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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

澳門私立學校一位新手教師的專業化過程的個案研究 / Process of professionalisation of a novice teacher from a Macao private school : a case study.

符霖甘 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


江振東, JIANG, ZHEN-DONG Unknown Date (has links)
通常,在我們所取得的任意一組資料裡,由於內在特性的關係,往往會使資料自然形 成若干叢聚(Clusters)。叢聚分析(Cluster Analysis)的目的,就是如何藉由數 量的方法,找出這些自然形成的叢聚,俾便於往後資料的整理和分析。儘管界定叢聚 的角度,將因人、因事而有所不同。然而根本上,這就是一個尋找最佳解的方法,來 找出資料中的最理想分組,便成為一種自然而可行的嘗試。本文係就動態規劃、整數 規劃(整數規劃模式改以Subgradient Method求解)、暨分支定限法(Brandhand-bo und Method)如何處理叢聚分析問題,分別予以討論比較。


傅傳訓, Fu, Zhuan-Xun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,介紹俱樂部財理論發展背景,並且定義俱樂部的正確範疇。第二章基于 個人效用函數相同之假定,以個體的觀點,用數學及幾何模型來探討說明俱樂部財的 最適提供條件及會員條件。第三章放寬個人效用函數相同之假定,而以整體經濟的觀 點,來探討分析比較與前章各項條件之異同。第四章則探討現存有關文獻的一些具爭 論性的觀點;並且評介歧視性俱樂部(discriminatary club )與多財貨俱樂部(m- lti-product club)之模型。第五章則利用遊戲理論的觀點,來檢討俱樂部內及俱樂 部之間的穩定性問題。第六章結論,總結本文的觀點,並且提示未來可能研究之方向 。 本文研究的動機乃在于,俱樂部理論已蔚為經濟、財政理論之重要一環。其研究方法 結合福利經濟學、公共財政、遊戲理論。其本身可提供地方公共財、政治軍事聯盟、 公共事業定價...等之研究基礎,因此乃撰此文,期有助學術界瞭解俱樂部理論之 內涵。

國中生數學自我概念、自我效能與成就關係之探討: 以PISA2003香港資料為例 / The Relationship among Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Performance in Mathematics: The PISA 2003 Hong Kong Data

盧玟伶, Lu, Wen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的,在利用PISA 2003資料庫為例,分辨數學自我概念、自我效能與數學成就關係之模式的建構。本研究選香港為研究對象,以參加PISA 2003的4402名香港的15歲學生為樣本來進行本研究。本研究運用探索性因素分析(EFA)檢視自我概念與自我效能之測量指標的信效度。分析結果顯示,「自我概念」與「自我效能」的測量模式的建構達良好的信效度。另一研究結果顯示,學生數學自我概念對數學成就之間沒有直接的影響效果,但會透過數學自我效能此中介變項,而產生對數學成就的間接影響效果。此外,在雙交叉驗證方面,顯示研究二組樣本具有交叉效度,研究模式之接受性均相當高。 / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among self-concept, self-efficacy, and performance in mathematics. The PISA 2003 Hong Kong data was used as an example. There were 4402 15-year-old participants in this survey. Explore factor analysis was used to identify the good measurement models of self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA 2003. The results showed that the measurement models had high reliability and validity. The other result showed self concept had no direct effects on the mathematics achievement. But under the mediation of the mediator, such as self-efficacy, there was indirect effect on the mathematics achievement. Analysis also showed that the two sets of samples have presented cross validity, the research model is highly acceptable.

單一性別環境對國中女生數學成就的影響 / Effects of a Single-sex Curriculum on Girls' Achievements in Mathematics during Junior High School

林詩琪, Lin,Shih-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從教育社會學角度探討造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,以班級的性別環境為研究脈絡,研究影響國中女生數學成就的可能原因。假設數學成就的性別差異是受到後天學習歷程影響,班級環境中隱含的性別刻板印象為其中一個重要社會文化影響因素。透過比較國一到國三階段女生班和一般男女合班女生數學成就的異同,嘗試找出造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,是否與班級性別環境、師生的性別刻板印象等因素有關。利用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM)統計方法,分析資料取自由中央研究院、教育部和國科會共同規劃的全國性長期的調查計畫:「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)。研究結果發現女生班、數學老師性別及班級學業氣氛等因素對於國中女生數學成就有顯著影響力,但進一步考慮學校公私別變項之後,女生班的影響力即消失。 / The main purpose of this study is to assess the magnitude of individual and contextual influences to explain gender differences in math achievements. Adopting the hierarchical linear model analysis to determine whether or not statistically significant differences between the mathematical achievements of 7th grade students who attend all-girls classes compared with those who attend coeducational classes at the same time, and their academic performance after two years. The result shows that there are three factors that have significant influences on girls’ math achievement in junior high schools, which are the single-sex classes, female math teachers and the academic climate of each class. However, if private schools are taken into consideration, the significant influence of the gender composition of classes will disappear.

應用多元智能理論之數學問題解決研究 / Research study on the application of the theory of multiple intelligences to mathematics problem solving

陳敬濂 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

在維基環境下發表貢獻與數學學習成效的相關研究 / Study of correlation between contributions and math learning achievements under the Wiki environment

黃燦霖 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

對話教學在高一數學課堂教學中的運用 / Dialogic teaching in Grade 10 Mathematical classrooms

肖芳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

數學範例排版對學生學習表現和認知負荷影響之研究 / Study of the worked example layout in mathematics on students' learning performance and cognitive load

魏均僑 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式 / A Land Use Planning Model for Green Transit-oriented Development

劉人華, Liu, Jen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨著永續發展思潮之興起,「大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-oriented development, TOD)」已成為都市規劃之重要理念。相關研究雖曾就TOD緊密、混合使用發展帶來之永續效益進行探討,然高密度之發展模式亦會加速都市內資源消耗,並影響生活環境品質。為解決前述課題,相關文獻因而提出「綠色大眾運輸導向發展(Green transit-oriented development, Green TOD)」理念,以期待在TOD與綠色都市主義(Green urbanism)之結合下,形塑更為友善環境發展之都市型態。國內外雖有相關研究對Green TOD之規劃理念進行探討,並建立評估架構與準則,然規劃上仍未以該理念建構土地使用規劃模式,以協助規劃者研擬規劃方案;此外傳統土地使用規劃模式建構亦較少將土地使用配置現況與變更限制納入考量,規劃模式因而無法反映實際之規劃問題,並使其應用受到限制。   基此,本研究係由通盤檢討面向切入建構「綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式」,規劃上並以高密度發展、混合使用配置、親生物開放空間追求、非機動運具可及性提升、停車需求抑制、資源配置效益追求、都市機能健全發展為追求目標建構多目標規劃模式;模式考量限制則包含通盤檢討變更可行性、配置區位限制、規模與容量限制、預算限制、運輸場站自明性、自行車道連續性等;模式求解則修正最小偏差法,並設定不同之權重組合尋求非劣解集合;最後則模擬實例情境設計假想例,以測試模式之可用性,並透過敏感度分析探討規劃模式之應用特性。   研究結果發現,規劃模式部分目標因追求方向相同而不具有償付關係,然各目標規劃理念、衡量面向與決策內容皆有不同,規劃上因而有保留之必要性,規劃模式並可依據此特性追求整合性之規劃效益,且著重高密度發展策略之應用。而敏感度分析則顯示,預算額度多寡將影響模式之規劃彈性與償付關係之表現程度,規劃前應妥善分析土地使用配置現況後編列適當之預算資源,以確保規劃偏好達成。本研究建構之土地使用規劃模式可於Green TOD 理念下研提不同之替選方案,並輔助規劃單位進行土地使用、自行車路網、水資源配置之規劃作業。 / Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become a main concept of urban planning as the advocacy of sustainable development. Previous studies, though, have explored the benefit of TOD which features of compact development and mixed land use, excessive density would also accelerate the resources consumption in inner city and decrease the quality of living environment. To solve the aforementioned problems, studies have proposed the concept of “Green transit-oriented development (Green TOD)”, which combines the concepts of “TOD” and “Green Urbanism” in anticipation of shaping an environmentally friendly urban form. However, most of the studies about Green TOD mainly focus on defining the planning concept or establishing the evaluation framework and criteria of it, it still lacks a land use planning model for Green TOD which aims to generate planning alternatives objectively for planners. With regard to the land use planning model, prior studies seldom took the current zoning and rezoning restriction into consideration during the model formulation, which not only made the formulated model fail to represent the real planning problem but also decrease the application value. This study, therefore, develops a multi-objective land use planning model for Green TOD from the aspect of overall review of urban planning. The objectives of the model include “maximizing the development density”, “maximizing the mixed land use degree”, “maximizing the biophilic open space”, “maximizing the accessibility of non-motorized vehicle”, “minimizing the parking demand”, “maximizing the benefit of resource allocation” and “minimizing the rezoning scale of available land”. The constrains of the model include “the rezoning feasibility of overall review”, “the restriction of allocated location”, “the allocated restriction of minimum scale and maximum volume”, “budget limitation”, “identification of transit station area” and “connectivity of bikeway network”. The revised minimum deviation method with different weight settings was used to search the non-inferior solutions set for the simulated case to verify the applicability of the developed model. Besides, sensitivity analysis was used to explore the model characteristic. The result found that some of the objectives, which cannot be integrated due to the difference of planning concept, assessing aspect and decision contents, feature of non-trade-off relationship due to the same pursuing direction. The application of the model can therefore apply this characteristic to pursue the integrated benefit accordingly and focus on the planning approach of high density development. Besides, the sensitivity analysis showed that budget amount influences the planning flexibility and trade-off degree significantly. Budgeting should therefore be dealt appropriately after analyzing the current zoning to ensure the achievement of planning preference. The land use planning model developed by this study can be applied to generate planning alternatives under the planning concept of Green TOD and support the authorities for land use allocation, bikeway design and water resource allocation.

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