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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

肺癌之研究及保單設計 / Study and price insurance for the lung cancer

葉步釩, Ye, Bu Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本次研究使用全民健康保險研究資料庫2005承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2005),共40萬人的承保資料,針對肺癌患者的特徵進行分析,並與美國國家癌症研究所的肺癌資料作比較,罹患肺癌的人數都呈現男性多於女性,罹癌年齡的最高峰同樣落在65歲至74歲。 接著,將門診處方及治療明細檔和住院醫療費用清單明細檔進行彙整,整理出肺癌患者在2005年至2012年之間的門診費用以及住院費用,並比較不同項目的差距及特徵,門診費用以用藥明細點數最高,住院花費前五名的項目為葯費、病房費、放射線診療費、檢查費以及治療處置費。 最後,建構肺癌治療的多重型態模型,治療方式包含手術治療、放射線治療、化學治療,估計不同狀態之間的轉換力,進而算出五年定期躉繳肺癌保單之純保費。 / This study used Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2005 (LHID2005) from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Screening the 400,000 insured of NHIRD to select the lung and bronchus cancer patients. This study analyzed and described their characteristics. Furthermore, it compared Taiwan’s lung and bronchus cancer data with the data in the United States derived from National Cancer Institute of the USA. The results revealed that the number of male patients is more than female patients and lung cancer is most frequently diagnosed among people aged 65-74 in both countries. Another aim was to sum up the lung cancer medical cost in 2005 to 2012 from NHIRD database, including ambulatory care expenditures by visits and inpatient expenditures by admissions. The highest cost of outpatients was medicine fee. The top five inpatient expenditures were medicine fee, ward fee, radiation therapy fee, inspection fee and therapeutic treatment fee. Finally, this study constructed a multiple state model of lung cancer treatment, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Estimating the transition intensities from multiple state model to calculate the pure premium of a five-year lung cancer policy.


劉梅君, Liu, Mei-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,包括題目界定、問題探討、研究動機、與目的及研究限制與發展等四 小節。 第二章 開發中國家的背景介紹,包括:開發中國家的社會、經濟背景、發展現況、 新聞事業及常見的報業型態等四小節。 第三章 國際傳播,包括國際傳播的肇因、國際傳播的現狀、國際傳播的問題、國際 組織的努力及國際傳播重要觀念的演變,共五小節。 第四章 開發中國家對國際資訊輸入所持的立場,包括開發中國家對傳播媒介所持的 價值、對國際資訊輸入的認知及對國際資訊輸入的態度,共三小節。 第五章 開發中國家平衡資訊流通的努力及展望,包括平衡資訊的努力及對國際資訊 流通的未來展望等二小節。


吳玉山, Wu, Yu-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本文係對列寧主義意識型態做一整體性的論述;第二章「意識型態與人類目的行為」 是由人類思想與其目的行為的一般關係出發,歸納到意識型態的功能性定義,這固定 義,是做為以後各章分析列寧主義的基本架構,由第二章到第五章,是具體地分析組 成列寧主義的四固最重要的部份:其中第二章是「列寧主義國家論」,第三章是「列 寧主義帝國主義論」,第四章是「列寧主義黨的理論」,第五章是「列寧主義策略論 」,這四章要分別闡明,列寧主義的各部分具有如何的意識型態功能。 在第六章的結論那分,一方面要歸結前面各章分析的結果,指出列寧主義是一固典型 的政治意識型態,一方面要表明由意識型態的角度來了解列寧主義,不僅可以充分明 白其內容,更可以掌握到列寧主義對共產主義國家的決策者可能會產生的影響。


陳麗卿, Chen, Li-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
本文章節如次:第一章緒論;包括前言、研究動機、有關文獻概述、問題與假設。 第二章研究設計;包括內容分析對象、選樣、單位、類目及資料處理。第三章結果 分析與解釋。第四章結論與建議。 本文係由報業基本理論對新聞的預期-公平、正確、客觀、完整、平衡等方面探討 我國報紙在政治性新聞的表現,以省議會省政總職詢之新聞為對象。另外依據傳播 學上「守門人理論」研究:新聞報導是否能反應省議員質詢重要論題,公民營報紙 對黨內外省議員質詢論題的報導是否有差異,論題衝突性高低,是否影響媒介報導 多寡……等問題。此外,還引用「議題設定」的理論,探討來源和媒介之間是否也 有議題設定的存在。若有的話,則我們在來源-媒介-閱聽人三者間對資訊的獲得 就較有信心。據此,提出的假設是:來源越強調的論題,媒介對這些論題知曉、強 調程度也越高。 資料分析係以百分比、卡方及等級係數來計算。

飼主生活型態與產品認知對寵物商品或服務的購買態度之影響 / The effects of pet-owners’ lifestyles and products cognition on pet-owners’ buying attitudes toward pet products and services.

李瑾芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討養貓和養狗的飼主,他們對於目前台灣比較熱門的寵物商機的購買意願是否會受到「生活型態」、「認知」、「態度」、「他人影響」和「滿意度」的影響而有所不同。而購買意願又分成了「無使用經驗」者的購買意願和「有使用經驗」者的再購意圖二種。 本研究運用飼主一對一訪談、網路飼主意見調查、網路次級資料蒐集及國內外文獻資料來設計問卷內容,接著運用網路問卷和紙本問卷進行問卷樣本的蒐集,進而運用蒐集而來的樣本進行資料分析而得到研究結果。 本研究結果證實,生活型態和認知會影響飼主對於寵物商品或服務的態度,而態度和他人影響則對於無使用經驗飼主的購買意圖有影響,而態度的影響程度大於他人影響的影響程度;至於有使用經驗飼主的再購意圖則是受到態度、他人影響和滿意度的影響,而滿意度的影響程度最大,再來是態度,最後才是他人影響。在生活型態探討方面,本研究發展出了養貓和養狗飼主四類的生活型態,分別為:集群1-「社交名媛/公子」型、集群2-「心有餘力不足」型、集群3-「寵物兒子」型和集群4-「居家良伴」型四類生活型態集群。而在四群生活型態的飼主中,集群1和集群2對於寵物商機的態度或使用經驗普遍都比集群3和集群4來的好或來的有經驗。在五類寵物商機中,除了寵物安親班之外,知曉的普及率都到90%以上,然而有使用過的比例中,除了保健食品和美容在60%右左,其餘的(寵物旅館、寵物安親班、寵物安樂園)比例都在20%以下。有使用過五類寵物商機的飼主,平均月收入都在三萬元以上。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the buying intention of pet-owners of cats and dogs, whether it would be affected by lifestyles, cognition, attitudes, influences of others, and satisfaction. The buying intention of pet-owners is divided into “non-experienced” and “experienced “pet-owners. The content of the questionnaire is based on one-on-one interviews, on-line surveys of pet-owners’ opinions and the second-hand data collection home and abroad. I use on-line and paper questionnaires to collect samples, and then use those samples to conduct data analysis. Research findings indicate the following. Lifestyle and cognition will affect pet-owners’ attitudes toward pet products and services. Attitudes and influences of others will affect non-experienced pet-owners’ buying intention. The influence degree of attitude is greater than that of the influences of others. The buying intention of experienced pet-owners’ are affected by attitudes, the influences of others and satisfaction. The greatest influence degree is from satisfaction, then from attitudes, and the least influence is from the influences of others. This study develops four types of lifestyles of pet-owners. They are “social celebrity” (group 1), “those who have willing spirits but with weak flesh” (group 2), “those who treat their pets as their sons and daughters” (group 3), and “those who treat their pets as home companions” (group 4). The attitudes and using experiences of group 1 and group 2 are better than that of group 3 and group 4. Among the five types of pet products and services, except for the pet daycare service, the familiarization rate of other pet products and services are all above 90%. The using rate of pet health foods and pet grooming are around 60%; the rate of pet boarding, pet daycare and pet funeral service are under 20%. The average monthly salaries of pet-owners who have using experiences of pet products and services are above thirty thousand dollars.

博物館行銷策略研究—以生活型態論推薦博物館之因素 / Study on museum marketing strategies -Life style as a factor of museum recommendation

游冉琪, Yu, Jan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在強調差異性、多元消費性的現代社會中,如何以豐富多樣的體驗資源,透過生活型態的觀眾研究調查,開拓「一個博物館,多種生活型態」的生活型態行銷策略,是博物館人要面對的時代考驗。為培養博物館目標觀眾並開發潛在觀眾,博物往往透過多種行銷手法與管道,以吸引觀眾的注意與興趣,在相關研究中顯示,口碑建立往往是最有效的行銷方式。因此,透過「口碑行銷」切入分析具影響力的博物館觀眾族群,可做為博物館開發觀眾之重要方式。 本研究以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館為研究對象,研究目的旨在瞭解博物館觀眾的生活消費特性,藉此推測博物館可以開發的潛在觀眾屬性,並探究博物館生活型態及對博物館推薦意願強度之關係,以作為博物館訂定行銷策略之方向與設計博物館各項功能的內容。 依據本研究發現,經由因素分析萃取出5個生活型態因素,依其屬性命名為藝文參與、品牌消費、工作成就、文化教育以及家庭流行;再依據5個因素得分透過集群分析,區隔出5個不同生活型態集群,分別命名為「工作熱衷群」、「流行休閒群」、「就學學生群」、「藝文消費群」以及「家庭導向群」。本研究分析結果亦顯示,博物館觀眾可以依據不同的生活型態分成不同的族群,而不同的生活型態族群亦有不同的參觀模式,並對於博物館服務與設施的推薦意願的亦有所差異。 最後根據研究發現,分別依據不同族群生活型態之屬性與博物館推薦意願之差異,提出不同的博物館行銷策略與方案,以提供博物館開發觀眾之參考。 / In this contemporary society where emphasis is placed on differentiation and diversified consumption, it is a test for contemporary museums to conduct audience lifestyle studies with multi-faceted resources, and to explore a lifestyle marketing strategy for ‘one museum, multi lifestyles’. Most museums usually have to conduct various marketing promotions and through different channels to cultivate target audiences and attract potential audiences. Various related studies indicates that word-of-mouth is usually the most effective marketing strategy. Therefore, through ‘word-of-mouth’ to analyze influential audiences could be an important way to explore potential audiences. This study takes Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, to understand the consumption behavior of museum audience, in order to assume the characteristics of potential museum audiences, and to explore the relationship between museum typology and audiences’ willingness to recommend. This will also serve as the basis for future marketing strategy, and to design various museum functions and contents. Based on the findings, five typology elements were extracted through element analysis, namely artistic participation, brand consumption, work achievement, cultural education and family popularity; then through group analysis these five elements were segregated into different lifestyle typologies, namely ‘workaholics’, ‘popular leisure’, ‘students’, ‘cultural activity consumers’, and ‘family-oriented consumers’. The analysis will indicate that museum audiences can be grouped based on lifestyle. Audiences with different lifestyle backgrounds encompass different visiting patterns, and may differ in willingness to recommend museum services and facilities. Finally, based on the findings of this study, we intend to propose different museum marketing strategies based on audience lifestyle, and their willingness to recommend the museum, to serve as future reference as museums targets potential audiences.

由消費者行為分析防偽標籤的市場需求 / Exploring the Demand of the Anti-Counterfeit Tag market -- From the perspective of Consumer Behavior

黃崇格, Huang, Chung-Ko Unknown Date (has links)
本研究有鑒於目前市場上仿冒品充斥,全球產業每年因偽造行為所產生的損失已高達美金4000億元左右,嚴重影響產業生存。為打擊仿冒現象,防偽產業因應而生,隨著消費者越來越重視消費權益及企業為了維護其品牌權益而蓬勃發展,嚴然已成為各種新產品不可或缺的附屬產品,防偽產業的未來發展及其競爭激烈是可以預期的。本論文提及的防偽標籤是專指『將單一或多種以上的防偽技術運用在可以黏貼或印製在目標產品的包裝或目標產品本身的標籤產品』。由於防偽標籤是附屬於目標產品,並非消費者所購買的標的。但透過對消費者購買行為的研究可以分析產品防偽的需求程度,進而提供產品製造商或供應商了解該產品是否需要防偽標籤?  本文首先蒐集消費者行為之文獻資料,找出消費者特性、消費者價值觀、消費者生活型態及消費者涉入程度等與防偽涉入程度相關的變數,整理各變數間的交互關係導出消費者對於防偽涉入程度會影響產品防偽的需求程度;其次透過焦點訪談及專家訪問內容得知,產品特性也是影響產品防偽的需求程度的重要因素;最後再由產品防偽的需求程度分析防偽標籤的市場需求。另一方面,不同的購買情境也會影響防偽標籤的市場需求,其中包括了購買通路以及標籤功效、法令規範、消費者對防偽標籤辨識能力等外在環境。 本研究經由消費者問卷調查,將所獲得的資料經由多變量變異數分析、相關分析及頻次分析等統計方法所得之結果來驗證假設。其結論均能滿足本研究所希望達到的五項目的。  一、影響防偽標籤市場需求的因素  二、影響消費者防偽涉入程度的因素  三、哪些特性的產品需要防偽標籤  四、哪些通路的產品需要防偽標籤  五、現階段防偽標籤的推廣成效 最後將本研究之發現作整理,提供防偽標籤業者作實務上的建議,希望這些參考意見在防偽產業擬定防偽標籤行銷策略時,能給予適切的助益。

占星術與日常行動:一個知識社會學的考察 / Astrology and action in everyday life : a sociological approach

范維君, Fan, Wai-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

我國國小自然科學教科書之分析研究 / An Analysis of the Science Textbooks Used in the Elementary Schools of Taiwan

黃瓊瑱, Huang, Chiung-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以1980年代以後的科學教育目標來分析我國國小自然科學教科書 之課本、教學指引及習作,探討教科書的內容、實驗活動及作業問題型態 ,並調查國小自然科教師對教科書的使用意見,了解現行教科書的優缺點 ,以供編撰教科書及學校、教師選擇教科書的參考。 為達上述之目的,本研究在內容分析部份採用的工具有科學知識本質年齡 層次分類表、STS科學教育目標、實驗活動發現開放層次分類法、科學 過程探究技能、教科書作業問題型態評估工具、以及 Bloom的目標分類法 ,在問卷調查方面採用國小自然科學教科書之意見調查表來蒐集和分析資 料。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、國小自然科學教科書之課本內容在文字敘述上涉及科學知識本質的僅 佔0.084%,而這些文字敘述只提到科學知識是實證性的,雖如此,但其內 容仍含有科學知識本質之正面教學功能。 二、國小自然科學教科書的每個單元都提及個人需要及學術準備的科學教 育目標,而有25.53%的單元提及與科學有關的社會議題,但無提及有關生 涯職業教育的內容。 三、國小自然科學教科書的實驗活動無屬於層次0的單元,有55.32%的單 元屬於層次1,42.55%的單元屬於層次2,2.13% 的單元屬於層次3,是 屬相當不錯的實驗活動設計。 四、國小自然科學教科書習作的作業問題型態以及層次之分佈,有1.94% 的問題屬於非經驗性問題,98.06%的問題屬於經驗或實驗性問題;且屬於 高層次問題的比例較多,亦有一些價值性問題的設計,是相當重視學生高 層次問題解決的學習。以 Bloom目標分類來看,幾乎所有的作業問題都屬 於認知領域的問題,佔了99.72%,其中以理解和應用的問題為最多。 五、國小自然科教師對教科書的整體意見為滿意。可是教師對於教科書的 內容並不滿意但尚可接受;其他各項來說,教師對教科書的組織、閱讀層 次、圖表說明、課文中的實驗活動及習作、教學指引、教科書的容貌均呈 滿意的態度。 The purpose of this study was to analyze the science textbooks used in the elementary schools of Taiwan in terms of goals for science education. The following five components were studied and analyzed:(1)the nature of scientific knowledge, (2)the interaction of science, technology and society, (3)openness and process/skills of laboratory activities, (4)type and level of questioning style, and(5)opinions of science teachers concerning science textbooks. For the purposes described above, seven methods were adopted for this study; that is, the classification of the nature of scientific knowledge, the desired state of science in the elementary school, the level of discovery/openness, science process or inquity skills, and textbook questioning strategies assessment instrument, Bloom's taxonomy classifies educational objectives and science textbook rating system. The major findings include: 1.Only about 0.084% of the narrative page space is devoted to the nature of scientific knowledge in the science textbooks used in elementary school. Only empirical scientific knowledge was presented. 2.Every unit in the science textbooks used in elementary school is associated with the goals of personal needs and academic preparation. 25.53% of units are associated with the goals of societal issues, but no unit associated with the goals of career education. 3.Most of the laboratory activities in the science textbooks used in elementary schools, which provided the problems and the procedures to student's performance, belong to level 1 or 2. 4.Most of the questions are experiential questions(98.06%). And almost of the questions are cognitive domain(99.72%), and most of them are comprehension questions and application questions. 5.Most of the elementary school science teachers are satisfied with the science textbooks used in elementary schools , and their satisfaction goes beyond the contents of the textbooks.

電視新聞女記者對社會新聞陰性化影響之研究 / The Impact of Female TV Journalists

廖依婷, Liao,Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以電視新聞社會線為研究場域,旨在探討電視社會女記者與電視社會新聞之陰性化現象之間的關連。本研究採取質性研究的多元途徑,以參與觀察法、深度訪談法、案例分析法,探討兩大研究問題:一、近年來,電視社會新聞內容有沒有陰性化的傾向?1.社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的社會新聞主題?2. 社會新聞記者怎麼看待陰性的新聞報導角度?3.社會新聞記者採取什麼樣的工作倫理?二、電視新聞工作場域文化與社會女記者的新聞產製1. 社會線的文字記者需要具備什麼特質? 2. 社會線女記者的女性身份,是否影響:(1)社會線女記者線上關係之建立(2)社會線女記者在組織中的任務分配與評價(3)社會線女記者和受訪者的互動(4)社會線女記者社會新聞的角度? 在電視社會新聞的陰性化方面,本研究發現,在電視社會新聞內容方面,由於以市場為主要考量,軟性議題儘管增加,其份量和重要性仍低於感官化取材,而女性議題仍居少數。在電視社會新聞的處理方式與記者敘事方式上,趨向實用、貼近觀眾感受的陰性報導角度增加,但社會新聞仍以陽性化的感官處理為主要走向。 在電視社會新聞工作場域文化方面,研究發現組織當中父系意識型態的主導,與商業邏輯的感官化操作思維相結合。在社會女記者的新聞產製方面,女記者發展出中性化的性格特質與女性化的性別特質,並接受父系觀點對她們的觀視或期待,這是一種對場域文化的投降策略。因此,女記者的社會新聞報導與男性記者沒有差別。 / This study takes the impact of TV female journalist on the feminization of TV social news as the main inquiry. Adopting the channel of qualitative research, this study takes the participant-observation method, in-depth interview method, and case study method to discuss two significant issues. I. Is TV socail news feminized in the past few years? 1. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine topic of news reporting? 2. How do journalists of TV social news view feminine angle of news reporting? 3. What kind of working ethics do journalists of TV social news hold? II. The field culture of TV news work & the news production of female journalists 1. What are the conditions required for female journalists? 2. Does sex factor have influence on TV social news female journalists in aspects below: (1) their relationship with steady news source (2) the assignments and evaluation they get (3) their interation with news source (4) their angle of news? As to the phenomenon of the feminization of TV social news, we have found that market is the major consideration of news production. Though the soft news issues have increased, the amount and value of this kind of issues are still far less then those of sensational issues. Meanwhile, women issues are few. Concerning the style and the way of reporting of TV social news, it has tended to practical value and has become closer to the feelings of audience, which is a feminized new style. However, sensationlism remain the main mode that journalists deal with social news. In the aspects of the field culture of TV news work, we have found that the paternal hegemony is the leading power in newsroom, and it has been integrated with the sensational ways of newsmaking oriented towards commercial pursuits. As to female journalists, they practice neutralized characters and female sexual characteristics, and accepted the paternal gazing and expection imposed on them, which is considered as a strategy of surrender to the field culture. Therefore, there is no distinct difference between the news reporting of male and female journalists.

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