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簡佩珺, Jian, Pei-Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
象徵統一性、綜合性的行政罰法已於2006年2月正式施行,其中關於受罰對象部分,行政罰法第3條規定:「本法所稱行為人,係指實施違反行政法上義務行為之自然人、法人、設有代表人或管理人之非法人團體、中央或地方機關或其他組織」。然該規定僅是對「行為人」下一定義,其範圍如何仍須依各該條文規範性質,個別認定之,因此,有關行政罰受罰對象之問題,無法從行政罰法第3條得到相關的解決。 有鑑於私法人對社會所造成的影響與日俱增,工商企業活動日趨頻繁,但我國個別行政法規針對法人違反行政法上義務之處罰,規定卻頗為紊亂,有單獨處罰法人,有以轉嫁罰方式只罰負責人或代表人,亦有採取行為人與法人併罰者,多數則未規定受罰之對象,如何處罰,即成問題。按法人本質上與自然人不同,其意思表示須透過自然人代為行之,是以,於違反行政法上義務時,可能是法人代表人為違反行為,亦可能是職員、受僱人或從業人員為違反行為,其間可能產生所謂競合關係。本論文本於此問題意識,乃主要討論私法人之受罰情形,不探討其他種類之競合型態,且為避免失焦,亦將公法人之受罰摒除在外,期能對私法人違反行政法上義務時,受罰對象應如何選擇,提出可能之處理模式。

探討台灣股票市場IPO後長期績效表現 :以首日報酬熱度及機構投資人拋售情況為觀察指標 / The Post-IPO Flipping by Institutional Investors and The First-Day Return:Predictive Factors for Long-Run Returns

蘇詠竣, Su, Yong Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台股初次公開上市櫃公司IPO後首日股價報酬熱度及機構投資人首月脫售持股情況兩指標,試著預測IPO後一年期股價表現。本篇論文蒐集自2010年起至2014年3月31日止252筆在台灣初次上市櫃公司資料,並將其依首日報酬熱度由低至高依序分為Cold、Cool、Hot及Extra-Hot四種群組。研究結果顯示,Cold IPOs長期傾向擁有較佳超額報酬,而首日報酬熱度最高的Extra-Hot IPOs長期則表現最差。也證實了IPOs股票折價承銷理論中所提,公司若在IPO初期出現較大幅度的折價讓利,長期將導致公司因降價求售股票而遭受價值損害。 另外,本文也以三大法人脫售持股比例為分組,探討法人是否具有長期股價預測能力。過去一些國內外文獻皆以全部樣本直接討論法人脫售行為對長期績效表現的影響,本研究進一步將252筆公司資料分為:(1)初次上市櫃前曾在興櫃市場掛牌交易及(2)上市櫃前未曾在興櫃市場掛牌交易 兩群組。結果顯示,機構投資人只有在對IPO個股具有優勢資訊時(曾在興櫃市場交易),才能顯著對公司優劣做出判斷,進而對長期績效表現做出預測;反之,若是未曾興櫃之IPO個股,機構投資人對其一年期股價表現則無顯著預測能力。本研究最後以首日報酬率、承銷商聲譽、IPO時大盤指數、法人首月脫售持股比例及IPO時個股市值等五大因素,做出IPO一年期超額報酬預測式。結果發現只有IPO時大盤指數、法人脫售持股比例及首日報酬熱度顯著影響一年期超額報酬率。其他變數如承銷商聲譽及IPO時公司市值皆只具經濟意義,對一年期超額報酬並無顯著影響。 / In this article, we are trying to predict the 1-year excess returns of the IPOs by observing two indicators:The first-day return and the flipping level by institutional investors. We use the 252 IPOs data in Taiwan stock market from 2010 to March 31th, 2014 and divide it into 4 different levels by the first-day return:Cold IPOs, Cool IPOs, Hot IPOs and Extra-Hot IPOs. And it turns out the Cold IPOs are inclined to have better long-run performances on the stock price, while the Extra-Hot IPOs have the worst performances in the 12-month excess returns. This study can prove the mispricing theory:The IPOs will suffer in losses in the long-term because of the underpricing behaviors. This thesis also analyzes the predictive power of the flipping level of institutional investors. We divide our sample data into two different groups:(1) IPOs who have been traded in the dealer market (Emerging Stock Market, ESM) (2) IPOs who traded in the order driven market directly (without the dealer market experiences). It reveals that the predictive power is prominent only if the institutional investors have superior information about the IPOs (with dealer market experiences); In contrast to the first group, the predictive power seems to be weak when the IPOs have no dealer market experiences. In the end of this study, we are trying to construct a regression model with five indicators:the rank of the underwriters, the IPOs’ market capital, the market index during the IPO period, first-day return and the flipping level of institutional investors. We find out that in addition to the IPOs’ market capital and the rank of the underwriters, all other indicators are statistically significant to predict the 1-year excess returns of IPOs.

法人與散戶投資人選股偏好與報酬關係探討 / Investment Preference and Performance between Institutional and Individual Investors

陳怡靜, Chen, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文藉由文獻探討與迴歸分析探討法人與散戶的投資偏好與行為的不同而造成的報酬上的差異,本文共收集了54篇探討法人與散戶投資行為和選股偏好的文獻並進行整理,其54篇文獻細分成三個方向探討投資人的投資行為:交易策略、認知與情緒偏誤和訊息內含。由文獻的整理中發現,法人與散戶的投資報酬差異確實與交易策略和選股偏好相關,相較於散戶,法人具有資訊與資源上的優勢,所以他們較能夠在面臨投資和選股決策時,做出正確的決定。然而,散戶在資訊的取得上相較法人處於劣勢,所以在做決策時較為不明確,並且由統計數據來看,散戶的部位通常與法人為相反的,所以散戶通常為法人提供流動性,並且因此得到較差的報酬。 而行為財務學的角度來看,法人和散戶皆有不理性的投資行為,而這些不理性的行為皆會為他們招致較低的投資報酬,而法人有較高的投資報酬率並非因為他們理性,而是因為相較於散戶,法人的不理性程度較為低的原因。既然由行為財務學的觀點來看大家皆是不理性的,便推論法人與散戶的報酬差異是來自選股的偏好,在第四部分以台灣經濟新報658家上市公司的資料進行迴歸分析以探討台灣法人、散戶與外資的選股偏好,結果顯示法人和散戶偏好依據其週轉率、公司規模、本益比、股價波動度與股利殖利率有所不同,而外資法人的偏好則與國內法人類似。 / This paper surveys the literatures relating to the investment preference and performance between institutional and individual investors in order to determine the reason of return disparity. 54 papers are surveyed to understand the preference and performance through three aspects: trading strategies, cognitive and emotional biases, and information content. Disparity of returns is due to trading behaviors and stock preferences. Institutional investors tend to be informed and make correct decision when trading. However, individual investors tend to invest in the opposite direction to institutions and provide liquidity for them. Therefore, institutional investor have better performance due to their less irrational behaviors and correct selection of underlying objects. In the fourth part, using data of 658 listed equities from Taiwan Economic Journal from Taiwan’s stock market, we investigate the relation between investors’ ownership and financial indicators. The regression analysis shows that the stock preferences between individual and institutional investor are different. Results indicate that institutional and individual investors have distinct preferences based on turnover rate, size, price to earnings per share ratio, stock volatility, and dividend yield. Foreign institutions’ stock selection preference is similar to domestic institutions.

法人說明會資訊內容與分析師盈餘預測 / Conference Calls and Financial Analysts' Earnings Forecasts

許佩琪 Unknown Date (has links)
法人說明會為近年來企業最常使用的自願性揭露方式之一,已逐漸成為企業管理當局與投資人溝通的重要管道,然而法人說明會之參加人員通常僅限於法人股東與財務分析師,因此財務分析師在企業管理當局與投資人之間扮演了一個重要的資訊傳遞角色。本研究以台灣高科技產業上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討法人說明會資訊揭露之豐富度,對分析師盈餘預測之樂觀程度、預測準確度以及預測離散性之影響,以及不同國籍券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其預測之影響。研究結果發現,分析師在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,亦容易出現樂觀偏誤的現象,且資訊越豐富,分析師盈餘預測之離散性越低。若進一步分析券商國籍對盈餘預測之影響,可以發現本國券商在資訊豐富性高的法人說明會後所做的盈餘預測會偏向樂觀預測,外國券商則無此現象,表示相較於外國券商,本國券商獲取法人說明會資訊對其盈餘預測之影響較大。 / Nowadays,conference calls are one of the most often used voluntary disclosures by firms, and have become an important way of communication between management and investors.However,participants of conference calls are often institutional shareholders and financial analysts.As a result,financial analysts play an important role as an information communicator between management and investors.Based on a sample of publicly listed firms in Taiwan,this study explores whether the extent to which the richness of the content of conference calls affect the optimism,bias and dispersion of financial analysts' earnings forecasts,and whether the nationality of brokers causes different effects when they acquire the information of conference calls.We find that analysts' earnings forecasts become more optimistic and biased if conference calls contain richer information,and the dispersion of forecasts also becomes lower.Furthermore,domestic brokers' forecasts are more optimistic after conference calls which contained rich information,while there is no such phenomenon for foreign brokers.This indicates that conference calls have a greater impact on domestic than foreign brokers in making earnings forecasts.

投資人情緒與法人說明會關聯性之研究 / Investor sentiment and conference calls

吳博翀, Wu, Po Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討投資人情緒與法人說明會之關聯性,即公司如何經由召開法人說明會,策略性地回應投資人情緒反應,以企圖影響情緒所導致的預期偏差。實證發現:管理當局策略性地改變其自願性揭露政策,以反映投資人情緒。當投資人情緒愈低落時,公司將傾向於召開法人說明會,且公司召開法人說明會之頻率亦會增加。相反的,當投資人情緒高昂時,公司則愈不會召開法人說明會。再者,當投資人情緒愈低落時,法人說明會所揭露之公司資訊將愈樂觀。此研究亦顯示公司自願性揭露政策的選擇,反映管理當局渴望維持樂觀之評價。 / In this paper we explore the association between investor sentiment and the likelihood of holding conference calls. In other words, this paper investigates how firms react strategically to investor sentiment via their conference calls in an attempt to influence the sentiment-induced biases in expectations. We show that managers strategically vary their voluntary disclosure policies in response to prevailing sentiment. We find that during low-sentiment periods, the firms are more likely to conduct conference calls and conduct them more frequently; while during periods of high sentiment they decrease the frequency of conference calls. In addition, during low-sentiment periods, the conference calls disclose more optimistic information. Overall, this study provides evidence that company’s voluntary disclosure choices reflect managers desire to maintain optimistic valuations.


何靜宜, Ho, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

管理主義下的課責-以蘭陽文教基金會為例 / Accountability under managerialism: a case study on Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation

林傑文, Lin, Jie Wun Unknown Date (has links)
在管理主義的趨勢下,公部門利用公設財團法人來增加行政彈性和效率,使得這類組織被廣泛使用。然而,這類組織除了具有前述的優點,在實務運作上卻出現躲避現行規範,權責不清的問題。因此,讓人好奇這類組織是否存在規範機制, 如何讓這類組織被課責,並且受到應有的規範成為本文研究的重點。 本文藉由研究個案公設財團法人-蘭陽文教基金會,發現這類組織是可以被課責的。從研究中觀察到基金會在協助縣政府承辦童玩節時,從開辦到停辦以及復辦,基金會經歷過不同程度的課責,尤其在議會審議的影響,讓基金會越來越趨向於公部門課責機制。另外,在深度訪談中得知議會的府會關係在課責機制裡扮演關鍵因素,藉由府會關係發揮政治課責的效果,讓基金會進入到課責體系。 研究發現,即便公設財團法人一開始成立目的是為了避免過多的政治干擾,達到行政彈性。然而,從個案研究發現,基金會面對不同時期的課責時,這些課責的背後仍存在著政治因素的影響。課責系統中的政治力量足以讓這類組織面對課責,接受應有的規範,並且讓這類組織進入到課責體系裡。 / Under the trend of managerialism, government-sponsored non-governmental organizations have been widely used to take advantage of their flexibility and efficiency. Many, however, have concerned with the accountability of these organizations. Since they were created to escape regulatory control of existing governing system, a legitimate question to ask is the governability of such governing device. This research uses Lanyang Cultural and Educational Foundation as a case to examine how such organization actually can be held accountable. After several years of undertaking the contract of such the big event as Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folklore Game Festival (YICFFF), the organization evolved over years to internalize into the political system and thus was more scrutinized by the governmental agencies. Details about institutional evolution and the political factors behind such change are revealed through in-depth interviews in field studies.While the original purpose of such device is to avoid excess politics, politics was eventually brought back in to meet the need of holding the system more accountable.

法人說明會資訊對供應鏈上下游公司分析師預測之影響-以我國半導體產業為例 / The effect from up-stream company's conference call information on down-stream company's analysts' forecast-an example from semi-conductor industry in Taiwan

涂智翔 Unknown Date (has links)
法人說明會是公司傳遞內部訊息給外部使用者方法之一,透過法人說明會宣佈財務及非財務資訊,藉以消弭因資訊不對稱所產生之代理問題,亦為分析師作出盈餘預測參考依據之一。在半導體供應鏈中,其上、下游產業間關聯緊密,資訊具有垂直移轉效果,因此,本研究欲探討半導體供應鏈中,下游公司分析師參考上游關聯公司法人說明會資訊並作出盈餘預測調整之程度。 本研究針對國內2005年至2011年半導體上市、櫃公司,進行法人說明會資訊與分析師盈餘預測修正之關聯性。實證結果發現,下游公司財務分析師會參考上游關聯公司召開法人說明會所宣佈之預測財務及非財務資料,並修正對公司之盈餘預測;且供應鏈中,上、下游關係越遠及國籍為外國之分析師,對上游關聯公司法人說明會資訊依賴程度越高,作出的盈餘預測調整幅度越大。


姚彥成 Unknown Date (has links)

銀行經營績效與法人金融授信策略之探討─以遠東國際商業銀行為例 / he Research for Bank Performance and Corporate Finance Policy: The Case Study from Far Eastern International Bank

林燕君, Lin, Yen-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以遠東國際商業銀行為個案研究銀行,探討個案銀行經營績效(以CAMEL架構為衡量指標)之良窳與法人金融授信業務之狀況。經過蒐集與分析大量的財務數據後,發現個案銀行在平均每位員工獲利能力、資產報酬率(ROA)、股東權益報酬率(ROE)與流動準備率上表現優異。然而,投資收益與存放款利率差的表現相對落後,並且觀察到定期存款比率過高,可能是導致存放款利率差縮小的原因。在法人金融授信業務上,發現遠東商銀的法人金融授信金額佔總體授信金額的比重偏低,將會提高過度仰賴個人金融授信業務所面臨的違約風險。除此之外,相較於主要競爭銀行,遠東商銀法人金融授信業務的資產品質亦有改善的空間。最後,依據遠東商銀所面臨的問題,本文針對整體經營績效提出兩項建議:(1) 多元化金融商品與財富管理服務;(2) 深化客戶線上金融服務使用率。另針對法人金融授信業務提出三項建議:(1) 深耕既有法人客戶;(2) 擴大海外聯貸市場參貸與擴增銀行資產;(3) 開發中小企業授信業務。

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