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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

拍賣網站經營者就商標侵權之法律責任 - 以歐盟法為中心 / Trademark Infringement Liability of Online Auction provider

彭建仁 Unknown Date (has links)
線上購物之便利、迅速及不受地域限制之無遠弗屆,促使利用網路平台消費之人口極速增長,網路世界之法律問題自應為傳統民事法律所規制,然網路虛擬之特性終非以實體生活為對象之民法理論體系架構所能完整涵蓋,本文所論之線上拍賣服務提供者對使用者所為商標侵權之法律責任即為著例。   商標權人捨直接侵權人而向拍賣網站經營者請求之訴訟在我國境內雖有發生,法院卻未直接闡述見解,而於美國及歐盟境內之德國、比利時、法國、英國等處均有法院作成判決,歐盟所屬之歐洲法院對此亦表達意見,學說則早自1990年代末即有所討論,近年更是漸趨熱烈,各式見解相互爭辯激盪,足供我國未來發展參酌。   本文自拍賣網站與使用者之關係出發,依序探討、羅列可供適用之民事法律法規,以及國內外法院判決處理,綜合參考國內外學說見解及實務發展經驗,總結於我國法之適用,分為責任成立、侵害除去及預防可能之檢討,以及對未來制訂一般性免責條款三方面討論,冀望得以作為尋求電子商務發展、權利人保障與兼顧使用者便利三贏局面之參考。

雲端服務提供者著作權侵權責任之研究 / A study on the copyright infringement liability of internet service provider in cloud computing technology

黃美齡 Unknown Date (has links)


林信宇, Lin, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀和二十一世紀交替的時期,資訊科技正以迅雷不及掩耳的方式快速發展。自從網際網路的出現,電腦的應用層次已呈現出另一種境界。短短幾年裡,網際網路已讓全球企業界深刻地體認到其所具有的高度商業價值;從而衍生出來的商業應用,更是為各行各業帶來新領域和新視野,亦為市場帶來無限商機。而在這一股網際網路的熱潮中,網際網路服務提供者(Internet Service Provider; ISP)扮演了一個相當重要的角色,因此很多企業相繼投入這個市場,但也因此造成了ISP產業中激烈的競爭。ISP業者如何在重重的困難中脫穎而出,進而取得更大的市場優勢? 本研究先以探索式的研究方法,探討我國ISP業的競爭狀態及內外在條件影響各ISP業者市場優勢的關係模式。先談文獻,首先,針對幾家ISP業者,進行深度個案公司訪問調查,分析其內外在條件及市場優勢,將結果與文獻探討所得到的理論架構加以整合,以建立本研究之研究模式,並且依據研究模式擬訂研究假設,然後以實證研究法驗證研究假設,進行過程乃是以我國ISP業為對象,以問卷調查作為研究工具,搜集有關本研究計劃所需要的原始資料,運用多變量分析之統計方法進行資料分析,以驗證本研究計劃所提出之假設,並嘗試說明驗證之結果。

教育單位導入ITIL之分析與評估-以T學校為例 / The Analysis and Evaluation of Implementing ITIL for Education Institute - A Case Study of T shcool

黃世榮 Unknown Date (has links)
「企業電子化」在網路企業時代中成了提高核心競爭力的主要關鍵。學校在全球化浪潮及少子化的衝擊下,也正處於日益競爭的教育市場中。而長久以來,一直存在IT服務品質不佳的問題, 1980年代晚期英國政府因此開發出一套全面性服務管理標準,ITIL。   曾有學者指出,大學生對學校經驗不滿意者共占51.4%,而其中一項「校園資訊服務」滿意度倒數第三。綜觀資訊服務管理的演進與校園e化的發展,本研究想了解使用者注重的服務有哪些,最需先改善哪些項目。   透過單一個案研究法,對個案學校進行資料蒐集,從分析資料中可以發現,資訊服務的提供者與使用者在滿意度上存在相當程度的落差。最後視資訊服務提供者現況並參考ITIL機制,給予資訊服務改善的建議,並適度調整服務等級,以逐步建立資訊服務整體規劃。


白志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
行動代理人(Mobile Agent)是一種常被應用於分散式處理及行動運算的技術之一。尤其近幾年在網際網路的普及與Java語言的誕生後,更是結合了這兩者特性,在Web上蔓延開來,許多行動代理開發工具本身便是純Java語言撰寫的,而且亦有為數不少的行動代理人應用系統直接就是建構於Web平台上。  本研究運用行動代理技術建構一行動代理人服務提供者(Mobile Agent Service Provider,MASP)應用模式,以Web為平台,將各種服務以行動代理人的方式來開發,然後提供給客戶。客戶可藉由這些服務所具備的諸多行動代理人特性,來進行個人資訊管理工作。研究問題主要係針對現今一般人所擁有的金融帳戶過多造成理財困擾,以及目前的網路銀行或金融帳戶管理系統無法做到跨行跨業這兩方面來進行改良。客戶只需連線上站,即可要求代理程式為他服務。不論人在哪裡,便會自動收到代理人從與其有往來的各網路銀行網站中所擷取回來的帳戶最新資料,然後便可用單一帳戶將這些資料加以彙整管理;甚至在離線後,亦能讓代理程式以其預先設定好的工作而自動繼續執行任務,不必擔心作業中斷。客戶可以將其個人帳戶資料儲存於自己的電腦中,而不必擔心若存於系統伺服器可能產生的潛在安全性問題。因此客戶只須利用此單一整合帳戶(All-in-One Account)即可進行跨行整合的個人理財活動,輕鬆達成帳戶彙整(Account Aggregation)管理。  本研究從使用者主導的角度來發展此服務架構,希望此模式能應用於其他領域上,以使行動代理的發展更加全方位及人性化。

於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / Analysis on The Feasibility of Providing Additive Manufacturing Services in German Speaking Countries

史雅倫, Arnold Roland Steinbrecher Unknown Date (has links)
於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / ‘People can have the Ford Model T in any color – as long as it‘s black‘ (Henry Ford) In today’s competitive business environment, more is needed than building competitive advantages solely on cheap mass production on the other side of the globe. Product life cycles become shorter, customers more demanding, cost advantages of producing large amounts far from the distribution channels are eroding and flexibility in production is an essential parameter to meet customer’s demands. The purpose of this business plan is to show small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) a possibility to conquer constrains of mass production by using one of the few real disruptive technologies of our times. 3D printing or additive manufacturing indeed has the potential to change the paradigm for manufacturing. In short, it is the process of building solid three-dimensional objects from any digital model data by applying materials usually layer upon layer. This method of building parts of virtually every shape is the reason for the name as opposed to subtractive or traditional manufacturing, where material is being removed by drilling, cutting, and milling. Additive manufacturing technologies can be used anywhere in the product life cycle from pre-production prototypes to full-scale production: On the entry level, small and medium sized enterprises could increase their performance through cost reduction by accelerating the business cycle. This is an implication of reduced time to market and improved product quality. The next level not only involves speed but also cost savings arising out of supply chain improvements. Additive manufacturing is able to significantly reduce required inventory and therefore is reducing working capital requirements. The third level takes full advantage of this new technology, exploiting the complexity for free phenomenon, which demonstrates that geometrically complex shapes can be produced at virtually no additional costs. Last but not least, while putting all the advantages of additive manufacturing, mass-customization of products becomes an available option even for smaller companies. The described paradigm shift already started, and although the industry is still small in absolute terms, growth rates have been impressive for the last few years. The global additive manufacturing market grew by 34.9% (CAGR) to US$ 3.07 billion in 2013, which is a continuation of the remarkable growth rates of 2010, 2011, and 2012. Even more exciting are the forecasts, which indicate that additive manufacturing could easily exceed US$ 21 billion by 2020. (cf. McKinsey Global Institute, 2013; Wohlers Associates Inc., 2014). The german speaking market is about 15% of the global additive manufacturing market with players being more educated in terms of additive manufacturing. Thus, it seems to be the right time to enter this market eager for innovation. This business plan proposes to set-up an additive manufacturing service provider in Austria, targeting the German speaking countries, and offering its services to mainly but not exclusively small and medium sized enterprises. Since the competition is existent but very segmented, the declared goal of 5% market share should be manageable in the first three years of operation. The main target clients are SME’s in the following fields: Manufacture of fabricated metal products and machinery and equipment Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers Manufacture of furniture Manufacture of jewelry, bijouterie, and related articles Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 3magination, which is the proposed name for the company, shall provide the following services: Additive manufacturing education Design consultancy Material consultancy Small series production and prototyping However, the business model classifies the first three services as trust and relationship building investments and the company only charges for the production itself. 3magination disposes of metal and polymer processing printers and is able to produce a very large spectrum of objects. Design, material selection, and the flexible production itself are 3maginations’s declared competitive advantages. To ensure this path, a detailed analysis of key talents has been performed. Considering the conservative forecasts, initial investment of EUR 1.1 million in equity and a loan facility from banks of EUR 1.92 million would generate a NPV of EUR 25.5 million. Due to the large investments in fixed assets and the low sales volume at the beginning, a loss is anticipated in the first year. However, the company breaks even in the second year of operation and makes a small profit of EUR 286,394. From there on, the net income and sales ratio starts accelerating up to 34% in 2019.

長期照顧服務提供體系暨支付制度之研究 —以日本介護保險制度之變革為比較對象 / A study on Long-term care service providing and payment system- take the evolvement of public Long-term care insurance in Japan as a comparative object

蔡璧竹 Unknown Date (has links)
在高齡少子化的浪潮下,家庭照顧機能與國家公共長照服務體系之界限逐漸浮現,不論是採稅收制或是社會保險制的國家,均紛紛發動改革,發展新型的照顧服務體系,更有效率地結合社會中各種資源,並且透過報酬支付制度的設計,回應長期照顧需求的多元性,以達成充實長期照顧服務量能、發展創新並符合在地需求之照顧服務。本文以日本介護保險制度自2000年創設以來,在服務供給體系與支付制度上之轉變作為比較對象,觀察其社會價值理念的變遷如何反應到法制設計層面,同時報酬支付制度是如何回應社會現實的需求與政策方向;擬自日本介護保險經驗中萃取值得我國參考借鑑之處,減少台灣長期照顧體系發展過程中可能產生的試誤成本。 本文首先對我國長期照顧服務提供體系之法制發展進行分析,包括釐清長照服務提供之法律關係、長照服務供給體系之構造,以及在長照十年計畫下,政府與民間服務提供者合作模式之建構等;並具體地以數份國內地方政府公布之服務提供契約範本為例,嘗試勾勒出台灣長照服務體系公私協力法律關係之圖像,同時探討我國長照服務提供體系與報酬支付制度現存之問題。 在日本介護保險制度部分,本文歸整介護保險法之制定和改革歷程及其基本構造、初探日本介護保險制度與其他社會保障制度之連動性,並集中分析其服務提供者指定制度之法制設計與問題。接著本文將對比台灣長照體系之發展軌跡與挑戰,分析台日兩國公共長照服務供給體系的幾個議題,包括:總體面的公共長照體系理念變遷、國家資源的公平分配、服務品質之管理等。最末於結論歸納日本介護保險經驗值得我國借鏡或反思之處,並簡評目前我國長期照顧服務法修正,以及長期照顧十年計畫2.0之內涵,是否足以回應社會中的長期照顧需求,並有助於實現在地老化之理想。

從新公共服務觀點探討我國電信普及服務制度之研究 / A Study on Universal Telecommunications Service in The View of The New Public Service

蔡炳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電信自由化發展,我國電信市場已由公營獨佔變為競爭的局面,但高山、離島或偏遠地區,由於營收偏低或建設費用較高,電信業者在一般商業條件下,較無經營意願,極易造成偏遠地區通信建設落後及數位落差;即使業者正常經營,勢必大幅提高電信服務費用。如此,必然影響該偏遠地區之國民基本通信權益,故須輔以「電信普及服務制度」的政策,以照顧偏遠地區的弱勢族群。 我國電信普及服務制度自2001年6月實施迄今已屆5 年,本研究將從電信普及服務制度之理論基礎研析開始,以新公共服務之觀點針對我國電信普及服務制度提出探討研析,並經由文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談等研究方法,評估近年來我國電信普及服務之實施成效及衍生之相關問題,而進行理論及實務的分析和探討。 最後,針對我國電信普及服務制度之綜合研析,以作者的認知,試圖拋磚引玉,提出以下政策建議,以期使我國電信普及服務制度更趨完善周延,並作為我國電信普及服務制度未來規劃方向之參考: 一、 電信普及服務制度 應為我國電信自由化過程中,追求「效率與公平」的配套機制。 二、 以新公共服務觀點,電信普及服務應是政府及業者共同應該分攤的責任。 三、 電信普及服務之合理分攤原則,應以提供「電信服務」所創造的「公共利益」為共享主體,不宜將早期屬國營公司之海岸電台通信、教育推廣數據及社會福利補助等業務納入。 四、 歷年電信普及服務的實施成果及實施計畫之查核機制,僅有例行性的服務品質查核與成本稽核機制,未來應有更積極周延的獎勵誘因及激勵措施。 五、 檢討電信普及服務的實施範圍,應避免衝擊過大,宜採漸進方式調整為宜。 (一)不經濟公用電話宜採限縮於偏遠地區。 (二)應排除海岸電臺船舶遇險及安全通信服務為普及服務提供範圍,而改由政府部門編列預算負責推動。 (三)全國中小學校、公立圖書館之數據通信普及服務,宜採漸進方式限縮於偏遠地區。 (四)提高偏遠地區電信數據普及服務補助金額比例,初期可以寬頻未達之偏遠地區村里作為建設試辦點。 六、 應整合政府各單位有效資源,以建立更公平周延的電信普及服務制度。

論網路匿名言論之保障-以身分揭露程序為中心 / A Study on the Protection of Anonymous Online Speech: Focusing on the Procedure for Disclosing the Identity of Anonymous Speakers

鍾安, Chung, An Unknown Date (has links)
在網路世界中,人們以匿名表達意見遠比現實生活中更為容易,這件事已劇烈地改變了匿名言論的量與質。從好的面向看,匿名帶來自主,讓異議者可以透過網路匿名,表達可能永遠都不敢在眾人面前說出來的真正想法,讓觀念市場變得多元豐富;另一方面,匿名提高了追究責任的困難。相較於現實世界的言論,損害他人或構成犯罪的惡質網路匿名言論,將造成影響更深遠且永久的傷害。   目前,關於網路匿名言論的管制方式,世界各國政府都是仰賴「事後追懲模式」和「實名認證模式」的其中一種。前者是網路使用者原則上可以匿名地發表言論,但如果發表不當言論並造成傷害,受害者或國家可以揭露其身份以對其展開司法追訴;後者是網路使用者在張貼言論前,必須先向國家機關指定的網路業者交出個人真實身份資料以進行驗證後,才能匿名發言,或甚至完全禁止以匿名方式發言,讓網路使用者感受到被眾人監督的壓力,不敢發表不當內容。   本文主張,網路匿名言論是受到憲法所保障的權利,而「事後追懲模式」相較於「實名認證模式」,較能調和不同權利間的衝突。不過,儘管我國政府採取此模式,卻在設計民刑事訴訟制度時,漏未導入匿名言論權利的思考,導致網路匿名表意者一經策略性訴訟攻擊,真實身份就會立即暴露,使得匿名表意自由不過徒有虛幻表象。因此,本文建議,為落實對匿名言論自由的保護,立法者宜參考美國法,修改部分訴訟法來處理此問題。 / On the internet, people can express themselves anonymously far easier than in the physical world. This fact has dramatically changed both the quantities and qualities of anonymous speech. On the bright side, anonymity brings more autonomy. Dissenters can express their real opinions, which they might never have the courage to speak out in public. It, in turn will promote the diversity and integrity of the marketplace of ideas. Yet, anonymity also makes it more difficult to hold the speakers accountable. In addition, compared to speech in the real physical world, malicious online anonymous speech will cause more serious permanent harms.   Today, governments around the world are either relying on the “Ex Post Compensation and Punishment” approach or the “Real-Name Verification System” to regulate online anonymous speech. Under the former approach, internet users can express their opinions anonymously, but if the content of their speech is malicious and causes damages to other people, the victim can seek disclosure of the speaker’s identity in order to take legal actions against the speaker. In contrast, under the latter system, internet users have to provide their personal information (real identities) to the ISPs or ICPs appointed by governments and complete the verification process before they can post their words. Some real name systems go even further by banning anonymous speech completely. By making users feel like they are being supervised by the public, the real name system wishes to deter indecent contents   This thesis argues that online anonymous speech is protected by the Constitution, and the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ is a preferred approach because it can better balance the conflicting rights. In Taiwan, although the government has chosen the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ approach, current civil/criminal procedural laws and practices afford little protection to online anonymous speakers. The plaintiff, who is allegedly harmed by the anonymous speech, can easily bring a “Strategic Lawsuit,” with the sole purpose of obtaining the identity of the online anonymous speaker. Consequently, this thesis suggests that, in order to better protect the freedom of anonymous speech, the legislators of Taiwan should refer to U.S. laws and practices and revise several provisions of Taiwan’s Code of Civil Procedure and Code of Criminal Procedure.

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