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以民族誌決策樹與模糊本體論法研究失智症照護之供需 / Investigation of the long-term institutional care requirements of patients with dementia and their families by qualitative and quantitative analysis張清為, Chang, Chingwei Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究再以量性方法來探索治療對於不同失智症病患的成效。結果顯示入住時狀況較好的失智症住民會以更積極的態度來接受職能治療,也因此他們擁有較大的改善或控制病情的機會,然而當住民以消極的態度接受職能治療時,則其治療效果遠不及積極治療者,也因此病情退步的機會較大,主要原因在於多數情況較差的住民具有攻擊、抗拒治療的傾向,使得照護工作變得更為艱鉅,故本研究建議家屬應重視職能治療以及與病人互動之重要性,不論是在居家照護亦或是機構式照護 / Over the past decade, the number of long-term care (LTC) residents has increased, and many have accepted treatments such as medication, rehabilitation and occupational therapy. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative techniques in order to discuss senile dementia patient care in long-term care institutions, and we use a supply and demand viewpoint to explore what services are really necessary for the patient and their family.
In qualitative method, the main purpose of this stage is to use the ethnographic decision tree model to understand and explore the decision criteria of the subject. Our study found that the degree of dementia of the patient always affects the decisions made by family members – in fact, this is the most important of all criteria elicited from the interviews with family members. There are also ethical constraints, care burden, norm of filial obligation, patient need professional medical care and institutional environment, etc. which mentioned by families. We linked together the decision criteria considered most important in accounting for the decision-making sequence of family members to be the ethnographic decision tree model which predictive power is 92%.
In quantitative stage, our study discussed the effectiveness of occupational therapy when given to dementia patients of different contexts. The results of this stage showed that patients of a good condition in the first stage present a more positive attitude towards participation in the occupational therapy designed by the institution; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition improving or remaining the same. However, patients of an average condition have a more passive attitude towards taking part in any therapy; therefore, they have a greater chance of their condition deteriorating, because of their violent tendencies and their resistance to care, the task of caring for these patients is more difficult than caring for patients in the other groups. Above all, we suggest that families adopt the therapies no matter in homecare or institutionalization, as early as possible in order to improve the likelihood of being able to control the patient’s condition. It is understandable that accepting more therapies and interaction in the early stage of dementia, having higher chance to go well, however, by waiting until then they also miss the best opportunity to attempt to improve the patient’s condition, it is really not the good way we suggest to be.
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運用服務本體論建構健康照護服務SOA媒合平台之研究朱婉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以服務本體論(Service Ontology)之服務價值(Service Value)作為建置顧客價值構面之結構。使用者需求內容採用巴氏量表(Barthel Index)進行生理功能的量測;服務品質與使用者願意付出之成本則以台灣服務滿意度模型(Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index, TCSI)做為內容。本研究並以本體論依顧客價值構面,制定使用需求與照護服務提供之描述媒合機制,透過取得居家照護者生理功能須支援之需求,以及同區隔之使用者對服務的滿意度評價,媒合服務經營者對服務內容的描述,即可找出適合的服務。
最後以服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)結合顧客價值之供需媒合機制,並建置雛型系統以驗證概念。 / As the growing home-caring market, demanders have faced problems that it is difficult to choose the right caring services for themselves from large numbers of services base. To help them find suitable services, we need to know what they need and how they evaluate services. In that case, we must develop a mechanism to match supply and demand to effectively recommend services to users.
The research refers Service Value of Service Ontology as the structure of Customer Value and uses Barthel Index and Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index (TCSI) to be the content of Customer Value. We know the situation of users, body function through Barthel Index and their satisfaction to the services through TCSI. The research establishs the supply and demand matching mechanism based on Customer Value. Requiring customers, needs from body function evaluation and customers, satisfaction via TCSI, the mechanism would match the needs and the description of services offering. In the end, it would present the suitable services for customers.
The research builds up a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) prototype to proof the concept of supply and demand matching mechanism.
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以本體論為基礎的中文成語練習系統之研究 / A study on the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system李瑄, Li, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
系統效能及滿意度評估方面,本研究以準實驗設計進行,結果發現利用本研究之系統輔助教學的學生學習成效顯著高於使用傳統教學的學生,尤其對中、低能力程度學生具有顯著學習成效。在實際成語造句方面,以本研究之系統輔助教學之學生成語語法、語義使用正確性也較傳統教學學生顯著為高。學生也覺得本研究之系統是易用及有用的,並感到滿意。另外,在系統的可行性方面,受訪教師皆認為本研究之系統可以應用於學生自學成語。 / Using idioms would benefit a higher level of language perception, learning and application. It is also a kind of important but basic training in both reading and writing. However, presently, most platforms or software of Chinese idiom teaching and learning only offer static data inquiry or teaching resources, lack the environment of relying mainly on the fact that students practice.
The purpose of this research is to develop the “ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system”. At first, we probed into the meta-data of Chinese idioms from any kind of studies and references to building and forming the ontology of the Chinese idiom, and summed up the wrong sentence with Chinese idioms to analyze the reasons of missing to design the feasible diagnosis mechanism of the computer. And then, we used above-mentioned ideas to develop the ontology-based Chinese idiom practice system. The system can offer the on-line teaching material of Chinese idioms, can automatically produce true-false, multiple-choice, and matching questions to examine, can offer a platform that users can actually practice sentence-making with Chinese idioms under a provided situation utilizing situational words and idioms. The system can also judge question sheet result or diagnose user-making sentences to be reasonable and can give feedback aiming at the blind spot immediately. This research can break through the restriction that the questions of existing on-line testing of Chinese idioms are always selected from the setting up question bank and can offer the situational environment that uses idioms to make sentences.
Using quasi-experimental design, one class was assigned to experimental group using the system of this research assisted learning and the other class, the control group, using traditional teaching method. Related results demonstrated the performance of the experimental group was higher than the control group, especially it made better effect to the students of middle and low abilities in the experimental group. In making actual sentences with Chinese idiom, the number of correctness of Chinese idiom grammar and meaning using of the experimental group was higher than the control group. The students of the experimental group thought the system of this research is apt to use and useful, and feel satisfied. In addition, the teachers using the system actually thought the system of this research is practicable when the students study Chinese idiom by themselves.
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以語意分析及Bloom理論為基礎之線上測驗輔助及智慧型評分系統 / A Study on Computer Aided Testing and Intelligent Scoring: Based on Semantic Analysis and Bloom's Taxonomy應鳴雄, Ying, Ming-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子化學習(E-Learning)環境技術的普及,線上學習與線上測驗已成為資訊教育的重要議題。但是因為填充題及問答題等測驗類型在線上測驗系統上實施有許多問題需克服,當線上測驗系統提供填充題及問答題等題型測驗時,將會產生嚴重的測驗評分等化(Equation)問題。目前線上測驗系統大多仍以是非題、單選題及複選題等題型為主,雖有少數線上測驗系統提供填充題及其他開放式填答的測驗類型,但仍未針對受測者填答之答案進行的語意自動評分。 / 另外,現有線上測驗系統未提供教師設定個人化的評分風格,對於多位教師共用測驗系統平台時所產生的評分規則認知衝突,系統也未提供支援與解決,為了解決上述問題,並使線上測驗能具備與傳統測驗相同的評量效力,本研究使用模糊理論、相似語意詞庫及人工智慧概念等,發展一個線上測驗及智慧評分子系統,此系統除了包括一般測驗系統所提供的是非、單選、複選等題型外,也包含採用智慧評分機制來評分的填充題,完成雛形系統的建置後,本研究再針對傳統紙筆測驗、一般型評分機制、及本研究的智慧型評分機制進行評分效力比較的實證研究。 / 此部分的實證研究結果顯示,在包含填充題型的測驗中,不同的評分機制在測驗成績的評分結果上會有顯著差異,而智慧型評分機制運作初期雖然可以減少與紙筆評分間的差異,並改善一般型評分機制的評分效力,但仍無法在統計上獲得具有相同評分效力的結果。但是智慧評分機制在擴充詞彙語意後,「已擴充語意後的智慧評分機制」與「紙筆評分」的評分結果並無顯著差異,其顯示出若在包括填充題型的線上測驗系統中加入具有擴充詞彙語意關係知識的功能,並提供多功能的智慧型模糊評分機制,允許教師輸入代表個人評分風格習慣的評分規則參數,則線上評分系統將有可能具有與紙筆評分相同的評分效力來處理具有填充題題型的測驗工作。 / 然而線上測驗並不只是在測驗後給予受測者一個分數而已,而應該讓學習者了解自己在知識向度及認知向度的學習結果,因此測驗系統的試題若能包含Bloom教育目標分類資訊,將促使測驗活動能給予學習者更大的幫助。為了降低教師製作試題的負擔,本研究也以本體論、詞彙網路、Bloom分類理論、中文語意庫、人工智慧為基礎,提出一個輔助教師產製題庫的系統架構,並使電腦所產製的試題能涵蓋新版Bloom認知領域教育目標分類中的知識向度及認知向度概念。本研究在電腦輔助教師產製題庫的成果上,不僅能減少教師人工出題的負擔,系統產製的試題也能評量事實、概念及程序等三種知識及記憶、了解、應用、分析及評鑑等五種認知向度能力。受限於線上測驗系統能自動評分的四種題型,本研究尚無法產製屬於創造認知層次的試題,但是卻已能產製出包含基本知識概念的試題,並能提供具有Bloom概念的測驗題庫來評量學習成效。此外,本研究亦針對電子化學習環境,提出適用於線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制。此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點。 / Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education. Currently teachers still need to spend much time on creating and maintaining on-line testing item banks. Some researches have applied the new Bloom's taxonomy to design meaningful learning assessments. This research has applied ontology, Bloom's taxonomy, Chinese semantic database, artificial intelligence, semantic web, to design an on-line course learning system to assist teachers in creating test items. / Most of present on-line testing only has multiple choice items and true-false items. Though some provide fill-in-blank items, they can only recognize the answers either all right or all wrong through the simple computer binary pattern matching. In order to have the same evaluation effects as the traditional paper-and-pencil testing, this research will adopt the concepts of fuzzy theory, thesaurus, set, and artificial intelligence to develop the fuzzy scoring mechanism. The proposed on-line testing system will have true-false, multiple-choice, and fil-in-blank items. The latter will be graded through fuzzy judgment that is naturally endowed by the human teachers. / In addition, the past research indicated that e-learning students would learn more if provided appropriate feedback messages. In this research will add feedback messages to the proposed system according to different situations. The proposed on-line testing system will not only grade the test items, but also explain the answers and provide related materials to the testers. / The result of study are: (1) we could design the test items that would need a particular cognitive process to a particular type of knowledge, though we still could not have items to test “creative” level of cognitive process; (2) the test items could be used to assess the learning level meaningfully; (3) the computer would assist teachers to create a large number items, and save time of making item; (4) that different scoring mechanisms have a significant effect on test scores; (5) at the beginning, though our fuzzy on-line testing system is significantly better than the usual on-line testing system, it could not achieve the same effect as the paper-and-pencil testing; (6) after expanding semantic vocabularies from feedbacks, our fuzzy scoring mechanism is equivalent to paper-and-pencil.
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建構以語意社會網路為主的部落格入口網站 / Building Semantic Social Network-Based Blog Portal余承遠, Yu,Cheng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的提出,主要的概念是以Web為平台,以「個人」為中心,透過群體智慧的方式來共享與產生知識,例如維基百科、部落格等。部落格提供了個人自由創作與發表文章空間,主要以RSS、Trackback為共有標準,服務提供者可另外加上自訂功能。然而部落格每天所產生的文章量相當龐大,我們是否有辦法在這些文章中,找出符合使用者想看的文章。本研究期望建構一個部落格入口網站,分析目前部落格使用的特徵,比較與目前Web環境差異;引入語意網技術,針對Metadata處理資訊,設計本體論(Ontology)來描述人、文章與標籤之間的關係並建立簡單分類;導入大眾既有經驗與人脈網路建立,觀察社會網路所能提供的貢獻;實作上將透過特徵分析來設計Crawler,自動抓取並解析文章,並建置入口網站,進行資料的分析與驗證,探討加入語意網與社會網路分析的結合所能帶來的效益。 / The Web 2.0 is based on the main concept "individuals" as the center, through the collaborative wisdom to share and to generate knowledge on the Web, such as the Wikipedia, Blog, etc. Blog provides a space for the free creativity and posting articles from individuals. Based on RSS and Trackback service providers can set an additional function. However, the daily amount of articles issued from the Blog is enormous. How can we provide methods for users to find their interesting articles? This study hopes to build the Blog portal and analysis of the current Blog features compared with the web environment. We use semantic web technology and focus on metadata processing. The ontology describes the relationship among persons, articles, tags and a simple categorization. Folks experience and relationship are established and observed with the benefits from social network analysis. In this study, we implement a crawler, and automatically grab and analysis articles. With constructing the portal, we extract information and discuss the benefits of using combination semantic web and social network analysis
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建立本體式財務會計資訊系統 / Construct an Ontology-based Financial Accounting Information System黃炳榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一個以本體為基礎的資訊系統架構,首先修改W.E. McCarthy於1982年提出的REA 模型,利用本體工程方法建立財務會計本體,描述企業流程及會計處理知識;再利用規則式系統之技術,於財務會計本體外建立系統存取規則及介面,呈現系統樣貌與功能。於法令變更及需求改變時直接修改本體內容,彈性變更系統內的流程、運作規則,達成減少維護成本、增加彈性之目標。 / Accounting Information System(AIS) is a kind of important system in an enterprise. That provides financial information for users to make decisions. However, accounting principle and manage strategy changing frequently that cause highly maintenance cost.
This research proposes an ontology-based system structure. First, we amend the REA model and analyze business processes and accounting rules to build an accounting ontology by ontology engineering. Then, we use the rule-based system skill to develop the system interface. Whenever accounting principle be modified, we update the ontology only. This design promotes the flexibility and decreases the cost.
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A Workload Model on the Use of XML and Ontology in Benchmarking Heterogeneous Information Integration / 異質資訊整合中運用XML與Ontology之績效評估模型之研究林玫儀, Lin,Mei Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路和企業內部網路的盛行,異質資訊整合成為電子化企業中一個重要的議題,在網路上進行異質資訊整合涉及許多不同新的資訊技術,目前已經有些研究試圖利用延伸標記語言以及本體論當作中介技術來整合異質資訊,為了有效管理企業內的資訊,我們需要一個績效評估模型來衡量異質資訊整合的效能。在本研究中,我們提出了一個在異質資訊整合中運用延伸標記語言及本體論的績效評估工作量模型,並且建立了一個工作量產生器雛形;本研究的目標是希望發展出一個結合延伸標記語言及本體論的工作量模型,以測試在電子化企業中的異質資訊整合是否能整合不同的資訊模型,並且從這些資訊模型中衍生出語意,此工作量模型包含了延伸標記語言與本體論的資料模型與查詢模型,它們是依照延伸標記語言與本體論學名式的資料結構與查詢功能所制訂的,此外,控制模型則定義了績效評估執行環境中所需設定的變數,為了讓此工作量模型能具可攜性和延展性,以便輕易地應用在不同的領域情境中,本研究採取學名結構式且使用者定義、領域獨立的設計方法,最後,我們利用雛形實作來驗證本研究所提出的研究方法。 / With the popularity of Internet/Intranet, heterogeneous information integration becomes a hot IT topic in electronic business (EB) field. Heterogeneous information integration on the Web involves a number of new techniques. There have been research projects applying XML and ontology as mediated techniques to consolidate heterogeneous information. In order to manage and use information more effectively within the enterprise, a benchmark used to evaluate the mechanism of heterogeneous information integration is needed. In this research, we develop a XML and ontology benchmark workload model in heterogeneous information integration, and build a workload generation prototype. The objective of this research is to develop a workload model combines XML and ontology to test whether the heterogeneous information integration system under EB environment can overcome the diverse formats of content and derive meaning from this content. The workload model consists of XML and ontology data model and query model according to the generic data structure and query functionality. Also, a control model is created to set up the benchmark environment. In order to apply the workload model to different scenarios easier, this workload model is designed to be domain independent and generic-construct-based. Finally, we validate the research model through the prototype implementation.
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語意性的隱私政策-落實於銀行內部隱私保護的研究 / Semantic privacy policies-Research for the enforcement of privacy protection inside the bank李家輝, Lee, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的興起帶動銀行業電子商務的發展;然而,在開放式的網路環境下,個人的財務、交易等具有隱私的資訊,可能因金融機構本身資訊安全防護技術未落實、資料處理流程權限控管不當、或相關稽核機制不健全等因素,造成銀行個人資料外洩,而影響個人財務及公司商譽的損失。現今在銀行業電子商務的網站上,雖然有使用隱私權政策聲明的方式來表示履行客戶資料隱私保護的責任,但是此形式宣告的方式大於實質保護的意義,沒有任何作用。客戶資料的隱私資訊,亦應受到法律的保護;在我國主要的法律有電腦處理個人資料保護法、內部控制法及金控共同行銷規範等。本研究旨在針對銀行業電子商務交易流程中提出企業內部客戶隱私資料保護的架構模型,將客戶隱私資訊做分類,並遵循相關法律條文規範,以訂立具有語意的隱私權政策來落實企業內部客戶隱私資料的保護。我期望本研究的成果能貢獻未來金融業於客戶隱私資料保護的參考依循。 / The rising of Internet drives the development of e-commerce in banking industry. However, in the opening environment of Internet, the personal and confidential data which includes finance and transaction may be exposed because its poor secure protection technology or improper permission control for the procedure of data processing, or defective auditing mechanism in financial institutes. Therefore, it could influence the loss of personal finance and goodwill of companies. Although the e-commence website of banking industry protect customers’ data through the stated of right to privacy, the announced meaning is far more than the real protection. The customers’ private data should be protected by law, such as Computer Processing Personal Data Protection Act and Rules Concerning Cross-Selling by Financial Holding Company Subsidiaries in Taiwan.The purpose of the thesis offers the enterprise internal privacy construction model which classifies customers’ private data, follows the related law regulation, and establishes semantic privacy policies in order to achieve the protection of enterprise internal customers’ data for the transaction flow of e-commence in banking industry. I expect the research can contribute some references to follow in customers’ data protection for financial institutions in the future.
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