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高研發企業主動揭露預測性非盈餘及智慧資本資訊行為之研究崔琇玫 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:自願性揭露、智慧資本、市價淨值比 / Based on a sample of firm listed on TSE, this thesis investigates the voluntary disclosure behavior ofR&D intensive companies in Taiwan over the period of 1997 to 2001. With an emphasis on non-earnings and intellectual capital-related disclosure policies, we first explore the disclosure behavior in terms of frequency and type of information revealed by management. We then examine whether price-to-book (P/B) ratio and stock turnover ratio reflect the disclosure of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information.
The empirical results suggest a declining trend in disclosing earnings information, with an opposite tendency in non-earnings information over the period examined. In addition, unexpected earnings and variables proxy for intellectual capital determine the disclosure behavior of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information. Firms with operating performance far beyond market's expectation tend to disclose more intellectual capital-related information than firms with operating performances far worse than market has expected. Variables such as operating income per employee and cost of human resource (proxies for human capital), R&D intensity (proxy for innovation capital), equipment per employee (proxy for process capital) as well as the ratio of directors' shareholding are found to be significantly related to the disclosure frequency of non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information.
The findings also indicate that electronics and software industries are more likely to disclose more non-earnings and intellectual capital-related information and have higher price-to-book and stock turnover ratios as compared to other industries in the sample. Firms disclose more (less) strategic alliance (process capital) information is found to have higher price-to-book ratios. Firms disclose more (less) strategic alliance and new product (human capital) information is found to have higher stock turnover ratio. It appears that more disclosure on intellectual capital-related information does not necessarily and monotonously explain the variation in both price-to-book and stock turnover ratios.
Key words: voluntary disclosure, intellectual capital, price-to-book ratio, stock turnover ratio
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保險業清償能力制度之探討---以歐盟Solvency II為例譚雅蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
金融服務業的跨業經營讓保險業監理制度面臨新變革,而2008年金融海嘯重創國際金融以及全球經濟更讓金融服務業監理出現更多未可知的變數,歐盟在體解現行保險業清償能力制度(Solvency I)不足下著手於新清償能力制度(Solvency II)之建立,惟透過風險的角度作全面制度的基礎著眼點是否真能適切反映監理需求、達到保護保單持有人的最終目標,並成為帶領保險業駛離本次金融海嘯的諾亞方舟?
本文從歐盟現行保險業清償能力制度談起,逐步進入Solvency II計畫的實質內涵,兼論該制度設計可能存在的問題,並對於新制在未來趨勢上對國際保險業監理所可能造成之影響作初步探討。最後,從歐盟Solvency II計畫的角度出發、反視臺灣現行保險業清償能力監理架構,從而對於未來制度之設計給予相關之建議,並期盼本文能以投石問路之姿,在全球金融籠罩在一片動盪不安的此時,就臺灣保險業清償能力監理制度這一塊,提供另一種可能的思維方向。
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MSN狀態列內容自我揭露的性別差異 / Gender differences in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN蕭萱茵, Deike Lautenschlaeger Unknown Date (has links)
Although a substantial body of research exists on gender differences in Computer Mediated Communication, relatively little empirical attention has been directed toward the special case of CMC - Instant Messenger (IM) and the area of self-disclosure. This study analyzes gender differences and relationships in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN of 329 male and female Taiwanese university students.
Applying the five subscales of self-disclosure by Wheeless and Grotz (Wheeless, 1978; Wheeless & Grotz, 1976) and the six topic areas of self-disclosure by Jourard and Lasakow (1958) revealed the following results: Findings show that males and females often do not show the gender differences anymore, which were previously found in face-to-face communication on certain aspects of self-disclosure e.g. frequency, depth, breadth, honesty or accuracy and valence of self-disclosure. However, findings pointing out the different motives and the use of self-disclosure on IM are similar to face-to-face communication, such as females prefer discussing their “personality” while male MSN users prefer “work or studies” especially the more buddies they have.
Also males disclose with awareness and intention suggesting the make use of selective self-presentation (Walther, 1996) for rather males than females. Female MSN users write more impulsively in their away message, however they are found to be more selective than males in to whom they chose to disclose or not by blocking buddies.
The number of buddies on the buddy list seems to have hardly any effect on males’ and females’ self-disclosure. The gender of buddies on the buddy list as a moderating factor showed that males feel more comfortable (honest and less understated) when disclosing to females.
Extra findings include that for both gender self-disclosures on IM is not less honest and not exaggerated, rather understated. Previous findings in face-to-face communication on preferred topics of self-disclosure of both genders of Asian background were confirmed on IM. On IM, self-disclosure by males and females seem to be free of the importance of the degree of social distance within Chinese society as hardly any primary groups and secondary groups but almost only mixed groups of buddies on buddy lists were found.
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非營利組織財務資訊揭露之探討-內政部財務報表範例之探討 / The research of Non-porfit Organization Financial Disclosure - the research of the financial statement of MOI standardized template柯玉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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勞工「公益揭發」之保護︰以日本公益通報者保護法為核心陳勇安 Unknown Date (has links)
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非營利組織網頁資訊揭露之研究-以台灣公益團體自律聯盟為例 / The research of NPO on website disclosure: The evidence from the Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance.高士凱 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著非營利組織之數量及規模日益擴大,以及任務之多元化,要求非營利組織提升其責任及透明度之呼聲亦日益增加,但台灣非營利組織仍缺乏完善之資訊編製準則,導致非營利組織間揭露之資訊難以相互比較,且外部人也不易窺視該組織真實狀況,故本研究以台灣公益團體自律聯盟內之成員為對象,透過文獻分析及比較分析之方法,探討台灣非營利組織網頁資訊揭露之狀況。同時藉由研究問題瞭解台灣公益團體自律聯盟成員如何揭露財務報告與業務報告之資訊,再與世界各國非營利組織之資訊揭露規範及目前世界第一的慈善基金會-比爾蓋茲與梅琳達基金會網站揭露之資訊相互比較,得出研究結論與建議,進而提供台灣公益團體自律聯盟資訊揭露之建議,並進一步期許其成為台灣整體非營利組織網頁資訊揭露規範之領導者。 / When non-profit organizations play a much more important role in the 21st century, information on Taiwan's non-profit organizations still remain completely private. There is still lack of rules to make these non-profit organizations disclose their information to public. It results in not only the difficulties in comparing information among these organizations but also the perplexity in knowing the information for outsiders. Nowadays, since stakeholders such as government, donators, creditors and generals, demand much more reliable and transparent information, the establishment of the well accounting standards for nonprofits is essential for the reliability and comparability of nonprofits' external reports. Therefore, it is urgent to promote the accountability and transparency of these nonprofits' information.
This study, which is undertaken by means of literature analysis and comparative analysis, aims to provide advices for the information disclosure of the Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance. This paper uses the members of the Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance as samples, to observe the information disclosure level on the internet, including financial reports and annual reports information. Furthermore, we offer advice to the Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance by using, comparing and analyzing different countries' financial reports format and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's website as benchmarks of information disclosure.
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我國採行IFRS前後關係人交易揭露之研究 / The Adoption of IFRS on Related Party Disclosures in Taiwan林孟嫺, Lin, Meng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣於 2013 年接軌國際會計準則(IFRS)後,上市公司對於關係人交易揭露情形之改變。整體而言,財務報表附註之關係人交易段落中揭露的文字大幅減少,透過檢視公報規範及 2013 年實務上之揭露情形,可發現揭露方式的改變是導致關係人資訊驟減的主要原因,大部分上市公司不再提供個別重要關係人之交易資訊。
另外,本文實證研究發現,股權的偏離、負債比率及公司的規模,會讓揭露字數衰減的幅度更為嚴重,但是獨立董事比例愈高的公司,衰減的幅度會被減緩。進一步迴歸分析則指出,就交易事項而言,造成揭露字數下降最關鍵的因素是關係人銷貨和關係人應收(付)帳款票據。具體言之,國內採行 IFRS 並未提升關係人交易揭露品質,且公司各層面的因素對其品質有所影響,主管機關應該加強上市櫃公司關係人交易之審查以及個別重要關係人資訊之揭露。
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投資人情緒與法人說明會關聯性之研究 / Investor sentiment and conference calls吳博翀, Wu, Po Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討投資人情緒與法人說明會之關聯性,即公司如何經由召開法人說明會,策略性地回應投資人情緒反應,以企圖影響情緒所導致的預期偏差。實證發現:管理當局策略性地改變其自願性揭露政策,以反映投資人情緒。當投資人情緒愈低落時,公司將傾向於召開法人說明會,且公司召開法人說明會之頻率亦會增加。相反的,當投資人情緒高昂時,公司則愈不會召開法人說明會。再者,當投資人情緒愈低落時,法人說明會所揭露之公司資訊將愈樂觀。此研究亦顯示公司自願性揭露政策的選擇,反映管理當局渴望維持樂觀之評價。 / In this paper we explore the association between investor sentiment and the likelihood of holding conference calls. In other words, this paper investigates how firms react strategically to investor sentiment via their conference calls in an attempt to influence the sentiment-induced biases in expectations. We show that managers strategically vary their voluntary disclosure policies in response to prevailing sentiment. We find that during low-sentiment periods, the firms are more likely to conduct conference calls and conduct them more frequently; while during periods of high sentiment they decrease the frequency of conference calls. In addition, during low-sentiment periods, the conference calls disclose more optimistic information. Overall, this study provides evidence that company’s voluntary disclosure choices reflect managers desire to maintain optimistic valuations.
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企業智慧資本資訊揭露程度之價值攸關性探討王彥翔, Wang, Yen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
智慧資本研究可分為策略流派(strategic stream)與評量流派(measurement stream)。前者主要研究如何創造與運用智慧資本,以及探討智慧資本與價值創造的關係;後者著重如何對智慧資本進行衡量。
本研究依評量流派之觀點,以民國91年度資訊電子業上市公司為樣本,探討智慧資本資訊對於企業價值的影響。本文採用內容分析法對各樣本公司進行揭露程度評比,採用Ohslon (1995)模型進行實證研究,結果顯示智慧資本之資訊揭露與企業價值攸關,揭露程度與公司價值成正向關係。就分項智慧資本而言,流程資本以及關係資本之揭露程度與公司價值有顯著關係;然而,人力資本與創新資本的揭露程度與公司價值之關係均不顯著。 / The research in intellectual capital (IC) can be divided into two streams focusing on strategic aspect and measurement aspect, respectively. The former stream investigates how to create and use IC and concentrates on the relation between IC and the value creation. On the other hand, the measurement stream is more concerned with the IC reporting and measurement.
Basing on the view of measurement stream, this study selects 177 listed companies in Taiwan electronic industry in 2002 as a sample and investigates the effect of IC information on firm value. By using content analysis method to score the degree of IC disclosure for each sample firm, the empirical result shows that the comprehensive disclosure of IC has significant and positive effect on firm value. When we further look into the decomposition of IC disclosure, both relation capital and process capital are found to have positive and significant effect on firm value while the human capital and innovation capital do not have such a significant relationship.
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運用文字探勘技術探討國際財務報導準則對企業財務報告揭露之影響 / Disclosure quality and IFRS adoption:a text mining approach廖培君, Liao, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國際財務報導準則採用後對英國上市公司財務報告揭露品質之影響,選取高科技產業公司於國際財務報導準則轉換年度、轉換年度前後兩年之年報,並根據IAS 38, Edvinsson and Malone (1997), Lev (2001), and Sveiby (1997)編纂智慧資本字典,與先前研究之差異處在於本研究採用文字探勘技術之分類演算法以探討智慧資本揭露品質是否和國際財務報導準則之採用有關,結果顯示智慧資本揭露品質和國際財務報導準則之採用有關,接著本研究運用迴歸分析,進一步了解那些智慧資本項目之揭露於採用前後有顯著差異,結果顯示在國際財務報導準則採用後,高科技公司增加智慧資本項目之揭露,符合本研究之預期,有顯著差異之智慧資本項目如:電腦軟體、顧客名單、顧客忠誠度、顧客關係和專利,研究結果也指出在國際財務報導準則採用後,高科技公司增加智慧資本項目之揭露之現象較常發生在上市時間較早之公司、總資產較大之公司。 / This study investigates the impact of the quality of disclosures of financial reports of the listed companies in the U.K. with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. I select the annual reports of companies in the high-tech industry sectors in the IFRS transition year and two years before and after the transition year. The dictionary for intellectual capital according to four sources, IAS 38, Edvinsson and Malone (1997), Lev (2001), and Sveiby (1997) is compiled. In contrast to prior studies, I use classification algorithm of text mining techniques to explore whether the quality of intellectual capital disclosures is related with the adoption of IFRS. Results show that the disclosures of intellectual capital items are related with the adoption of IFRS. To further realize which intellectual capital item disclosures are significantly different between pre-adoption and post-adoption, the regression analysis is applied. Evidence is promising, in the post-IFRS period, high-tech firms may increase the intellectual capital item disclosures, such as computer software, customer list, customer loyalty, customer relationships and patents. Evidence also indicates that, the evidence that high-tech firms may increase the intellectual capital item disclosures in the post-IFRS period is more pronounced in older and larger companies.
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