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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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虛擬實境體驗商業模式之研究 / A Feasibility Study of VR Experience Business

呂佳穎 Unknown Date (has links)
虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)被認為是繼智慧型手機後的一新興科技產品市場,原因來自於應用很廣泛,例如視頻遊戲、事件直播、影片娛樂、醫療保健、房地產、零售、教育、工程和軍事等。虛擬實境是一個跳躍型的新科技應用並沒有一個類似已有的應用可讓消費者類比與想像,再加上虛擬實境提供前所未有的沉浸式感覺,這些都是虛擬實境距離目前消費者很遠,需要消費者體驗的理由。 因此,本研究的目的為探究體驗虛擬實境對消費者的價值,以及這些價值可透過何種體驗商業模式實現。再進一步釐清那些因素有助於提升體驗商業模式對消費者的價值。 Osterwalder et al. (2014) 發現,許多企業組織用「商業模式圖」找顧客價值主張,經常碰壁,因為那不是挖掘價值主張的工具。因此,提出「顧客素描」與「價值地圖」來針對商業模式設計的核心問題,如何建立目標客群(Target Audience, TA)與價值主張的適配(Fit),根據商業模式圖的實際使用經驗,提出更為細部、具體的導引問題與工具。為避免「顧客素描」受個人主觀的認知而有偏差,也減少之後價值主張的修正。本研究使用方法目的鏈中的一對一的訪談技術,藉以瞭解消費者如何利用產品的屬性滿足自我的價值,也破除一般訪談無法深入的缺點,來完成顧客素描中的痛點、利益與要完成的任務。 本研究發現虛擬實境對消費者的價值在於享樂人生、冒險刺激與成就感。在經由與消費者深度訪談後,體驗商業模式如體驗中心或共享模式都比目前買賣設備傳統的商業模式更適合虛擬實境的發展。

策略性事業併購的事業本質重定義 : 日本佳能公司分析探討 / The Business Redefinition by Strategic M&A: The Case Study of Canon Inc.

張玉城 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今競爭激烈且日益趨向全球化的市場上,企業追求成長的壓力不斷的增加,因為如果無法持續成長,就可能隨時被市場淘汰,而併購是企業追求成長的重要方式之一,過去許多企業界與學者共同相信的一件事情是,併購是一家成功企業必經的過程,而且事實上併購的熱潮自十九世紀末以來從未停過,然而併購的形式與背後的動機卻不盡相同,併購通常被認為可以帶給企業獲利、加速發展、提升市場占有率、實現規模經濟、掌握上下游資源、取得專利技術等諸多好處,但看似美好的背後往往潛藏著許多看不見的危機,嚴重的話更可能帶來併購失敗的災難性後果,在現今產業邊界模糊、環境快速且劇烈變動、競爭異常激烈的時代,企業在尋求併購時也應該具備不同以往的思維。 經由文獻與個案的探索,本研究以「策略性併購」作為研究架構,以「槓桿化商業模式的併購LBM」與「再造商業模式的併購RBM」,作為分析個案Canon Inc.的模型,並且深入探討這家企業的背景及其過去併購中,所具備的特質,而這些特質大致上可以分為「內部強化」與「外部創新」,及該公司如何將兩者結合,開創出新的商業模式,進而提升企業的價值。 環境變化飛快,新技術、新產品與新市場不斷出現的時代中,企業要如何維持競爭力與成長力,必須思考自己核心能力與資源上是否有做好分配,而若企業想要藉由併購帶給公司一個快速取得進入新市場的門票,從事業的本質跟核心出發,思考被併公司與公司的互補性,才有可能開創出對公司有益的商業模式,為企業帶來創新的成長動能,故此個案相當值得業界與學界深思與探討。

經營環保小木屋之商業計畫 / Eco-friendly cabin hospitality business

歐翊洋, Cortizo, Mario Unknown Date (has links)
Panama for many decades has been characterized for its privileged geographic position, biodiversity, modern city, economic development, and its success attracting tourists. Panama figures indicate that the tourism and hospitality industries are growing at impressive rates. In the next few 4 years, worldwide international tourist arrivals is expected to grow by the year 2020 to 1.4 billion and by the year 2030 is expected to reach 1.8 billion. Success in the international tourism industry has had also a positive impact in the Hospitality Industry. Accordingly, by 2018 the Hospitality industry is expected to reach a global retail value of 553.8 Billion. Currently out of those millions of tourists, in 2016 Panama attracted over 1.9 million tourists. Important to consider is that this new millennial tourists come with a new mindset, and are looking for new Eco-friendly hospitality options. As it has been stated by the World Travel and Tourism Organization: “The new millennium and the coming decades are a crucial time for the relationship between travel and tourism and sustainable development. The need to preserve the world’s inherent assets for future generations is becoming an imperative goal not only for travel and tourism, but also for all other industries that use the earth’s natural resources.” Consequently Panama is currently facing a shortage in Eco-friendly focused accommodations, and we are currently facing a rising demand of tourists who are looking for affordable Eco-friendly accommodation. Interestingly, Panama through the Ministry of Tourism has been building its infrastructure to promote Eco-tourism. Within our isthmus we offer activities such as: snorkeling, diving, hiking, camping, bird watching, whale watching, zip line tours, rain-forest tours, rock climbing, sailing with dolphins, swimming with sea turtles, white water rafting among others. Therefore due to the increasing number of tourists entering our country, Panama shortage of Eco friendly accommodations, and our well suited infrastructure for Eco-tourism activities, we have a great business opportunity to capitalize in. In our continuous endeavor to have a positive impact on caring the environment while displaying Panama to the world, we are joining efforts in order to start an Eco-friendly hospitality business. Our business model wants to full-fill the current demand for Eco- friendly, self-sustainable, and affordable accommodations. The lodge is expected to be located in Gatun which is characterized by dense forests, fresh air, beautiful lake scenery, hiking trails, the Panama Canal locks, and peace-full environment. We have chosen this location due to its proximity with Panama Canal Gatun locks, Gatun Lake, Rio Chagres, its biodiversity and the fact that there is no Eco-friendly lodges in this area. Therefore, due to the high influx of tourist in Panama, the multiple activities as well as comfortable accommodations we offer, we are confident our Eco lodge will enjoy high occupancy rate. In the initial construction phase, the lodge will consist of 4 main cabins, which will be completely constructed with recycled products such as Reused maritime shipping containers, refurbished furniture's, in addition, we will construct our cabins in harmony with nature and our cabins will run 100% with solar energy. We are not only offering an Eco-friendly, and low carbon foot print option for tourists, we will also offer tours that allow our guests to explore the beauty of Panama. Including the visit to the Gatun locks, bird watching trails, kayaking in the lake, getting to know local culture, exiting adventures on the Chagres River, and connecting with nature. Our main sources of revenue will be from hospitality services, and touristic attraction services. Accordingly, our main expenses recall on the acquisition of land, equipment and construction of cabins and monthly salary and maintenance expenses. In order to evaluate this project, we have calculated a project duration of 10 years with a 10% discount rate. We will begin the project in 2019, and break even on July 2023. The initial total Capital investment will be of $220,000.00 and we will generate with yearly incomes average $60,000.00 and a NPV of +$195,656.55.

開設幼兒園之商業企畫書 / Business plan to establish a pre-school

林芯嵐, Bhila, Nombuso Unknown Date (has links)
Early childhood care and education is one of most fundamental elements on children journey. Although it looks irrelevant, children need it as a passage to use to begin developing their brains educationally as well life skills in generally. Swaziland has been neglecting early childhood care and education for a in the past, however, the situation has changed and now the Swazi government is getting involved through developing policies that support Early Childhood Care and Education. Tomorrow People Academy seeks to provide pre-school education in Swaziland with multiple enrollment programs, to cater for the different kinds of educational needs for the Swazi market. The business plan will present factors on how the Swazi government has moved from not supporting Early Childhood Care and Education to setting up and implementing structures that supports it. The business plan will then present paramount factors that are needed for the success in such an industry.

網際網路商業模式與專利關係之探討 / The research of relationships between internet business models and patents

陳定富, Chen, Ting-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路全球化、數位化等特性使得智慧財產權的侵害問題日益嚴重,電子商務經營業者莫不尋求更有效的保護方式,而專利權便是最具排他性的一種保護方式。就在眾多網際網路商業模式如雨後春筍般出現之際,許多電子商務經營業者已經取得為數不少的網際網路相關專利,所謂的網際網路相關專利,在多數文獻上其意思為:「網際網路業務方法專利」(詳見第二章文獻探討—網際網路相關專利之定義),而網際網路相關專利與網際網路商業模式(定義詳見第二章文獻探討—網際網路商業模式之定義)之間是否存在某種關係呢? 本研究透過對美國專利商標局所核發之網際網路相關專利進行個案分析,以瞭解兩者之關係,所得到的結論從政策面來說,美國政府在核發網際網路相關專利時,應當嚴格認定「該技術是否非顯而易見」。 從投資的角度來說,投資者已無法單從專利數量來評估一個網站/一家公司的投資潛力,「專利的市場價值重於數量,專利與網際網路商業模式的搭配更為重要」;而專利的市場價值可以由專利的需求面、專利的供給面與專利的動態市場價值來衡量;專利與網際網路商業模式的搭配是指「某一網際網路商業模式的專利組合(patent portfolio)」,由於不同的網際網路商業模式會使用到不同的專利技術(除了使用到相同的專利技術之外)而該專利是否為該網際網路商業模式不可獲缺的關鍵性技術,便決定了該專利在此網際網路商業模式的價值。(詳見第五章結論與建議);電子商務經營業者如何結合專利、品牌(商標權)、著作權以及營業秘密形成一難以攻破的套裝式智財權保護組合,是排除競爭者以及說服投資者該網際網路商業模式獲利潛力的重要課題。 從電子商務經營管理的角度來說,由個案分析可以瞭解部分公司之專利組合(Patent portfolio)與網際網路商業模式的關係是:網際網路相關專利與公司的Path dependency(見結論)以及發展次網際網路商業模式的策略性意圖有關。 另外由專利類型來說,專利在電子商務經營業者之網際網路商業模式所扮演的角色--關鍵性專利是主要的攻擊武器,基礎性專利則是主要的防禦性盾牌(關鍵性專利與基礎性專利的定義見第四章第四節--個案分析之第三小節之專利類型)。 由本研究的探討可以瞭解專利在網際網路商業模式中與品牌(商標權)、著作權、營業秘密都是一種保護創新、R&D投入、市場佔有率以及吸引投資與創造授權機會之工具,唯有可以獲利的網際網路商業模式搭配可以保護其創新之智慧財產權組合才會有永續經營的電子商務經營業者。


王國華, Wang, Kuo Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要針對大型百貨業者的商品管理進行實證研究,探討採購作業進行方式與組織經營績效間的關係,與百貨業實施庫存管理與存貨政策的影響變數,最後並發掘百貨業者在實施商品管理自動化時所遭遇的問題。本研究以台北市的5家大型百貨公司為實證對象,希望能提供業者作為提昇商品管理效率的參考,進而為消費者提供更適時、適量的商品,提昇國人生活品質。   本研究主要係透過專家訪談的方式,以整理出目前業者在相關作法上的異同,並分析其與績效的關係,以完整勾繪出整個商品管理流程重要環節,作為改善的起點。   研究結果發現,公司商品特色及公司與供應商的互動程度和公司的坪效有關,意即業者面對未來的競爭時,必須有更積極主動的作為,才能脫穎而出;並且發現各家百貨公司存貨以及與供應商的電腦連線是在資訊化過程的瓶頸,而有賴政府與業者共同克服。

漢人移墾及其市街形成──以十八世紀新莊街為例所作的個案研究 / On Chinese Immigration and merchant settlement

陳宗仁, Chen, Tsung Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文是對閩粵移民史的一個片斷作個案研究, 著重的是移民台灣時的動 機與在台灣的適應及其市街聚落的建立, 並以十八世紀的新莊街作為個 案,探討移民在市街級的區域內,移墾的歷程,其中包含草地開墾、 水 利建設、與市街的建立等。全文共分五章敘述。第一章是前言,論述移民 史是歷史學的一重要課題, 特別是移民的經驗是台灣人長時期以來共有 的記憶,為解台灣移民史, 須將研究的架構置於閩粵移民史之下,並介 紹新莊地區的相關歷史研究成果。第二章探討漢人移民前的新莊自然與人 文環境。 自然環境著重與人類聚落形成有關的因素,分別以地形、氣候 兩主題說明對漢人的居住地、 水源、農業生產與交通等的影響;人文環 境說明漢人在移入新莊之前, 本地有長時期的住民生活史,本章根據荷 蘭人、漢人的文獻, 試圖說明新莊平埔族的活動及外人對他們理解的轉 變, 並注意其聚落地理位置與族群規模。第三章是移民過程的研究,首 先討論移民的原因, 認為人口壓力說對於原因的解釋,過於簡化,而必 須注意十六、七世紀以來閩粵的經商、 移民傳統以及清朝與荷蘭、明鄭 等政權爭鬥中, 台灣的地位的突出與統治者的經營。其次,台灣成為移 民的有利環境, 不是台灣本來即適合漢人居住,而是移民與環境間的互 動中改變了環境。新莊的實證研究,可以見到當時的開墾模式, 即番社 ──墾戶──佃戶的生產關係,以及開墾淡水河西岸平原的四大墾戶系統 , 其中以林天成墾號與新莊的關係最密切,林天成租業後來林成祖取得 , 不久又賣與張廣福墾號。第四章論述移民聚落的形成,以新莊街為例 ,敘述新庄街的建立, 在漢人移墾初期,新庄街是台北盆地最重要的市 街,政治、經濟、 與宗教的重心。本章討論其市街建立年代、位置,以 及最興盛時期的聚落規模。第五章為結論,將本文主要觀點及研究所得簡 要概述, 並提出一些研究上的缺失與值得進一步探討的歷史課題。

綠色思維下的商業模式創新: Panasonic集團之個案探討 / Business model innovation under green thinking: A case study of Panasonic Group

呂欣穎 Unknown Date (has links)
全球暖化、能源短缺等環境議題不單止為世界的氣候帶來改變,隨著環境議題近年來逐漸受到人們重視,企業界的回應態度由早期被動因應,也開始轉變為主動結合企業經營理念,實踐兼具環境與經濟目標之綠色經營,並將經濟、社會與環境三個層面平衡之永續觀點,融入至企業所有活動之中,以此觀點開拓適應環境且能創造價值之新商機。 本研究旨在探討並驗證綠色思維不再是企業發展的障礙,反而是成為促進企業競爭力和可持續發展的圭臬。研究採取個案研究方式,以日本 Panasonic集團為研究對象,說明其藉由將綠色思維納入企業的核心價值中,並運用核心能力、調整資源和組織運作,重新界定顧客價值,提供整合性的服務,打造創新的商業模式,藉由解決社會的需求,提升企業的競爭力並追求達成企業、社會皆能永續發展的最終目標。 研究架構則採用野中郁次郎提出的創新商業模式架構為理論基礎,從建立企業願景、提出價值主張,透過建構、整合、重組組織的技術、資源和能力,以適應快速變化的外部環境。更重要的是企業應以永續經營的概念,對於自己本的核心競爭力有具體的了解,透過平日的生產活動去強化它的力量,配合本身的核心能力、活用它朝既存事業有關連性的新事業發展,發展不同於舊有思維的創新商業模式,協助企業創造新商機、開發新市場,最終得以建立其他競爭對手無法仿效的整體優勢。

空調節能服務產業之企業轉型與商業模式創新之研究—以T個案公司為例 / The transformation and innovative business model in HVAC industry - take T company for example

黃柏榕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討企業管理者如何因應環境快速變遷而採取必要的企業轉型策略,而企業在進行轉型時,轉型考慮的因素為何?以及在進行轉型時,企業所面臨的問題與挑戰為何?有哪些關鍵因素會促使企業轉型成功進而持續成長?而創新商業模式又如何幫助企業突破難關?本研究經由文獻中尋找合適且相關資料,再透過個案訪談法,深入了解個案公司企業轉型過程與內容,藉由企業高階經理人與企業成員之專業素養與豐富的經驗,進行相關議題之探討,檢視影響個案公司在進行企業轉型面臨的外部和內部環境分析,以及最後歸納出影響企業轉型的關鍵成功因素。 本研究歸納出企業進行轉型以及商業模式創新時,關鍵成功因素包含領導者必須因應環境與趨勢而清楚規畫出企業未來營運之目標與願景外,與員工妥善溝通、激勵員工,以及適時給予回饋也是必要的。最後關鍵成功因素亦包含企業如何與供應商或合作夥伴配合,以快速回應和滿足市場與顧客之需求,而在本研究於此個案研究中發現,企業經營者之策略敏銳度及經營態度會深深影響企業轉型之成功與否。 本研究期望能協助企業之經營者,透過本研究結果去尋找合適的企業轉型策略,以使企業更穩健成長與茁壯,將企業轉型這項艱鉅的任務化成明確且可行的任務。 關鍵字:企業轉型;商業模式;創新 / This study aims at how enterprise manager took necessary transformation strategy to adapt to the rapid change of the environment. And when enterprise transforms, what kind of factors would take into consideration? And in the process of transforming, what kinds of questions and challenges will be concerned? Also, what kinds of the main key factors would make the enterprise successful and continue growing up? How would innovative business model help the enterprise break through the difficulties? This study found out the related information from the past document records, and learned how an enterprise transformed and their transformation process by interviewing the managers and visiting the company. And by visiting the top manager and the employee of the company, the study did research related to the topic. Finally this study did the related outside and inside analysis about the transformation, and sum up the key successful factors affecting the company. The results of this study indicated the critical factors that affected the successful business transformation and innovative business model included that leader must have well planned the future business target and vision according to the environment and trends. Communicating with the employees, encouraging them and giving feedback to them are also necessary. And the critical successful factors included how to cooperate with the suppliers and their business partners in order to response quickly to the market and satisfy the customers’ needs. This study found out that the attitude and vision of the leader also affected how the corporate transformed very much. It was hope that this study can help the leader of an enterprise to find the suitable transformation strategy through the result from this study, and further to change the challenging mission of the transformation into a clear and feasible mission to make the enterprise more strong and grow stably. Key words: Transformation, Innovation, Business model


李炳杰 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多企業界與學者共同相信的一件事情是,併購是一家成功企業必經的過程,而且事實上併購的熱潮自十九世紀末以來從未停過,然而併購的形式與背後的動機卻不盡相同,在現今產業邊界模糊、環境快速且劇烈變動、競爭異常激烈的時代,企業在尋求併購時也應該具備不同以往的思維,本研究以二十一世紀起到目前為止最熱門的名詞:商業模式的角度來看待企業併購,並選擇全球相當具指標性的三家企業Panasonic Corporation、Canon Inc.與eBay Inc.作為個案,探討從事策略性併購的新觀念及其如何為企業帶來轉型,並針對新時代的策略性併購進行分類與定義。 經由文獻與個案的探索,本研究以「商業模式的轉型程度」與「經營範疇的延伸程度」作為構面,將企業併購分為四類,分別是「規模經濟強化」、「商業模式轉型」、「核心資源延伸」與「現有產業再定義」,其中後三者屬於能帶給企業在次世代競爭時具有某些特殊優勢的策略型併購,分別對應到的個案即eBay Inc.、Canon Inc.以及Panasonic Corporation,且深入探討三家企業的併購歷史時,可以發現共同具備第一階段「內部強化」與第二階段「外部創新」的「二階段併購」軌跡與特徵。 當環境變化的速度快,不斷有新技術、新產品與新市場出現時,產品生命週期將快速縮短,企業的策略要維持競爭力,必須要在資源上做最適合分配,而併購能帶給併購公司一個快速取得新事物的捷徑,換取最寶貴的資源之一-時間,並為企業帶來創新,故相當值得業界與學界深思與探討。

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