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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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毛鑄倫 Unknown Date (has links)
這一篇論文,筆者著手寫它開始的時間可以說甚早,但是卻一直拖延到幾乎整整一年後才完成,並且其內容與字數均有極不令人滿意處,這除了責怪筆者求學態度之欠紮實與資質之愚魯外,似乎不能有更好的託辭。筆者在此謹問所有關心這篇論文的師長、同學、友好致衷心的歉意,並深願以後有機會得能補過。 在此,筆者所樂於陳述的是關於這篇論文中所刻意提出的若觀念的問題,由於筆者畢業於政大歷史系,從而進入東亞研究所攻讀。就個人而言,他乃是希望能在這段時間中補足其歷史學習中自民國十五年以後的中國歷史知識上的空白。應該感謝的是東亞研究所確實滿足了這項要求。筆者在研究中國近代史過程中,發現這段歷史所具有的幾點特色,那就是中國之進入近代世界乃是在一種不平等與暴力屈辱下達成的,就世界史觀點看這個現象,就可以知道中國的企求進步或所謂現代化,其與若干歐洲國家之最大差異乃是在各自的目的上。嚴格地說,中國的目的由於客觀與主觀條件之影響,始終無法具較長期的考慮之性質;更嚴格地說,中國的企求現代化是陷入了方法論的難局中,他不免地使用了相當多的求一時之濟的手段而適足妨礙了他的真正目的。雖然歷史的步伐匆匆地由清季通過了民國初後而至於今,而且其間歷史的外觀面貌亦多有改變,但以身為一名歷史的學習者,筆者竟然以為前述難局的陰魂仍然在作出祟。中國的問題環繞在目的與手段的難能諧調上。 中共之得能坐大以至於竊奪了對中國人民的控制權何嘗不然?筆者甚至認為中共這顆惡果之能夠在中國的樹上長出,就是前述那種不良精神所造成。近代中國的一切問題都源自求國家的富強上,富強是一個早經指出的遠程目標,隨後吾人所能看到的都是追逐該項目標之各種方法的運用,這些構成了民國史的主要格架,同時,對有效手段的狂熱追求,只造成了擔負追求富強直接責任的革命者們道德的敗壞,這是一個惡性循環狂潮,幾乎很難有一具體補救的方法可以扼止它,尤其在當代中國,但是歷史學習者的良知卻不能不使筆者指出此一事實——正如在此論文之第一章第一節中所云——因為這是一必要的求自知過程,可能有助於中國較合理的前途之追求工作。 在這篇論文中,中共是被判有罪的,但是並非出於狹義的仇恨,而是通過歷史責任的考核,因此顯然地,如果不能否認中共是一個由中國人所組成團體,這個責任便自然地落到每一中國人,尤其中國的生代肩上。筆者堅信中國自中共竊取了政權後,就走到了一條必須審慎目求檢討並重新起步的路口,吾人的責任是同前走去。歷史所可能帶來的最大功用是使□起的人們能夠較理智地避免前人所犯的錯誤,全民族的前途方是吾人的唯一前途。 這篇論文經過,曹主任伯一老師在章節與內容的結構上的細心指導與批改,筆者在此謹致最高的謝忱,應該慚愧的是筆者除了學識之淺陋外,並常犯主觀主義的錯失,所以要向曹主任表示由衷的歉意。另外,筆者也要感謝東亞所的前兩位主任吳師俊才,郭師華倫,以及鄭師學稼,在他們的教誨下,不只是筆者個人,而是全體東亞的的同學,在求學與生活上都享受到前所未有的快樂與滿足,筆者的靈魂經常在感激的衝動下而從自我的軀體中奔出而擁抱他們。筆者也要感謝王健民,他是筆者從事中共問題研究的啟蒙者。筆者也要感謝國際關係研究所匪情組召集人朱文琳先生,筆者在組實習的近一年時間中,他與組中諸前輩先生與學長們直接、間接地幫助了筆者對中共問題各方面,尤其是動態情況地了解。筆者不方,但是及願繼續這方面的努力,希望將來能有稍稍成就以為誠敬的報謝。 最後,謹以這篇論文獻給苦難但偉大的中國以及我的父母親。


陳曉慧, CHEN, XIAO-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
抗日戰爭動員全國、悲壯慘烈,使得許多地方軍人捐棄成見,一致投入這民族共同禦 外的戰爭。其中最顯而得見的是山西的閻錫山,他在抗戰中的表現與頁獻,是應該為 歷史所肯定的。 抗戰時期閻錫山被任命為第二戰區司令長官,無論在山西或是對於全國局勢,均有重 大的影響,是一位舉足輕重的人物,非常值得研究。本論文擬以時間為經、事件為緯 ,藉著分析事件的過程及影響,以突顯人物的重要。全文共分為六章。第一章敘述閻 錫山崛起山西的經過,在辛亥革命、北洋政府、北伐、中原大戰各時期他所扮演的角 色,可說是抗戰以前背景的描述,有助於以下數章的發展。第二章申述自九一八事變 至七七抗戰爆發期間,閻氏面對日軍積極侵華的應付、準備,及其抗日的決心,另亦 述及其建設山西的成效。第三章以第二戰區為主,說明閻氏在山西如何領導軍民抗戰 ,在困厄的環境中,支持到抗戰最後,始終未讓日軍渡過黃河。 第四章探討閻錫山與中共的關係,說明中共利用犧盟會和決死隊叛變,打擊閻氏,並 得以迅速擴張其勢力於華北的經過。第五章則研究抗戰時期日本對閻錫山「合作」的 試探,閻氏如何運用策略以保生存等。最後綜合各章節所舉事件之分析,在結論中為 抗戰時期的閻錫山做一整體性的評論客觀地給予歷史上的地位。 本論文所引用的資料,以國史館典藏「閻故資政錫山遺存檔案」為主,其次是閻錫山 的年譜、回憶錄、傳記,戰時出版品及有關的論著、報紙、期刊等,希望有助於對抗 日戰爭史的探究及對於閻錫山有更深刻的了解。

抗戰前上海地區的抗日救國運動 :以救國會為中心的探討﹝1935-1937﹞

王玉 Unknown Date (has links)
從九一八事變之後,中國各地的抗日救國運動風起雲湧,不過1930年代中期,由沈鈞儒、鄒韜奮、章乃器、沙千里、王造時、李公樸、史良「七君子」等所發起領導的「全國各界救國聯合會」無疑是最受注目而且影響深遠的 。由於救國會的牽涉層面廣泛複雜,從不同的方向切入和不同的角度立論,將有不同的探討重點和論述方式。考慮當年救國會抗日救國的主要訴求是「停止內戰,一致抗日」,以及七君子被捕的主要指控是「有共黨嫌疑和企圖推翻國民政府」。因此論文的研究主要抓兩個方向:一是救國會與中國共產黨的關係;二是救國會的抗日活動。來探討救國會的抗日活動論文一共分為七章:第一章、前言。第二章、救國會的成立背景:敘述救國會興起的外在背景和內在因素。第三章、救國會的紛立及與共產黨的關係:敘述救國會從地方組織擴大整合為全國性的抗日團體;而從成立之初,即有共黨潛伏其中,這是共黨統戰的策略,但救國會的成立尚談不上是中共的策動。第四章、救國會的宗旨與組織:敘述救國會的抗日救國主張,確實包含「反」政府的成分;以及救國會的組織從外表看雖然鬆散,但內部結構中有中共的黨團運作;而從中共中央來到上海,救國會與共黨的合作更加密切。第五章、救國會的主要活動:敘述救國會的宗旨雖然是要促成各黨派合作抗日,但主要的活動其實是透過組織、宣傳與抗議活動等來製造輿論,對政府的安內攘外構成壓力。而在兩廣事件與西安事變中,救國會的立場與中共並不一致。這說明救國會雖然與中共關係密切,但仍有自己的性格,而中共也無意攘奪救國會的領導權。第六章、救國會七領袖被捕:敘述七君子案表面上是法律案件,其實是政治事件,國共雙方都在暗中較勁。雖然社會聲浪對七君子頗多同情,但最後政府瓦解救國會。第七章、結論提出筆者一個思考性的看法。


蘇上傑 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

乙未戰役中桃竹苗客家人抗日運動之研究 / A study of Taoyuen-Hsinchu-Miaoli Hakka’s Resistance Against Japan in Yi Wei war

吳昭英 Unknown Date (has links)
1894年至1895年間,肇始於朝鮮東學黨事件的甲午戰爭中日本取得勝利後,於簽訂馬關條約時確定了臺灣割予日本一條。此後,5月間日軍前往接收臺灣時遭遇了反對割臺的臺灣官民的抵抗。這是場臺灣史上最大規模的抗日戰爭,一般稱之為乙未戰役。   居住於桃竹苗地區的閩南人、客家人及原住民對於日軍的據臺有著不同的肆應態度。南進的日軍在桃竹苗地區遭逢客家義民軍激烈的抵抗,相對於客家人抗日的態度,閩南人與原住民卻選擇順從的態度。造成各族群間肆應態度的迥異,這可說是深受自清代以來的在臺經濟活動模式與族群關係的影響所致。   本文以族群關係的角度觀察,在1895年乙未戰役中無論是客家人抗日或是閩南人及原住民順日,都與藉此確保自身的既得利益有關。換言之,乙未戰役不但使異民族日本成為臺灣新的統治者,也反映了臺灣內部各族群的立場以及利益。

「三一運動」前後韓國獨立軍在中國東北地區抗日之研究 / A Study on the Anti-Japanese Movement of the Korean Independent Army in the Chinese Northeastern District about the Time of the March First Independence Movement.

張明杓, Jang, Myoung Pyo Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分六章九節,全篇計九萬餘言。第一章緒論,敘述在中國東 北地區的韓人社會背景及本論文的研究旨趣。第二章是義兵與獨立軍在中 國東北的發展,分為三節;第一節了解獨立軍的母體,即舊韓末時期的義 兵形成,義兵展開的反日活動、義兵追求的民族精神以及「三一運動」的 爆發與其影響;第二節敘述獨立軍歷史的背景、獨立軍在中國東北發展的 原因、各獨立軍團體的建立及發展過程;第三節主要述及「韓日合併」後 的在中國東北地區義兵活動與義兵對獨立軍團組織產生的作用。第三章是 獨立軍的組織、養成及裝備,分為兩節;第一節由獨立軍內部組織,觀察 主導勢力情況、及其思想及追求的理念、運用軍隊行政方面的事項等;第 二節討論由養成獨立軍的徵兵制度實施、籌備軍費及武器等的問題。第四 章是獨立軍的戰鬥活動,共分兩節;第一節依時間順序敘述,獨立軍的活 動以表和圖來說明獨立軍攻擊韓國境內的活動狀況;第二節由在中國東北 的獨立軍與日軍交戰中,探討獨立軍的對戰爭的態度、戰役經過、及戰役 影響等。第五章是獨立軍的發展與國際關係,共分兩節;第一節分析中國 政府對中國東北獨立軍活動之取締與放任;第二節主要論及在中國東北的 獨立軍活動所帶來的中、日兩國之間的交涉及處理韓民問題。第六章結論 ,綜述本文研究成果,而了解在中國東北地區韓人獨立運動史上的地位。

一九三五年至一九四九年國共談判之研究 / Research in Negotiation of KMT & CC: 1935-1949

林慶南, Lin, Chin Nan Unknown Date (has links)
自孫中山先生領導國民革命建立民國後,中國即入軍閥割據的局面。 北伐的成功,為中國統一與建設帶來弓一線署光,但此時內有中共叛叛, 外有日本侵略,國民黨在「攘外必先安內」的政策考量下,積極剿共,使 得中共在一九三四年放棄江西根據地向西逃竄,瀕臨被剿滅的命運。一九 三五年七月共產國際在莫斯科召開第七次代表大會,史達林有 感於德、 義、日等國對共產主義的威脅日增,及提出了統一戰線的口號,此一政策 與當時中共內求生存與發展的目標相符合,因此積極推行世所週知的「第 二次國共合作」,成立抗日民族統一戰線。經由此,中共在與國民黨邊打 邊談的過程中,逐步奪取了國民黨的政權。中共是如何在剿共後只餘一萬 多兵力擴張到能與國民黨相抗衡,進行奪取其政權,這是一個值得令人深 思的問題。對於這個問題,一般多是以中共軍事實力的擴張或其發展策略 做為討論的重點,本文主要是從國共間的談判著手,來探討當時國共兩黨 為何選擇以和平的方式作為解決雙方權力競爭的手段﹖有那些內外的因素 促使了此一歷史性的國共合作﹖雙方談判的動機為何﹖各階段談判之主要 爭議為何﹖中共力量的消長是否影響其談判方式﹖並歸納出若中共談判之 原則,最後將以國共間從一九三五年起到中共奪取政權的十五年間所締造 的許多正式與非正式的談判為綱,來探討中共如何在與國民黨談判的過程 中,逐步獲得其政權的合法性,終致成功的奪取國民黨所控制的國家機器 。

日治時期臺灣人在中國的政治活動(1895-1945) / Taiwanese in Mainland China:1895-1945

林德政, Lin, Te Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
1895年清廷把臺灣割讓給日本,臺人以民族大義,組「臺灣民主國」扺抗,事敗後,不願被日本統治的臺人,紛紛返回祖國大陸的中國,此後終日本領臺的五十年間,一批又一批的臺人陸續踏上中國,有獲得傳統科舉功名者,有參與中國革命運動者,有參加中國抗日戰爭者。回到中國後,他們所從事的活動是臺灣抗日運動的延伸,也是中國近現代民族運動及反帝國主義運動不可或缺的一部份,在相當程度內,他們的活動與兩岸關係的歷史進程進行了聯結。 本文共分為七章: 第一章 回返中國的科舉士群。論述回返中國的進士及其對乙未割臺的反應。他們乃是懷抱民族大義,以依依不捨的心情回到中國的,但回到所謂的祖國後,卻受到始料未及的遭遇,各界猜忌,甚至有以為抗日是「抗旨」者,種種情形,不一而足。他們始終忘不了臺灣,念念不忘臺灣。他們或者為官,或者致力於中國的新式教育工作,也有人從事政治活動。為了稍解思念臺灣之情,回到中國的科舉士群彼此之間相互酬酢來往。 第二章臺灣人與辛亥革命。在中國辛亥革命的過程中,臺灣人始終參與其間。丘逢甲是清末立憲運動的一份子,之後他從擁護立憲轉而贊助革命。革命運動之中除了直接的行動,經費一項尤不可缺,臺灣人無論是捐獻革命經費或是參與起義,均不落人後,可以說是出錢又出力,在辛亥年三二九之役尤為顯著。 第三章奔向北伐。中國的北伐,是為打倒軍閥及其背後的帝國主義,臺灣人林祖密早就支持孫中山的護法大業,而國民黨一全大會後創辦的黃埔軍校與中山大學,都有臺灣人就讀,臺灣青年就讀黃埔軍校與中山大學之餘,還組織「廣東臺灣學生聯合會」與「廣東臺灣革命青年團」,孫中山去世,臺灣人極力哀悼,北伐大軍出動後,臺灣人更是直接參加。 第四章參與反帝國主義運動。「五卅運動」是中國人大規模反帝國主義運動的序幕,發生在上海的這次運動,臺灣人也參加了,在波瀾壯闊的五卅運動狂潮下,臺灣人捲入中國的國民革命運動和共產主義運動之中。臺共在上海創立,參與建立臺共的臺灣人,部份也加入了中共,更有一些臺共黨人被安排到莫斯科東方大學受訓。 第五章夾縫中的臺灣人:國民黨或中共。在國共兩黨的鬥爭與分合過程中,不僅中國人,連臺灣人也被捲入這個旋渦。丘念台在國共二次合作期間,前往延安考察,回到廣東後,取中共民眾組訓工作之優點,組成東區服務隊,其下有自臺灣專程回到中國的臺灣青年加入。李友邦組成臺灣義勇隊,其下更是集中了大批的臺灣菁英。專研日本政情的宋斐如創辦《戰時日本》,專門收集和分析日本情報,提供中國政府及各界參考。 第六章臺灣人的傾軋:臺灣革命同盟會與臺灣黨部的紛爭。在國民黨主導下成立的臺灣革命同盟會與國民黨臺灣黨部,對於團結臺灣人抗日有所貢獻,但兩者之間都有著人事上的紛爭,臺人互相攻擊和指控,首任臺灣黨部主任委員翁俊明最後也因為不明原因猝逝。 第七章在抗日烽火下。日本對中國的侵略戰爭給中國造成巨大的損失,其間,留在臺灣的臺灣人受日本的殖民統治,另一方面,回到中國大陸的臺灣人則是在在各個部門直接或間接參加了這次的戰爭。臺人有加入中共陣營的,有在國民黨領導下致力的,更有直接在戰場前線衝鋒陷陣的,國內戰場固不必論,連在國外的緬甸戰場上,也有臺灣人參加。 結論。由於中國大陸政局動蕩不安,五十年間內憂外患不斷,始終沒有積極的臺灣政策,臺灣人到中國大陸,都是自動前往,不是中國當局主動爭取,他們到了中國沒有保障,時有危險,卻又不能團結,彼此傾軋,其道路是充滿曲折的。 / In 1895, when the government of Qing Dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan, the Taiwanese, out of the righteousness of a people, organized the “Republic of Taiwan” to resist Japanese. After the resistance failed, those Taiwanese unwilling to be governed by Japan went to mainland China, their homeland then. Through out the 50-year governing by Japan, groups after groups of Taiwanese arrived in China continually. Some of them won scholarly honor or official ranks by taking imperial examinations, some joined Chinese revolutionary movements, and some participated in the war against Japan. For those who later returned to Taiwan, the activities they engaged in are an extension of Taiwan’s anti-Japan movements, also a part indispensible to China’s contemporary national movements and anti-imperialism movements. To a certain extent, their activities are closely connected to the historical progress of the relations across Taiwan Straits. This article is divided into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 Intellectuals going to China for imperial examinations Those scholars going to China and their response to the cession of Taiwan in 1895 are discussed. Embracing a national righteousness, they returned to China quite grudgingly. Once arriving in so-called the fatherland, they unexpectedly encountered suspicion from all circles. Even their action against Japan was considered “disobedient” to the imperial government. In spite of various situation, however, they never forgot Taiwan. They became officials or devoted themselves to the modern education in China. Some went into politics. To relieve their missing of Taiwan, the intellectual Taiwanese in China had friendly interexchange among themselves. Chapter 2 Taiwanese and the Revolution in 1911 In the progress of the Chinese Revolution in 1911, Taiwanese took part in it from beginning to end. Qiu Feng-jia was one of the constitutionalists at the end of Qing Dynasty. Later he altered to support the revolution. The revolutionary movements require direct actions, but funds are also indispensible. The Taiwanese never hesitated to contribute to fund raising or participate in uprisings. They made a great contribution to the Revolution in both funds and actions, significantly above all in the uprising on March 29, 1911. Chapter 3 Running for the Northern Punitive Expedition The Northern Punitive Expedition in China was to overthrow the warlords and the imperialism behind them. Quite early Lin Zu-mi, a Taiwanese, supported Sun Yat-sen’s great cause to protect the Provisional Constitution. Taiwanese students entered Huang-pu Military Academy and Zhong-shan University, both established after the First Plenary Assembly of Kuomintang (Nationalist Party). Taiwanese youth not only entered the Academy and the University established by Kuomintang, but also organized “Taiwan Student Union in Guangtong” and “Taiwan Revolutionary Youth Corps in Guangtong”. When Sun Yat-sen passed away, Taiwanese expressed great condolence over his death. After the Northern Punitive Expedition marched out, Taiwanese even participated in it directly. Chapter 4 Participating in anti-imperialism movements “May 30th Movement” is the overture for large-scale anti-imperialism movements by Chinese. In this Movement, which took place in Shanghai, Taiwanese also participated. Under the tidal waves of this grand Movement, Taiwanese were involved in national revolutionary movements and Communism movements in China. Communist Party of Taiwan was established in Shanghai. Some of the participants in establishing Communist Party of Taiwan also joined Communist Party of China, and some Taiwanese Communists were even sent to Moscow East University for training. Chapter 5 Taiwanese in a crack: Kuomintang or Chi-Comm? During the on-and-off process of clashes and collaborations between Kuomintang and Communist Party of China, not only Chinese but also Taiwanese were engulfed in the whirlpool. During the second collaboration period between Kuomintang and Chi-Comm, Qu Nian-tai went to Yan-an for a survey. After returning to Guangtong, by utilizing Chi-Comm’s merit in gathering and training people, he organized East Region Service Team, which was joined by some Taiwanese youth especially returning to China. Li You-bang organized Taiwan Volunteers, calling together lots of Taiwanese elites. Song Pei-ru, an expert on Japanese political situation, founded “War-time Japan”. He specialized in gathering and analyzing Japanese information to provide reference for Chinese government and others. Chapter 6 Internal strife among Taiwanese: The disputes between Taiwan Revolution Alliance and Kuomintang’s Taiwan Headquarters Taiwan Revolution Alliance and Kuomintang’s Taiwan Headquarters, both established under the guidance of Kuomintang, made a contribution to the unity of Taiwanese against Japanese. There existed, however, personnel disputes between them, with Taiwanese attacking and accusing one another. The first appointed commissioner of Taiwan Headquarters, Weng Jun-ming, died suddenly with the cause unaccounted for. Chapter 7 Waging warfare against Japanese The aggressive war by Japan caused tremendous damages to China. During the war, the Taiwanese remaining in Taiwan were ruled by the Japan’s colonial government. On the other hand, those returning to mainland China participated in the war directly or indirectly at various departments. Some of them joined the camp of Chi-Comm, while others endeavored under Kuomintang’s leadership. Even at the frontline of battlefields, brave Taiwanese fought vigorously. Needless to mention domestic battlefields, Taiwanese were found fighting even in remote Burmese jungles. Conclusion Due to the unstable political situation in mainland China, with internal revolts and foreign invasions unceasing for 50 years, there was no active Taiwan policy all along. Taiwanese went to China all voluntarily by themselves, not initiatively strived for by the Chinese authorities. There was neither guarantee nor safeguard when they arrived there. To the worse, they engaged in internal strive without unity. Their road was complicated with ups and downs.

The Taiwanese Communist Party and the Comintern (1928-1931)

白安娜, ANNA BELOGUROVA Unknown Date (has links)
as English abstract / Oppressed by the severe surveillance of the Japanese police in Taiwan, short-lived Taiwanese Communist Party (TCP) (1928-1931) marked a significant step in the Taiwan’s anti-Japanese movement and social thought. The TCP was the first political organization in Taiwan to put forward the slogan of Taiwan’s independence. Following the Comintern’s activation in the East in 1920s, the first contacts between the Taiwan’s leftists and the Comintern representatives took place in early 1920s. Starting from 1927, the Comintern pursued the policy of activation of the communist movement in the colonies and establishment of communist parties in these countries. Established on the Comintern directive in Shanghai with the help of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and being subordinated to the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), the TCP was developing quite independently under the leadership of Xie Xuehong and in the close alliance with the Taiwan Cultural Association and the Taiwan Peasants Union, until the end of 1930 when the TCP established a contact with the Far Eastern Bureau (FEB) of the Comintern through the TCP Shanghai representative, Weng Zesheng, who served as liaison with the Comintern. As the result, the Comintern activated its work toward Taiwan, started dispatching emissaries to Taiwan who in the framework of the Comintern’s rhetoric of that time promoted the Party’s reform to eliminate the “opportunistic errors”. The activation of the Party’s work followed, the Union for Reorganization was established. The Comintern did not have chance to adjust the activity of the reformed TCP as within few months after the beginning of actual interaction between the Comintern and the TCP, the TCP was destroyed by arrests. The thesis is devoted to the Comintern’s role in the TCP’s establishment, development, reform, establishment of the Union for Reorganization, the Party’s activation and destruction. The research is based on the TCP files deposited in the former archive of the Comintern. The documents include the correspondence of the representative of the TCP, Weng Zesheng, with the Comintern FEB. The correspondence between Weng Zesheng and the FEB sheds light on the inner-party processes in the TCP, clarifies the essence of the inner-party struggle and reform, and explores the role of personal relations in the inner-party struggle which resulted in the UFR establishment without direct involvement of the Comintern. The available now text of the consultations of Weng Zesheng with the CCP representative Qu Qiubai makes it possible to clarify the CCP’s involvement in the TCP’s development and reform and to conclude as to whose directive it was to commence the struggle against Xie Xuehong. The TCP’s history was short but very intensive. Abandoned by its superior, the JCP, and not having relations with the international communist leadership, the TCP suffered lack of the financial and ideological support, and was left for the mercy of unpredictable fate of the exhausting inner factional struggle, still was able to survive under the “white terror” until the Party’s reorganization in 1931. According to the research results, the TCP inner-party struggles during 1928-1931 were in fact the result of resistance to emigrant party groupings who were attempting to take control over the TCP’s Taiwan based Party organization. Neither the JCP and the CCP, nor the Comintern had a real opportunity to influence the activities of the Taiwan-based communists. Taiwan’s communists overseas used the Comintern’s rhetoric and their contacts with the Comintern and the CCP to promote their agenda in the inner-party struggle. The implementation of the plans of Weng Zesheng and the opponents of Xie Xuehong in Taiwan on the Party’s reform and activation led to the Party’s destruction by the Japanese administration.

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