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以基本面分析建構最適資產配置流程 / Using Fundamental Analysis To Construct The Optimal Asset Allocation Process蕭鈞銓 Unknown Date (has links)
再者,第二步驟透過風控管指標選股發現,當採用 GSR 做為資產選擇的條件時,可達到最佳的表現。最後於最適權重的配置之中,資產模型及目標函數會因為不同的資產組合而有不同的效果,其中,當 FCFY(0.1) &
ROA(0.2)加上月營收成長率20%做為篩選條件並使用GSR進行二次篩選後,使用 ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)且目標函數為最大化夏普指標時可達最大報酬。
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投資組合加入避險基金之效益分析-以夏普指數與絕對報酬衡量龔曉薇 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果分析發現,在研究期間避險基金的確可以幫助投資組合之效益提升,但是加入總體情境時,其對投資組合的幫助卻不一致,只有在空頭期間的效果明顯。另外發現沒有避險基金相關之投資限制下的投資組合,其夏普指數高於有限制的投資組合;在避險基金限制放寬下,效率前緣往左上角移動,推論放寬避險基金限制該是正確的金融政策。最後,本研究也發現以機構投資法人而言,避險基金加入投資組合能幫助達到絕對報酬。 / Under the global financial market, which has broken the boundaries between nations, domestic investors now have more choices of financial instruments than they did before. Therefore, besides traditional domestic investment vehicles, such as stocks or mutual funds, domestic investors have started seeking other instruments to enhance their portfolio, pursuing better risk-return profile.
In recent years, hedge fund’s performance and assets size have both grew impressively by capitalizing on deregulations and various trading strategies of its own. Besides the improvement in financial supervision system, deregulation and capitalizing on newly innovated financial instruments are also important to the reformation of Taiwan’s financial market. Before hedge funds can be legally raised in Taiwan, both domestic investors and market supervisors should equip themselves with adequate knowledge about this important instrument.
By analyzing the four concepts in the third chapter, the research intends to evaluate whether investors can enjoy better risk-return profile by adding hedge funds into their portfolios. Also, the research objective is to provide suggestions to fund managers as they consider their assets allocation. Finally, we want to evaluate whether it is correct for Taiwan to open up to hedge funds, therefore the government can establish feasible supervision system to protect domestic investors’ rights.
The research has found that hedge funds could indeed benefit the portfolio during the time period under consideration. However, hedge funds did not have significant effect on the portfolio as macroeconomic scenario was taken into consideration. In the scenario, hedge funds have significantly positive effect on the portfolio only under a bearing market. Furthermore, the research found that the portfolios with less limitation on hedge fund investment can enjoy better Sharp Ratios than those with striker limitation on hedge fund investment. Since the efficiency frontier moved upper left as we reduced the limitation on hedge fund investment in the research, we may conclude that an open-up to hedge funds should be the correct direction for our financial policy. At last, the research also found that institutional investors can get absolute return by adopting hedge funds in their portfolios.
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台灣共同基金績效持續性與基金流量之研究李愷莉, Li, Kai-Li Unknown Date (has links)
就第三部份基金績效與投資人現金流量的討論,第一,實證結果支持台灣的開放式股票型基金其績效具有持續性,但整體市場的績效持續性並不顯著,其中季資料下基金績效的持續性證據最強,此部份與論文第二部份的結論一致。第二,前一季績效佳的基金在下一季能吸引投資人較多的現金流量,但是放入市場報酬率作為解釋因子後,我們發現投資人的現金流入隨著市場報酬率的上升而提高、隨著基金報酬率的增加而減少,因此投資人買賣基金的主要考量似乎是以市場整體走勢為主,而非基金前期績效。第三,投資人買賣基金的活動對基金後續績效並無影響,這可能是基金經理人的持股比率高於法令規定,或是投資人買入贖回基金的活動對績效的影響通常在數日內即已反應完畢。最後,討論經理人的流動性交易及訊息交易對基金後續績效的影響之前,我們發現基金前期績效的持續大約維持兩個月,但是加入流動性交易及訊息交易作為解釋變數後,基金績效的持續性減弱。 / Mutual funds have been a popular investment vehicle in recent years regardless of the growth of fund assets or numbers of beneficiaries. What investors mind are that whether mutual funds can provide higher return than others, star managers can persist previous dominant performance. For the reasons, we try to examine the performance of Taiwan mutual funds by Sharpe ratio index from new insights, and study mutual fund within best performance group can maintain antecedently superior performance. Finally, we attempt to investigate the relationship between fund performance and fund flows of open-ended stock fund in Taiwan.
1. We analysis the statistical distribution of the Sharpe ratio in Taiwan Mutual Funds developed by Lo(2002) and explore fund performance. First, we construct the confidence intervals of Sharpe ratio of Taiwan stock funds under different assumption for the return-generating process is independently and identically distributed returns (IID) and Non-IID but stationary, then, annualize Monthly Sharpe ratios by Time Aggregation technique. To avoid small sampling errors, we utilize bootstrap sampling conception to simulate the small sample distribution of Sharpe ratio of stock funds. We find that (1) there are not significant evidences that mutual funds in Taiwan have superior performance than riskless rate or market returns in several conditions. (2)By Bootstrapping sampling technique, we still cannot find stock funds have comparatively better performance than market indexes from empirical result. Accordingly, we believe that the usual methods about Sharpe ratios must be modified. That is, a mutual fund with higher Sharpe ratio is not necessarily a good performance, absolutely. Cause, Sharpe ratio index is not a constant, but a random variable, and we must build up its interval estimation and then test if there are significant differences between funds performance. Consequently, we argue it is relatively important to construct the performance-ranking system of mutual funds similar the bond credit-rating.
2. We employ the mover-stayer model to study the dynamics of performance persistence of mutual funds in Taiwan. This model provides us more detailed information about and help us further understand the nature of mutual fund performance persistence. We find (1) that there exists certain degree of persistence in mutual fund performance. Such persistence is, however, not very significant. It is because most funds are mover funds with unstable performance rather than stayer funds with consistence performance. More interestingly, funds within the best and the worst performance groups have more persistent performance than those within the middle performance group. It implies that in view of the previous mediocre performance, fund managers within the middle group have strong intention to improve their future performance. In addition, the fact that the worst performance group has the highest proportion of stayer funds implies that losers are more persistent than winners in Taiwan mutual fund industry. Overall, mutual funds in Taiwan have only weak performance persistence. (2) that consistent with the literature, the degree of persistence in performance is dependent on the performance evaluation criteria. It seems that this difference of degree of persistence is reflected in the estimation of stayer fund proportion, not in the estimation of the transition probability matrix of mover funds. (3) that there exists survivorship bias in our study. It mainly influences the estimation of stayer funds proportion, not that of the transition probability matrix of mover funds. Having said that , we believe that this bias will not alter the important conclusions of this article.
3. This part studies three important issues including the performance persistence of mutual funds, the relationship between mutual fund performance and investor fund flows, and the influence of investor fund flows on the performance of mutual funds. Our analyses are based on the data of mutual funds in Taiwan with three different frequencies that include monthly, quarterly, and yearly data. The methods we utilize to perform the analyses are those from Gruber (1996) and Edelen (1999). There are three main findings in this article: (1)During the sample period from 1996 to 2004, the evidence on the performance persistence of mutual funds in Taiwan is at best weak regardless of various risk-adjusted models and data frequencies. In sum, mutual funds in Taiwan do not perform persistently no matter how their performance is measured. (2)We are not able to discover a significant relationship between mutual fund performance and investor fund flows based on monthly data. This result is not consistent with that of Gruber (1996). However, this relationship becomes stronger if we look at quarterly data. In addition, the most interesting thing is that it seems that it is the quarterly stock market return that derives most of investor fund flows rather than the quarterly mutual fund performance itself. This result implies that the key factor for investors to decide whether to invest more capital into mutual funds is the overall market performance. In other words, the market sentiment may be the most importance factor that induces investors to purchase or sell mutual funds. (3) In contrast to the results of Edelen (1999), the liquidity-trading of fund managers induced by investor fund flows does not have a significant adverse effect on fund performance. Interestingly, the contemporaneous information-trading of fund managers has significant negative impact on fund performance while that in the previous month actually improves fund performance. Furthermore, the performance persistence normally lasts for two months but it diminishes when we incorporate both the liquidity-trading and information-trading of fund managers into the regressions.
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企業策略與國家文化對跨國購併之影響 : 以鴻海購併夏普為例 / The Influence of Corporate Strategy and National Culture on Cross-Border M&A王靖傑, CHING-CHIEH WANG Unknown Date (has links)
跨國購併為企業持續成長的重要策略之一,學者針對此議題亦有諸多探討, 而過去的多數研究皆著重於—企業執行跨國購併後,企業策略與國家文化對於後 續整合的影響。然而,本研究認為文化的影響自企業開啟跨國購併談判以來,便 始終存在。此外,購併談判為跨國購併之起始,其重要性不亞於購併後的整合。 因此,本研究以企業跨國購併歷程為主體,藉此探討跨國購併企業雙方之文化差 異對於整體購併行為之影響。
本研究之目的為探討企業實際購併個案研究,讓企業未來在實際執行購併策 略時,能持續思考國家文化差異之影響,並依據其購併階段之不同,而有相對的 因應方式。
本研究以次級資料作為質性研究依據,藉由廣泛地蒐集資料,撰寫成鴻海購 併夏普之跨國購併個案。透過此篇實際個案研究,發現家文化差異對於企業能否 順利進行購併談判有重大影響,並提出企業依其所屬之購併階段不同,處理相對 應需著重之文化構面,可提高企業跨國購併談判之效率及成功率。 / Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are one of the most important strategies for sustainable growth of a company. Many scholars had various discussions on this issue. Most of researches concentrated on how corporate strategy and national culture affect the integration after cross-border M&A.
However, this study suggests that cultural impacts have long existed from the very beginning of cross-border M&A negotiations. In addition, M&A negotiation is the start point of cross-border M&A. It is equally important in the integration stage after M&A. Therefore, this study focuses mainly on the process of cross-border M&A in order to explore overall influence on the cross-border M&A due to cultural differences between the enterprises.
By analyzing a real M&A case, the purpose of this study is to make enterprise consider the impact of cultural difference when they are having cross-border M&A negotiation. Besides, through this study company can understand what the most important dimension of national culture is while having M&A project.
This study is a qualitative research based on extensively searching secondary data of Hon-Hai and Sharp M&A. This case study found that cultural differences between nations affect -whether the enterprise can successfully carry out M&A negotiations. This study also shows that company may generate different strategies corresponding to the difference between national culture dimensions in accordance with different M&A negotiation stage. Doing so may lead to smooth and successful M&A negotiation.
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遺傳演算法投資策略在動態環境下的統計分析 / The Statistical Analysis of GAs-Based Trading Strategies under Dynamic Landscape棗厥庸, Tsao, Chueh-Yung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中,我們計算OGA演化投資策略在五類時間數列模型上之表現,這五類模型分別是線性模型、雙線性模型、自迴歸條件異質變異數模型、門檻模型以及混沌模型。我們選擇獲勝機率、累積報酬率、夏普比例以及幸運係數做為評斷表現之準則,並分別推導出其漸近統計檢定。有別於一般計算智慧在財務工程上之應用,利用蒙地卡羅模擬法,研究中將對各表現準則提出嚴格之統計檢定結果。同時在實証研究中,我們考慮歐元兌美元及美元兌日圓的tick-by-tick匯率資料。故本研究主要的重點之一,乃是對於OGA演化投資策略,於這些模擬及實証資料上的有效性應用,作了深入且廣泛的探討。 / In this study, the performance of ordinary GA-based trading strategies are evaluated under five classes of time series model, namely, linear ARMA model, bilinear model, ARCH model, threshold model and chaotic model. The performance criteria employed are the winning probability, accumulated returns, Sharpe ratio and luck coefficient. We then provide the asymptotic statistical tests for these criteria. Unlike many existing applications of computational intelligence in financial engineering, for each performance criterion, we provide a rigorous statistical results based on Monte Carlo simulation. In the empirical study, two tick-by-tick foreign exchange rates are also considered, namely, EUR/USD and USD/JPY. As a result, this study provides us
with a thorough understanding about the effectiveness of ordinary GA for evolving trading strategies under these artificial and natural time series data.
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人壽保險資產配置決策之研究 / The research of asset allocation strategy for life insurance industry廖瑞雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要結論如下:1.運用Markowitz 投資組合模型所推導出的效率前緣,以最大Sharpe Measure評估,不受法令限制下所建立之最佳投資組合,較有受法令限制下所建立之最佳投資組合的期望報酬率高,且分散風險的效果較佳。2.整體壽險業及前四大壽險公司之實際投資報酬率皆低於其實際投資組合之期望報酬,顯示壽險業於資金運用的靈活度及績效性有改善的空間。3.以績效評估指標求出前四大壽險公司的資金運用績效,發現新光人壽在此三項評估指標皆位居最後;國泰人壽在評估中皆名列前茅。4.新光人壽的平均實際報酬率低於平均資金成本,應控管好資金成本並加強投資組合之績效;富邦人壽平均實際報酬率高過平均資金成本最多,顯示富邦人壽在資金成本控管及投資績效有良好之表現。整體壽險業的實際報酬率亦高於平均資金成本,顯示我國壽險業於營運狀況正常。 / With the life insurance companies’ assets ratio rapidly increasing, the investment performances affect not only the right of a number of policy holders, but also affect the economic stability. However, facing the dynamic global financial and economic environment and the keen competition in the domestic life insurance industry, the life insurance companies need to adopt the proper investment strategy. Law of Insurance 146th p restricts the investment upper limit of the life insurance company. This research will use Markowitz MV model to discuss the influence of this investment restriction on life insurance companies’ asset allocation by the samples of Life industry, Cathay Life Insurance, Nan Shan Life Insurance, Shin Kong Life Insurance, and Fubon Life Insurance, and evaluate the performances of these four life insurance companies by Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen’s measure. This research also analyze the cost of capital and real rate of return of these companies to examine the stability of life insurance industry’s long term asset allocation.
The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.Evaluated by the Markowitz efficient frontier and the Sharpe measure, there is the higher expected rate of return and better diversification with no investment restriction. 2.The actual rates of return of the life insurance industry and the above four life insurance companies are below the expected rates of returns of their portfolio evaluated be the Sharpe measure, which means the life insurance industry need to prove their capital allocation. 3. Comparing the performance of the life insurance companies by the performance indicator, we find the then Shin Kong Life Insurance is the last, while Cathay Life Insurance has a good score. 4. We also find the real rate of return of Shin Kong Life Insurance is lower than its cost of capital, which means Shin Kong Life Insurance need to adjust its cost of capital and the investment performance. Meanwhile, Fubon Life Insurance is the excellent in controlling the cost of capital and investment. The real rate of return of the Life insurance industry is higher than its cost of capital, and that shows the Life insurance industry has normal operation.
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壽險公司最適資產配置與風險管理之探討-以郵政簡易壽險為例 / The Optimal Asset Allocation and the Risk Management in Life Insurance Companies: the Case of Postal Simple Life Insurance黃振忠, Huang, Jenn Jong Unknown Date (has links)
另外分析壽險公司必須正視未來「國際會計準則」(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)IFRS 4第二階段適用公平價值評估負債,利差損問題會更加嚴重,對業務發展與負債評價將產生巨大衝擊。尤其我國壽險業發行商品大都以長年期終身險為主,若壽險商品負債評價與資產不一致時,其缺口將因利率變化影響損益波動。 / Abstract
Domestic life insurers are in a challenging environment with increasing asset size to manage and fierce competition within the industry. Moreover, the world economy is going down a bumpy path. Every now and then in the global financial system, we encounter a black swan event. Among them, the financial tsunami of 2008 hit global industries most severely. The financial tsunami of 2008 also left life insurers having an increasingly difficult time running the business. It is crucial to have sound long-term financial plans in order to ensure business sustainability. Therefore, how to form an investment strategy, determine asset allocation and manage risks at the same time becomes a critical issue for life insurers.
The research studies the asset allocation behavior of Chunghwa Post insurance sector and lists both the internal and the external factors affecting asset allocation. Factors like liquidity risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, capital adequacy, currency risk and regulations all have some influence on the asset allocation strategy. Meanwhile, the research constructs efficient frontier with Markowitz Portfolio Theory and adopts Sharpe ratio as the performance measure to build an optimal portfolio under current regulations with the goal of optimizing asset allocation, boosting profits and gradually improving the financial structure.
The research also studies the tremendous impact of IFRS 4 on business development and liability valuation of life insurance companies. The implementation of IFRS 4 Phase II will require fair value measurement of liabilities, which will exacerbate the negative interest spread problem. When the liability valuation approach of insurance products is not in line with asset valuation, the gap will intensify the income fluctuations from interest rate movements, especially for domestic life insurers whose main products are long-term whole life policies.
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