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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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非營利部門在中國大陸和俄羅斯發展之比較研究 / The Development of Non-profit Organizations in Mainland China and Russia: Comparative Perspective

衛大力, Vitaly Andreev Unknown Date (has links)
本文根據中國1980至2008年之前的發展以及俄羅斯1990至2005年的發展得到如下研究成果:兩國制度環境不一而發展階段不一。本文認為,俄羅斯非營利組織的發展傾向未定型,已經不屬於「進口導向的模式」,但還沒有變成「本土化發展的模式」,而中國非營利組織發展模式比較傾向於「本土化發展的模式」。 使用俄羅斯和中國比較途徑,本文試圖釐清影響非營利部門發展因素的問題。這個途徑的優勢在於穩定的可比性:兩個處於轉型時期的後極權主義的社會提供完整的比較框架,從研究方法來分析,這種途徑屬於同中求異的研究方法。 在俄羅斯非營利部門漸進地發展以及「合法化」過程的起點,可以回溯至1980年代中期合作社以及其他種類的社會組織的建立,和1990年代初期的全面開放,到了2002年有0.8%經濟活動人口從中獲得就業機會。而改革開放時期是中國大陸單位制的轉型產生了大量不以營利為目的的自願組織,代替了原本屬於政府體系的龐大部門。如有研究指出,到2002年中國非政府部門創造的就業機會將近300萬,比起金融等相關行業的就業規模還要大。但與此同時,這些組織所佔的經濟活動人口的比例為0.36%,與工業和服務業相比是中國最低的由此可知,中國大陸和俄羅斯非營利部門規模之近,但是這些籠統的數據背後有著不同的實質發展過程以及結構特質。 本研究的宗旨為釐清制度環境對社會非營利部門的影響。筆者對中國大陸和俄羅斯社會組織的制度環境進行對照之後,推論出有助於釐清非營利部門發展因素為何。本文以「非營利組織」為研究對象,試圖找出中國大陸和俄羅斯社會發展的比較基礎。跨國比較研究需要為了自變項和依變項找出詳細並且有包容度的操作定義,才能夠順利地完成之。 關鍵字: 非營利組織,第三部門,公民社會,社會轉型,跨國比較

台灣與波蘭消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and polish consumers

陳咨良 Unknown Date (has links)
中、東歐十國加入歐盟後,發展引起世界關注,而擁有最多人口的波蘭更是備受矚目;近年來波蘭中產階級增加,消費力提高,令研究者興起瞭解波蘭消費者的念頭。消費者的價值觀與生活型態會影響消費行為,對研究消費者行為是十分重要的主題。然而過去與消費者價值觀與生活型態相關的研究大多以單一國家之消費者為主,跨文化比較以歐美研究為多,故研究者利用到波蘭交換的機會,進行消費者生活型態與消費價值觀之調查研究,以取得第一手資料,然後與台灣消費者作比較。 本研究以滾雪球法進行抽樣,深度訪談15位波蘭消費者與19位台灣消費者。訪談內容涵蓋生活型態與消費價值觀各面向,經過分析後發現兩地消費者於金錢配置、儲蓄理財觀、信用卡使用習慣、價格取向、他人導向、品牌觀、服飾消費模式、婚姻觀、家庭觀、工作觀、宗教觀、環保觀、助人觀等方面的差異,並推導出相關命題,如:台灣消費者的價格敏感度和他人導向程度較波蘭消費者高;台灣人和波蘭人相比,與原生家庭的關係較為密切、對婚姻關係也有較高的期待,並且更具環保概念等。 除此之外,本研究也探究消費價值觀、生活型態及消費行為間的關係。本研究發現價格敏感度高的消費者傾向選擇於較便宜的通路,以及在特價的時候購物,消費次數較一般人來得少,也少有衝動性消費與犒賞自己的行為產生,而且消費時不太在意品牌,通常是購買平價的品牌;然而注重價格之餘,這些消費者也會注意商品的質感,不希望別人發現該商品很廉價。另外,具環保觀念的人,傾向有需要才購物;在衣著方面,購買次數不多,且重視品質、材質與持久性,不願買路邊攤,但也不會買很貴品牌的服飾,也不會跟隨潮流;而這些具環保理念的人與其他人相比,較注重健康或養生。 本研究結果在學術上有助於拓展國內碩士論文的跨文化研究領域,以及建立跨文化消費價值觀與生活型態之訪談大綱;在實務方面,能夠提供欲進入兩地市場的廠商一些開發市場與行銷策略的建議。 / Central and Eastern European countries have attracted worldwide attention since 10 Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. Among these countries, Poland, the country with the largest population among these nations, gains the most attention. In recent years, the middle class in Poland has increased, and consumer purchasing power has enhanced. These have raised more and more researchers’ interests to investigate Poland consumer’s bevaviors. Values and lifestyles affect consumer behavior. Therefore, Values and lifestyles are important subjects in consumer behavior research. However, past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused on consumers in a single country. Furthermore, the literature about cross-cultural comparative analysis emphasizes on comparing more than two markets in American as well as those in Europe. Thus, this study aims to compare the lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and Polish consumers. This study uses snow ball method to find appropriate samples. 15 Polish respondents and 19 Taiwanese respondents were interviewed in this study. The interview covers various aspects with regards to lifestyles and consumption values. The results showed that there are differences between Polish and Taiwanese consumers in money arrangement, credit card usage, clothing consumption patterns, brand perception and so on. Besides, some propositions that are derived from content analysis include: Taiwanese consumers are more price sensitive and other-oriented, and have higher expectations about marriage, closer relationships with their family of origin, and are more conscious about environmental protection than Polish consumers. This study also discusses the relationship among consumption values, lifestyles and consumer behavior. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity prefer to make purchases in places that sell cheaper things, and in stores with discounts. They expend less frequently than most people, and seldom have impulsive consumption behaviors or reward themselves. They do not really care about brands and usually buy cheap brands. Furthermore, people who are environmentally friendly tend to go shopping only when they have actual needs. In clothing aspect, they do not buy frequently, and put emphasis on quality, material and persistence. They are not willing to buy clothes from street vendors, but they also do not buy from expensive brands. Moreover, they do not follow the trend. Compared with others, they pay more attention to keep their health well. This study helps to expand the domain of cross-cultural research and develops an interview outline for cross-cultural consumer values and lifestyles. More importantly, this study provides some suggestion to those who are willing to enter Taiwanese or Polish markets.

品牌概念地圖:結構化與非結構化方法比較研究 / Brand concept maps: comparative research of structured and unstructured

凌筠婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在產品充斥市場的時代,追求獨特的產品功能已經不是各品牌最重要的目標,建立正確的品牌形象已經是目前最重要的議題,一個明確的品牌形象能建立長期的品牌價值,進而影響消費者的品牌滿意度、忠誠度與購買行為(Bhat & Reddy, 1998)。一般品牌形象研究者多用量化的問卷調查法來進行研究,部分研究者也使用質化的研究方法如自由聯想法、深度訪談法等,概念地圖此種研究方法在心理學領域早已開始使用,源自於激發擴散理論,認為人們腦子中對事物的概念彼此之間互相連結成一個網狀系統,若一個概念被觸動,其它的概念便會連動產生。這種圖像式的方法近年被用在品牌行銷方面,用來了解人們記憶中的品牌形象聯想結構(Henderson, Iacobucci, & Calder, 1998)。 過去在概念地圖的操作上,各有不同的操作流程,當受試者要繪製品牌概念地圖時有提供受試者備選概念的方法稱做「結構化方法」,沒有提供備選概念而讓受試者針對研究品牌進行聯想的方法稱為「非結構化方法」,過去雖然這兩種方法皆有研究者使用,但未有研究比較這兩種方法操作結果上的差異,也沒有針對非結構化方法進行信效度檢測,故本研究目的在於了解結構化與非結構化方法在實驗之後繪製成的「品牌共識地圖」之差異,以及使用結構化方法信效度的檢測方式來檢測非結構化方法,以確定非結構化方法是否有足夠的信效度與在品牌形象研究上的適用性。 本研究挑選與大學生較為相關的牛仔褲品類進行研究,以網路問卷方式尋找出熟悉度居中的品牌「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲做為研究品牌。本研究發現,不論是結構化或非結構化方法皆無法穩定且有效地測量「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲的品牌形象,但這並非代表品牌概念地圖是一個不具有信效度的研究方法,可能是因為本研究所選擇的產品品類屬於低涉入且高體驗性產品,一般消費者若沒有實際購買或使用過此類產品,較難留下深刻印象,且一般大學生在購買此類產品時品牌忠誠度不高,對品牌的印象也不深。 本研究延伸分析未來欲研究非結構化方法的研究者一個訂定標準的方向,若非結構化方法欲繪製品牌共識地圖,可將挑選核心概念的標準稍做修正,以求更符合非結構化方法的特性。在實務建議方面,本研究發現不論是結構化或非結構化方法,在核心概念的選擇上都有一定的信度水準,可知若是新推出的品牌希望知道消費者對這個品牌的印象,或是研究競品在消費者心目中的定位,可利用品牌概念地圖來蒐集相關的概念。


Teranishi, Sachiyo, 伊藤, 義美, Ito, Yoshimi, 寺西, 佐稚代 25 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.


楊景倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要係立基於Milkovich & Newman所提出的「待遇管理的基本決策理論」,以呈現待遇管理最重要的目的之一,就是求得公平,並透過待遇公平性理論的探討,將焦點集中在維繫待遇外在公平性的作法(實施民間薪資調查)上。再套用菁英決策理論與團體理論,據以選擇與我國同樣是採取高度中央集權且由專業主管機關主導公務人員待遇調整的國家(例如美、日及新加坡)作為比較研究對象。其主要目的是參酌美、日及新加坡等國政府在公務人員待遇調整上運用比較原則之作法與經驗,以針對現行我國公務人員待遇調整機制之實務作業,提出下列改進建議: 一、將比較原則作為決定我國公務人員待遇調整幅度之重要參考指標,並以法律規範之。 二、待遇調整時,可思考選擇加重分配各項加給、津貼之調整比重。 三、提升我國民間企業薪資調查之周全度。 四、進行公、私部門關鍵性員工待遇水準比較之方法應更細緻化。 五、公私部門員工待遇之比較改由客觀而具權威的第三者機構進行。

台灣與宏都拉斯經濟發展的比較研究 / Economic Development of Taiwan and Honduras: A Comparative Study

Marlene Talbott Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement. / The purpose of this paper was to review the economic development strategies followed by Taiwan to attempt to identify possible lesson-learned that could be of service to developing countries such as Honduras that are currently striving to achieve economic growth and fight poverty. During this investigation, we reviewed the macroeconomic framework and economic development strategies of Honduras, especially those contained in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) most recently prepared for Honduras. In the case of Taiwan, we made a brief description of the macroeconomic structure and also a summary of the different strategies implemented from 1950 to the present. We made especial emphasis on the development strategies applied during the early stages of the Taiwanese economic development as they relate more to the current economic situation of Honduras. We found that among the lessons learned from the Taiwanese experience and that could be applied to the effort of Honduras to improve its economic development status are the promotion of agriculture and land reform, investment in human capital especially in terms of education, and the principle of comparative advantage in terms of trade. Honduras is currently at a turning point with the implementation of the United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Highly Indebted Poor Initiate (HIPC), the Interamerican Development Bank debt relief negotiation, and other financial strategies. The country could use the current opportunities to guide its economic strategy toward the reduction of poverty and economic improvement.


林振煒 Unknown Date (has links)
過去已有不少文獻比較傳統教學與遠距教學學習成效之異同,然而大部分研究都著重於探討學習效果差異,但是對於因為不同授課方法學生學習投入不同所產生之學習認知差異部分則尚無研究加以探討。因此本研究嘗試從學生學習的過程(投入)與學習的成效(滿意度)及不同授課方法是否對學習認知有所影響,來探討傳統教學遠遠距教學之差異。Adam(1963)所提公平理論認為一般人會同時考慮自己的投入與產出(報酬),與別人之投入與產出相比較,如果比率類似則在心理上會覺得的公平,反之則覺得不公平,不過公平理論並無具體提出如何加以衡量這些「感覺」。本研究採用公平理論觀念,整合資料包絡分析法建構出學習認知公平的綜合指標,並以此指標探討不同授課方式學習認知之差異。 實證結果發現在課程滿意度方面,學生對於遠距教學方式提供方便且有彈性的學習活動和多樣化的學習內容感到滿意;在課程參與度方面,遠距教學環境可提高學生發問的意願,並有助於學生在課程中提出問題;在認知公平方面,單變量實證結果顯示在不同授課方式下,學生在課程中增加一單位投入對滿意度增加程度有顯著差異,但控制可能會對不同授課方式產生影響之變數後,結果顯示不同授課方式對於學習認知公平無顯著差異。

激勵條款合約與球員績效相關性-MLB為例 / The relation between incentive contract and performance

吳琍穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以資料包絡分析法衡量職業球員的績效表現,並以麥氏生產力衡量球員兩年度期間績效變動效率,探討球員在簽訂激勵條約合約前後與績效表現之關聯性,以分析激勵條件合約是否具有激勵效果,提升球員績效,進而討論球員達成激勵條件與否,是否對未來合約條件造成影響。 本研究以2004年到2013年新簽訂合約之美國大聯盟球員為研究對象。實證結果顯示簽約前一年度績效僅簽有激勵條款之非先發投手與無激勵條款之非先發投手間有顯著之差異,簽約後績效有激勵條款野手效率顯著優於無激勵條款之野手效率,而簽有激勵條款之選手簽約前後年度生產力皆有顯著之進步,然而進步幅度並無顯著優於無激勵條款之選手。本研究認為激勵條款為球團與球員談判簽約條件之工具,球團針對不同貢獻之球員,設計不同之合約,使球團可以兼顧激發選手之表現及轉移球員未達預期績效之風險。 / To investigate the relation between the incentive clauses and players’ performances, the research not only uses the method of Data envelopment analysis to evaluate performances in the contract year but measures the efficiency of improvement between two years with Malmquist Index. Further, to find out whether the incentive clauses indeed have stimulative effect. Otherwise, attempting to explore whether player fulfills the incentive conditions or not would affect his contract condition in the future.

《晉書》與《世說新語》敘事差異研究--以二書重出資料為主之考察 / The study of narrative differences between Jin Shu and Shi Shuo Xin Yu--In two books’ repeated text-based study

孫序, Hsu Sun Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究主題為唐修《晉書》與《世說新語》間的敘事差異,對二書重出資料進行研究考察,研究的重心在於《世說新語》材料進入《晉書》後所產生的變化,觀察史家如何引用《世說新語》,整理歸納敘事差異的類型,探究敘事差異現象背後的原因及其意涵。 在第一章緒論中,從《晉書》援引《世說新語》引發前人褒貶兩極的評價,討論史家以小說入史的適切性,檢討前人涉及二書的研究文獻,並說明本文所採用的研究方法及進行步驟。 第二章聚焦於《晉書》援引《世說新語》的部份,統計二書的重出資料,編成表格以綜觀整體,發現《晉書》有「累篇成傳」、「一事重出」、「傳聞異辭」和「事涉數人,載於一傳」的現象,反映出史家援引材料入傳有其考量,並非一味以《世說新語》為準,所收錄的《世說新語》篇章不僅作為實例豐富《晉書》的記載,也彌補人物事蹟缺乏的境況。史家依循事件發展邏輯、人物關聯和事件材料性質三種方式排列《世說新語》的材料,將數則事件建立新連結,形成條理清晰的脈絡,融入史傳的順時敘述中。 第三章分析《晉書》與《世說新語》重出資料中的敘事差異,其中簡化型的敘事差異為最大宗,可分成簡省人物言語活動、事件的敘事部分和混合型三種簡化類型,其他敘事差異現象包括史家修改局部文句、將材料另做他用和增添非敘事話語,從文本分析中可看出史家藉由增刪修改文句,提升傳主在事件中的重要性,塑造傳主的正面形象,而所增添的非敘事話語透露史家的判斷,雖未直接臧否人物,褒貶自在其中。 第四章檢視敘事差異中所反映出的史家道統取向,二書相異的敘述可見史家所重視的宗法社會之倫常,由朝廷延伸至家庭,從標舉君臣相處之道,到修補家庭倫常關係,呈現史家對於傳統禮教的維護,強調倫理綱常中「忠」與「孝」的價值。史家的道統取向在女子紀事方面尤其明顯,依據女子在家庭倫理中所扮演的角色為其定位,調整敘述所刻劃出的人物形象,標舉德才兼備和人品有瑕的女子,確立道德尺度對立的兩端,以達成社會教化的目的。 第五章為結語,概述研究二書敘事差異的三階段:現象分析──原因探索──意義呈現,二書的敘事差異反映史家的撰史的原則和道統取向,史家援引《世說新語》豐富了《晉書》的史傳,彰顯出兩晉的時代精神,造就《晉書》的獨特,即便援引《世說新語》入傳,史家仍掌握敘述的主導性,使《晉書》保有光彩熠熠的歷史價值。 / This thesis focused on the narrative differences between Jin Shu and Shi Shuo Xin Yu, according to two books’ repeated data, the focus of research is Shi Shuo Xin Yu material into Jin Shu , observing how historians cite Shi Shuo Xin Yu, summarizing in the type of narrative differences, reasons for the differences in the narrative and meaning behind the phenomena. In Chapter one, Looking back at history,Citing Shi Shuo Xin Yu caused different evaluation from scholars of former times, we discussed the appropriateness of historians’ quotation, reviewing former scholars’ research which involved in two books, to expound research methods and procedure used in this paper. The second chapter focused on Jin Shu quoted Shi Shuo Xin Yu in part, Organize two books’ duplicate data, compiled forms for considering overall, Found that Jin Shu There are " linking events constitute a biography ", " the same recurring events ", "different versions of hearsay" and "matter involving several people, documented in a biography " phenomenon, Historians quoted material reflecting the transfer had its considerations, not took Shi Shuo Xin Yu as a criterion, the collection of Shi Shuo Xin Yu articles is not only rich in examples as Jin Shu records, but also make up for the lack of documented life stories. Historians arranged Shi Shuo Xin Yu articles in three ways, following the logic of events, people relationship and events associated with the nature, to create a new link for several events, forming a coherent context, put into Jin Shu in chronological narration. (the narrative chronicled the events) Chapter 3 analyzed the narrative differences between Jin Shu and Shi Shuo Xin Yu, simplifying narration accounts for the largest part of the narrative differences, assorting simplified narration into 3 types, consisted of simplifying the dialogues and activities, the narrative part of the event and the mixed type. Other narrative differences include historians’ partial sentence modification, rewrite the sentence for other purposes, and add non-narrative discourse. As can be seen from the text analysis, historians enhance the importance of specific character in the incident by modifying the text or creating a positive image of the characters. Non-narrative discourse added by historians revealed their judgments. Chapter 4 viewed the Confucian Orthodoxy in narrative differences, rewriting the events reflected that historians regarded ethics of patriarchal society highly. Extending from the court to the family, historians presented the proper relationships between the emperor and his Courtiers and maintained the ethical relationship of family. Historians emphasized the moral value of "loyalty" and "filial piety", expressing the maintenance of traditional Confucianism. The narrative which female involved in also indicated the Confucian Orthodoxy, Historians decided the female’ historical status by her role in the family and adjust the images in the description. By praising virtuous women and criticizing the flawed, historians established moral contrast ends of the scale for the purpose of social education. Chapter 5 is the epilogue which outlined a three-stage study of narrative differences between two books, from analysis of the phenomena, to the reasons behind the modification, then reflected the meaning between the lines. Narrative differences revealed the writing principles of historical works and tendency towards the Confucian Orthodoxy. Citing Shi Shuo Xin Yu enriched the content of Jin Shu and highlighted the zeitgeist of the Jin Dynasty. In spite of the quotation, Historians ruled the main narrative, let the value of Jin Shu shine in history.

健康人力資本對經濟成長的影響─以台灣各縣市進行分析 / The effect of health human capital on economic growth--A case of Taiwan

侯慶銓, Hou, Cing Cyuan Unknown Date (has links)
如何使經濟得以成長,一直以來是經濟學家想解決的問題,從新古典學派之外生成長理論開始,至目前的內生成長理論,都是以這問題為核心所發展的理論。人力資本是內生成長理論所強調的重點,早期文獻皆認為教育投入有助於一國之經濟發展,而近年來有愈來越多的經濟學者發現人民之健康水準對經濟成長也扮演著一個重要的角色。此外在探討經濟成長的文獻中,大多數皆以國與國間所得差異為主要的分析,鮮少有文章探討單一國家內所得差異的原因,本文則探討單一國家內,不同縣市人均所得差異的問題,雖然研究的範圍縮小,但是在一國內的資料計算上必定相同,可使得資料的來源有準確性一致性。 本文採取追蹤資料進行分析,研究期間為1998年至2009年,研究範圍為台灣行政區改制之前之二十三個縣市。透過實證結果可以得知,實體資本對於1998年至2009年台灣經濟發展幫助性不大,在加入教育資本後,使得實體資本產出彈性下降,顯示教育比起實體資本更能解釋對經濟成長的影響。最後在考慮健康人力資本下之實證結果,可以得到整體迴歸解釋能力有顯著地上升,且實體資本產出彈性與教育資本產出彈性皆下降,說明了健康資本對於經濟成長的影響力已經比教育資本還來得重要。 綜合以上的論述,可以得知台灣在1998年至2009年所得成長的來源係因為健康人資本的關係,雖然不可否認實體資本與教育資本仍然對於台灣之經濟成長有一定程度的貢獻,不過健康資本似乎是目前驅使經濟成長最大的動力來源。

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