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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣纜繩滑水場營運企劃書 / Business plan for cable wake park in Taiwan

鄭家珉, Cheng, Annelie Unknown Date (has links)
台灣纜繩滑水場營運企劃書 / The purpose of this document is to illustrate a highly successful investment opportunity in the area of sports entertainment, family attraction & lifestyle for Taiwan. This business plan proposes to build and operate the first Cable Wake Park, a water sports park in Taiwan, located in the South of Taiwan at Kaohsiung Lotus Lake. Estimated cost of total investment is US$ 1, 5 Mio. with an estimated 15.17 % internal rate of return on investment and a discounted payback period of 9 years. Core business of the startup company ‘Taiwan Wake Park Ventures (TWPV)’ will be the operation of the Cable Wake Park, the integrated pro shop for water sports & lifestyle products, hosting national and international events as well as the development of a profitable food & beverage (F&B) concept. Operational and technical Know How will be provided by the experienced management team of TWPV as well as the cableway supplier. The first Cable Wake Park shall be built at the Lotus Lake in Kaohsiung, a major tourist destination, within an area of approx. 4-5 ha. Once built a newly established company ‘Kaohsiung Wake Park Ltd.’ will be responsible for all aspects of operations, maintenance, sales & marketing for the duration of the site lease. Cable Wake Parks’ main anchor attraction is a unique overhead cable system that allows 7-8 waterkskiers/wakeboarders to be pulled at one time without the need for a boat. Wakeboarding/Waterski is a surface water sport which involves riding a wakeboard/waterski over the surface of a body of water. It was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing techniques. Wakeboarding has gained popularity worldwide especially due to the innovation of the cableway which offers an environmental friendly solution to promote the sport and lifestyle to a wide range of the population. Riding obstacles in the water is very popular among young people and increases the attractiveness for spectators. Cable Wake Parks also various side-activities for a wide range of customers from 3 to 93 years old. Key customers are local population, school students, recreational people, sports enthusiasts, corporate groups and tourists. The business takes advantage of the growing population actively involved with water sports such as surfing and diving, as well as the recent development of an outdoor leisure lifestyle in Taiwan. International and national waterski/wakeboard competition, sport clubs, training courses for schools and sponsored events will help the overall marketing and promotion strategy. With more people enjoying cable waterskiing/wakeboarding our business will be more and more profitable. Marketing and Public relations possibilities are endless because of the uniqueness of the product. Cable Wake Parks represent a new lifestyle trend. There are over 200 Cable Wake Parks all over the world [1], over 70 cable installation in Germany alone, and more are on the drawing board in many countries. The project concept is based on long-term Know How and experience of world leading German cableway manufacturer and consultants. The International Olympic Committee has recognized Cable Wakeboard and already included it in the pre-Olympic group of sports. Total number of officially competing Cable skiers and Cable wakeboarders is approximately 360,000 worldwide [2]. Official national and world championships are arranged in 25 countries each year. The international promotion of the sport will support to grow our business and open future opportunities for Cable Wake Parks in Taiwan. Other cities such as Taichung and Taipei have already expressed their interest to build Cable Wake Park facilities and we see potential for franchise opportunities and future growth of Cable Wake Park Ventures Taiwan.

ラオスにおける伝統的な淡水魚食品の加工方法 : ヴィエンチャン市の家庭から見る食文化の変容

中村, 哲, 黒倉, 壽, 田中, 裕教, 緒方, 悠香, 高木, 映 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

台灣養水種電計畫商業模式分析 / Business Model Analysis for The Project of The Photovoltaic Farming to Reserve Water in Taiwan

江易峰, Chiang, Ryan Y.F Unknown Date (has links)
The project of the photovoltaic farming to reserve water in Taiwan came out in Mar, 2010 which was presented by Pingtung County Government after Typhoon Morakot brought floods and sludge which have submerged large tracts of land and fishponds in Linbian and Jiadong. The objective of this project is to link solar farm producers, Government, and local people's effort to improve local victims’ life quality, to help local industry transformation and to avoid pumping of groundwater and land subsidence. In order to analyze the economic value of this project and also promote it to other regions, Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas (2010) is quoted to analyze each block of the business model in this project. Through the establishment of the business model, it can provide a good solution for over-supply solar energy industry and also contribute to the environment.


菅井, 秀郎, 豊田, 浩孝, 中村, 圭二 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(2) 課題番号:07558177 研究代表者:菅井 秀郎 研究期間:1995-1997年度

以心代例:湛若水《春秋正傳》之義理研究 / A Study on the Zhan Ganguan’s Chun Qiu Theory

胡華喻 Unknown Date (has links)
湛若水(1466-1560),最初名為湛露,字民澤。後改名若水,字元明,號甘泉,廣東增城人。綜觀湛若水生平,德業、事功並舉,其學術研究的推進,與教育事業的拓展相輔相成。湛氏相當關心時政,但卻少有發言。除奏摺之外,湛氏所遺留的政論專著並不多,其政治意見往往摻雜於學術作品之中。在湛若水諸作裡,《春秋正傳》寄寓的政治理念最為深刻。《春秋正傳》成書目的,除正諸《傳》之謬外,更有以經術勸聖學的經世用心;《春秋正傳》義理脈絡,則是基於對理學的理解,重新融鑄經典內涵而展現的經解成果。 《春秋正傳》解經特色,以「理」的範疇,取代「例」的歸納。《春秋》所書,必有善惡,然義例難以周全,但若融明心見性工夫於經文疏解,則聖人寓於《春秋》之大義可得,而是非褒貶自見。湛氏認為,定義是非價值,「理」比「例」更精確。在落實天理的命題上,湛若水發掘比「尊王」更深層的「禮」的意義,其結合性善、儒學、政治,以此作為《春秋》中「禮」的支撐。《春秋正傳》融理學於經學的經解方式,除擺脫傳統以例解經的桎梏外,也同時於學理上落實朱熹的道統觀。 全文共分六章,自第壹章〈緒論〉以降,依次梳理湛若水生平、理學架構、經學理路,最後探討其思想貢獻及視野侷限。第貳章〈湛若水生平暨《春秋正傳》〉,透過整理湛氏生平,掌握湛氏學術基調。此外,亦考察《春秋正傳》的成書背景及版本問題,勾勒湛氏《春秋正傳》寫作用意,與往後知識界接受狀況。第參章〈《春秋正傳》之理學依據〉基於前人對湛氏理學思想的研究成果,以傳統「本體」(聖人之心)、「工夫」(入聖之徑)的研究分類為基礎,驗證「理學」對「經學義理」的推展作用,深入觀察湛氏賦予《春秋正傳》的要旨及期待,藉此補充其理學思想中,必須以「聖典」相輔相成,始能完足之主張。第肆章〈《春秋正傳》之理學實踐〉,基於第參章分析湛氏理學經解的成果,進一步論述《春秋正傳》成就。本章通過綰合湛氏理學思想與《春秋正傳》取義關鍵,深入探討湛氏如何以「禮」、「刑」立定《春秋》要旨,並進一步思索湛氏所拈出《春秋》大義的內涵。第伍章〈《春秋正傳》由「義」至「理」之定位考察〉綜合第參章、第肆章研究成果,探討《春秋正傳》於《春秋》學史上,將有何種義理突破,並嘗試給予歷史定位。在「理學視野」參酌下所呈現的《春秋》大義,較於以義例解經的成果,將有何種變化?本文透過第伍章之收束,檢視湛若水理學、經學融鑄後之開展空間,與方法、視域下的思想特色。第陸章〈結論〉總結全文,嘗試梳理湛氏於中國思想流變中所扮演的角色,並探討此議題未來延伸研究的可能。 本文透過梳理湛若水理學內涵,分析其經解理路,由此觀察《春秋》在理學視野下的詮釋樣貌,以及經典對理學工夫的輔助效果。本文探究湛氏理學視角如何影響其經學思想的同時,亦反由其經學思想釐清湛氏哲學結構,為湛氏思想特色立定大致方向。


山本, 佳士, 国枝, 稔, 中村, 光, 中島, 浩亮 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


中村, 光, 上田, 尚史, 国枝, 稔, 梅田, 靖司 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

部落格互動性機制使用影響因素探討─以udn部落格為例 / Exploring the influential factors of using interaction mechanism in blogs- a case study of udn blog

李皇萱 Unknown Date (has links)
具有web2.0精神的部落格誕生後,呼應其上傳、分享與建造關係的本質,互動性機制陸續增加,提供部落客連結和建立關係的可能。使用部落格,不只是為了滿足存在需求,也帶有與他人建立關係的社交需求。然而,這樣的精神和需求並未具體呈現在部落格上。部落格主要仍以部落客的發文,和瀏覽人數的跳動為主,其他各項互動性機制的使用比例很低。 為了了解部落格互動性機制使用的影響因素,本研究回溯過往研究,從新聞網站、特殊功用部落格、一般部落格和潛水族相關研究中,整理出人口變項、基本使用情形、使用動機、機制設計、社群氛圍五大方面的影響因素,並以udn部落格為研究對象,探討影響因素對互動性機制使用的解釋力。 本研究先以內容分析蒐集udn部落格上互動性機制使用比例,了解使用情形是否真的如此低落,再以內容分析和網路問卷調查了解影響部落客互動性機制使用的因素。 研究結果發現,udn部落格上互動性機制使用比例極低,使用較為頻繁的互動性機制為「瀏覽>推薦>回應>引用」。而五大面向的影響因素,人口變項和基本使用情形不具解釋力,使用動機、機制設計和互動頻繁的社群氛圍是主要影響因素。不同使用動機,使用的互動性機制有所不同;機制設計的好壞對使用與否具有顯著影響,知覺易用性對回應和留言有解釋力,而知覺有用性則對其他機制有解釋力;社群氛圍中互動頻繁的特色和推薦機制使用密切相關,udn部落格雖帶有報系政治色彩,但並不影響部落客使用互動性機制。 從互動性機制使用影響因素差異來看,udn部落客具有「喜歡互動,卻不主動」的特性,雖然具有互動頻繁的社群氛圍,但整體平台的機制設計並未體現社群概念,仍停留於靜態互動的層次。在社群網站的興起後,其互動性高、即時性強的特色,瓜分部落客使用時間,但部落格「互動性定位更加明確」,部落格從互動性較高的期待轉而被視為是書寫、論述和發表意見的空間,成為未來新的定位。 關鍵字:部落格、部落客、互動性機制、潛水族


陳一銘 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


加藤, 喜久雄, KATO, Kikuo, 一柳, 錦平, ICHIYANAGI, Kimpei 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

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