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瘦身廣告的強弱論點如何透過瘦身的雙歧態度影響廣告效果 / How the argument quality of weight-loss advertising influence advertising’s effects by ambivalence attitude of weight-loss ?洪釗雯 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於肥胖人口激增,減重需求大增,瘦身減肥一直是女性所關注的議題之一。然而,瘦身減肥意味著某些潛在的衝突,例如:少吃多動、美麗自信與損害健康等矛盾情結,這種矛盾情結正是雙岐態度的特徵。態度包含了情感、認知、行為意圖三種層面,在預測閱聽人的行為意圖時,態度往往是最佳指標。過去的研究發現雙岐態度的高低會影響閱聽人的訊息處理途徑,因此本研究企圖以雙岐態度理論與推敲可能性模式(elaboration-likelihood model,簡稱ELM)來解釋廣告訊息的強弱如何透過雙歧態度而影響廣告效果。
研究結果主要發現,廣告訊息的強弱論點有穩定且一致的主要效果,表示強論點的廣告訊息在廣告、瘦身與產品態度三方面都會產生較正向的評價。雙歧態度高低則無顯著差異,而在部分條件下,強弱論點與雙歧雙歧的交互作用達顯著差異,也就是說低雙歧的人對於強論點的廣告訊息有較正向的廣告效果反應,顯示出雙歧態度對廣告訊息的調節作用。此外,瘦身產品的物理或化學性質對瘦身廣告與瘦身產品的態度都顯著性的影響,女性對於化學性質的瘦身產品有較佳的廣告態度與產品態度。本研究結果隱含著雙歧態度未來研究發展之建議與廣告行銷上的實務策略,雙歧理論仍有待後續研究考證;而行銷業者則必須注意廣告訊息的編碼是否有效,另外,消費者與閱聽人的態度不僅是行為的最佳指標,也是調節廣告效果的要重因素。最後提出研究限制與後續研究發展。 / According to the increase of fatness population and the need of weight-loss, women always pay close attention to reduce weight. However, to lose weight means some potential conflicts, such as less assimilate and more exercise;beauty, confidence and the risk of ruin health. This kind of contradictory complexes are the typical characteristic of ambivalence attitude. On predicting the behavior attention of the audience , the best index is attitude which is composed of affection, cognition, and behavior. Past research has found the level of ambivalence influence the information process of the audience, for this reason, the present research designs to integrate ambivalence attitude and ELM to explain how the argument of AD influence the effects of AD by ambivalence.
The main results of the study show the strong arguments of AD are stable and consistency and the ambivalence attitude have no impacts on the effect of AD. In particular situation, the ambivalence attitude has moderation on AD effects. Moreover, the attribution of weight-loss products made some differences evaluation on AD attitudes and product attitudes. The datum reveal women preference chemical weight-loss products, favor chemical weight-loss AD. The results imply that the improvement of ambivalence theory and the suggestions on practical marketing. Further, the attitude of the audience is not only the best index of behavior, but also the significant factor on moderating the AD effects. In conclusion, address the restriction of the present study and the direction of follow-up research.
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廣告音樂標語對品牌權益的影響吳曼婕 Unknown Date (has links)
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投入程度、認知需求對廣告說服效果的影響-ELM模式之實證研究 / INVOLVEMENT、NEED FOR COGNITION TO ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS白明勝, Pai, Ming Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以Petty & Cacioppo的ELM模式為研究之架構。根據ELM模式,個人有處理訊息的動機及能力時,將會採中央路徑的訊息處理方式,此時影響態度的主要因素為論點品質;反之,若個人缺乏處理訊息的動機或沒有處理訊息的能力時,則會採取周
4、與國外實證結果不同的是,本研究的交互效果皆不顯著,此結果正突顯出,本研究所提出之文化差異對廣告說服力之影響。也就是東方文化較傾向於地域依賴,而西方文化較傾向地域獨立。 / Systematic variation across cultures in many psychological phenomena have been found by many previous studies. This study incorporate on of them, i. e., need for cognition, into a consumer behavior model, i.e., the Elaboration Likelihood Model. In this paper, the reason why the development of an individual's need for cognition is governed by cultures is explored and the relationship between need for cognition and persuasive effectiveness of media communication is established. Undergraduates at NCCU participated in the experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to each of the cells in a 2(involvement:high or low) x 2(celebrity status:famous or infamous) x 2(argument quality: high or low)factorial design. Our study has not provided support for the view that different features of an advertisement may be more or less effective, depending upon a person's involvement or need for cognition. The result is not consistent with that of other studies conducted in the western culture. The possible explanation may be due to the culture differences in that the Chinese culture is field dependent while the western culture is field independentas hypothesized.
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從事件自我相關程度探討訊息呈現方式對風險知覺之影響廖楷民, Liao, Kai-min Unknown Date (has links)
以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺評估的影響,過去的研究有不一致的結果,原因可能來自於判斷事件與受試者的自我相關程度不同,而引發捷思或系統性的訊息處理歷程。實驗一發現當事件的自我相關程度高,受試者會採用系統性的認知處理,而事件的自我相關程度低時,受試者會採用捷思性的認知處理。實驗二詢問受試者認為以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息何者較清楚明確,結果發現有77.5%的受試者認為以頻率方式呈現訊息較以機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確。實驗三操弄「事件自我相關程度」與「機率或頻率方式呈現訊息」,結果發現當事件為高自我相關時,機率或頻率方式呈現訊息在風險知覺的判斷上沒有差異;而當事件為低自我相關時,則頻率方式呈現訊息的「風險知覺」與「事件聯想負向詞數量」均大於機率方式呈現訊息。另外,當事件為低自我相關時,訊息明確度與事件聯想負向詞數量對風險知覺有顯著的預測力。以上的結果支持不同事件自我相關程度會引發捷思或系統性訊息處理,而頻率方式呈現訊息較機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確的原因,與Slovic等人(2000)提出頻率較具體,容易想像的推論符合,但不支持Gigerenzer和Edwards (2003)認為機率的參照類別不清楚的假設。此外,自我相關程度與可得性捷思為影響頻率或機率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺判斷結果不一致的重要變項。
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嗅覺線索與標的產品一致性對消費者態度及購買意願之影響 - 涉入程度與品牌概念之調節效果 / The Effects of Congruence between Olfactory Cues and Target Product on Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention with the Moderating Effects of Involvement and Brand Concept蔡佩勳 Unknown Date (has links)
Martin Lindstrom (2005a) 指出除了視覺,嗅覺其實才是人類五官中最重要的,然而目前國內嗅覺相關之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討嗅覺線索與標的產品之一致性與否對消費者態度與購買意願的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」及「品牌概念」的調節作用下,對上述關係有何影響。
本研究經由前測,選擇手錶與運動鞋兩產品類別進入正式實驗,手錶產品類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,CASIO為功能型品牌;運動鞋產品類別則以Puma為象徵型品牌,New Balance為功能型品牌。並以模擬的8張彩色平面廣告,施測於530位政大大學部之學生,進行2 (產品類別:手錶/運動鞋) x 2 (嗅覺線索:一致/不一致) x 2 (涉入程度:高/低) x 2 (品牌概念:象徵型品牌/功能型品牌) 的正式實驗。
整體而言,嗅覺線索的確會影響消費者對產品之評價。本研究提供行銷人員未來在採用嗅覺線索時,可考量的更多因素,以選擇合適的嗅覺線索加以應用。 / Martin Lindstrom (2005a) pointed out that other than sight, smell is the most important sense in the human anatomy. However, research on smell is still rare. This research sets out from the consumer perspective to discuss the effects that consistency between olfactory cues and target products have on purchase intention. Moderating effects of involvement and brand concept are also studied for their effects on the study.
Watches and sport shoes were selected as the target products for this study. The symbolic brand in the watch category is Swatch, whereas the functional brand is CASIO; in terms of sport shoes, the symbolic brand is Puma, while the functional brand is New Balance. A2 (product category: watch / sport shoes) x 2 (olfactory cues: congruity / incongruity)x 2 (involvement: high / low) x 2 (brand concept: symbolic brand /functional brand) experimental design collected data from 530 Chengchi university students through 8 color printed advertisements.
Research findings indicate the following. (1) In terms of the main olfactory cue effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. (2) In terms of the brand concept moderating effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. This is more evident when consumers deal with functional brands than when dealing with symbolic brands.
To sum up, olfactory cues do in fact influence consumers’ evaluations of products. This study provides marketers with numerous factors that should be considered when selecting the adequate olfactory cues.
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資訊式廣告效果研究:以閱聽人之既存態度、廣告訊息涉入度與訊息論點品質為探討 / The Effectiveness of Infomercial:An Exploration of Viewers' Existing Attitudes、Advertising Involvement and Argument Quality施淑芳, Shih Shu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
會造成這樣研究結果的原因可能是在高涉入的狀態下,人們對訊息的注意度高,因此會將既存態度作為處理訊息時態度改變的起點,且高涉入度其有強化既存態度的效果。因此,原本喜歡的就更加喜歡、討厭的卻益發討厭。但在低涉入的狀態下,人們對訊息的關注程度低,較不會去思考訊息內容,因此將既存態度視為處理訊息的線索,也就是將既存態度作為訊息處理的週邊路徑,因此在態度變遷上並沒有顯著差異,而是維持原本的既存態度。 / The infomercial is a paid from of advertisement and is usually aired on cable TV. Infomercials differ from traditional advertising in length, format and content. Infomercials become more popular in Taiwan and not enough research has been devoted to exploring its effectiveness; therefore, this study aims at shedding more lights on our understanding of the persuasiveness of infomercials with different message quality and for different individuals.
This study examined the effects of infomercials. A laboratory experiment was conducted to test the research hypotheses. This is a 2x2x2 between-subject experimental design. The three factors that were examined in this study were subjects' existing attitudes toward infomercial ( 2 levels: high versus low), advertising involvement (2 levels: high versus low) and argument quality ( 2 levels: high versus low).
Results suggest that, subjects who were exposed to high argument quality messages and had high existing attitudes toward infomercial at the same time expressed more support thoughts and more positive advertisement attitudes than subjects who were exposed to low argument quality messages. However, no difference emerged for subjects with low existing attitude toward infomercials were exposed to high argument quality messages or low argument quality messages.
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愉悅性嗅覺刺激對產品評價與資訊處理的影響 / The effects of pleasant scent stimulus on product evaluation and information process陳明怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文透過兩個子研究並採用實驗法,分別瞭解產品嗅覺刺激與情境嗅覺刺激的影響。研究一又可分為兩個主題,主題一採3 (產品嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合) * 2 (嗅覺刺激診斷性:高vs.低) *2 (涉入程度:高vs.低)之12組受測者間實驗設計。主題二為情境嗅覺刺激之前導研究,採3 (情境嗅覺刺激:無vs.適合性vs.不適合)之3組受測者間實驗設計。研究二採2 (情境嗅覺刺激的提供:有vs.無) * 2 (廣告訴求:享樂vs.功利) *2 (產品論點品質:強vs.弱)之8組受測者間實驗設計。
關於產品嗅覺刺激有三點重要發現,分別為:(1) 對低資訊處理涉入者來說,無論嗅覺刺激是否具診斷性,氣味愉悅性都是主要的影響因素,此時,產品嗅覺刺激乃為情感性角色,因任務結果對低資訊處理涉入者並不攸關且不感興趣,在這種情況下,其易採取週邊說服路徑,視產品嗅覺刺激為週邊線索,只要氣味具愉悅性,雖適合性不高,仍可提升產品評價。(2) 對高資訊處理涉入者來說,嗅覺刺激具診斷性時,產品嗅覺刺激主要扮演認知性角色,因任務結果對高涉入者為攸關且感興趣,在此情況下,其易採取中央說服路徑,視該氣味為攸關判斷的產品論點,所以會仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,以決定搭配適合性,對於適合的嗅覺刺激評價會比不適合的佳,此時,嗅覺刺激適合性就類似於強弱產品論點的角色。(3) 當嗅覺刺激不具診斷性時,其認知性角色就會消失,此時,高資訊處理涉入者仍然採取中央說服路徑,但氣味已被視為與判斷無關的週邊線索,所以高涉入者並不會再仔細推敲該嗅覺刺激與產品的關係,適合與否也就不會產生差異,甚至高涉入者還會啟動修正機制,排除氣味愉悅性的影響。
在情境嗅覺刺激部份亦有四點重要發現,分別為:(1) 當愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會有助於增加知覺者的正向心情,進而增加消費者對情境標的產品之資訊處理程度並促進其採取中央資訊處理路徑,對於強勢論點品質之產品評價會優於弱勢論點。(2) 愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激也會改變消費者對不同產品資訊類型的偏重,即在資訊處理或編碼階段會對享樂資訊特別關注,因此,在事後對於享樂資訊的提取比率較高,上述效果在享樂廣告訴求下更為明顯。(3) 有愉悅的情境嗅覺刺激存在時,會讓消費者對享樂訴求廣告之產品評價優於功利訴求。(4) 本研究進一步建構情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價之多元關係,結果發現當產品類型較偏功利性時,則情境嗅覺刺激會先經由引發好心情再增加資訊處理程度,最後才影響產品評價,其中正向心情與資訊處理程度在模式中都是部份中介的角色,當產品類型較偏享樂性時,則情境嗅覺刺激影響產品評價就完全經由心情機制。 / This study adopts a multiple-role view from the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and hedonic contingency model to explore the influences of product scents and ambient scents. The product scents are scents that consumers smell directly from products. In the literature on product scents, there are no research studies considering the moderate role of product types and the motivation to recognize scents appropriately. Ambient scents are scents smelled that are unconnected to products. In the literature on ambient scents, there are no research studies considering how ambient scents can influence information processes. However, many scholars want to explore the factors that can influence information processes. Furthermore, a new product launch by an unknown brand can convince consumers depending on consumers’ careful processing of product information. Thus, this issue is very important to academic study and practice.
This study adopts two experiments that realize the effects of product scents and ambient scents separately. Study One can be divided into two parts. Part A adopts a 3 (product scents: none, fit, unfit) * 2 (involvement: high vs. low) * 2 (diagnostic of scents: high vs. low) between-subjects design. Part B is a pilot study of ambient scents that adopts a between-subjects design with 3 factors (ambient scents: none, fit, unfit). The Study Two adopts a 2 (ambient scents: yes vs. no) * 2 (advertisement appeal: hedonic vs. utilitarian) * 2 (argument quality: strong vs. weak) between-subjects design.
The results of Study One have three points: (1) for consumers with low involvement in tasks, whether scents are diagnostic for products or not, pleasant scents have significant effects. Because people who are involved in tasks at a low level and are not concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by peripheral routes and regard product scents as peripheral cues. Even though the scents do not fit with the products, they still can cause positive product evaluation depending on the nature of the pleasure. For people with low involvement in tasks, product scents mainly play an emotional role. (2) For people who are highly involved in tasks and really concerned or interested in outcomes, they are almost persuaded by central routes and regard product scents as arguments, especially when scents are diagnostic for products. For them, product scents not only play an emotional role but also a cognitive role. They will evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. A scent that fits with a product will cause a more positive product evaluation than a scent that does not fit a product. (3) For consumers who are highly involved in tasks, as scents are not diagnostic for products, the cognitive role will disappear. The scents are regarded irrelevant to product evaluation, so consumers do not evaluate the similarities or differences between products and scents. Whether a scent fits a product or does not is unimportant for them; furthermore, they will correct for and eliminate the effects of pleasant scents in product evaluation.
The results of Study Two have four points: (1) when pleasant ambient scents can be provided by marketers, they can cause a positive mood among perceivers and enhance the level of information processing toward the focal product within the context. Furthermore, pleasant ambient scents can encourage consumers to adopt central routes to process information. People will evaluate products with strong argument quality more positively than products with weak argument quality. (2) Pleasant ambient scents also draw people’s attention toward different information types. People will attend more to hedonic product information, especially with hedonic advertisement appeal. (3) A pleasant ambient scent that matches a hedonic advertisement appeal can cause a more positive product evaluation than a pleasant ambient scent that matches a utilitarian advertisement appeal. (4) For a utilitarian product type, the effects of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation will cause a positive mood and enhance the level of information processing. Mood and cognition play a partial mediation role. For a hedonic product type, the effect of pleasant ambient scents on product evaluation is fully mediated by a positive mood.
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廣告中動機訴求與說服路徑設計對廣告效果之影響 / The Advertising Effect of Motivate Appeal and ELM Route Design陳佩珊, Chen, Pei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果分為兩大部分:主要自變項與依變項之因果關係假設檢驗、動機訴求類別與資訊路徑之關係討論。本研究主要探討動機訴求之廣告類別,在不同路徑之設計之下,所導致的廣告效果差異。統計方法上主要應用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)與簡單線性迴歸分析(Simple Linear Regression)。檢定研究中主要自變項:中央、邊陲路徑訊息設計方式,在五個依變項:整體注意力、對主要訊息的理解度、對主要訊息的記憶度、對廣告的態度及對品牌的態度等的差異情況。
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線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.
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以推敲可能性理論探討軟體專案承諾升級 / Escalation of Commitment in Software Projects: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective張菀庭, Chang, Wan-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
軟體專案承諾升級現象發生時,可能會造成更多資源成本的投入,若投入更多的資源,而專案依然失敗,則會造成更多的浪費,是企業界最不希望看到的情形。本研究利用推敲可能性理論探討此現象,了解不同的說服方式如何影響受測者的決策過程。根據遇到專案的狀況,依照訊息訴求分成理性訴求與感性訴求的敘述方式,加入框架效應 (正向/負向) 以及訊息強度 (低/中/高) 兩變數,以自我責任作為調節變項進行探討,研究在不同情況敘述下,決策制定者接收專案訊息描述後其決策過程中的推敲可能性,以及推敲可能性與決策之間的關係。
1. 單一效果影響下,訊息強度中比起其他兩個強度較容易引起訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考。
2. 訊息訴求、訊息框架以及訊息強度會交互影響受測者推敲可能性,在正向框架下,訊息訴求與訊息強度對訊息接收者運用中央路徑做決策有顯著的交互作用。
3. 在訊息強度中與強的情況下訊息訴求與訊息框架對訊息接收者運用中央路徑做決策有顯著的交互作用。
4. 在感性訴求、正向框架與訊息強度強的訊息描述下,訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考時,較不容易做出承諾升級的決定。
5. 在自我責任調節下,則是感性訴求、負向框架與訊息強度弱的訊息描述,會引起訊息接收者運用中央路徑思考時,較不容易做出專案繼續的決策。 / Escalation of commitment is common in software project development. There are a few theories that have been used to explain this behavior, including the framing effect and self-responsibility. This study investigates the issue from the dual-path elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to examine how different persuasion routes may play roles in the decision process. An experiment was designed to study the effect of different descriptions of project status that may lead to different decision routes (central versus peripheral routes). The experiment design includes message appealing (rational vs emotional appealing), message strength (strong, medium and weak), and framing (positive vs. negative) as main variables and the responsibility as a moderator. The
subject was asked to decide whether s/he would continue the project under a given scenario. Our results includes the following:
1. Message appealing, message framing, and message strength have significant interaction effect on the subject’s decision routes;
2. In positive framing, message appealing and strength has significant interaction effect on the use of the central route;
3. When message strength is medium or strong, message appealing and framing has significant interaction effect on the use of the central route;
4. Regarding to decision escalation, the likelihood of escalation is lower when the decision route is central (thinking) under the emotional appealing, positive framing, and strong message;
5. The likelihood of escalation is lower when the decision route is central under the emotional appealing, negative framing, and weak message description.
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