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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chinese spouses empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Service / Chinese spouses empowerment through community communication: a case study of the Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Service

Momesso, Lara, Momesso, Lara Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This research examines Chinese spouses’ narratives regarding their participation in a Taiwanese organization and their experience and adaptation to a new life. Fourteen spouses, members of a Taiwanese organization called Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Service (CARES), completed in-depth interviews. Qualitative analysis identified prominent themes in participants’ responses in relation to three main subjects: community communications, participation and empowerment. Analysis revealed that the organization communication techniques can be included in the category of community communications. Nevertheless semi-horizontal and bottom-up approaches were identified. This condition is reflected also in the process of spouses’ participation and empowerment. The participation of women in community communications was reached only partially. The same can be said about empowerment, which was achieved mainly at the psychological level. The debate offered a list of possible factors which could be related to the partial development of empowerment and participation. They could be traced back to cultural, social, political, personal and gender factors. Suggestions which are based upon these findings of empowerment and participation are proposed to the organization and to Chinese spouses.

大陸配偶面談機制改善之研究 / On the Improvement of Mainland-Spouses-Interview mochanism

姚綺蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
各國移民政策基於政治、經濟情勢及社會安全之考量皆訂定許多管制措施,我國亦不例外,為防杜大陸人士利用虛偽婚姻入台,2003年9月1日起實施大陸配偶面談機制,此機制是我國對大陸配偶諸多管制項目之一,其為維護國境移入安全的第一道重要關卡。實施以來,如何在人權與國權兩相競合間取得平衡,一直是政府、民意機關、民間團體、學者專家及利害關係當事人共同關切之重要議題。因此,本文以大陸配偶來台面談機制為探討主軸,秉持戴明理論「持續不斷改善」之核心價值,希冀經由文獻及訪談資料之歸納,對此機制未來目標有所助益。本文論述重點如下: 壹、研究內涵 一、面談機制運作概況及缺失 二、面談權益之宣導 三、面談品質之改善 四、面談處分之行政救濟 五、面談輔助機制 六、面談正面效益與負面效應 貳、未來目標 一、符合國際人權公約之內涵 二、建立面談機制輔助方案 三、實施境外面談 四、簡化面談流程 伍、重視公民參與

大陸配偶就業服務成效之評估 / An Analysis on Effectiveness of Employment Service for Spouses from Mainland China

葉永山 Unknown Date (has links)
根據內政部統計(2012),大陸配偶近年來人數不斷上升,已逼近我國原住民人數,成為我國社會組成及勞動力中不可或缺的一部分。為協助有就業意願的大陸配偶就業,我國由公立就業服務機構為基礎,提供各項服務,如就業諮詢、就業推介、陪同面試、安排就業促進研習、職業訓練等。 本研究試圖了解大陸配偶公立就業服務之內容,以及評估大陸配偶接受公立就業服務的情形與後續就業情況,本研究的研究方法主要係採質性研究,深度訪談的方式進行,研究目的如下:(一)分析大陸配偶公立就業服務使用者之基本特性。(二)了解大陸配偶求職者使用公立就業服務之情況。(三)評估大陸配偶求職者經就業推介後之工作情形。(四)歸納影響大陸配偶經公立就業服務成功推介就業之因素。(五)根據研究發現,提出具體可行之政策建議,以供相關單位參考。 本研究成效評估方式,分成輸入 (input)、過程 (process)、結果 (output) 三個層面,經文獻彙整設計不同的成效指標進行評估。本研究發現,大陸配偶求職者具備基礎中文能力,學歷程度以國、高中為主,大多因麻煩而沒有進行學歷認證,有照顧家庭、家中長輩或子女的需求,大陸配偶的就業期待多為工作地點離家近或工作時間不宜過長,以配合照顧家庭。到站求職的大陸配偶就業意願高,對公立就業服務普遍感到滿意。大陸配偶就業推介尋職期間短,多從事不需專業知識或技術的工作,工作收入較低及有就業不穩定、頻繁轉換工作的現象。影響大陸配偶就業的因素,有家庭因素、雇主因素、自身能力因素,其中影響最大的為家庭因素。 根據本研究發現,提出政策建議如下: 一、應簡化大陸配偶學歷認證機制。 二、應先了解大陸配偶的家庭狀況,以利就業服務推介。 三、應增加部分時間工作類別,以滿足大陸配偶不同的就業需求。 四、應盡可能對大陸配偶進行深度就業追蹤。 五、應加強宣導各項大陸配偶就業促進工具及服務。 關鍵詞:大陸配偶、公立就業服務、成效評估、就業


沈榮欣 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,來自大陸及東南亞國家的新移民女性人數迅速增加,與其相關的議題也成為學術界、政府、媒體,乃至社會大眾關注的焦點。根據內政部的統計資料顯示,自民國76年1月至95年4月底止,大陸配偶人數為23萬8,551人,佔所有新移民人數的64.28%,其中,女性大陸配偶人數又佔全部大陸配偶人數的93.5%,顯示女性大陸配偶為臺灣新移民的主要組成。 本研究主要即探討身為新移民的女性大陸配偶在臺非正式就業的情況,以及她們從事非正式就業的原因。經由質化研究中的深度訪談法,與九位工作經歷迥異的受訪者進行半結構式訪談,從她們的生活脈絡與工作經驗去理解女性大陸配偶在臺非正式就業的情況以及在工作上面臨的問題,並勾勒出問題背後隱藏的國家權力運作、社會資源、家庭因素對她們的影響和代表的意義。 研究發現,女性大陸配偶從事非正式就業的原因主要有三點:第一,臺灣政策對於大陸配偶在臺工作的限制。第二,女性傳統家庭角色對就業形式的影響。第三,缺乏在臺灣的社會資源和人際網絡。 此外,經由訪談可以發現,女性大陸配偶是具有高度異質性的群體,每一位受訪者的教育背景、夫家環境、經濟情況、個性和想法都不同,工作的性質、環境、待遇和福利也各有差異,但是對她們而言,即使工作的意義大不相同,有人是出於現實層面的維持生計,有人是為了建立自信、獲得成就感,也有人認為藉由工作才能拓展社會網絡,工作的重要性都是不言而喻的。 然而,諸多現實層面的限制,使得這群新移民在臺灣的就業之路坎坷艱辛,而其中最主要的原因即出於政策的限制。本研究認為,女性大陸配偶透過婚姻形式來臺,是完全合法的移民,至少應該享有與外籍配偶相同的工作權利。研究建議,政府應全面開放工作權與大陸地區高等學歷認證和專業執照認證,並且縮短取得身份證的年限、完善新移民職業訓練與就業服務的面向、普及並完善公立幼兒托育機構,以更平等與友善的政策,幫助來自海峽彼端的新移民適應新生活。


楚恆惠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化影響,國際人口移動日增,以及兩岸開放交流,衍生國人與外籍或大陸人民通婚現象,且近十年來通婚數量急遽增加,對我國人口結構及社會造成相當程度之影響。我國過去並未有如此多外籍或大陸人士來台,近幾年方有較具規模移民法制之建置,目前相關移民法規約有「入出國及移民法」、「國籍法」、「台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」等,這些法規對於外籍配偶與大陸配偶移入分別設有不同規定,外界遂有認形成差別待遇之情形。 本論文首先檢視我國憲法對於外國人或是移民之保障範圍,釐清婚姻移民是否得享有我國憲法保障之權利,探討法制上何以將外國人與大陸人民區分,並比較兩者差別待遇情形,再以平等權觀點加以檢視其差別待遇是否合理。我國法制對於外籍配偶與大陸配偶之法律地位及差別待遇,由於對於大陸配偶安全顧慮較高且兩岸婚姻成長迅速卻又較不穩定,以致於其實際待遇尤其是工作權與居留權略遜於外籍配偶。本文以美國法模式之平等權觀點審查,外籍配偶與大陸配偶有其法律地位及實際情形之不同,並非不能差別待遇,重要的是差別待遇是否合理的問題,本文經探討認為:居留權部分,涉及家庭團聚權,採「中度審查標準」,認仍屬合憲,惟有關工作權部分,大陸配偶來台制度目前偏重於對兩岸婚姻弱勢經濟家庭之保障,相較於外籍配偶居留即取得完整工作權,此一差別待遇則難符合平等權。另有關參政權及服公職權之規定,由於取得公民身分制度及程序之不同,就忠誠衝突及安全考量,為維護我國生存發展及民主憲政秩序,兩岸條例第21條之規定尚屬合憲,惟有關對於大陸人民設籍滿10年始得擔任公職,本文認為尚得考量公職對國家安全與利益之影響及所需民主素養程度,分類後區分限制擔任公職種類。 外籍配偶與大陸配偶來台制度之差別待遇問題,本文認為須從實際來台狀況予以檢驗及解決,重要的是基本權益的實質保障,另為解決此一問題,應從改善兩岸關係著手,如能減緩或解決兩岸間政治、軍事對立及衝突,能有良好正常的互動與發展,同時有效改善虛偽結婚或異常、非法情事,當能更提昇大陸人民或是大陸配偶權益及待遇。此外,我國應參照國際人權保障趨勢,擬訂符合我國需要之移民政策,朝保障外來移民之權益繼續努力。 / As globalization goes on, the movement of international population is increasing. For Taiwan, cross-strait communication speeds up this trend. International marriage, including that with the foreigners and PRC citizens, grows up drastically in the number over the past ten years. There were not so many immigrants from foreign countries or from Mainland China before in this country. In response thereto, Taiwan government has set up legal systems and particular rules to regulate immigration lately, for example, “Immigration Law”, “Nationality Law”, “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area”, and so on. These laws include different articles to regulate foreign spouses and Mainland China spouses respectively. Some people therefore get the impression that there is involved discrimination in legal systems. One aspect of this study is firstly devoted to an investigation of the protection as imparted by our Constitution in order to clarify the issue whether a foreign spouse is entitled to rights under the Constitution. Another aspect is to discuss the difference in legal status between a foreigner and people from Mainland China. Then, the legitimacy of such a differentiation is examined from the angle of equity. Actually, the rationale under such a differentiation comes from the cross-strait relations. Relatively, the regulations are stricter for the mainland spouses than for the foreign spouses, in particular in terms of the right to work and residence. As for political right and the right to become civil servants, the problem is more complicated. Since the foreigners and mainland people are regulated differently in respect of the procedures and requirements for getting the citizenship, in consideration of the loyalty conflict and security and in order to ensure the existence and maintain the constitutional democracy of our country, the 10-year minimum requirement for mainland people to become civil servants upon getting the citizenship as prescribed in Article 21 of “Act Governing Relations between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” is supposed to be in conformity with the constitution. On the other hand, the author of this dissertation opines that upon specifying the restriction on the positions open to the mainland people, the legal system should take into account the impact of their becoming civil servants upon the national security and their accommodation to democracy as required. The author investigates the differentiation in law between foreign and mainland spouses from the angle of American law and the theory of equal protection. Currently, the policy on the mainland spouses’ right to work is focused on the maintenance of low-income families. It might amount to a kind of discrimination that does not quite comply with the equal protection if compared with the phase of foreigners. However, due to the difference in citizenship system between the foreign and mainland spouses, the legal status of these two might not be identical. The foreign spouses who intend to be naturalized in Taiwan must accept the loyalty examination. But for mainland people, the steps to get Taiwanese citizenship lack the loyalty examination procedure. The mainland people who get Taiwanese citizenship are not required to abandon the nationality of mainland China. The mainland people come from communist system; they need a period time to get accommodated to democracy. Therefore, by virtue of loyalty conflict and national security consideration, it is constitutional that the law may prescribe some restriction in this regard. Nonetheless, there remains room for review of the 10-year minimum requirement. It is incumbent upon the legal system to regulate the civil positions to be open in accordance with the impact upon the national security and the accommodation to democracy as required. On the basis of this study, it is suggested that the differentiation between foreign and mainland spouses, having its institutional sector, should be examined and solved in consideration of national circumstances and practical phase. Of particular importance is how to promote the substantial protection of basic human right. Besides, another critical factor is to improve the cross-strait relationship. The tasks such as: to ease and avoid cross-strait political and military confrontation or conflicts, to foster normal and friendly bilateral relations and interaction, etc., all play a critical role. Meanwhile, an effective solution to the problem of fake marriage and other crimes or illegal events will help enhance the interest and status of mainland people furthermore. Also, our country should keep following the trend of international human right protection so as to work toward realistic immigration policy and a satisfactory legal system without compromising the right protection of immigrants.

大陸配偶參加台灣全民健保相關因素之探討-以臺北地區為例 / Factors affecting mainland spouses, enrollment in the national health insurance program- Taipei area as an example

李小娟 Unknown Date (has links)
根據移民署公佈的統計資料顯示,來台的大陸配偶人數逐年增加,這些藉由婚姻關係遷徙台灣的新移民,根據人口遷移理論,應存在原居住地社會經濟等負向條件的「推力」,以及遷移目的地正向吸引的「拉力」。台灣全民健保保障了大陸配偶的健康,提供完善的醫療照護。大陸配偶面對台灣與大陸兩地不同的醫療衛生環境與保險制度,在遷移台灣後願意主動參加全民健保的因素為何,另又有部分的大陸配偶須經過輔導後才參加全民健保,其面臨的影響因素又為何,全民健保制度的實行對大陸配偶而言,是否成為吸引人口移入的正向「拉力」,而且提升其對台灣醫療服務的正面印象等,都是令人想一窺究竟的結果,也是本研究進行的目的。 本研究利用文獻分析法,蒐集相關的論文、書籍、期刊、統計報告等資料,進行台灣與大陸兩地衛生醫療環境與保險制度之比較和分析,並說明台灣全民健保的正向拉力與大陸醫療保險制度的負向推力。進而探討大陸配偶的實際看法及對台灣醫療服務的印象;為提高本研究的信度與效度,採取立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣方式,篩選20位居住於臺北地區的大陸配偶作為研究對象,其中10位為主動參加健保者及10位經輔導後參加健保的大陸配偶;以半結構式問卷進行深度訪談蒐集資料。 研究資料分析,大陸配偶願意主動參加全民健保的因素包括(1)避免疾病風險。(2)就醫需求。(3)依規定辦理。(4)家人幫忙辦理。而須經過輔導後才參加全民健保的大陸配偶,其影響因素包括(1)以工作優先。(2)不知道有社會保險。(3)沒有立即醫療需求。(4)經濟因素。 受訪的大陸配偶,超過半數給予台灣全民健保制度正面的肯定,該制度確實能夠提升大陸配偶對台灣醫療服務的正面印象;但高於半數的大陸配偶認為「全民健保」的制度不能吸引其遷移來台;不過有半數的大陸配偶表示,因有健保醫療的照護,年老時會選擇在臺終老。 進過訪談資料的整理、分析及歸納之後,得到五個研究發現,(1)大陸配偶對於台灣的就醫環境與醫護人員服務態度有高度的正面評價。(2) 大陸配偶主動參加全民健保的主要相關因素為「避免疾病風險」及「就醫需求」,而非慕名台灣醫療服務的進步與便利。(3) 大陸配偶需輔導才參加全民健保的主要影響因素是來台後「以工作為優先」與「不知有社會保險」,而非經濟因素。(4)絕大多數大陸配偶給予全民健保正面評價,並表示保費不貴、醫療費用給付合理。(5)「全民健保」制度對於大陸配偶具有一定程度的遷移吸引力。(6)「全民健保」制度確實提昇多數大陸配偶的對台醫療服務印象,並影響大陸配偶在台終老的意願。(7)絕大多數受訪大陸配偶對「二代健保」的認知缺乏,不知其實質內容。 本研究依據資料分析與研究發現,提出的改善建議分為收入面、支出面及綜合三個部分,收入面包括(1)取消保險對象類目。(2)取消出國停、復保規定。(3)設立醫療儲蓄帳戶。支出面包括(1)實施自負額制度。(2)限縮境外就醫條件。(3)強化家庭醫師制度。(4)推動長期照護保險。而綜合的部分包括(1)加強「二代健保」宣導。(2)獎勵與罰則並重。期待本研究對於健保制度的改革有所幫助和影響,以實踐全民健康保險永續經營的理念。

大陸女性配偶來臺生活適應經驗之探討以基隆市大陸配偶為例 / A Studay of Living adaptation of the spouses from Mainland in Keelung City.

任玉瓊, Jen,Yu,Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際化、全球化的趨勢,跨國婚姻已是全球普遍的現象。台灣在1987年開放大陸探親後,在婚姻仲介者的引進,大陸配偶透過婚配而成為我國的新移民,隨著人數增加也衍生了許多家庭、婚姻、教育、社會等問題。 本研究將探討大陸配偶在在臺的生活適應、配婚管道與動機,以及她們在台期間所面臨的困境,對我國大陸配偶政策的期許等問題,本研究採用質性研究的半結構訪談大綱訪問居住於基隆市區的「大陸女性配偶」本研究發現如下: 一、大陸配偶不管是透過親友介紹或婚姻仲介,都認命的與先生胼手胝足的為家庭奮鬥。 二、這些受訪者婚配的對象部份為在台婚姻市場邊緣化者。 三、大陸配偶來臺的人際關係由家延伸至社會,當面臨困難時通常都是朋友適時伸出援手,幫她們走出困境。 四、大陸配偶對台灣的美麗憧憬及經濟奇蹟構成大陸配偶向外拓展的動力。 五、大陸配偶對於居留、身分證取得時效的政策不如外籍配偶,感覺受到岐視,對現行法規有強烈修正的期待。 / Along with the internationalization and the globalization tendency, the transnational marriage already was the global universal phenomenon. Taiwan has allowed mainland visiting relatives after 1987. After introduced by the marriage brokerage, the mainland spouses penetrated the marriage to become our country's new immigration. Increased along with the population also generated many questions on the families, marriage, education and society aspect as well. This research will discuss the mainland spouse in to life adapt, the channel to get married and the motive of marriage in Taiwan. Also include the difficult position they will face when stay in Taiwan, as well as the expectation to our government policy for mainland spouse and so on. This research will use the nature research the semi-structure interview program to visit “the mainland feminine spouse” lives in the Keelung urban area. This research discovery is as follows: 1. No matter the marriage of the mainland spouse is through the friends and relatives introduction or the marriage brokerage, most of mainland spouse are resign themselves work with her husband and struggle for the family. 2. These participants of mainland spouses the marry object had weak position in marriage market in Taiwan. 3. Mainland spouse comes to the social interaction of the interpersonal relationship is extended by the house to society. When they face the difficulty, it usually is looking for the help from their friends to assist them to depart from the difficult position. 4. The mainland spouse to Taiwan's beautiful expectation and the economical miracle of Taiwan in pass, it contributed the mainland spouse the motivation which develops to outside. 5. The effectiveness for a period of time which regarding the residence and the identification card obtain was inferior to the foreign spouse. The mainland spouse felt receives the discrimination, has the intense anticipation to the present laws and regulations revision.


陳建成 Unknown Date (has links)
自開放探親以來,兩岸交流日趨熱絡,截至民國九十四年底陸續來台團聚及申請居留、定居的大陸配偶已逾廿三萬人,成為新興移入人口的主流。「兩岸婚配」的盟合大多係由台灣男性主動認識大陸女子、或經由親友介紹、及婚姻仲介等方式而結婚,大陸配偶透過「跨海婚姻」的歷程來到台灣,在陌生的社會民情與生疏的家庭環境中試圖展開新生活,她們無不努力地學習並詮釋新的角色;然因兩岸的社經環境、風俗習慣,人民的成長背景及價值觀念等文化之差異與隔閡,建立自己的同儕生活上有所困難,加上在台灣取得社會資源的不易,使其與台灣社會網絡互動貧乏,只能依賴婚姻的狀況下更顯得被孤立,而成為社會的弱勢族群,且因人數眾多已形成嚴重的社會問題。 由於大陸配偶來台者日眾,在相關的社會新聞中,造成台灣民眾常抱持著偏執與異樣眼光看待她們,總將其視為外來者或麻煩製造者而產生了許多誤解,使她們在異鄉的生活適應上備感艱辛,諸如她們漂洋過海的婚姻動機為何?來台後對於兩岸的生活習慣與價值觀念之差異要如何適應?又將如何與台灣的社會相連結?對於國家與社群的認同為何?微視她們真正的心聲是值得我們作抽絲剝繭的探究。本文針對中國移民女性來台的社會適應問題進行研究,讓現實生活中的大陸配偶自己發聲,筆者實地去瞭解她們的生活底層,聆聽她們的心聲、感受與生活經驗,試從其自身的敘述中來勾勒出她們的「台灣經驗」,而非新聞媒體上所建構與杜撰的故事,或是三姑六婆們街頭巷尾的竊竊私語。 / Ever since Taiwan and PRC opened door for citizens to visit their relatives across Taiwan Straits, cross-border interactions from both sides are becoming more frequent. According to statistical data released by Taiwan government, more than 230 thousand PRC immigration requests to Taiwan have been granted by the end of 2005. In consequence, PRC residents are becoming the mainstream in Taiwan immigration population. Typically, cross-border marriage took place through matchmakers or relatives’ introduction or Taiwanese males actively create opportunities to know PRC female. Thereby female is the dominant gentile in PRC immigrant population. Due to different value systems, and vast cultural gap, it is not easy for PRC spouses to quickly adapt to the new environment and families. In addition, for lack of proper access to Taiwan social networks, PRC immigrants are usually isolated and speechless. And the issues become more severe as PRC immigrants increases in Taiwan. From time to time, social incidents caused by PRC immigrants are mistakenly reported or even exaggerated by public media that lead to biased misunderstanding from Taiwanese pollution. And there’s virtually no chance for PRC spouses to speak up. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the following issues: what are the motivations of PRC spouses to come to Taiwan, how they adapt themselves to make up the cultural gap and the new value system, as well as how can they link up with Taiwan societies. Rather than referencing to media reports that could possibly be distorted, we chose to collect first hand experiences by face to face interviews with PRC spouses. Let’s listen to their genuine voice about their “Taiwan experiences”.

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