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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北市女性新移民公民參與之研究 / The study of female New immigrants' citizen participation in Taipei City

欉俊杰, Tsung, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
公民參與可謂是當代民主政治的核心概念,它並非是一句空泛的口號或名詞,而是真切、實在地遍佈在人們的日常生活之中,舉凡社區關懷、集會遊行、陳情抗議、選舉投票等皆屬之。而公民參與的重要性,可歸納有四:提供政府治理的正當性、更加順遂推動公共政策、促成公共利益的形成,以及促進社會的安定與和諧。隨著民主政治的蓬勃發展,國人對公共利益的追求與實踐,公民參與課題將愈發重要。 新移民是臺灣新興的一類族群,大多以婚姻關係進入我國社會,並且以女性居多。長久以來,民眾對於新移民的議題,只著重在生活適應、子女教育等議題上,對於公民參與課題的關注,相對較少。本研究以臺北市女性新移民為研究對象,採以文獻分析法、深度訪談法,以公民參與概念建構臺灣社會與新移民的關係,探討臺北市女性新移民的公民參與情形,並期能提供可行的具體建議。 / Civic participation is the core concept of contemporary democratic politics. It is not a vague slogan or noun, but something real and all over people’s daily life, such as community care, assembly and parade, petitions and protests, elections. The importance of civic participation generalize to four factors which are offering legitimacy of government govermance, promoting public interests and promoting social stability and harmony. Because democratic politics is flourishing and people chase and practice public interests, the subjective of civic participation is more and more important. New immigrant is an emerging group. Most of them join our society through marriage and most of them are female. People focus on life adaption and children education more than civic participation for a long time. The object of this study is female new immigrants in Taipei city. Using document analysis and in-depth interview construct the relationship with Taiwan society and new immigrants by the concept of civic participation and research the circumstance of female new immigrants’ civic participation in Taipei. Hope to provide concrete and feasible recommendations.


李靜宜, LI,JING-YI Unknown Date (has links)
「國際體系」是國際關系研究的範疇,亦是國際關系研究的主題,其涵括的領域,描 述的現象與建構的理論,在都是國際關系學者關注的焦點。在不同的時空環境下,國 際體系往往會展現出不同的風貌,當代國際體系自亦有異于傳統國際體系,而成員的 多元化即是當代國際體系最重要的特質之一。在當今為數頗眾的國際體系成員中,多 國籍公司無疑是最受矚目的一員。從掌握經濟命脈的石油企業到提供捷服務的漢堡連 鎖店,數目龐大的多國籍公司,橫廣重洋,跨越國界,追逐驚人的伏渥利潤,已嚴然 成為沒有領土疆界的新王國,憑藉著旺盛的生長力及迅速的擴展力,多國籍公司不僅 改變了人們的生活,更隱然成為向主權國家挑戰的潛在威脅,為國際體系的發展注入 了新變數。本論文即欲以國際體系的角度,探討多國籍公司在當代國際體系中所扮演 的角色,及其對國際體系之影響,從而評估其與其他國際體系成員間的互動關系,推 論其未來之可能發展。 論文共分七章:第一章為諸論,概述研究動機與研究途徑;第二章為國際體系概論, 分析國際體系的概念與當代國際體系的特質,并進一步探討「國際體系行動者」的理 論與衡量標準;第三章為多國籍公司概論,從多國籍公司定義、特質、發展與類型, 作一全面之討論,期對多國籍公司有通盤之了解;第四章則結合多國籍公司與國際體 系之概念,研祈多國籍公司是否為國際體系行動者;第五章除在國際體系的理念上, 深入評估多國籍公司在國際體系中所扮演的角色;第六章除析論多國籍公司與主權國 家的關系,并展望多國籍公司對未來國際體系之影響;第七章則將綜合以上各章的論 述,提出個人研究的心得與結論。 希望透過這樣的一個研究途徑,可以有番小小成就,為日后進一步從事多國籍公司與 國際體系關系之研究,奠定初步之基礎。


許玉玲, XU, YU-LING Unknown Date (has links)
就企業管理的觀點而言,多國籍企業在二次大戰後,聲勢逐漸壯大,至一九八○年代 ,更是達到高峰。因此本文主要探討多國籍企業的產品策略,冀望能在國內企業走向 多國化時,有所助益。全文約五萬字,共分四章。 首先提出研究多國籍企業產品策略的動機及策略研究的新方向,其次則分析直接投資 理論與產品區位的關聯,在產品生命週期循環理論、寡佔理論、及關稅與其他貿易障 礙之下,產品區位的決定各異。然後討論國際性的產品策略,在產品策略的基本類型 下,研究新產品、標準化或差異化產品的環境限制與優劣比較,並與國內大企業之經 營互相印證。最後將「組織追隨策略」的觀念,應用於多國籍企業,在不同的產品策 略下,試圖為多國籍企業建立一個較合適的組織型態。

台灣產物保險業國際市場經營策略之研究 / A Study On Oversea Business Strategy In Taiwan Non-Life Insurance Industry

劉裕昌, Liu,Yu Chang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產險業在西元1991年後,配合台商產業外移擴張及政府南進與西向政策,紛紛於東南亞及中國大陸設立辦事處以服務台商。雖然產險業於海外設立據點已有十九年,但礙於各國保險法令規定及保險業投資限制,致使產險業在國際市場之經營迄今仍無重大突破。 本研究將針對目前產險業在海外東南亞據點及未來最大之保險市場-中國作完整探討,對各國目前經濟成長、保險市場、外資投資保險法令、及台商在該國的投資狀況分析及歸納,以做為台灣產業未來在當地經營發展之參考。 本研究文以日本產險業三井住友保險集團為比較模式,利用多國籍企業與海外市場進入模式,探討保守的日本保險公司如何在海外經營日商業務;進而以購併方式取得海外當地業務,以達到該公司全球策略願景。 台灣產物保險業應根據海外各據點之資源及條件,運用本身的競爭優勢以及自己的需求到不同地區做投資佈局;台灣產險業未來全球佈局的考量應是市場重於成本。 / In view of Taiwanese enterprises’ expansion to world market since 1991 and government’s policy toward Southeast Asia and policy toward West Mainland China, Taiwan non-life insurance companies decided to go abroad to set up office for serving their clients. Although Taiwan non-life insurance companies have 19 years experience in exploring world market, however, they still have no breakthrough in overseas business. In this study, I will bring out my view for the operation of non-life insurance companies in Southeast Asia and Mainland China which will be the biggest market in the future. The analysis for countries economic growth, local insurance market, laws of foreign insurance company entry, Taiwanese enterprise investment is also presented in the study. In order to study Multination Enterprise & Overseas Market Entry Model, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group is taken as a model to analyze how the conservative non-life Japanese insurance company expand their international business and write local accounts by merging to achieve their global perspective. By the analysis, we can find that Taiwan non-life insurance companies shall utilize their advantage and resource to explore their strategy in different countries. Basically, they shall center on market instead of cost when they build global strategy.


黃顯捷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討多國籍企業決定前往海外市場投資時的動機、進入模式以及管理,以台商在大陸及越南為例。筆者透過友人介紹以及親自尋訪個案公司,對兩位分別曾外派大陸及越南的主管進行深度訪談,進而了解一多國籍企業進行海外投資的考量要點以及子公司控管方式。   透過個案訪談分析,發現個案公司在前往大陸及越南投資時,都是地主國正實施經濟開放、政府決心改革的時期,且當局提出各種獎勵優惠,經濟正快速起飛,未來發展前景看好,因而前往投資。而前進一個全新的投資環境,個案公司善用合資、獨資、併購的進入模式,初期與熟悉當地的夥伴或國營企業合資,待熟悉當地環境後,便開始以獨資方式進入或是直接併購當地現有的經營不善的公司,進而讓公司發展更迅速。而在管理方面,海外分公司採當地化策略,僱用、栽培當地人,母公司也十分將權力下放,日常營運皆交由外海分公司主管掌握。   以個案公司為例,本研究分析一多國籍企業海外投資成功之原因,除了正確的進入時機、正確的投資地點之外,進入模式的運用、正確的產品線選擇以及企業經營理念是否成功傳達,都對多國籍企業在海外投資是否能成功產生十分關鍵之影響。


彭思齊, Peng, Sih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
1842年〈南京條約〉簽訂前,昔日清廷視為「天朝棄民」的海外華人,因英國建立海峽殖民地(Straits Settlements),而成為英國直接統治下的「英國臣民」(British Subjects)。1843年,當廈門開放為條約口岸,大部分原鄉為閩南的英籍華民(Anglo-Chinese),遂選擇以新身分脫離清廷管轄,合法返回廈門。然而由於這些華民語言、服飾和生活習慣與內地民人無異,便造成中英地方官管理上的問題,衍生一連串之外交交涉。本文即以英籍華民管轄權交涉為主軸,分別觀察其在晚清外交與僑務政策轉變、英國英籍華民管理制度調整,以及中英「管轄權」、「國籍」概念折衝與磨合三條歷史發展脈絡中之影響。藉此填補晚清外交、僑務、法律和國籍問題之不足。

我國建立受控外國公司稅制對上市公司投資中國大陸子公司損益稅負之影響 / The Effects of Implementing Controlled Foreign Corporation Tax Regulation on Taxation of Chinese Subsidary Investment Income of Taiwanese Listed Companies

陳富枝, Chen, Fu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
依現行所得稅法規定,只要受控外國公司盈餘未匯回,即可享有「租稅遞延」的效果,由於近十年臺灣利用受控外國公司,對大陸間接投資金額占全部對外投資總額比重超過五成以上,又因上市公司投資金額較大且具有代表性,因此本論文以國內上市公司利用受控外國公司,間接投資大陸子公司為研究對象,探討國內上市公司是否有透過「受控外國公司」不分配盈餘,藉由稅法「漏洞」以產生遞延課稅之效果,及我國若是建立受控外國公司課稅制度,對我國上市公司投資大陸子公司其損益稅負之影響。   本文研究結果,發現國內上市公司利用受控外國公司投資大陸子公司,普遍存在有盈餘卻不分配且不匯回之現象,我國有建立受控外國公司課稅制度之正當性及必要性;且我國如建立受控外國公司課稅制度,以產業別而言電子產業受影響最大,以研發強度而言,研發強度在5%~7%及9%以上之企業有較大之影響。又雖然實施受控外國公司課稅制度後,對於中等規模(資本額50億至100億)之有效稅率增加幅度最大,但受影響而應繳納稅負之金額仍以大型規模之企業為最高。   因此我國建立受控外國公司課稅制度,能拉近不同特性企業間適用有效稅率的差距,對舉債投資得扣除利息費用,境外投資收益卻能遞延課稅,以及在台灣享有研發投資抵減利益,卻有高額境外所得保留在海外未匯回台灣課稅之公司,有一定衡平作用,則我國建立受控外國公司課稅制度,實已非僅財政收入之考量而已,相對而言,改善租稅公平才是具有更大的意涵,因此有其正當性及必要性。文末提出幾點建議,期能作為政府研擬受控外國公司課稅制度之參考。 關鍵詞:受控外國公司、租稅庇護所、多國籍企業 / According to the current provisions of the Income Tax Act, Taiwanese companies will benefit from the "tax deferral" by not unremitting overseas earnings of their controlled foreign corporations (CFCs). Since the last decade in Taiwan, many companies have been increasing investments in Mainland China via their controlled foreign corporations, the investment in Mainland China have accounted for over half the Taiwanese total foreign investments. Therefore, this study focuses on the Taiwanese listed companies which invest indirectly in Mainland China. Furthermore, the controlled foreign corporations have become a tax loophole; this study examines whether those listed companies leverage the tax loophole to gain the tax benefit through the "tax deferral of Chinese subsidiary earnings." Besides, this study estimates the potential impacts on the profit and tax costs of the mainland subsidiaries of Taiwanese listed companies, if the controlled foreign corporation (CFC) tax system will be established in the future.   The results of this study show that the majority of Taiwanese listed companies do not fully distribute and remit the Chinese subsidiary earnings back to Taiwan. Hence, it is necessary for Taiwan to establish the controlled foreign company tax system to close the tax loophole. As to the impacts on industries, the electronics industries will be most affected by the CFC tax system, if established. In addition, companies whose R&D intensity range from 5% to 7% and over 9% will also be significantly influenced. Although the effective tax rates of medium-sized companies will have the highest increase in effective tax rates, but large companies will have the highest increase in the amount of CFC tax.   Therefore, the establishment of CFC tax system will contribute to narrowing down the gaps in effective tax rates between different firm characteristics of companies. Moreover, the new tax system can help prevent companies from shirking their fair shares of tax payments. The establishment of CFC tax system is not just for fiscal revenues, but also for the improvement of tax fairness—the latter being more important. Finally, this study concludes with suggestions that may be the useful references for the government to design CFC tax system in the future. Key words:Controlled Foreign Corporation, Tax Haven, Multinational Enterprise

影響在臺多國籍企業資訊管理績效之研究 / The Study for the Effects on the Performance of Information Management of Taiwan Branches, Factories and Subsidiaries of Multinational Companies

李基永, Lee, Chi Yung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與產業環境劇烈的變動,資訊技術應用已成為公司產業升級,改善管理提昇體質的必備工具,也因引進資訊技術而有應用資訊系統、電傳通訊與資料交換,對組織與管理產生莫大的衝擊與影響,所以有效應用資訊技術逐成為企業管理學者與實務界共同關心的課題。   有關多國籍企業的資訊技術管理課題,在國外有不少的研究文獻係探討在國外母公司的應用情形與績效,而其在臺多國籍企業國內分公司的資訊技術應用管理課題與績效則很少被探討。   本研究主要是以國內分公司所在地的觀點,探討在臺多國籍企業於引進資訊技術應用時所面臨的課題,除探討課題特性外,並研究公司特性對資訊部門角色型態與績效的影響。   本研究母體設定為已在國內設立資訊部門三年與年營業額二億以上的在臺多國籍企業,採隨機抽樣設計,共選出148家樣本公司,以人員訪談或郵寄問卷方式調查,有55家公司的資訊部門主管或高階管理者回覆了問卷,回收率為37.2%,有效問卷44份;本研究的重要發現為:   一、課題格面、角色型態與績效構面之發現   依課題內涵將三十二項課題分為技術、管理、支援與環境四個課題構面,資訊部門角色型態分別為主導者、支援者與附屬者三群,而績效則分為內部效益與外部效益兩個績效構面,「內部效益」所含蓋的項目都是與在臺公司的內部使用者有關的服務成效,用來衡量使用者對資訊部門提供各項服務的滿意度;「外部效益」,所含蓋的則都是與母公司及其他國外分公司有關的服務績效,用來衡量他們對在臺分公司資訊部門所提供資訊服務的滿意度。   二、重要課題之發現   1.在細項課題中,無論是目前或未來「資料保密與安全」都是最受重視的課題;名列第二的,在目前的是「在預估的費用成本內達成引進資訊技術目標」,未來的則是「資訊技術整合」;而名列第三的,在目前的是「發展一套電腦整合資訊系統」,未來的則為「提高公司內部資訊技術與知識」。   2.在課題構面分類中,無論是目前或未來都以「技術」與「管理」類課題較受重視,其次才是「支援」與「環境」類的課題。   三、角色型態分群與課題構面關係之發現   1.技術與管理構面;三種角色型態都很重視此兩構面且有額著差異,以「主導者」最重視,「支援者」次之,「附屬者」又次之。   2.支援構面;三種角色型態對此構面重視程度不高,相形之下以「主導者」較重視此構面。   3.環境構面;三種角色型態較不重視此構面,尤其「附屬者」更低。   四、企業特性與角色型態關係之發現   「主導者」角色型態的公司,其特色是資訊部門員工人數最多,資訊系統應用層次最高,已相當電腦化又與外界有相當程度的資料交換與連線,因擁有最多的資源,足以發揮主導者角色,也由於其主導角色的關係,積極引入母公司資訊技術,致使自行發展或由本地廠商發展的比率反而最低。   五、目前製造業與服務業比較之發現   1.重要課題   「資訊保密與安全」在兩種產業中都是最受重視的課題;在製造業中為前十大重要課題而服務業不是的有「成立資訊技術應用管理委員會」、「臺灣通訊品質與成本對引進影響」與「在臺軟硬體廠商能力對引進影響」,但在服務業中前十大重要課題而製造業不是的有「選擇集中或分散資料處理考量」、「資訊部門方向活動計劃透明化」與「有效訂定引進資訊技術管理方法」。而在兩種產業都是前十大課題項目的則有「資料保密與安全」、「提高資訊人員與使用者資訊技術與知識」、「在預估的費用成本內達成引進資訊技術的目標」、「遵守國際間資料交換協定之重要性」、「發展一套電腦整合資訊系統」、「資訊技術整合」及「資訊專案之權責目標明確訂定」。   2.資訊部門角色型態   製造業中的資訊部門角色大都為「附屬者」,約佔該產業59.3%,而服務業則大都為「主導者」,約佔54.5%。若以角色型態觀之,則「主導者」在兩產業中各佔一半,在「支援者」中約有70%屬製造業,而「附屬者」中也大都屬製造業,約有90%之多。   六、角色型態與績效關係之發現   1.內部效益;不論採取任何角色型態,對此績效構面的影響都未達顯著差異,資訊部門角色型態並非影響內部效益的要件。能及時滿足使用者真正的需求才是關鍵因素。   2.外部效益;三種角色型態對此績效構面影響有顯著差異,而「主導者」的影響則非常明顯,主要在其有整體規劃,主動積極引進資訊技術,滿足母公司及國外其他分公司的需求。 / Information Technology (IT) becomes more and more important and impacts the efficiency of organization and management, after the development of economics and changes of Industrial competi-tions. The information management is the key to manage the performance of IT applications and gets common concerns increa-singly of the company executives and scholars. This research is based on the domestic viewpoints to study the " Issues " of IT applications in Taiwan branches/Subsidiaries/Facfcories of multi-national company (MNC) ; other than the natures of "Issues" , it will also identify the characteristics of MNC,the role of compu-ter department of Taiwan branches of MNC and its performance. The selective population are those Taiwan branches of MNC with computer department setup for more than 3 years and annual reve-nue higher than 200 millions Taiwan dollars. After random selec-tion, this study has sampled 148 companies and gotten 55 respon-ses, the rate is 37.2%, however the useful samples is 44.   Having applied the statistical tools of correlation , factor analysis, cluster analysis and t-test on the collected data of questionaires, this study has concluded:   1. The Categorization    1.1 Categories of issues       1) Technique       2) Management and Administration       3) Support       4) Environment    1.2 Categories of Role of Computer Department in Using IT       1) Leader       2) Supporter       3) Follower    1.3 Categories of Performance       1) Internal performance (contributions)       2) External performance (contributions)   2. The Important Issues      1) "Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue as in both present and future.      2) The issues of "Technique" and "Management/Administraction" are more concerned than those of "Support" and "Environment".   3. Relationship of Role and Category of Issues      1) Issues of "Technique " and " Management / Administration " Those three roles have significantly different concerns, the "Leader" has the most concerns on these two kinds of issues, the "Supporter" is the next, then the "Follower".      2) Issues of "Support"   Those three roles are concerns on this kind of issues.      3) Issues of "Environment"   Those three roles are not so concerns on this kind of issues.   4. Relationship of Company Characteristics and Role of Computer Department     The role of "Leader" indicates 4 natures differently from the others:      1) Has the highest number of computer staffs      2) Has the highest level of information systems application      3) Has the highest level of computerization      4) Provides certain level of data exchanges and online services   5. Manufacturing vs. Services Industries      1) Important Issues      "Data Security and Safety" is the most important issue in both areas; as a whole, there are 7 issues simultaneously ranked as top ten of both industries.      2) Roles of Computer Department       Most of those computer departments of manufacturing act the role as " Follower " , while that of services industry run as " Leader " ; however from viewpoints of a role) "Leader" are evenly in both industries, " Supporter " and "Follower" are mostly in manufacturing.   6. Relationship of Role of Computer Department and Performance      1) Internal Performance (Contributions)       No matter which role the computer department is working , there is no significant difference in internal performance.      2) External Performance (Contributions)       The three roles of computer department have ignificantly different in external performance, especially, the "Leader has the most outstanding performance.

傳統產業之跨國競爭策略之研究-以凱撒衛浴為例 / The study of transnational competitive strategy in traditional industries

陳玉娟 Unknown Date (has links)
自國際間的競爭愈來愈烈的狀況下,許多企業至國外設立子公司或分公司,以增加本身的競爭力,如何增加多國籍籍企業的競爭力以成為當今重要的議題之一。運用何種策略有助於企業的現行狀況,在策略的運用之下使企業得以發揮最大的功效。此策略對於未來的發展是否仍有功效,策略是否繼續延用,皆值得探討。 本研究方法為個案公司分析,閱讀其個案公司公開資料資料,主要包含公開資訊觀測站的公開資訊包含財務報表、公開說明書、年報、重大訊息等公開資訊,而相關的資料,包含產業資料、產業現況、產業發展等各項資料。透過個案具體列舉各項策略經營策略及對於個案對象之影響,以及可能衍生之各項議題,作為深入探討本研究主題之依據。 本研究之主要目的在探討多國籍企業之運用策略,包含該個案公司的產業特性及同業比較品牌定位優勢,如何運用策略完成企業預期的目標。本論文分析該個案公司以市場區隔策略以藍海策略作為發展,不拘泥於興建市場的區域,為個案公司開創新契機,至低成本國家設立子公司,執行低成本策略,以穩定個案公司獲利,致力於製程上及新品上研究發展,施行專業化策略,以差異化策略完成公司預期的目標,使得個案公司持續穩定獲利及業績向上成長,以支持運用策略之奏效。

法人說明會資訊內容與分析師盈餘預測 / Conference Calls and Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecasts

許佩琪 Unknown Date (has links)
法人說明會為近年來企業最常使用的自願性揭露方式之一,已逐漸成為企業管理當局與投資人溝通的重要管道,然而法人說明會之參加人員通常僅限於法人股東與財務分析師,因此財務分析師在企業管理當局與投資人之間扮演了一個重要的資訊傳遞角色。本研究以台灣高科技產業上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討法人說明會資訊揭露之豐富度,對分析師盈餘預測之樂觀程度、預測準確度以及預測離散性之影響,以及不同國籍券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其預測之影響。研究結果發現,分析師在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,亦容易出現樂觀偏誤的現象,且資訊越豐富,分析師盈餘預測之離散性越低。若進一步分析券商國籍對盈餘預測之影響,可以發現本國券商在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,外國券商則無此現象,表示相較於外國券商,本國券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其盈餘預測之影響較大。 / Nowadays,conference calls are one of the most often used voluntary disclosures by firms, and have become an important way of communication between management and investors.However,participants of conference calls are often institutional shareholders and financial analysts.As a result,financial analysts play an important role as an information communicator between management and investors.Based on a sample of publicly listed firms in Taiwan,this study explores whether the extent to which the richness of the content of conference calls affect the optimism,bias and dispersion of financial analysts' earnings forecasts,and whether the nationality of brokers causes different effects when they acquire the information of conference calls.We find that analysts' earnings forecasts become more optimistic and biased if conference calls contain richer information,and the dispersion of forecasts also becomes lower.Furthermore,domestic brokers' forecasts are more optimistic after conference calls which contained rich information,while there is no such phenomenon for foreign brokers.This indicates that conference calls have a greater impact on domestic than foreign brokers in making earnings forecasts.

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