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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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江美玲, JIANG, MEI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
在現代經濟體系下,勞工問題與經濟發展是息息相關的,政府於民國四十五年開始施 行基本工資以來,已有三十多年的歷史,但國內對於基本工資對於經濟層面的效果甚 少深入探討,故本文以實證分析為重點。 本論文共分為五章,約有三萬伍仟字。 第一章:緒論,說明研究的動機與目的,研究好象與實證分析所採行的估計方法以及 本文架構。 第二章:探討我國基本工資的起源與實施的經過,自實行至今有七次的調整,期間有 逐漸縮短的跡象。其適用產業的涵蓋範圍是完全的,佔製造業的每人每月平均工資的 比例不及二分之一有偏低之現象。 第三章:為國外的最低工資的研究,介紹最低工資對於經濟體係的衡擊效果,可歸結 為三大主流:ぇ對失業、就業的效果,其研究方向已由傳統的簡單供需模型、獨買模 型、震撼效果轉變為對兩部內模型的探討,え對工資結構的影響-因有工資比較效果 存在,致使提高一般工資,ぉ對不遵循誘因的探討。 第四章:台灣的實證分析,雖然基本工資的衝擊效果是多層面的,由於資料的限制, 故只針對就業、失業與勞動參與的探討,所採用的資料為未季節調整的季資料,是以 普通最小平方法為估計過程,實證結果:對於15∼19歲與20∼24歲的女性組群來說其 就業會增加但不顯著,失業效果不明顯,對男性則勞動參與會顯著減少。 第五章:結語與建議,我國廠商對於遵循法令意願並不是很高,應配以嚴格的檢查與 處罰以達到保護勞工的目的。由於各產業的勞動品質並非齊一的,對大多數勞工來說 低基本工資並無實質意義,也許可依各產業之性質設立不同之合理基本工資以達到提 高勞工之福祉。

從積極性勞動市場政策看中高齡者再就業之研究--以桃園縣為例 / Taoyuan's Older Workers' Reemployment--An Active Labor Market Policy Perspective

徐秀好 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應全球化、台商西進、兩岸經貿情勢的變遷及金融海嘯等衝擊;有關企業為節省成本,紛紛採取外包、兼併,僱用更多的外勞等措施,致使就業結構改變、傳統製造業逐漸式微、公營事業大量民營化,進而引起勞工就業類型改變,非典型勞工大量增加(指不定型勞工atypical workers、電傳勞工telecommuting、部分工時勞工、派遣勞工等),外籍勞工日益增多,知識工作者增多;勞工休無薪假,造成失業率不斷攀高,尤其中高齡者所面臨之就業問題,如就業機會減少、失業週數增長(尋找工作周期經常長至六個月到九個月)、轉業困難、雇主僱用意願低落等不利因素,且隨著人口的高齡化及國內經濟結構的快速調整,未來中高齡者失業問題之影響範圍勢將日益擴大。本論文試由積極性勞動政策觀點,探討中高齡者再就業之相關問題,採文獻分析與深度訪談法,就政府有關積極性勞動政策:公共就業、職業訓練及就業媒合,及包括工作分享在內的創造工作機會等機關角色及處理方式,進行一通盤性的探討,冀能找出對中高齡就業者困境更合理而周全的處理模式。 / In light of globalization and Southeast Asia. Due to the impact of the world-wide financial tsunami as well as the economic and trade structural differences between Taiwan and Chinamany Taiwanese companies have relocated to China, Some corporations have adopted measures such as: cost down, out- sourcing, merging or hiring foreign labor thus resulted in changes with regard to employment structure, the gradually decline of traditional manufacturing, privatization, etc.. Changes in labor employment typesuch as atypical workers, telecommuting workers, part-timers, dispatched workers, etc therefore can easily be observed. Increasing number of foreign workers and white collar workers can also be found; however, workers with unpaid leave has hit the ever growing unemployment rate. In particular, the middle age toelderly unemployment problems are acute, for instance, reduced job opportunities, longer time to find a new job after unemployed), difficulties in switching jobs, employers reluctant to hire older workers. Given the rapid ageing trend, the unemployment problems among the elderly will in creasingly soar t in the future. This research by adopting the active labor policies perspective wishes to tackle upon the re-employment issues of older workers . secondary data analysi, in-depth interviews and case study alaysisetc. are methods applied. Active government labor policies: public employment, vocational training employment matching, as well as job sharingnd aged workforce. have been assessed.he middle- a.tartegies may be worked out for is hoped that more Reasonable .

勞動派遣制度爭議之研究-以各國比較暨我國法制建構為中心- / Research of labor dispatch system Dispute-Comparison of countries and legal system construction to the Center in Taiwan-

林志遠 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟發展是各國無不竭盡心思的政策工作,但不論政策如何制定,人力配置都是至為重要,唯各行各業越分越細,各領域的知能亦日專業,勞動力的調度上,勞動力的調度上勢將益加靈活彈性,外包、派遣等新型態的非典型勞動出現,更使得就業市場多樣化,只是近年來在經濟活動的震盪下,派遣勞動力與其爭議之問題亦同時伴隨著增加,因此如何在政策與法制上找出解決勞動派遣所產生之爭議,是為本文之重點。 本文先討論勞動派遣之定義與分類,對派遣有較清楚的架構下,再分析各國在派遣制度中所發展出不同的模式,並就其優缺點提出比較看法,做為台灣面臨勞動派遣政策制定時的借鏡,最後根據台灣派遣最新之政策勞動基準法修正草案欲其將納入派遣專章,分析其是否能有效改善派遣所產生之爭議,並提出檢討與建議。 / Economic development is there to do all the policy work of the mind. Regardless of whether the formulation of policy, staffing is important. But the industry is divided into smaller. All fields of knowledge are more and more professional. Workforce scheduling on potential flexibility will benefit plus. Outsourcing、 dispatch and other new atypical labour, appear more makes job market diversification. But in recent years in the economic activities of turbulence by, contributing labor and dispatch of controversial issue will also be accompanied by an increase. So how in the policy and the legal system to find solutions to labor dispatch of dispute arising is the focus of this article. This article first discusses labor dispatch of definition and classification. Learn about labor dispatch framework, then the analysis of national which in labor dispatch system in the development of different models. Then proposed my comparative analysis of these views as Taiwan facing labor dispatch policies example. Finally, in accordance with the Taiwan to send the latest policy draft amendments to the labor standards law wants to send it will be included in the chapter. Analyze their effectiveness to improve the dispatch of the dispute and propose a review and recommendations.


曾柏堯 Unknown Date (has links)
中國近年來經濟的快速成長,受到舉世的矚目。但由於中國之經濟改革,乃是以試點的方式進行,也使得不同地區有著不同的發展命運。故「富而不均,則不免於爭」的問題,是未來中國所必須正視的問題。所以,研究中國地區間勞動所得差異的情形,包括其背景、近況與影響因素等,即為本文之研究目的。   本文先整理勞動經濟學理論中影響工資的因素,以及探討中國工資或區域經濟發展差異之既有文獻,以作為實證分析之基石。接著先將中國勞動市場的發展過程,作詳細的背景說明。並利用中國統計年鑑、中國勞動統計年鑑及中國人口統計年鑑所提供的一九九三至二000年中國二十九個省市的官方資料。研究結果發現,地區間勞動所得不均的問題確實存在於中國,並有逐漸惡化的趨勢。若將整個中國所有省市以不同的分類方法區分為東、中、西部地區及沿海與內陸地區,經變異數分析(ANOVA)的結果證明,勞動所得不均的結論依然成立。   接著,本文經Chow test檢定發現使用固定效果模型(fixed effects model)估計較為合適,故以固定效果模型對相關因素進行實證估計。結果發現,勞動生產力及時間因素,對中國各省市有顯著的正向影響力,而城鄉二元體系的縮小,有可以顯著的提高該地區的勞動所得。並且,除了將中國全部省市一起估計之外,也分別以沿海內陸地區及東中西部地區分別估計。結果發現,勞動生產力無論在東部、中部或西部,對勞動所得都有顯著的正向影響力,而三資企業比的提高,則明顯地有助於西部地區省市勞動所得的提高,而中部地區省市的城鄉二元體系若能縮小,也能顯著地提升該地區的勞動所得。   最後,本論文便依據上述研究結果提出政策建議。本文認為,要進一步提高各省市的勞動所得,除了提高本身的勞動生產力,消除城鄉二元差異也是有效的方式。並且,就內陸地區而言,城鄉二元差異的縮小以及三資企業的發展,都有助於提高內陸各省市的勞動所得。尤其是西部地區,發展三資企業不但可以有效的提高該地區的人民所得,也可縮小與沿海地區的勞動所得差異。這個結論,也可以印證中國近年來所一直強調的西部大開發,確實能改善西部地區人民的生活。   當然,不論是根據理論或本文的研究結果,都顯示勞動生產力是影響勞動所得的重要決定因素。不過,由於將資源投注於沿海地區提升勞動生產力,可以更有效率的提升其勞動所得,但卻會使沿海及內陸的勞動所得差距進一步的拉大;若將資源挹注於內陸地區來提升勞動生產力,可以拉近沿海與內陸勞動所得的差距,但卻必須忍受相對較差的效率。這可能也是中國政府想要提昇人民勞動所得時,效率與公平兩難的地方。

東台灣日本統治體制的建立與原住民的民族發展 / Japan manages system and nation development of the east-Taiwan

李宜憲 Unknown Date (has links)
直到清領後期、日治初期之交為止,東台灣的原住民仍處於部落(tribe)社會的狀態,各社自成一個「酋邦」(chiefdom),晚清對東台灣的經略成效甚微,國家力量在東台灣的落實,不得不從日治時期算起。   本研究分為五章,首章綜論象徵東台灣國家統治的兩套機制,二、三、四章分述東台灣原住民在法政、經濟、教育、信仰上的變化,末章再以人口變遷作為總結,以觀察日治五十年間,東台灣原住民發生了怎樣的變化。   日治時期的國家力量,是牽動東台灣民族發展的最大原動力。因此,首章先討論代表國家力量的兩套機制:一是地方行政機構,二是隘勇線制度。前者是從台東撫墾署演變成東部兩廳,一言以蔽之,即「從蕃政到民政」的一段歷程;後者則是伴隨著原住民抗日事件的發生,而逐步落實下來,最後終於將東台灣分隔成兩個世界:界內的一般行政區、以及界外的特別行政區。   第二章討論部落警政與成文法對原住民的影響。   日治時期的蕃地警政可分為三期,一是撫墾署以來的撫育期,二是五年計劃以來的創建期,三是霧社事件後的重整期。東台灣的地方行政,雖歸結於東部兩廳內的總務課(日後改隸警務課),但對部落原住民而言,則是由警察行政來實踐;至於教育、醫療、衛生等等,也都是部落警政的業務。   至於成文法的施行方面,隘勇線內的平地原住民在明治末年已部份實施國家律法,但在界外的山地原住民,其舊慣仍能發揮一定程度的效用。由於舊慣具有不成文法的約束權威,當一個傳統社會的不成文法,被近代社會的成文法取代之後,慣習就只留下其風俗的面向,而不再具有強制性的制裁,這種「由慣例到法律」的過程,是原住民在社會變遷的一個重要特徵。   在東部原住民從慣例到法律的歷程上,我們看到了一種由法律所規範的新秩序,逐漸出現在東台灣的原住民部落裡。從國家對頭目職權的認可、民法取代慣習、取消封建業主權等三個面向,可以獲得一些瞭解。   第三章是針對水稻種植與貨幣使用的討論。   就糧食作物的這個意涵而言,到1920年前後,水稻已在糧食的意涵上取代了小米。相對於水稻種植的擴張,我們討論了小米種植的衰退,並略論平地原住民及山地原住民如何看待水稻種植。   其次,日治時期的東部開發論的主張,為地廣人稀的東台灣帶來甚大的勞力需求,因此也將原住民納入這樣的勞動市場裡面,這又帶動了一個新的面向:貨幣進入部落。透過水稻種植及貨幣使用,最遲到1920年代,東台灣平地原住民已經在許多方面發生鉅變:老人家認為年輕人不能守住傳統,年輕人違反甚至挑戰傳統。   第四章討論兩個主題:近代教育與衛生醫療。日治時期的原住民教育,其過程主要是在「蕃人公學校」或「蕃童教育所」中完成的。在隘勇線外的教育機構以「蕃童教育所」為主,而在隘勇線內的教育機構則以「蕃人公學校」為主。   日語教育是初等教育的一大重點,所以「國語」的授課時數也最多。日本當局所要進行的,不只是語言教育或文學教育,而是藉由語文教育而達成「涵養國民性」之國民教育。此外,日治時期對於非學齡兒童的人,也有作為輔助教育之不足的社會教化機構,如青年會、國語講習所等。   日治時期影響到原住民傳統信仰的,除了近代教育之外,另一個重要的影響力來自衛生療醫,這主要是施藥與預防注射所帶來的影響。但對原住民社會而言,最多只發揮了鬆動其傳統信仰的作用,並未使原住民走上集體改宗的地步。   第五章是從人口現象來做為總結,以觀察原住民在質與量上的變化。依日治初期的人口調查,原住民占東部總人口的九成以上,且平埔族仍是個獨立的人群統計單位;到了日初中期,原住民人口已占東部總人口的六成,而且在民族識別上,也出現了民族混同的趨勢:譬如東台廳的平地部份是阿美族與卑南族之間的趨近,山地部份則是排灣族與魯凱族之間的趨近。到了日治末期,原住民已占不到東部總人口的一半,而且,最後連原住民與本島人也成為同一統計單位。   從這裡可看到一個趨勢:透過國家力量的長期統治,東台灣各民族呈現出混同為一的態勢,但仍有些邊界存在,特別是做為殖民母國的「內地人」,以及做為這個行政區域之外的「外國人」,這反映了在國家力量的作用下,民族融合的階段發展及其極限。


林彥伶, Lin,Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
許多公共政策的的實施雖以提升社會福利為出發點, 但往往造成了扭曲 勞動市場的現象。為了瞭解實施公共政策對勞動市場會產生多大的衝擊, 在 本論文中, 我們以台灣為對象, 分別探討兩項公共政策對勞動市場的效果。首 先我們探討全民健康保險制度的實施對勞動市場均衡工資與工時的影響。台 灣自1995年起推行全民健保, 以透過收取健保費的方式來籌措經費。但由於 員工及雇主所負擔的健保費為員工薪資的比例, 如同對員工課徵了一筆薪資 稅, 加上健保費與健保福利兩者在制度中並沒有任何關聯, 因此, 在這樣的機制之下, 我們認為全民健保的實施對勞動市場將可能形成負面衝擊。我們的 實證結果發現, 全民健保的實施的確會使勞動市場均衡工時下降, 但對均衡 工資率的效果則不顯著。其次, 本論文探討勞動保護法令的實施對勞動市場 流動的影響。台灣於1984年實施勞動基準法。由於勞基法是台灣第一套全面 性的勞動法規, 在勞基法實施後, 勞工在就業上受到許多保障, 但相對的, 卻提高了雇主的解雇成本。雇主很可能為了因應較高的解雇成本而減少解雇數 量, 且在雇用新進員工時也變得相對保守, 使勞動市場的流動將會因此降低, 進而可能造成生產力下降等的社會成本。我們的實證結果顯示, 勞基法的實 施會使勞動市場流動下降。而且, 當勞動檢查越嚴格時, 勞動市場流動亦下 降得更嚴重。 / The original purpose of most labor market policies is to enhance social welfare of a specific group of individuals and sustain a fair social relationship. However, the labor market may be distorted by the introduction of these public policies. In this thesis we examine the labor market effects of two public policies in Taiwan. Firstly, we investigates the impacts of national health insurance on the labor market. Taiwan's national health insurance is financed by premiums, which are proportional to an employee's salary. These premiums may introduce distortions to the labor market. Based on repeated cross-sections of individual data we find that, on average, private sector employees' work hours declined relative to their public sector counterparts, while their relative wage rates were almost unchanged with the introduction of national health insurance. Secondly, we investigates the effects of employment protection legislation on the rates of worker flows, job reallocation, and churning flows. Our study’s empirical identification takes advantage of the natural experiment created by Taiwan's enactment of Labor Standards Law, which substantially increases the costs of firing an employee, in 1984 and the subsequent measures of the law’s enforcement. Moreover, our identification also exploits the fact that in Taiwan the stringency of Labor Standards Law’s provisions and the intensity of the law's enforcement vary with establishment size. Our analysis is based on monthly data at the establishment level for the period 1983–1995. We find that Taiwan’s Labor Standards Law and its enforcement measures dampen worker and job turnover rates for medium-sized and large establishments, and the dampening effects vary with establishment size.

瑞典積極勞動市場政策之研究 / The study on Swedish active labour market policies

謝嘉文, Hsieh, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
瑞典是世界上最早開始實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一,同時也是目前世界上最致力於實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一。積極勞動市場政策在瑞典的勞動就業中佔有重要地位,並且也是瑞典勞動就業政策以及瑞典模型的一個基本特徵。瑞典積極勞動市場政策充分開發並利用了邊緣勞動力,提高了勞動參與率,促進了不同部門之間勞動力的合理配置,但其高昂的支出也加重了財政負擔,減少了正規就業。 換言之,積極勞動市場政策已成為瑞典經濟與政治政策的註冊商標。回顧1930年代具體的制度措施,有助於解釋近年來瑞典如何成功地結合高福利與經濟增長和高就業水準。對充分就業承諾與以積極的態度來面對開放經濟所帶來的結構變化,其最終目的在於保障就業。而在此體制的背後是強大的社會合作夥伴奧援。儘管全球化對瑞典模式造成不少壓力,惟最近的經驗顯示瑞典模式是可持續的。 雖然在促進就業方面瑞典所採行之政策與我國有若干相似之處,包括強調積極勞動市場措施的重要性,對直接僱用、薪資補貼與職業訓練投入大筆經費等,但他山之石可以攻錯,就瑞典積極勞動市場政策之探討結論本研究提出以下建議:(一)就業能力與方案類型存在一定的關聯性,故應對方案參與者有較多評估,並協助其選擇及參與適當的促進就業方案以及注意不同促進就業措施的競合關係,使之減少方案間排擠現象,發揮方案間加乘效果;(二)不同景氣狀況宜適用不同促進就業措施與建立完整方案參與者之長期追蹤資料庫,以利評估和政策導引;(三)調整積極性勞動市場措施之內容,縮減直接僱用的規模;(四)行政層級職掌分工與就業政策之彈性因應化;(五)修訂賦稅制度、促進工作激勵制度。 / Sweden is one of the countries in the world coming into force an active labour market policy at the earliest stage, and one of the countries with policy efforts which currently commits to carry out an active labor market policy. The active labor market policy takes an important position in Sweden labour market , and a main characteristic of Sweden labour market policies and Swedish Model. It develops and makes good use of the marginal labour force , improves the labour force participation rate , and promotes the rational allocation of labour between different departments. But its high expenditure adds to the financial burden , and reduces the formal employment . In words, an active labour market policy has been a trademark of Swedish economic policies. Specific institutional features which go way back to the 1930s help to explain why Sweden have been so relatively successful in recent years in combining high welfare with economic growth and high employment levels. A commitment to full employment and to an open economy brought about a proactive attitude towards structural change, aiming at protecting employment. The institutional framework behind is strong social partners. Even though globalization puts additional pressure on the system and demands ever more skilful political and economic governance, most recent experiences suggest that the model might be sustainable. To promote the employment, Swedish and Taiwan take some similar policy measures. Although there are a number of similarities, including the emphasis on active labour market measures, the importance of direct employment creation, vocational training and wage subsidies for large investment funds, there are still the followings worthwhile for our country to learn as an advice from others may help one’s defects.Therefore, this study makes the following recommendations:(a)there is a certain relevance between employability and the type of programmes. We need to assist participants to choose and participate in appropriate programmes to promote employment;(b)to pay attention to the promotion measures to reduce the crowding out among programs; make programs synergistic;(c)to adjust the contents of the labor market measures to reduce the scale of direct employment creation;(d)to take some employment measures according to differnt economic situation to promote employment and establish the long-term database of the programme participants to track and facilitate the assessment and policy guidance; (e)to amend the tax system to promote work incentives.

勞動派遣與台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之分析 / A study on dispatched work and dual labor market in Taiwan

陳金治, Chen, Chin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在瞭解勞動派遣之定義、特徵、型態與相關概念,並進行國內外研究之回顧,找出勞動派遣制度對於勞動市場正面與負面之影響後,再分別就資方觀點、勞方觀點、社會觀點與採用業別之差異進行探討,而決定訪談之公司業別,並擬定訪談題目進行深度訪談,以評估勞動派遣制度對台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之影響。   經過深入訪談後發現,高科技產業為降低公司之人事成本,而採用勞動派遣制度,確實會加速勞動市場雙元化之發展,就本研究訪談結果看來,較具規模之高科技產業採用勞動派遣時,為降低公司之勞工結構受到雙元化發展之影響,將限制派遣勞工之採用比例,並提供派遣勞工與正職員工相近之起薪、薪資調幅與福利措施,以及提供派遣勞工轉入正職之管道。如此雖可有效縮小雙元勞動市場中勞動者的差異,但整體薪酬派遣者較低、且勞動市場轉換率較高,以及受勞動法令保障較少等,這些現象仍會存在雙元勞動市場之次級勞動市場中。   整體而言,勞動派遣能提供勞動市場更多就業機會、提供派遣勞工累積工作經驗之機會,亦是派遣者進入大型企業轉為正職人員的橋樑,因此使得勞動派遣制度在勞動市場雙元化的發展過程中,有正面的影響。   本研究建議派遣勞工應選擇較注重企業形象之企業,企業應提供派遣勞工較完善之就業保障,並期望相關政府單位能夠儘速制定相關法令及配套措施,並明定勞動派遣中,要派企業、派遣機構、派遣人員各角色之責任劃分,與各種行業別較適當之派遣勞工雇用比例,並提供派遣勞工相關之職場認知教育,以降低勞動派遣對於台灣雙元化勞動市場發展之負面影響。 / This study aims to explore the definition, features, patterns and relevant concepts regarding dispatched work and review research conducted in Taiwan and overseas on this subject. After identifying the impact of the dispatched work system on the labor market, the differences between different industries employing dispatched labor are investigated to decide companies belonging to which industries are to be interviewed. An in-depth interview is then conducted on the companies selected to evaluate the impact the dispatched work system has on the development of a dual labor market in Taiwan.   The interviews reveal that, high-tech industries adopting the system in order to reduce labor costs do encourage the development of a dual labor market. Results of the interviews indicate that sizable high-tech industries employing dispatched labor limit the extent to which it is employed in an effort to reduce the impact dual labor market development has on the companies’ labor structures. In addition, dispatched workers are offered starting wages, wage increases and benefits similar to those offered to regular employees, as well as the opportunity to become regular employees. Through doing so, the differences between dispatched workers and regular employees in a dual labor market may be effectively narrowed, overall, dispatched workers are less compensated and demonstrate a higher turnover. Moreover, they are less protected by labor laws and regulations. These phenomena still exist in the secondary market of a dual labor market.   Generally speaking, the dispatched work system provides more employment opportunities on the labor market. It also provides dispatched workers the opportunity to accumulate work experience and serves as a steppingstone to regular employment in large businesses. For this reason, the system plays a positive role in the development process of a dual labor market.   The study recommends dispatch workers to choose businesses that pay more attention to their image and that businesses provide these workers with improved employment protection. It also hopes that the government can enact relevant laws and regulations and introduce supporting measures as soon as possible. Furthermore, the roles businesses, dispatched workers and the agencies that dispatch them play must be clearly defined and the ratios of dispatched workers to regular employees in different industries established, with education in having a better understanding of the workplace provided to dispatched labor in an attempt to reduce the negative impact dispatched work has on Taiwan’s dual labor market and the development of its labor market.

工作貧窮之影響因素-以臺灣為例 / N/A

林文山 Unknown Date (has links)
全球性金融海嘯使得臺灣地區經濟蕭條,低收入人口數不斷攀升,臺灣貧富差距擴大使得社會結構隨之改變,貧困者已不再侷限於無工作者身上,現今亦發生於工作者的現象。過去認為有工作即可免於貧困的生活,但隨著時代的變遷,高工時、低工資使得有工作的低收入者卻不一定能免於貧窮,社會政策的制訂或許能改善收入窘困,但低收入者在勞動市場可能因其能力不足而受到考驗,仍然領取較低的工資,形成「工作貧窮」(Working Poor)。據此,本研究使用「家庭收支調查報告」之資料,並設定邏輯特模型 (Logit Model) 之實證模型,針對工作者的個人特質、家庭狀況、工作狀況、環境因素、時間因素對於工作貧窮的影響程度進行分析,並建立2006、1999-2002、2003-2006、1999-2006四個時間區段,將受訪者數目分為全體、北區、中區、南區,探討年度及區域對於工作貧窮是否有顯著的影響。 本研究透過文獻整理、實證模型分析探討臺灣工作貧窮發生的各種因素,以女性、低教育程度、未婚、單人家庭、農林漁牧礦業相對上較可能會落入工作貧窮高風險群,而在所有區域中,全體樣本以都市的工作者相對上較容易落入工作貧窮,而北區的鄉村工作者、中區的城鎮工作者、南區的都市工作者相對上較容易落入工作貧窮,但工作貧窮率卻以中區的工作者位居最高。因此,本研究期望政府能協助其脫離貧窮,以改善臺灣地區人民富者愈富、窮者愈窮的情況,讓所得分配更加平均。冀望此研究結果能使政府進一步了解工作貧窮者的特質,除了照顧非勞動市場的貧窮者外,亦應制定一套類似美國在1975年實施「勞動所得稅額扣抵制度」(Earned Income Tax Credit, EITC) 的社會福利制度,照顧這些身處勞動市場的貧窮者,協助工作貧窮者脫離貧窮。

青年失業問題與青年就業政策之研究 ─從我國教育改革面向切入 / Youth Unemployment and Youth Employment Policy from the aspect of Taiwan's education reform

廖芷嫻, Liao, Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
2008年金融危機,對全球經濟造成嚴重的衝擊,連帶影響勞動市場,青年失業問題日趨惡化,高失業率使許多青年放棄求職,或選擇繼續留在教育體系中,延後進入勞動市場。國際組織及各國政府皆致力於解決青年失業問題,我國也不例外,惟多年來我國青年就業情況卻未獲改善,是否我國的青年就業政策有不足之處值得深思。本研究主要針對青年失業問題與原因進行討論,亦欲藉由國際組織之建議及各國青年就業政策,來探討我國青年就業政策應加強之處,最後試圖從教育改革面向切入我國青年失業率升高之原因,並於文末提出建議。 / The global economy suffered a serious impact by financial crisis in 2008, also affected the labor market. The youth unemployment situation has been getting worse since 2008. Discouraged by high youth unemployment rates, many young people have either given up the job search altogether or have decided to postpone it and continue to stay in the education system. Both international organizations and governments have devoted effort to solve the youth unemployment problem─ our country is not an exception. But the youth unemployment situation has not improved for several years. Are there any insufficient in our country‘s Youth employment policy worth to think. This thesis focused on the problems and reasons of youth unemployment. Also discuss how to strengthen our youth employment policy and the high youth unemployment rates from the perspective of Taiwan's education reformation system. Finally, make recommendations to strengthen the current youth employment policy.

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