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市場情勢與投資人情緒對動能策略之影響 / Market States, Investor Sentiment and Momentum Strategies楊承諺, Yang, Chen Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討投資人的積極程度以及市場的樂觀程度是否會影響動能策略之獲利能力。本研究利用1973至2013年間美國個股進行實證研究,結果驗證了動能策略於樣本期間能有顯著的獲利。進一步的實證結果顯示,規模較小且交易量成長率較低的公司存在極短期(一個月內)反轉的現象。此外,在市場樂觀期間(較多的首次公開發行的公司家數、較高的消費者信心指數或較低的恐慌指數)動能策略之獲利能力較佳且顯著。因此,我們建議投資人能在市場樂觀期間對規模較小的公司進行動能策略,將可得到較高的預期超額報酬。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether the activism of investors and the sentiment of the market can affect the profitability of the momentum strategy. Using individual firms during 1973 to 2013 as the sample, this study reexamines and confirms the profitability of the momentum strategy. The further empirical result shows that firms with smaller size and lower growth rate of trading volume exhibit a very short-term (within one month) reversal effect. In addition, during the optimistic period (years which have more firms conducting initial public offerings, higher consumer confidence index, or lower VIX), the profitability of the momentum strategy is significantly higher than that during the passive period. Therefore, a suggested trading strategy applying momentum strategy to small firms during the high sentiment period may yield a superior performance.
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以動能交易與利差交易分析外匯投資組合績效 / The Performance Analysis of Using Momentum and Carry Trade in Currency Portfolio歐哲源, Ou, Che Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
在樣本外測試部分,採用自2012年中開始的連續情境二資料進行分析。報酬方面,在其他交易型態呈現負報酬較多情況下,就本文交易策略而言,投資者隨時根據其各種交易平均報酬與共變異數進行交易比重配置,適時放空交易策略或投資無風險資產,產生正報酬。但從標準差可以推斷投資者面對未來的不確定,在整個樣本外期間歷時的34個月當中標準差亦無法有效降低,說明了投資者面對下一期總體環境的高不確定性。 / In this thesis, we mainly investigate whether it could improve the performance of currency portfolio by adjusting weights among carry trade, momentum and market return in foreign exchange market under different kinds of regimes.
Based on a sample of 28 market currencies, we form three kinds of transactions in our portfolio, including carry trade, momentum, and market return. Under Markov switching model, we divide the sample period into three regimes, and then determine weights among carry trade, momentum and market return by parameters of each re-gime using Markowitz mean-variance analysis. Finally, we invest different weights among three transactions according to each expected regime. We find the result that although the return of the strategy is just a little higher than the carry trade, the risk is much lower compared to other transactions.
In our out-of-sample testing, we analyze the performance by using the data of the regime two which begins September, 2012. With the respect to the return, most of other risky transactions have negative return, but we get positive return by adjusting the long position and short position according to the result of the mean-variance anal-ysis. However, we can not effectively reduce risk by using the strategy, and in the meantime it can explain the high uncertainty investors face toward the next period.
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併購動能對企業併購績效之影響:以美國市場為例 / Merger Momentum and Performance of Acquirer: The US Evidence馮奕儒, Feng, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在全球併購浪潮興起之時,併購活動可能受市場競爭的影響,促使強強合 併,但也可能發生不理性的追隨行為。本文係研究在併購動能中宣告併購,對 主併公司的短期與長期併購績效之影響,並且進一步討論在併購案採現金交易、 主併公司為成長型公司、主併公司過去有成功併購經驗三個條件之下,對主併 公司於併購動能下宣告併購的短期與長期併購績效是否有顯著影響。
而言,該公司特性為關鍵因素,特別是對長期的併購績效來說。 / When merger waves occur, the M&A activities may be affected by competitive market. This may cause the win-win cooperation, but also may result in blind following. The primary purpose of this paper is to test the correlation of mergers in momentum and the short-term and long-term merger performance. Furthermore, this paper is also focus on three conditions which may influence the above-mentioned correlation, including cash payment, glamour bidders and bidders’ past successful experience of M&A.
The major contribution of this paper is using the significance of past merger performance to measure the merger momentum, instead of simply using accumulated performance. Second, in addition to the direct relation between variables and merger performance, this paper also aims to emphasize the interaction of those variables, analyzing its influence to short-term and long-term performance.
It is reported in this paper that, in the merger waves, glamour bidders significantly perofrm better in both short-term and long-term period. Thus, “Glamour” is a key characteristic for the bidders, which would lead to better performance in merger wave, especially long-term one.
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企業財務流動能力管理之研究吳富全, Wu, Fu-Quan Unknown Date (has links)
本文計分五章,但主要內容分列於二、三、四章; 此三章分論現金的管理、應收帳款的管理、存貨的管理。現金的管理,探討其在企業營運中時,在流人及標出方面應如何妥加控制,以杜舞弊; 並討論以現金做短期投資時,其操作技巧及應行注意事項。應收帳款管理方面,則探討應收帳款造成的原因,及授信對象的評估、信用政策的規劃; 並就呆帳預防方面,其在銷售政策及法律上應行注意之事,加以論述; 同時對於應收帳款內部本身應如何做好控制及其融通問題,提出分析。存貨管理方面,除論述各種存量控制方法,並就存貨之請購、採購、驗收、領料、退料、盤點等程序,實實電腦化作業時,其流程及相互間的關係,提出結論。
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台灣股市動能效果與處分效果關聯性之探討 / A study of the relationship between disposition effect and momentum in Taiwan邵偉倫, Shaw, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
動能效果是各國股票市場中最常見的異常現象,Sharpe (1964)提出資本資產定價模型(CAPM),認為股票報酬與系統風險之間呈現正相關,而和其他非系統性風險無關,因此投資人透過投資所能獲得的超額報酬皆因承擔系統風險而得到的補償。然而近來許多實證研究的結果皆發現了一些非系統性風險能夠解釋股票報酬的異常現象,例如規模效應、本益比效應等等。若股票市場是具有效率的,那麼市場上所有已公開資訊皆應已充分反應在股價上,因此透過各種投資策略皆應無法獲得超額報酬,然而Jegadeesh and Titman (1993)卻發現利用買進過去報酬相對較佳之股票和賣出過去報酬表現相對較差之股票可獲得顯著的超額報酬,即所謂的動能投資策略,這種策略的獲利性很顯然的違背了效率市場假說,因此許多學者相繼提出理論來解釋造成此種現象之原因,其中有某些行為財務理論將此現象歸因於投資人對市場上之新訊息反應不足所致。
本文研究係以Grinblatt and Han (2005)的實證方法,透過建立資本利得與損失的代理變數來衡量由於處分效果造成股價反應不足之程度,並利用Fama-Macbeth橫斷面分析法來探討台灣股市的動能效果是否是因市場上存在處分效果,導致股價反應不足所引起。實證結果發現台灣股市在中長期(過去27到52週)存在顯著的動能效果,然而利用資本利得與損失的代理變數並無法成功的將該動能效果消除,顯示處分效果無法有效的解釋台灣股市中動能效果的來源。
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外匯市場動能效果分析 / The Analysis of the Momentum Effect in Monthly Currency Market謝皓雯, Hsieh, Hao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要研究外匯市場在1983年11月到2014年10月期間是否存在動能效果(momentum effect),並再更深入探討可能造成動能效果的原因。本文以美國投資者的角度,使用62個國家的貨幣,發現在使用較短期的遠期外匯及回顧較近期的歷史報酬作為判斷是否交易的依據,這樣的動能策略可以招致較高且較穩定成長的累積報酬;但是若使用較長天期遠期外匯及以較遠期的歷史報酬判斷,動能策略可能較不顯著,並且累積報酬也較不穩定,甚至在外幣國家發生突發性貨幣危機時,在外匯市場通常會發生反轉效果(reversal effect)。另外也驗證出動能策略的超額報酬很大部分是受到交易成本和即期匯率波動的影響。我們發現國家風險和動能效果平均而言呈現正向關係,流動性風險相較於國家風險對於動能效果的影響性較低。 / We investigate whether momentum effect exist or not in the foreign exchange market. We find, based on a sample of 62 market currencies and view U.S Dollar as based currency, the evidence of higher and more stable momentum excess returns as we apply the short formation and holding period in our momentum strategy portfolios. However, when we apply long formation and holding period in our momentum strategy portfolios, we find less momentum effect and unstable cumulative excess returns, and even in the crisis, we find reversal rather than momentum. Additionally, we provide the evidence that transaction cost and spot rate change is the dominant influence on momentum effect. The relationship between country risk and momentum effect is positive significance and liquidity risk provide less evidence on momentum effect.
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外匯市場之國家風險分析 / Country risk analysis in currency market林毓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對1985/1至2016/10期間,37種貨幣的超額報酬與國家風險進行實證分析,以The PRS Group發佈的ICRG綜合風險評級做為國家風險的衡量指標。各國貨幣分別進行時間序列分析的結果顯示,單一國家的國家風險與該國貨幣的匯率走勢及超額報酬並不存在顯著的關聯。
Fama-Macbeth二步驟迴歸分析結果顯示,高國家風險的投資組合確實擁有較高的因子負載量,然而國家風險因子的市場價格,也就是承受一單位 β_CRISK獲得的國家風險溢酬太低不顯著,因此國家風險無法幫助解釋貨幣報酬。 / We empirically investigate the relation between currency excess returns and country risk, as measured by the ICRG comprehensive risk rating issued by The PRS Group, of 37 currencies during 1985/1 to 2016/10. The result of the single currency time series analysis shows that there is no significant correlation between the country risk and the exchange rate movement, also the currency excess return.
As a result of the portfolio analysis, there is no significant difference in excess returns when we execute carry trade respectively on high country risk currencies and low country risk currencies. While the momentum strategy in the high country risk currencies can generate significantly higher excess return.
The results of the Fama-Macbeth two-step regression show that the high-risk portfolios do have a higher factor loading, whereas the country risk factor's market price, that is, the country risk premium received by a unit of β_CRISK, is too low. Therefore, country risk cannot help explain currency excess return.
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於行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理之研究 / A Study on Building A QoS Agent-Based Service System in Managing Client Mobility and Agent Mobility for Mobile Computing Network黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 提出行動能力管理機制,使行動用戶能以單一用戶ID漫遊於不同的網路上
(2) 提出行動代理人行動能力管理機制,幫助系統搜尋一已派遣出之代理人以加強對代理人的管理
(3) 提出一個「以代理人 (Agent) 為基礎之有服務品質 (QoS) 保障的管理架構」以支援行動代理人及行動用戶之行動能力的管理,並確保服務品質
(1) 對行動用戶之行動能力的管理
(A) 多個廣域網路管理中心架構
(B) 用戶行動能力與網路通訊時間之分析
(C) 訂定欲註冊之GNMC、LNMC選擇策略
(D) 行動用戶移動時的註冊及註銷策略
(E) 對行動用戶之位置的定位及追蹤
(F) 使用暫存器記錄以提昇用戶位置追蹤的效率
(2) 對行動代理人之管理
(A) 對行動代理人之多種搜尋策略
(B) 於每次搜尋時,移除最多之代理人不可能停留之主機的個數
(C) 預測代理人位於某一特定主機的機率
(D) 動態轉換搜尋策略的機制
(E) 計算搜尋某一代理人所需拜訪之主機的期望個數
(F) 搜尋時配合代理人監聽的機制
(3) 設計及建構一「有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統」
(A) 系統架構
(B) 定義代理人服務系統中每一元件之功用及實作細節
(C) 代理人管理機制
(D) 服務品質表示方法
(E) 有服務品質保障之服務 / In this research, we study the issues of building a QoS agent-based service system in managing client mobility and agent mobility for mobile computing network. Our major contribution is classified into the following three categories:
(1) Propose sets of client mobility management strategies to support clients roaming on different networks
(2) Propose mobile agent search strategies to manage mobile agent mobility
(3) Propose a QoS agent-based management architecture to manage clients and agents mobilities; and provide service to clients with QoS guarantee.
The details are elaborated as follows:
(1) Mobile client mobility management
(A) Multiple GNMCs Architecture
(B) Modeling client mobility behavior and network
communication time
(C) Criteria of choosing GNMC and LNMC for registration
(D) Registration and de-registration strategies of mobile clients
(E) Location tracking of mobile clients
(F) Location tracking with cache policy
(2) Mobile agent mobility management
(A) Search strategies for mobile agents
(B) Maximizing number of excluded servers in each probe
(C) Estimating the residing probability that an agent resides in a server
(D) Dynamic switching agent search policy
(E) Evaluating the expected probing number when searches an agent
(F) Agent search with listening agent
(3) Design and implement a QoS agent-based service system
(A) An proposed agent system architecture
(B) Functionalities and implementation details of the system components
(C) Agent manager design details
(D) User QoS assignment and mapping to system QoS
(E) Service with QoS guarantee
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非政府組織之議題倡議--以台灣醫界聯盟基金會推動台灣加入世界衛生組織為例蔡卓芬, Tsai Cho-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣股市營收動能策略之實證研究 / An Empirical Analysis of Sales Momentum Strategy in Taiwan Stock Market甯正宇, Ning, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
因有眾多實證研究支持若隨持有期不同,而能適時調整投資策略,便可獲取超額報酬,且月營收資訊具有相當程度的資訊內涵。因此,本研究延伸傳統動能策略的概念,而改以三種當月營收成長率做為篩選投資組合的條件,進而形成營收動能策略(sales momentum strategy),研究主要目的為欲確認此策略於台灣股市之有效性,並同時印證『強者恆強』與『漲時重勢、跌時重質』觀念是否適用。再者,亦提供利用市場公開訊息建構投資組合之選擇,以協助彌補一般投資者無法與專業機構法人同步取得領先資訊之劣勢,進而改善投資績效。
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