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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

一階衝擊動態方程的週期邊界值問題 / PBVPs of first-order impulsive dynamic equations on time scales

梁益昌, Liang, Yi Chang Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文中,我們討論的是一階非線性衝擊動態方程的週期邊界值問題。利用Schaefer定理及Banach固定點定理,我們得到一些解的存在性結果。 / In this thesis, we are concernd with nonlinear first-order periodic boundary value problems of impulsive dynamic equations on time scales. By using Schaefer’s theorem and Banach’s fixed point theorem we acquire some new existence results.


余世偉, YU, SHI-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文中,我們主要是探討有邊界值的二次微分一積分方程式的解的存在性及唯 一性的問題。在LAKSHRNIKANTHAN 和KHAVANIN的“二次微分一積分方程式及單調法“ (THE METHOD OF MIXED MONOTONY AND SECOND ORDER INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL SYSTE M, ANAL.28(1988),199-206)中,他們利用到混合單調法的技巧: 將不具有任何單調性質的函數擴充到一混合單調函數(亦即此函數對某些變數是單調 非遞減,而對另外某些變數是單調非遞增),然後利用其上解及下解(UPPER, LOWER SOLUTION)來生成兩個單調數列,而此二單調數列具有同時均勻的收斂到原方程式的 解的性質,而完成其存在性,其唯一性則是利用最大原則法(MAXIMUM PRINCIPLE ) ,而完成了他們對二次微分一積分方程式的解的探討。 在上述中,我們認為作者給予擴充函數的性質太強了,故我們對條件放寬,允許它不 是混合單調函數,而另外給了較弱的限制條件,此時我們與證明方法有了改變,我們 用到了SCHAUDER的定點定理(FIXED POINT THEOREM ):若T是一區間映到相同區間 的緊緻運算子(COMPACT OPERATOR),則存在一點X使得T(X)=X。於是解便可 得到,其唯一性亦是利用最大原則法得到。 最後,我們必須確定我們所使用的擴充函數確實存在,所以我們給了一個關於擴充函 數存在的充分條件來保證它的確存在,而不只是一種理想函數而已。到此,再加上一 些數值結果,我們就完成了整篇的論文。

家庭與學校變項對學生學業成就動機的影響--一個後設分析 / The effect of family and school variables on students' academic achievement motivation: A meta-analysis

許崇憲, Chong-shiann Albert Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
此後設分析研究檢驗實驗處與脈絡變項變項對學生學業成就動機的影響,作者從293份研究中取得2542個效應量。結果發現,無論是脈絡變項還是實驗處理,只要能夠滿足學生對能力感、親密感、以及自主感的需求,皆能夠促進學生的成就動機;最有效的是能夠滿足學生能力需求或者滿足兩種需求以上的處理。至於中介變項的影響,性別並沒有發揮作用;各種自變項在不同教育或年齡階段,有不同的影響力。最後,作者針對教育實務與未來研究方向提出若干建議。 / A meta-analysis was performed to examine the effect of experimental treatments and contextual variables on students’ academic motivation. 2,542 effect sizes were collected from 293 studies. It was found that contextual variables or experimental treatments which strengthened students’ sense of competence, relatedness, and autonomy could facilitate their achievement motivation. The variables gratifying the need of competence and those meeting two needs or more had the greatest impact. The effect of four moderators was also analyzed. It was found that the treatment-motivation relationship was gender-free. Types of contextual variable had different impact at different educational levels. In conclusion, some suggestions are provided for educational practice and further study.


許哲維 Unknown Date (has links)

實質消費下均衡資本資產評價 / Equilibrium Asset Pricing Based on the “Real” Consumption

張俊評, Chang, Jun-ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以完全規避通膨風險債券資產為評價基礎,推導出三因子實質消費資本資產訂價模型與s+4共同基金定理。三因子分別為實質消費成長因子、消費習慣因子以及情緒性預期偏差因子。情緒性三因子實證部份,橫斷面報酬模型平均解釋力約有61.79%,此實證結果顯示傳統消費資本資產訂價模型中訂價績效表現不佳,是忽略部份重要因素所致。 s+4共同基金為完全規避通膨風險債券資產、投機性巿場投資組合、s個規避實質狀態變數不利於投資機會集合變動之巿場投資組合、規避情緒性預期偏差風險的共同基金以及維持未來整體生活消費型態的共同基金。這之中完全規避通膨風險債券資產可減少巿場共同基金數目和降低交易成本之實質效果。 / This thesis derives an inter-temporal asset pricing model in a real-term, continuous-time model with uncertain consumption-goods prices and uncertain investment opportunity. When the inflation-indexed securities are available, a three-factor asset pricing model is derived in terms of real consumption growth, consumption-habit variation, and inflation rate change (or sentimental inflation expectation). Empirical results suggest that the derived asset pricing model in real framework can explain above a 60% of the variation in asset returns. Under the real framework, we demonstrate that s+4 fund separation applies. These funds may be chosen to be: (1) the instantaneously inflation-indexed bond, (2) the market portfolio, (3) the sentimental inflation-related asset, (4) the consumption habit-related asset, and (5) the s portfolios having the high correlations, respectively, with the s state variables.

多項分配之分類方法比較與實證研究 / An empirical study of classification on multinomial data

高靖翔, Kao, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
由於電腦科技的快速發展,網際網路(World Wide Web;簡稱WWW)使得資料共享及搜尋更為便利,其中的網路搜尋引擎(Search Engine)更是尋找資料的利器,最知名的「Google」公司就是藉由搜尋引擎而發跡。網頁搜尋多半依賴各網頁的特徵,像是熵(Entropy)即是最為常用的特徵指標,藉由使用者選取「關鍵字詞」,找出與使用者最相似的網頁,換言之,找出相似指標函數最高的網頁。藉由相似指標函數分類也常見於生物學及生態學,但多半會計算兩個社群間的相似性,再判定兩個社群是否相似,與搜尋引擎只計算單一社群的想法不同。 本文的目標在於研究若資料服從多項分配,特別是似幾何分配的多項分配(許多生態社群都滿足這個假設),單一社群的指標、兩個社群間的相似指標,何者會有較佳的分類正確性。本文考慮的指標包括單一社群的熵及Simpson指標、兩社群間的熵及相似指標(Yue and Clayton, 2005)、支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)、邏輯斯迴歸等方法,透過電腦模擬及交叉驗證(cross-validation)比較方法的優劣。本文發現單一社群熵指標之表現,在本文的模擬研究有不錯的分類結果,甚至普遍優於支持向量機,但單一社群熵指標分類法的結果並不穩定,為該分類方法之主要缺點。 / Since computer science had changed rapidly, the worldwide web made it much easier to share and receive the information. Search engines would be the ones to help us find the target information conveniently. The famous Google was also founded by the search engine. The searching process is always depends on the characteristics of the web pages, for example, entropy is one of the characteristics index. The target web pages could be found by combining the index with the keywords information given by user. Or in other words, it is to find out the web pages which are the most similar to the user’s demands. In biology and ecology, similarity index function is commonly used for classification problems. But in practice, the pairwise instead of single similarity would be obtained to check if two communities are similar or not. It is dislike the thinking of search engines. This research is to find out which has better classification result between single index and pairwise index for the data which is multinomial distributed, especially distributed like a geometry distribution. This data assumption is often satisfied in ecology area. The following classification methods would be considered into this research: single index including entropy and Simpson index, pairwise index including pairwise entropy and similarity index (Yue and Clayton, 2005), and also support vector machine and logistic regression. Computer simulations and cross validations would also be considered here. In this research, it is found that the single index, entropy, has good classification result than imagine. Sometime using entropy to classify would even better than using support vector machine with raw data. But using entropy to classify is not very robust, it is the one needed to be improved in future.

翻譯的不確定性:其論證及有效性 / The Indeterminacy of Translation: It's Arguments and Validity

侯維之, Hou, Wei-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
蒯因(W.V. quine)在語言哲學的發展上 , 可說是當代一大重鎮. 他對傳 統上在一般經驗論者中 , 對分析與綜合(analytic-synthetic)語句的區 分以及證實說(verificationism)提出嚴厲的批判,這可算是語言哲學中的 一大轉變 . 他的整體論(holism), 理論之不可由經驗完全限定 (unederdetermination of experiences) , 物理主義(physicalism) ,自然主義(naturalism) , 翻譯的不確定性(indeteriminacy of translation),指設的不可測度(inscrutability of references),存有學 的相對性(ontological relativity) 等理論 , 試圖以( 自然) 科學, 或說廣義物理理論作為我們對知識探求的基礎. 本文所要處理的問題是: 在翻譯的不確定性理論中, 蒯因所用的理論是什麼 ? 它是否有效而可以 成立 ? 其論證間是否各自獨立或有相互關係? In the development of philosophy of language, Quine is a very important philosopher. He criticized the traditional empiricism for the analytic-synthetic division and verificationism, this is an important milestone in the history of philosophy of language. He exhausts the whole theory, like holism, underdetermination of experiences ,physicalism, naturalized epsitemology, indetermincy of translation, and inscrutability of reference or ontological relativity, and so on. He tried to use sciences or broader physics to be the base of our researching for knowledge. The topic in this paper is about "indeterminacy of translation", we want to know Quine's arguments, the validity of these arguments, the relations between these arguments, and potential questions of this doctrine.

兩種通貨經濟體系下之通貨競爭 / Currency Competition in a Two-Currency Economy

林淑芬, Sue-Fen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract The controversy about the monetary regime of the EC between the Britain and the other member countries made economists to study currency competition and currency substitution widely. This dissertation constructs a one-good, two-currency Brock model in discrete time. In the determinate model, we show the Gresham’s Law results as those in Weil’s. And we demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of a class of first-order Markov stationary sunspot equilibria. The existence of sunspot equilibria expresses another situation of currency competition that future situations may depend on the possibility of people’s expectations, not the growth rates of currencies and tries to provide another explain for the phenomena above.Britain and the other member countries made economists totudy currency competition and currency substitution widely .his dissertation constructs a one - good , two - currencyrock model in discrete time . In the determinate model , wehow the Gresham' s Law results as those in Weil's . And weemonstrate the existence and uniqueness of a class of firstorder Markov stationary sunpot equilibria . The existencef sunspot equilibria expresses another situation of currencyompetition that future situations may depend on the possibi-ity of people' s expectations , not the growth rates of cu -rencies and tries to provide another explain for the pheno -ena above .

以全波形光達之波形資料輔助製作植被覆蓋區數值高程模型 / DEM Generation with Full-Waveform LiDAR Data in Vegetation Area

廖思睿, Liao, Sui Jui Unknown Date (has links)
在植被覆蓋的山區中,由於空載雷射掃描可穿透植被間縫隙的特性,有較高機會收集到植被下的地面資訊,因此適合作為製作植被覆蓋地區數值高程模型的資料來源,而在過濾過程中,一般僅利用點雲間的三維位置關係進行幾何過濾,而全波形空載雷射掃描可另外提供點位的波形寬、振幅值、散射截面積以及散射截面積數等波形資料,本研究將透過波形資料分析進行點雲過濾。 首先經最低點採樣後,本研究利用貝氏定理自動分析並計算得到地面點的波形資料的特徵區間範圍,採用振幅值、散射截面積以及散射截面積係數得到的特徵區間範圍開始第一階段的波形資料過濾,完成後再以第二階段的一般幾何過濾濾除剩餘之非地面點,最後的成果將與航測以及只採用幾何過濾時的成果比較。 由研究成果中顯示,不同的植被覆蓋間的單一回波波形資料的差異較明顯,最後回波類似。同一植被覆蓋下的單一回波及最後回波反應不同。而在成果的比較中,本實驗的成果與不採用波形資料輔助的成果大致相同本研究的成果在部分植被覆蓋的區域成果稍差,但透過波形過濾,可將幾何過濾所需計算的點雲數減少許多,可以增進整理過濾的效率。本研究的成果與航測相比時,在植被覆蓋區域較航測成果貼近實際的地面起伏,數值高程模型成果較為正確。 / In mountain areas covered with vegetation, discrete airborne laser scanning is an appropriate technique to produce DEMs for its laser signal is able to reach the ground beneath the vegetation. Once the scanned data was derived, point cloud filtering was performed based on the geometry relationship between the points at the processing stage. With the development of the advanced full-waveform laser scanning system, the additional waveform data has been proved useful for improving the performance of point cloud filtering. This research therefore focused on using the waveform data to extract DEM over vegetation covered area. The amplitude, backscatter cross-section and backscatter cross-section coefficient were the waveform parameters used to do the filtering. After initial waveform analysis was accomplished, an automated method to determine threshold range of each parameter representing ground points was proposed. By applying the thresholds, the original point cloud was filtered. Geometric filtering method was then used to eliminate the remained non-ground points. As a result, the DEM over the target vegetated area was derived. With the comparison against photogrammetric DEM and DEM derived from traditional filtering method, it was demonstrated that the quality of the resultant DEM was improved.

教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 / The effect of teacher support on basic needs and learning engagement in Taiwanese high school context

林哲立, Lin, Che-Li Unknown Date (has links)
教師支持對學生需求滿足與學習投入之影響 - 以台灣地區高中學生為例 本研究之目的在探討在自我決定理論架構下,教師支持(teacher support)、心理需求(basic needs),以及學習投入(learning engagement)三變項間的關係。本研究針對台灣地區共八所高中之高中學生為研究對象,進行問卷調查有效樣本為945人。針對研究工具進行探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,並以結構方程模式檢驗本研究之假設模式,研究結果如下。 教師支持與基本需求的關係方面,教師的自主支持(teacher autonomy support)可以顯著的預測能力需求的滿足與學習投入,此結果呈現了自主支持的教學在台灣地區高中情境的跨文化應用。其次,教師投入(teacher involvement)可顯著的預測關連性的需求滿足與學習投入,此結果說明了教師的關心與支持對高中學生的重要性。 再者,不同過去的研究結果,能力需求的滿足則負向的預測行為投入與情緒投入;此結果呈現了課堂情境因素的重要性,可能影響學生之上課投入情形的因素,包括教師的教學方法、教室目標結構,以及學生知覺課堂活動的挑戰性與重要性等。 最後,本研究也發現,教師支持中的結構(structure)對於自主需求(need of autonomy)有負向的影響,即學生對於自主的需求較高者,對於教師的結構性教學會有負向的回應,這也說明了學習者在需求滿足(我覺得)與需求(我想要)兩者上的差異。 本研究建議未來的研究進一步探討需求滿足與需求對於學習與教師知覺上的差異情形,並且針對教師結構之問卷進行本土化的概念建構,亦可進一步探討教師支持與需求滿足間的調節效果或針對這些變項進行長期的調查或課室觀察。 / The effect of Teacher Support on Basic Needs and Learning Engagement in Taiwanese high school context Abstract Based on self-determination theory, the relationships among teacher support, basic needs, and learning engagement were examined. With a total of nine hundred and forty five valid participants from eight Taiwanese high schools, structure equation modeling was used to explore the propose model. The main results of the present study are as follows: Teacher autonomy support was the most predictive variable in explaining both behavioral and emotional engagement, which indicated the cross-cultural application of autonomy-supportive teaching in high school context in a collectivistic country. Moreover, teacher involvement could significantly affect basic need of relatedness and learning engagement, which showed that teachers’ caring and understanding should not be ignored in high school context. Also, this study found the differences between need satisfaction and needs among learners, which leaded to distinct results in reacting to teaching behaviors. Additionally, different from previous studies, this study found that basic need of competence predicted negatively to learning engagement. The specific features of classroom goal structure or teaching methods in Taiwanese high school classrooms might be the plausible explanations.

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