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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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前瞻性績效衡量值運用於全權委託投資業務之經濟分析 / Economics Analysis for the Application of Forward-Looking Performance Measure to the Discretion Account Business

陳燕錫, Chen,Yahn-Shir Unknown Date (has links)
全權委託投資業務(俗稱代客操作),在證券市場中提供專業投資管理服務。我國證期會於民國81年,政策性地決定將開放此項業務。雖然整個規範體系已在民國87年建立,但它忽略掉經濟層面之考量,勢必造成全權委託投資契約無效率。 目前規範體系所允許之委託報酬的計算方法,稱之為「固定佣金制度」,由於此制度無法對業者提供經濟誘因,它會引發業者有嚴重之道德危險發生。因此,為解決誘因問題,應該使用「績效佣金制度」,不過在目前股市環境下,此一制度則引入過高之風險。因此,為解決兩種制度所帶來之問題,本文提出「改良式績效佣金制度」,在此制度下,委託報酬除基於傳統財務績效衡量值外,並基於非財務性績效衡量值,本文稱之為前瞻性績效衡量值(簡稱F-LPM)。 本文使用兩期之「主理人-代理人」模型,推導出最適委託報酬制度以及相關之比較靜態。在基本模式之下,本文進一步探討F-LPM之相關屬性及功能。所得結果與相關文獻一致,首先是,在最適委託報酬制度下,納入F-LPM可降低業者過度地重視短期,因而犧牲了委任人之報酬,這表示F-LPM具有增額資訊內涵。其次,無成本地提高F-LPM之精確度,可增加委任人之報酬。最後,改良式績效佣金制度優於固定佣金制度與績效佣金制度,因為它可降低風險,因而帶給委任人之報酬增加。 第壹章 緒論 第一節 / Discretion account business provides professional investment management service in the securities market. The Securities and Futures Commission decides in policy to approve the business in 1992. Althrough the regulation system of the discretion account business has been established, it will make the advisory contract inefficient with the negligence of economic consideration. The form of advisory fees permitted by the regulation system is 'constant fee system'. Under the system, advisory contract provides no incentive and serious moral harazd will occur. In order to solve the motivation problem, 'performance fee system' should be used. Under the circumstance of Taipei securities market, however, the performance fee system will bring in high risk. Hence, this paper suggests the 'improved performance fee system' to overcome the dilemma born by the performance fee system. In the improved system, advisory fees are based on the traditional performance measure and the fordward-looking performance measure (hereafter F-LPM). With a two-period principal-agent model, this paper develops the optimal reward system and related comparative static. Following the basic model, the paper examines the attributes and function of F-LPM. The findings are consistent with the related literature. First, the inclusion of a F-LPM in reward system can mitigate the potential for the advisor to focus excessively on the short-term at the expense of the investor. That is, F-LPM is incremental informative. Second, costless increases in precision of F-LPM will lead to increase in payoffs for the inveator. Finally, the improved performance fee system is superior to the constant fee system and the performance fee system in that it can reduce risk and results in higher payoffs to the investor.

景觀計畫架構體系與操作方法之研究﹣以宜蘭縣政中心地區為例 / The Preliminary Research of the Landscape Planning Framework System and Operation Procedure ﹣A Case Study of the I- Lan County Government Development Area

林玄宜, Hsuan- I Lin January 1993 (has links)
本研究探討「景觀法(草案)」施行前後,對於現行都市計畫體系等所產生改變,以及未來在景觀法下景觀計畫,將不再僅為都市計畫定期通盤檢討實施辦法第八條內都市設計應辦事項,乃提升為更上位指導性計畫(法定程序與計畫位階),以充份發揮在地所屬地方特色且能因地制宜。因此,本研究乃依據政府當前所施行主要「政策趨向」與「法令規範」為基礎,從「景觀計畫」理念涵構、內容範疇、架構體系、操作方法等面向來加以探究。並於理論研議之後再透過案例模擬,以「宜蘭縣政府」為主導單位來探討合理推動「宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫」之操作程序與策略指引研議。以下是本研究在研討過程當中,根據理論與模擬結果,所歸納出來主要成果,並可供未來發展景觀計畫工作時建議方向。其一為政策機制:1.重視計畫擬訂過程整合、2.計畫主體縣(市)政府、3.設景觀計畫審議委員會、4.落實行政專業專職人員、5.提供修訂上位計畫參據、6.建蔽率與容積率的檢討、7.景觀計畫之行銷與考核、8.鼓勵公私合夥廣籌財源等。其二為管理維護:1.定期與不定期資料蒐集、2.城鄉景觀資源有效整合、3.訂定管理維護獎懲條例、4.成長管理的監測與評估、5.嚴格監督整體開發成果、6.提供經驗技術專責單位、7.整合相關查報取締工作、8.教育民眾自我意識提升、9.落實環境宣導教育推廣、10.閒置土地綠美化等。其三為案例模擬:1.通盤檢討落實、2.審議制度建構、3.當地民眾參與、4.自治條例研擬、5.預期成效模擬、6.行銷策略推廣等。 / The study process is based on the "Qualitative Research- Exploratory & Conclusive Research" & assistant by "Practical Prove" of the landscape planning framework system and operation procedure. In past years, the effort to promote townscape so as to create a rural feel has demonstrated its results in many places. However, it has always lacked the guidance of a prospectus and long- term planning. Local development has been the focus of attention for a long time; there are important theme for discussion, is a local intent of the landscape planning is to complement the defeat of two- dimensional arrangement of traditional urban planning and to achieve three- dimensional control of the townscape. Furthermore, Landscape planning can also integrate the activities in city, rural and shape the unique townscape characteristics. A practice of the landscape law will be a trend in Taiwan. This study is consisted of the three parts; namely basic study, the analysis and verification, and remedies. This study would probe concepts and theories of sustainable townscape via the relative literatures. To review the bottom- up processing & top- down processing on the relative literatures and theories- probes the concepts, a theory, control elements of the landscape planning, and furthermore, establishes the research framework system- consequence strategies of behavior change and antecedent strategies of behavior change of this study; the landscape law and institutions should fit the needs of landscape planning. And the researcher will make clear the operating mechanism of the landscape planning framework system in every law level according to the enforceable contents of current urban planning. The processing procedure timeline will be improving and thus the landscape law will be satisfied. Implementation for the plan is divided into current stage and future stage, according to the physical environment potentials, constraints and the planning goals. Thus the government authorities show the confident of implementing the planning and win public trust. In a long run, continuing the sustainable development process. For the principles of setting up the regulation, it needs to clearly explain on the three levels, the goals, objectives and criteria. Furthermore, we try to apply the concepts of landscape law in the landscape planning of case and discover the potential and limits of the local region with the analysis methodology of the S.W.O.T. analysis method to construct a reasonable and suitable landscape development strategy of the "I- Lan county government development area". Finally, the purpose is to understand whether the local administration institution does suit introduces on the "landscape law and planning" in Taiwan. Besides, on this research also attempt to consult the factors that affect the landscape law & planning development of Taiwan today, and then to bring up the vision of the future in Taiwan. All these efforts enhance Taiwan townscape’ style shape and characterize on the districts with a sustainable development townscape vision. / 目 錄 中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 誌 謝iv 目 錄v 表 目 錄viii 圖 目 錄ix 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機與目的5 1.2.1 研究動機5 1.2.2 研究目的8 1.3 研究範疇與架構10 1.3.1 研究範疇10 1.3.2 研究架構11 1.4 研究方法與流程13 1.4.1 研究方法13 1.4.2 研究流程15 1.5 名詞定義18 第二章 文獻回顧21 2.1 臺灣城鄉風貌問題21 2.2 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案趨勢26 2.2.1 計畫回顧26 2.2.2 計畫探討29 2.3 永續城鄉觀點34 2.3.1 基本觀念探討35 2.3.2 發展思考脈絡38 2.4 景觀計畫涵蓋範疇芻議49 2.4.1 相關文獻回顧50 2.4.2 計畫內容研議52 2.5 小結58 第三章 景觀計畫架構體系59 3.1 景觀計畫定位59 3.2 景觀法(草案)探討60 3.2.1 擬訂背景60 3.2.2 綜合探討65 3.3 景觀計畫體系衍議66 3.3.1 現行都市計畫體系對於景觀計畫影響67 3.3.2 未來景觀計畫於都市計畫體系中定位73 3.4 景觀計畫架構探討79 3.4.1 景觀計畫架構體系79 3.4.2 都市計畫位階內容84 3.5 小結95 第四章 景觀計畫操作方法97 4.1 景觀計畫執行97 4.2 景觀計畫操作範疇99 4.2.1 推動程序99 4.2.2 調查內容102 4.3 景觀計畫操作方法111 4.3.1 規劃認知111 4.3.2 規劃步驟112 4.4 景觀計畫操作建議129 4.4.1 政策機制的操作方向129 4.4.2 管理維護的操作方向131 4.5 小結133 第五章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(先期研究)135 5.1 宜蘭縣(研究範圍)環境調查分析135 5.1.1 地區發展背景與政策定位136 5.1.2 相關上位計畫與發展計畫139 5.1.3 研究範圍景觀資源的分析140 5.1.4 小結142 5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區(計畫範圍)環境調查分析142 5.2.1 計畫地區發展背景與定位142 5.2.2 計畫地區主要與細部計畫146 5.2.3 計畫範圍景觀資源的分析148 5.2.4 小結156 5.3 蘭陽地區(案例研析)地域性規劃設計案例探討156 5.3.1 規劃案例一:冬山河親水公園159 5.3.2 規劃案例二:羅東運動公園162 5.3.3 設計案例一:宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓165 5.3.4 設計案例二:宜蘭厝168 5.3.5 小結172 第六章 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作模擬(計畫整合)173 6.1 宜蘭縣政中心地區相關景觀議題整合173 6.1.1 自然景觀向度議題175 6.1.2 人文景觀向度議題177 6.1.3 實質景觀向度議題179 6.1.4 SWOT分析181 6.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫策略指引186 6.2.1 景觀計畫發展願景與目標187 6.2.2 景觀計畫擬訂標的與原則191 6.2.3 小結202 6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構體系與操作建議207 6.3.1 縣(市)綜合發展計畫位階體系架構207 6.3.2 都市計畫主要計畫位階景觀計畫內容213 6.3.3 都市計畫細部計畫位階景觀計畫內容216 6.3.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫操作建議221 第七章 結論與建議229 7.1 結論229 7.2 建議231 參考文獻237 附錄 A 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫發展原則(策略指引)245 B 宜蘭縣相關景觀資源整理289 C 宜蘭縣政中心地區建築及土地使用分區管制要點305 D 宜蘭縣建築管理自治條例311 E 景觀法(草案)條文內容說明317 F 創造城鄉新風貌行動方案整理323 G 相關法令規章331 H 研究文獻評析335 作者簡介339 表目錄 表2.1 傳統城鄉規劃與永續城鄉規劃的差異性41 表2.2 相關文獻回顧整理與應用51 表3.1 景觀法(草案)計畫架構與本研究計畫層級內容比較82 表4.1 公部門擬訂景觀計畫之計畫內容與計畫範疇99 表4.2 自然景觀向度之計畫調查內容103 表4.3 人文景觀向度之計畫調查內容105 表4.4 實質景觀向度之計畫調查內容108 表4.5 落實景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇125 表4.6 景觀計畫構成比較分析134 表5.1 研究範圍(宜蘭縣)相關景觀資源;對於「景觀計畫」應用屬性140 表6.1 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀影響因子構成(一)181 表6.2 「綜合策略評估(SWOT)」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀因應策略矩陣(二)182 表6.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構內容204 表6.4 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)214 表6.5 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)215 表6.6 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(一)217 表6.7 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫比較(二)219 表6.8 落實宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行方法與執行範疇223 圖目錄 圖1.1 宜蘭縣政中心區位示意圖11 圖1.2 宜蘭縣政中心主要發展區11 圖1.3 研究理論架構與範疇12 圖1.4 研究方法架構與範疇16 圖1.5 研究流程17 圖1.6 永續景觀﹣德國漢堡20 圖1.7 自然景觀﹣宜蘭石牌20 圖1.8 人文景觀﹣宜蘭縣政中心20 圖1.9 實質景觀﹣台北士林20 圖2.1 永續觀念下生態規劃概念﹣以基地(小)尺度開發為例44 圖2.2 計畫架構層次示意圖54 圖2.3 景觀計畫架構內容初擬57 圖3.1 歷年來創造城鄉新風貌政策推動主要演進點62 圖3.2 景觀法(草案)計畫體系示意圖64 圖3.3 狹義屬性景觀計畫體系72 圖3.4 廣義屬性景觀計畫體系78 圖3.5 景觀計畫架構體系初擬80 圖3.6 景觀計畫行政體系初擬81 圖3.7 主要計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇89 圖3.8 細部計畫位階景觀計畫架構與範疇94 圖4.1 景觀計畫執行架構初擬98 圖4.2 落實景觀計畫民眾參與執行方法122 圖4.3 臺灣地區實施景觀計畫操作流程127 圖5.1 宜蘭縣區位分析137 圖5.2 宜蘭縣政中心地區計畫發展構想144 圖5.3 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫範圍示意圖145 圖5.4 宜蘭縣政中心地區都市計畫主要發展區145 圖5.5 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施分佈圖145 圖5.6 縣政中心主要發展區公共設施紋理圖145 圖5.7 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用分區圖145 圖5.8 縣政中心主要發展區土地使用紋理圖145 圖5.9 宜蘭市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151 圖5.10 羅東市區﹣舊街區紋理比較151 圖5.11 宜蘭縣政中心地區城鄉風貌結構紋理演變進程152 圖5.12 景觀資源分佈﹣社區發展現況部份153 圖5.13 景觀資源分佈﹣人文景觀現況部份153 圖5.14 景觀資源分佈﹣交通系統現況部份154 圖5.15 景觀資源分佈﹣公共設施現況部份154 圖5.16 景觀資源分佈﹣植栽景觀現況部份155 圖5.17 景觀資源分佈﹣夜間景觀現況部份155 圖5.18 冬山親水公園﹣防洪與遊憩157 圖5.19 羅東運動公園﹣教育與休閒157 圖5.20 縣政行政大樓﹣機能與公園157 圖5.21 宜蘭民居形塑﹣氣候與模式157 圖5.22 冬山河親水公園規劃手法圖示說明161 圖5.23 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(一)163 圖5.24 羅東運動公園規劃手法圖示說明(二)164 圖5.25 宜蘭縣政中心行政大樓設計手法圖示說明167 圖5.26 宜蘭厝設計手法圖示說明171 圖6.1 宜蘭縣內高山景觀資源175 圖6.2 宜蘭縣內溪流景觀資源175 圖6.3 宜蘭縣內平原景觀資源175 圖6.4 宜蘭縣內田園景觀資源175 圖6.5 宜蘭縣內山地不當破壞175 圖6.6 宜蘭意象所在景觀資源176 圖6.7 宜蘭多樣豐富景觀資源176 圖6.8 宜蘭縣內河川景觀資源176 圖6.9 宜蘭縣內海岸景觀資源176 圖6.10 地區農村產業景觀資源176 圖6.11 宜蘭風俗民情景觀資源177 圖6.12 地區人文歷史古蹟資源177 圖6.13 地區竹圍農舍景觀資源177 圖6.14 地區周邊土地利用現況177 圖6.15 國道北宜高速公路現況178 圖6.16 北迴線鐵路的發展現況178 圖6.17 計畫區內風貌發展現況178 圖6.18 計畫區內日間景觀現況178 圖6.19 計畫區內夜間景觀現況178 圖6.20 台九省道日間景觀現況179 圖6.21 台九省道夜間景觀現況179 圖6.22 內環道路日間景觀現況179 圖6.23 內環道路夜間景觀現況179 圖6.24 集散道路日間景觀現況179 圖6.25 集散道路夜間景觀現況179 圖6.26 外環道路日間景觀現況180 圖6.27 外環道路夜間景觀現況180 圖6.28 凱旋路兩側的連續樟樹180 圖6.29 土地區段徵收整地現況180 圖6.30 地區內原有栽植的果樹180 圖6.31 地區舊存社區建築現況180 圖6.32 城鄉整體景觀(地景)風貌發展概念圖199 圖6.33 適當保留邊緣農業區避免開發無限蔓延199 圖6.34 鄉土樹種為主外來樹種為輔達適地適樹199 圖6.35 透過生態施工方法以降低開發影響程度199 圖6.36 落實鄉土性生態教育與保育觀念的紮根199 圖6.37 營造整體秩序與風格形塑獨有城鄉意象200 圖6.38 配合計畫發展塑造各分區使用空間意象200 圖6.39 計畫單元整體開發營造分區風格與意象200 圖6.40 配合分區使用特性促使新舊建築間和諧200 圖6.41 配合周遭的地景或街景形塑場所自明性200 圖6.42 既有空間綠點的增加提升整體綠美化量200 圖6.43 配合各分區法定空地退縮進行整體設計200 圖6.44 提供多目標活動使用的開放空間或綠地200 圖6.45 設施應與周邊環境結合以體現當地氣候201 圖6.46 設施應適度的加入環境教育與教化功能201 圖6.47 服務設施應透過民眾參與體現當地風格201 圖6.48 服務設施應配合多目標使用與教化功能201 圖6.49 區內建立適當比例混植密林區或荒野區201 圖6.50 透過多層次生態綠化結合休憩活化身心201 圖6.51 針對區內閒置空間進行綠美化環境改善201 圖6.52 採不同時序開花植栽創造四季色彩變化201 圖6.53 重要地標照明以形塑地區夜間視覺焦點202 圖6.54 透過對歷史建築適當照明營造夜間氣氛202 圖6.55 重要交通路徑應加強夜間照明視覺引導202 圖6.56 依分區屬性給予適當照明營造夜間氣氛202 圖6.57 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構層次203 圖6.58 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫行政體系初擬208 圖6.59 「狹義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系210 圖6.60 「廣義屬性」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫體系212 圖6.61 「主要計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇213 圖6.62 「細部計畫位階」宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫架構與範疇216 圖6.63 宜蘭縣政中心地區景觀計畫執行架構初擬222

市場趨勢導向機會發掘之服務價值創新 / Market-Oriented Chance Discovery toward Service Value Creation

沈品勳, Shen, Pin Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
市場導向指的是一種辨識市場狀態和顧客需求的企業理論,可以藉由不同的市場情報蒐集來達成。由此,其中的「市場感知能力」和「市場連結能力」能夠幫助企業不斷地修正、改進、創新及再定義原本的市場觀點,並研究市場中所有角色之間的關係。本研究致力於如何以文字探勘、資料探勘及機會發掘等理論創造一個服務的資訊系統來提升這兩個能力。運用本系統可以協助企業在不同市場中找到潛在資源及合作夥伴以共創複合性產品。換句話說,以這種開放關係和不同公司的共創方式更能達到相互曝光、產品與服務互補的效果。而更好的市場導向可以幫助企業間創造出更好的複合式產品並達到利基市場的競爭優勢。 / Market orientation refers to the business philosophy that focuses on identifying and meeting the stated or hidden needs of customers through various approaches of intelligence gathering activities. To this end, two important capabilities, market sensing and market relating, are to enable business to formulate, examine, modify, renovate and redefine their market views and investigate among all players in the market. This study focuses on how to exploit information system as a service to facilitate the acts of the market sensing and market relating capabilities in terms of information technologies of the text mining technique and the chance discovery theory. In addition, this service would help various businesses seek new, necessary and related resources or fellow companies for each other to cooperate to form a complex service product from different markets. In other words, cooperating in the open relationship, different companies attain more possibility to mutually expose their features, product or service, which achieves a marketing for those companies in different markets as well, and better market orientation is also avail business to make better complex product or service for niche market to get competitive advantages.

動能策略在日本股市的實證研究 / Empirical studies of momentum strategies in the Japanese stock market

李柏儒, Lee, Bo Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在選定樣本期間1975-2009年下,動能操作策略在日本股市無法獲得顯著正報酬。在三個子樣本期間:1975年-1989年、1990年-1999年以及2000年-2009年下也獲得相同結論,顯示日本股市不存在動能效應。 動能操作策略中的贏家、輸家排序,與公司的財務特性有關。整體而言,輸家股票在平均成交量、平均市值上皆小於贏家股票。另外,動能操作策略在日本股市的月報酬並沒有明顯季節性變化。 本論文比較文獻上提出的三種不同動能操作策略:歷史報酬率法、52週高點法與移動平均比率法在日本股市的績效表現。三者在日本股市皆無法獲得顯著報酬。最後,進行動能操作策略的形成期間分析。在持有期間第11個月至第18個月內,日本股市出現價格反轉情形。根據形成期間歷史報酬率高低,採用前17個月至前12個月的六個月累積歷史報酬率作為選股依據,採取反向操作策略,發現日本股市存在價格反轉現象。 / Momentum strategies do not yield significant positive returns in the Japanese stock market in the sample period (1975 to 2009). In the three sub-periods, 1975 to 1989, 1990 to 1999 and 2000 to 2009, it demonstrates the same conclusion. Momentum effect does not exist in the Japanese stock market. This study shows that the ranking order of winners and losers is associated with financial characteristics of firm. Overall, average trading volume and average market value of losers stocks are both smaller than those of winners stocks. In addition, the monthly return of momentum strategies has no significant seasonal pattern in the Japanese stock market. In this study, we compare the performance of three different momentum strategies: JT’s individual stock momentum, the 52-week high and the moving average ratio in the Japanese stock market. All of three strategies in the Japanese stock market cannot receive significant profits. Final section tests the periodical analysis of momentum strategies. When extending the holding period, we can find that Japanese stock market experiences price reversal from the 11th to 18th months. According to the historical return in formation period, we choose six-month accumulated historical return (17 to 12 months prior to portfolio formation) as the stock selection principle. Under this contrarian strategy, we find that the Japanese stock market has phenomenon of price reversal.

電刺激大鼠側韁核對區辨性低頻操作式制約行為的影響 / The effects of electrical stimulation in the lateral habenula on operant behavior maintained by the differential reinforcement of low-rate (DRL) schedule of reinforcement in the rat

林禧岳 Unknown Date (has links)
透過神經科學的研究,對於大腦的行為功能已有一定的認識,不同於以往的認識,目前認為神經行為機制不只由單一腦區或單一神經化學系統所調控。深部大腦電刺激經常被用來研究特定腦區的行為功能。但是,深部大腦電刺激的作用機制仍然不清楚。最近幾年臨床研究發現,利用電刺激在側韁核成功的治療憂鬱症患者。然而,目前認為側韁核與多巴胺系統互為負回饋作用,共同參與在動機行為的酬賞反應中。本實驗室先前的研究顯示,破壞韁核造成區辨性低頻操作式制約行為 (簡稱DRL行為)學習的障礙,然而,電刺激在側韁核造成DRL行為表現的結果還是未知的。所以,本實驗主要以電刺激在側韁核觀察大鼠行為上的改變,探討側韁核在行為上參與的功能。實驗一的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核並不影響自發性運動能力,在不同電流強度的刺激下也不會影響。實驗二的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為有類安非他命效果之行為表現,在高頻率電刺激有較顯著類安非他命的效果。實驗三的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為之影響,會被多巴胺受體抑制劑所抵消,而單獨注射巴胺受體抑制劑並不影響DRL 15秒的行為。實驗四的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 15秒的行為之影響,不會被正腎上腺素受體抑制劑所抵消。實驗五的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核造成DRL 72秒的行為之影響並不如DRL 15秒的行為顯著。實驗六的結果顯示電刺激在側韁核並不會造成大鼠無法區辨酬賞的量。綜合而言,側韁核在動機行為的角色,是透過影響多巴胺系統造成行為的改變。 / Behavioral function of the brain has been studied in neuroscience and progressively accumulated informative data to reveal the neurobehavioral mechanisms. It is now realized that those underlying mechanisms of behaviors is not as such simple as previous thought of limiting only in one locus of the brain or solely by one neurochemical system. The deep brain stimulation is usually used to study the behavioral function of specific brain regions. However, the mechanism of the deep brain stimulation is still unclear. The previous study has shown that electrical stimulation of the lateral habenula (LHb) successfully treated depression symptoms in the patients. It is proposed that an inhibitory role of LHb on the mibrain dopamine (DA) system which mediates the reward-related behavior. A previous study of this lab showed that lesion of habenula impaired the acquisition of differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) behavior. But, the effect of LHb stimulation on the DRL behavior is still unclear. To determine the functions of LHb involving in the behavior, the electrical stimulation was applied in LHb to observe the behavioral change of rats. The results of Experiment 1 showed that the LHb stimulation had no effect on locomotor activity. In Experiment 2, the LHb stimulation was shown to affect DRL 15-s behavior, which effects were similar to those affected by amphetamine. Experiment 3 showed that the DA receptor antagonists reversed the effects of LHb stimulation, while experiment 4 showed that norepinephrine (NE) receptor antagonists had no reversal effect on DRL 15-s behavior. In Experiment 5, the amphetamine-like behavior induced by LHb stimulation had subtle effects on DRL 72-s behavior. Experiment 6 showed that the LHb stimulation had no effect on a discrimination task. These data suggest that the LHb modulating DRL behavior is DA-dependent.


葛葆華, Edward Ko Unknown Date (has links)
無線寬頻網路(Mobile Internet Broadband Network)的出現對於無線通訊產業、傳播媒體產業與影音內容產業產生了相當程度的影響,而數位化的科技發展更帶來通訊、傳播及平面媒體產業融合的可能性,無線寬頻影音串流(Mobile Internet Video Streaming)是一架構在此無線通訊媒體匯流後的新產物,透過觀察和分析它的演進發展,可以說明和解釋網路新媒體匯流造成傳統影音產業價值鏈的改變。 吾人將以無線通訊之影音播放技術之演進與發展,以及相對最先發生變化之影音產業經營環境,產生之影響,做產業價值鏈分析研究,進而了解產業經營環境之改變,新的價值創造流程及技術平台的關聯性。並藉由日本NTT DOCOMO之經驗,及對其供應商之觀察,了解台灣產業發展之可能趨勢,及策略建議藍圖。 本研究採P.W. Bane、S.P. Bradley & D.J. Collis (1998)三人提出之寬頻產業五層模式作為分析工具。五層模式分為內容(content)、包裝(package)、傳輸網路(transmission)、操作(manipulation) 及終端設備(terminal)五層架構。主要目的為以整體網路頻寬及技術演進的觀點進行分析五層間價值消長之關係,及整體網路之價值之改變。 我們發現在新的技術導入既有影音市場,由於網路之雙向特性,會產生網路效應及網路外部性,這些地方將產生新的價值所在,而擁有網路外部性的影音操作平台可獲得較高的價值。完整而消費者導向的影音操作平台,將首先累積產業之價值所在,影音操作平台的擁有者將成為產業的領導者,最終將成為標準的制定者。 影音內容的價值獲得來自網路外部性是經由更多人與內容來源(內容提供者)互動,造成下一次消費或其他使用者的外部性以及生產外部性,這樣的外部性是由虛擬連結產生.價值聚集於內容包裝層。 無線寬頻影音操作平台是服務成功的關鍵,有效的整合價值鏈及應用是必須在產業發展前完成,而完整的影音操作平台包含:內容製作壓縮平台、串流平台、訊息平台、及手機之用戶播放平台。 我們發現,新的技術導入市場,需要事先將價值鏈重新定義,整合出可行之新的商業模式,再依據新的價值鏈,新的服務流程去整合新的操作平台,投入服務後,由於是消費者導向的服務設計,可以降低消費者對新科技及新服務的學習門檻及進入障礙,而獲得市場認同。 / “Unlimited boundary & Ubiquitous content” Because of the improving the bandwidth & compression technology of mobile Internet, there are a very extremely industrial convergency in communication, broadcasting, & video audio content industry. There are several new technology including streaming, MPEG, multi media message, 3G which push the whole world going to a new Ubiquitous environment & totally change the old value chain of video audio industry, but we still have no ideal where it should go & what will happen next. We will try to research the technical evolution of video broadcasting which really influence our movie, TV industry. It will change the customer behavior of watching TV, or going to the movie. We especially want to find out where is the new value in the mobile Internet multi media industry. We will use the 5 liars analysis model of broadband industry (P.W. Bane、S.P. Bradley & D.J. Collis (1998))as our basic methodology to find out how the three vertical industries became a new 5 horizontal industries, which are content, package, transmission, manipulation, & terminal. We also want to know how they work internally & externally. We find that the video audio manipulation platform will become the key solution for this value chain, because of its network externality & network effect. The content providers also very important to provide the quality of contents to service the end customers. How to consolidate a new valuable services process & user friendly interface is the big issue here for whom will invest a large of money to creat the new mobile internet portal & new audio vedio manipulation platform. They must think not only the user interface of handset, but also the mechanism of profit sharing between these different providers who never work together in the history.


林良原, Lin, Liang Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著主管機關對金融商品規定的鬆綁,金融機構業務型態的變化越來越多,量也越來越大,對資訊系統依賴的程度也越來越高。其中,證券公司業務的執行及對客戶的服務,更是高度依賴IT服務的可用性、可靠性、安全性和表現的效能。然而,IT與業務部門需求認知上的落差及IT部門在企業內扮演角色認知上的錯誤及不當的IT管理方式,反而讓問題的發生層出不窮,IT也經常落入問題處理的深淵。 問題的複雜度雖然不斷提高,相對於業務單位對系統穩定性的要求卻更高。問題是:企業不可能因為追求效率上的完美而不斷花錢投入IT資源。在IT資源有限的情況下,IT部門須對這些問題,進行更有效的管理及回應。因此,IT治理不僅已成為金融機構實現業務目標的基本要素,也是獲取客戶信任不可或缺的元素。本論文則嘗試透過導入行之有年的ITIL管理方法,協助解決證券公司資訊部門的困境。 為能達到良好的IT服務治理結果,本研究針對業務單位對IT部門所提供的資訊服務期望,透過ITIL的服務水準管理流程(Service Level Management,SLM)來加以定義及描述。主要做法: 1.利用ITIL流程改善模型(Process Improvement Model)的四階段步驟,參考營業服務管理(Business Service Management,BSM)的觀念與做法,讓IT單位與業務部門能有更好的溝通。 2.依據溝通的結果產出實際可行之服務水準協議。簡言之,即是由使用者的角度去找出所需達到的IT服務標準。還可依此畫出營業服務與IT服務間之對應關係,明確彼此的責任。 3.透過重複不斷的檢討與回饋,讓IT服務能越來越符合實際業務的需要。 本研究發現,透過案例「致富快手」系統在服務水準管理流程中所獲得的業務單位對IT部門的服務期望資訊,對照現況IT部門的服務表現與目標水準的差異分析。的確可以協助IT部門就資訊服務的提供現況來推導,以獲致未來可進行服務改善的目標項目。而不再是以個人的直覺來進行系統維護與IT投資,這些效益還包括: 1.增進IT了解自己在企業營運上的價值貢獻;體會與業務單位的分工合作關係,減輕彼此的對立。 2.營業服務關鍵流程協助IT部門進行資源佈署,優化IT投資。 3.對營業服務關鍵流程,提供一具體、可量化的衡量標準與描述。可依此建立SLA與OLA。 4.服務期望與服務現況比較,了解IT服務對營業服務支持程度。 5.服務期望與服務現況差異化分析,為日後服務改善之依據。 6.營業服務與IT資源對應,明確IT資源關鍵元件;為備援建置及容量管理之重點對象。 7.以Business/IT知識庫檢視監控機制涵蓋程度,做為服務改善之目標。 8.透明IT營業支援服務體系,增進雙方溝通與問題處理有效性。 研究中也發現,服務水準管理流程只是在規範IT服務相關單位的行為活動。也就是說,服務水準管理流程其實只是在訂定IT服務的目標,至於應如何來實現,仍須藉由其他服務提供(Service Support)流程的有效支持;改善的具體實現,又會反應在服務水準指標的執行結果上,兩者其實為互相呼應,相輔相成的因果關係。 / As the finance production deregulates, the financial institutions could run more and more various businesses. In order to offer quality service, it’s necessary to have IT support in the back. So does Security Corporation. The business performances of a security corporation almost depend on an available, reliable, and secure IT services. However, there are some problems occurred between the business and IT units. In one hand, they both have misunderstanding in cognition to the other party; on the other hand, passive attitude and ineffective management of IT department made two groups always unsatisfied to each other. Furthermore, the spending of IT investment in a company is limited, but the business units continually require of better performance requirement. The atmosphere between two parties is in tension. For solving those problems, the study of IT governance comes out. It helps organization offer better IT service under limited resources. Moreover, IT governance is not only the effective method to realize business object, but the important one to obtain the customers’ trust. As the result, we use one of IT governance methodology, ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), to resolve the predicament of IT department in the security corporation. In this paper, we identify the expectation to IT service from Business units using the concept of SLM (Service Level Management) module described in ITIL. Our analysis steps are as follow: I.Understand the needs: We use the “Process Improvement Model” in ITIL and the concept in BSM (Business Service Management) to analyze the “real” requirements from business units. II.Settle and implement the agreements: After clarify the relationship between business function and IT service, the most important document in SLM, SLA (Service Level Agreement), will be ready for recording the result of negotiation of two parties. It’s also good for addressing the responsibility. III.Review and improve the IT services: After implement, it’s necessary to review the result, and get the feedback for next service improvement. By continuous improvement, IT service will be able to match the business needs. In the case, we conduct the gap analysis between the expectation of business department and real performance of IT service. It helps IT department to understand “where we are” and “what we want”. Through the result of the comparison, it provides an obvious direction for service improvement, instead of by “intuition” only. It also includes other benefits like that: I.The IT department can realize its role in whole enterprise. It could have better cooperation with business department. II.The BSM helps IT manager to deploy its resources and optimize the investment in IT. III.The methodology provides a concrete, measurable standard and description to the business. It’s useful to establish the SLA and OLA (Operation Level Agreement). IV.The comparison between expectation and current status can show how the level of IT services support business services. V.The gap analysis provides the direction of service improvement. VI.The IT resources components are highlighted. Those components are major objects in backup mechanism and capacity management. VII.The Business/IT Knowledge base helps to review the range of monitor. VIII.The IT support system can be revealed. It is benefit to communication and problem management. The study shows that Service Level Management focus on how to restrict the action of IT Services provider. In other words, the whole process just helps to fine out the object of IT Services. It also needs support of other Service Support processes. Furthermore, the services’ quality improve will be showed by the Service Level Index. The SLM and other process complement to each other. To sum up, SLM is good for IT units to identifying needs and catching them. However, it should implement with other process to get better effect.


李佳樺, Lee-Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究考慮市場、規模、淨值市價比及前期累積報酬,這四個影響股票報酬的因子,分別以個股特徵之持股比例變動法與四因子評估模型,對共同基金風險調整後的報酬作績效評比,不但可以評估基金的選股能力與擇時能力,並進一步瞭解報酬之風險來源。最後討論這兩種評比方式的適用性,並藉由基準投資組合將市場股票區分成不同的風險類別,根據基金在各類別股票的持有比例,引伸出對基金持股風格的另一種看法。現將本篇研究結果整理如下: 1. 四因子模型對於資產的解釋能力比資本資產評價模型(CAPM)好;並且透過規模、淨值市價比、前期累積報酬之風險溢酬因子,可以瞭解報酬之不同風險來源。 2. 依照個股特徵為基準之持股比例變動法,計算出實際績效、特徵擇時、特徵選股及平均持股型態的績效。結果顯示共同基金多具有正的選股能力,擇時能力,但經過檢定,並沒有顯著的超額報酬。 3. 以四因子評價模型對共同基金績效做評估。結果發現幾乎不具有顯著的超額報酬;兩種方法的評比結果相類似。但是部份基金在規模、與前期累積報酬項有顯著異於零的結果,顯示基金在規模、量能操作上有穩定的績效表現,因此使得檢定的結果顯著。 4. 而以持股類型風格上來看,顯示部份基金會高度持有大型股、以及過去表現良好的股票,持股風險類群明顯而集中,屬於穩健、偏重長期,並配合量能操作的投資策略。 最後根據本文的實證結果,分別對投資人與基金經理人提出建議。而從持股比例計算的過程,對持股風格分析提供一個更簡易明瞭的看法,並將研究中發現的問題,一併列在建議中,提供給後續研究者作為參考。 第一章 緒論…………………………………………1 第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………4 第一節 風險調整因素……………………………4 第二節 四因子評估模型…………………………7 第三節 依個股特徵之持股比例變動法…………9 第三章 研究設計……………………………………13 第一節 研究假說…………………………………13 第二節 研究架構…………………………………14 第三節 研究範圍與期間…………………………16 第四節 變數定義與資料處理……………………18 第四章 實證結果與分析……………………………22 第一節 四因子評估模型…………………………22 第二節 共同基金績效評估………………………27 第三節 基金之持股類型比例……………………36 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………40 第一節 結論………………………………………40 第二節 建議…………………………………………41 參考文獻……………………………………………45

探討N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體在時距相關的操作式制約行為與空間工作記憶的角色:memantine的神經心理藥理學機制 / Investigation of the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on temporal operant behavior and spatial working memory: the underlying neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of memantine

陳碩甫 Unknown Date (has links)
認知功能的提升是當今神經科學領域中的研究重點之一,但其神經機制尚有待釐清。本研究利用一種用於改善阿茲海默症臨床的非競爭型N-甲基-D-天門冬胺酸受體拮抗劑memantine,檢測其對於大白鼠在不同時距相關操作式制約行為及空間工作記憶行為之影響效果。實驗一為針對時間屬性的操作式制約行為實驗,運用大白鼠的區辯性增強低頻反應作業(DRL 10秒行為)與固定時距作業(FI 30秒行為)之行為作業,並操弄連續訓練與間歇訓練的兩種不同模式,測試memantine對前述四組受試的操作式制約行為在表現、消除與自發恢復等三階段之劑量反應。實驗二利用配對性延遲T迷津作業區分出不等基準線(表現好與表現差)之受試,再加以藥理實驗,測試memantine對於前述兩組受試之劑量反應。實驗一結果顯示,受試在兩種不同訓練模式下經十五次習得訓練後,在兩種操作式壓桿行為的壓桿反應相關指標中都有明顯的差異,這證實不同的行為訓練模式會導致學習後的表現有差異之別。memantine藥理實驗結果顯示,此藥對於上述四組受試的操作式行為之三階段的影響效果,會因為不同訓練模式與不同作業而異。實驗二結果顯示,memantine提高空間工作記憶的正確率在表現不好的組別有很顯著的藥效,這證實memantine對於空間式工作記憶行為的影響,也會因學習基準線的不同水平而異。在行為實驗後所進行的蛋白質表現量檢測中,memantine(5 mg/kg)只對五個測試腦區中的背側紋狀體中ERK1磷酸化程度有明顯上升的影響,而其對ERK2及CREB的磷酸化在所有腦組織中皆沒有顯著的影響。綜合以上結果,memantine影響時間與空間屬性的相關行為之藥理效果,會依行為的不同習得歷程(或行為背景經驗)及基準線表現程度而異,而此項行為藥理效果,可能與紋狀體中ERK1的磷酸化有關。 / The neural basis of cognitive enhancement is one of the intriguing topics in neuroscience research; however, the underlying neural mechanisms remain to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of memantine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist which is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease in clinic, on operant behaviors and spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, using the differential reinforcement for low-rate-response 10 sec (DRL 10s) and the fixed-interval 30 sec (FI 30s) operant tasks, and with the manipulation of two different training regimens (continuous vs. intermittent) in the acquisition phase, the effects of memantine were evaluated in three stages of behavioral tests including the performance (right after the end of 15-day acquisition), the extinction, and the spontaneous recovery (after the extinction). In Experiment 2, memantine were tested in the subjects with different level of baseline performance (good vs. bad) on the distinctive patterns of operant responding in four different groups which received DRL 10s and FI 30s with different training regimens; indicating that behavioral task and training background are critical to the operant performance of temporal operant behaviors. Such behavioral outcomes led the dissociable effects of memantine appeared in between the four groups as tested in all three different stages. The results of Experiment 2 showed a profound improvement of the correct responses rate on spatial working memory in the low-baseline group as compared to the higher-baseline group. With a pretreatment of memantine (5 mg/kg), brain tissues in five selected areas were collected for western blot assays of ERK 1, ERK 2, and CREB. The results only revealed a significant increase of ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum. Together, the effects of memantine to improve cognition-associated processes in the temporal operant behaviors and the baseline of performance, and the present observation of cognition-enhancing effects of memantine may be resulted by the ERK 1 phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum.

遮断器用油圧操作装置の動作時間安定化に関する研究 / シャダンキヨウ ユアツ ソウサ ソウチ ノ ドウサ ジカン アンテイカ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

山下 透, Tohru Yamashita 02 March 2017 (has links)
電力用遮断器の油圧操作装置において,油圧回路内の気泡が操作装置の動作に及ぼす悪影響を解消するために,新しい油圧回路方式である常時高圧安定回路方式を提案し,油圧回路内の流れおよび可動部の定式化と解析および実測を行った.本方式の動作特性と動作安定性,ピストンの制動特性,複数の油圧操作装置の駆動特性について検討し,本方式が有効かつ安定的に機能することを確認した.以上により,油圧操作装置の動作時間安定化技術を開発することができた. / We proposed and studied a hydraulic operation stabilizing system for a hydraulic operating device of a circuit breaker to eliminate the influence of air bubbles created in hydraulic fluid. We formulated the flow of hydraulic circuit and the motion of moving parts, which were numerically simulated and experimentally confirmed. We confirmed that this stabilizing system functioned effectively and stably through the investigation: operation characteristics and stability of the stabilizing system, braking characteristics of a piston-dashpot system and operation characteristics of two hydraulic operating devices. Based on the results, we could perform an engineering development for stabilizing operation time of the hydraulic operating device. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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