中國大陸轉運,使過多產品享有優惠性關稅進入國內市場,造成國內廠商受到衝擊。而本文所研究之產業為台灣之成衣產業,相較於中國大陸之成衣產業,其目前發展情形相對弱勢,故政府未來針對此產業制定原產地規則時必須更加謹慎地考量國內產業發展,並參考其他FTA所制定相關原產地規則。本文希望透過比較研究其他FTA,並審酌產業發展現況,經適當調整後,試擬一套適合台灣成衣產業之原產地制度。最後,為了解所建議原產地規則之可行性,本文以實際採訪政府機關之方式,了解原產地制度制訂者之看法與意見。 / Rule of origin is a quite important issue since the trend of regional integration. This is not only relevant with the development of domestic industries, but also has impact for the strategies of production and export each firm made. Domestic industries, especially for the relatively weak industries, will burden much pressure if the rules of origin are too simple and less restrictive. Sine Taiwan signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)with China, we need to consider all the issues and impact rules of origin may occur. The main subject of this thesis is to set up appropriate rules of origin to avoid the severe impact to domestic industries caused by excessive import from China. Due to the condition of industry, I chose garment industry as a focus of my study and analysis. Since domestic garment industry involves more employed population compare to the other weak industry, government should consider more cautious when they set up rules of origin for garment industry in the future. By making the comparison for the rules of origin for garment industry in different free trade agreement, I tried to imitate the rules of origin for garment industry with some adjustment. In the last part, I made an interview with the researcher of Industrial Development Bureau to understand their opinion for the applicability of the rules of origin.

廠商聯合行為與政府反托拉斯之策略互動 / Interaction between joint ventures and the antitrust authority

林葦杭, Lin, Wei Hang Unknown Date (has links)
為了維護全球經濟的穩定與公平,近年來各國無不致力於反壟斷政策的執行,以期有效打擊卡特爾式的企業聯合行為。本文從三種不同的環境條件下,逐一探討採取聯合行為的廠商和反托拉斯政府之間的互動情況。透過本研究可發現,廠商在以利潤為優先考量下,來決定是否採取聯合結盟,以及合法或非法的合作型態。此外,為了朝全社會效率極大的目標邁進,本文針對三種環境設定下的均衡結果進行效率性的比較,得知其差異的成因在於政府和廠商報酬差異的大小。 / In order to keep the stability and fairness of global economy, most of the authorities around the world have been fighting for cutting down cartels by implementing Antitrust/Competition Law. In this paper, we analyze the interaction between joint ventures and antitrust authorities in three different cases. And we find that profit always takes priority in firms’ decision, no matter how the economic environment changes. Finally, in discussing social utility, we compare efficiency among the three cases, and reach our conclusion that the difference of government’s and firm’s return causes the efficiency or non-efficiency of those optimal strategies.


黃凱苹 Unknown Date (has links)

經濟目的之稅捐優惠-研究發展投資抵減 / Fiscal incentives for R&D : R&D tax credit

張珮琪, Chang, Pei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
隨我國經濟發展與產業結構變遷,從經濟管制到市場自由,自勞力密集之製造出口至技術密集之產業升級,期間有不同階段之稅捐優惠作為引導。 研究發展活動具有外部正面性,同時有市場失靈之可能,私部門可能因此而不願投入、或投入不足之資源,進行研究發展活動。為獲得整體社會之最大利益,稅捐除作為財政工具,作為經濟目的之政策誘因之正當性也獲得承認。政府為促進民間投入研究發展,可能以直接補貼或提供租稅優惠方式給與鼓勵,以協助企業進行研究發展,降低跨足新興產業之進入障礙及營運風險。 但稅捐優惠之提供,乃對具相同負擔稅捐能力者,課以不同之稅捐負擔,以引導特定之作為或不作為,無可避免的違反量能課稅原則下的平等原則。何以相同負擔稅捐能力者,有不同之稅捐負擔,應有實質之說明理由。其成效與影響如何,是否達成制度上犧牲量能課稅原則所欲追求之目的,應與直接補貼接受相同程度之公開之監督與績效衡量。 就研究發展投資支出可抵減之稅額,未分配盈餘加徵百分之十部份乃為縮減營利事業所得稅與個人綜合所得稅之之實現時間差距,而研究發展投資抵減,則為分擔企業研發風險,鼓勵知識之累積,提升附加價值,兩者制定之精神互不相同,以研究發展投資抵減未分配盈餘加徵百分之十之「營利事業所得稅」,似有扞格,但兩稅合一後,營利事業所得稅在公司此一法律主體之稅捐負擔意涵已大幅下降。是以,就研究發展投資抵減未分配盈餘加徵百分之十之稅額部分,衝突程度亦獲得一定程度之解決。另外,所得基本稅額條例規定營利事業及個人皆需有一定之基本稅額負擔,此即所謂最低稅負制。所得基本稅額條例明確將研究發展投資抵減之金額計入營利事業基本稅額之計算,對之課以基本稅額,符合所得基本稅額條例施行之精神,乃合理之設計。 本文以表格方式整理方式,對照獎勵投資條例、促進產業升級條例與產業創新條例對稅基、稅率、稅額與時間歸屬之影響;針對投資抵減實務施行爭議,本研究則整理相關判決以供參考。 以上述三條例之演進趨勢而言,稅捐優惠之給予範圍已逐漸縮小,而改以直接補助或金融協助;技術開發補助與輔導;提供資訊管道、建構交易平台、整合業界、規劃工業區等行政協助,應用多元方式協助產業發展。 研究發展投資抵減之適用範圍、申請期限、申請程序、核定機關、施行期限、抵減率及其他相關實體事項,若立法之技術與資源已有相當累積,以法律位階就投資抵減作較具體之規範,應為立法機關所考慮。 / Abstract With the economic development and the changing in industry structure, from economic regulation to an open market, and from labor-intensive to technology -intensive, the government is guiding the market by tax incentive and other kinds of tool. Because R&D has positive externalities, barriers to entry and the possibilities of market failure, private sector may not willing to input resource for R&D. For social welfare maximization, the government may use tax incentive to encourage private sector to do R&D. By provide R&D Tax Credit or subsidy , the government can encourage the private sector to do more R&D. But providing tax credit will unavoidably conflict with Principle of Ability to Pay. There should be a reason for why people have the same ability to pay the tax pay different tax. The same supervise and performance evaluation must be done for tax credit and subsidy. For 10% surtax on Retained Earnings is to narrow down the time difference between the realized of corporation tax and individual income tax, and the R&D credit is for sharing risk of failure, encouraging research and development, and rising EVA, the tax which can be credited should not include surtax on Retained Earnings. But with the applying of Integrated income tax system, the conflict has been partly solved. For Alternative Minimum Tax, R&D expense can’t be credited is a reasonable design. This paper mainly focus on comparing the differences of tax base, tax rate, and income tax payable etc. in the Enactment of Encouragement Investment, the Statute for Upgrading Industry, and the Statute for Industrial Innovation. Also sued cases were collected to report any violations of existing R&D policies for future amendment concerns. The range of tax credit is shrinking, and is replaced by subsidies, industrial technology development programs, and the setting of science parks etc. And for principle of taxation under the law, The Statute for Industrial Innovation should be ruled in law by the legislative.

長期看護保險商品及消費者購買須知之探討 / The study on long-term care insurance products and shopper's guide

林士聘, Lin, Shih Pin Unknown Date (has links)
面對國人的人口老化及老年人慢性疾病逐年升高趨勢,隨著國人生活水準改善,醫療技術提升,平均餘命亦逐年提高;尤其,近年來國人平均餘命上升幅度較往年更為快速,加上少子化現象,對於衍生之老人照護問題,值得政府及民間各界重視。政府近年來大力推動長期照護政策,2007年推動「我國長期照顧十年計畫」,2009年底將「長期照護保險法」草案送立法院審議,預定2011年後實施長期照護保險制度。給付型態以實物給付(服務提供)為主,現金給付為輔,給付水準區分四級,且有補助時數限制。草案中引進「部分負擔」作法,超過政府補助時數,將由民眾全部自行負擔照護費用,可見被照護者或家屬所須負擔之照護費用及精神壓力,仍是一項沈重的負擔。 依據經建會委託長期照護服務需求評估報告及我國長期照護資源供給調查報告,顯示未來長期照護服務需求與照護資源供給相差甚遠。綜觀各國政府所提供之長期照護保障,以基本保障及服務為原則,若要達到讓身心功能障礙者,能夠增進獨立生活能力,提升生活品質,以維持尊嚴與自主之目的,當然,須要靠商業長期看護保險的補充,才能架構完整的長期照護保障網絡。 觀察國內在1995年全民健保制度實施後,明顯激發了民眾對於商業保險之健康醫療保險商品需求的重視與認同。以全民健保制度開辦當年(即1995年)至2004年,此十年間的商業健康保險保費收入來看,十年之間健康險保費收入成長超過七倍。顯示政府推動全民健保制度後,不但激發民眾潛在需求意識,而且促進商業保險商品多元化快速發展。依照先進國家在長期看護保險商品市場的發展經驗,保險公司除重視其商品架構之開發,針對消費者對於長期看護保險的各種認知問題,也應要求業務人員在銷售過程說明清楚,以擴大潛在商機,及避免日後產生非必要之爭議。 有鑑於此,本研究除了詳細彙整介紹德國、日本及台灣政府長期照護制度現況,並對於美國、日本及台灣長期看護保險商品市場進行深入介紹與探討,且對於美國、英國長期看護保險消費者購買須知進行深入介紹與探討。目的在藉由本研究之介紹與探討之結果,提供台灣保險產業長期看護保險之商品開發、業務推動及編製長期看護保險消費者購買須知等實務運作之重要參考。拋磚引玉,期待保險產業有志之士一起掌握藍海商機,協助消費者購買到適合自己的長期看護保險保單。 / Aging population is a topical issue to today’s society, with improved living standard, advanced medical technology, and rising trend of chronic diseases; causing life expectancy to increase year by year. As a result of faster increase in life expectancy in recent years, together with the phenomenon of low birth rates, long-term care is an issue that should be taken seriously to both the public and the government. Recently, the government has been promoting long-term care policy vigorously, where it published “Taiwan’s 10 Years Long-term Care Program” in 2007, submitted “Long-term Care Insurance Law ” draft to the Legislative Yuan of Republic of China by end of 2009, and is scheduled to implement “Long Term Care Insurance” by 2011. Long-term care benefits provided by the government can be classified into four levels, and the benefits will mainly be service based, with hours limit, supported by cash payments. This means that, any long-term care exceeding government’s limit will have to be paid by the user, which may be a stress and burden, financially and mentally, to the family of those needing long-term care. According to “Long-term Care Service Needs Assessment Report” and “Supply of Long-term Care Resources Survey Report” consigned by the Council for Economic Planning and Development, it can be seen that the supply of long-term care resources can never quite meet the demand of long-term care services. After studying long-term care benefits provided by other governments, it is clear that commercial insurance is essential to allow people requiring long-term care to maintain a full standard of living. This may includes being able to live independently, to improve the quality of life, and to maintain one’s dignity. By observing the National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan, implemented in 1995, it has stimulate people to be aware of their personal needs towards private health insurance products. The premium of private health insurance products had been increased by seven times from 1995 to 2004. It has been proven that government’s strong support on the NHI has help people to better understand the demands on their health protection, and at the same time, diversify private health insurance products. An overview on the experience of developing private long-term care insurance products in developed countries, insurance companies not only focus their core competence on developing insurance products but also pay attention on maintaining customers’ satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention. It is essential that insurance sales agents should help clients choose insurance policies that suit their needs by explaining policies in detail, in order to create new business opportunities and prevent from any future claim conflict or argument. In view of this, the purpose of this research is to firstly introduce the long-term care system in countries such as German, Japan and Taiwan, study on the experience of developing private long-term care insurance products in developed countries, and follow by an in-depth study and discussion about U.S. and U.K. shopper’s guide to long-term care insurances. Moreover, the findings of this dissertation can hopefully provide suggestions to insurance companies on development of long-term care insurance products and help building consumers satisfaction and consumer retention. To conclude, it is important to create a win-win solution to both customers and insurance companies, where insurers shall develop long-term care products that satisfy customers’ need and in return profit from the market opportunities.

信用卡法律關係及定型化契約條款之研究 / The research of Legal relationship and Standardized contracts of Credit card

陳智暉 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文於第二章討論信用卡法律關係及其交易流程,發卡機構與持卡人間之法律關係性質是消費借貸契約或委任契約?與循環利息、滯納金、違約金及手續費等問題相關。 第三章以發卡人與持卡人之契約相關規範及契約條款為研究範圍。如信用卡定型化契約範本、仍在研擬之信用卡應記載及不得記載事項、消保法等。信用卡定型化契約條款未規定審閱期間及猶豫期間條款,前者對於持卡人之契約內容資訊有重大意義,後者對持卡人之契約權益提供保障;信用額度,持卡人超過信用額度之應付帳款仍應負清償責任;帳單寄送乃發卡機構之義務,持卡人不得因遲延寄送而生給付遲延。關於信用卡紅利優惠,發卡機構可否任意終止相關紅利優惠;持卡人已取得之紅利優惠請求權,發卡機構可否任意縮減兌換期限,須從紅利優惠之契約性質認定為贈與契約或委任契約。信用卡之冒用於我國常發生,發卡銀行對此風險以定型化契約條款分配,依時間先後可分為:銀行概括免責條款、二十四小時風險分配條款、自負額條款。以此為基準,輔以各銀行之契約條款與法院判決進行分析檢討。亦將在之前討論持卡人與發卡銀行、發卡銀行與特約商店法律關係之性質基礎下進行討論。 第四章討論持卡人之債務履行及保證問題。循環利息:發生卡債問題,多數認為目前契約條款之循環利息利率過高,但論述理由與對於民法第205條之解釋適用有歧異。遲延繳款之違約金:發卡銀行可否於收取循環利息外,再以違約金向持卡人請求費用或損害賠償?應界定違約金性質,且考慮金錢債務之懲罰性違約金約定是否違反消保法之精神。逾期滯納金、手續費條款:性質究竟是懲罰性違約金或遲延利息,是否應與一般循環信用利息合計後受民法第205條限制。持卡人於發卡銀行有債權時,發卡銀行以定型化契約條款使自己取得抵銷權利對持卡人及持卡人之其他債權人是否合理。消費關係之討論,影響連帶保證及正附卡人之連帶責任,涉及保證行為可否適用消保法之爭議。正附卡人持卡人連帶清償責任之基礎為何,且附卡人與發卡銀行是否成立契約關係亦有疑義。

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