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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張麗芬 Unknown Date (has links)
根據尼爾森行銷研究顧問公司2003年的研究顯示,無線電視與有線電視平均收視率消長比較,2003年無線電視收視率為30%,有線電視為70%;另根據潤利公司統計,無線電視與有線電視有效廣告量的消長比較,2003年無線電視廣告量為26.3%,有線電視廣告量為73.7%,顯示無論從產業商機或民眾收視習慣觀之,有線電視已躍升為台灣第一大媒體。惟對於「廣告蓋台」、「跑馬燈廣告」以及「收費合理性」的情況則有甚多民眾表達不滿之聲。 於是最近有人指出,將所有好的、濫的頻道通通塞在一起其實並不是一個正常作法,展望未來在有線電視數位化,或電信公司藉多媒體營運平台進入有線電視市場以後,分組收費或者「類隨選視訊」(near on demand,VOD)的科技以及服務是否可以解決這項有線電視產業經營與電視觀眾心理落差的局面? 目前國內實施視訊數位化的業者包括無線電視台、有線電視系統的集團及獨立系統,以及中華電信的MOD等。由於台北縣的大豐、海山有線電視系統採第一台數位機上盒免費贈送的方式,希望快速達到全面數位化,不料其收費標準確和行政院新聞局及台北縣政府公告不同,引來民眾抱怨。 本研究係參考Zeithaml et al.等學者提出之服務品質觀念性模式、「SERVQUAL」量表及Cronin&Taylor的「SERVPERF」法作為理論基礎與研究,以瞭解收視戶對於大豐、海山推行數位機上盒的滿意度評價,及對於視訊數位化的需求與想法。政府已宣誓將於2010年前關閉類比訊號,實施全面數位化,而大豐、海山此次的數位營運計畫可謂全國第一個部分區域實施全面數位化的地區,所以本研究結果將可作為未來全國實施數位化的重要參考。 為達上述目標,經由相關文獻的探討及問卷調查的方式,利用統計軟體SPSS將蒐集資料加以分析,最後得到本研究之結論及建議。本研究結果發現: 一、有62%左右的受訪者對業者推行數位機上盒的各項服務覺得不滿意,而滿意的民眾僅有8.9%,表示業者在各項服務品質上仍需加強。 二、雖然家中已安裝數位機上盒已達半年之久,但卻有39.3%的民眾不清楚業者為何要推行數位機上盒以及數位機上盒的功能,只有23.6%的民眾表示清楚。 三、民眾認為影響自己對業者推行數位機上盒滿意度的最重要因素依序是:「業者對收視戶利益之重視」(23.5%)、「收視品質」(16.9%)及「操作簡單人性化」(14.7%)。 四、經由卡方檢定發現男性、每日平均看電視時間低於1小時、及土城地區民眾較清楚業者為何推行數位機上盒及數位機上盒之功能,家庭月收入愈高者、每日平均看電視時間超過5.1小時、及板橋地區民眾對業者推行數位機上盒各項服務的滿意度愈低。 五、在民眾對服務品質的重視程度及滿意度的意見表達方面,本研究發現民眾對服務品質的意見可建構為三個服務品質構面因子:「服務互動品質」、「服務設計與執行品質」,以及「機上盒產品品質」。同時也發現「業者的服務人員穿著整齊得體,表現其專業形象」與「業者提供的銷售型錄、廣告等工具可提供充分完整的資訊」這二個變數並非民眾對服務品質的考量重點。 六、在人文資料變項對服務品質的重視程度三因子的差異分析上,土城地區的民眾比板橋地區更重視服務設計與執行品質,不同教育程度者對機上盒產品品質的重視程度不同,大專教育程度者比國中學歷者更重視機上盒產品品質。 七、在人文資料變項對服務品質的滿意程度三因子的差異分析上,土城地區民眾在服務互動品質及服務設計與執行品質的滿意度都高於板橋地區民眾,家庭平均月收入在3萬元以下者對服務設計與執行的滿意度比9.1萬元以上者為高。每天收看電視時間不同者對機上盒產品品質的滿意度也不同,收看時間在1.1~3小時者比3.1~5小時者的滿意度為高。 數位化是全球的影像趨勢,我國數位頻道開放以來,其所宣稱的節目內容多樣性、付費分級到數位機上盒的費用等,都讓民眾感到質疑。民眾對於數位機上盒的最大認知普遍停留在將會有更好的收視品質,至於業者所說的數位機上盒功能很多,未來還能訂Pizza、電影票、下單買股票、轉帳、繳水電費和購物等,但現在的網路技術早已超越上述的功能,何必再買下昂貴的數位機上盒? 因此對於有線電視業者推行數位機上盒的各項服務品質,需考量民眾的原來使用情形及態度,以及對數位機上盒之期望,如果轉換成數位之後,卻因頻道變少而讓民眾覺得蒙受損失,且「互動電視服務」可能也不是民眾所期待有線電視應有之功能,此時,民眾對數位化的服務品質仍會有強烈不滿。

數位匯流法立法後對有線電視產業的衝擊及其營運模式的調整研究 / A Study of the Impact on Taiwanese CATV Industry and the Adjustment of its Business Model after the Legislation of the Digital Convergence Act

許原耀, Hsu, Linus Unknown Date (has links)
科技的發展日新月異,數位影音壓縮、網際網路與行動通訊等的技術突破,讓在有線電視、電信網路與行動通訊系統上所能提供相同的服務變的簡單,跨業競爭因此越來越明顯,而數位匯流代表了這個整合的趨勢,然而科技時代進步如此快速,但政府的法令卻遲遲無法跟上時代的潮流演進,因此造成了有線電視產業的封閉與發展停滯不前,甚至造成與電信產業競爭的不公平。 因此本研究的研究目的是探討數位匯流法立法後對有線電視產業的衝擊與因應策略為何?以及新的商業獲利模式為何? 研究方法則是參考Afuah A (2004)經營模式理論為研究架構,先從營運環境的方向來看產業的主要變化因子分別為何,這些因子將如何影響公司,公司又該如何修正自己的定位並調整價值活動、策略資源及成本變化的評估,如此一來才能在這產業快速的變化中維持或創造更高的公司利潤績效。 本研究主張,數位匯流法立法後若在2017年實施分組付費,將會影響有線電視業者的每月營收,同時當頻道上架平台更自由及同業新進業者進入競爭後,有線電視的收視戶將開始出現外流的問題,然而新的立法雖然會產生破壞但也能創造出新的商機,有些新的商機需要雙向網路的機上盒才能達到,因此有線電視業者應全面佈建雙向機上盒同時大幅改善其基礎網路的品質與頻寬,將自己定位為匯流平台並多投入更多的創新應用以拓展新的財源。 / The rapid development of technology breakthrough, like digital video compression, Internet and mobile communications that makes CATV, telecom network and mobile communications operators to provide the same service becomes simple and easy also causing more and more cross-industry competition is obvious. However, it represents the digital convergence intergartion is the trend in the near future. The age of technology advances so quickly, but the government decree has as yet unable to keep up with the trend of the evolution of the times resulting in the CATV industry its the development of stagnation or even resulting an unfair competition with telecommunications industry. Therefore, purpose of this study is to investigate the impact on the cable industry after digital convergence Legislation. 1. What are the CATV operator’s coping strategies? 2. And what their profitable new business model will be? Research method is a reference Afuah A (2004) theory of the business model for the study of architecture, starting with the direction of the major changes in the operating environment in terms of the respective industry factors, these factors will affect how the company, how should revise their position and adjust value activities, resources and strategies to assess changes in cost, this way in order to maintain or create higher profits in the performance of rapid change in this industry. The study argued that the digital convergence Legislation if it is established in 2017 and implement packet charge that will affect the monthly revenue of CATV operators, meanwhile when the channel contents can cross to different platform more freedom and new operators enter the competition. Cable TV subscribers will begin outflow, however, although the new legislation will cause damage but can also create new business opportunities, new business opportunities require to deploy two-way network set-top box to achieve, so the cable companies should be fully provisioned two-way set-top boxes and enchance their infrastructure quality and bandwidth, then positioning itself as a plateform of digital convergence. put more and more innovative applications to expand new sources of income.


蔣雅淇 Unknown Date (has links)
日前行政院提出施政報告時指出,將以「挑戰二OO八」作為目標,研議一項為期六年的「國家總體建設計畫」,計畫中又以「兩兆雙星」的產業政策最受矚目,計畫中,數位內容產業是其中一環,希望能在2006年達到三千七百億台幣的產值,增加四萬個以上就業機會﹔經濟部甚至將成立「數位內容學院」,幫助數位產業培養傑出人才,強化國家的競爭力,台灣更訂定2006年為數位電視元年,全面轉換現有類比電視系統,進入數位化電視時代。 所謂「數位電視」時代,泛指數位電視之節目訊號採用數位影音訊號壓縮技術(Digital Video/Audio Compression),透過數位編碼(Digital Coding)與數位調變(Digital Modulation)來傳輸,並具有結合其他數位資料一起廣播之能力。 台灣的無線電視台早在2000 年舉行試播典禮,每天有五小時的數位節目播送﹔五大有線電視多系統經營者,(Multiple System Operator,簡稱MSO),包括東森、和信、台灣寬頻通訊顧問公司、太平洋聯網科技及其他,五大系統商掌控全台將近90%的有線電視收視戶,發展數位電視也最積極﹔衛星電視台如年代,也以衛星直播網路(Direct PC)方式播送數位電視﹔連電信業者如中華電信,更於2000年中成立「互動式多媒體處」,提供用戶互動式影音服務。 本文研究以「創新行銷」、「價值擴散」之理論為主軸,主要探討數位電視相關產業,未來能否成功,或被視聽大眾所接受,本研究之主要目的如下 一、 數位內容與創新擴散模式之關係:不同之數位電視業者,提供哪些不同      之數位內容?能吸引哪些消費大眾 二、 數位電視之系統採用與創新擴散模式之關係 三、 數位電視之價格策略用與創新擴散模式之關係 四、 數位電視之使用簡便性與創新擴散模式之關係 本研究以歷史文獻分析法為研究主軸,蒐集國內外相關文獻、書籍、報告、期刊、論文等資料來源加以整理分析,並以國內現有之數位電視業者及其發展之商品,如何進行創新擴散,加以介紹、分析、比較,進而探討出其未來可能之發展與建議。 / The administrative Planning Report passed recently by the Executive Yuan indicates that taking [Challenge 2008] as the target, plan and discuss a 6-year plan, named [National General Construction Planning], and of which the policies for [The Two Trillion, Twin Stars] industry attracts more attention and the digital industry is one of sectors in the planning. We expect the production value would be up to NTD 370 billion in 2006, and increase more than forty thousand job opportunities; even the Ministry of Economy would establish [Digital Institute], for helping educate the outstanding talents in digital industry and sharpen the national competitive edge; and the year of 2006, which was regarded as the Digital Video Year by the Taiwan government, will witness the process of changing the simulating video system into digital video era completely. What is called [Digital Video] era, it is generally referred to the program signal for digital video adopted with Digital Video/Audio Compression technique, and through Digital Coding and Digital Modulation to transmit the message, and has the capability of broadcasting combined by other digital information. Early in 2000, the trying-out broadcasting cerebration of the Radiovision Station in Taiwan was held, and the digital program was broadcasted for five hours everyday; The big five CATV Multiple System Operator (MSO) includes Eastern Television, KG Telecom, Taiwan Broadband Communication Corporation (ANET), Pacific Broadband Company Limited, and others, which control nearly 90% CATV audiences, and develop the Digital Video actively too; The satellite TV station like ERA also broadcasts the digital video by the way of Direct PC; and the communication operator like Chunghwa Telecom established “Interactive Multimedia Office” to provide the interactive video service in 2000. The theory of “Innovative Marketing” and “Value Extending” is taken as the principle in this research, discussing mainly the digital video and interrelated industries, whether it is successful or not, or accepted by the audience. The main proposes as followings: I. The relations between digital and innovative extending; will different digital video operator provide different digital programs? What kind of audience would be attracted? II. The relations between digital video system and innovative extending model III. The relations between the price strategy of digital video and innovative extending model IV. The relations between the convenience of digital video and innovative extending model This research took historic literature analysis as its researching principle, based on the collection and analysis of interrelated literature, book, report, periodical and article etc. information in domestic and oversea, and introduce, analyze and compare how they innovate and extend upon the existing products developed by the digital video operator in domestic, and further discuss its future orientation and suggestion.

有線電視分組付費可能實施方式之研究 / The Research of Possible Executive Ways of CATV Channel Tiering

林軒如, Lin, Hsuan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有線電視早期因業者惡性競爭,採大量增加頻道、降價促銷方式爭取訂戶,形成獨特的「大碗公」收視文化,民眾支付六百元月租費,即可收看約一百個基本頻道。有線電視頻道雖多,但消費者事實上無力收視,卻仍需為其付費,同時無法選擇符合個人需求的頻道內容。在「大碗公」收視文化下,消費者收視權益難以保障,頻譜無法有效利用則造成社會資源浪費。 近年來消費者意識抬頭,反應希望收看較少的頻道並支付較少費用;為回應消費者擇其所好之收視需求,政府方面提倡實施「分組付費制度」。分組付費制度可落實使用者付費觀念,有助於業者提高市場運作績效、杜絕私接戶,並可保護青少兒收視環境。 過去業者曾經實施分級付費,然而並不成功;其後,政府方面亦提出數種分組付費模式,但截至目前各界仍未達成共識。分組付費立意良善,未能推動實為可惜,因此研究者針對產、官、學進行深度訪談,探討分組付費過去失敗因素、目前面臨問題、各界對分組付費之態度,試圖匯整不同意見,探討分組付費未來可能實施之方式。 研究結果發現,現階段分組付費面臨諸多問題。「大碗公」收視文化使消費者欠缺「使用者付費」精神;加上消費者對於目前有線電視滿意度頗高,推動新制動力不足。此外數位機上盒裝機意願低,亦影響分組付費之推動。業者方面,分組付費將使系統業者收視費之收益降低、購片成本提高;頻道業者廣告收益大幅減少,宣傳行銷成本上升,因此業者反對實施。政府方面認為現階段推動分組付費確有一定困難,但為維護消費者收視權益,未來仍應繼續推動。學者專家則呈現市場開放與加強管制的兩極意見。 雖然分組付費議題目前仍然缺乏共識,但研究者由研究過程中釐清現階段分組付費面臨問題,可供未來研究者針對問題擬定解決方案。研究者亦發現,分組付費並非孤立之政策,其與產業結構、數位化…等議題息息相關,建議未來可由結構面進行探討,同時思考有線電視數位化、相關法規之研議修訂…等議題。此外,為促使有線電視費率合理化,建議相關單位積極輔導其他媒體平台,促成市場公平競爭機制,並擬定具體之數位化政策,提供有線電視業者誘因與獎勵,以較有彈性的角度來思考分組付費問題。 / Because of the serious competition, during early developing time, Taiwan’s CATV system operators provided lots of channels and greatly lowered the CATV price to promote channel services. This promotion strategy has run for years and formed a very unique CATV environment in Taiwan. CATV consumers only have to pay NTD. 600 per month, then they can watch about 100 basic channels nowadays. Although CATV consumers can watch so many channels, they don’t really have so much time watching them all but still have to pay for them. Besides, the CATV bundling price doesn’t allow consumers to choose the channels they really need and want. On the social resource perspective, the CATV bundling pricing strategy keeps CATV channels from being used effectively and brings a waste. In recent years, consumers’ awareness of their rights is getting stronger. Consumers begin to find out the possibilities of paying fewer CATV price and watch fewer channels. In order to respond to the need of consumers, the government advocated CATV channel tiering policy. Channel tiering brings several advantages: consumers can be more active and own more choices; the CATV industry can work more effectively and system operators can prevent those who access CATV services illegally. Also, the advanced technology and hardware of channel tiering can prevent juveniles from watching inappropriate CATV programs. In the past, some CATV system operators tried to implement channel tiering, but it was not successful. The government also advocated several kinds of channel tiering models, but until now, there is still no consensus. CATV channel tiering is basically a good policy for consumers, and it’s a pity that this policy can’t be successfully execute. Therefore, by in-depth interview, the researcher of this study collects opinions from managers of CATV industry, government members and professors to discuss the failure reasons of channel tiering, the problems of execute channel tiering nowadays and different attitude toward this issue. Furthermore, the researcher tries to integrate different opinions to find out possible executive ways of channel tiering in the future. According to the research findings, CATV channel tiering faces many complicated problems now. First, because of the “bowling CATV culture”, Taiwan’s CATV consumers lack for the spirit of “user-payer” principle. Besides, they are pretty satisfied with the CATV services now and have no intention to push a new policy. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to order digital CATV services and the distribution of DSTB are pretty low, and this situation barriers to the implementation of channel tiering, too. As to the CATV industry, the implementation will affect both CATV systems and channels, so the CATV industry objects to this policy. In order to preserve the rights of consumers, the government members hold that CATV channel tiering policy should execute in the future although it faces many difficulties now. They suggest the government should find an appropriate way and keep pushing this policy. The opinions from professors are very divergent. Some consider that the government should open the CATV market and give the industry more freedom, but some consider that the government should regulate more strictly. Although there is still no consensus on CATV channel tiering, the researcher has some findings during the research process. CATV channel tiering is a very complicated policy which relates to lots of other policies, laws and issues. Therefore, the researcher advices that the channel tiering issue should be considered together with other issues like digital policies, the problems of CATV industry structure and so on. Furthermore, in order to make the CATV service price more reasonable, the government should encourage more medium to provide services equivalent to CATV channel services, give consumers more choices, and build an equally competitive market. To summarize, the research advices that channel tiering issue is not a single policy and we should rethink it in a more flexible way.

以SRI 情境預測分析法預測台灣有線數位式機上盒(Set-Top-Box)技術與市場之發展 / The Study of Digital Cable STB Technology and Market Development Trend in Taiwan by Using SRI Scenario Forecasting Methodology

田興漢 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於台灣將於2006 年全面轉換現有類比電視系統,進入數位 電視時代,此趨勢亦將帶動數位電視未來的成長與發展,但基於台灣 數位視訊服務與接收設備產品正處於起飛的階段,未來發展的不確定 性仍高,因此其市場商機與未來技術之發展就非常值得進行研究與探 討。故本研究藉由SRI 情境預測法,對台灣未來5 至10 年的有線數 位機上盒(Digital Cable STB)的功能、技術需求與市場狀況做分析預 測,並針對可能發生的情境,提出因應策略,以提供有線數位式機上 盒供應商做未來策略決策時的參考。 本研究係透過包含學界及實務界的專家群會議輔以腦力激盪的 方式循序討論出關鍵決定因素與驅動力量,並以三個不確定軸面形成 情境主軸,發展擴充成為情境內涵,再就各選定之情境(風雲年代、 市場導引、技術革命及夕陽餘暉)內容進行SWOT 及策略發展分析, 並發展出有線數位STB 供應商之市場及技術共通發展策略: 在市場發展策略方面,建議台灣數位有線STB 供應商考慮: 1.形成同業默契,避免掀起價格戰,維持合理利潤。 2.為避免分散力量,造成惡性競爭。應尋求同、異業結盟,擴大業務 規模及市場佔有率,並提高對供應商的議價力量。 3.與TV 業者結盟,推廣HDTV 市場。 4.取得主要CA 供應商授權,共同開發高成長潛力市場。 5.與MSO 業者結盟,合力推動數位視訊市場發展。 在技術發展策略方面,則建議應考量: 1.核心技術之提昇,如CA,寬頻通訊及HDTV 技術。 2.多功能STB 之開發,如DVD, Home Theater, Cable Modem, VoIP 及PVR 等。 3.與台灣半導體業者合作開發關鍵零組件(IC)以降低成本並掌握關鍵 技術。 4.Open Cable 之開發,以因應不同CA 系統之需求。 5.XDSL STB 與無線寬頻技術之研究。 / Taiwan government has formally announced to switch to digital TV program broadcasting from present analog TV program broadcasting system starting year of 2006. At present, digital video service in Taiwan is still in infant stage and with high uncertainty in future d evelopment trend. Therefore, it provides the motivation of studying the market potential and technological development of digital cable industry. This research is based on SRI scenario forecasting methodology to predict future functional, technological needs and the market status of digital cable set-top-box (STB) industry in Taiwan in the coming 5 to 10 years period. Then provide strategic directions to local digital cable STB manufacturers as the reference of strategic decision making. This research will go through a panel discussion with experts from cable industry and with professors’ involvement. To find out the key decision factors and driving forces, then select three uncertainty axes to develop the scenario content. Based on the discussion and voting result to pick up four most possible scenarios (Glory Day, Pull Enforce, Technology Revolution and Beautiful Sunset) for SWOT analysis and common strategies development from market and technology viewpoints. On the market strategies, suggest local digital cable STB manufacturers should consider: 1. Reach consensus with other digital cable STB manufacturers for pricing strategy, in order to maintain reasonable business profit and not fall into price-cutting competition. 2. Strategic alliance with other manufacturers to enlarge the business scale and strengthen the bargain power to suppliers. 3. Allied with TV manufacturers to stimulate the market demand of HDTV. 4. Authorized by major CA provider, co-develop the high potential market. 5. Allied with key MSOs to promote and accelerate digital video market growth. On the technological strategies, suggest local digital cable STB manufacturers should consider: 1. Core technologies enhancement, such as CA, broadband communication and HDTV technologies. 2. The development of multifunctional STB, such as DVD, home theater, cable modem, VoIP and PVR function built in STB. 3. Co-develop the key components (asics) with local semiconductor manufacturer to lower product cost and hold the key technology. 4. The development of open cable to meet different CA system’s requirement. 5. The research of XDSL STB and wireless broadband technology.

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