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台北市五十七學年度國小畢業生未能升學國中原因之調查研究黃春枝, Huang, Chun-Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章: 第一章為緒論,共分三節。第一節敘述研究動機與目的,第二節敘述研究範圍與方法,第三節敘述資料之來源。第二章為有關之研究與文獻,共分二節。第一節介紹與評述台灣省教育廳五十六學年度與五十七學年度國小畢業生未升學國中原因調查,第二節介紹與評述日本文部省昭和二十七、二十八與二十九年度的小學結業生不升學中學或長期缺席原因之調查研究。第三章為國小畢業生未能升學國中原因之問卷編製、取樣與調查經過,共分三節。第一節敘述問卷之編製經過與問卷之內容,第二節敘述取樣方法與取樣範圍,第三節敘述實際訪問調查之經過。第四章為國小畢業生未能升學國中原因之資料蒐集、整理與統計,調查問卷之資料蒐集、整理與統計等三部份。第二節為統計結果之分析,計分為: 國小畢業生未能升學國中人數之統計分析,國小畢業生未能升學國中願參加技藝訓練與不參加技藝訓練人數之統計分析,國小畢業生未能升學國中之性別、籍貫、年齡、家長職業、國小畢業成績等之統計分析,與國小畢業生未能升學國中原因調查結果之統計分析等四部份。第五章為結論與建議,並根據調查結果提出建議,俾供教育當局作為今後提高國小畢業生升學率之參考。
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國中基測英文閱讀測驗分析與閱讀技巧及策略教學之研究楊捷宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實驗對象為六十名台北市景美地區一所國中九年級的學生,這些學生來自於二個不同的班級,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。本研究採用Mo (1987) 及 Johnson(2004) 的閱測題型分類,並參考國中基測委員會的建議,討論基測英文閱讀測驗題型與分配情形。實驗前測內容包含二○○二年至二○○四年所有國中基測英文閱讀測驗的考題,由受試者參加測驗。接下來進行本研究的教學實驗,實驗組中的受試者接受為期十三週,每週二節課,針對基則範例進行英文閱讀技巧及策略的教學,在另一方面,控制組在相同的條件下,針對相同的範例內容進行字彙、文法、句型及文意的講解與練習。實驗結束後,二組受試者均參加二○○六年所舉辦的兩次基測, 而受試者在英文閱讀測驗的表現,即代表他們的學習成效。
本研究發現國中基測英文閱讀測驗有六種題型,分別為確認文章主旨、尋找細部資訊、猜測字詞意義、找出字詞指涉、導出暗示推論及引導正確結論,而在二○○六年的基測題目中,僅最後一個類型引導正確結論無相關考題,且各題型的次數分配顯示出相當不平均的考題分配情形,將近一半的題目都屬於尋找細部資訊的類型,且歸類於字面技巧 (literal skills) 的題型比重也遠超過屬於重要技巧 (critical skills) 的題型。此外,前測結果不僅顯示實驗組與控制組在教學實驗進行前並無顯著差異,也顯示受試者在字面技巧的表現優於重要技巧。本研究也發現閱讀技巧及策略教學在二○○六年的第一次基測是有顯著成效的,然而在第二次時,因受試者已畢業且缺乏有效練習,所以成效並不顯著。
最後,本研究建議基測委員會與試題設計者能多考慮著重各種不同的閱讀題型,尤其是要增加對於學生整體閱讀能力提昇有很大幫助的題型比重,如找出文章主旨與結論等屬於重要技巧的題型。國中英文教師也能設計適合學生的閱讀教材,經由不同題型的練習與強化,幫助學生將這些閱讀技巧與策略內化為他們閱讀能力的一部份,本研究也建議國中英文教材與課本的編寫者能將這些技巧與策略安排在適當的單元與活動中。 / The present study aims to investigate the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and to conduct an experiment on the effectiveness of related reading skills and strategies. The findings and suggestions of the present study may be helpful for the reading instruction in junior high school.
A total of 60 ninth graders in a junior high school in Jing-mei, Taipei participated in this experiment. They are from two different classes; one is the control group and the other is the experimental group. According to the categorization of the reading skills from Mo (1987) and Johnson (2004), the present study examined the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and the frequency distribution of different question types. The reading pretest included all the reading passages and items from 2002 to 2004, and the participants were asked to take the pretest as a formal exam. Then, the experiment of the present study lasted for 13 weeks, two class periods a week. The participants in the experimental group received the instruction of the reading skills and strategies while the participants in the control group were taught the vocabulary, the grammar, the structures and their meanings in the same reading passages. After the formal reading instruction, the participants took both of the BCT in 2006, and their performances may reflect the effectiveness of the formal reading instruction.
There are several findings for the present research. First, six different question types are identified in the English reading comprehension tests of the BCT and they are identifying the main idea, finding the detailed information, determining the meaning out of context, finding the targets of the reference, drawing implications and inferences and drawing correct conclusions. But the last question type drawing correct conclusions was not identified in the BCT of 2006. Second, there existed an unbalanced distribution of these question types. Nearly half of the reading questions can be classified as the type finding the detailed information, and the proportion of the question types related to the literal skills was much larger than those of the question types concerning the critical skills. Moreover, the results of the reading pretest showed that there is no significant difference between the experimental and the control groups and that the participants performed better on the literal skills than on the critical ones. At last, the results of the participants’ performances in the first BCT of 2006 revealed that the formal reading instruction of the reading skills and strategies is effective. But the participants took the second BCT after they graduated, and the effectiveness of the instruction may reduce because of time and lack of practice.
Finally,the researcher would like to suggest the BCT committee include more reading question types that may emphasize students’ overall reading abilities. Junior high school English teachers may design their own reading classes and help their students improve and internalize the reading skills and strategies they need. The designers of the English textbooks may include these useful reading skills and strategies in different tasks and activities.
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台灣國中生的自我落差、學業成就與憂鬱、焦慮之關係 / The relationship of self-discrepancy, academic scores between depression ,anxiety of the junior high school students in Taiwan曾秋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………..1
第一節 緣由…………………………………………………………..1
第二節 不同類型的自我結構………………………………………..4
第三節 中國人的自我結構…………………………………………..7
第四節 自我落差理論……….……………………………………..13
第五節 影響自我知識系統發展的因素…………………………….15
第六節 中國父母對孩子的教養、教化方式……………………….20
第七節 中國孩子習得的「自我引導標準」類型………………….24
第八節 中國孩子的「自我引導標準」的來源…………………….26
第九節 「學業成就」對台灣國中生的影響……………………...30
第十節 研究問題…………………………………………………..31
第二章 研究方法……………………………………………………….32
第一節 研究對象…………………………………………………..32
第二節 研究工具…………………………………………………..34
第三節 研究步驟…………………………………………………..38
第四節 目標達成的落差、目標間差異程度的估計..…………..40
第五節 資料分析…………………………………………………..45
第三章 結果分析與討論
第一節 國中生的「期望我」、「不期望我」的具體內容………..46
第二節 背景屬性變項在憂鬱程度、焦慮程度上的差異………..52
第三節 國中生在各變項的反應情形……………………………..55
第四節 各類研究變項、憂鬱及焦慮之間的相關………………..62
第五節 各類變項對全體受試憂鬱情緒的預測…………………..66
第六節 各類變項對全體受試焦慮情緒的預測…………………..71
第四章 結論、討論與建議
第一節 結論、討論………………………………………………..74
第二節 本研究之限制及未來研究的建議………………………..84
附錄一 CDI量表原出版者同意函……………………………………….
附錄二 自我問卷一………………………………………………..…….
附錄三 自我問卷二……………………………………………..….….
附錄四 反義詞的判定…………………………………………………..
表2-1 各背景變項之樣本分配的情形………………………………….33
表3-1 「期望我」內容……………………………………………………48
表3-2 「不期望我」內容…………………………………………………49
表3-3 基本背景變項在憂鬱程度上的單變量統計分析………………………53
表3-4 基本背景變項在焦慮程度上的單變量統計分析………………………54
表3-5 全體受試在各類「期望我目標落差」上的平均數及標準差……57
表3-6 不同成績受試,在各類「期望我目標落差」上的平均數、標準差,
表3-7 全體受試在各類「不期望我目標落差」上的平均數及標準差…58
表3-8 不同成績受試,在各類「不期望我目標落差」上的平均數、標準
表3-9 在「期望我」上,全體受試在各立場差異程度的平均數及標準差…..60
表3-10 在「期望我」上,不同成績受試在各立場差異程度上的平均數、標準
表3-11 在「不期望我」上,各立場差異程度的平均數及標準差……………61
表3-12 在「不期望我」上,不同成績受試在各立場差異程度上的平均數、標
表3-13 各類變項、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…………………………….62
表3-14 各「期望我目標落差」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…………………….64
表3-15 各「不期望我目標落差」之間的相關…………………………………64
表3-16 各「不同立場期望我的差異程度」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關……….64
表3-17 各「不同立場不期望我的差異程度」、憂鬱、焦慮之間的相關…….65
表3-18 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試憂鬱情緒的迴歸分析……………67
表3-19 各背景變項、目標落差、立場差異對全體受試憂鬱情緒的迴歸分析…………….70
表3-20 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試焦慮情緒的迴歸分析……………72
表3-21 各背景變項、AD、AU、BD、BU對全體受試焦慮情緒的迴歸分析……………73 / The purpose of this study is to understand the factors of academic scores,
actual: desired discrepancy, desired/own: desired/other discrepancy,
desired/other: desired/other discrepancy, actual: undesired discrepancy,
undesired/own: undesired/other discrepancy, undesired/other: undesired/other discrepancy (the standpoint of self: own, parent, teacher, friend), in predicting of depression, anxiety of the junior high school students in Taiwan. In the meanwhile to see if different types of self-discrepancy (actual: desired discrepancy, actual:
undesired discrepancy) matching with certain types of psychological disturbances (depression and anxiety)?
The sample students are 278 Tien-Mu Junior High School students, included
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students, 132 male and 145 female (with 1 turn
in blank). The research tool applied in this study are "Selves
questionnaire", "Children's Depression Inventory, CDI", "Beck Anxiety
Inventory, BAI", "Product-movement Correlation", and "Hierarchical
Multiple Regression".
The research finds, score has the predictive ability toward the depression
degree of the junior high students in Taiwan, and the "actual/own:
desired/parent discrepancy" has the next predictive ability beside score.
But score has no predictive ability toward the anxiety of the junior high
students, the "actual/own: undesired/parent discrepancy" has. The results
also tell (1) there are close relationship between "parents expectation and
admonish" and students' psychological disturbance. (2) Different types of
discrepancy matching certain psychological disturbance indeed, the "actual:
desired discrepancy" matches depression, and the "actual: undesired
discrepancy matches anxiety.
By end, this paper has some discussions according to the research findings,
also states the limitation of this research, and the suggestions for the
further studies.
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屏東縣國中畢業生升學意願之調查研究林叔陵 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 瞭解屏東縣內國中畢業生畢業後就業與升學意願的比率、升學學生選擇各類型學校之意願情形。
二、 瞭解屏東縣內國中畢業生升讀當地或他縣高中、高職、五專之意願與原因。
三、 瞭解屏東縣內國中畢業生對於屏東縣高中、高職、五專等學校,在行政措施上的需求與就讀考量之因素。
四、 瞭解屏東縣內國中畢業生對於目前政府所推行之「鼓勵優秀國中畢業生就讀當地高中措施」的了解程度,及其對於屏東縣國中畢業生在決定是否留縣升學時的影響程度。
五、 分析越區報考臨縣(市)高中、高職、五專之學生的就學成因,俾確實得知其需求。
六、 根據研究結果提出建議,以供屏東縣政府作教育政策擬訂之參考。
一、 屏東縣國中畢業生以繼續升學為最大比率。
二、 屏東縣國中畢業生以決定升讀高中者占最大多數。
三、 不分其升學類型下,屏東縣國中畢業生以決定留縣升學者居多。
四、 受試者多時常與父母討論升學之類型,但關於升學地點之討論頻率則多只是一兩次,且對於升學地點及政府政策亦多只達稍微瞭解之程度。
五、 受試者對於屏東縣高級中等教育機構之改善需求,是以充實教學設備占最大比率,次為實施保送制度、及提升師資素質。
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從耐撞性(resilience)的角度看國中後段班學生的學習動機及生活適應 / Low-learning students from the prospective of resilience胡淑惠, Hue, Shih-Hwe Unknown Date (has links)
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國小英語學習經驗對國中英語學習表現之影響周雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)英語技能層面:學生的初學年齡在英語閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,且初學年齡愈小,英語閱讀程度的表現愈佳;學習年數在英語聽力精熟程度、閱讀精熟程度以及寫作精熟程度上均有顯著差異,且學習年數愈長表現愈佳;授課教師則僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,授課教師為外國老師與中外聯合教學者顯著優於中國老師;學習感受亦僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習感受為有趣者在英語閱讀精熟程度上的表現較佳;學習地點則僅於口語精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習地點為家教式者在英語口語程度上的表現較佳。 / The study is based on the 1<sub>st</sub> grade students in junior high school, which are 7 municipal junior high schools among 63 ones in Taipei. The goal of this study is to explore the influence of elementary school's English learning experience includes not noly 'the learned' and 'unlearned', but also the 'starting age','learning years','teachers','feeling about learning','learning contents' and 'learning places'; as to English learning performance, it includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages. The main findings of this study list as below:
Ⅰ. The differences between the learned and unlearned students at elementary school period in cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are:
(i) English cognitive stage: the learned ones who use English cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies are superior to the unlearned.
(ii) English affective stage: the learned ones whose English learning attitude, English learning motivation and English learning anxiety are superior to the unlearned.
(iii) English psychomotor stage: the learned ones whose skills of English listening proficiency, reading proficiency, writing proficiency and oral proficiency are superior to the unlearned.
Ⅱ. The different experiences of the learned in Enlgish cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are:
(i) English cognitive stage: the starting 'age' and learning 'places' at elementary school period in English cognitive stage make no sighnificant difference. The loger 'years', the more interesting 'feeling' and more complete 'content'the students had the better cognitive performance they make. The 'teachers' who taught the students in childhood make no significant difference is using cognitive strategies, but the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher while the students use metacognitive strategies.
(ii) English affective stage: the learning 'places' at elementary school period make no significant difference on English affective stage. The loger 'years' and the more complete 'content' they learned the better performance the students make. The starting 'age' of learning English merely makes difference on English learning motivation-- the younger the learning age started the stronger motivation the students have. The 'teachers' only make significant difference in English learning anxiety-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' makes significant difference in Enlgish learnging attitude and motivation-- the more interesting they felt about calsses the better affective performance they make.
(iii) The psychomotor stage: the starting 'age' makes significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the younger the learning age started the better English reading proficiency the students make. The learning 'years' make significant difference in English listening, reading and writing proficiency-- the longer years the students learned the better performance they make. The 'teachers' merely make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the more interesting the students felt the better English reading proficiency they have. The learning 'places' make significant difference in English oral proficiency-- the tutor style makes better performance in English oral proficiency.
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中國中古佛教造像活動 / On Buddhist Scuptures in Medieval China何亞宜, Ho, Ya Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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國中導師管教信念、工作壓力與管教方式之關係研究 / A study on relationships of junior high school teachers' disciplinary beliefs, job stress and disciplinary behaviors蔣美倫 Unknown Date (has links)
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國中教師甄選面談評分項目之研究-工作分析法之應用蘇榮宗, Su, Jung-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
1. 教師甄選面談評分項目可為下列十項:(1)教室管理與紀律維持的能力、(2)國中學生心理、生理特質的知識、(3)穩定而合宜的情緒處理、(4)任教內容領域的相關知識、(5)教學理念的知識、(6)教與學的知識、(7)與人良好溝通的技巧、(8)學生事務管理的知識、(9)對學生的輔導技巧、(10)問題解決的能力。
2. 工作分析法所得教師甄選評分項目受到普遍的認同,可供未來在教師甄選評分項目的決選上參考使用的方式。
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慈善? 迷信?: 1929-1936年廣東中山縣民間慈善團體的研究. / 慈善迷信: 1929-1936年廣東中山縣民間慈善團體的研究 / 1929-1936年廣東中山縣民間慈善團體的研究 / Ci shan? Mi xin?: 1929-1936 nian Guangdong Zhongshan Xian min jian ci shan tuan ti de yan jiu. / Ci shan mi xin: 1929-1936 nian Guangdong Zhongshan Xian min jian ci shan tuan ti de yan jiu / 1929-1936 nian Guangdong Zhongshan Xian min jian ci shan tuan ti de yan jiuJanuary 2015 (has links)
研究中國明清慈善組織的歷史學者們認為,中國都市中的善會善堂起源於明末清初。但是,這些研究者較少指出慈善組織如何代表地方利益,也相對忽略慈善組織及其觀念在鄉村社會的歷史發展過程。另一方面,研究中國鄉村社會的歷史學者們認為,維護地方利益的社會組織通常以寺廟及祠堂為中心,運用宗教和禮儀來表達地方訴求。伴隨著近代民族國家的建立和現代化的發展,通過宗教禮儀表達地方訴求的方式遭遇前所未有的衝擊;那麼,慈善活動及慈善組織是否提供了一種空間,延續傳統的宗教祭祀活動進而表達地方訴求? / 本文即嘗試從地方的視角,探討近代慈善事業如何整合到地方社會,以期理解地方社會對近代中國社會變化的調適與應對。本文聚焦近代中西文化交流的前沿地區──中山縣,對其轄內鄰近澳門的前山地區進行深入剖析。在20世紀30年代「反迷信」話語以及中山縣現代化建設的歷史背景下,探討這一地區的慈善與「迷信」的關係,以及如何實踐慈善事業及傳統的救贖。 / Historians who study the history of charity in China note that the history of Chinese urban charity organizations may be documented from the late Ming dynasty. Nevertheless, they do not argue that from the late Ming, those organizations represented local interests in urban administration and the development of charity in the rural areas. On the other hand, historians who study village and town communities have noted that local organizations representing local interests were centered at temples and ancestral halls. However, the structure was destroyed by modernization and the establishment of nation state in modern China. Meanwhile, charity institutions took more significant roles in local society since late Qing. Therefore, is it possible that charity took over the position that had been occupied by religious sacrifice as the defining quality of local management? This study examines how practices and ideas of charity in modern times were adopted in local society from the bottom up. In order to have a substantial focus, this research takes charity institutions in Qianshan, Chungshan as case studies to examine how they adopted and practiced ideas of charity, how they preserved religious sacrifice under the background of modernization and anti-superstition movement in 1930s. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 毛迪. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-108). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Mao Di.
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